o    Preliminary third-quarter fiscal 2005 diluted EPS is $0.31.

     >>   The  $0.31  includes  $0.03  of  net  expense  from  items   affecting
          comparability as detailed toward the end of this release.

o    Third-quarter  fiscal 2005 sales were $3.6 billion,  slightly ahead of last

o    Operating  profit  posted  a  year-over-year  decline,  largely  reflecting
     increased  input costs and  challenges  in the  packaged  meat  operations.
     Manufacturing  network  changes,  and to a lesser extent  business  process
     changes connected with Project Nucleus, resulted in transitional disruption
     which also negatively impacted quarterly profits; those changes are part of
     long-term profit-enhancing initiatives.

o    During the quarter,  the company  discovered errors in previously  reported
     amounts  related to income tax  matters.  None of the errors  relate to the
     operating performance of the company's segments.  As soon as possible,  the
     company  will  restate  historical  results to  correct  the  errors;  on a
     preliminary  basis,  the errors are  estimated  to reduce after tax profits
     principally  in fiscal 2003 and fiscal 2004 in the range of $150 million to
     $200 million in aggregate, and there will be corresponding cash payments in
     connection  with  those  errors.  The  company  plans  to  provide  revised
     comparative financial  information at the time of its 10-Q filing.  Because
     the  company  is still in the  process  of  determining  the  amount of the
     errors, it considers the results in this release preliminary.

OMAHA,  Neb.,  March 24, 2005 -- ConAgra Foods Inc.  (NYSE:  CAG),  one of North
America's leading packaged food companies, today reported results for the fiscal
2005 third  quarter,  ended  Feb.  27,  2005.  Sales for the  quarter  were $3.6
billion, up 1%. Current quarter income from continuing  operations before income
tax was $314 million,  equal to last year. Preliminary diluted EPS was $0.31 for
the quarter.

Bruce Rohde, ConAgra Foods chairman and chief executive officer, commented, "Our
company  dealt with  several  changes and  challenges  during the  quarter  that
negatively impacted performance. Two of these challenges - manufacturing network
changes and the  organization's  transition to new business processes as part of
Project  Nucleus - are  short-term in nature.  These  challenges  occurred while
implementing   significant   improvements   and  are   part  of  our   long-term
profit-enhancing  initiatives.  Our most significant challenge - increased input
costs in our retail  packaged  meats  business  - has  impacted  us for  several
consecutive  quarters,  and  we are  taking  specific  actions  to  address  the
problems.  These actions include implementing more effective price increases and
SKU rationalization efforts."

Rohde continued,  "The short-term  challenges connected to manufacturing and the
organization's  transition to Project Nucleus are mostly  resolved,  and are not
expected to impact the fourth quarter as they did in the third quarter. While we
consider  the  short-term  challenges  to be a natural  outcome of  implementing
significant  changes,  we still need to improve our overall  execution  and more
effectively  anticipate and deal with our  operational  issues.  The momentum we
built in the last half of  fiscal  2004 and the  first  half of fiscal  2005 was
interrupted  this quarter,  but we expect to get back on track over the next few
quarters as we work through the current  challenges  and as we continue to focus
on our  fundamentals  to improve  margins and returns over time.  This  includes
generating  consumer  preference for our products,  operating more  efficiently,
strengthening customer service, and prudent capital deployment."

Project Nucleus is the company's  information-based  business process initiative
that  is  systematically  linking  sales,  marketing,  logistics,  manufacturing
functions, and customer interfaces across ConAgra Foods.

Current Quarter Operating Challenges

The company notes that it made progress  during the quarter growing a variety of
brands and products, reducing certain operating expenses, and retiring debt, but
also faced significant operating challenges, including:

o    Substantially lower margins in the packaged meat operations,  mostly driven
     by increased input costs without  sufficient  offsetting  price  increases.
     Input costs which were expected to improve  during the quarter became worse
     for key protein  inputs.  The company is addressing  these  challenges with
     margin-enhancing    actions   including   price   increases   and   a   SKU
     rationalization program to simplify operations and increase efficiencies.

o    Manufacturing  challenges resulting from installing new equipment,  as well
     as consolidating and transferring  production across plant locations,  at a
     time when the  company  experienced  peak  demand for some  products.  This
     resulted in a lower sales  realization  rate because the company  could not
     fill all customer orders for some very popular and  higher-margin  products
     that are in increasing  demand,  such as Banquet  Crock-Pot  Classics,  Egg
     Beaters,  Hebrew National,  Reddi-wip,  and Slim Jim. This has largely been
     corrected,  and will impact the fourth  quarter to a lesser  degree than it
     did in the third quarter.

o    Minor  disruption  was  experienced  while  implementing  Project  Nucleus.
     Project  Nucleus is being  implemented  over several fiscal years,  and the
     company  passed  a  significant   milestone  on  Dec.  1,  2004,  when  the
     order-to-cash  functions for most of the retail and foodservice  operations
     were  transitioned  to this system.  Significant  improvements  in customer
     service levels were made as the quarter progressed.

Supply Chain and Asset Base Improvements

As part of the company's  initiatives to build long-term  strength in its supply
chain and focus on its  highest-opportunity  assets,  the company has decided to
close  certain  facilities  and divest some  non-core  manufacturing  plants and
businesses. These actions resulted in non-cash charges during the quarter, which
are identified in the applicable  portions of this release.  The charges related
to supply  chain and asset  base  improvements  are part of the items  impacting
earnings comparability.

                  Retail Products Segment (58% of total sales)

For the quarter,  sales for the Retail Products segment were $2.1 billion,  down
1% from last year.  Volumes declined 3%, and average net pricing increased 2% as
necessitated  by increased  input costs.  The segment's  volume decline  largely
reflects  lower order fill rates during the previously  described  manufacturing
changes. Also relevant to the quarterly volume decline is that the company opted
not to  participate  in various  seasonal  promotions  during this  transitional
period,  and chose to  promote at later  dates  when the  return on  promotional
investment is expected to be higher.

Although there were challenges during the quarter,  several brands posted strong
sales  performance  as a result  of  ongoing  sales  and  marketing  initiatives
intended to strengthen brand equity,  expand  distribution of the company's most
promising products,  successfully  develop new products,  and improve returns on
marketing investments:

o    Sales for the company's top 30 brands as a group, which represent more than
     80% of total segment sales, grew 3% during the quarter.

     >>   Brands posting sales gains include: ACT II, Banquet, Blue Bonnet, Chef
          Boyardee,  Cook's, Eckrich, Egg Beaters, Hunt's, Kid Cuisine, Manwich,
          Marie Callender's, Orville Redenbacher's, PAM, Parkay, Snack Pack, and
          Van  Camp's.  Many of these  brands  have  posted  several  successive
          quarters of solid sales growth.

o    Sales for the new product  Banquet  Crock-Pot  Classics,  a complete frozen
     meal designed  specifically  for Crock  Pots(TM),  remain strong and are on
     track to approach $100 million of sales annually.

Retail  Products  segment  operating  profit  was $303  million  in the  current
quarter,  below  the $329  million  reported  last  year.  A $10  million  brand
impairment  charge in the current quarter,  a $17 million benefit from favorable
legal  settlements  in the  current  quarter,  and $8  million of expense in the
year-ago  period  related  to   implementing   efficiency   initiatives   impact
comparability of results.  The overall segment performance this quarter reflects
modest profit growth for some operations which was more than offset by:

o    Weak  results  for  operations  that  include  packaged  meats,  driven  by
     significantly  increased  pork and  other  input  costs,  as well as a less
     profitable  product mix in those  operations  due to the  operating  issues
     previously described.  Profits for these operations were very low, and were
     more than $45  million,  or $0.05 per share,  below last year's  comparable
     amounts. The company is implementing additional price increases and product
     modifications  to boost the  profitability of the packaged meat operations;
     these  operations  should  also  benefit  from the  company's  broader  SKU
     rationalization program.

o    The company made changes to its manufacturing  network, and implemented the
     order-to-cash   portion  of   Project   Nucleus,   as  part  of   long-term
     profit-enhancing  initiatives.  As previously described,  these initiatives
     caused  some  disruption  during  the  quarter.   The  combination  of  the
     disruption and strategic decisions to defer promotions impacted the broader
     Retail Products portfolio volumes,  mix, absorption,  and order fulfillment

Increased input and packaging costs negatively impacted the entire segment,  but
did so most  significantly  in the packaged  meat  operations.  Some  operations
within the segment posted improved  profitability,  but the gains were more than
offset by the previously mentioned operating issues.

Over the long term,  the  company is focused  on  brand-building  and  operating
efficiency  initiatives  that are expected to drive profit margin  expansion for
this segment.

                Foodservice Products Segment (25% of total sales)

Sales for the  Foodservice  Products  segment  were $886  million  for the third
quarter,  1% above last year.  Segment  operating  profit was $33 million in the
current  quarter,  down from $70 million in the year-ago  period.  The operating
profit decline reflects $33 million of costs resulting from an impairment charge
related to strategic changes in the culinary products  manufacturing network, as
well as fire damage at a specialty  potato  products  facility.  Also  impacting
year-over-year  comparability  is $16 million of expense in the year-ago  period
related to implementing efficiency initiatives.

Adjusting  for items  that  impact  year-over-year  comparability,  the  current
quarter segment operating  performance  showed mixed results.  Sales and profits
for specialty  potato products  increased due to strong  volumes,  but sales and
profits for culinary  products  declined due to the operating issues  previously
described.  Due to tariff-related market dynamics, sales and profits for seafood
products were below year-ago levels.

                  Food Ingredients Segment (17% of total sales)

During the quarter,  sales for the Food  Ingredients  segment  increased 9% over
last year to $608 million,  and operating profit increased 10% over last year to
$60 million.  The strong sales and operating profit performance largely reflects
a  favorable  environment  for  trading and  merchandising  operations.  Current
quarter  operating profit includes $22 million of profit growth from trading and
merchandising  energy,  grains,  fertilizer,  and other inputs and  commodities,
which more than  offset a $15 million  impairment  charge  related to  strategic
changes to the manufacturing  network.  The segment operating profit growth also
reflects strong  performance  from  grain-based  food  ingredients due to higher
volumes  and  improved  market   conditions.   Difficult  cost  environment  and
competitive  conditions  continued  to  negatively  impact  the  performance  of
dehydrated onion, garlic, capsicums, and vegetable products.

Pilgrim's  Pride Stock Sale,  Equity Method  Investments,  and Assets Related to
Swift Foods

o    During the quarter, ConAgra Foods sold 10 million shares of Pilgrim's Pride
     Corporation  (NYSE:PPC) common stock for more than $280 million,  resulting
     in a pretax gain of approximately $186 million.  That gain is classified on
     the  company's  income  statement  as  Gain  on  sale  of  Pilgrim's  Pride
     Corporation  common stock.  ConAgra Foods acquired these shares in the fall
     of  2003 in  connection  with  the  divestiture  of its  chicken-processing
     operations to Pilgrim's Pride. ConAgra Foods still owns 15.4 million shares
     of Pilgrim's  Pride  common stock that are subject to resale  restrictions;
     ConAgra Foods may sell these shares at appropriate times in accordance with
     these restrictions.

o    Equity  method  investment  loss from various  investments  for the current
     quarter was $64 million, reflecting impairment charges totaling $71 million
     for revised estimates of value for two joint ventures. For the same quarter
     last year, equity method investment earnings were $2 million.

o    During the quarter the company  substantially  completed the liquidation of
     the cattle-feeding assets related to the financing it provided Swift Foods.
     The company  received  net  proceeds of $121  million  during the  quarter,
     bringing  the total to $267  million.  The  company  expects to receive the
     remainder of the proceeds from the liquidation of the cattle-feeding assets
     over the next  several  weeks,  after  which the  company  will have  fully
     recovered the financing provided.

Other Capital Resource Matters and Corporate Expense

o    During the  quarter,  the company  retired $600 million of 7.5% senior debt
     due September 2005. Retiring the debt resulted in a charge of approximately
     $22 million, which is classified as corporate expense.

o    Corporate  expense  totaled  $136  million  for the  quarter.  That  amount
     includes the $22 million  charge for retiring $600 million of debt, as well
     as a  $22  million  addition  to  its  legal  reserve  in  connection  with
     previously disclosed SEC matters. Corporate expense was $79 million for the
     comparable quarter last year.

o    For the quarter,  capital  expenditures for property,  plant, and equipment
     totaled $97 million  compared with $89 million last year; the increase over
     last year is due principally to additional  investment to update  strategic
     information systems for the future.  Depreciation and amortization  expense
     was  approximately  $91 million  for the quarter  versus $88 million a year
     ago. Dividends paid totaled $140 million versus $138 million last year. Net
     interest  expense for the quarter was $68 million compared with $62 million
     last year.

Preliminary Third-Quarter Income Taxes

The  preliminary  effective  tax rate for the quarter was 49%,  much higher than
usual,  largely  reflecting  the fact that two items are not  deductible for tax

     o    A  significant   impairment   charge  reported  within  Equity  Method
          Investment  Loss,  and
     o    Most of the current quarter increase to the legal reserves  associated
          with previously disclosed SEC matters.


Fourth quarter fiscal 2005: The company currently expects  fourth-quarter EPS to
modestly exceed third-quarter EPS, excluding amounts that impact  comparability.
The company notes the gradual nature of improvement for the operating challenges
described in this release, as well as uncertainty regarding the longevity of the
unusually  favorable  business  environment  for the trading  and  merchandising
operations within the Food Ingredients segment.

Longer Term: The company is focused on improving  margins and returns on capital
over the long term with its multi-year  marketing,  operations,  and information
systems  initiatives as detailed in the company's fiscal 2004 annual report. The
company expects operating trends to improve over the next few quarters as it:

     o    Continues  to improve the  manufacturing  network and gain  experience
          with Project Nucleus,

     o    Increases  prices to cover increased input and packaging  costs,  most
          notably for its packaged  meats  business,  but for other  products as

     o    Becomes more efficient throughout its supply chain, and

     o    Implements  its SKU  reduction  program  that will  remove  relatively
          low-margin  and  low-volume  products  and  focus  sales  efforts  and
          manufacturing capacity on higher-margin and higher-volume products.

Errors Related to Accounting for Income Taxes

During  fiscal 2005,  the company has been  systematically  conducting  rigorous
reviews of financial  controls as part of its  Sarbanes-Oxley  404 certification
process  and in  connection  with  pending  tax  audits,  as  well  as  part  of
operational improvement efforts by new financial management.  Those reviews have
led to the  discovery  of errors  related  to  accounting  for  income  taxes in
previously  reported  amounts.  The reviews have been  productive and helpful in
addressing the errors and control  weaknesses.  To address the errors discovered
as a part of this  process,  and as announced in its Form 8-K filed with the SEC
today, the company will restate financial  statements for the periods covered in
its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended May 30, 2004 and the Form 10-Q's for the
first two quarters of fiscal  2005.  The  restatement  is not expected to impact
previously  reported revenue or income from continuing  operations before income
taxes,  but it is  expected  to  increase  tax  expense,  and  therefore  reduce
after-tax profits,  principally in fiscal 2003 and 2004. Based on information as
of this date, the company's preliminary estimate of the increased tax expense is
in the range of $150  million to $200 million for the  relevant  periods.  There
will  also be  corresponding  cash  payments  for taxes in  connection  with the

The company has  evaluated  the  effectiveness  of its  internal  controls  over
accounting for income taxes and has determined the accounting  errors indicate a
material  weakness in internal  controls with respect to  accounting  for income
taxes.  The  company is taking  steps to ensure  that the  material  weakness is
remedied,  including  hiring  a new Vice  President  of Tax and  additional  tax
accounting  staff,  as well as  implementing  enhanced  control  processes  over
accounting for taxes, including the assistance of third-party professionals.

For more details  regarding the company's  financial goals,  please refer to the
company's  Web  site,,  and  choose  the  button
titled, "ConAgra Foods Comments on Strategic Direction."

Major Items Affecting Third-Quarter Fiscal 2005 EPS Comparability

Included in  preliminary  diluted  EPS of $0.31 for the third  quarter of fiscal
2005 (EPS amounts after tax):

o    A gain of $0.22 per diluted share, or $186 million pretax,  for the sale of
     Pilgrim's  Pride  Corporation  common stock.  That is classified as Gain on
     sale of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation common stock.

o    Expense of $0.13 per diluted share,  related to revised estimates of values
     for joint  venture  assets.  That is included in Equity  Method  Investment
     Loss, and most of the amount is not tax deductible.

o    Expense of $0.04 per diluted share, or $22 million,  related to an increase
     in legal reserves in connection  with the previously  disclosed SEC matter.
     That is classified as corporate expense,  and most of the amount is not tax

o    Expense of $0.04 per  diluted  share,  or $33  million  pretax,  related to
     impairment  charges and fire damage and  classified  as part of the results
     for the Foodservice Products segment.

o    Expense of $0.03 per diluted share, or $22 million  pretax,  related to the
     early retirement of debt and classified as corporate expense.

o    Benefit of $0.02 per  diluted  share,  or $17  million  pretax,  related to
     favorable legal settlements for the Retail Products segment.

o    Expense of $0.02 per  diluted  share,  or $15  million  pretax,  related to
     impairment  charges  and  classified  as part of the  results  for the Food
     Ingredients segment.

o    Expense of $0.01 per  diluted  share,  or $10  million  pretax,  related to
     impairment  charges  and  classified  as part of the results for the Retail
     Products segment.

ConAgra Foods Inc. (NYSE:  CAG) is one of North America's  largest packaged food
companies,  serving consumer grocery retailers, as well as restaurants and other
foodservice  establishments.  Popular ConAgra Foods consumer brands include: ACT
II, Armour,  Banquet,  Blue Bonnet, Brown 'N Serve,  Butterball,  Chef Boyardee,
Cook's,  Crunch 'n Munch, DAVID, Decker,  Eckrich,  Egg Beaters,  Fleischmann's,
Golden Cuisine,  Gulden's, Healthy Choice, Hebrew National, Hunt's, Kid Cuisine,
Knott's Berry Farm, La Choy, Lamb Weston, Libby's, Life Choice, Lightlife, Lunch
Makers, MaMa Rosa's,  Manwich, Marie Callender's,  Orville  Redenbacher's,  PAM,
Parkay, Pemmican, Peter Pan, Reddi-wip,  Rosarita, Ro*Tel, Slim Jim, Snack Pack,
Swiss Miss, Van Camp's,  Wesson,  Wolf, and many others.  For more  information,
please visit us at

Discussion of Results

A discussion of the ConAgra Foods third-quarter  results will be available today
at 8:30 a.m. EST. To access the  discussion,  call toll-free at  1-877-447-8217.
International  callers  should dial  1-706-679-0415.  On the  Internet,  you may
access the  discussion  at  No passcode or call
identification  number is needed for the call at 8:30 a.m. EST. A digital replay
of the discussion will be available after 10:30 a.m. EST at  1-800-642-1687  and
at  1-706-645-9291  for  international  callers.  The conference  identification
number for the digital replay for domestic callers and international  callers is
4029057.  The company has posted a  question-and-answer  supplement  relating to
this   release   and  an   audio   archive   of   management's   discussion   at  See the ConAgra  Foods Web site for recent news

Note on Forward-Looking Statements:

This news release contains forward-looking  statements within the meaning of the
Private Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on
management's  current  views and  assumptions  of future  events  and  financial
performance and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Readers
of this release should  understand  that these  statements are not guarantees of
performance or results. Many factors could affect the company's actual financial
results and cause them to vary materially from the expectations contained in the
forward-looking  statements.  These factors include,  among other things, future
economic circumstances,  industry conditions,  company performance and financial
results,  availability and prices of raw materials, product pricing, competitive
environment and related market  conditions,  operating  efficiencies,  access to
capital,  actions of governments and regulatory  factors affecting the company's
businesses  and other risks  described in the  company's  reports filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The company  cautions readers not to place
undue reliance on any forward-looking statements included in this release, which
speak only as of the date made.

ConAgra Foods, Inc.

Preliminary Segment Operating Results
In millions
                                                                                    THIRD QUARTER

                                                                  13 Weeks
                                                                    Ended           13 Weeks Ended
                                                             --------------------  ------------------   ------------------
                                                              February 27, 2005    February 22, 2004     Percent Change
                                                             --------------------  ------------------   ------------------
Retail Products                                                 $    2,076.8          $    2,091.3             (0.7)%
Foodservice Products                                                   885.6                 876.2              1.1%
Food Ingredients                                                       607.5                 558.0              8.9%
                                                             --------------------  ------------------
    Total                                                            3,569.9               3,525.5              1.3%
                                                             --------------------  ------------------

Retail Products                                                $       303.1         $       329.3             (8.0)%
Foodservice Products                                                    33.1                  69.7            (52.5)%
Food Ingredients                                                        59.8                  54.2             10.3%
                                                             --------------------  ------------------
   Total operating profit for segments                                 396.0                 453.2            (12.6)%

Reconciliation of total operating profit to income from continuing operations
before income tax
Items excluded from segment operating profit:
     Gain on sale of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation
          common stock                                                 185.7                   -              100.0%
     General corporate expense                                        (135.5)                (79.2)            71.1%
     Interest expense, net                                             (68.1)                (61.8)            10.2%
     Equity method investment earnings (loss)                          (64.0)                  1.9              #
                                                             --------------------  ------------------
Income from continuing operations before income tax
                                                               $       314.1         $       314.1              -
                                                             ====================  ==================

      # - Denotes a variance of more than 100%.

      Segment operating profit excludes general corporate expense, gain on sale
      of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation common stock, equity method investment
      earnings and net interest expense. Management believes such amounts are
      not directly associated with segment performance results for the period.
      Management believes the presentation of total operating profit for
      segments facilitates period-to-period comparison of results of segment

ConAgra Foods, Inc.

Preliminary Segment Operating Results
In millions

                                                                  39 Weeks
                                                                    Ended           39 Weeks Ended
                                                             --------------------  ------------------   ------------------
                                                              February 27, 2005    February 22, 2004     Percent Change
                                                             --------------------  ------------------   ------------------

Retail Products                                                 $    6,576.4          $    6,203.9              6.0%
Foodservice Products                                                 2,729.7               2,712.7              0.6%
Food Ingredients                                                     1,875.6               1,643.1             14.2%
                                                             --------------------  ------------------
    Total                                                           11,181.7              10,559.7              5.9%
                                                             --------------------  ------------------

Retail Products                                                   $    886.0            $    898.6             (1.4)%
Foodservice Products                                                   191.5                 231.5            (17.3)%
Food Ingredients                                                       199.1                 136.2             46.2%
                                                             --------------------  ------------------
      Total operating profit for segments                            1,276.6               1,266.3              0.8%

Reconciliation of total operating profit to income from continuing operations
before income tax and cumulative effect of changes in accounting
Items excluded from segment operating profit:
     Gain on sale of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation
           common stock                                                185.7                   -              100.0%
     General corporate expense                                        (281.6)               (253.5)            11.1%
     Interest expense, net                                            (227.3)               (195.4)            16.3%

     Equity method investment earnings (loss)                          (34.8)                 29.4                #
                                                             --------------------  ------------------
Income from continuing operations before income tax and
cumulative effect of changes in accounting                          $  918.6             $   846.8              8.5%
                                                             ====================  ==================

      # - Denotes a variance of more than 100%.

      Segment operating profit excludes general corporate expense, gain on sale
      of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation common stock, equity method investment
      earnings and net interest expense. Management believes such amounts are
      not directly associated with segment performance results for the period.
      Management believes the presentation of total operating profit for
      segments facilitates period-to-period comparison of results of segment

ConAgra Foods, Inc.


Preliminary Consolidated Statements of Earnings
In millions, except per share amounts

                                                                                                        13 Weeks Ended
                                                                                                       February 27, 2005
Net sales                                                                                               $   3,569.9
Costs and expenses:
Cost of goods sold                                                                                          2,803.5
Selling, general and administrative expenses                                                                  505.9
Interest expense, net                                                                                          68.1

Gain on sale of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation common stock                                                      185.7
Equity method investment earnings (loss)                                                                      (64.0)
Income from continuing operations before income taxes                                                         314.1
Preliminary income tax expense                                                                                152.6

Income from continuing operations                                                                             161.5

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax                                                                  (1.3)

Net income                                                                                              $     160.2

Preliminary Earnings per share - basic

Income from continuing operations                                                                       $      0.31
Income from discontinued operations                                                                              -
Net income                                                                                              $      0.31

Weighted average shares outstanding                                                                           515.7

Preliminary Earnings per share - diluted

Income from continuing operations                                                                       $      0.31
Income from discontinued operations                                                                              -
Net income                                                                                              $      0.31

Weighted average share and share equivalents
    outstanding                                                                                               520.3