CONAGRA FOODS, INC.

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

                             NONQUALIFIED CRISP PLAN

     1.  Purpose.  The Company  has  previously  adopted the ConAgra  Retirement
Income Savings Plan ("Qualified  CRISP"). The Qualified CRISP is qualified under
Code ss.  401(a).  Regardless of a qualified  plan's benefit  formula,  the Code
imposes  restrictions  upon  the  benefits  that  may be  provided  under  plans
qualified  under  Code  ss.  401(a),  such  as  limitations  under  Code  ss.ss.
401(a)(17),   401(k),   402(g)  and  415  ("Code   Restrictions").   These  Code
Restrictions  limit  the  amount of  retirement  benefits  that may be  provided
certain Company  executives under the Qualified CRISP.  This Plan is created for
the sole  purpose and  intended to make up the  employer-provided  benefits  not
available  under  the  Qualified  CRISP  benefit  formula  because  of the  Code

     2. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to the Plan:

     2.1 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     2.2 "Committee" means the Human Resources Committee of the Company Board of

     2.3  "Company"  or  "ConAgra"   means  ConAgra  Foods,   Inc.,  a  Delaware

     2.4 "ConAgra  Controlled  Group" means the controlled group of corporations
as described in Code ss. 414(b), which includes ConAgra.

     2.5  "Employee"  shall have the same meaning as set forth in the  Qualified

     2.6 "ERISA" means the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as

     2.7  "Participant"  means an Employee  who has  satisfied  the  eligibility
requirements  set forth in  Section 3 of the Plan and who has not  received  his
total benefits under the Plan.

     2.8  "Participant's  Account"  means an  account  established  pursuant  to
Section 6 of the Plan.

     2.9 "Plan" means the ConAgra Foods, Inc. Nonqualified CRISP Plan, set forth
herein, as it may be amended from time to time.

     2.10 "Plan Year" means the calendar year.

     2.11 "Total and  Permanent  Disability"  shall have the same meaning as set
forth in the Qualified CRISP.

     2.12  "Year of  Service"  shall  have the same  meaning as set forth in the
Qualified CRISP.

     3.  Eligibility  and  Participation.  Each Employee who meets the following
requirements shall participate in the Plan:

          (a)  The Employee's  benefits under the Qualified CRISP are limited by
               the Code Restrictions; and

          (b)  The  Committee  has selected the Employee to  participate  in the

     The Employee shall become a Participant in the Plan as of the first day the
Employee has met each of the above two (2)  requirements,  or such other date as
selected by the Committee. Each Participant shall continue to participate in the
Plan until all the benefits payable to the Participant  under the Plan have been

     4. General  Benefit and Funding.  The Company shall make a contribution  to
each Participant's  Account on the last day of each Plan Year in an amount equal
to the excess of (a) over (b), where:

          (a)  equals the employer contribution that would have been made to the
               Qualified  CRISP for the  Participant had there not been any Code
               Restrictions  and assuming the  Participant  had made the maximum
               employee contribution allowed under the Qualified CRISP (ignoring
               the Code Restrictions), and

          (b)  equals the employer  matching  contribution  that would have been
               made  to  the  Qualified   CRISP  for  the   Participant  if  the
               Participant had made the maximum  employee  contribution  allowed
               under Qualified CRISP (ignoring the Code Restrictions).

     The maximum employee contribution assumed in (a) above is computed ignoring
the Code Restrictions,  but not the percentage limits on employee  contributions
set forth in the Qualified CRISP and not the percentages  imposed because of the
mathematical test under Code ss. 401(k)(3)(A).

     5.  Withholding.   The  Company  shall  withhold  the  applicable  Old-Age,
Survivor,  and  Disability  Insurance  portion of FICA tax, if any, and Hospital
Insurance portion of FICA tax due on each contribution made to the Participant's
Account. The Company shall withhold any other applicable Federal, state or local
tax,  required  by  law  to be  withheld,  on  each  contribution  made  to  the
Participant's Account.

     6. Participants' Accounts. A separate account shall be established for each
Participant in the Plan ("Participant's  Account").  Each Participant's  Account
shall share in the earnings and losses of the Plan in proportion to the value of
the account on the first day of the valuation period. Each Participant's Account
shall be valued as often as  determined  appropriate  by the  Committee,  but at
least once per Plan Year. A  Participant's  Account shall not be forfeitable for
any reason.

     7.  Payment  of  Benefits.  The  benefits  payable  under the Plan shall be
payable  upon the same event  that  causes the  payment  of  benefits  under the
Qualified  CRISP.  The form of benefits  hereunder shall be the same form as the
form of  benefit  payments  provided  under the  Qualified  CRISP  with the same
elections to the Participant  (and the  Participant's  spouse) as provided under
the Qualified CRISP,  except that the payment of benefits  hereunder shall be in
cash and shall be made  based  upon the  valuation  at the  quarterly  valuation
period  immediately  preceding the payment date. The amount of benefits shall be
based upon the balance in the  Participant's  Account  with  payment of benefits
from the  Participant's  Account payable until the  Participant's  Account has a
zero (0) balance.

     8.  Administration.  The Plan shall be administered  and interpreted by the
Committee.  The Committee shall make all determinations  with regard to the Plan
in the sole and absolute  discretion of the Committee.  The Committee shall have
the  authority,  subject to the  provisions of the Plan, to establish,  adopt or
revise  rules  and  regulations  as it  deems  necessary  or  advisable  for the
administration  of the Plan.  Claims  procedures  and claims  review  procedures
required  by ERISA  shall be  developed  by the  Committee.  To the  extent  not
inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  the  Plan,  all  determinations  of the
Committee  shall be final,  conclusive  and binding  upon all the  parties.  Any
determination  or decision  that only affects a member of the Committee who is a
Participant  shall be made by the  members  of the  Committee  other  than  such

     9.  Beneficiary  Designation.  Designation of a beneficiary  under the Plan
shall be in the same form and with the same  restrictions as under the Qualified

     10. Spendthrift Provision.  No benefit, right or interest payable under the
Plan  shall  be  subject,  at  any  time  and in any  manner,  to  anticipation,
alienation, sale, transfer,  assignment, pledge, encumbrance or charge, seizure,
attachment or legal,  equitable or other process or be liable for, or subject to
the  debts,  liabilities  or  other  obligations  of a  Participant,  except  as
otherwise  provided  by  law.  A  distribution  by  the  estate  of  a  deceased
Participant or beneficiary to an heir or legatee of a right to receive  payments
hereunder shall not be deemed a violation of this Section 10.

     11.  Amendment  and  Termination.  The  Company,  by action of its Board of
Directors,  may amend or terminate the Plan at any time, provided,  however, the
Plan shall not be amended or terminated to eliminate or reduce any Participant's
Account  balance of the  Participants  therein at the time of the  amendment  or
termination or to reduce the vesting of a Participant.

     12.  Applicable  Law.  To the extent not  pre-empted  by federal  law,  the
provisions  of the Plan  and all  rights  hereunder  shall  be  governed  by and
construed,  enforced  and  administered  according  to the laws of the  State of

     13.  Severability.  If any  provision  of  the  Plan  is  held  invalid  or
unenforceable,  its  invalidity or  unenforceability  shall not affect any other
provision of the Plan,  and the Plan shall be construed  and enforced as if such
provision had not been included herein.

     14.  Effective Date. The Plan was adopted  effective  January 1, 1988. This
amended and restated  document  reflects all Plan  amendments  through August 1,