ConAgra Foods, Inc.
                                                      One ConAgra Drive
                                                      Omaha, NE  68102-5501

                                                      TEL:  402-595-4000

                                             September 22, 2005

Mr. Bruce Rohde
ConAgra Foods, Inc.
One ConAgra Drive
Omaha, NE 68102

Dear Bruce:

     This  letter   summarizes  and  confirms  the  agreements   regarding  your
transition from the role of Chairman,  Chief Executive  Officer,  and President,
and your employment status and arrangements  thereafter with ConAgra Foods, Inc.
(the "Company").

     Recognizing  the Company has now recruited and elected a CEO and President,
and elected a non-executive Chairman both to commence their respective duties on
October 1, 2005, your official  resignation date as Chairman,  CEO and President
and, except as provided herein, all other executive  positions and directorships
with the Company and any of the  Company's  subsidiaries  will be September  30,
2005 (the  "Resignation  Date"). On that date, you will deliver your resignation
of the  positions of Chairman,  CEO and President of the Company and the Company
will  accept  your  resignation  letter  to the  Company  per  the  Good  Reason
provisions of your Employment Agreement dated August 26, 1996, the Amendments to
the  Employment  Agreement  dated  December  23, 1996 and February 16, 1998 (the
"Employment Agreement").

1.   Salary and Incentives:

     Through  September  30, 2005,  you will  continue in your role as Chairman,
CEO, and  President,  and you will  receive  your  regular base salary,  paid in
accordance  with the customary  payroll  practice in the monthly amount equal to
$100,000, subject to applicable FICA and income tax withholding obligations.

     In addition to the monthly salary described above, for fiscal year 2006 you
will also  receive Long Term  Incentive  Awards of stock and cash under the Long
Term Senior Management Incentive Plan ("LTSMIP") based on an award pool of 8% of
the Company's excess after-tax earnings over and above 5% compound annual growth
rate from a fixed  five-year  average  earnings  base and both of which  will be
prorated  to reflect  the number of days from the  beginning  of the fiscal year
through your Resignation  Date. Such payments will be calculated and paid in the
same manner as LTSMIP Awards have been  calculated  and paid in the past for the
Company's other senior executive  officers  participating in such plans,  except
that the stock and the cash  awards  payable  to you will be  immediately  fully
vested and no longer be subject to any risk of forfeiture.

     For  fiscal  year  2006 you will also  receive  an award  under the  Annual
Management  Incentive  Plan  ("MIP"),  prorated for the fiscal year through your
Resignation  Date.  The MIP  Award  will be based on the PBT  performance  scale
approved by the Human  Resources  Committee of the Board on July 25, 2005.  This
award  will not be  restricted  in any way and will  not be  subject  to risk of

     The LTSMIP Awards and the Annual MIP Award  described above will be subject
to applicable FICA and income tax withholding obligations.

     From your  Resignation  Date through  September  30, 2009 (the  "Separation
Date"),  you will be  employed  in a  non-officer  capacity,  with the  title of
Chairman and CEO Emeritus of the Company (the "Employment  Period"),  and during
the  Employment  Period you will be paid half your regular base salary,  paid in
accordance  with the  customary  payroll  practice in a monthly  amount equal to
$50,000,  subject to applicable FICA and income tax withholding obligations (the
"Base Salary");  provided,  however,  that you shall not be entitled to the Base
Salary so long as you, without good and sufficient reason (i.e.,  being directed
to perform services inconsistent with the Requested Services (as defined below))
or in the  absence  of a  material  breach  of this  Agreement  by the  Company,
willfully refuse to perform your duties and obligations  contemplated hereunder.
If you are terminated  for "Cause" (as defined in the Employment  Agreement) the
Employment  Period will end. It is understood that after your  participation  in
the fiscal year 2006 plans you will not continue to participate in the Long Term
Senior  Management  Incentive  Plans or the Annual  Management  Incentive  Plan.
During the Employment  Period,  you will make yourself  reasonably  available to
furnish  such  information  and  background  as may be  reasonably  necessary in
connection  with any inquiry,  investigation,  dispute,  litigation,  regulatory
proceeding  or other  action  in which the  Company  is or may  become  involved
insofar as it relates to matters arising out of your employment. In that regard,
you will report to the  Chairman of the Board of  Directors  of the Company (the
"Chairman")  and provide such  services as  reasonably,  ethically  and lawfully
requested by the Chairman,  which services  shall be consistent  with the duties
and  responsibilities  of a senior  officer of the  Company  and which you shall
provide  in  accordance  with the  Company's  corporate  governance  and  ethics
guidelines  (the  "Requested  Services").  If you are called  upon to serve as a
witness or provide  assistance  in or with respect to any such  proceeding,  you
agree to cooperate with the Company to the full extent permitted by law, and the
Company  agrees  that any such call  shall be with  reasonable  notice and shall
provide for payment for your costs  incurred in such matters.  Furthermore,  you
will  promptly  give written  notice to the Company of any inquiry,  approach or
other notice you receive or are informed of by or from any  governmental  entity
regarding any inquiry, investigation, dispute, litigation, regulatory proceeding
or other  action  involving  the Company.  Provided  that you advise the Company
prior to  engaging in any such  action,  the  provisions  of this letter and the
agreements herein shall not apply to or restrict in any way the communication of
information  by you to any state or federal  law  enforcement  agency or require
notice to the Company thereof. If during the Employment Period or thereafter you
are  requested  to  perform  significant  additional  services,  any  additional
compensation would be agreed to between the parties hereunder.

2.   Health Benefits Continuation:

     During the  Employment  Period,  you and your  qualifying  dependents  will
receive the health benefits the Company maintains for its executive  officers at
no cost to you.  You  will be  responsible  for any  taxes  associated  with the
premiums,  co-payments and deductibles paid on behalf of you and your qualifying
dependents during the Employment  Period.  Upon the expiration of the Employment
Period,  you will be  permitted  to  continue  your  Company  medical and dental
benefits  coverage  for the  maximum  period  permitted  under the  Consolidated
Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1986, as amended ("COBRA"),  and to participate in
the Company's post-retirement medical programs, if any, pursuant to the terms of
such  programs.  If you should elect such  continuation  of Company  medical and
dental  benefits  coverage,  you will be required to pay for such coverage in an
amount  not to exceed the then  normal  amounts  which may be  charged  for such
coverage under COBRA, provided that if you are considered a retiree for purposes
of the Company's health plans, you shall pay applicable retiree rates.

3.   AD/D and LTD Coverage:

     During the  Employment  Period,  you will continue to receive the same AD/D
and LTD coverage you had immediately  prior to your  Resignation Date at no cost
to you.

4.   Stock Options:

     On your Resignation  Date, to the extent previously  unvested,  all of your
employee  stock  options  shall  vest and no  longer be  subject  to any risk of
forfeiture.  You are entitled to exercise  these  options until the end of their
respective terms subject to any adjustment provisions on corporate transactions.
The Company shall be entitled to withhold  from the stock (or stock  proceeds in
the event of a cashless exercise)  applicable FICA and income taxes with respect
to the exercises of any such stock options granted to you by the Company.

5.   Restricted Stock Awards and Restricted Share Equivalent Units:

     On your Resignation  Date, to the extent previously  unvested,  all of your
restricted  stock awards and restricted  share  equivalent  units shall vest, no
longer be subject to any risk of forfeiture,  and be promptly  delivered to you,
subject to the provisions of Section 17 hereof. The Company shall be entitled to
withhold  applicable FICA and income taxes with respect to the vesting of any of
your restricted  stock awards and share  equivalent  units granted to you by the

6.   Restricted Cash Awards:

     On your Resignation  Date, to the extent previously  unvested,  all of your
restricted  cash  awards  shall  vest,  no  longer  be  subject  to any  risk of
forfeiture, and be promptly paid to you, subject to the provisions of Section 17
hereof.  The Company  shall be entitled to withhold  applicable  FICA and income
taxes with respect to the vesting of any of your  restricted cash awards granted
to you by the Company.

7.   Other Benefits Programs:

     During the Employment Period, you will continue to participate in all other
benefit programs maintained by the Company for its executive officers,  which as
of the date hereof include the ConAgra Foods Retirement Income Savings Plan, the
Non-Qualified  ConAgra Foods  Retirement  Income Savings Plan, the ConAgra Foods
Inc. Voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan, the ConAgra Pension Plan for Salaried
Employees and the ConAgra Nonqualified Pension Plan.

     a.   Non-Qualified Pension Plan:

          During the Employment  Period, you will continue to participate in the
     Company's  Non-Qualified  Pension Plan.  Your  benefits  under the plan are
     fully  vested and  non-forfeitable.  You are entitled to receive a lump-sum
     distribution  of your benefits under the Plan on October 1, 2009. That lump
     sum payment and an example of the calculation that produces the payment has
     been  reviewed and  verified by you and the Company as correct.  The actual
     lump sum payment will be calculated in accordance  with the  methodology in
     the  example  and using the same  actuarial  assumptions  unless  different
     assumptions  are  required  by the terms of the plan,  in which  event such
     required assumptions shall be used.

     b.   Pension Plan for Salaried Employees:

          During the Employment  Period, you will continue to participate in the
     Company's Pension Plan for Salaried Employees. Your benefits under the plan
     are fully vested and  non-forfeitable  and your projected  benefit has been
     verified by you and the Company as correct.  It will be  distributed  under
     the terms of the plan.  You may elect any form of benefit  permitted  under
     the plan.

     c.   Retirement Income Savings Plan:

          During the Employment  Period, you will continue to participate in the
     Company's  Retirement  Income Savings Plan.  Your account under the plan is
     fully vested and non-forfeitable and will be distributed under the terms of
     the plan. A schedule  reflecting the current  balance in your account under
     that plan has been reviewed and verified by you and the Company as correct.

     d.   Non-Qualified Retirement Income Savings Plan:

          During the Employment  Period, you will continue to participate in the
     Company's Non-Qualified  Retirement Income Savings Plan. Your account under
     the plan is fully vested and  non-forfeitable and will be distributed under
     the terms of that plan. A schedule  reflecting the current  balance in your
     account  under  that plan has been  reviewed  and  verified  by you and the
     Company as correct.

8.   Deferred Compensation Plan:

     During the  Employment  Period,  you may  continue  to  participate  in the
Company's  Deferred  Compensation  Plan.  Your account  under this plan is fully
vested  and  non-forfeitable.  You  will  be  entitled  to  receive  a lump  sum
distribution  of your  account on December  31,  2005,  in  accordance  with the
provisions of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and
the Department of Treasury guidance thereunder (collectively, "Section 409A"). A
schedule reflecting the current balance in your account under that plan has been
reviewed and verified by you and the Company as correct.

9.   Office and Administrative Support Matters:

     Commencing  October 1, 2005 and continuing  through December 31, 2009, your
office and administrative  support will be relocated.  A schedule reflecting the
location and  staffing has been  reviewed and verified by you and the Company as
acceptable  to both  parties.  In the event  your  administrative  assistant  is
unavailable for service during this time period, the Company and you will select
a substitute of equivalent  capabilities mutually acceptable to both parties. In
the event the office  location  is  unavailable  during  this time  period,  the
Company and you will select a substitute  of similar  size and quality  mutually
acceptable  to both parties.  The lease for the agreed  office space  terminates
December 31, 2009. To the extent the lease provides  assignable rights to extend
or renew, the Company agrees to assign those rights to you upon your request for

     During your Employment Period, the Company will provide and maintain normal
administrative service, supplies,  furnishings,  equipment and technical support
consistent with your current level of support, and no less than that provided to
executive  officers  of the  Company,  for such  things  as  phones,  computers,
internet connections, e-mail service, printers,  photocopying,  office supplies,
mail services, express services, and security. In the event you are requested or
required  to travel on  business  related to the  Company,  your  travel will be
provided by Company aircraft or equivalent utilized by executive officers of the
Company.  In the event you incur reasonable business expense on business related
to the company, you will be timely reimbursed for same.

10.  Payments to Estate:

     In the event of your death, to the extent that any of the
Company's obligations to you under this letter and the agreements herein, remain
outstanding to you at the time of your death, the Company will continue to make
such payments to your estate in the time and manner set forth in the appropriate
provisions of this letter and the agreements herein (taking into account the
provisions of any benefit plans or programs in which you participated).

11.  Non-Competition:

     The provisions of Section 7 of the Employment  Agreement  shall continue in
full  force and  effect  during  the  Employment  Period  and  terminate  at the
Separation Date.

12.  Confidentiality:

     The provisions of Section 6 of the Employment  Agreement  shall continue in
full force and effect.

13.  Directors and Officers Liability Coverage:

     You will continue to be covered under the Company's  directors and officers
liability policy until the Separation Date to the same extent as senior officers
and members of the Board of  Directors of the Company and  thereafter  you shall
continue be covered for events occurring prior to your Separation Date.

     If at any time,  you are made a party to,  or are  threatened  to be made a
party in any civil,  criminal or administrative  action,  suit,  proceeding,  or
claim, which is in any way connected with your employment, by reason of the fact
that you are or were a director,  officer,  employee or agent of the Company, or
of any other  corporation  or any  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust or other
enterprise  for which you  served as such at the  request of or on behalf of the
Company or for the benefit of the Company,  then you shall be indemnified by the
Company,  to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, against expenses
actually and reasonably incurred by you or imposed on you in connection with, or
resulting from, the defense of such action, suit or proceeding, or in connection
with, or resulting  from, any appeal therein if you acted in good faith and in a
manner you  reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of
the Company at the time of such acts.  The Company shall advance to you fees and
expenses incurred or reasonably  expected to be incurred including  retainers on
the same basis as applicable to then current executive officers and directors of
the  Company.  As used herein,  the term  "expenses"  shall  include any and all
obligations  and  expenditures  actually and reasonably  incurred by you, as and
when  incurred,  for  the  payment  of  money,  including,  without  limitation,
attorney's  fees and costs,  advances  on  attorney  fees and costs,  judgments,
awards,  fines, bonds,  penalties and amounts paid in satisfaction of a judgment
or in  settlement  of  any  such  action,  suit  or  proceeding.  The  foregoing
indemnification  provisions  shall  be  in  addition  to  any  other  rights  to
indemnification to which you may be entitled and shall be in no way construed to
limit any indemnification  rights you may have under the Company's  Certificates
of  Incorporation  or Bylaws or any provision of  applicable  State law and your
Employment  Agreement which for this purpose shall survive and continue in force
and effect.

14.  Arbitration; Legal Matters and Fees:

     Except  as  provided  for in  Section  7 of the  Employment  Agreement  and
hereunder,  any dispute,  controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the
obligations  under this letter and the  agreements  herein,  shall be settled by
final and  binding  arbitration  in  accordance  with the  American  Arbitration
Association  Commercial  Dispute  Resolution  Rules.  The  arbitrator  shall  be
selected by mutual agreement of the parties, if possible. If the parties fail to
reach  agreement  upon  appointment  of an arbitrator  within 30 days  following
receipt by one party of the other  party's  notice of desire to  arbitrate,  the
arbitrator  shall be selected  from a panel or panels  submitted by the American
Arbitration  Association (the "AAA").  The selection process shall be that which
is set forth in the AAA Commercial Dispute Resolution Rules, except that, if the
parties fail to select an arbitrator from one or more panels, AAA shall not have
the power to make an appointment but shall continue to submit  additional panels
until an arbitrator has been selected. All fees and expenses of the arbitration,
including a transcript  if requested,  will be borne by the Company,  unless the
arbitrator  finds your claim to have been  frivolous.  In addition,  the Company
shall pay to you as incurred all legal and accounting fees and expenses incurred
by you in seeking to obtain,  enforce or defend any right or benefit provided by
this Agreement or any other  compensation-related plan, agreement or arrangement
of the Company,  unless your claim is found by a court of competent jurisdiction
or an arbitrator to have been frivolous.

15.  Governing Law:

     This letter and the agreements  herein shall be governed by,  construed and
enforced in  accordance  with the laws of the state of Delaware,  excluding  any
conflicts  of  law,  rule  or  principle  that  might  otherwise  refer  to  the
substantive law of another jurisdiction.

16.  Notice:

     Any notice or other  communication  required or  permitted  pursuant to the
terms of this letter and the agreements  herein shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been duly given when  delivered or mailed by United  States mail,
first class,  postage  prepaid and  registered  with return  receipt  requested,
addressed to the  intended  recipient at his or its address set forth below and,
in the case of a notice or other  communication to the Company,  directed to the
attention of the Board of Directors of the Company with a copy to the  Secretary
of the  Company,  or to such other  address as the intended  recipient  may have
theretofore  furnished to the sender in writing in accordance  herewith,  except
that until any notice of change of address is received, notices shall be sent to
the following addresses:

      If to you:                                  If to the Company:

      Bruce Rohde                                 ConAgra Foods
      843 South 96th Street                       One ConAgra Drive
      Omaha, Nebraska 68114                       Omaha, Nebraska  68102
                                                  Attn:  Chairman of the Board

      With a copy to:                             With a copy to:

      James R. Raborn                             Andrew Brownstein
      Baker Botts, L.L.P.                         Wachtell Lipton
      One Shell Plaza                             51 West 52 Street
      910 Louisiana                               New York, NY 10019
      Houston, Texas  77002

17.  Section 409A:

     This letter and the agreements herein will interpreted to avoid any penalty
sanctions  under Section 409A and to deliver the full economic  value of all the
benefits  provided herein.  If any payment or benefit cannot be provided or made
at the time specified  herein without  incurring  sanctions  under Section 409A,
then such  benefit or payment  shall be  provided in full at the  earliest  time
thereafter  when such  sanctions  will not be imposed.  Upon your  request,  the
Company agrees to make any changes to this letter and the agreements herein that
will assure that no Section 409A sanctions will be imposed.

18.  Withholding:

     The Company may withhold from any amounts payable under this Agreement such
Federal,  state,  local or foreign  taxes as shall be  required  to be  withheld
pursuant to any applicable law or regulation.

19.  Settlement:

     You agree and acknowledge that the entitlements  provided to you under this
Agreement through the Separation Date (including any benefits
which you are entitled to receive after the Separation Date) are in settlement
of any and all severance-type liabilities and obligations of the Company to you,
monetarily or with respect to employee benefits.

20.  Amendment:

     Except as provided herein, this letter and the agreements herein supersedes
all previous  employment  agreements,  written or oral,  between the Company and
you.  This  letter and the  agreements  herein  may be  amended  only by written
amendment  duly executed by both parties  hereto or their legal  representatives
and  authorized  by action of the Board of Directors  of the Company.  Except as
otherwise  specifically  provided in this letter and the agreements  herein,  no
waiver by either  party  hereto of any breach by the other  party  hereto of any
condition or provision of this letter and the agreements  herein to be performed
by such  other  party  shall be deemed a waiver of a  subsequent  breach of such
condition  or  provision  or waiver  of a similar  or  dissimilar  provision  or
condition at the same or at any prior or subsequent time.

21.  Severability, Assignment:

     If any one or more of the  provisions or parts of a provision  contained in
this  letter  and the  agreements  herein  shall  for any  reason  be held to be
invalid,   illegal  or  unenforceable   in  any  respect,   such  invalidity  or
unenforceability  shall not affect any other provision or part of a provision of
this letter and the agreements herein, but this letter and the agreements herein
shall be reformed and  construed as if such  invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable
provision  or part of a  provision  had never  been  contained  herein  and such
provisions  or part thereof  shall be reformed so that it would be valid,  legal
and  enforceable  to the maximum  extent  permitted by law.  This letter and the
agreements  herein is not assignable  without the written  authorization of both

     The undersigned has all requisite  corporate power and authority to execute
and deliver this letter and the agreements herein on behalf of the Company.  The
execution  and  delivery by the  undersigned  of this letter and the  agreements
herein and the  consummation  of the transaction  contemplated  hereby have been
duly and  validly  authorized  by the Board of  Directors  of the Company and no
other  corporate  proceedings  on the  part  of the  Company  are  necessary  to
authorize this letter and the agreements herein or to consummate the transaction
contemplated  hereby.  This letter and the  agreements  herein has been  validly
executed and delivered by the Company and constitutes a legal, valid and binding
obligation of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its

     If the forgoing  summary is acceptable  to you,  please sign and date below
and return a signed copy to me.


                                     By:     /s/ Carl E. Reichardt
                                        Carl E. Reichardt
                                        Title:  Lead Director

Accepted and agreed to this
22nd day of September 2005.

   /s/  Bruce Rohde
Bruce Rohde