AGREEMENT dated as of March 11, 1994, by
                                 and among HW Nebraska, Inc., a Nebraska
                                 corporation, CP Nebraska, Inc., a
                                 Nebraska corporation, both as Common
                                 Members (as defined herein) and as the
                                 managing members (the "Managing
                                 Members"), as signatories hereto and,
                                 pursuant to the Articles of Organization
                                 referred to below, the other non-
                                 signatory members (collectively, the
                                 "Members") from time to time of ConAgra
                                 Capital, L.C., an Iowa limited liability
                                 company (the "Company").

                                Preliminary Statement

                       The Managing Members, as Common Members, have
             formed the Company under the Iowa Limited Liability Company
             Act (the "Act") for the purpose of the Company issuing
             membership interests (the "Membership Interests"), on the
             terms and conditions set forth herein, and lending the net
             proceeds thereof to ConAgra, Inc. ("ConAgra") in exchange
             for one or more debentures (the "Debentures").

                       In that connection, the Managing Members and the
             Preferred Members (as defined herein) desire to enter into a
             written agreement, in accordance with Section 490A.703 of
             the Act, as to the affairs of the Company and the conduct of
             its business.  Pursuant to the Articles of Organization of
             the Company, the Preferred Members are bound by this

                       Accordingly, in consideration of the mutual
             promises made herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as

                                      ARTICLE I


                       SECTION 1.01.  Definitions. Capitalized terms used
             but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings
             assigned to them in the Act.

                                      ARTICLE II

                                  General Provisions

                       SECTION 2.01.  Company Name.  The name of the
             Company is "ConAgra Capital, L.C.". The name of the Company
             may be changed from time to time by the Managing Members in
             their discretion.

                       SECTION 2.02.  Registered Office; Registered
             Agent. The Company shall maintain a registered office in the
             State of Iowa at, and the name and address of the Company's
             registered agent in the State of Iowa is, The Prentice-Hall
             Corporation System, Inc., 729 Insurance Exchange Building,
             Des Moines, Iowa 50309.  Such office and such agent may be
             changed from time to time by the Managing Members in their
             discretion.  The initial business address and office of the
             Company shall be in care of ConAgra, Inc., at the address of
             One ConAgra Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68102-5001.

                       SECTION 2.03.  Nature of Business Permitted;
             Powers.  The primary purpose of the Company is to finance
             the business operation of ConAgra and companies controlled
             by ConAgra.  Subject to the foregoing and in compliance with
             any requirements necessary to remain eligible for exemption
             from the definition of "investment company" under the
             Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and exempt from
             the periodic reporting requirements under the Securities
             Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Company may carry on
             any lawful business, purpose or activity.

                       SECTION 2.04.  Business Transactions of a Member
             or the Managing Members with the Company.  Subject to
             Section 490A.708 of the Act, the Managing Members or their
             affiliates may lend money to, borrow money from, act as
             surety, guarantor or endorser for, guarantee or assume one
             or more specific obligations of, provide collateral for, and
             transact other business with, the Company and, subject to
             other applicable law, shall have the same rights and
             obligations with respect to any such matter as persons who
             are not Managing Members or affiliates thereof.

                       SECTION 2.05.  Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of
             the Company for federal income tax purposes shall, except as
             otherwise required in accordance with the Internal Revenue
             Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), end on
             December 31 of each year.


                                     ARTICLE III


                       SECTION 3.01.  Admission of Members.  (a) A person
             shall be admitted as a Member, or shall become an assignee
             of a Membership Interest or other rights or powers of a
             Member to the extent assigned, and shall become bound by the
             terms of this Agreement, without execution of this
             Agreement, if such person (or a representative authorized by
             such person orally, in writing or by other action such as
             payment for a Membership Interest) complies with the
             conditions for becoming a Member or assignee, as the case
             may be, as set forth in Section 3.01(b) and requests (which
             request shall be deemed to have been made by such person
             effective upon payment for its Membership Interest) that the
             records of the Company reflect such admission or assignment.

                       The Company shall be promptly notified by any
             assignor of any assignment.  The Company will reflect
             admission of a Member in the records of the Company as soon
             as is reasonably practicable after either of the following
             events: (i) in the case of a person acquiring a Membership
             Interest directly from the Company, at the time of payment
             therefor, and (ii) in the case of an assignment, upon
             notification thereof (the Company being entitled to assume,
             in the absence of knowledge to the contrary, that proper
             payment has been made by the assignee).

                       (b)  Whether acquiring a Membership Interest
             directly from the Company or by assignment, a person shall
             be admitted as a Member upon the acquisition or assignment,
             as the case may be, of such Membership Interest and the
             reflection of such person's admission as a Member in the
             records of the Company.  The consent of any other Member
             shall not be required for the admission of a Member.

                       SECTION 3.02.  Classes and Voting.  (a)  The
             Membership Interests of the Company shall be divided into
             two classes:  (i) Series Preferred Membership Interests
             ("Preferred Interests") and (ii) Common Membership Interests
             ("Common Interests").  Members holding Preferred Interests
             shall be referred to herein as "Preferred Members", and
             Members holding Common Interests shall be referred to herein
             as "Common Members".  Common Interests shall be non-
             assignable and non-transferable, and may only be issued to
             and held by the Managing Members.  Preferred Interests shall
             be freely assignable and transferable.

                       (b)  The Preferred Interests may be issued from
             time to time in one or more series, the Membership Interests
             of each series to have such relative rights, powers and
             duties as may from time to time be established in a written


             action or actions of the Managing Members providing for the
             issue of such series as hereinafter provided.  Authority is
             hereby expressly granted to the Managing Members, subject to
             the provisions of this Section 3.02, to authorize the issue
             of one or more series of Preferred Interests, and with
             respect to each such series to establish by a written action
             or actions providing for the issue of such series:

                       (i)   the maximum number of Preferred Interests to
                  constitute such series and the distinctive designation

                       (ii)  whether the Preferred Interests of such
                  series shall have voting rights and, if so, the terms
                  of such voting rights;

                       (iii) the periodic distribution rate, if any, on
                  the Preferred Interests of such series, the conditions
                  and dates upon which such distributions shall be
                  payable, the dates from which such distributions shall
                  accrue, the preference or relation which such
                  distributions have with respect to distributions
                  payable on any other class or classes of Membership
                  Interests or on any other series of Preferred
                  Interests, and whether such distributions shall be
                  cumulative or noncumulative;

                       (iv)  whether the Preferred Interests of such
                  series shall be subject to redemption by the Company,
                  and, if made subject to redemption, the times and other
                  terms and conditions of such redemption (including the
                  amount and kind of consideration to be received upon
                  such redemption);

                       (v)  the rights of the holders of Preferred
                  Interests of such series upon the liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up of the Company;

                       (vi)  whether or not the Preferred Interests of
                  such series shall be subject to the operation of a
                  retirement or sinking fund, and, if so, the extent to
                  and manner in which any such retirement or sinking fund
                  shall be applied to the purchase or redemption of the
                  Preferred Interests of such series for retirement or to
                  other Company purposes and the terms and provisions
                  relative to the operation thereof;

                       (vii)  whether or not the Preferred Interests of
                  such series shall be convertible into, or exchangeable
                  for, Membership Interests of any other class or
                  classes, or of any other series of Preferred Interests,
                  or securities of any other kind, including those issued
                  by the Managing Member or any of its affiliates, and if


                  so convertible or exchangeable, the price or prices or
                  the rate or rates of conversion or exchange and the
                  method, if any, of adjusting the same;

                       (viii) the limitations and restrictions, if any,
                  to be effective while any Preferred Interests of such
                  series are outstanding upon the payment of periodic
                  distributions or other distributions on, and upon the
                  purchase, redemption or other acquisition by the
                  Company of, Common Interests or any other series of
                  Preferred Interests; 

                       (ix)  the conditions or restrictions, if any, upon
                  the creation of indebtedness of the Company or upon the
                  issue of any additional Membership Interests (including
                  additional Preferred Interests of such series or of any
                  other series ranking on a parity with or prior to the
                  Membership Interests of such series as to periodic
                  distributions or distribution of assets on liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up); 

                       (x)  the times, prices and other terms and
                  conditions for the offering of the Preferred Interests;

                       (xi)  the allocation of preferential profits or
                  losses, if any;

                       (xii) the circumstances under which a trustee may
                  be appointed as contemplated by Section 3.02(f); and

                       (xiii)  any other relative rights, powers and
                  duties as shall not be inconsistent with this Section

                       In connection with the foregoing and without
             limiting the generality thereof and except as otherwise
             provided herein (including, without limitation, in Sections
             3.02(e) and 10.01), the Managing Members are hereby
             expressly authorized to take any action, including the
             amendment of this Agreement, without the vote or approval of
             any Preferred Member, to create under the provisions of this
             Agreement a class or group of Membership Interests that was
             not previously outstanding.

                       An action or actions taken by the Managing Members
             pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph (b) shall be
             deemed an amendment and supplement to and part of this

                       (c)   All Preferred Interests of any one series
             shall be identical with each other in all respects, except
             that Preferred Interests of any one series issued at
             different times may differ as to the dates from which


             periodic distributions, if any, thereon shall be cumulative; 
             and all series of Preferred Interests shall rank equally and
             be identical in all respects, except as permitted by the
             provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section 3.02; and all
             Preferred Interests shall rank senior to the Common
             Interests both as to periodic distributions and
             distributions of assets upon liquidation dissolution or
             winding up.

                       (d)  In the event of any liquidation, dissolution
             or winding up of the Company, the holders of Preferred
             Interests of each series at the time outstanding will be
             entitled to receive out of the assets of the Company legally
             available for distribution to Members, before any
             distribution of assets is made to holders of Common
             Interests or any other class of interests ranking junior to
             such Preferred Interests as regards participation in assets
             of the Company, but together with the holders of Preferred
             Interests of any other series or any other preferred
             interests of the Company outstanding ranking pari passu with
             such Preferred Interests as regards participation in the
             assets of the Company ("Capital Liquidation Parity
             Interests"), an amount equal, in the case of the holders of
             the Preferred Interests of such series, to the aggregate of
             the stated liquidation preference for Preferred Interests of
             such series and all accumulated and unpaid distributions
             (whether or not declared) to the date of payment (the
             "Liquidation Distribution").  If, upon any such liquidation,
             the Liquidation Distributions can be paid only in part
             because the Company has insufficient assets available to pay
             in full the aggregate Liquidation Distributions and the
             aggregate maximum liquidation distributions on Capital
             Liquidation Parity Interests, then the amounts payable
             directly by the Company on the Preferred Interests of such
             series and on such Capital Liquidation Parity Interests
             shall be paid on a pro rata basis, so that

                       (i) (x)  the aggregate amount paid as Liquidation
                  Distributions on the Preferred Interests of such series
                  bears to (y) the aggregate amount paid as liquidation
                  distributions on Capital Liquidation Parity Interests
                  the same ratio as

                       (ii) (x) the aggregate Liquidation Distribution
                  bears to (y) the aggregate maximum liquidation
                  distributions on Capital Liquidation Parity Interests.

             For the purposes of this paragraph (d), the voluntary sale,
             conveyance, exchange or transfer (for cash, shares of stock,
             securities, or other consideration) of all or substantially
             all the property or assets of the Company shall be deemed a
             voluntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
             Company, but a consolidation or merger of the Company with


             one or more other limited liability companies or
             corporations shall not be deemed to be a liquidation,
             dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary.

                       (e)  Except as shall be otherwise established
             herein or in the action or actions of the Managing Members
             providing for the issue of any series of Preferred Interests
             and except as otherwise required by the Act, the Preferred
             Members holding such Preferred Interests shall have, with
             respect to such Preferred Interests, no right or power to
             vote on any question or matter or in any proceeding or to be
             represented at, or to receive notice of, any meeting of
             Members.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any resolution
             is proposed for adoption by the Members of the Company
             providing for, or the Managing Members propose to take any
             action to effect,

                       (x) any variation or abrogation of the rights,
                  preferences and privileges of the Preferred Interests
                  of any series by way of amendment of the Agreement or
                  otherwise (including, without limitation, the
                  authorization or issuance of any interests in the
                  Company ranking, as to participation in the profits or
                  assets of the Company, senior to the Preferred
                  Interests) which variation or abrogation adversely
                  affects the Members of Preferred Interests of such

                       (y) the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
                  the Company, or 

                       (z) the commencement of any bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, reorganization or other similar proceeding
                  involving the Company in the United States or any state

             then the Members holding outstanding Preferred Interests of
             such series (and, in the case of a resolution described in
             clause (x) above which would adversely affect the rights,
             preferences or privileges of any Capital Dividend Parity
             Interests or any Capital Liquidation Parity Interests, such
             Capital Dividend Parity Interests or such Capital
             Liquidation Parity Interests, as the case may be, or, in the
             case of any resolution described in clause (y) above, all
             Capital Liquidation Parity Interests or, in the case of any
             resolution described in clause (z) above, other than holders
             of any Preferred Interests of such series that are also
             creditors of ConAgra or any of its subsidiaries) will be
             entitled to vote together as a class on such resolution or
             action of the Managing Members (but not any other resolution
             or action) and such resolution or action shall not be
             effective except with the approval of the holders of 66 2/3%
             in stated liquidation preference of such outstanding


             Preferred Interests, provided that no such resolution or
             action shall, without the consent of each Preferred Member
             affected thereby, (1) change the terms established pursuant
             to Section 3.02(b)(iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii),
             (xi) or (xii) in a manner adverse to such Preferred Member
             or (2) reduce the above-stated percentage of stated
             liquidation preference necessary to approve such action or
             (3) amend the provisions of Section 3.02(f); provided
             further, however, that no such approval shall be required
             under clauses (y) and (z) if the liquidation, dissolution or
             winding up of the Company is proposed or initiated upon the
             initiation of proceedings, or after proceedings have been
             initiated, for the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up
             of either of the Managing Members.

                       (f)  If (i) the Company fails to pay distributions
             in full on the Preferred Interests of any series for 18
             consecutive monthly periods, (ii) an Event of Default (as
             defined in the Debentures) occurs and is continuing on the
             Debentures, or (iii) ConAgra is in default on any of its
             payment or other obligations under the Payment and Guarantee
             Agreement (the "Guarantee") to be executed and delivered by
             ConAgra in respect of the issuance of the Preferred
             Interests, then the holders of a majority in stated
             liquidation preference of the outstanding Preferred
             Interests of all series having the right to vote for the
             appointment of a trustee in such event, acting as a single
             class, shall be entitled to appoint and authorize a trustee
             to enforce the Company's rights under the Debentures against
             ConAgra, enforce the obligations undertaken by ConAgra under
             the Guarantee and declare and pay distributions on the
             Preferred Interests.  For purposes of determining whether
             the Company has failed to pay distributions in full for 18
             consecutive monthly distribution periods, distributions
             shall be deemed to remain in arrears, notwithstanding any
             payments in respect thereof, until full cumulative
             distributions have been or contemporaneously are declared
             and paid with respect to all monthly distribution periods
             terminating on or prior to the date of payment of such full
             cumulative distributions.  Not later than 30 days after such
             right to appoint a trustee arises, the Managing Members
             shall convene a meeting for the purpose of appointing a
             trustee.  If the Managing Members fail to convene such
             meeting within such 30-day period, the holders of 10% in
             stated liquidation preference of the outstanding Preferred
             Interests of all series having the right to vote for the
             appointment of a trustee in such event, acting as a single
             class, shall be entitled to convene such meeting.  Any such
             trustee so appointed shall vacate office immediately,
             subject to the applicable terms of all such Preferred
             Interests, if the Company shall have paid in full all
             accumulated and unpaid distributions on the Preferred


             Interests of such series or such default or breach by
             ConAgra shall have been cured.

                       (g)  All Common Interests shall be identical with
             each other in every respect.  The Common Interests shall
             entitle the holders thereof to one vote for each such Common
             Interest upon all matters upon which Common Members have the
             right to vote.

                       SECTION 3.03.  Liability of Members.  (a)  Except
             as otherwise provided in Section 3.03(b) below, the debts,
             obligations and liabilities of the Company, whether arising
             in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be solely the debts,
             obligations and liabilities of the Company; and no Member of
             the Company, other than the Managing Members as described in
             Section 3.03(b), shall be obligated personally for any such
             debt, obligation or liability of the Company solely by
             reason of being a Member.

                       (b) The Common Members shall have unlimited
             liability for the debts, obligations and liabilities of the
             Company, whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise, and
             shall be obligated personally for all such debts,
             obligations and liabilities of the Company, in the same way
             and to the same extent as if the Company were a partnership
             under the Iowa Uniform Partnership Act, Chapter 486 of the
             Code of Iowa, of which the Managing Members were general

                       SECTION 3.04.  Events of Cessation of Membership. 
             A person shall cease to be a Member only upon the lawful
             assignment of its Membership Interests (including any
             redemption, exchange or other repurchase by the Company or
             the Managing Members), and the compliance, in cases other
             than any such redemption, exchange or repurchase, of the
             assignee with the provisions of Section 3.01.

                       SECTION 3.05.  Access to and Confidentiality of
             Information; Records.  (a)  Each Member shall have the
             right, subject to such reasonable standards (including
             standards governing time, location and expense) as may be
             established by the Managing Members from time to time, to
             obtain from the Company from time to time upon reasonable
             demand for any purpose reasonably related to the Member's
             interest as a Member of the Company, the documents and other
             information described in Section 490A.709 of the Act.

                       (b)  Any demand by a Member pursuant to this
             Section 3.05 shall be in writing and shall state the purpose
             of such demand.


                                      ARTICLE IV


                       SECTION 4.01.  Management of the Company.  The
             business and affairs of the Company shall be managed, and
             all actions required under this Agreement shall be
             determined, solely and exclusively by the Managing Members,
             in their capacity as Common Members, which shall have all
             rights and powers on behalf and in the name of the Company
             to perform all acts necessary and desirable to the objects
             and purposes of the Company.  Without limiting the
             generality of the foregoing, but subject to Section 2.03
             hereof, the Managing Members, in their capacity as Common
             Members, shall have the power to:

                       (a) authorize and engage in transactions and
                  dealings on behalf of the Company, including
                  transactions and dealings with any Member or any
                  affiliate of any Member or the Managing Members
                  (including, without limitation, purchasing Debentures
                  from and making loans to ConAgra);

                       (b) call meetings of Members or any class or
                  series thereof;

                       (c) issue Membership Interests;

                       (d) pay all expenses incurred in forming the

                       (e) borrow money on behalf of the Company, issue
                  or guarantee evidences of indebtedness and obtain lines
                  of credit, loan commitments and letters of credit for
                  the account of the Company and secure the same by
                  mortgage, pledge or other lien on any assets of the

                       (f) lend money, with or without security, to any
                  person, including the Managing Members, any Member or
                  any affiliate thereof;

                       (g) determine and make distributions, in cash or
                  otherwise, on Membership Interests, in accordance with
                  the provisions of this Agreement and of the Act;

                       (h) establish or set aside in their discretion any
                  reserve or reserves for contingencies and for any other
                  proper Company purpose;

                       (i) redeem or repurchase on behalf of the Company
                  Membership Interests which may be so redeemed or


                       (j) appoint (and dismiss from appointment)
                  officers, attorneys and agents on behalf of the
                  Company, and employ (and dismiss from employment) any
                  and all persons providing legal, accounting or
                  financial services to the Company, or such other
                  employees or agents as the Managing Members deem
                  necessary or desirable for the management and operation
                  of the Company, including, without limitation, any
                  Member or any affiliate of the Managing Members or any

                       (k) incur and pay all expenses and obligations
                  incident to the operation and management of the
                  Company, including, without limitation, the services
                  referred to in the preceding paragraph, taxes,
                  interest, travel, rent, insurance, supplies, salaries
                  and wages of the Company's employees and agents;

                       (l) acquire and enter into any contract of
                  insurance necessary or desirable for the protection or
                  conservation of the Company and its assets or otherwise
                  in the interest of the Company as the Managing Members
                  shall determine;

                       (m) open accounts and deposit, maintain and
                  withdraw funds in the name of the Company in banks,
                  savings and loan associations, brokerage firms or other
                  financial institutions;

                       (n) effect a dissolution of the Company and to act
                  as liquidator or the person winding up the Company's
                  affairs, all in accordance with the provisions of this
                  Agreement and of the Act;

                       (o) bring and defend on behalf of the Company
                  actions and proceedings at law or equity before any
                  court or governmental, administrative or otherwise
                  regulatory agency, body or commission or otherwise;

                       (p) prepare and cause to be prepared reports,
                  statements and other relevant information for
                  distribution to Members as may be required or
                  determined to be appropriate by the Managing Members
                  from time to time;

                       (q) prepare and file all necessary returns and
                  statements and pay all taxes, assessments and other
                  impositions applicable to the assets of the Company;

                       (r) execute all other documents or instruments,
                  perform all duties and powers and do all things for and


                  on behalf of the Company in all matters necessary or
                  desirable or incidental to the foregoing.

                       The Managing Members are hereby authorized and
             directed to conduct their affairs and to operate the Company
             in such a way that the Company would not be deemed to be an
             "investment company" for purposes of the Investment Company
             Act of 1940, as amended.  In this connection, the Managing
             Members are authorized to take any action not inconsistent
             with applicable law, the articles of organization or this
             Agreement which they determine in their discretion to be
             necessary or desirable for such purposes.

                       SECTION 4.02.  Classes and Voting.  All Common
             Members shall have the right to vote separately as a class
             on any matter on which the Common Members have the right to
             vote regardless of the voting rights of any other Member.

                       SECTION 4.03.  Books and Records; Accounting.
             The Managing Members shall keep or cause to be kept at the
             address of the Managing Members (or at such other place as
             the Managing Members shall advise the other Members in
             writing) true and full books and records regarding the
             status of the business and financial condition of the

                       SECTION 4.04.  Company Tax Returns.  (a)  The
             Managing Members shall cause to be prepared and timely filed
             all tax returns required to be filed for the Company.  The
             Managing Members may, in their discretion, make or refrain
             from making any federal, state or local income or other tax
             elections for the Company that they deem necessary or
             advisable, including, without limitation, any election under
             Section 754 of the Internal Revenue Code or any successor

                       (b)  CP Nebraska, Inc. is hereby designated as the
             Company's "Tax Matters Partner" under Code Section
             6231(a)(7) and shall have all the powers and
             responsibilities of such position as provided in the Code. 
             CP Nebraska, Inc. is specifically directed and authorized to
             take whatever steps CP Nebraska, Inc., in its discretion,
             deems necessary or desirable to perfect such designation,
             including filing any forms or documents with the Internal
             Revenue Service and taking such other action as may from
             time to time be required under the Regulations issued under
             the Code.  Expenses incurred by the Tax Matters Partner, in
             its capacity as such will be borne by the Company.

                       SECTION 4.05  Reliance by Third Parties.  Persons
             dealing with the Company are entitled to rely conclusively
             upon the power and authority of the Managing Members herein
             set forth.


                       SECTION 4.06  Expenses.  Except as otherwise
             provided in this Agreement, the Company shall be responsible
             for all and shall pay all expenses out of funds of the
             Company determined by the Managing Members to be available
             for such purpose, provided that such expenses or obligations
             are those of the Company or are otherwise incurred by the
             Managing Members in connection with this Agreement,
             including, without limitation:

                       (a)  all expenses incurred by the Managing Members
                  or its affiliates in organizing the Company;

                       (b)  all costs and expenses related to the
                  business of the Company and all routine administrative
                  expenses of the Company, including the maintenance of
                  books and records of the Company, the preparation and
                  dispatch to the Members of checks, financial reports,
                  tax returns and notices required pursuant to this
                  Agreement and the holding of any meetings of the

                       (c)  all expenses incurred in connection with any
                  indebtedness or guarantees of the Company or any
                  proposed or definitive credit facility or other credit

                       (d)  all expenses incurred in connection with any
                  litigation involving the Company (including the cost of
                  any investigation and preparation) and the amount of
                  any judgment or settlement paid in connection therewith
                  (other than expenses incurred by the Managing Member in
                  connection with any litigation brought by or on behalf
                  of any Member against the Managing Member);

                       (e)  all expenses for indemnity or contribution
                  payable by the Company to any Person;

                       (f)  all expenses incurred in connection with the
                  collection of amounts due to the Company from any

                       (g)  all expenses incurred in connection with the
                  preparation of amendments to this Agreement; and

                       (h)  all expenses incurred in connection with the
                  liquidation, dissolution and winding up of the Company.

                       SECTION 4.07.  Merger or Consolidation.  The
             Company may not consolidate or merge with or into, or
             convey, transfer or lease its properties and assets
             substantially as an entirety to any limited liability
             company, corporation or other body, except as set forth in


             this Section 4.07.  The Company may solely for the purpose
             of changing its domicile or avoiding tax consequences
             adverse to ConAgra or the Company or holders of Preferred
             Securities, without the consent of the Preferred Members,
             consolidate or merge with or into a limited liability
             company or limited partnership organized as such under the
             laws of any state of the United States of America; provided
             that (i) such successor entity either (x) expressly assumes
             all of the obligations of the Company under each series of
             Preferred Securiites then outstanding or (y) substitutes for
             the Preferred Securities then outstanding other securities
             having substantially the same terms as the Preferred
             Securities then outstanding (the "Successor Securities") so
             long as the Successor Securities rank, with respect to
             participation in the profits or assets of the successor
             entity, at least as senior as the respective Preferred
             Securities rank with respect to participation in the profits
             or assets of the Company, (ii) ConAgra expressly
             acknowledges such successor as the holder of all of the
             Debentures relating to each series of Preferred Interests
             then outstanding, (iii) such merger or consolidation does
             not cause any series of Preferred Interests then outstanding
             to be delisted by any national securities exchange or other
             organization on which such series is then listed, (iv) the
             Preferred Members do not suffer any adverse tax consequences
             as a result of such merger or consolidation, (v) such merger
             or consolidation does not cause any Preferred Interests to
             be downgraded by any "nationally recognized statistical
             rating organization," as that term is defined by the
             Securities and Exchange Commission for purposes of Rule
             436(g)(2) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
             (vi) following such merger or consolidation neither ConAgra
             nor such successor limited liability company or limited
             partnership will be an "investment company" for purposes of
             the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

                                      ARTICLE V

                            Contributions and Allocations

                       SECTION 5.01.  Form of Contribution.  The
             contribution of a Member to the Company may, as determined
             by the Managing Members in their discretion, be in cash, or
             a promissory note or other obligation to contribute cash.

                       SECTION 5.02.  Contributions by the Common
             Members.  The Common Members shall make such contributions
             to the Company, either in connection with the purchase of
             Common Membership Interests or otherwise, so as to cause
             their Common Interests to be entitled to at least 21% of all
             interest in the capital, income, gain, loss, deduction,
             credit and distributions of the Company at all times.


                       SECTION 5.03.  Contributions by the Preferred
             Members.  The Preferred Members shall make such
             contributions to the Company in accordance with the
             applicable terms of Section 3.02 of this Agreement. 
             Preferred Members, in their capacity as Members of the
             Company, shall not be required to make any additional
             contribution to the Company and shall have no additional
             liability solely by reason of being Preferred Members in
             excess of their share of the Company's assets and
             undistributed profits.

                       SECTION 5.04.   Allocation of Profits and Losses. 
             The profits and losses of the Company shall, subject to the
             applicable terms of Section 3.02 of this Agreement and of
             any series of Preferred Interests (including the
             preferential allocation of profits and losses, if any), be
             allocated entirely to the Common Members.

                       SECTION 5.05.  Allocation of Distributions.  The
             distributions of the Company shall, subject to the
             applicable terms of Section 3.02 of this Agreement and of
             any series of Preferred Interests (including the
             preferential allocation of distributions, if any), be
             allocated entirely to the Common Members.

                                      ARTICLE VI

                            Distributions and Resignations

                       SECTION 6.01.  Interim Distribution.  Preferred
             Members shall receive periodic distributions, if any, in
             accordance with the applicable terms of Section 3.02 of this
             Agreement and of any series of Preferred Interests, and
             Common Members shall receive periodic distributions, subject
             to the applicable terms of Section 3.02 of this Agreement
             and of any series of Preferred Interests, and to the
             provisions of the Act, as and when declared by the Managing
             Members, in their discretion out of funds legally available

                       SECTION 6.02.  Resignation of the Managing
             Members.  The Managing Members shall have no right to

                       SECTION 6.03.  Resignation of Member.  A Member
             shall resign from the Company prior to the dissolution and
             winding up of the Company only upon the assignment of its
             Membership Interests (including any redemption, exchange or
             other repurchase by the Company) and, as the case may be,
             compliance with the provisions of Section 3.01 of this


                       SECTION 6.04. Distribution Upon Resignation.  Upon
             resignation, and except in accordance with the applicable
             terms of its Membership Interest, any resigning Member shall
             not be entitled to receive any distribution and shall not
             otherwise be entitled to receive the fair value of its
             Membership Interest.

                       SECTION 6.05.  Distribution in Kind.  A Member, in
             the discretion of the Managing Members and in accordance
             with any applicable agreement, instrument, action or terms
             of the Membership Interests, may receive distributions from
             the Company in any form other than cash, and may be
             compelled to accept a distribution of any asset in kind from
             the Company such that the percentage of the asset
             distributed to him equals a percentage of that asset which
             is equal to the percentage in which the Member shares in
             distributions from the Company.

                       SECTION 6.06.  Record Dates.  The Managing Members
             in their discretion, and in accordance with any applicable
             agreement, instrument or action, shall have the right to
             establish a record date with respect to allocations and
             distributions by the Company.

                                     ARTICLE VII

                          Assignment of Membership Interests

                       SECTION 7.01.  Assignment of Membership Interests. 
             Notwithstanding anything to the contrary under this
             Agreement, Common Interests shall be non-assignable and non-
             transferable, and may only be issued to a Managing Member
             and held by the Managing Member to which such Common
             Interest was originally issued.  Preferred Interests shall
             be freely assignable and transferable, subject to the
             provisions of Section 3.01.

                       SECTION 7.02.  Right of Assignee to Become a
             Member.  An assignee shall become a Member upon compliance
             with the provisions of Section 3.01.

                                     ARTICLE VIII


                       SECTION 8.01.  Duration and Dissolution.  The
             Company shall be dissolved and its affairs shall be wound up
             upon the first to occur of the following:


                       (a)  May 15, 2094;

                       (b)  any Managing Member makes an assignment for
                  the benefit of creditors, files a voluntary petition in
                  bankruptcy, is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, or has
                  entered against it an order for relief, in any
                  bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, files a petition
                  or answer seeking for itself any reorganization,
                  arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation,
                  dissolution or other similar relief under any statute,
                  law or regulation, files an answer or other pleading
                  admitting or failing to contest the material
                  allegations of a petition filed against it in any
                  proceeding of this nature, seeks, consents or
                  acquiesces in the appointment of a trustee, receiver or
                  liquidator of any Managing Member of any substantial
                  part of its properties, or 120 days after the
                  commencement of any proceeding against any Managing
                  Member seeking reorganization, arrangement,
                  composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution or
                  similar relief under any statute, law or regulation, if
                  the proceeding has not been dismissed, or if within 90
                  days after the appointment without its consent or
                  acquiescence of a trustee, receiver or liquidator of
                  any Managing Member or of all or any substantial part
                  of its properties, the appointment is not vacated or
                  stayed, or within 90 days after the expiration of any
                  such stay, the appointment is not vacated;

                       (c)  upon the withdrawal, resignation, expulsion,
                  dissolution or liquidation of any Managing Member or
                  the occurrence of any other event that terminates the
                  continued membership of the Common Members;

                       (d)  a decision made by the Managing Members
                  (subject to the voting rights of the holders of the
                  Preferred Interests set forth in Section 3.02(e)) to
                  dissolve the Company;

                       (e)  the written consent of all Members; and

                       (f)  the entry of a decree of judicial dissolution
                  under Section 490A.1302 of the Act.

                       The death, retirement, resignation, expulsion,
             bankruptcy or dissolution of any other Member or the
             occurrence of any other event which terminates the continued
             membership of any other Member in the Company shall not
             cause the Company to be dissolved and its affairs wound up.

                       SECTION 8.02.  Winding Up.  Subject to the
             provisions of the Act, the Managing Members shall have the
             exclusive right to wind up the Company's affairs in


             accordance with Section 490A.1303 of the Act (and shall
             promptly do so upon dissolution of the Company in accordance
             with Section 8.01), and shall also have the exclusive right
             to act as or appoint a liquidating trustee in connection

                       SECTION 8.03.  Distribution of Assets.  Upon the
             winding up of the Company the assets shall be distributed in
             the manner provided in Section 490A.1304 of the Act, subject
             to the applicable terms of Section 3.02 and of any series of
             Preferred Interests.

                                      ARTICLE IX


                       SECTION 9.01.  Tax Reports and Financial
             Statements.  After the end of each fiscal year, the Managing
             Members shall, as promptly as possible and in any event
             within 90 days of the close of the fiscal year, (a) cause to
             be prepared and made available upon request of any Preferred
             Member the financial statements of the Company prepared in
             accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and
             (b) cause to be prepared and transmitted to each member
             federal income tax form K-1 or any other forms which are
             necessary or advisable.

                                      ARTICLE X


                       SECTION 10.01.  Amendment to the Agreement. 
             Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or by any
             applicable terms of any Preferred Interests, this Agreement
             (other than Section 7.01 of this Agreement) may be amended
             by a written instrument executed by the Managing Members.

                       SECTION 10.02.  Successors; Counterparts.  This
             Agreement (a) shall be binding as to the executors,
             administrators, estates, heirs and legal successors, or
             nominees or representatives, of the Members and (b) may be
             executed in several counterparts with the same effect as if
             the parties executing the several counterparts had all
             executed one counterpart.

                       SECTION 10.03.  Governing Law; Severability.  This
             Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
             with the laws of the State of Iowa without giving effect to
             the principles of conflict of laws thereof.  In particular,
             this Agreement shall be construed to the maximum extent
             possible to comply with all of the terms and conditions of
             the Act.  If, nevertheless, it shall be determined by a


             court of competent jurisdiction that any provisions or
             wording of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable
             under said Act or other applicable law, such invalidity or
             unenforceability shall not invalidate the entire Agreement. 
             In that case, this Agreement shall be construed as to limit
             any term or provision so as to make it enforceable or valid
             within the requirements of applicable law, and, in the event
             such term or provisions cannot be so limited, this Agreement
             shall be construed to omit such invalid or unenforceable
             provisions.  If it shall be determined by a court of
             competent jurisdiction that any provision relating to the
             distributions and allocations of the Company or to any fee
             payable by the Company is invalid or unenforceable, this
             Agreement shall be construed or interpreted so as (a) to
             make it enforceable or valid and (b) to make the
             distributions and allocations as closely equivalent to those
             set forth in this Agreement as is permissible under
             applicable law.

                       SECTION 10.04.  Filings.  Following the execution
             and delivery of this Agreement, the Managing Members shall
             promptly prepare any documents required to be filed and
             recorded under the Act, and the Managing Members shall
             promptly cause each such document to be filed and recorded
             in accordance with Act and, to the extent required by local
             law, to be filed and recorded or notice thereof to be
             published in the appropriate place in each jurisdiction in
             which the Company may hereafter establish a place of
             business.  The Managing Members shall also promptly cause to
             be filed, recorded and published such statements of
             fictitious business name and any other notices,
             certificates, statements or other instruments required by
             any provision of any applicable law of the United States or
             any state or other jurisdiction which governs the conduct of
             its business from time to time.

                       SECTION 10.05.  Power of Attorney.  Each Member
             does hereby constitute and appoint each Managing Member as
             its true and lawful representative and attorney-in-fact, in
             its name, place and stead to make, execute, sign, deliver
             and file (a) Articles of Organization of the Company, any
             amendment thereof required because of an amendment to this
             Agreement or in order to effectuate any change in the
             membership of the Company, (b) this Agreement, (c) any
             amendments to this Agreement and (d) all such other
             instruments, documents and certificates which may from time
             to time be required by the laws of the United States of
             America, the State of Iowa or any other jurisdiction, or any
             political subdivision of agency thereof, to effectuate,
             implement and continue the valid and subsisting existence of
             the Company or to dissolve the Company or for any other
             purpose consistent with this Agreement and the transactions
             contemplated hereby.


                       The power of attorney granted hereby is coupled
             with an interest and shall (a) survive and not be affected
             by the subsequent death, incapacity, disability,
             dissolution, termination or bankruptcy of the Member
             granting the same or the transfer of all or any portion of
             such Member's Interest and (b) extend to such Member's
             successors, assigns and legal representatives.

                       SECTION 10.06.  Headings.  Section and other
             headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
             purposes only and are not intended to describe, interpret,
             define or limit the scope or intent of this Agreement or any
             provision hereof.

                       SECTION 10.07.  Additional Documents.  Each
             Member, upon the request of the Managing Members, agrees to
             perform all further acts and execute, acknowledge and
             deliver any documents that may be reasonably necessary to
             carry out the provisions of this Agreement.

                       SECTION 10.08.  Notices.  All notices, requests
             and other communications to any party hereunder shall be in
             writing (including telecopier or similar writing) and shall
             be given to such party (and any other person designated by
             such party) at its address or telecopier number set forth in
             a schedule filed with the records of the Company or such
             other address or telecopier number as such party may
             hereafter specify for the purpose of notice to the Managing
             Members (if such party is not a Managing Member) or to all
             the other Members (if such party is a Managing Member). 
             Each such notice, request or other communication shall be
             effective (a) if given by telecopier, when transmitted to
             the number specified pursuant to this Section and the
             appropriate confirmation is received, (b) if given by mail,
             72 hours after such communication is deposited in the mails
             with first class postage prepaid, addressed as aforesaid, or
             (c) if given by any other means, when delivered at the
             address specified pursuant to this Section. 


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereto set
             their hands as of the day and year first above written.

                                      COMMON MEMBERS:

                                      CP NEBRASKA, INC.

                                      By:  /s/ James P. O'Donnell
                                      Name:  James P. O'Donnell
                                      Title: Vice President, Finance and

                                      HW NEBRASKA, INC.

                                      By:   /s/  James P. O'Donnell
                                      Name:  James P. O'Donnell
                                      Title: Vice President, Finance and
