Exhibit 99.1


To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
Vanstar Corporation:

      We have audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets of Vanstar
Corporation  as of  April  30,  1998  and  1997,  and the  related  consolidated
statements of income,  stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three
years in the period ended April 30, 1998. Our audits also included the financial
statement  schedule  listed in Item  14(a) of this  Annual  Report on Form 10-K.
These financial  statements and schedule are the responsibility of the Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements and schedule based on our audits.

      We conducted our audits in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

      In our opinion,  the consolidated  financial  statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of
Vanstar Corporation at April 30, 1998 and 1997, and the consolidated  results of
its  operations  and its cash  flows for each of the three  years in the  period
ended  April  30,  1998,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted   accounting
principles. Also, in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule, when
considered  in  relation  to the basic  financial  statements  taken as a whole,
presents fairly in all material respects the information set forth therein.

     As discussed in Note 16, the accompanying consolidated financial statements
have been restated.

                                ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Atlanta, Georgia
June 3, 1998, except for Note 16, as to which the date is December 30, 1998.

*Pagination is the same as used in Vanstar  Corporation's  Annual Report on Form
10-K/A for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1998.

                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                        (In thousands, except share data)
                              (Restated - Note 16)

                                                                                  APRIL 30,
                                                                              1998           1997
                                                                           ----------      --------

Current assets:
     Cash                                                                  $    9,476      $  5,686
     Receivables, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of
          $8,262 at April 30, 1998 and $8,252 at April 30, 1997               342,752       183,005
     Inventories                                                              470,474       389,592
     Deferred income taxes                                                     17,387        14,855
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                 14,304         8,618
                                                                           ----------      --------
           Total current assets                                               854,393       601,756
Property and equipment, net                                                    53,303        39,240
Other assets, net                                                              81,272        63,775
Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of $10,113 at April 30,
     1998 and $5,640 at April 30, 1997                                        106,796        56,652
                                                                           ----------      --------
                                                                           $1,095,764      $761,423
                                                                           ==========      ========


Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable                                                      $  290,187      $255,147
     Accrued liabilities                                                       63,590        34,392
     Deferred revenue                                                          21,869        24,601
     Short-term borrowings                                                    308,351        74,402
     Current maturities of long-term debt                                       5,800         4,785
                                                                           ----------      --------
           Total current liabilities                                          689,797       393,327
Long-term debt, less current maturities                                         2,337         5,946
Other long-term liabilities                                                       943           661

Commitments and contingencies

Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable convertible
     preferred securities of subsidiary trust holding solely
     convertible subordinated debt securities of the Company                  194,739       194,518

Stockholders' equity:
     Common stock, $.001 par value: 100,000,000 shares authorized,
          43,489,030 shares issued and outstanding at April 30, 1998,
          42,896,779 shares issued and outstanding at April 30, 1997               43            43
     Additional paid-in capital                                               132,940       126,163
     Retained earnings (since a deficit elimination of $78,448
          at April 30, 1994)                                                   74,965        40,765
                                                                           ----------      --------
           Total stockholders' equity                                         207,948       166,971
                                                                           ----------      --------
                                                                           $1,095,764      $761,423
                                                                           ==========      ========

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

                      (In thousands, except per share data)
                              (Restated - Note 16)

                                                                                YEAR ENDED APRIL 30,
                                                                      1998               1997              1996
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
   Acquisition services                                            $ 2,367,004       $ 1,864,909       $ 1,632,375
   Other services                                                      471,798           349,877           252,260
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
     Total revenue                                                   2,838,802         2,214,786         1,884,635
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------

Cost of revenue:
   Acquisition services                                              2,136,396         1,679,202         1,479,073
   Other services                                                      287,722           212,254           144,941
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
     Total cost of revenue                                           2,424,118         1,891,456         1,624,014
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------

Gross margin                                                           414,684           323,330           260,621

Selling, general and administrative expenses                           313,302           255,974           216,847
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------

OPERATING INCOME                                                       101,382            67,356            43,774

   Interest income                                                       1,198             3,719             5,539
   Financing expense, net                                              (32,485)          (18,082)          (37,488)
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------

Income from continuing operations before income taxes
     and distributions on preferred securities of Trust                 70,095            52,993            11,825

Income tax provision                                                   (25,236)          (19,042)           (4,311)
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------

Income from continuing operations before distributions
     on preferred securities of Trust                                   44,859            33,951             7,514
Gain on disposal of discontinued businesses
     (less income taxes of $5,400)                                           -                 -             9,194
Distributions on convertible preferred securities of Trust
     (less income taxes of $5,013 in 1998 and $2,893 in 1997)           (8,912)           (5,144)                -
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
NET INCOME                                                         $    35,947       $    28,807       $    16,708
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========
     Basic:   Continuing operations                                        .83               .68               .22
              Discontinued operations                                        -                 -               .27
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
                                                                   $       .83       $       .68       $       .50
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========
     Diluted: Continuing operations                                        .81               .66               .21
              Discontinued operations                                        -                 -               .26
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
                                                                   $       .81       $       .66       $       .47
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========

     Basic                                                              43,180            42,388            33,665
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========
     Diluted                                                            44,388            43,977            35,503
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

                                 (In thousands)
                              (Restated - Note 16)

                                  COMMON STOCK,
                                                                FORMERLY                                       RETAINED
                                          PREFERRED STOCK    COMMON STOCK A     COMMON STOCK B      ADDITIONAL EARNINGS
                                         ----------------    --------------    -----------------     PAID-IN   (ACCUM.
                                          SHARES   AMOUNT    SHARES  AMOUNT    SHARES     AMOUNT     CAPITAL   DEFICIT)    TOTAL
                                         -------   ------    ------  ------    ------     ------   ----------- --------- ---------
BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1995                 15,309   $  153    8,575     $ 9     3,708      $    4   $  25,087 $ (3,135)   $ 22,118

Redemption of Class A Common Stock             -        -     (103)      -         -           -           -        -           -

Issuance of warrants                           -        -        -       -         -           -         500        -         500
Conversion of Class F Preferred
     Stock and Senior Preferred Stock
     to Class A Common Stock             (15,309)    (153)  15,309      15         -           -         138        -           -
Conversion of Class B Common
     Stock to Class A Common Stock             -        -    3,708       4    (3,708)         (4)          -        -           -
Conversion of warrants to Class
     A Common Stock                            -        -    4,996       5         -           -          (5)       -           -
Issuance of Class A Common Stock               -        -    9,216       9         -           -      83,382        -      83,391
Accrued dividends forgiven-Senior
     Preferred Stock                           -        -        -       -         -           -       6,162        -       6,162
Exercise of stock options                      -        -       26       -         -           -         152        -         152
Net income                                     -        -        -       -         -           -           -   16,708      16,708
Dividends on preferred stock                   -        -        -       -         -           -           -   (2,988)     (2,988)
                                         -------   ------  -------     ---    ------      ------   --------- --------   ---------

BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1996                      -        -   41,727      42         -           -     115,416   10,585     126,043

Issuance of Common Stock:
     Employee stock purchase plan              -        -      389       -         -           -       3,898        -       3,898
     Exercise of stock options,
          including income tax benefit         -        -      597       1         -           -       6,772        -       6,772
     Other                                     -        -      184       -         -           -          77        -          77
Unrealized holding gain on
     available-for-sale securities             -        -        -       -         -           -           -    1,373       1,373

Net income                                     -        -        -       -         -           -           -   28,807      28,807
                                         -------   ------  -------     ---    ------      ------   --------- --------   ---------

BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1997                      -        -   42,897      43         -           -     126,163   40,765     166,971

Issuance of Common Stock:
     Employee stock purchase plan              -        -      407       -         -           -       4,767        -       4,767
     Exercise of stock options,
          including income tax benefit         -        -      236       -         -           -       2,010        -       2,010
     Business acquisitions and other           -        -      (51)      -         -           -                    -
Accumulated translation adjustment             -        -        -       -         -           -           -     (167)       (167)
Unrealized holding loss on
     available-for-sale securities             -        -        -       -         -           -           -   (1,580)     (1,580)
Net income                                     -        -        -       -         -           -           -   35,947      35,947
                                         -------   ------  -------     ---    ------      ------   --------- --------   ---------
BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1998                      -   $    -   43,489     $43         -      $    -   $ 132,940 $ 74,965   $ 207,948
                                         =======   ======  =======     ===    ======      ======   ========= ========   =========

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

                                 (In thousands)
                              (Restated - Note 16)

                                                                     YEAR ENDED APRIL 30,
                                                             1998            1997            1996
                                                           ---------       ---------       --------
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
    Net income                                             $  35,947       $  28,807       $ 16,523
       Depreciation and amortization                          27,129          17,739         10,621
       Deferred income taxes                                  (4,858)         16,149         10,029
       Provision for doubtful accounts                         1,300          (2,705)        14,500
       Noncash interest expense                                  244               -              -
       Gain on disposal of discontinued businesses                 -               -        (14,594)
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
          Receivables                                       (144,758)        157,874        (52,941)
          Inventories                                        (68,174)        (33,624)       (52,919)
          Prepaid expenses and other current assets           (8,812)         (6,170)        (2,254)
          Accounts payable                                    (2,205)        (56,499)        42,920
          Accrued and other liabilities                       12,726         (23,781)         5,311
                                                           ---------       ---------       --------
             Total adjustments                              (187,408)         68,983        (39,327)
                                                           ---------       ---------       --------
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities         (151,461)         97,790        (22,804)

Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
    Capital expenditures                                     (40,372)        (25,224)       (22,077)
    Proceeds from sale of building                                 -           3,125              -
    Purchase of businesses, net of cash acquired             (34,161)        (36,726)        (1,435)
    Sales of businesses                                            -               -         14,594
    Investment in available-for-sale securities                    -         (10,073)             -
                                                           ---------       ---------       --------
Net cash used in investing activities                        (74,533)        (68,898)        (8,918)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
    Payments on long-term debt                               (10,121)        (25,262)        (8,536)
    Borrowings (repayments) under line of credit, net        233,949        (214,670)       (36,706)
    Proceeds from issuance of convertible preferred
       securities of Trust, net                                    -         194,320              -
    Issuance of common stock                                   5,956           6,901         84,044
                                                           ---------       ---------       --------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities          229,784         (38,711)        38,802
                                                           ---------       ---------       --------

Net increase (decrease) in cash                                3,790          (9,819)         7,080
Cash at beginning of the period                                5,686          15,505          8,425
                                                           ---------       ---------       --------
Cash at end of the period                                  $   9,476       $   5,686       $ 15,505
                                                           =========       =========       ========


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

                                 (In thousands)
                              (Restated - Note 16)

                                                                                    YEAR ENDED APRIL 30,
                                                                              1998           1997           1996
                                                                            --------       --------       -------
Supplemental  disclosure of cash flow  information:  
  Cash paid during the period for:
         Interest                                                           $ 18,636       $ 18,096       $40,540
         Discounts and net expenses on receivables securitization             12,086          3,275             -
         Distributions on preferred securities of Trust                       13,584          6,943             -
         Income taxes, net of refunds                                          5,144          3,386           625

Supplemental disclosure of noncash investing and financing activities:
     Equipment acquired under capital leases                                $  3,040       $  8,416       $ 4,341

     Dataflex Regions purchase:
          Fair value of assets acquired                                                    $ 46,889
          Cash paid, net of cash received                                                   (36,726)
          Liabilities assumed                                                              $ 10,163

     Sysorex purchase:
          Fair value of assets acquired                                     $ 85,448
          Cash paid, net of cash received                                    (32,486)
          Liabilities assumed                                               $ 52,962

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

                                 APRIL 30, 1998


Organization and Basis of Presentation

         Vanstar  Corporation  (the "Company") is a leading provider of services
and products  designed to build,  manage and enhance PC network  infrastructures
for Fortune 1000  companies and other large  enterprises.  The Company  provides
customized  information technology and networking solutions for its customers by
integrating  value-added  professional  services with its expertise in sourcing,
distributing and supporting PC hardware, network products,  computer peripherals
and software from many vendors.  The consolidated  financial  statements include
the  accounts of Vanstar  Corporation  and its  consolidated  subsidiaries.  All
significant  intercompany  balances have been  eliminated.  Certain prior period
amounts have been reclassified to conform to current period presentation. Use of

      The  preparation  of financial  statements  in conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue Recognition

      Acquisition  services  revenue  is  primarily  derived  from  the  sale of
computer hardware, software, peripherals and communications devices manufactured
by third parties and sold by the Company,  principally to implement  integration
projects. Other services revenue is derived from value-added services, including
services  focused  on the server and  communication  segments  of the PC network
infrastructure  and  services  performed  for the  desktop.  Product  sales  are
recognized  at the time of shipment.  Revenue  from  services is  recognized  as
services are performed or ratably if performed over a service  contract  period.
Deferred revenue primarily represents unrecognized service revenue.

Financial Instruments

      The  carrying  amounts  for  cash,   receivables,   and  accounts  payable
approximate their respective fair values due to the short-term maturity of these
instruments.  The carrying  value for amounts  outstanding  under the  Company's
Financing Program Agreement with IBM Credit Corporation  ("IBMCC")  approximates
fair value since those amounts bear interest at current market rates.  Long-term
debt consists of  variable-rate  instruments at terms the Company believes would
be available if similar  financing  were obtained from another  party.  As such,
carrying  amounts also  approximate  their fair value. The carrying value of the
Preferred  Securities  approximates  their fair value based upon  quoted  market


      Inventory for resale and spare parts  inventory are stated at the lower of
cost (first-in,  first-out method) or market. Periodically, the Company assesses
the  appropriateness  of  the  inventory   valuations  giving  consideration  to
obsolete, slow-moving and nonsalable inventory.

      In order to adequately  service its customers,  the Company is required to
maintain  quantities  of consumable  and  repairable  parts ("spare  parts") for
extended periods of time. Based on historical experience, the Company determines
an allocation of the spare parts to both current inventories and other long-term


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


      Goodwill  represents  the excess of cost over the net  assets of  acquired
businesses  and is  amortized  using the  straight-line  method  over  twenty to
twenty-five  years.  Amortization  expense on goodwill  was $4.5  million,  $2.2
million,  and $1.7 million for the fiscal years ended April 30, 1998,  1997, and
1996, respectively. The Company periodically assesses the appropriateness of the
carrying  amount  of  goodwill  and  the  amortization   periods  based  on  the
undiscounted  value  of the  current  and  anticipated  future  cash  flows  and
projected  profitability  of the  acquired  businesses.  If there are  indicated
impairments,  a write down is recorded to the extent the carrying amount exceeds
the fair value in accordance  with Accounting  Principles  Board ("APB") Opinion
No. 17, Intangible Assets.

Marketing Development Funds

      Primary vendors of the Company provide various incentives,  in the form of
cash or credit against  obligations,  for certain training and for promoting and
marketing  their  products.  The  funds or  credits  received  are  based on the
purchases or sales of the vendors'  products and are earned through  performance
of specific  marketing  programs or upon the  attainment  of certain  objectives
outlined by the vendors.  Funds or credits earned are recorded as a reduction of
either cost of revenue or selling, general and administrative expenses, based on
the objectives of the program established by the vendors.  Funds or credits from
the  Company's  primary  vendors  typically  range  from  1% to 5% of  sales  or
purchases of vendor products.

Earnings Per Share

      Effective  during the year  ended  April 30,  1998,  the  Company  adopted
Financial  Accounting  Standards Board ("FASB")  Statement No. 128, Earnings per
Share  ("Statement  128").  Under  Statement  128,  Basic earnings per share are
computed using the weighted  average number of shares of Common Stock during the
period and Diluted  earnings per share are computed  using the weighted  average
number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  and  dilutive  Common  Stock  equivalents
outstanding  during the period.  Common Stock  equivalents  are computed for the
Company's  outstanding  options  using the treasury  stock  method.  The Company
restated  prior  periods to reflect the change in method  required by  Statement
128.  Earnings per share for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1996 are  presented
giving effect to the  conversion of all  outstanding  shares of Preferred  Stock
into Common  Stock and the  exchange of all  outstanding  warrants for shares of
Common Stock in connection  with the Company's  initial public offering on March
11, 1996 as if the  conversion  had  occurred at the later of the  beginning  of
fiscal year 1996 or the issuance date of the respective security.

Stock-Based Compensation

      The Company  accounts  for its stock option and  employee  stock  purchase
plans in  accordance  with APB Opinion No. 25,  Accounting  For Stock  Issued to
Employees ("APB 25"); accordingly,  no compensation expense has been recognized.
Under APB 25, because the exercise  price of the Company's  stock options equals
the  market  value  of the  underlying  stock  on the  date  of  the  grant,  no
compensation expense is recognized.  Because the employee stock purchase plan is
considered  a  noncompensatory  plan  under APB 25, no  compensation  expense is
recognized.  The  Company has adopted the  disclosure  only  provisions  of FASB
Statement No. 123,  Accounting For Stock-Based  Compensation  ("Statement 123").
Note 13 to the consolidated  financial  statements contains a summary of the pro
forma  effects  to  reported  net  income and net income per share for the years
ended April 30,  1998,  1997 and 1996 as if the Company had elected to recognize
compensation  cost based on the fair value of the options  granted as prescribed
by Statement 123.


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


New Accounting Pronouncements

      The Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board recently  issued two standards
which  will be  applicable  to the  Company  but  which the  Company  is not yet
required to adopt, FASB Statement No. 130, Reporting  Comprehensive  Income, and
FASB Statement No. 131,  Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related
Information.  The  adoption of these  statements  will not impact the  Company's
financial  position or results of operations but may change the  presentation of
certain items in the Company's financial statements and related disclosures.


      On May 24, 1996, the Company, through a wholly-owned subsidiary,  acquired
certain  of the assets  and  assumed  certain  of the  liabilities  of  Dataflex
Corporation  and  of  Dataflex's  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Dataflex  Southwest
Corporation.  The assets acquired and liabilities assumed comprise substantially
all of the  assets  and  business  operations  previously  associated  with  the
business  operations  of  Dataflex  known as the  Dataflex  Western  Region  and
Dataflex Southwest Region (the "Dataflex Regions"). The Dataflex Regions offered
PC  product  distribution,  service  and  support  in  the  states  of  Arizona,
California,  Colorado,  Nevada,  New Mexico,  and Utah and reported  revenues of
approximately  $145  million  for the fiscal  year  ended  March 31,  1996.  The
purchase price of the Dataflex Regions, was $37.7 million.

      On September 4, 1996, the Company acquired Mentor  Technologies,  Ltd., an
Ohio  limited  partnership  ("Mentor   Technologies")   providing  training  and
education  services  throughout the upper mid-western  United States. A total of
300,000 shares of Common Stock (having an aggregate value on the closing date of
approximately $6.0 million) were issued in connection with the acquisition.  For
the calendar year ended December 31, 1995, Mentor Technologies reported revenues
of approximately  $5.5 million.  For the period from May 1, 1996 to September 4,
1996, Mentor  Technologies had revenue and net income of $1,677,000 and $97,000,

      On December 16, 1996, the Company acquired Contract Data Services, Inc., a
North Carolina corporation ("CDS"), in exchange for 904,866 shares of the Common
Stock  (having an  aggregate  value on the closing date of  approximately  $20.8
million).   CDS  provided  outsourcing  of  integrated   information  technology
services,  related  technical  support  services  and  procurement  of  computer
hardware and  software.  For the fiscal year ended March 31, 1996,  CDS reported
total revenues of approximately  $74.3 million.  For the period from May 1, 1996
to  December  16,  1996,  CDS had  revenue  and  net  loss  of  $34,543,000  and
$1,284,000, respectively.

      On January 9, 1997, the Company acquired  inventory and equipment from DCT
Systems, Inc., a Minnesota corporation,  Niloy, Inc., a Georgia corporation, and
NCT Systems,  Inc., an Illinois corporation  (collectively,  "DCT"). The Company
purchased  specified  assets for $4.0 million.  In addition,  the asset purchase
agreement  provided  that DCT could  receive a maximum of 180,000  shares of the
Common Stock upon the  satisfaction  of certain  conditions.  In February  1998,
120,000 of those  shares were  released to DCT.  The Company also entered into a
servicing  and  marketing  agreement on January 9, 1997 whereby the Company will
provide  certain  computer  products  and billing  services  to DCT.  Based upon
certain  criteria  under the  servicing and  marketing  agreement,  DCT also may
receive, at DCT's election, cash or up to 40,000 additional restricted shares of
the Common Stock.

      On July 7, 1997, the Company  acquired  certain assets and assumed certain
liabilities  of Sysorex  Information  Systems,  Inc.  ("Sysorex"),  a government
technology  provider.  The purchase price was approximately  $54.5 million and a
contingent  payment  of  500,000  shares of  Common  Stock  based on the  future
financial performance of the acquired business.


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


      The acquisitions of the Dataflex  Regions,  DCT and Sysorex were accounted
for as  purchases  and the  excess of the cost over the fair value of net assets
acquired  for each  acquisition  is being  amortized  on a  straight  line basis
ranging from 20 to 25 years.  The operations of these  acquisitions are included
in  the  consolidated   statements  of  income  from  the  respective  dates  of
acquisition. The following unaudited pro forma summary presents the consolidated
results of operations  for the Sysorex  acquisition as if it had occurred on May
1, 1996 and for the Dataflex Regions as if it had occurred on May 1, 1995.

                              Fiscal 1997        Fiscal 1996
                           ----------------   ---------------
          Revenues           $     2,324,558    $     2,031,035
        Net Income                  26,991             16,498
        Basic EPS                     0.64               0.49
        Diluted EPS                   0.61               0.46

     The  acquisitions  of Mentor  Technologies  and CDS were  accounted  for as
pooling-of-interests  business  combinations.  The consolidated  balance sheets,
statements  of income,  cash flows,  and  stockholders'  equity were restated to
reflect  these  acquisitions.   In  connection  with  these   combinations,   no
adjustments of net assets were required to conform the  accounting  practices of
either  Mentor  Technologies  or CDS to those  of the  Company.  The  accounting
treatment of the pooling-of-interest  transactions are further discussed in Note


      On January 31, 1994,  the Company sold certain  assets and  liabilities of
its U.S. franchise business, including all domestic franchise agreements, Datago
distribution  agreements and the right to the "ComputerLand"  name and trademark
within the United States to Merisel  Franchise  Aggregation  Business  ("Merisel
FAB"), a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Merisel, Inc. ("Merisel").  Concurrent with
the sale,  the Company  entered  into a  distribution  services  agreement  with
Merisel FAB. Pursuant to that agreement, the Company continued to supply product
and provide  certain  logistics  and other  support  services to Merisel FAB and
received a monthly distribution fee for such services.  The Company also granted
Merisel FAB $20.0  million in extended,  interest-bearing  credit on its product

      Effective  January 31, 1996, the Company and Merisel FAB signed amendments
to the  asset  purchase  agreement  and  distribution  services  agreement.  The
amendments  provided for: the term of the distribution  services agreement to be
extended through April 30, 1997; the distribution fee to be reduced  retroactive
to April 1, 1995; the additional consideration to be fixed at $14.6 million; the
maximum amount of the extended  credit to be increased by $11.1  million,  which
would be reduced in monthly  installments  from February 1996 through July 1997;
and the  original  amount  of  interest-bearing  credit of $20.0  million  to be
extended  and  reduced in three  equal  monthly  installments  from May 15, 1997
through  July 15,  1997.  The Company  recorded a gain of $9.2  million,  net of
applicable  taxes,  for  the  year  ended  April  30,  1996 as a  result  of the
additional  consideration.  As a result  of  announcements  made by  Merisel  on
February 20, 1996, the Company decided to record a $31.1 million provision as of
January 31, 1996  against its  extended  credit due from Merisel FAB. On May 29,
1996,  the Company  entered into an agreement with a third party under which the
Company received $15.6 million in cash in exchange for providing the third party
the right to receive  payments in May, June and July 1997 totaling $20.0 million
out of amounts collected from the extended credit owed to the Company by Merisel
FAB. As a result,  the Company adjusted a portion of the reserve on its extended
credit from Merisel FAB resulting in additional  pre-tax income of $15.6 million
during the quarter ended April 30, 1996.

      On March 28, 1997, the  distribution  and services  agreement was assigned
from  Merisel FAB to  ComputerLand  Corporation,  a wholly owned  subsidiary  of
Synnex Information Technologies, Inc., as a result of


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

the sale by  Merisel  of  substantially  all of the  assets  of  Merisel  FAB to
ComputerLand  Corporation.  The  Company  completed  its  obligation  under that
agreement in January 1998.


     The composition of inventories at April 30, 1998 and 1997 is as follows (in

                                            1998          1997
                                         --------      --------
Inventory for resale                     $462,110      $386,664
Less reserve for obsolete inventory        10,135        12,586
                                         --------      --------
                                          451,975       374,078
Spare parts (current)                      18,499        15,514
                                         --------      --------
                                         $470,474      $389,592
                                         ========      ========


     The composition of property and equipment at April 30, 1998 and 1997 was as
follows (in thousands):

                                                      1998           1997
                                                    --------      --------
Furniture and equipment                             $ 80,995      $ 84,751
Leasehold improvements                                26,235        22,440
                                                    --------      --------
                                                     107,230       107,191
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization        53,927        67,951
                                                    --------      --------
                                                    $ 53,303      $ 39,240
                                                    ========      ========

      The carrying value of property and equipment was adjusted to fair value on
April 30, 1994 in connection with the Company's quasi-reorganization.  Additions
since  April 30, 1994 have been  recorded at cost.  Property  and  equipment  is
depreciated  using the  straight-line  method over the estimated useful lives of
the related  assets--3 to 5 years for  furniture and equipment and the lesser of
the lease  term or the  useful  life for  leasehold  improvements.  Depreciation
expense associated with property and equipment was $19.4 million,  $14.4 million
and $7.7  million  for the fiscal  years ended  April 30,  1998,  1997 and 1996,
respectively.  During  the year  ended  April  30,  1998 the  Company  wrote-off
approximately $32 million of fully depreciated property and equipment.


     The  composition  of other assets at April 30, 1998 and 1997 was as follows
(in thousands):

                                           1998         1997
                                         -------      -------
Spare parts (non-current)                $40,497      $31,541
Capitalized software, net                 24,098       17,551
Available-for-sale security                8,256       10,719
Deferred income taxes (non-current)        3,213            -
Other                                      5,208        3,964
                                         -------      -------
                                         $81,272      $63,775
                                         =======      =======

      Capitalized  software  represents the costs associated with development of
software  for  the  Company's  internal  use.  Such  costs  are  capitalized  in
accordance with American Institute of Certified Public Accountants  Statement of
Position  98-1,  Accounting  for the Costs of  Computer  Software  Developed  or
Obtained for Internal Use, and are amortized over the remaining  useful economic
life of the software of up to five years. Accumulated


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION

amortization  at April  30,  1998 and 1997 was $5.3  million  and $2.0  million,
respectively. Amortization expense associated with capitalized software was $2.9
million,  $0.5  million and $0.3  million  for the fiscal  years ended April 30,
1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

      In  December  1996,  the  Company  purchased  7.5% of the common  stock of
ComputerLand  Poland S.A., a publicly traded foreign company,  for $8.6 million.
The investment is classified as an  "available-for  sale" security in accordance
with FASB  Statement No. 115,  Accounting  for Certain  Investments  in Debt and
Equity Securities. At April 30, 1998 the fair market value of the investment was
$8.3 million and the gross unrealized holding loss was $.3 million. At April 30,
1998,  the net  unrealized  holding  loss of $.2  million  (net of taxes of $0.1
million) was included as a reduction  to retained  earnings.  At April 30, 1997,
the net  unrealized  holding  gain of $1.4 million (net of taxes of $.8 million)
was included as an increase to retained earnings. On April 30, 1997, the Company
purchased  additional  restricted  common stock of ComputerLand  Poland S.A. for
$1.5  million.  At April 30, 1998,  the Company owns  approximately  8.3% of the
common stock of ComputerLand Poland S.A. 7. DEBT

     Outstanding debt at April 30, 1998 and 1997 was as follows (in thousands):

                                        1998          1997
                                      --------      -------
Line of credit                        $308,351      $74,402
Obligations under capital leases         7,479        9,838
Other                                      658          893
                                      --------      -------
   Total outstanding debt              316,488       85,133
Less current maturities                314,151       79,187
                                      --------      -------
Long-term debt                        $  2,337      $ 5,946
                                      ========      =======

     The Company's line of credit  represents  amounts borrowed  pursuant to the
Financing  Program  Agreement  with IBMCC,  an affiliate of one of the Company's
principal vendors.  At April 30, 1998, the line of credit had an aggregate limit
of $550 million.  On July 1, 1998,  the available line of credit is scheduled to
be reduced to $500  million.  The line of credit is secured by  portions  of the
Company's inventory, accounts receivable and certain other assets. The Financing
Program Agreement is renewable every 12 months, and is terminable by the Company
or  IBMCC  at any  time  upon 90  days  written  notice.  In the  event  of such
termination,  the outstanding  borrowings are not due and payable to IBMCC until
the end of the term of the Financing  Program  Agreement,  currently October 31,
1998. The terms of the Financing Program  Agreement include financial  covenants
requiring the Company to maintain  compliance with certain financial ratios, and
also limit the Company's  ability to pay cash dividends on its Common Stock.  As
of April 30, 1998,  the Company had  complied  with or obtained a waiver for any
noncompliance  with  those  financial  covenants.  At April  30,  1998,  amounts
outstanding  under the line of credit  totaled $465.8  million,  of which $157.4
million and $308.4  million were  classified as accounts  payable and short-term
borrowings,  respectively.  Amounts  outstanding  and  classified  as short-term
borrowings  bear interest at LIBOR plus 1.6%,  which was 7.3% at April 30, 1998.
Amounts  outstanding  and  classified  as  short-term  borrowings  in 1997  bear
interest  at the  Prime  Rate  minus  .8%,  which  was 7.7% at April  30,  1997.
Aggregate  maturities  of  long-term  debt,  excluding  the line of credit,  are
approximately  $5.8  million,  $2.0  million,  $0.2  million,  and $0.1 million,
respectively  for  each of the  succeeding  four  years.  


     Effective  December  20,  1996,  the  Company,  through a  non-consolidated
wholly-owned  special  purpose   corporation,   established  the  Securitization
Facility,  which  currently  provides  the  Company  with up to $200  million in
available credit. In connection with the  Securitization  Facility,  the Company
sells on a revolving  basis,  certain Pooled  Receivables to the special purpose
corporation which in turn sells a percentage ownership 37

                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


interest in the Pooled  Receivables to a commercial paper conduit sponsored by a
financial  institution.  These  transactions  have  been  recorded  as a sale in
accordance  with FASB Statement No. 125,  Accounting for Transfers and Servicing
of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities. The amount of the Pooled
Receivables,  which totaled  $335.2 million at April 30, 1998, is reflected as a
reduction  of  receivables.  The  Company  retains an interest in certain of the
assets sold.  At April 30, 1998,  the amount of that retained  interest  totaled
$160.6  million  and is  included  in  receivables.  The  Company is retained as
servicer  of the  Pooled  Receivables.  Although  management  believes  that the
servicing  revenues  earned will be adequate  compensation  for  performing  the
services,  estimating  the fair value of the servicing  asset was not considered
practicable.  Consequently, a servicing asset has not been recognized. The gross
proceeds  resulting from the sale of the percentage  ownership  interests in the
Pooled Receivables  totaled $200 million as of April 30, 1998. Such proceeds are
included in cash flows from operating activities in the consolidated  statements
of cash  flows.  Discounts  and net  expenses  associated  with the sales of the
receivables  totaling $12.1 and $3.4 million are included in financing expenses,
net on the consolidated  statements of income for the years ended April 30, 1998
and 1997, respectively.


      During  October  1996,  the Trust,  of which the  Company  owns all of the
common trust securities,  issued 4,025,000 Preferred  Securities.  The Preferred
Securities  have a liquidation  value of $50 per security and are convertible at
any time at the option of the holder into shares of Common Stock at a conversion
rate of 1.739  shares for each  Preferred  Security,  subject to  adjustment  in
certain circumstances. Distributions on Preferred Securities accrue at an annual
rate of 6 3/4% of the  liquidation  value of $50 per Preferred  Security and are
included in  "Distributions on convertible  preferred  securities of Trust, less
income  taxes" in the  consolidated  statements  of income.  The proceeds of the
private  placement,  which totaled  $194.4  million (net of initial  purchasers'
discounts and estimated offering expenses totaling $6.9 million) are included in
"Company-obligated  mandatorily  redeemable  convertible preferred securities of
subsidiary trust holding solely convertible  subordinated debt securities of the
Company" on the  consolidated  balance  sheets.  The  Company  has entered  into
several contractual arrangements (the "Back-up Undertakings") for the purpose of
fully and  unconditionally  supporting  the  Trust's  payment of  distributions,
redemption  payments and  liquidation  payments  with  respect to the  Preferred
Securities.  Considered together, the Back-up Undertakings constitute a full and
unconditional  guarantee  by the  Company  of  the  Trust's  obligations  on the
Preferred Securities.

      The Trust invested the proceeds of the offering in the  Debentures  issued
by the Company.  The  Debentures  bear  interest at 6 3/4% per annum,  generally
payable  quarterly  on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. The  Debentures
are redeemable by the Company,  in whole or in part, on or after October 5, 1999
at designated  redemption  prices.  If the Company redeems the  Debentures,  the
Trust  must  redeem  the  Preferred  Securities  on a pro rata  basis  having an
aggregate  liquidation  value  equal to the  aggregate  principal  amount of the
Debentures redeemed. The sole assets of the Trust are the Debentures, which have
an aggregate  principal  amount of $207.5  million.  The  Debentures and related
income statement effects are eliminated in the Company's  consolidated financial


      The Company  purchases  and sells  multi-vendor  PC products  and provides
various PC-related  services to end-users.  Although  receivables from end-users
are  uncollateralized,  the credit risk is limited  due to the large  number and
diversity  of  customers  comprising  the  Company's  customer  base.  No single
customer accounted for more than 10% of the Company's revenue during fiscal year
1998 and 1997.  During  fiscal  year 1996,  no  customer  other  than  Microsoft
accounted  for more than 10% of the  Company's  total  revenues.  Revenues  from
Microsoft  represented  12.0% of the  Company's  total  revenues for fiscal year


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION



Purchase Commitments

     The Company  has entered  into an  agreement  with one of its vendors  that
requires it to purchase a minimum of $55  million of  computer  software  over a
five-year period. At April 30, 1998, the remaining purchase  commitment pursuant
to that agreement was $43 million. Leases

      The  Company  leases  certain   administrative,   warehousing   and  other
facilities  under  operating  leases,  and  equipment  under  a  combination  of
operating and capital leases.  Most of the Company's  facility  operating leases
are  subject to annual  escalation  clauses  ranging  from two to five  percent.
Several facilities under operating leases have been sublet.

      The future minimum lease payments on  noncancelable  operating leases with
an  initial  term in  excess  of one  year  and  future  sublease  income  under
noncancelable subleases as of April 30, 1998 are as follows (in thousands):

                                              Minimum          Minimum
                                               Lease           Sublease
                                             Payments           Income
                                           -------------    ---------------
    Year Ending April 30,
         1999                              $      16,737    $           255
         2000                                     12,415                149
         2001                                      9,419                 91
         2002                                      7,427                  -
         2003                                      6,100                  -
         Thereafter                               18,649                  -
                                           -------------    ---------------
                                           $      70,747    $           495
                                           =============    ===============

         In connection with leases on facilities  associated with  acquisitions,
the Company established  reserves for future lease payments on certain duplicate
or excess  facilities.  The  balance  of these  reserves  at April 30,  1998 was
approximately $1.7 million, which has not reduced the amounts shown above.

     Rental  expense,  under operating  leases,  charged to operations was $23.5
million,  $19.5  million and $14.8  million  during fiscal years ended April 30,
1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

         The cost of assets  recorded under capital leases was $15.0 million and
$12.7 million at April 30, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Accumulated amortization
on such  assets was $8.1  million  and $3.3  million at April 30, 1998 and 1997,
respectively.  The present value of minimum lease  payments under capital leases
as of April 30, 1998 was $7.5 million. Legal Proceedings

         On July 3,  1997,  a trust  claiming  to have  purchased  shares of the
Common Stock filed suit in Superior Court of the State of  California.  The suit
is entitled David T. O'Neal Trust, Dated 4/1/77, v. Vanstar Corporation, et al.,
Consolidated Case No. CV767266.  On January 21, 1998, the same plaintiff,  along
with another plaintiff  claiming to have purchased shares of Common Stock, filed
suit  in  the  United  States  District  Court  for  the  Northern  District  of
California, making allegations virtually identical to those in the earlier suit.
The recent suit is captioned  David T. O'Neal  Trust,  Dated  4/1/77,  et al. v.
Vanstar  Corporation,  et al.,  Case  No.  C-98-0216  MJJ.  Both  suits  name as
defendants the Company,  certain directors and officers of the Company,  and the
Company's principal  stockholder,  Warburg Pincus Capital Co., L.P., and certain
of its


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


affiliates.  The complaints in both suits generally allege,  among other things,
that the defendants made false or misleading statements or concealed information
regarding the Company and that the  plaintiffs,  as holders of the Common Stock,
suffered damage as a result.

         The  plaintiffs in both suits seek class action  status,  purporting to
represent a class of purchasers of Common Stock between March 11, 1996 and March
14, 1997, and seek damages in an unspecified amount, together with other relief.
The  complaint  in the first  suit  purports  to state a cause of  action  under
California law; the complaint in the recent suit purports to state two causes of
action  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  On January 28,  1998,  the
California Superior Court dismissed the plaintiffs'  complaint in the first suit
but  granted the  plaintiffs  leave to amend to cure the  deficiencies  in their
complaint.  The plaintiffs have amended the complaint, but the court has not yet
ruled on the sufficiency of that amended  complaint.  The Company  believes that
the  plaintiffs'  allegations  in both suits are  without  merit and  intends to
defend the suits vigorously.

         Various  legal  actions  arising in the normal  course of business have
been  brought  against the Company and certain of its  subsidiaries.  Management
believes that the ultimate  resolution of these actions will not have a material
adverse  effect on the Company's  financial  position or results of  operations,
taken as a whole.


Initial Public Offering

     On March 11, 1996, the Company completed an initial public offering selling
9,215,770  shares of its Common Stock for  approximately  $83.4 million,  net of
issuance costs.

Preferred Stock, Common Stock and Warrants

     Concurrent  with the  consummation  of the  initial  public  offering,  all
outstanding  shares of Senior Preferred Stock, Class F Preferred Stock and Class
B  Common  Stock  were  converted  into  19,018,088   shares  of  Common  Stock.
Additionally,  all outstanding  warrants were exchanged for 4,995,691  shares of
Common  Stock,  all  accrued  dividends  payable  to the  holder  of the  Senior
Preferred  Stock  totaling  $6.2  million  were  forgiven and all such stock and
warrants converted to Common Stock were canceled.

     As of April 30, 1998,  the Company had  15,000,000  shares of  undesignated
Preferred Stock, $0.01 par value, authorized. No shares have been issued.

     At April 30,  1998,  the  Company  had  7,300,640  shares  of Common  Stock
reserved for future  issuance in connection  with the Company's stock option and
stock purchase plans.


     The Company has  elected to follow APB 25 and related  interpretations,  in
accounting  for  employee  stock  options  issued to  certain  of the  Company's
employees.  Under APB 25,  because the  exercise  price of the  Company's  stock
options  equals  the  market  value of the  underlying  stock on the date of the
grant, no compensation expense is recognized.

Stock Option Plans

     The Company has three stock option plans which  provide for the issuance of
incentive  stock  options  ("ISOs"),  stock options that are  non-qualified  for
Federal income tax purposes  ("NQSOs") and stock  appreciation  rights ("SARs").
The 1988  Stock  Option  Plan was  adopted  in July  1988 and  provides  for the
issuance of ISOs, NQSOs and SARs to key employees and directors.  The 1993 Stock
Option/Stock  Issuance  Plan was  adopted  in April  1993 and  provides  for the
issuance of shares of Common Stock, ISOs, NQSOs and SARs to highly


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


compensated,  managerial  employees,  officers  and  directors.  The 1996  Stock
Option/Stock  Issuance  Plan was  adopted in August  1996 and  provides  for the
issuance of shares of Common Stock, ISOs, NQSOs and SARs to officers,  directors
and employees of, and  consultants  to, the Company.  The exercise  price of the
ISOs under all plans may not be less than 100% of the fair  market  value of the
Common Stock at the time of grant.  Under the 1993 plan,  the exercise  price of
the  NQSOs  may not be less  than  85% of the fair  market  value at the time of
grant.  At April 30, 1998,  the total number of shares of Common Stock for which
options  may be  granted  pursuant  to the 1988,  1993,  and 1996 plans were 2.3
million,  2.4 million and 3.3 million,  respectively.  Under all plans,  options
generally become exercisable  ratably over a four or five year period and expire
in ten years. At April 30, 1998, no SARs had been issued.

     A summary of the Company's stock option activity,  and related  information
for the fiscal  years  ended  April 30,  1998,  1997 and 1996 is as follows  (in
thousands, except for weighted-average exercise prices):

                                                          Weighted Average
                                                      Number of      Exercise
                                                       Options        Price
                                                    -----------    ----------
Balance at April 30, 1995                                2,161      $     5.71
       Granted                                           2,967            4.35
       Exercised                                           (26)           5.83
       Canceled                                         (1,285)           5.80
  Balance at April 30, 1996                              3,817      $     4.62
       Granted                                           1,557           14.22
       Exercised                                          (597)           4.87
       Canceled                                           (307)           6.07
  Balance at April 30, 1997                              4,470      $     7.83
       Granted                                           1,763           10.03
       Exercised                                          (236)           5.21
       Canceled                                           (768)           8.45
  Balance at April 30, 1998                              5,229      $     8.60
  Exercisable at April 30, 1998                          2,408      $     7.66
  Shares Available for Grant at April 30, 1998           1,868

         The following table  summarizes  information  about the Company's stock
options outstanding and exercisable by price range at April 30, 1998 (options in

                                                    Exercise Price Ranges                Total
                                    ---------------------------------------------     -----------
                                    $0.18-$5.55   $ 6.00-$10.00     $10.13-$23.87     $0.18-23.87
                                    -----------   -------------     -------------     -----------
Number outstanding at April 30, 1998       1,906          1,661             1,662        5,229
Weighted-average remaining
      contractual life                      5.90 years     8.55 years        8.91 years   7.70 years
Weighted-average exercise price
for options outstanding                    $3.58          $9.15            $13.82        $8.60
Number exercisable at April 30, 1998       1,249            590               569        2,408
Weighted-average exercise price
     for options exercisable               $3.88          $9.25            $14.29        $7.66


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


Stock Purchase Plan

      The Company  provides an employee stock purchase plan (the "Stock Purchase
Plan") allowing  eligible  employees to purchase shares of the Common Stock. The
Stock  Purchase Plan is intended to qualify as an employee  stock  purchase plan
under Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").
The total number of shares of Common  Stock  authorized  for issuance  under the
plan is  1,000,000.  All  full-time  employees  of the Company  are  eligible to
participate,  subject to certain  limited  exceptions.  The Stock  Purchase Plan
provides a means for the Company's  employees to purchase stock through  payroll
deductions  of up to 10% of their gross  compensation.  The  purchase  price for
shares offered under the Stock Purchase Plan is equal to 85% of the lower of the
closing  price of the  Common  Stock on the  first or last day of the six  month
offer  period.  During  fiscal year 1998 and 1997,  the Company sold 406,827 and
389,245  shares,  respectively  of Common Stock under the Stock Purchase Plan to
its employees. Pro Forma Information

      Pro forma  disclosure  information  regarding  net income and earnings per
share is required by Statement  123, and has been  determined  as if the Company
had accounted  for its stock options and the Stock  Purchase Plan under the fair
value method of that Statement.

      For purposes of pro forma  disclosures  only,  the estimated fair value of
the options is amortized to expense over the options'  vesting period.  The fair
value for all options was estimated at the date of grant using the Black-Scholes
multiple option pricing model with the following assumptions:

                                              1998              1997             1996
                                           -----------       -----------      -----------
   Expected volatility                      69%               71%               71%
   Risk-free interest rate                    5.8%             6.2%              6.0%
   Expected life of options                   2.0 years        2.0 years         2.0 years
   Expected dividend yield                    0.0%             0.0%              0.0%

      The  weighted-average  fair value per share of options  granted during the
years  ended  April  30,  1998,  1997 and  1996 was  $10.03,  $8.09  and  $2.55,
respectively.  Pro forma net income reflects only options granted in fiscal year
1998, 1997 and 1996. Therefore,  the impact of calculating compensation cost for
stock  options  will not be fully  reflected in the pro forma net income and pro
forma earnings per share amounts until fiscal year 2000.

      For purposes of pro forma disclosures  only,  compensation cost associated
with the Stock  Purchase Plan is estimated for the fair value of the  employees'
purchase rights using the Black-Scholes model with the following assumptions

                                      1998            1997            1996
                                   -----------     -----------     -----------
   Expected volatility                    61%             58%             72%
   Risk-free interest rate               5.4%            5.3%            5.4%
   Expected life of options          .5 years        .5 years        .5 years
   Expected dividend yield               0.0%            0.0%            0.0%

     The weighted-average  fair value per share of those purchase rights granted
in fiscal year 1998, 1997 and 1996 was $2.75, $2.94 and $2.12, respectively.

      The  Black  Scholes  option  valuation  model  was  developed  for  use in
estimating the fair value of traded  options which have no vesting  restrictions
and are fully transferable.  Option valuation models require the input of highly
subjective assumptions,  including the expected stock price volatility.  Because
the Company's employee


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


stock options have characteristics  significantly different from those of traded
options,  and because changes in the assumptions can materially  affect the fair
value estimate,  in management's opinion, the existing models do not necessarily
provide a  reliable  single  measure  of the fair  value of its  employee  stock

         Pro forma net income,  earnings per share and compensation  expense are
as follows (in thousands, except per share data):

                                                                 YEAR ENDED APRIL 30,
                                                          1998            1997            1996
                                                     ------------    ------------    -----------
   Net income                      As reported       $     35,947    $     28,807    $    16,708
                                   Pro forma               29,578          22,739         14,580

   Basic earnings per share        As reported                .83             .68            .50
                                   Pro forma                  .70             .54            .45

   Diluted earnings per share      As reported                .81             .66            .47
                                   Pro forma                  .68             .53            .42

   Compensation expense            Pro forma                8,937           8,555          3,221

401(k) Plan

         The Company provides a savings plan under section 401(k) of the Code to
substantially  all domestic  employees who are over the age of 21. Employees can
contribute  up to 12% of  their  annual  salary  to the  plan up to the  maximum
allowed  by the Code.  Prior to August 1,  1996,  the  Company  matched  100% of
certain eligible employee  contributions up to $200 not to exceed the maximum of
1% of the employee's  eligible  compensation.  If the employee  contributed more
than $200 to the plan, the Company contributed an amount equal to the greater of
$200  or  25%  of  the  employee's  contribution  up to a  maximum  of 1% of the
employee's eligible compensation.  Effective August 1, 1996, the Company changed
its matching policy to 50% on the first 4% of eligible compensation  contributed
by an  eligible  employee  up to a  maximum  of 2% of  the  employee's  eligible
compensation.  The amount charged to expense for the matching  contribution  was
$2.1 million,  $1.3 million and $0.7  million,  for the fiscal years ended April
30, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.


     The income tax provision for the years ended April 30, 1998,  1997 and 1996
computed under FASB Statement No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes,  consists of
the following (in thousands):

                                        1998           1997           1996
                                      --------       --------       --------
     Federal                          $ 21,371       $   (100)      $   (418)
     State                               3,710            100            100
                                      --------       --------       --------
                                        25,081              -           (318)
                                      --------       --------       --------
     Federal                            (4,698)        14,319          8,561
     State                                (160)         1,830          1,468
                                      --------       --------       --------
                                        (4,858)        16,149         10,029
                                      --------       --------       --------
Total provision for income taxes      $ 20,223       $ 16,149       $  9,711
                                      ========       ========       ========


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION


         The income tax provision  for the years ended April 30, 1998,  1997 and
1996 is allocated between discontinued and continuing  operations as follows (in

                                                          1998           1997          1996
                                                        --------       --------       ------
Provision on income before distribution on
     preferred securities of Trust                      $ 25,236       $ 19,042       $4,311
Tax benefit allocable to distribution on preferred
    securities of Trust                                   (5,013)        (2,893)           -
                                                        --------       --------       ------
Net provision allocated to continuing operations          20,223         16,149        4,311

Provision allocated to operations of discontinued
     Businesses and income on disposal of
     discontinued businesses                                   -              -        5,400
                                                        --------       --------       ------
Total provision for income taxes                        $ 20,223       $ 16,149       $9,711
                                                        ========       ========       ======

         Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the  net  tax  effects  of  temporary
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial
reporting purposes and income tax purposes.  Significant  components of deferred
tax assets at April 30, 1998 and 1997 consist of the following (in thousands):

                                                 1998        1997
                                               -------      -------
Net operating loss carryforwards               $     -      $ 1,490
Reserves                                        11,837        8,237
Inventory                                        4,554        5,128
State income taxes                               1,567            -
Alternative minimum tax credits                  2,163            -
Other expenses, not currently deductible           479            -
                                               -------      -------
      Total net deferred tax assets            $20,600      $14,855
                                               =======      =======

         The full  realization  of the $20.6  million  of  deferred  tax  assets
carried at April 30, 1998 is  dependent  upon the Company  achieving  sufficient
future pretax earnings. Although realization is not assured, management believes
that sufficient  taxable income will be generated through  operations to realize
the net deferred tax assets.

         A  reconciliation  for the years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996 of
the U.S.  statutory  income  tax rate and the  effective  rate of the income tax
provision allocated to continuing operations is as follows (in thousands):

                                                  1998           1997          1996
                                                --------       --------       -------
Statutory tax rate at 35%                       $ 19,660       $ 15,734       $ 4,138
State income taxes, net of federal benefit         2,308          1,930           536
Other                                             (1,745)        (1,515)         (363)
                                                --------       --------       -------
                                                $ 20,223       $ 16,149       $ 4,311
                                                ========       ========       =======


                               VANSTAR CORPORATION



     Effective  during  the year  ended  April 30,  1998,  the  Company  adopted
Statement No. 128.  Statement No. 128  supersedes  Accounting  Principles  Board
Opinion No. 15, Earnings Per Share and changes the  presentation of earnings per
share.  Statement  No. 128  replaces the  presentation  of primary EPS and fully
diluted EPS with basic EPS and diluted  EPS.  Basic EPS is based on the weighted
average  number  of  common  shares  outstanding.  Diluted  EPS is  based on the
weighted  average number of common shares  outstanding and potentially  dilutive
common  shares,  such as stock  options.  The Company has restated  earnings per
share for all prior periods presented. (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                         FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30,
                                                        1998         1997          1996
                                                       -------      -------      -------
     Net Income                                        $35,947      $28,807      $16,708
                                                       =======      =======      =======
     Weighted average number of common
          shares outstanding                            43,180       42,388       33,665
                                                       =======      =======      =======

     Earnings per share                                $  0.83      $   .68      $   .50
                                                       =======      =======      =======

     Net Income                                        $35,947      $28,807      $16,708
                                                       =======      =======      =======

     Weighted average number of common
          shares outstanding                            43,180       42,388       33,665

     Common equivalent shares from stock
          options using the treasury stock method        1,208        1,589        1,838
                                                       -------      -------      -------

     Shares used in the per share calculation           44,388       43,977       35,503
                                                       =======      =======      =======

     Earnings per share                                $  0.81      $  0.66      $  0.47
                                                       =======      =======      =======


         When the Company combined with Mentor  Technologies and CDS in the year
ended April 30, 1997 in pooling-of-interests  transactions,  the Company did not
restate its  consolidated  financial  statements  retroactively.  Recently,  the
Company has discussed  these  transactions  with the staff of the Securities and
Exchange  Commission.  Based in part on these discussions and recent information
available  on  the   application  of  materiality  in  accounting  for  business
combinations,  the Company has restated its  consolidated  balance  sheets as of
April 30, 1998 and 1997,  and the  related  consolidated  statements  of income,
stockholders'  equity,  and cash flows for the three  years in the period  ended
April 30, 1998 to reflect the retroactive combination of these two acquisitions.


                              VANSTAR CORPORATION


         The impact of the restatement is summarized below (in thousands, except
for per share data):

At April 30, 1998                                                     Reported        Restated
                                                                     ----------      ----------
Additional paid-in capital                                           $  132,703      $  132,940
Retained earnings                                                        75,202          74,965

At April 30, 1997                                                     Reported        Restated
                                                                     ----------      ----------
Additional paid-in capital                                           $  125,926      $  126,163
Retained earnings                                                        41,002          40,765

For the year ended April 30, 1997                                     Reported        Restated
                                                                     ----------      ----------
Revenue                                                              $2,178,566      $2,214,786
Income from continuing operations before
     distributions on preferred securities of Trust                      35,138          33,951
Net income                                                               29,994          28,807
Earnings per share - diluted                                               0.69            0.66

For the year ended April 30, 1996                                     Reported        Restated
                                                                     ----------      ----------
Revenue                                                              $1,804,813      $1,884,635
Income from continuing operations before
     distributions on preferred securities of Trust                       8,053           7,514
Net income                                                               17,247          16,708
Earnings per share - diluted                                               0.50            0.47
