Exhibit Description

         99.1     Press Release

Exhibit 99.1


InaCom Appoints Gerald A. Gagliardi President and CEO

     OMAHA, Neb.-- Oct. 18, 1999 -- Bill L. Fairfield,  Chairman of the Board of
InaCom Corp. (NYSE:  ICO), today announced the appointment of G.A.  Gagliardi as
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Inacom,  a  $6.9  billion  global
technology services leader.

     "The  appointment  of Gerry  Gagliardi  as  President  and CEO is part of a
business  transformation  we started in late 1998,"  Fairfield  said. "The first
move was to take the lead in industry  consolidation  through the acquisition of
Vanstar. This gave us a total of some 7,500 technical  professionals,  including
660 Microsoft certified engineers, to bolster the services side of our business.
The Vanstar  acquisition  also gave us the critical mass  necessary to invest in
the transformation of our business and to move aggressively in eBusiness. We are
well-positioned  to grow both the  distribution  and services  businesses  while
leveraging the relationship between the two."

     "A  critically  important  next  move in my view  was the  selection  of an
outstanding  individual,  with  a  strong  services  background,  to  drive  the
transformation,"  Fairfield  added.  "Gerry's  industry-leading  experience  and
capabilities will be a tremendous asset to us. He will provide the leadership to
turbocharge an already strong engine."

     Gagliardi comes to Inacom from Unisys  Corporation  where he was President,
Global Customer Services and Corporate Executive Vice President.

     "It's  a  great  opportunity,"  Gagliardi  said.  "I'm  excited  about  the
prospects for Inacom.  Making the decision to leave Unisys,  after 28 years, was
extremely  difficult.  Bill, and others associated with Inacom,  spent countless
hours  sharing  their  vision.  In the end, I realized I needed the freedom this
opportunity  offers  to build  the type of  independent  services  business  the
customers are demanding.

     "There  are  challenges,  but I  look  forward  to  operating  in  an  open
marketplace   that  is  unencumbered  by  proprietary   technology  and  service
offerings,"  Gagliardi added.  "It's a great time to be coming on board, and I'm
really looking forward to it."

     "Now  that  we've  named   Gerry,   we're   ready  to  continue   with  our
transformation  to  bring  even  better  solutions  to our  clients,"  Fairfield
continued.  "With a base of more than $850 million in services  revenues and our
elite corps of technical  professionals and certified engineers, we have a great
foundation  for becoming the  preeminent  technology  solutions  company.  Gerry
Gagliardi  can  quickly  take us where we want and expect to be six,  twelve and
eighteen months from now. I'm not only totally comfortable giving him the reins,
I'm excited about his leadership."

     Gagliardi's  earlier  positions  with  Unisys  included  President,  Global
Customer  Services and  Corporate  Senior Vice  President,  and Vice  President,
Customer  Services  Worldwide.  He had been an officer of the corporation  since
1994. His early career began with Unisys in 1971 and included technical services
management as well as sales and marketing  management.  (Unisys was created with
the merger of Burroughs  and Sperry in 1986.)  Post-merger,  Gagliardi's  career
included a number of increasingly  responsible executive management positions in
both services and services marketing.

     Gagliardi holds a BA in economics and an MBA from Syracuse  University.  He
has also received  several of the most  prestigious  Unisys  corporate awards in
margin  improvement,  exceeding  financial  targets  and  innovation.  He is the
recipient of the highest award  offered by Unisys,  the  Chairman's  Pinnacle of
Excellence award for major long-term corporate contribution.

     "It's easy to see the  executive  qualities in Gerry that several  business
leaders have described to us," Fairfield  added.  "His  dedication to maximizing
resources and  profitability,  his  willingness  to innovate,  his insistence on
performance are  impressive.  What has also been important in making this choice
for Inacom is Gerry's belief in the core values that are so essential to our way
of doing business at Inacom.  We expect our  employees  -- our  leaders -- to be
customer centered and family centered, to act with integrity, and to have a good
time doing their best. He's the person we need."

     With this appointment, Fairfield vacates the President and CEO position. He
remains  as  Chairman  of  the  Board  and  will  continue  to  drive  corporate
transformation activities, working closely with Gagliardi.

     "I'm  a  significant  shareholder,"  Fairfield  added.  "I'm  committed  to
continuing  to work  so that  the  shareholders  receive  full  value  from  the
foundation  we've laid.  This is a strong move and I'm really looking forward to
working with Gerry."

     "Working with Bill and the Board,  we're going to do some exciting things,"
Gagliardi added.  "There is a lot of innovative  energy within Inacom.  Bill has
developed a wonderful business. I'm grateful for the opportunity, and I'm really
looking forward to working with one of the best teams in the business."

     Fairfield  founded  Inacom  in 1982 and has been  President  and CEO for 17
years. Through successful growth strategies,  key mergers and acquisitions,  and
notably strong business alliances with enterprise partners, the Corporation grew
to gain a position  amongst the Fortune 500. The Company became publicly held in
1987 on the Nasdaq Stock  Exchange and in 1997 moved its listing to the New York
Stock Exchange  (NYSE:  ICO).  Fairfield began his career with Eastman Kodak and
was  President  and  General  Manager  of the  Irrigation  Division  of  Valmont
Industries,  the founding  parent of Inacom.  Fairfield holds a BA in industrial
engineering from Bradley  University and an MBA from Harvard  University.  He is
the recipient of the 1999  technology  Entrepreneur  of the Year regional award,
and the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce "Headliner" award, 1998.

About InaCom

     InaCom Corp.  (NYSE:  ICO) is a $6.9 billion  global Fortune 500 technology
services leader.

     The company  designs,  implements  and manages  technology  solutions  that
optimize clients' return on IT investments.  Inacom's client portfolio  includes
more than 35% of Fortune 500 corporations.

     Inacom's solutions utilize desktop, client/server and network technologies.
The company leverages more than 17 years' experience with distributed technology
as well as its proven methodologies, size and independent perspective to benefit