Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board of Directors
Delta and Pine Land Company:

We consent to the  incorporation  by  reference in the  registration  statements
(Nos. 333-21049 and 333-74168) on Form S-8 of Delta and Pine Land Company of our
reports dated October 25, 2004, with respect to the  consolidated  balance sheet
of  Delta  and  Pine  Land  Company  as of  August  31,  2004,  and the  related
consolidated  statements of operations,  stockholders'  equity and comprehensive
income,  and cash flows for the year  ended  August 31,  2004,  and all  related
financial  statement  schedules,  which  reports  appear in the August 31, 2004,
annual report on Form 10-K of Delta and Pine Land Company.


Memphis, Tennessee
November 15, 2004