March 14, 2006

Harris N.A.
111 West Monroe, LLE
Chicago, IL 60603
Attention: Jim Fox, Trust Operations

Illinois Stock Transfer Company
209 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Attention: Bob Pearson, Trust Operations

          Re:  Notice of Removal of Rights  Agent and  Appointment  of Successor
          Rights Agent and Amendment No. 3 to the Rights Agreement (this "Notice
          and Amendment")

Ladies and Gentlemen:

1.       Pursuant to Section 21 of the Rights Agreement, dated as of August 13,
         1996 (as previously amended, the "Rights Agreement") between Delta and
         Pine Land Company (the "Company") and Harris N.A., successor to Harris
         Trust and Savings Bank (the "Rights Agent"), the Company hereby
         provides notice of the Rights Agent's removal as rights agent pursuant
         to the Rights Agreement, which removal shall be effective as of March
         14, 2006, and the Rights Agent hereby accepts and agrees to such
         removal, effective as of March 14, 2006, and waives the time periods,
         notice and other requirements for removal of the Rights Agent pursuant
         to the Rights Agreement by its countersignature to this Amendment No. 3
         to Rights Agreement in the space provided below.

2.       Pursuant to Section 21 of the Rights Agreement, the Company hereby
         appoints Illinois Stock Transfer Company ("IST") as successor to the
         Rights Agent, as rights agent to act as agent for the Company and the
         holders of Rights (as defined in the Rights Agreement) (who, in
         accordance with Section 3 of the Rights Agreement will also be, prior
         to the Distribution Date (as defined in the Rights Agreement) the
         holders of Common Shares (as defined in the Rights Agreement)) in
         accordance with the terms and conditions of the Rights Agreement, which
         appointment will be effective as of March 14, 2006, and IST hereby
         accepts such appointment, also effective as of March 14, 2006, and
         agrees that it complies with the requirements of the New York Stock
         Exchange governing transfer agents and registrars, by its
         countersignature to this Amendment No. 3 to Rights Agreement in the
         space provided below.

3.       Pursuant to Section 27 of the Rights Agreement, the Company, by
         resolution adopted by its Directors, and the Rights Agent hereby amend
         the Rights Agreement as follows, and IST agrees to be bound thereby:

(a)      The Company and IST agree that the address and contact information set
         forth above for IST will be the information for IST for purposes of
         Section 26 of the Rights Agreement.

(b)      The Rights Agreement shall not otherwise be supplemented or amended by
         virtue of this Notice and Amendment, but shall remain in full force and

(c)      This Notice and Amendment will be deemed to be a contract made under
         the internal substantive laws of the State of Delaware and for all
         purposes will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
         internal substantive laws of such State applicable to contracts to be
         made and performed entirely within such State.

(d)      This Notice and Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts
         and each of such counterparts will for all purposes be deemed to be an
         original, and all such counterparts will together constitute but one
         and the same instrument.

(e)      All exhibits to the Rights Agreement shall be deemed amended in a
         manner consistent with this Notice and Amendment.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          DELTA AND PINE LAND COMPANY

                                          By:    /s/ W. Thomas Jagodinski
                                          W. Thomas Jagodinski
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer


Accepted and agreed to as of the date first         Accepted and agreed to as of the date
written above:                                      first written above:

ILLINOIS STOCK TRANSFER                             HARRIS N.A. (successor to Harris Trust
COMPANY, as successor Rights Agent                  and Savings Bank), as former Rights Agent

By: /s/ Robert G. Pearson                           By: /s/ Martin J. McHale
    --------------------------------                    -------------------------------
Name: Robert G. Pearson                             Name: Martin J. McHale
Title: President & CEO                              Title: VP