TO:  Participants in the Delta and Pine Land Company Savings Plan (the "Plan" or

FROM: Delta and Pine Land Company, Plan Administrator

DATE: May 29, 2007 - Updated notice

RE: Sale of the Delta and Pine Land Company Stock in the D&PL  Unitized  Company
Stock Fund

As you know, Monsanto Company and Delta and Pine Land Company ("D&PL") have
entered into an agreement whereby Monsanto will acquire D&PL, pending certain
governmental approvals. We are working towards completing the acquisition as
quickly as possible, but because we do not control the timing of the applicable
governmental approvals, we cannot be sure when the transaction will be

This is an updated notice of the earlier memo sent in March concerning how the
acquisition will impact your account in the Delta and Pine Land Company Savings
Plan ("D&PL Savings Plan") if you have any portion of your Plan account invested
in the Plan's D&PL Unitized Company Stock Fund on the date the acquisition is

The Plan holds D&PL stock in the Unitized Company Stock Fund. Starting with the
closing of the acquisition, the following events are anticipated to occur:

     o Once the acquisition is completed, you will no longer be able to transfer
     money from another fund into the D&PL Unitized Company Stock Fund.

     o In connection with the acquisition, Monsanto will pay $42.00 per share to
     holders of D&PL stock.

     o Wells Fargo Bank,  N.A., the Trustee for the Plan,  will receive the cash
     proceeds for the shares of D&PL stock held by the Plan.

     o The cash  proceeds  will then be  invested  in the Wells Fargo Short Term
     Investment Fund G, the current cash component of the D&PL Unitized  Company
     Stock Fund.

     o  Beginning  with the date the  acquisition  is  completed,  a brief quiet
     period  known  as a  "blackout  period"  of 2 to 5  business  days  may  be
     necessary  in order  for  customary  accounting  reconciliations  and other
     recordkeeping  to be completed.  During this time,  you will not be able to
     transfer money to or from the D&PL Unitized Company Stock Fund, or obtain a
     distribution from the D&PL Unitized Company Stock Fund.

      Memo re: D&PL Savings Plan
      May 29, 2007 - Updated Notice
      Page Two

     Note: This quiet period does not apply to any other investment funds within
     the D&PL Savings Plan.

     o When the blackout period is over, you will be able to transfer your money
     out of the Wells Fargo Short Term Investment Fund G. We strongly  encourage
     you to  consider  diversifying  the  cash  proceeds  at that  time to other
     investment  options  within the D&PL Savings Plan that have risk and return
     characteristics appropriate to your financial situation.

     o Once the  acquisition is completed,  if you have elected to have all or a
     portion of your  current  contributions  to the Plan  invested  in the D&PL
     Unitized  Company  Stock  Fund,  we strongly  encourage  you to change your
     investment   election  for  future   contributions  at  that  time  as  any
     contributions  designated  for the Stock  Fund  made  after the date of the
     acquisition  will be invested in the Wells Fargo Short Term Investment Fund

Until the acquisition is completed, you may make transfers to and from the D&PL
Unitized Company Stock Fund without restriction in accordance with the terms of
the Plan.

Please refer to the attached Important Notice Concerning Your Rights Under the
Delta and Pine Land Savings Plan for more detailed information regarding these
and other limitations.

We will notify you of the date the acquisition will be completed and the date
the blackout period will begin, once that information is finalized. Meanwhile,
if you have any questions concerning this Important Notice, please contact
Catherine Walker, HR Compensation and Benefits Manager, ext. 130 in Scott; Ann
Shackelford, Vice President, Corporate Services, ext. 514 in Scott; or Kenny
Avery, Chief Financial Officer, ext. 775 in Scott.

For more complete information about the Wells Fargo Short Term Investment Fund,
obtain a current disclosure statement by visiting
http://wellsfargoadvantagefunds.com by entering your keyword: collective or
calling the Benefits Helpline at (888) 245-9798.



                                  May 29, 2007

     1. If the  acquisition of Delta and Pine Land Company  ("D&PL") by Monsanto
     Company ("Monsanto") is completed, Monsanto will be the sole shareholder of
     D&PL.  Holders of D&PL  stock,  including  the Delta and Pine Land  Company
     Savings Plan (the "Plan"), will receive cash in exchange for their stock at
     the effective time of the merger. Wells Fargo, as the trustee for the Plan,
     will  invest the cash  proceeds  from the  exchange of shares in the Plan's
     Company unitized stock fund (the "Fund") in its short term cash fund.

     2. As a result of this change,  you temporarily will be unable to direct or
     diversify investments currently held in the Fund. This period, during which
     you will be unable to exercise these rights  otherwise  available under the
     Plan,  is  called a  "blackout  period."  Whether  or not you are  planning
     retirement in the near future,  we encourage you to carefully  consider how
     this blackout period may affect your retirement  planning,  as well as your
     overall financial plan.

     3. The blackout  period for the Fund is expected to begin at the  effective
     time of the merger and to end five  business  days  thereafter.  Because we
     cannot  predict the exact  timing of the merger,  we will keep you informed
     regarding  the  timing  of the  merger  and you  will be able to  determine
     whether   the   blackout   period  has   started  or  ended  by   accessing
     https://www.wellsfargo.com/retirementplan or the following toll-free number
     (888) 245-9798.

     4. During the blackout period you will be unable to direct or diversify the
     assets  held in the  Fund.  You  will  continue  to be able  to  direct  or
     diversify  the assets  held in all other  investment  funds under the Plan,
     except that you cannot  direct such assets into the Fund.  For this reason,
     it is very  important that you review and consider the  appropriateness  of
     your current  investments in light of your inability to direct or diversify
     those  investments  in the  Fund  during  the  blackout  period.  For  your
     long-term retirement security, you should give careful consideration to the
     importance of a well-balanced and diversified investment portfolio,  taking
     into account all your assets, income and investments.

     5.  Federal  law  generally  requires  that you be  furnished  notice  of a
     blackout  period at least 30 days in  advance of the last date on which you
     could exercise your affected rights  immediately before the commencement of
     any  blackout  period  in order to  provide  you  with  sufficient  time to
     consider the effect of the blackout period on your retirement and financial
     plans.  The blackout  period will commence  with the effective  time of the
     merger  between D&PL and Monsanto.  We are working  toward  completing  the
     merger as quickly as possible,  but we cannot predict the exact timing.  We
     expect  to  complete  the  merger  after  satisfaction  or  waiver  of  all
     conditions to the merger. However,  because we do not control the timing of
     the applicable  governmental approvals, we cannot be sure when, or whether,
     the merger will occur.  Given the uncertainty  regarding the effective time
     of the  merger,  this notice may not be provided to you at least 30 days in
     advance of the blackout period.

     6. If you have any questions  concerning  this notice,  you should  contact
     Catherine Walker,  D&PL HR Compensation and Benefits  Manager,  ext. 130 in
     Scott; Ann Shackelford,  D&PL VP, Corporate Services, ext. 514 in Scott; or
     Kenny Avery, D&PL Chief Financial Officer, ext. 775 in Scott.

     Delta and Pine Land Company P.O. Box 157 Scott, Mississippi 38772