THIS AGREEMENT is made and
entered into as of September 1, 1997,  by and between Delta & Pine Land Company,
a Delaware corporation, with offices at One Cotton Row, Scott, Mississippi 38772
(hereinafter called the "Corporation") and W. T. Jagodinksi,  of 8836 Silverbark
Dr., Germantown, Tennessee (hereinafter referred to as "Employee"). WHEREAS, the
Corporation is engaged in the business of breeding, producing,  conditioning and
marketing  cotton  planting seed,  and maintains its principal  office in Scott,
Mississippi;  and WHEREAS,  the Employee has heretofore served as an Employee of
the Corporation at the will of both the Corporation and the Employee and without
the formality of a written employment  agreement;  and WHEREAS, the parties have
agreed that it is  appropriate  to  increase  the base  compensation  payable to
Employee and the parties  find it to be in their  respective  best  interests to
modify  the  terms of the  employment  relationship  which  exists  between  the
parties;  and  WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  desires  to secure a  non-competition
covenant from Employee; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement believe it is
in their  respective  best  interests to formalize an  employment  agreement and
thereby provide certain additional  benefits and considerations in favor of both
the Corporation and the Employee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual
covenants  contained therein,  and other good and valuable  considerations,  the
receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by and between the parties, the
parties agree as follows:  I. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT It is the specific  intent of
the parties to outline the agreed-upon  terms of employment of the Employee.  It
is also the  specific  intent of the  parties to protect the  Employee  from any
adverse  actions  directed  toward  the  Employee  resulting  from any Change in
Control or in  Anticipation  of a Change in Control as the terms are utilized in
this  Agreement.  The parties  understand  and  acknowledge  that if a Change in
Control  should  take place that  notwithstanding  the past  performance  of the
Employee,  his  loyalty  to the  Corporation,  or  his  abilities  or  continued
performance,  that persons  assuming  control of the Corporation  might elect to
arbitrarily  terminate the Employee,  assign him to duties and  responsibilities
beneath  his  status  and  capacity,  transfer  him to  unacceptable  locales or
communities,  or  otherwise  take steps  which  would be  designed to elicit his
resignation  or create a situation  where he could be terminated  for other than
good cause as defined  herein.  Accordingly,  this Agreement is entered into for
the purpose of both providing for the continued employment of the Employee under
current  ownership  circumstances,  and further to protect  the  Employee in the
event of a Change in  Control or actions  taken in  Anticipation  of a Change in
Control.  Nothing in this Agreement is intended to alter or affect stock options
which have been granted or which may hereinafter be granted to the Employee. II.
EMPLOYMENT 1. The Corporation hereby employs,  engages and hires Employee as the
Corporation's  Vice President of Finance and Treasurer.  The Employee shall have
and  agrees  to  assume  primary  responsibility,  subject  at all  times to the
reasonable  control of the President,  Chief Executive  Officer and the Board of
Directors,  for  supervising  and  overseeing  accounting,  finance and treasury
functions of the  Corporation.  2. The Employee  agrees to make available to the
Corporation all of his professional  and managerial  knowledge and skill, and to
provide  such portion of his time as may be  reasonably  required for the proper
fulfillment  of his duties.  3. Employee  shall perform such other duties as are
customarily  performed  by one holding such  position in other,  same or similar
businesses or  enterprises  as that engaged in by the  Corporation.  4. Employee
shall  serve  in such  additional  offices  and  capacities  to  which he may be
appointed  or  elected,  from  time to time,  by the Board of  Directors  of the
Corporation.   5.  Employee  agrees  that  he  will  at  all  times  faithfully,
industriously and to the best of his reasonable ability,  experience and talents
perform all of the duties  that may be required of and from him  pursuant to the
expressed terms of this  Agreement.  6. The parties agree that the Employee will
perform his duties in Scott, Mississippi or Shelby County, Tennessee, or in such
other place or places as the Corporation and the Employee shall both agree upon,
subject to reasonable  business-related  travel  required by the Employer of the
Employee  consistent  with travel  required of other  executive  officers of the
Corporation.  III. TERM 1. The term of this  Agreement  shall be for a period of
two (2)  years  from the date  hereof.  The  Agreement  shall  automatically  be
extended each day so that at on any given date,  the time  remaining  under this
contract  shall be for an additional  two (2) year period,  unless a party shall
have given written notice to the other party of said party's intent to terminate
the automatic  extensions which otherwise take place daily. 2. The parties agree
that,  except as a result of a Change in Control or in  Anticipation of a Change
in Control,  either party can provide for an early termination of this Agreement
upon three (3) months  written  notice to the other.  If the Employee gives such
notice (except as a result of Change in Control or in  Anticipation  of a Change
in Control),  the  Corporation  may elect to immediately  terminate the Employee
without providing the employment  benefits  otherwise due to the Employee during
the  remainder  of the three (3) month  period.  Otherwise,  the  Employee  will
continue  to perform  his duties as required  under this  Agreement  during said
three (3) month period.  If the Corporation  elects to make an early termination
of employment  (except as a result of Change in Control or in  Anticipation of a
Change  in  Control),  then the  Employee  shall  remain  in the  employ  of the
Corporation for a period of three (3) months and receive all benefits  otherwise
payable to him pursuant to this  Agreement.  3. If the Employee is terminated at
the time of or following a Change in Control or in  Anticipation  of a Change in
Control,  or if the  Employee  resigns at the time of or  following  a Change in
Control,  the Employee shall receive the benefits  outlined in Section V herein.
4. If,  during the term of this  Agreement  but before a Change in Control,  the
Employee  shall  become  unable to  perform  his  duties by reason of illness or
incapacity  for a continuous  period of six (6) months,  or for a total of eight
(8) months or more during any twelve  (12) month  period,  then the  Corporation
may, at its option,  terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written  notice,  and
make  payment  to the  Employee  of the  compensation  payable  to the  Employee
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement as though the Agreement were  terminated
by the  Corporation as allowed in paragraph 2 of this Section.  The  Corporation
shall  thereafter  have no further  obligations  to the Employee or  liabilities
under this Agreement. IV. COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEE The Corporation shall pay the
Employee for all services to be performed  under this  Agreement as follows:  1.
Effective as of the date of this Agreement, the Corporation will pay Employee an
annual  base  salary of  $150,000.00.  Compensation  shall be  payable  in equal
monthly  installments  or more frequently if compensation is generally paid more
frequently  to other  executive  officers of the  Corporation.  Increases in the
annual base compensation shall be considered  annually by the Board of Directors
for the Corporation and the Employee's  compensation  shall be subject to upward
adjustment  from time to time as  determined  by the Board of  Directors  of the
Corporation. Increases in the Employee's compensation will be paid in conformity
with the Corporation's  practice for payment of other executive  officers of the
Corporation  as such practice may be  established or modified from time to time.
The Employee's  compensation may not be reduced. 2. The Corporation will pay the
Employee bonuses consistent with standard practices of the Corporation in paying
bonuses to other executive officers of the Corporation.  3. The Corporation will
provide Employee employee  benefits,  such as group health insurance,  including
executive  medical plan benefits,  long term  disability,  accidental  death and
dismemberment,  life insurance, the use of a company provided vehicle, a company
provided cellular telephone and all expenses associated therewith, participation
in retirement  plans,  profit sharing plans,  401K plans,  savings plans and all
other  fringe  benefits  upon the same  terms as are or shall be granted or made
available by the Corporation to its other executive officers. 4. The Employee is
expected and encouraged from time to time to incur expenses for the promotion of
the business of the  Corporation.  The  Corporation  shall timely  reimburse the
Employee for all reasonable and necessary expenses and disbursements incurred by
Employee in the  performance of his duties in keeping with past  practices.  The
Employee shall,  from time to time, but not more frequently than weekly nor less
frequently  than quarterly,  submit a report to the Chief Operating  Officer (or
his designee) of the Corporation in a form with such detail as will constitute a
proper record for tax deductible  expenses together with necessary  vouchers and
receipts therefore.  Expenses of a type which are typically  reimbursed to other
executive  officers of the Corporation shall be timely paid or reimbursed by the
Corporation.  V.  TERMINATION - CHANGE IN CONTROL 1. This Section is intended to
provide the  Employee  with  reasonable  protections  against  possible  adverse
employment  consequences resulting from a "Change in Control" or in Anticipation
of a "Change in Control".  2.  Following a Change in Control or at the time of a
Change in Control or if, in Anticipation of a Change in Control,  the employment
of the  Employee is  terminated  by the Employee or by the  Corporation  for any
reason other than "cause" as the term is used herein,  or disability as provided
in Section III, or the voluntary retirement of the Employee after he has reached
the age of 59-1/2 years,  the Corporation  shall pay the Employee,as a severance
package,  compensation  designed  to  compensate  him for at least the  two-year
period from the date of termination of employment  which is contemplated by this
Agreement,  as follows: (a) The Corporation shall immediately pay the Employee a
lump sum payment,  in cash,  in an amount equal to the largest  annual amount of
salary and bonus compensation (total compensation reported on the Employee's W-2
and any 1099s issued by the  Corporation,  excluding stock option  compensation)
paid to the Employee during any one calendar year which ends during the five (5)
years prior to the date of termination;  and (b) The Corporation  shall also pay
the Employee on a semi-monthly basis for 12 consecutive months commencing on the
first normal pay period following such termination, 1/2 of 1/12th (1/24th)of the
lump sum payment determined in the immediate  preceding  paragraph;  and (c) The
Corporation  shall  maintain  for the benefit of the Employee and his spouse and
any dependents,  at the expense of the Corporation,  for 24 months from the date
of termination of employment,  all Employee benefit  programs and  arrangements,
including but not limited to health insurance,  including executive medical plan
benefits, group life insurance,  individual life insurance coverage,  accidental
death and  dismemberment  coverage,  long term  disability  coverage,  and other
fringe benefits or benefit plans generally  afforded other executive officers of
the  Corporation.   If  any  such  coverage  cannot  be  maintained  because  of
requirements  of the insurance or other companies  providing such benefits,  the
Corporation shall provide and pay for alternative coverage providing essentially
identical benefits. The above period is to be in addition to that period of time
that the Employee may elect COBRA coverage under such applicable  benefit plans.
It is the specific  intent of the parties that the Employee shall be retained as
an  Employee  of the  Corporation  for the  24-month  period  for the  sole  and
exclusive  purpose of receiving  all such  benefits.  In this regard,  it is the
specific  agreement  of the  parties  that those  benefits  which are  typically
available  under  COBRA  coverage,  at the  expense  of the  Employee,  will  be
available to the Employee at his expense for a period of 18 months following the
expiration  of the 24 months  listed  above,  even though COBRA  coverage  might
otherwise be unavailable as provided by law; and (d) The Corporation  shall make
available  at its expense for the  Employee's  use for 24 months  following  the
termination  date, a cellular  telephone and a company  vehicle of the same make
and model which would  otherwise have been made available to the Employee had he
remained in the employ of the  Corporation in accordance with the vehicle policy
in effect as of the date of the Change in Control;  and (e) In lieu of shares of
common stock of the  Corporation  issuable upon  exercise of options  previously
granted to the Employee under the Corporation's stock option plans, the Employee
may elect to surrender to the Corporation  his rights in all  outstanding  stock
options then exercisable, if any, which are held by him, and upon such surrender
the Corporation  shall pay the Employee an amount in cash equal to the aggregate
difference,  on a per share basis,  between (i) the option  prices of the shares
subject  to such  surrendered  options;  and  (ii)  the  higher  of the  average
aggregate  price per share paid (in cash or other  consideration)  in connection
with  any  Change  in  Control  or the then  fair  market  value of the  shares,
whichever  is  greater;  and (f)  Employee  will  likely be required to employ a
reputable  national  exective career transition agency to assist him in locating
and securing suitable employment  opportunities.  To compensate Employee for the
costs which he will likely incur,  the  Corporation  will pay to Employee at the
time of  termination  an  amount  equal to 20% of the  amount  determined  under
Section  V 2(a).  Employee  will be  responsible  for  any and all  expenses  in
pursuing  an  executive  level  employment  or job  opportunity  search  and the
Corporation  shall have no other or further  obligations  to Employee  except as
otherwise  provided in this  Agreement.  (g) The  Corporation  shall continue to
cover the Employee under its Directors and Officers  liability  insurance policy
in substantially  the form of coverage as such policy may be in effect as to the
Employee  on the date of  termination,  for the longer of thirty six (36) months
following the  termination of employment or such period as similar such coverage
is maintained by the  Corporation,  its successors or assigns for the benefit of
former  directors  and  officers,  whichever  period  is  longer;  and  (h)  The
Corporation  shall  provide  the  Employee  with a job title ( Vice  President -
Special Projects),  reasonable  secretarial  assistance,  a voice mailbox, and a
mail drop  service to allow the Employee to initiate and continue his job search
as though he were still  actively  employed  by the  Corporation,  and  actively
handling Corporation matters. 3. It is specifically understood that the payments
to be made under  Section V 2 above shall not be  conditioned  upon the Employee
performing  any  duties  whatsoever  on behalf of the  Corporation  except as is
specifically outlined in this Agreement. 4. In the event of a Change in Control,
or in  Anticipation  of a Change in Control,  if the  employment of the Employee
with the  Corporation  is terminated and if the  Corporation  does not honor the
terms,  conditions  and  provisions  of this  Agreement,  and if the Employee is
required to seek and secure  independent  legal  counsel,  then the  Corporation
agrees to pay to the  Employee all ordinary  reasonable  legal  expenses and all
expenses of litigation  reasonably  incurred by the Employee in  protecting  his
rights under this Agreement.  5. In the event that any benefits  provided and/or
payments made to or on behalf of Employee pursuant to this Section V (other than
those  payments  pursuant to Section V paragraph 2 (a) and Section V paragraph 2
(b)) are deemed to be taxable to the  Employee  for federal or state  income tax
purposes,  the  Corporation  agrees to tax protect such  payments by grossing up
said taxable  amount,  using the highest  marginal  Federal and State income tax
rates in effect  (including FICA and Medicare taxes) for that year and paying to
the Employee such additional  amounts.  Said payment amounts shall be calculated
quarterly (on a  calendar-year  basis) and paid to the Employee by the fifteenth
day of the second month following the close of each quarter.  Final adjustments,
if any,  will be made  for  each  calendar  year by  March  15 of the  following
calendar  year and paid to the  Employee by that date.  VI.  NON-COMPETITION  1.
Employer  desires  Employee to agree not to compete with the  Corporation in the
event of the  termination  of  employment  following  a Change in  Control or in
Anticipation of a Change in Control.  Employer is not willing to enter into this
Agreement without such a covenant. As additional consideration for the agreement
of Employer to make  payments to or  otherwise  compensate  Employee  under this
Agreement,  Employer has required Employee to give a  Non-Competition  Covenant.
Employer may not waive the  non-competition  obligations  in this Section and be
relieved of any of its other obligations  under this Agreement.  2. In the event
of a Change  in  Control  or in  Anticipation  of a Change in  Control,  for the
one-year  period  following the  termination of Employee's  employment  with the
Corporation  for any  reason,  Employee  shall not,  without  the prior  written
consent of the Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation,  which  consent  may be
withheld at the sole,  absolute  and  uncontrolled  discretion  of such Board of
Directors,  engage or participate  in, assist or have an interest in, whether as
an officer,  director,  partner,  owner,  employee or otherwise,  the operation,
management or conduct of any business or  enterprise  that engages in the cotton
seed breeding,  production and marketing  process in the same  geographical area
with any line of business in which the Corporation is now engaged. 3. Nothing in
this Section shall prohibit  Employee from acquiring or holding,  for investment
purposes only,  securities or ownership interest of any entity which may compete
directly or indirectly  with the  Corporation.  4. Nothing in this Section shall
prohibit the Employee  from seeking or securing  employment  with a  corporation
which has a subsidiary or affiliate  whose  business  activities  include cotton
seed  breeding,  production  and marketing so long as Employee's  job duties and
responsibilities  do not require or allow the Employee to directly engage in any
activities  which would be in violation of this Section,  and so long as he does
not  violate  any of his  confidentiality  obligations  to  the  Corporation  as
referred to in Section  VIII.  5. In the event of a breach of this  Agreement by
Employee,  Employer may seek  injunctive  relief to prohibit  the Employee  from
engaging  in  prohibited   competition   and/or   Employer  may  initiate  legal
proceedings to collect actual damages to Employer  resulting from such breach. A
breach by Employee  shall not allow  Employer to terminate  its  obligations  to
Employee under the other  provisions of this Agreement.  VII.  DEFINITIONS 1. As
used  herein  the term  "Change  in  Control"  shall  mean (a) the  transfer  of
ownership (whether directly, indirectly, beneficially or of record) of shares in
excess of twenty percent (20%) of the outstanding  shares of common stock of the
Corporation by a person or group of persons  (including  without  limitation,  a
corporation,  trust, partnership, joint venture, individual or other entity), or
(b) the  merger  or  consolidation  into or with any other  company,  or sale of
assets of the Corporation to another  corporation,  (i.e., where the Corporation
is not the surviving and operating  Corporation or where the stockholders  prior
to such  transaction(s) do now own at least 80% of the outstanding  common stock
of the surviving  Corporation after such  transaction(s)) or (c) the persons who
are  Directors of the  Corporation  as of the date hereof cease to  constitute a
majority of the Board of Directors of the Corporation during any 36 month period
after a transaction described in (a) or (b). "Change in Control" shall also mean
(i) any merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  or other business  combination
pursuant to which the business of the  Corporation  is combined with that of one
or more purchasers,  or one or more persons or other business entities formed by
or  affiliated  with a  purchaser,  including,  without  limitation,  any  joint
venture,  or  (ii)  the  acquisition,  directly  or  indirectly,  by one or more
purchasers  of more than twenty  percent (20%) of the then  outstanding  capital
stock  of the  Corporation  by way of a tender  or  exchange  offer,  negotiated
purchase or other means, or (iii) the  acquisition,  directly or indirectly,  by
one or more purchasers of all or  substantially  all of the assets of, or of any
right to, all or  substantially  of the revenues or income of the Corporation by
way of a negotiated purchase,  exchange,  joint venture, lease, license or other
similar means, or (iv) the acquisition,  directly or indirectly,  by one or more
purchasers of control of the Corporation,  other than through the acquisition of
the  Corporation's  voting capital stock, or (v)in the event that a fee is paid
by the  Corporation  to any major  investment  banking  firm for services in any
transaction or a series of  transactions  other than as described in (i) through
(iv)  above.  The  occurrence  of any one of the above  events in the  immediate
preceding  two  paragraphs   shall   constitute  a  "Change  in  Control  ".  2.
"Anticipation  of a Change  in  Control"  means  any  action  taken  during  the
twelve-month period prior to a Change in Control.  Specifically, the termination
of the Employee,  other than for cause as defined below, during the twelve-month
period prior to a Change in Control will be conclusively  presumed to constitute
a  termination  of the  Employee  in  Anticipation  of a Change in  Control.  3.
"Cause", as the term is used with respect to the termination of the Employee for
cause,  shall mean a  conviction  of the  Employee of a felony  involving  moral
understand   and   acknowledge   that  the   Employee   previously   executed  a
Confidentiality Agreement on or about the ______ day of _______________,  19___.
The parties wish to restate said Agreement and ratify the terms,  conditions and
provisions  thereof.  The  termination of the Employee's  employment,  except in
violation of this Agreement, shall not affect the obligations of the Employee to
the Corporation with respect to the Confidentiality Agreement. IX. MISCELLANEOUS
PROVISIONS 1. This Agreement shall constitute the entire  agreement  between the
parties and any prior understanding or representations of any kind preceding the
date of this Agreement and shall not be binding upon either party, except to the
extent incorporated in this Agreement.  2. Any modification of this Agreement or
additional  obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement
shall be binding  only if  evidenced  in  writing  and signed by the party to be
charged.  3. It is agreed that this Agreement shall be governed by construed and
enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Mississippi.  4. Any notice
provided  for or  concerning  this  Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be
deemed  sufficiently  given when sent by certified or registered mail if sent to
the  respective  addresses of the parties as set forth in the  beginning of this
Agreement.  Either party may give written notice to the other that the addresses
to be utilized for notice purposes have been altered. 

parties  hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.
DELTA & PINE LAND COMPANY a Delaware corporation  
W.T. Jagodinski  By:/s/ W.T. Jagodinski 
Title:Vice President - Finance  STATE OF MISSISSIPPI  COUNTY OF  Bolivar
Personally  appeared  before  me,  W.T.  Jagodinski,  with whom I am  personally
acquainted and who acknowledged  that he executed the within  instrument for the
purposes  therein  contained.  Witness  my hand,  at  office,  this 14th day of
January,   1998.  My  commission
expires:  March 5, 1998 Notary Public  /s/ Dorothy Dexter Hester
Bolivar  Before  me, a Notary  Public  in and for said  state and  county,  duly
commissioned         and         qualified,          personally         appeared
Roger D. Malkin,  with  whom  I am  personally  acquainted  (or
proved  to me on the  basis  of  satisfactory  evidence),  and who,  upon  oath,
acknowledged  himself to be  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Delta
& Pine Land  Company,  the
within  named  bargainor,  a  Delaware  corporation,  and that he  executed  the
foregoing  instrument for the purpose therein contained,  by signing the name of
the corporation by himself as  /s/Roger D. Malkin.  Witness my hand,
at office this 14th day of January,  1998.  (SEAL)Notary Public: Dorothy
Dexter  Hester  My
commission expires:March 5, 1998__