AGREEMENT made this the 20th day of May 1996 between
ARIZONA PROCESSING, INC., for itself and its affiliated entities, successors and
assigns  (collectively  "EMPLOYER"),  and  EARL E.  DYKES  ("EMPLOYEE").  1. Job
Description.  In exchange for the  considerations and covenants set forth below,
EMPLOYER employs EMPLOYEE as General Manager of Arizona  Processing,  Inc. (API)
and Executive Vice President of Sure Grow Seed, Inc. (SGS), Ellis Brothers Seed,
Inc.  (EBS)  and  Mississippi  Seed,  Inc.  (MSI).  EMPLOYEE  shall  direct  the
day-to-day operations of API, assist, as requested,  the Chief Operating Officer
of SGS,  EBS and  MSI in the  performance  of his  job  duties,  participate  in
strategy  planning for all of the above named  entitles,  and/or  perform  other
assigned  responsibilities  consistent with those of other executives in similar
positions  with  other D&PL  operating  companies..  2.  Term.  The term of this
Employment  Agreement  shall  commence  on date of  closing  of the  Transaction
contemplated by an Agreement  between SURE GROW SEED, INC., and related parties,
and DELTA AND PINE LAND COMPANY  ("D&PL"),  and related  parties,  dated May 20,
1996,  and shall end on  September  1,  2001,  subject  to  extension  by mutual
agreement.  3. Compensation.  (a) Salary: EMPLOYEE shall receive an initial base
salary of  $140,000.00  per year,  payable  semi-monthly,  subject  to  periodic
reviews and  adjustments.  At no time shall the annual salary of the EMPLOYEE be
reduced  below  the  salary  in effect  at the time of such  review  unless  all
executives in similar  positions in D&PL  Companies are subject to  company-wide
pro  rata  cuts.  (b)  Bonus  Program:  Upon  commencement  of  this  Employment
Agreement,  EMPLOYEE shall be eligible for immediate  participation in the merit
bonus program  applicable  to other  employees of D&PL and its  affiliates  with
similar job  responsibilities.  In the event of the  termination  of  EMPLOYEE'S
employment other than for Cause (as defined in Section 8 below), all accrued but
unpaid  compensation  (including bonus and vacation time), if any, shall be paid
to the EMPLOYEE  immediately  upon such  termination.  (c) Additional  Benefits:
EMPLOYEE  shall also  receive  additional  employment  benefits as follows:  (1)
Automobile: EMPLOYEE will be furnished with a company-provided automobile and be
reimbursed on a current basis for all expenses  incurred for normal operation in
accordance with EMPLOYER'S  policies relating to  company-provided  automobiles.
(2)  Expenses:  EMPLOYEE  shall  receive full  reimbursement  for all  expenses,
including  reasonable  travel  expenses  (including  transportation,  room,  and
meals),  incurred in the performance of his duties in accordance with EMPLOYER'S
personnel  policies.  (3)  Health  Insurance:   EMPLOYEE  will  be  eligible  to
participate in the D&PL'S executive  health and disability  insurance plan under
either  single  or  family  coverage  plans at  EMPLOYEE'S  election.  (4) Stock
Options:  Upon  commencement  of this  Employment  Agreement,  EMPLOYEE shall be
immediately eligible for discretionary  employee stock options as may be granted
by D&PL'S  Board of  Directors  from  time to time.  (5)  Other  Benefits:  Upon
commencement  of  this  Employment  Agreement,  EMPLOYEE  shall  be  immediately
eligible for and provided with office space and facilities, paid vacations, sick
leave, holidays and other benefits provided to employees of equivalent positions
within D&PL.  4. Best  Efforts.  During the term of this  Employment  Agreement,
EMPLOYEE will work  exclusively for EMPLOYER and will devote his best efforts to
accomplishment of his job  responsibilities.  5. Ownership of Breeding Materials
and Varieties. In consideration for his employment by EMPLOYER,  EMPLOYEE hereby
conveys to EMPLOYER any cotton germplasm and other cotton breeding  materials in
his  possession  or control  not  presently  owned by  EMPLOYER  and all records
relating  thereto and  transfers  to  EMPLOYER  all rights he has to such cotton
germplasm  and  materials.  EMPLOYEE  agrees  that all  cotton  strains,  lines,
varieties  and  other   inventions,   discoveries  or  works  developed  through
EMPLOYEE'S  efforts  during his  employment by EMPLOYER and all records  related
thereto shall be and become the sole property of EMPLOYER. EMPLOYEE shall assist
EMPLOYER,  at  EMPLOYER'S  expense,  in  obtaining,  defending and enforcing any
cotton Certificates of Plant Variety Protection,  patents,  copyrights and other
protection of rights therein. 6. Confidentiality. Without the written consent of
EMPLOYER,  EMPLOYEE will not at any time during or after  employment by EMPLOYER
divulge to any  person,  firm or  corporation  any  information  concerning  the
business of EMPLOYER or its affiliated  entities.  This covenant shall not apply
to any  information:  (a)  which  at the  time of  disclosure  is or  thereafter
becomes,  through no action by EMPLOYEE,  available to the public generally; (b)
which is  communicated to the EMPLOYEE by any third party under no obligation of
confidentiality  to EMPLOYER or its  affiliated  parties;  (c) which has been or
which may be hereafter  independently  developed by EMPLOYEE  without  utilizing
information  received  from  EMPLOYER or its  affiliated  parties;  or (d) which
EMPLOYER   authorizes  to  be  released  to  the  public.  7.  Covenant  against
Competition.  Until the later of September  1, 2001,  or two (2) years after the
expiration or other termination of this Employment  Agreement and any renewal or
extension(s)  thereof,   EMPLOYEE  shall  not  engage  in  any  cotton  industry
management functions or any cotton industry agricultural research for himself or
on behalf of any person, firm,  partnership or corporation which breeds or sells
cotton seed (other than D&PL and its affiliated  entities) nor engage in selling
or  promoting  cotton  seed for the  benefit  of himself  or any  person,  firm,
partnership or corporation (other than D&PL and its affiliated entities). In the
event that EMPLOYEE'S  employment (a) is terminated by mutual written  agreement
either  prior to or after  September  1, 2000,  whereby  this  covenant  against
competition is expressly released, or (b) is terminated by EMPLOYER, on or after
September 1, 2000, unless such termination on or after September 1, 2000, is (i)
for Cause (ad defined in Section 8), (ii) is occasioned by EMPLOYEE'S disability
(as defined in Section 8), or (iii)  occurs upon the  expiration  of the term of
this  Agreement or any mutually  agreed upon  extension  thereof,  this covenant
against   competition   will  terminate   concurrently   with  such   employment
termination.  8. Termination.  EMPLOYEE'S employment may be terminated by mutual
written  agreement.  EMPLOYEE'S  employment  with  EMPLOYER may be terminated by
EMPLOYER without EMPLOYEE'S  agreement only (a) for Cause or (b) upon EMPLOYEE'S
death or a disability which prevents EMPLOYEE from performing his job duties for
a period of six (6)  months or more or (c) upon  expiration  of the term of this
Agreement or any mutually  agreed upon  extension  thereof.  Except as expressly
provided  in  Section 7, all  covenants  in this  Agreement  shall  survive  the
expiration  or  termination  of this  Agreement.  Cause  shall be defined as and
limited to fraud,  embezzlement,  conduct constituting a material breach of this
Agreement  (provided  EMPLOYER has given EMPLOYEE  written notice of such breach
and 30 days  following  receipt of such notice to cure such breach) or violation
of  EMPLOYER'S  written  policies  and  reasonable   written   instructions  and
directives  (provided  EMPLOYER  has  given  EMPLOYEE  written  notice  of  such
violation and 30 days  following  receipt of such notice to cure such breach) or
indictment  for a felony  under the laws of the United  States or any state.  9.
Modification  and  Enforcement  of  Agreement.   There  will  be  no  waiver  or
modification  of this  Agreement nor any  individual  portion of this  Agreement
except by mutual written amendment specifically for that purpose,  signed by the
EMPLOYEE  and by an  authorized  officer  of  EMPLOYER.  In  addition  to  other
remedies, this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable. This Agreement shall
be governed by the laws of the State of Alabama.  10.  Benefit.  This  Agreement
shall bind all  parties,  their  respective  heirs,  executors,  administrators,
successors and assigns,  but nothing  contained  herein shall be construed as an
authorization  or right  of any  party  to  assign  its  rights  or  obligations
hereunder.  11. Waiver of Breach or Violation not Deemed Continuing.  The waiver
by either  party of a breach or violation  of any  provision  of this  Agreement
shall not operate as or be  construed  to be a waiver of any  subsequent  breach
thereof.  12.  Notices.  Any and all notices  required or  permitted to be given
under this  Agreement  will be sufficient if furnished in writing and personally
delivered or sent by facsimile  transmission  or certified or  registered  mail,
postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to EMPLOYEE'S last known residence in
the case of the EMPLOYEE or to its principal office in the case of the EMPLOYER.
13.  Authority.  The provisions of this  Agreement  have been  authorized by all
required corporate action. 14.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in
multiple  counterparts,  each of which  shall be an  original,  but all of which
shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument, regardless of whether any one
or  more  of the  parties  hereto  signed  the  same  counterpart.  WITNESS  our
signatures,  effective on the date set forth above.  /s/ Earl E. Dykes /s/ W. A.
Ellis,  Jr.