Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
(Mark One)

[X] Annual Report  Pursuant to Sections 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934

For the fiscal year ended                       June 30, 2003
[ ]  Transition  Report  Pursuant  to  Sections  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934

Commission file Number                          1-11692

                         ETHAN ALLEN INTERIORS INC.
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Delaware                                        06-1275288
- -------------------------------                 --------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                         (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                          Identification No.)

            Ethan Allen Drive, Danbury, CT                         06811
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                          (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code          (203) 743-8000

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

                                                Name of Each Exchange
             Title of Each Class                 On Which Registered
         ----------------------------      -----------------------------
         Common Stock, $.01 par value      New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.          [X]Yes  [ ]No

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). [X]Yes  [ ]No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K (229.405 of this chapter) is not contained  herein,  and will
not be contained,  to the best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information  statements  incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K
or any amendment to this Form 10-K.    [X]

The aggregate  market value of Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share,  held by
non-affiliates  (based  upon  the  closing  sale  price  on the New  York  Stock
Exchange) on December 31, 2002,  (the last day of the  Company's  most  recently
completed  second  fiscal  quarter)  was  approximately  $1,298,276,535.  As  of
December 31, 2002 there were 37,773,539  shares of Common Stock,  par value $.01
per share, outstanding.

DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE: The definitive Proxy Statement for the 2003
Annual Shareholders Meeting is incorporated by reference into Part III hereof.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Item                                                                    Page
- ----                                                                    ----

                                     PART I

 1.   Business                                                            3

 2.   Properties                                                         11

 3.   Legal Proceedings                                                  12

 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                12

                                     PART II

 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related
            Stockholder Matters                                          13

 6.   Selected Financial Data                                            14

 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
            Condition and Results of Operations                          16

 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About
            Market Risk                                                  27

 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                        28

 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
            Accounting and Financial Disclosure                          50

 9A.  Controls and Procedures                                            50

                                    PART III

10.   Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant                 51

11.   Executive Compensation                                             51

12.   Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
            and Management                                               51

13.   Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                     51

14.   Principal Accountant Fees and Services                             51

                                     PART IV

15.   Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedule, and Reports
            on Form 8-K                                                  52

      Signatures                                                         59


                                     PART I

Item 1.  Business

- ----------

      Incorporated  in Delaware in 1989,  Ethan Allen  Interiors Inc.  (together
with its  directly  and  indirectly-owned  subsidiaries,  "Ethan  Allen"  or the
"Company") is a leading  manufacturer  and retailer of quality home  furnishings
and accessories, offering a full complement of home decorating solutions through
the country's largest network of home furnishing retail stores.  The Company was
founded in 1932 and has sold  products  under the Ethan  Allen  brand name since

Mission Statement
- -----------------

      The  Company's  primary  business  objective  is to offer its  customers a
convenient,   full-service,   one-stop  shopping   alternative  for  their  home
decorating  needs.  In order to meet  its  stated  objective,  the  Company  has
developed  and adheres to a focused and  comprehensive  business  strategy.  The
elements of this  strategy,  each of which  represent  specific home  decorating
solutions, include (i) the Company's  vertically-integrated operating structure,
(ii) its products,  (iii) its retail store network, (iv) its people, and (v) its
numerous customer service offerings.

Operating Segments
- ------------------

      The Company's  operating segments represent strategic business areas which
operate  separately  but which both offer the  Company's  complete  line of home
furnishings through their own distinctive services. The Company's operations are
classified into two such segments: wholesale and retail.

      The wholesale  segment is principally  involved in the  development of the
Ethan Allen  brand,  which  encompasses  the design,  manufacture,  domestic and
off-shore sourcing, sale and distribution of a full range of home furnishings to
a network of independently-owned and Ethan Allen-owned stores as well as related
marketing and brand  awareness  efforts.  Wholesale  profitability  includes the
wholesale gross margin, which is earned on wholesale sales to all retail stores,
including Ethan Allen-owned stores.

      The retail segment sells home  furnishings to consumers  through a network
of Company-owned stores. Retail profitability  includes the retail gross margin,
which represents the difference between retail sales price and the cost of goods
purchased from the wholesale segment.

      While the manner in which the Company's home  furnishings are marketed and
sold is consistent,  the nature of the underlying recorded sales (i.e. wholesale
versus retail) and the specific  services that each operating  segment  provides
(i.e. wholesale manufacture and distribution versus retail sales) are different.
Within  the  wholesale  segment,   the  Company  maintains  revenue  information
according to each respective product line (i.e. case goods, upholstery,  or home
accessories  and other).  Sales of case good items include,  but are not limited
to,  beds,  dressers,  armoires,  night  tables,  dining room chairs and tables,
buffets, sideboards, coffee tables, entertainment units, and home offices. Sales
of upholstery home furnishing items include sleepers,  recliners, chairs, sofas,
loveseats,   cut   fabrics  and   leather.   Skilled   craftsmen   cut  and  sew
custom-designed  upholstery  items which are available in a variety of frame and
fabric options.  Home accessory and other items include window treatments,  wall
decor, lighting, clocks, wood accents, bedspreads,  decorative accessories, area
rugs, bedding, and home and garden furnishings.

      Revenue  information by product line is not readily  available  within the
retail segment as it is not practicable.  However,  because wholesale production
and  sales are  matched  to  incoming  orders,  the  Company  believes  that the
allocation of retail sales would be similar to that of the wholesale segment.


      The Company evaluates  performance of its segments based upon revenues and
operating  income.   Inter-segment  eliminations  result,  primarily,  from  the
wholesale  sale of inventory  between  segments,  including  the related  profit
margin.   Inter-segment   eliminations  also  include  items  not  allocated  to
reportable segments.

The Wholesale Segment:

       For fiscal years 2003, 2002 and 2001, the wholesale  segment recorded net
sales of $661.0 million,  $660.8 million,  and $705.6 million,  respectively.  A
breakdown of  wholesale  sales by product line for each of the last three fiscal
years is provided below:

                                              Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
                                               2003       2002       2001
                                               ----       ----       ----
            Case Goods                          53%         56%       56%
            Upholstered Products                33          31        30
            Home Accessories and Other          14          13        14
                                               ---         ---       ---
                                               100%        100%      100%
                                               ===         ===       ===

       The Company has 14 manufacturing facilities which consist of 8 case goods
plants (including 3 sawmill  operations),  5 upholstery plants and 1 home accent
plant, all located in the United States. The Company also sources,  domestically
and off-shore, selected case goods, upholstery, and home accessory items.

      During the third quarter of fiscal 2003,  the Company  announced a plan to
close three of its smaller manufacturing facilities. Closure of these facilities
resulted in a headcount  reduction  totaling  approximately  580 employees;  340
employees  effective  April 21,  2003,  and 240  employees  throughout  the last
quarter  of  fiscal  2003 and the  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2004.  A  pre-tax
restructuring  and  impairment  charge of $13.4  million was  recorded for costs
associated with these plant closings,  of which $4.5 million related to employee
severance and benefits and other plant exit costs,  and $8.9 million  related to
fixed asset  impairment  charges,  primarily for real property and machinery and
equipment associated with the closed facilities.

      In the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2002,  the Company  announced a plan that
involved the closure of one of its manufacturing facilities as well as the rough
mill operation of a separate facility. Closure of these facilities resulted in a
headcount  reduction  totaling   approximately  220  employees;   150  employees
effective June 29, 2002, and 70 employees throughout the first quarter of fiscal
2003. A pre-tax restructuring and impairment charge of $5.1 million was recorded
for costs associated with these plant closings, of which $2.0 million related to
employee  severance  and benefits  and other plant exit costs,  and $3.1 million
related to fixed asset  impairment  charges,  primarily  for real  property  and
machinery and equipment  associated with closed  facilities.  During the quarter
ended March 31, 2003, adjustments totaling $0.2 million were recorded to reverse
certain of these previously established accruals, which are no longer required.

      In the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2001,  the Company  announced a plan that
involved the closure of three of its  manufacturing  facilities  and a headcount
reduction  totaling  approximately  350  employees  effective  August 6, 2001. A
pre-tax  restructuring  and  impairment  charge of $6.9 million was recorded for
costs  associated  with these plant  closings,  of which $3.3 million related to
employee  severance  and benefits  and other plant exit costs,  and $3.6 million
related to fixed asset  impairment  charges,  primarily  for real  property  and
machinery and equipment associated with the closed facilities.

Manufacturing Activities

      Ethan Allen is one of the largest manufacturers of home furnishings in the
United States. The Company  manufactures  and/or assembles  approximately 75% of
its  products at 14  manufacturing  facilities  including 3 sawmill  operations,
thereby maintaining control over cost, quality and service to its consumers. The
case goods  facilities are located close to sources of raw materials and skilled
craftsmen,  predominantly in the Northeast and Southeast regions of the country.
Upholstery facilities are located across the country in order to reduce shipping
costs  to


stores and are  located  at sites  where  skilled  craftsmanship  is  available.
Management believes that continued  investment in its manufacturing  facilities,
combined  with  appropriate  outsourcing,  both  domestically  and abroad,  will
accommodate future sales growth.

Raw Materials and Other Suppliers

      The  most  important  raw  materials  used by  Ethan  Allen  in  furniture
manufacturing are lumber, veneers, plywood, hardware, glue, finishing materials,
glass,  mirrored  glass,  laminates,  fabrics,  foam and filling  material.  The
various types of wood used in Ethan Allen's products  include cherry,  ash, oak,
maple,  prima vera,  mahogany,  birch and pine,  substantially  all of which are
purchased domestically.

      Fabrics  and other raw  materials  are  purchased  both  domestically  and
abroad.  Ethan Allen has no  significant  long-term  supply  contracts,  and has
experienced no  significant  problems in supplying its  operations.  Ethan Allen
maintains a number of sources for its raw materials  which  management  believes
contribute  to its  ability to obtain  competitive  pricing  for raw  materials.
Lumber prices  fluctuate  over time based on factors such as weather and demand,
which,  in turn,  impact  availability.  Upward  trends in prices  could  have a
short-term impact on margins.

      A sufficient inventory of lumber and fabric is usually stocked to maintain
adequate  levels of production.  Management  believes that its sources of supply
for these  materials  are  sufficient  and that it is not  dependent  on any one

      The Company enters into standard purchase agreements with certain vendors,
both  domestically and abroad,  to source selected case goods,  upholstery,  and
home  accessory  items.  The terms of these  arrangements  are customary for the
industry and do not contain any long-term  contractual  obligations on behalf of
the Company.  Ethan Allen  believes it  maintains  good  relationships  with its

Distribution and Logistics

      Within  the  wholesale  segment,  Ethan  Allen  distributes  its  products
primarily  through  a  national  network  of 6 owned  and 3 leased  distribution
centers  strategically  located throughout the United States. These distribution
centers  hold  finished  products  received  from  Ethan  Allen's  manufacturing
facilities and domestic and off-shore vendors for shipment to Ethan Allen retail
stores or home  delivery  service  centers.  Ethan  Allen  stocks case goods and
accessories  to provide for quick  delivery  of in-stock  items and to allow for
more efficient production runs.

      Approximately  30% of all shipments are made to and from the  distribution
and home delivery service centers by the Company's fleet of trucks and trailers.
The remaining shipments are subcontracted to independent carriers. Approximately
83% of the  Company's  fleet  (trucks  and  trailers)  is  leased  under  two to
eight-year leases.

      Ethan Allen's policy is to sell its products at the same delivered cost to
all stores nationwide,  regardless of their shipping point. The adoption of this
policy has created  credibility  by offering  product at one suggested  national
retail price. This policy has also discouraged dealers from carrying significant
inventory in their own  warehouses.  As a result,  Ethan Allen obtains  accurate
information  regarding sales to better plan production runs and manage inventory

Backlog and Net Orders Booked

      As of June 30, 2003, Ethan Allen had a wholesale backlog of $48.0 million,
compared  to a backlog of $47.5  million  as of June 30,  2002.  The  backlog is
anticipated  to be serviced in the first quarter of fiscal 2004.  Backlog at any
point in time is  primarily  a result of net  orders  booked  in prior  periods,
manufacturing  schedules and the timing of product shipments.  Net orders booked
at the wholesale  level from Ethan Allen stores  (including  independently-owned
and Company-owned  stores) for the twelve months ended June 30, 2003 were $659.7
million as compared to $682.1 million for the twelve months ended June 30, 2002.
Net orders


booked in any period are recorded  based on wholesale  prices and do not reflect
the additional retail margins produced by Company-owned stores.


      Ethan  Allen has  developed  a highly  coordinated,  national  advertising
campaign designed to increase consumer awareness of the breadth of the Company's
product and service  offerings.  Ethan Allen's  in-house  staff,  working with a
leading  advertising  firm,  has  developed  and  implemented  what the  Company
believes  is  the  most  cohesive  national  campaign  in the  home  furnishings
industry.  This  campaign is designed to support  selected  retail events and to
increase the flow of traffic into stores.

      In support of its national  advertising  campaign,  Ethan Allen  routinely
utilizes television,  direct mail,  newspaper,  and radio to market its products
and  services.   Ethan  Allen  believes  that  its  ability  to  coordinate  its
advertising efforts for all Ethan Allen stores provides a competitive  advantage
over other home furnishing manufacturers and retailers.

      The Ethan  Allen  Interiors  direct  mail  magazine,  which  features  the
Company's home  furnishing  collections in lifestyle  settings,  is one of Ethan
Allen's most important  marketing tools.  Approximately 55 million copies of the
magazine  were  distributed  to  consumers  during  the past year.  The  Company
publishes and sells the magazines to its Company-owned and independent  dealers,
who, with demographic information collected through independent market research,
are able to target potential consumers.

      Ethan Allen's television advertising and direct mail efforts are supported
by strong  print  campaigns  in various  markets,  and in leading  home  fashion
magazines  using  advertisements  and  public  relations  efforts.  The  Company
coordinates significant advertisements in major newspapers in its major markets.
During fiscal 2003,  the Company  introduced a new  publication  entitled  Ethan
Allen  Style -  Create  the  Look  You  Love.  This  hard-cover  book,  which is
complimented   by  a  complete   catalogue  of  the  Company's  home  furnishing
collections, helps customers identify their own personal style using Ethan Allen
product offerings.  The Company believes these publications represent one of the
most  comprehensive  and  effective  home  decorating   resources  in  the  home
furnishings industry.


      Ethan Allen is located on the  worldwide  web at  www.ethanallen.com.  The
Company's primary goal for the website is to drive additional  business into the
retail network through lead generation and information  sourcing.  Customers may
access  the  Company's  website  to review  home  furnishing  collections  or to
purchase selected home accessories. On average, approximately 14,000 daily users
logged onto the Ethan Allen website during fiscal 2003.

      The Company has also developed an extranet  website which links the retail
stores with consumer  information captured on-line such as customer requests for
design assistance and copies of the Company's catalogue.  This medium has become
the primary source of communications  between the Company and its retail network
providing a variety of information,  including a Company-wide  daily news flash,
downloads of current advertising materials, proto-type store display floor plans
and detailed product information.

The Retail Segment:

      For fiscal years 2003,  2002, and 2001,  the retail  segment  recorded net
sales of $526.4 million, $459.6 million, and $419.3 million,  respectively.  For
fiscal 2003, net sales for the Company's  retail segment  represented 58% of the
Company's total net sales.

      Ethan Allen sells its products through an exclusive  network of 309 retail
stores.  As of June 30, 2003,  Ethan Allen owned and operated 119  Company-owned
stores (as compared to 103 at the end of the prior fiscal year) and  independent


owned and  operated  190  stores.  See Item 2 -  Properties  for the  geographic
distribution of all retail store locations. During 2003, the Company acquired 16
stores from independent retailers,  opened 3 new stores, and closed 3 stores. In
the past five years, Ethan Allen and its independent  dealers have opened 78 new
stores,  a number of them  being  relocations.  Wholesale  sales to  independent
dealers  accounted  for  approximately  41% of total net sales of the Company in
fiscal  2003.  The ten  largest  independent  dealers  own a total of 36 stores,
which, based on net orders booked,  accounted for approximately 13% of total net
sales in fiscal 2003.

      Ethan Allen  encourages  further  expansion  of the  Company-owned  retail
business  by  opening  new  stores,   relocating   existing   stores  and,  when
appropriate, acquiring stores from independent dealers. In addition, the Company
continues  to promote the  development  and growth of its  independent  dealers.
Independent  dealers are  required  to enter into  license  agreements  with the
Company  authorizing  the use of certain Ethan Allen service marks and requiring
adherence to certain  standards of operation,  including  the exclusive  sale of
Ethan Allen products. Additionally,  dealers are required to enter into warranty
service  agreements.  Ethan Allen is not subject to any territorial or exclusive
dealer agreements in the United States.

      In October  2001,  the Company  formed a joint  venture with MFI Furniture
Group Plc. to open a chain of retail stores in the United  Kingdom.  The initial
phase of the agreement,  which calls for the two companies to collaborate on the
development  of a retail store format that will market their  respective  retail
concepts,  involves up to five stores with approximately  8,000 to 15,000 square
feet in each.  The  first of these  stores,  located  in the  London  suburb  of
Kingston,  opened in May 2002.  The  second,  located in the suburb of  Bromley,
opened in December 2002. Both have been included as  independently-owned  stores
in compiling the Company's store count as of June 30, 2003.

- --------

      Ethan  Allen's  product  strategy  has  been to  position  its  brand as a
'preferred'  brand with  superior  quality  and value,  offering  consumers  the
convenience of one-stop  shopping for their home furnishing needs. The Company's
continued  focus has been on  expanding  its reach to a  broader  consumer  base
through a larger selection of product lines at attractive  price points.  During
fiscal 2002, the Company  introduced the Townhouse  collection  which,  as Ethan
Allen's  first  collection  primarily  sourced  off-shore,   received  favorable
response  from  consumers  and was  extremely  successful.  In fiscal 2003,  the
Company introduced its Tuscany, Home Office, Leather Expressions and Ethan Allen
Kids  collections.  These product  lines,  too, are  reflective of the Company's
continuing efforts to offer well-valued, stylish home furnishings that appeal to
a variety of customers and lifestyles.

      Management  believes that the two most important style  categories in home
furnishings  are the 'Classic' and the 'Casual'  product  lifestyles.  Each home
furnishing collection includes case goods,  coordinated upholstered products and
home accessories, each styled with its own distinct design characteristics. Home
accessories  play an important role in Ethan Allen's  marketing  program as they
enable the Company to offer the consumer the convenience of one-stop shopping by
creating a comprehensive home furnishing solution. Ethan Allen's store interiors
are  designed for the display of these  categories  in complete  room  settings,
which utilize the related collections to project the category lifestyle.

      Ethan  Allen  continuously  monitors  consumer  demand  through  marketing
research and  communication  with its dealers and store design  consultants  who
provide valuable input on consumer trends.  As a result,  the Company is able to
react quickly to changing  consumer  tastes.  For example,  80% of the Company's
current  complement of collections are new or have been revised since 1995. This
is  indicative of the Company's  ability to adapt to the recent  consumer  trend
toward more casual and eclectic lifestyles while, at the same time,  maintaining
a classic  appeal.  The Company also  refines and enhances its product  lines by
adding and redesigning pieces within each collection.


Retail Store Network
- --------------------

      Ethan  Allen's  interior and  exterior  design is dependent on the store's
location  and size.  Ethan Allen  stores are  located in busy urban  settings as
freestanding  destination  stores or as part of suburban strip malls,  depending
upon the real estate opportunities in a particular market. While stores range in
size from  approximately  6,000 square feet to 35,000  square feet,  the average
size of a store is  approximately  15,000 square feet.  During fiscal 2004,  the
Company intends to open, on a test basis, stand-alone Ethan Allen Kids stores in
selected  locations which will range in size from  approximately  2,000 to 4,000
square feet.

      Ethan Allen  maximizes  uniformity of store  presentation  throughout  the
retail  network  through  a  comprehensive  set of  operating  standards.  These
operating  standards assist each store in presenting the same high quality image
and offer retail customers consistent levels of product selection and service. A
uniform store image is conveyed  through Ethan Allen's  ongoing program to model
its retail  stores with  similar and  consistent  exterior  facades and interior
layouts.   This   program   is   carried   out   by   all   stores,    including
independently-owned stores.

      Ethan Allen  provides  display-planning  assistance  to all  Company-owned
stores  and  independent  dealers  to  support  them in  updating  the  interior
projection  of their stores and to maintain a consistent  image.  Several  years
ago,  the Company  developed a standard  interior  design  format for its retail
stores  which,  through  the use of focused  lifestyle  settings  to display its
products and information displays throughout the store to educate consumers, has
positioned Ethan Allen as a specialist in 'Classic' and 'Casual'  lifestyles and
decorative accessory retailing.

- ------

      At June 30, 2003, Ethan Allen has  approximately  7,000  employees,  5% of
which are represented by unions under  collective  bargaining  agreements  which
expire at various times in 2005. The Company  expects no significant  changes in
its  relations  with these unions and believes it maintains  good  relationships
with its employees.

      The retail  network is staffed with a sales force of  approximately  3,000
trained  design  consultants  and  professionals  who provide  customers with an
effective home decorating solution at no additional charge. Ethan Allen believes
this design service  provides a distinct  competitive  advantage over other home
furnishing retailers.

      Ethan Allen  recognizes  the importance of its retail store network to its
long-term  success.  Accordingly,  the Company has established strong management
teams within  Company-owned  stores and maintains an ongoing  relationship  with
independent  dealers.  The Company  also makes  available  services to the Ethan
Allen  stores in  support  of their  marketing  efforts,  including  coordinated
national advertising, merchandising and display programs, and extensive training
seminars and educational materials. Ethan Allen believes that the development of
design consultants,  sales managers,  service and delivery personnel and dealers
is  important  for the  growth of its  business.  As a result,  Ethan  Allen has
committed to make available a comprehensive  training  program that will help to
develop  retail  managers/owners,  design  consultants  and service and delivery
personnel to their fullest potential.

Customer Service Offerings
- --------------------------

      Ethan Allen,  in an effort to make shopping more  convenient and enjoyable
for  consumers,  offers  numerous  customer  service  programs.  Each  has  been
developed  and  introduced  to  consumers  in an effort to make  their  shopping
experience easier and more enjoyable.

Gift Card

      This program allows customers to purchase,  through the Company's  website
or at any  participating  retail store, Gift Cards which can be redeemed for any
of the Company's products or services.


Wedding Registry

      The primary  objectives  of the Wedding  Registry  program are to increase
customer  traffic in Ethan  Allen's  network  of retail  stores  (and  on-line),
capture  consumers  in the early  stage of their  lifecycle,  capitalize  on the
growing  trend  for   non-traditional   registries  and  promote  the  Company's
complimentary  design  service.   Ethan  Allen  believes  this  program  further
strengthens  its  competitive  advantage by enhancing its current  compliment of
service offerings with a national gift registry.

On-Line Room Planning

      During fiscal 2003, the Company introduced, on its website, an interactive
on-line room planning  resource  which serves to further  assist  consumers with
their home decorating needs.  Through the use of this web-based tool,  customers
can determine  which Ethan Allen  product  offerings  best fit their  particular
needs based on their own individual home floor plan.

Ethan Allen Consumer Credit Programs

      Prior to February 2003, the Company offered two separate  consumer finance
plans:  an installment  finance plan (also known as "Simple Finance Plan") which
provided credit lines from $2,000 to $50,000 with repayment terms of up to seven
years and  standard  (non-promotional)  fixed  interest  rates;  and a revolving
credit  plan that  provided  revolving  credit  lines from  $1,500 to $25,000 at
variable interest rates.  Both plans were  administered by separate  third-party
financial  institutions  which granted financing on a non-recourse  basis to the

      In February  2003,  the Company  combined  these plans into the EA Finance
Plus program.  This program continues to offer consumers two financing  options,
but offers  them  through the use of one account  number.  Consumers  can choose
between  the "Simple  Finance  Plan" which  consists of fixed  monthly  payments
ranging  from 12 to 60  months  at an  interest  rate of 9.99% per annum and the
revolving credit line which carries a variable  interest rate currently  ranging
from 21.00% to 23.75% per annum.  Both plans provide credit lines from $1,000 to
$50,000.  Financing  offered  through either program is administered by a single
third-party  financial institution and continues to be granted on a non-recourse
basis to the  Company.  Consumers  may apply for an EA Finance  Plus card at any
participating retail store.

- -----------

      The home  furnishings  industry at the retail level is highly  competitive
and  fragmented.  Although  Ethan  Allen  is  among  the ten  largest  furniture
manufacturers,   industry   estimates   indicate   that  there  are  over  1,000
manufacturers  of all types of  furniture  in the United  States,  some of which
produce furniture types not manufactured by Ethan Allen. In addition, the number
of foreign  manufacturers,  many of which have  substantially  lower  production
costs, including the cost of labor, has increased significantly in recent years.
Certain of these domestic and foreign manufacturers, which compete directly with
Ethan Allen, may have greater financial and other resources than the Company.

      In an effort to remain  competitive,  the Company  has,  in recent  years,
entered  into  agreements  with certain  manufacturers,  both  domestically  and
abroad,  to source selected case goods,  upholstery,  and home accessory  items.
Ethan Allen will continue to balance its domestic  production with opportunities
to source from domestic and foreign manufacturers,  as appropriate,  in order to
maintain its competitive advantage.

      In July 2003, a group of U.S. furniture manufacturers announced the filing
of an anti-dumping petition with the U.S. Department of Commerce ("DOC") and the
U.S. International Trade commission ("ITC") seeking tariff protection on bedroom
furniture  imported from China.  A group of more than 100 Chinese  manufacturers
have  announced  that they are  organizing to file their response to the DOC and
the ITC. The outcome of these petition filings is uncertain.


      Ethan  Allen  sells  its  products   through  an   exclusive   network  of
Company-owned and independently-owned  retail stores. Ethan Allen's objective is
to continue to develop and  strengthen  its retail  network by (i) expanding the
Company-owned  retail business through the opening of new stores,  relocation of
existing stores and, when  appropriate,  acquisition of stores from  independent
dealers, and (ii) obtaining and retaining  independent  dealers,  increasing the
volume of such dealers' sales.

      The home furnishings  industry competes  primarily on the basis of product
styling and quality, personal service, prompt delivery, product availability and
price. Ethan Allen believes that it effectively competes on the basis of each of
these factors and that, more specifically,  its vertically-integrated  operating
structure,  store  format and  complimentary  design  service  create a distinct
competitive  advantage,  further  supporting the Company's  mission of providing
consumers with a complete home furnishing solution.

- ----------

      The Company currently holds numerous trademarks,  service marks and design
patents for the Ethan Allen name,  logos and designs in a broad range of classes
for  both  products  and  services  in the  United  States  and in many  foreign
countries. The Company has additional applications for registration pending both
domestically  and  abroad.  Ethan  Allen  has  registered,  or has  applications
pending,  for  many of its  major  collection  names as well as  certain  of its
slogans utilized in connection with retail sales and other services. Ethan Allen
views its trade and service marks as valuable  assets and has an ongoing program
to  diligently  monitor  and  defend  against  their  unauthorized  use  through
appropriate action.

Available Information
- ---------------------

      The Company makes  available,  free of charge via its website,  all annual
reports on Form 10-K,  quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q,  current reports on Form
8-K and other  information  filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
("SEC"),  including  amendments  to  such  reports.  This  information  is  made
available as soon as reasonably  practicable  after it is  electronically  filed
with,   or  furnished   to,  the  SEC.   The   Company's   website   address  is


Item 2.  Properties

      The Company's  corporate  headquarters,  located in Danbury,  Connecticut,
consists  of  one  building   containing   144,000  square  feet,   situated  on
approximately 17.5 acres of land, all of which is owned by Ethan Allen.  Located
adjacent to the corporate  headquarters  is the Inn at Ethan Allen,  a hotel and
conference center containing 195 guestrooms. This hotel, owned by a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Ethan Allen,  is used for Ethan Allen  functions and in connection
with training programs as well as for accommodations for the general public.

      Ethan  Allen  has  14  manufacturing   facilities   (including  3  sawmill
operations)  located in 9 states.  All of these  facilities are owned,  with the
exception of a leased  upholstery  plant in California  totaling  141,600 square
feet. The Company's 14 facilities consist of 8 case goods  manufacturing  plants
(including 3 sawmill  operations),  totaling 2,795,387 square feet; 5 upholstery
furniture  plants,  totaling  1,230,100 square feet; and 1 plant involved in the
manufacture  and assembly of Ethan  Allen's home  accessory  products,  totaling
295,000 square feet.

      In  addition,  Ethan  Allen  owns 6 and  leases 3  ancillary  distribution
warehouses,  totaling  1,194,870  square  feet,  and owns 3 and leases 27 retail
delivery  service  centers,   totaling  1,111,734  square  feet.  The  Company's
manufacturing  and  distribution  facilities  are  located  in  North  Carolina,
Vermont,  Pennsylvania,  Virginia, New York, Oklahoma,  California,  New Jersey,
Indiana and Maine. The Company's  retail service centers are located  throughout
the United States and serve to support Ethan Allen's various sales districts.

      The geographic  distribution  of the Company's  retail store network as of
June 30, 2003 is as follows:

                                            Retail Store Category
                                          Company        Independently
                                           Owned             Owned
                                      -----------------  ---------------
            United States                   112               170
            North America-Other (1)           7                 3
            Asia                              -                11
            Middle East                       -                 3
            West Indies                       -                 1
            Europe                            -                 2
                                      -----------------  ---------------
              Total                         119               190
                                      =================  ===============

             (1) Seven  retail  stores  located in Canada  were  acquired by the
                 Company during the first quarter of fiscal 2003.

      Of the 119 retail  stores  owned and  operated by the  Company,  40 of the
properties are owned and 79 of the properties are leased from independent  third
parties.  The Company  owns an  additional 8 retail  properties,  7 of which are
leased to independent Ethan Allen dealers.  The remaining  property is leased to
an unaffiliated third party.

      Ethan Allen's manufacturing facility located in Maiden, North Carolina and
the Inn at Ethan Allen located in Danbury,  Connecticut, were financed, in part,
with industrial revenue bonds. The Beecher Falls, Vermont manufacturing facility
was financed,  in part, by the State of Vermont Economic Development  Authority.
Ethan Allen believes that all of its properties are well  maintained and in good

      Ethan  Allen  estimates  that  its  manufacturing  division  is  currently
operating  at  approximately  75-80% of  capacity.  Management  believes  it has
additional  capacity at many  facilities,  which it could  utilize  with minimal
additional capital expenditures.


Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

      Ethan Allen is a party to various legal actions with customers,  employees
and others arising in the normal course of its business.  Ethan Allen  maintains
liability  insurance,  which  is  deemed  to  be  adequate  for  its  needs  and
commensurate with other companies in the home furnishings industry.  Ethan Allen
believes that the final  resolution of pending actions  (including any potential
liability  not fully  covered by  insurance)  will not have a  material  adverse
effect on the Company's  financial  condition,  results of  operations,  or cash

Environmental Matters

      The Company is a potentially  responsible party ("PRP") for the cleanup of
three active sites  currently  listed or proposed for  inclusion on the National
Priorities List under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability  Act of 1980  ("CERCLA").  The Company  believes it has  resolved  its
liability at one of the sites by completing  remedial  action  activities.  With
regard  to the  other two  sites,  the  Company  does not  anticipate  incurring
significant cost as it believes that it is not a major  contributor based on the
very small volume of waste  generated by the Company in relation to total volume
at the  site.  However,  liability  under  CERCLA  may  be  joint  and  several.
Additionally, the Company has been notified by the State of New York that it may
be a PRP in a separate,  unrelated  matter.  However,  the extent of any adverse
effect on the Company's  financial  condition,  results of  operations,  or cash
flows with respect to this matter cannot be reasonably estimated at this time.

      Ethan  Allen is subject to other  federal,  state and local  environmental
protection   laws  and  regulations  and  is  involved  from  time  to  time  in
investigations and proceedings regarding  environmental  matters. The Company is
regulated  under federal,  state and local laws and  regulations  concerning air
emissions,  water discharges,  and management of solid and hazardous wastes. The
Company  believes  that  its  facilities  are in  material  compliance  with all
applicable  laws and  regulations.  Regulations  issued  under the Clean Air Act
Amendments  of 1990  required  the  Company  to  reformulate  certain  furniture
finishes or institute  process changes to reduce  emissions of volatile  organic
compounds.  These  requirements  have been  implemented  via high solids coating
technology and alternative  formulations.  Ethan Allen has implemented a variety
of  technical  and  procedural  controls,  such as  reformulating  of  finishing
materials to reduce toxicity, implementation of high velocity low pressure spray
systems,  development of  inspections/audit  teams including  coating  emissions
reductions teams at all finishing factories and storm water protection plans and
controls, that have reduced emissions per unit of production. In addition, Ethan
Allen  is  currently  reclassifying  its  waste  as  part of the  factory  waste
minimization programs,  developing  environmental and job safety hazard analysis
programs on the shop floor to reduce  emissions and safety risks, and developing
an auditing system to control and ensure consistent protocols and procedures are
applied.  The  Company  will  continue  to evaluate  the best  applicable,  cost
effective,  control  technologies for finishing operations and design production
methods to reduce the use of hazardous materials in manufacturing processes.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

      The following  matters were  submitted to security  holders of the Company
during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2003:



                                     PART II

Item 5.  Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters

      The Company's  Common Stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under
ticker symbol "ETH".  The following  table  indicates (i) the high and low stock
prices as reported on the New York Stock Exchange and (ii) dividends declared by
the Company:

                                  Closing Market Price
                                  ----------------------        Dividends
                                    High          Low           Declared
                                  --------      --------    -----------------
           Fiscal 2003
            Fourth Quarter      $  37.54      $  29.95          $ 0.07
            Third Quarter          35.75         27.41            0.06
            Second Quarter         38.30         27.99            0.06
            First Quarter          36.42         29.02            0.06

           Fiscal 2002
            Fourth Quarter      $  41.80      $  34.85          $ 0.06
            Third Quarter          42.75         36.25            0.04
            Second Quarter         41.70         27.10            0.04
            First Quarter          38.00         26.65            0.04

      As of August 29, 2003, there were approximately 423 shareholders of record
of the Company's Common Stock.

      On July 29, 2003,  the Company  declared a $0.10 per common share dividend
for all holders of record on October 10, 2003 and a payment  date of October 27,
2003.  The Company  expects to continue to declare  quarterly  dividends for the
foreseeable future.

Equity Compensation Plan Information

      The following table sets forth certain information regarding the Company's
equity compensation plans as of June 30, 2003.

                                                                     Number of securities
                                Number of                             remaining available
                             securities to be    Weighted-average     for future issuance
                               issued upon        exercise price         under equity
                               exercise of        of outstanding      compensation plans
                               outstanding           options,             (excluding
                            options, warrants      warrants and      securities reflected
      Plan Category             and rights            rights           in first column)
- --------------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------------
Equity compensation
  plans approved by
  security holders (1)          3,932,105             $20.10               1,130,153

Equity compensation
  plans not approved by
  security holders (2)              -                    -                     -
                            -------------------  ------------------  ----------------------
  Total                         3,932,105             $20.10               1,130,153
                            ===================  ==================  ======================

(1)   Amount includes stock options  outstanding  under the Company's 1992 Stock
      Option Plan (the "Plan") as well as vested shares of restricted  stock and
      Stock Units which have been provided for under the provisions of the Plan.
      See Note 11 to the Company's  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for the
      year ended June 30, 2003.

(2)   As of June 30, 2003, the Company does not maintain any equity compensation
      plans which have not been approved by its shareholders.


Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

      The following table sets forth summary consolidated  financial information
of the Company for the years and dates indicated (in thousands, except per share

                                             Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
                                    2003       2002       2001       2000       1999
                                  --------   --------   --------   --------   ---------
Statement of Operations Data:

Net sales                        $907,264    $892,288   $904,133   $856,171    $762,233

Cost of sales                     457,880     470,975    490,477    455,561     407,234

Selling, general and
 administrative expenses          315,578     286,290    280,703    253,029     221,237

Restructuring and impairment
 charge (1)                        13,223       5,123      6,906          -           -
                                  --------   ---------  ---------   --------   ---------

   Operating income               120,583     129,900    126,047    147,581     133,762

Interest and other (income)
 expense, net                        (609)     (2,344)    (2,056)       811       1,045
                                  ---------  ---------  ---------   --------   ---------

Income before income tax
 expense                          121,192     132,244    128,103    146,770     132,717

Income tax expense                 45,811      49,988     48,423     56,200      51,429
                                 ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------   ---------

   Net income                    $ 75,381    $ 82,256   $ 79,680   $ 90,570    $ 81,288
                                 =========   =========  =========  =========   =========

Per Share Data: (2)
Net income per basic share       $   2.00    $   2.12   $   2.02   $   2.25    $   1.97
Basic weighted average
 shares outstanding                37,607      38,828     39,390     40,301      41,278

Net income per diluted share     $   1.95    $   2.06   $   1.98   $   2.20    $   1.92
Diluted weighted average
 shares outstanding                38,569      39,942     40,321     41,198      42,287

Cash dividends declared          $   0.25    $   0.18   $   0.16   $   0.16    $   0.12

Other Information:
Depreciation and
 amortization (3)                $ 21,296    $ 19,314   $ 20,220   $ 16,975    $ 16,344
Capital expenditures,
 including acquisitions          $ 38,539    $ 73,481   $ 48,238   $ 54,696    $ 47,792
Working capital                  $225,836    $191,473   $182,223   $127,519    $123,580
Current ratio                        2.68        2.48       2.69       2.18        2.43

Balance Sheet Data (at end of period):

Total assets                     $731,568    $688,755   $619,118   $543,571    $480,622
Total debt, including
 capital lease obligations       $ 10,218    $  9,321   $  9,487   $ 17,907    $ 10,676
Shareholders' equity             $537,699    $511,189   $464,783   $390,509    $350,535
Debt as a percentage of
 equity                              1.9%        1.8%       2.0%       4.6%        3.1%

Footnotes on following page


(1)   During the third quarter of fiscal 2003,  the Company  announced a plan to
      close  three of its  smaller  manufacturing  facilities.  Closure of these
      facilities  resulted in a headcount  reduction totaling  approximately 580
      employees;  340  employees  effective  April 21, 2003,  and 240  employees
      throughout the last quarter of fiscal 2003 and the first quarter of fiscal
      2004. A pre-tax  restructuring  and impairment charge of $13.4 million was
      recorded for costs  associated  with these plant  closings,  of which $4.5
      million  related to employee  severance  and benefits and other plant exit
      costs,  and $8.9  million  related  to  fixed  asset  impairment  charges,
      primarily for real property and  machinery and equipment  associated  with
      the closed  facilities.  Substantially all of related payments  associated
      with  these  plant  closure  costs  will be  made by the end of the  first
      quarter of fiscal 2004.

      In the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2002,  the Company  announced a plan that
      involved the closure of one of its manufacturing facilities as well as the
      rough mill operation of a separate  facility.  Closure of these facilities
      resulted in a headcount  reduction  totaling  approximately 220 employees;
      150 employees  effective  June 29, 2002,  and 70 employees  throughout the
      first  quarter of fiscal  2003.  A pre-tax  restructuring  and  impairment
      charge of $5.1 million was recorded for costs  associated with these plant
      closings, of which $2.0 million related to employee severance and benefits
      and other  plant exit  costs,  and $3.1  million  related  to fixed  asset
      impairment  charges,   primarily  for  real  property  and  machinery  and
      equipment associated with the closed facilities.  During the quarter ended
      March 31, 2003, adjustments totaling $0.2 million were recorded to reverse
      certain  of these  previously  established  accruals,  which are no longer

      In the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2001,  the Company  announced a plan that
      involved  the  closure  of three  of its  manufacturing  facilities  and a
      headcount reduction totaling  approximately 350 employees effective August
      6, 2001. A pre-tax restructuring and impairment charge of $6.9 million was
      recorded for costs  associated  with these plant  closings,  of which $3.3
      million  related to employee  severance  and benefits and other plant exit
      costs,  and $3.6  million  related  to  fixed  asset  impairment  charges,
      primarily for real property and  machinery and equipment  associated  with
      the closed facilities.

(2)   Amounts  have been  retroactively  adjusted to reflect  the  three-for-two
      stock split on May 21, 1999.

(3)   As a result of the Company's adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting
      Standards No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible  Assets,  amortization of
      goodwill  and  intangible  assets  ceased on July 1,  2001.  The amount of
      amortization  related  to these  assets  in  2001,  2000 and 1999 was $1.8
      million, $1.8 million and $1.7 million, respectively.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
         and Results of Operations

      The following  discussion of results of operations and financial condition
is  based  upon,  and  should  be read in  conjunction  with,  the  Consolidated
Financial  Statements of the Company and notes thereto  included under Item 8 of
this Report.

Forward-Looking Statements

      Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of
operations  and other  sections of this annual  report  contain  forward-looking
statements  relating  to future  results of the  Company.  Such  forward-looking
statements are identified by use of forward-looking words such as "anticipates",
"believes",  "plans", "estimates",  "expects", and "intends" or words or phrases
of similar expression.  These forward-looking  statements are subject to various
assumptions, risks and uncertainties,  including, but not limited to, changes in
political and economic conditions, demand for the Company's products, acceptance
of new products, technology developments affecting the Company's products and to
those  matters  discussed  in the  Company's  filings  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission.  Accordingly,  actual results could differ materially from
those contemplated by the forward-looking statements.

Critical Accounting Policies

      The  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  have been prepared in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America which  requires  that certain  estimates  and  assumptions  be made that
affect the amounts and disclosures  reported in the those  financial  statements
and the related  accompanying  notes.  Actual  results  could  differ from these
estimates and  assumptions.  Management  uses its best judgment in valuing these
estimates and may, as warranted, solicit external advice. Estimates are based on
current facts and circumstances, prior experience and other assumptions believed
to be reasonable.  The following critical accounting policies, some of which are
impacted  significantly  by judgments,  assumptions  and  estimates,  affect the
Company's consolidated financial statements.

      Retail Store  Acquisitions - The Company  accounts for the  acquisition of
retail  stores and related  assets in  accordance  with  Statement  of Financial
Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 141, Business  Combinations,  which requires
application of the purchase method for all business combinations initiated after
June  30,  2001.   Accounting  for  these   transactions  as  purchase  business
combinations  requires  the  allocation  of  purchase  price  paid to the assets
acquired and  liabilities  assumed  based on their fair values as of the date of
the  acquisition.  The  amount  paid in excess of the fair  value of net  assets
acquired is accounted for as goodwill.

      Impairment  of Long-Lived  Assets and Goodwill - The Company  periodically
evaluates  whether  events or  circumstances  have  occurred  that indicate that
long-lived  assets may not be recoverable or that the remaining  useful life may
warrant  revision.  When such events or circumstances  are present,  the Company
assesses the  recoverability  of long-lived  assets by  determining  whether the
carrying value will be recovered through the expected  undiscounted  future cash
flows  resulting from the use of the asset. In the event the sum of the expected
undiscounted  future cash flows is less than the carrying value of the asset, an
impairment loss equal to the excess of the asset's  carrying value over its fair
value is recorded.  The long-term nature of these assets requires the estimation
of its cash  inflows and outflows  several  years into the future and only takes
into  consideration  technological  advances known at the time of the impairment

      In accordance  with SFAS No. 142,  Goodwill and Other  Intangible  Assets,
which was adopted by the Company on July 1, 2001,  goodwill and other intangible
assets are to be evaluated  for  impairment  at the  reporting  unit level on an
annual basis and between annual tests whenever events or circumstances  indicate
that the  carrying  value of a  reporting  unit may exceed its fair  value.  The
Company  conducts its required annual  impairment test during the fourth quarter
of each fiscal year.  The impairment  test uses a discounted  cash flow model to
estimate  the fair value of a


reporting unit. This model requires the use of long-term  planning forecasts and
assumptions regarding industry-specific economic conditions that are outside the
control of the Company.

      Allowance for Doubtful  Accounts - The Company  maintains an allowance for
doubtful  accounts for  estimated  losses  resulting  from the  inability of its
customers to make required  payments.  The  allowance  for doubtful  accounts is
based on a review of specifically  identified accounts in addition to an overall
aging  analysis.  Judgments  are made  with  respect  to the  collectibility  of
accounts receivable based on historical  experience and current economic trends.
Actual losses could differ from those estimates.

      Inventories  -  Inventories  (finished  goods,  work  in  process  and raw
materials) are stated at the lower of cost, determined on a first-in,  first-out
basis, or market.  Cost is determined  based solely on those charges incurred in
the acquisition and production of the related  inventory (i.e.  material,  labor
and  manufacturing  overhead costs).  The Company estimates an inventory reserve
for excess  quantities and obsolete items based on specific  identification  and
historical write-offs,  taking into account future demand and market conditions.
If actual  demand or market  conditions  in the future are less  favorable  than
those estimated, additional inventory write-downs may be required.

      Revenue Recognition - Revenue is recognized when all of the following have
occurred:  persuasive  evidence of a sales arrangement  exists (e.g. a wholesale
purchase order or retail sales invoice); the sales arrangement specifies a fixed
or determinable sales price;  product is shipped or services are provided to the
customer;  and collectibility is reasonably assured.  This generally occurs upon
the  shipment  of  goods  to  independent  dealers  or,  in the  case  of  Ethan
Allen-owned retail stores, upon delivery to the customer. Recorded sales provide
for estimated  returns and allowances.  The Company permits retail  customers to
return  defective  products and  incorrect  shipments  for credit  against other
purchases. Terms offered by the Company are standard for the industry.

      Business  Insurance Reserves - The Company has insurance programs in place
to cover  workers'  compensation  and  property/casualty  claims.  The insurance
programs,  which are  funded  through  self-insured  retention,  are  subject to
various  stop-loss  limitations.  The Company  accrues  estimated  losses  using
actuarial models and assumptions  based on historical loss experience.  Although
management  believes  that the  insurance  reserves  are  adequate,  the reserve
estimates  are based on  historical  experience,  which may not be indicative of
current and future  losses.  In addition,  the  actuarial  calculations  used to
estimate insurance reserves are based on numerous assumptions, some of which are
subjective. The Company adjusts insurance reserves, as needed, in the event that
future loss experience differs from historical loss patterns.

      Other Loss  Reserves - The  Company has a number of other  potential  loss
exposures  incurred in the  ordinary  course of business  such as  environmental
claims,   product  liability,   litigation,   restructuring   charges,  and  the
recoverability  of deferred income tax benefits.  Establishing loss reserves for
these matters requires management's estimate and judgment with regard to maximum
risk  exposure  and  ultimate  liability  or  realization.  As a  result,  these
estimates are often developed with the Company's  counsel,  or other appropriate
advisors,  and are based on management's current understanding of the underlying
facts and  circumstances.  Because  of  uncertainties  related  to the  ultimate
outcome of these issues or the  possibilities of changes in the underlying facts
and circumstances,  additional charges related to these issues could be required
in the future.

Basis of Presentation

      Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. has no material assets other than its ownership
of  the  capital  stock  of  Ethan  Allen  Inc.  and  conducts  all  significant
transactions  through  Ethan Allen  Inc.;  therefore,  substantially  all of the
financial information presented herein is that of Ethan Allen Inc.


Results of Operations

      Ethan  Allen's   revenues  are   comprised  of  (i)  wholesale   sales  to
independently-owned  and  Company-owned  retail  stores and (ii) retail sales of
Company-owned  stores.  See  Note  17 to the  Company's  Consolidated  Financial
Statements  for the year ended June 30, 2003.  The  components  of  consolidated
revenues and operating income are as follows (in millions):

                                                 Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
                                                 2003        2002       2001
                                                 ----        ----       ----
        Wholesale segment                     $ 661.0     $ 660.8     $ 705.6
        Retail segment                          526.4       459.6       419.3
        Elimination of inter-segment sales     (280.1)     (228.1)     (220.8)
                                               ------      ------      ------
          Consolidated Revenue                $ 907.3     $ 892.3     $ 904.1
                                               ======      ======      ======

        Operating Income:
        Wholesale segment (1)                 $ 109.3     $ 110.1     $ 100.5
        Retail segment                           14.6        23.1        23.1
        Eliminations                             (3.3)       (3.3)        2.4
                                               ------      ------      ------
          Consolidated Operating Income       $ 120.6     $ 129.9     $ 126.0
                                               ======      ======      ======

      (1)   The Wholesale segment includes pre-tax  restructuring and impairment
            charges of $13.2  million,  $5.1  million and $6.9 million in fiscal
            years 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Fiscal 2003 Compared to Fiscal 2002

      Consolidated  revenue for fiscal 2003 was $907.3  million,  an increase of
$15.0 million, or 1.7%, from fiscal 2002 consolidated revenue of $892.3 million.
The  increase was due,  primarily,  to the  continued  expansion  and  strategic
re-positioning  of the  Company's  retail  segment,  partially  offset by softer
business  conditions  during the past twelve months caused by a sluggish economy
and the  unsettled  geo-political  environment.  As a result  of these  factors,
consumer  confidence  deteriorated  and the  incoming  order rate was  adversely

      Total wholesale  revenue for fiscal 2003 was $661.0 million as compared to
$660.8  million  in fiscal  2002,  representing  a $0.2  million  increase.  The
wholesale segment experienced only marginal growth as a result of the challenges
posed  by  the  state  of  the  U.S.  economy  during  the  past  year  and  the
geo-political  concerns leading up to, during,  and in the aftermath of, the war
with Iraq. Both of these factors served to adversely affect consumer  confidence
and related spending habits. To a lesser extent, wholesale sales volume was also
negatively  impacted by one fewer  production week in the current fiscal year as
compared to the prior year.

      Total  retail  revenue  from Ethan  Allen-owned  stores  for  fiscal  2003
increased $66.8 million,  or 14.5%, to $526.4 million from $459.6 million in the
prior year. This increase in retail delivered sales by Ethan Allen-owned  stores
was  attributable  to an increase in sales generated by newly-opened or acquired
stores of $95.6  million,  partially  offset by a decrease in  comparable  store
delivered sales of $15.4 million,  or 3.5%, and a decrease resulting from closed
stores,  which generated $13.4 million fewer sales in fiscal 2003 as compared to
fiscal 2002. The number of Ethan Allen-owned  stores increased to 119 as of June
30, 2003 as compared to 103 as of June 30, 2002.  During the last twelve months,
the Company  acquired 16 stores from independent  dealers,  opened 3 new stores,
and closed 3 stores.

      Comparable stores represent  newly-opened  Company-owned  stores that have
been  operating  for at least 15 months.  Minimal  net sales,  derived  from the
delivery of  customer  ordered  product,  are  generated  during the first three
months of operations of  newly-opened  stores.  Stores acquired from dealers are
included in comparable store sales in their 13th full month of Ethan Allen-owned

      Total booked orders,  which include  wholesale orders and written business
of  Ethan  Allen-owned  retail  stores,  increased  1.0%  from the  prior  year,
reflecting the further  expansion and strategic  re-positioning of the Company's
retail segment,  partially  offset by softer business  conditions  caused by the
economic and geo-


political climate during the period. Year-over-year,  wholesale orders decreased
3.3% while Ethan  Allen-owned  store orders  increased  15.4%.  Comparable store
written business decreased 3.1% over that same period.

      Gross profit for fiscal 2003 increased  $28.1 million,  or 6.7%, to $449.4
million  from $421.3  million in fiscal  2002.  The increase in gross profit was
primarily attributable to (i) a higher percentage of retail sales to total sales
(58% in fiscal  2003  compared  to 52% in  fiscal  2002)  and (ii)  lower  costs
associated  with sales returns and allowances  and certain raw materials.  Gross
profit for the year was also positively impacted,  to a lesser extent, by higher
margins  attributable to the off-shore sourcing of selected product lines. These
favorable  variances were partially  offset by increased  costs  associated with
excess  capacity  at our  manufacturing  facilities  and lower  wholesale  sales
volume. Consolidated gross margin increased to 49.5% for the year ended June 30,
2003 from 47.2% in the prior  year.  Overall,  the gross  margin was  positively
impacted as a result of the factors identified previously.

      The Company recorded pre-tax restructuring and impairment charges of $13.4
million  and $5.1  million in the third  quarter  of fiscal  2003 and the fourth
quarter of fiscal 2002,  respectively,  relating to the consolidation of certain
manufacturing  facilities.  The fiscal  2003  consolidation  plan  involved  the
closure of three smaller manufacturing  facilities.  Closure of these facilities
resulted in a headcount  reduction  totaling  approximately  580 employees;  340
employees  effective  April 21,  2003,  and 240  employees  throughout  the last
quarter of fiscal  2003 and the first  quarter of fiscal  2004.  The fiscal 2002
consolidation plan involved the closure of one manufacturing facility as well as
the rough mill  operation of a separate  facility.  Closure of these  facilities
resulted in a headcount  reduction  totaling  approximately  220 employees;  150
employees effective June 29, 2002, and 70 employees throughout the first quarter
of fiscal 2003.  The closing costs  recorded in both periods  relate to employee
severance and benefits,  the write-down of long-lived assets such as real estate
and machinery and equipment,  and other plant exit costs.  Adjustments  totaling
$0.2  million  were   recorded   during  the  year  to  reverse   certain  other
restructuring   accruals   established  in  connection   with  the  fiscal  2002
consolidation plan which are no longer required.

      Including  restructuring and impairment  charges of $13.2 million and $5.1
million in fiscal 2003 and 2002,  respectively,  operating expenses increased to
$328.8  million,  or 36.2% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30,  2003 from
$291.4  million,  or 32.7% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30, 2002. This
increase is primarily  attributable  to further  expansion of the retail segment
and the higher  percentage of retail sales to total sales  experienced  in 2003.
The addition of 16 net new Company-owned  stores since June 2002 has resulted in
higher costs associated with design consultant salaries, occupancy, delivery and
warehousing,  administrative  salaries  and  advertising.  To a  lesser  extent,
operating   expenses   also   increased  as  a  result  of  the   aforementioned
restructuring and impairment  charges.  These increases were partially offset by
lower selling,  general and administrative costs within the wholesale segment as
a result  of a  continued  Company-wide  focus  on cost  containment  and  lower
wholesale sales volume.

      Including  restructuring and impairment  charges of $13.2 million and $5.1
million  in fiscal  2003 and 2002,  respectively,  operating  income  was $120.6
million,  or 13.3% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30,  2003  compared to
$129.9  million,  or 14.6% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30, 2002. This
represents a decrease of $9.3 million, or 7.2%, which is primarily  attributable
to increased  operating expenses  resulting from the continued  expansion of the
retail segment and the  aforementioned  restructuring  and  impairment  charges,
partially  offset by a higher  gross  margin  and  lower  selling,  general  and
administrative expenses at the wholesale level.

      Including  restructuring and impairment  charges of $13.2 million and $5.1
million in fiscal 2003 and 2002, respectively,  total wholesale operating income
was $109.3 million, or 16.5% of wholesale net sales, for the year ended June 30,
2003 compared to $110.1 million,  or 16.7% of wholesale net sales,  for the year
ended June 30,  2002.  The  decrease  of $0.8  million,  or 0.7%,  is  primarily
attributable  to  the


aforementioned  restructuring and impairment charges, increased costs associated
with excess capacity at our manufacturing  facilities and a decline in wholesale
sales  volume,   partially  offset  by  a  decrease  in  selling,   general  and
administrative  expenses  and lower  costs  associated  with sales  returns  and
allowances and certain raw materials.

      Operating income for the retail segment decreased $8.5 million, or 37%, to
$14.6  million,  or 2.8% of net retail  sales,  for fiscal 2003,  as compared to
$23.1  million,  or 5.0% of net retail  sales,  in the prior  fiscal  year.  The
decrease in retail  operating income  generated by Ethan  Allen-owned  stores is
primarily  attributable to higher operating  expenses related to the addition of
16 net new stores since June 2002, a 3.5% decline in comparable store sales, and
reduced sales volume resulting from closed stores, partially offset by increased
sales volume associated with new stores.

      Interest and other  miscellaneous  income  decreased  $1.7 million to $1.3
million in fiscal 2003 from $3.0  million in fiscal  2002.  The decrease is due,
primarily,  to (i) the  Company's  share of  current  year  losses  incurred  in
connection  with its United Kingdom joint venture with MFI Furniture Group Plc.,
(ii) higher gains recorded in the prior year in connection with the sale of real
estate,  and (iii) a  decrease  in  interest  income as a result of a decline in
interest rates during the period.

      Income tax expense  totaled $45.8 million for the year ended June 30, 2003
as compared to $50.0  million for the year ended June 30,  2002.  The  Company's
effective tax rate was 37.8% in both periods.

      For fiscal  2003,  the Company  recorded  net income of $75.4  million,  a
decrease of 8.4%,  as compared to $82.3  million in fiscal  2002.  Earnings  per
diluted  share for fiscal year 2003  amounted to $1.95,  a decrease of $0.11 per
diluted share, or 5.3%, from $2.06 per diluted share in the prior year.

Fiscal 2002 Compared to Fiscal 2001

      Consolidated  revenue  for fiscal 2002 was $892.3  million,  a decrease of
$11.8 million, or 1.3%, from fiscal 2001 consolidated revenue of $904.1 million.
The  decrease  in  revenues  was the  result of a general  decline  in  consumer
spending  throughout  most of the year,  partially  offset by a selective  price
increase effective April 2001 and the continued expansion of the retail segment.

      Total  wholesale  revenue  for  fiscal  year 2002 was  $660.8  million  as
compared to $705.6 million in fiscal 2001.  This  represents a decrease of $44.8
million,  or 6.4%, from fiscal 2001. The decrease in wholesale  revenue was due,
primarily,  to  softening  demand as a result of a general  decline in  consumer
spending  during  the last  twelve  months  and,  to a lesser  extent,  one less
production day in the current fiscal year as compared to the prior year.

      Total  retail  revenue  from Ethan  Allen-owned  stores  for  fiscal  2002
increased by $40.3  million,  or 9.6%, to $459.6  million from $419.3 million in
the prior year.  The  increase in retail  delivered  sales by Ethan  Allen-owned
stores was comprised of a $9.5 million,  or 2.4%,  decrease in comparable  store
sales,  an increase in sales  generated by  newly-opened  or acquired  stores of
$57.6  million,  and a decrease  resulting  from sold and closed  stores,  which
generated  $7.8 million fewer sales in fiscal 2002 compared to fiscal 2001.  The
number  of Ethan  Allen-owned  stores  increased  to 103 as of June 30,  2002 as
compared to 84 as of June 30, 2001.  During the last twelve months,  the Company
acquired 20 stores from independent  dealers,  sold 1 to an independent  dealer,
opened 1 new store,  and closed 1 store.  Of the stores  acquired  during fiscal
2002, 6 stores were purchased from Mr. Edward Teplitz,  who subsequently  joined
the Company as Vice  President  of Finance (see Part II, Item 5 of the Form 10-Q
filed on  November  15,  2001).  In August  2002,  Mr.  Teplitz  was named Chief
Financial  Officer of the Company.  He currently  serves as Vice  President  and
General Manager of the Company's Retail division, a role he assumed in May 2003.


      Total booked orders,  which include  wholesale orders and written business
of  Ethan  Allen-owned  retail  stores,  increased  2.0%  from the  prior  year,
reflecting  further  expansion  of  the  Company's  retail  segment,  offset  by
softening   wholesale  demand  and  a  general  decline  in  consumer  spending.
Year-over-year,  wholesale orders decreased 1.0% while Ethan  Allen-owned  store
orders  increased  13.6%.  Comparable  store  written  business  remained  flat,
increasing by only 0.2%, over that same period.

      Gross profit for fiscal 2002  increased  $7.6 million,  or 1.8%, to $421.3
million  from $413.7  million in fiscal  2001.  The increase in gross profit was
primarily attributable to (i) a higher percentage of retail sales to total sales
(52% in fiscal 2002  compared to 46% in fiscal 2001),  (ii) lower  manufacturing
costs  resulting from favorable  pricing of raw  materials,  (iii)  efficiencies
gained as a result of plant  shutdowns  undertaken  in fiscal  2001 and (iv) the
impact of a selective price increase  effective  April 2001.  These factors were
partially  offset by lower  wholesale  sales volume.  Consolidated  gross margin
increased  to 47.2% for the year  ended  June 30,  2002 from  45.8% in the prior
year.  Overall,  the gross  margin was  positively  impacted  as a result of the
factors identified previously,  offset partially by sales volume associated with
products sold at lower margins.

      The Company recorded pre-tax  restructuring and impairment charges of $5.1
million  and $6.9  million  in the  fourth  quarter  of  fiscal  2002 and  2001,
respectively, relating to the consolidation of certain manufacturing facilities.
The fiscal 2002  consolidation  plan  involved the closure of one  manufacturing
facility as well as the rough mill operation of a separate facility.  Closure of
these facilities  resulted in a headcount  reduction totaling  approximately 220
employees;  150 employees  effective June 29, 2002, and 70 employees  throughout
the first  quarter of fiscal 2003.  In fiscal 2001,  the Company  announced  the
closure  of three of its  manufacturing  facilities  and a  headcount  reduction
totaling approximately 350 employees effective August 6, 2001. The closing costs
recorded  in both  periods  relate  to  employee  severance  and  benefits,  the
write-down of long-lived assets such as real estate and machinery and equipment,
and other plant exit costs.

      Including  restructuring  and impairment  charges of $5.1 million and $6.9
million in fiscal 2002 and 2001,  respectively,  operating expenses increased to
$291.4  million,  or 32.7% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30,  2002 from
$287.6  million,  or 31.8% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30, 2001. This
increase is primarily  attributable  to further  expansion of the retail segment
and the higher  percentage of retail sales to total sales  experienced  in 2002.
The addition of 19 net new Company-owned  stores since June 2001 has resulted in
higher costs associated with delivery and warehousing,  occupancy,  advertising,
health care and design  consultant  salaries.  These  increases  were  partially
offset by a  decrease  in  distribution  costs  resulting  from a decline in the
volume of wholesale shipments.

      Including  restructuring  and impairment  charges of $5.1 million and $6.9
million  in fiscal  2002 and 2001,  respectively,  operating  income  was $129.9
million,  or 14.6% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30,  2002  compared to
$126.0  million,  or 13.9% of net sales,  for the year ended June 30, 2001. This
represents an increase of $3.9 million, or 3.1%, which is primarily attributable
to the higher gross margin noted above,  partially offset by increased operating
expenses resulting from the continued expansion of the retail segment.

      Including  restructuring  and impairment  charges of $5.1 million and $6.9
million in fiscal 2002 and 2001, respectively,  total wholesale operating income
was $110.1 million, or 16.7% of wholesale net sales, for the year ended June 30,
2002 compared to $100.5 million,  or 14.2% of wholesale net sales,  for the year
ended June 30, 2001. Wholesale operating income increased $9.6 million, or 9.6%,
in fiscal year 2002 due,  primarily,  to (i) lower manufacturing costs resulting
from favorable  pricing of raw materials,  (ii)  efficiencies  gained from plant
shutdowns  undertaken  in fiscal 2001 and (iii) the impact of a selective  price
increase effective April 2001,  partially offset by lower wholesale sales volume
and one less  production day in the current fiscal year as compared to the prior


      Operating income for the retail segment remained  relatively  unchanged at
$23.1  million,  representing  5.0% and 5.5% of net retail sales in fiscal years
2002 and 2001,  respectively.  The level of retail operating income generated by
Company-owned  stores is primarily  attributable  to higher  operating  expenses
related to the addition of 19 net new stores, a 2.4% decline in comparable store
sales,  and  reduced  sales  volume  resulting  from  closed  stores,  offset by
increased sales volume associated with new stores.

      Interest  and other  miscellaneous  income of $3.0  million in fiscal 2002
increased  $0.2 million from $2.8 million in fiscal 2001 due,  primarily,  to an
increase in interest income associated with the Company's investment portfolio.

      Interest expense,  including the amortization of deferred financing costs,
decreased  $0.2 million to $0.6 million in fiscal 2002  compared to $0.8 million
in fiscal 2001 due to a decline in the Company's outstanding borrowings.

      Income tax expense  totaled $50.0 million for the year ended June 30, 2002
as compared to $48.4  million for the year ended June 30,  2001.  The  Company's
effective tax rate was 37.8% in both periods.

      For fiscal  2002,  the Company  recorded net income of $82.3  million,  an
increase of 3.3%, compared to $79.7 million in fiscal 2001. Earnings per diluted
share for fiscal 2002 amounted to $2.06, an increase of $0.08 per diluted share,
or 4.0%, from $1.98 per diluted share in the prior year.

Financial Condition and Liquidity

      The Company's principal sources of liquidity are cash flow from operations
and borrowing  capacity under a revolving credit facility.  Net cash provided by
operating  activities  totaled  $100.5  million  for fiscal  2003 as compared to
$125.3  million in fiscal  2002 and $87.6  million in fiscal  2001.  The current
year-over-year  decrease  of $24.8  million in net cash  provided  by  operating
activities  was  principally  the result of (i) inventory  levels which,  net of
inventories  totaling  $10.1 million  acquired in the purchase of retail stores,
increased $14.0 million during the year,  representing a $30.6 million  variance
from the  decrease in  inventory  noted in the prior  year,  (ii) an increase in
prepaid  expenses and other current assets ($7.3 million),  and (iii) a decrease
in net income ($6.9 million).  These unfavorable variances were partially offset
by (i) an increase in cash collected on outstanding  accounts  receivable  ($8.3
million),  (ii) increased  restructuring and impairment  charges ($6.3 million),
and (iii) increase in the Company's net deferred tax liability ($4.6 million).

      The increase in inventory  levels since June 2002 is the result of several
factors,  including (i) increased  stock position in off-shore  sourced  product
lines,  including build-up  associated with the introduction of both the Tuscany
collection  in Spring 2003 and the Ethan Allen Kids  collection  in early Summer
2003, (ii) an increase in the number of Company-owned  retail stores,  and (iii)
overall softer business conditions experienced during the period.

      During fiscal 2003, capital spending,  exclusive of acquisitions,  totaled
$27.2  million as compared to $31.1 million and $38.5 million in fiscal 2002 and
2001,  respectively.  The  current  level of  capital  spending  is  principally
attributable  to (i) new store  development  and renovation  (ii)  manufacturing
expansion within certain facilities, and (iii) technology improvements.  Capital
expenditures in fiscal 2004,  exclusive of  acquisitions,  are anticipated to be
approximately  $45.0  million.  In  addition,   the  Company  expects  to  incur
expenditures for retail and other acquisitions  totaling $5.0 million during the
year. The Company  anticipates  that cash from  operations will be sufficient to
fund such capital expenditures and acquisitions.

       Net cash used in financing  activities  totaled  $61.1  million in fiscal
2003 as  compared to $29.3  million in fiscal  2002 and $15.0  million in fiscal
2001. The current  year-over-year  increase of $31.8 million in net cash used in
financing  activities  was the  result of an  increase  in  payments  to acquire
treasury stock ($26.0  million),  the repayment of debt ($3.4  million),  and an
increase in dividends


paid ($2.9 million).  Total debt outstanding at June 30, 2003 was $10.2 million.
At June 30, 2003 there were no revolving loans  outstanding and $19.4 million of
trade and standby letters of credit  outstanding under the credit facility.  The
Company had $105.6 million available under its revolving credit facility at June
30, 2003.

      In June 2002,  Standard & Poor's  ("S&P")  raised its corporate and senior
unsecured  credit  ratings on Ethan  Allen to "A-" from  "BBB+".  S&P citied the
Company's solid business position and operating performance,  both stemming from
a well-known brand name, the effectiveness of its distribution through the Ethan
Allen retail store network, a strong product portfolio,  efficient manufacturing
and low-cost  position,  as the primary  factors  considered  in arriving at the
rating change.

      The Company has been  authorized  by its Board of Directors to  repurchase
its common stock from time to time,  either directly or through  agents,  in the
open market at prices and on terms satisfactory to the Company. The Company also
retires  shares  of  unvested  restricted  stock  and,  prior to June 30,  2002,
repurchased  shares of common  stock  from  terminated  or  retiring  employee's
accounts in the Ethan Allen Retirement Savings Plan. All of the Company's common
stock repurchases and retirements are recorded as treasury stock and result in a
reduction of shareholders'  equity.  During fiscal years 2003, 2002 and 2001 the
Company repurchased and/or retired the following shares of its common stock:

                                          2003(1)        2002(1)         2001(2)
                                          -------        -------         -------
   Common shares repurchased             1,457,000      1,059,226         61,006
   Cost to repurchase common shares    $43,503,500    $31,865,423     $1,069,587
   Average price per share                  $29.86         $30.08         $17.53

   (1) The cost to  repurchase  shares in fiscal  years  2003 and 2002  reflects
       $7,197,165 in common stock  repurchases with a June 2002 trade date and a
       July 2002 settlement date.

   (2) Includes the  repurchase  of 28,000  shares at $.01 per share  previously
       issued under the  Company's  Restricted  Stock Award Plan.  Excluding the
       effect of these repurchases, the average price per share was $32.40.

      The Company  funded its  purchases  through cash from  operations  and, in
2001, through revolver loan borrowings under its existing credit facility. As of
June 30, 2003, the Company had a remaining Board  authorization  to purchase 1.3
million shares.

      As of June 30, 2003,  aggregate  scheduled  maturities of long-term  debt,
including capital lease obligations,  for each of the next five fiscal years are
$1.0  million,  $4.7  million,  $0.2  million,  $0.1  million and $0.1  million,
respectively.  Management believes that its cash flow from operations,  together
with its other  available  sources of  liquidity,  will be  adequate to make all
required  payments of principal and interest on its debt, to permit  anticipated
capital expenditures and to fund working capital and other cash requirements. As
of June 30,  2003,  the  Company  had  working  capital of $225.8  million and a
current ratio of 2.68 to 1.

      The following table  summarizes the timing of cash payments related to the
Company's outstanding contractual obligations (in thousands):

                                            Less                           More
                                           than 1      1-3       4-5      than 5
                                 Total      Year      Years     Years     Years
                                ---------  --------  --------  --------  -------
Long-term debt obligations      $  9,998   $   844   $ 4,883   $    78   $ 4,193
Capital lease obligations            220       152        68         -         -
Operating lease obligations      151,726    23,680    41,694    33,893    52,459
Purchase obligations (1)               -         -         -         -         -
Other long-term liabilities
 reflected on balance sheet            -         -         -         -         -
                                ---------  --------  --------  --------  -------
Total contractual obligations   $161,944   $24,676   $46,645   $33,971   $56,652
                                =========  ========  ========  ========  =======

   (1) The Company is not a party to any significant  long-term supply contracts
       with respect to lumber, fabric or other raw materials used in production.
       Further,  the Company  refrains  from entering  into  long-term  purchase
       commitments with vendors utilized in the ordinary course of business.


      Further  discussion of the Company's  contractual  obligations  associated
with long-term debt and leases can be found in Note 7 and Note 8,  respectively,
to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Off-Balance  Sheet  Arrangements  and  Other   Commitments,   Contingencies  and
Contractual Obligations

      Except as  indicated  below,  the  Company  does not utilize or employ any
off-balance sheet  arrangements in operating its business.  As such, the Company
does not maintain  any (i) retained or  contingent  interests,  (ii)  derivative
instruments,  or (iii)  variable  interests  which  could  serve as a source  of
potential  risk to its  future  liquidity,  capital  resources  and  results  of

       The Company, or its wholly-owned subsidiaries,  may, from time to time in
the  ordinary  course of  business,  provide  guarantees  on behalf of  selected
affiliated entities or become  contractually  obligated to perform in accordance
with the terms and  conditions of certain  business  agreements.  The nature and
extent  of these  guarantees  and  obligations  varies  based on the  underlying
relationship of the benefiting party to the Company and the business purpose for
which  the  guarantee  or  obligation  is  being  provided.   Details  of  those
arrangements for which the Company, or any of its wholly-owned subsidiaries, act
as guarantor or obligor are provided below.

Dealer-Related Guarantees

      As part of the  Company's  expansion  strategy  for the Ethan Allen retail
store network, selected independent dealers are provided, on rare occasion, with
financial  guarantees  relating  to  leases in  connection  with  certain  store
locations. As of June 30, 2003, one such guarantee exists. This guarantee, which
has been provided by Ethan Allen Inc. on behalf of an independent  dealer, has a
remaining  term of fifteen  months,  which  generally  represents  the remaining
contractual  terms of the underlying  lease  agreement  (subject to certain term
limitations).  The Company is obligated to act under such guarantee in the event
of default by the respective  dealer (lessee).  The maximum  potential amount of
future payments  (undiscounted) that the Company could be required to make under
this  guarantee  is  limited to the amount of the  remaining  contractual  lease
payments  (subject to certain term limitations) and, as such, is not an estimate
of future cash flows.  As of June 30, 2003, the amount of remaining  contractual
lease payments  guaranteed by the Company was  approximately  $0.4 million.  The
Company maintains  specific  recourse rights related to this dealer  arrangement
that would enable recovery of any amount paid under this  guarantee.  Management
expects, based on the underlying  creditworthiness of the guaranteed party, this
guarantee will expire without requiring funding by the Company.  Accordingly, as
of June 30, 2003, the carrying amount of the liability related to such guarantee
is zero.

      In addition,  Ethan Allen Inc. has obligated  itself,  on behalf of one of
its  independent  dealers,  with respect to a $1.3 million credit  facility (the
"Credit  Facility").  This obligation  requires the Company, in the event of the
dealer's  default  under  the  Credit  Facility,   to  repurchase  the  dealer's
inventory, applying such purchase price to the dealer's outstanding indebtedness
under the Credit  Facility.  The Company's  obligation  remains in effect for as
long as the Credit  Facility is in existence.  The maximum  potential  amount of
future payments  (undiscounted) that the Company could be required to make under
this obligation is limited to the amount  outstanding  under the Credit Facility
at the time of default  (subject to  pre-determined  lending limits based on the
value of the  underlying  inventory)  and, as such, is not an estimate of future
cash flows.  No  specific  recourse or  collateral  provisions  exist that would
enable recovery of any portion of amounts paid under this obligation,  except to
the extent that the Company maintains the right to take title to the repurchased
inventory.   Management   anticipates  that  the  repurchased   inventory  could
subsequently be sold through the Company's retail store network.  As of June 30,
2003, the amount  outstanding  under the Credit Facility  totaled  approximately
$0.8 million,  of which $0.5 million was in the form of a revolving credit line.
Management expects,  based on the underlying  creditworthiness of the respective
dealer,  this obligation will expire without


requiring funding by the Company. Accordingly, as of June 30, 2003, the carrying
amount of the liability related to such obligation is zero.

Indemnification Agreement

      In connection  with the Company's  joint venture  arrangement  with United
Kingdom-based  MFI  Industries  Plc.,  Ethan Allen Inc.  has entered  into a tax
cross-indemnification   agreement   with  the   joint   venture   partner.   The
indemnification  agreement  stipulates  that  both  parties  agree to pay  fifty
percent of the amount of any tax liability arising as a result of (i) an adverse
tax judgment or (ii) the imposition of additional  taxes against either partner,
and  attributable  to the operations of the joint venture.  The  indemnification
agreement is effective until such time that the joint venture is terminated.  At
the present time, management anticipates that the joint venture will continue to
operate for the foreseeable future.

      The maximum  potential amount of future payments  (undiscounted)  that the
Company  could be  required  to make under  this  indemnification  agreement  is
indeterminable as no such tax liability currently exists.  Further,  the nature,
extent and magnitude of any such tax liability arising in the future as a result
of an adverse tax judgment or change in  applicable  tax law cannot be estimated
with any  reasonable  certainty.  It should be further noted that no recourse or
collateral provisions exist that would enable recovery of any portion of amounts
paid under this  indemnification  agreement.  Management  expects,  based on its
current  understanding  of the  applicable  tax  laws  and  the  existing  legal
structure of the joint venture, subject to future changes in applicable laws and
regulations,  this  cross-indemnity  agreement  will  expire  without  requiring
funding by the Company. Accordingly, as of June 30, 2003, the carrying amount of
the liability related to this indemnification agreement is zero.

Residual Value Guarantees

      In connection with its  distribution  activities,  the Company has entered
into  operating  lease  agreements  for certain  trucks and trailers  within its
fleet.  For a portion of these vehicles,  the Company has guaranteed the related
residual values upon completion of the  contractual  lease terms.  The remaining
terms of such guarantees  range from one to two years,  and generally  represent
the remaining contractual terms of the underlying lease agreements.  The Company
is  obligated to act under such  guarantees  in the event that the fair value of
the vehicles at the end of the lease term is less than the  guaranteed  residual
value. The maximum potential amount of future payments  (undiscounted)  that the
Company  could be  required  to make under  these  guarantees  is limited to the
guaranteed  residual value for each respective vehicle subject to such guarantee
and, as such, is not an estimate of future cash flows.  As of June 30, 2003, the
Company's  maximum  potential  exposure related to residual value guarantees was
approximately $0.5 million.  While no specific recourse or collateral provisions
exist that would  enable  recovery  of any  portion of amounts  paid under these
guarantees,  all payments  made by the Company  related to such  guarantees  are
computed net of the proceeds  received by the lessor upon sale of the underlying
assets. Management,  based on historical experience and the present condition of
its fleet, expects these guarantees will expire without requiring funding by the
Company.  Accordingly, as of June 30, 2003, the carrying amount of the liability
related to such guarantees is zero.

Product Warranties

      The  Company's  products,  including its case goods,  upholstery  and home
accents,  generally carry explicit product  warranties that extend from three to
five years and are provided  based on terms that are  generally  accepted in the
industry.  All of the Company's  independent dealers are required to enter into,
and perform in accordance  with the terms and conditions of, a warranty  service
agreement.  The Company  records  provisions  for  estimated  warranty and other
related costs at time of sale based on historical  warranty loss  experience and
makes periodic adjustments to those provisions to reflect actual experience.  On
rare occasion,  certain  warranty and other related  claims  involve  matters of
dispute that ultimately are resolved by


negotiation,  arbitration or litigation.  In certain cases, a material  warranty
issue  may  arise  which  is  beyond  the  scope  of  the  Company's  historical
experience.  The Company  provides for such warranty issues as they become known
and estimable.  It is reasonably  possible that,  from time to time,  additional
warranty and other  related  claims could arise from  disputes or other  matters
beyond the scope of the Company's  historical  experience.  As of June 30, 2003,
the  Company's  product  warranty  liability  totaled  $0.8 million and, for the
twelve-month  period then ended,  no  settlements  (in cash or in-kind) had been

Impact of Inflation

      The Company does not believe that  inflation has had a material  impact on
its  profitability  during the last three fiscal years. In the past, the Company
has  generally  been able to increase  prices to offset  increases  in operating
costs and effectively manage its working capital.

Income Taxes

      At June 30,  2003,  the  Company  has  approximately  $6.9  million of net
operating  loss  carryovers  ("NOLs")  for  federal  income  tax  purposes.  The
Recapitalization  in 1993  triggered an  "ownership  change" of the Company,  as
defined  in  Section  382 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended,
resulting in an annual  limitation on the utilization of the NOLs by the Company
of approximately $3.9 million.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

      In April 2003, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board ("FASB") issued
SFAS No. 149,  Amendment of Statement 133 on Derivative  Instruments and Hedging
Activities.  This standard  amends  certain  financial  accounting and reporting
requirements for derivative  instruments and hedging activities as prescribed in
SFAS No. 133 and other accounting pronouncements.  The adoption of FASB No. 149,
effective  July 1,  2003,  did  not  have a  material  effect  on the  Company's
consolidated financial statements.

      SFAS  No.  150,   Accounting  for  Certain   Financial   Instruments  with
Characteristics  of Both  Liabilities and Equity,  was issued by the FASB in May
2003  and  establishes  standards  on how  certain  financial  instruments  with
characteristics of both liabilities and equity are classified and measured. This
standard was adopted by the Company on July 1, 2003.  Management does not expect
that  the  adoption  of SFAS No.  150  will  have a  significant  impact  on the
Company's consolidated financial statements.

      In November  2002,  the  Emerging  Issues Task Force  ("EITF") of the FASB
reached a consensus on Issue No. 02-16,  "Accounting for Consideration  Received
from a Vendor by a Customer",  to provide  guidance as to how  customers  should
account for cash consideration  received from a vendor. EITF 02-16 presumes that
cash received from a vendor represents a reduction of the prices of the vendor's
products or services,  unless the cash received  represents a payment for assets
or services  provided to the vendor or a reimbursement  of costs incurred by the
customer to sell the vendor's  products.  The  provisions of EITF 02-16 apply to
all agreements  entered into or modified after December 31, 2002. The provisions
of EITF  02-16  did not have a  material  impact on the  Company's  consolidated
financial  statements  during the six months  ended June 30,  2003 and,  at this
time,  the  Company  does not  believe  the  adoption  of EITF 02-16 will have a
material effect on its future financial position,  results of operations or cash

      In May 2003, the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 01-08, "Determining
Whether  an  Arrangement  Contains  a Lease",  to clarify  the  requirements  on
identifying  whether an  arrangement  should be accounted  for as a lease at its
inception.  The  guidance in the  consensus  is  designed  to mandate  reporting
revenue as rental or leasing income that otherwise  would be reported as part of
product  sales or  service  revenue.  EITF  01-08  requires  both  parties to an
arrangement to determine  whether a service contract or similar  arrangement is,
or includes, a lease within the scope of SFAS No. 13, Accounting for Leases. The
consensus is to be applied prospectively to


arrangements agreed to, modified, or acquired in business combinations in fiscal
periods  beginning after May 28, 2003 (July 1, 2003 in the case of the Company).
Accordingly, the impact of EITF 01-08 on the Company's results of operations and
financial  position is dependent upon the terms  contained in contracts  entered
into after such date. At this time, the Company does not believe the adoption of
EITF 01-08 will have a material  effect on its  financial  position,  results of
operations or cash flow.

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk

      The  Company  is exposed  to  interest  rate risk  primarily  through  its
borrowing  activities.  The Company's  policy has been to utilize  United States
dollar denominated  borrowings to fund its working capital and investment needs.
Short-term debt, if required,  is used to meet working capital  requirements and
long-term  debt is generally  used to finance  long-term  investments.  There is
inherent  rollover risk for borrowings as they mature and are renewed at current
market rates. The extent of this risk is not quantifiable or predictable because
of the variability of future interest rates and the Company's  future  financing
requirements.  At June 30, 2003, the Company had $1.0 million of short-term debt
outstanding and $9.2 million of total long-term debt outstanding.

      The Company has one debt instrument  outstanding with a variable  interest
rate. This debt  instrument has a principal  balance of $4.6 million and matures
in 2004.  Based on the principal  outstanding  in 2003, a  one-percentage  point
increase in the variable  interest rate would not have had a significant  impact
on the Company's 2003 interest expense.

      Currently,   the  Company  does  not  enter  into   financial   instrument
transactions  for trading or other  speculative  purposes or to manage  interest
rate exposure.


Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

The Company's  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and  Supplementary  Data are
listed under Part IV, Item 15, of this Report.

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors and Shareholders
Ethan Allen Interiors Inc.:

We have  audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of Ethan Allen
Interiors Inc. and Subsidiary  (the "Company") as of June 30, 2003 and 2002, and
the related  consolidated  statements of operations,  shareholders'  equity, and
cash flows for each of the years in the  three-year  period ended June 30, 2003.
In connection with our audits of the consolidated financial statements,  we also
have audited the financial statement schedule listed in the index under Item 15.
The consolidated  financial  statements and financial statement schedule are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion  on  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  financial  statement
schedule based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of  Ethan  Allen
Interiors  Inc. and  Subsidiary as of June 30, 2003 and 2002, and the results of
their  operations  and their cash flows for each of the years in the  three-year
period ended June 30, 2003, in conformity with accounting  principles  generally
accepted  in the United  States of  America.  Also in our  opinion,  the related
financial  statement  schedule,   when  considered  in  relation  to  the  basic
consolidated  financial  statements taken as a whole,  presents  fairly,  in all
material respects, the information set forth therein.

                                                      /s/   KPMG LLP
Stamford, Connecticut
July 31, 2003


                           Consolidated Balance Sheets
                             June 30, 2003 and 2002
                        (In thousands, except share data)

                                                           2003           2002
                                                        ---------      ---------
- ------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                             $  81,856     $  75,688
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for
    doubtful accounts of $1,490 at June 30,
    2003 and $2,019 at June 30, 2002                       26,439        32,845
  Inventories, net (note 4)                               198,212       174,147
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                30,779        20,576
  Deferred income taxes (note 12)                          22,976        17,345
                                                         --------      --------
     Total current assets                                 360,262       320,601

Property, plant and equipment, net (note 5)               289,423       293,626
Intangible assets, net (notes 3 and 6)                     78,939        69,708
Other assets                                                2,944         4,820
                                                         --------      --------
     Total assets                                       $ 731,568     $ 688,755
                                                         ========      ========

- ------------------------------------
Current liabilities:
  Current maturities of long-term debt and
    capital lease obligations (notes 7 and 8)           $     996     $     107
  Customer deposits                                        55,939        42,966
  Accounts payable                                         25,375        38,027
  Accrued compensation and benefits                        29,308        30,190
  Accrued expenses and other current liabilities           22,808        17,838
                                                         --------      --------
     Total current liabilities                            134,426       129,128

Long-term debt (note 7)                                     9,222         9,214
Other long-term liabilities                                 2,682         2,066
Deferred income taxes (note 12)                            47,539        37,158
                                                         --------      --------
     Total liabilities                                    193,869       177,566

Shareholders' equity (notes 9, 10 and 11):
  Class A common stock, par value $.01, 150,000,000
    shares authorized, 45,449,086 shares issued at
    June 30, 2003 and 45,252,880 shares issued at
    June 30, 2002                                             454           453
  Preferred stock, par value $.01, 1,055,000 shares
    authorized, no shares issued and outstanding at
    June 30, 2003 and 2002                                      -             -
  Additional paid-in capital                              281,140       277,694
                                                         --------      --------
                                                          281,594       278,147

    Treasury stock (at cost),  8,251,510 shares at
    June 30, 2003 and 6,794,510 shares at June 30,
    2002                                                 (204,931)     (161,428)

  Retained earnings                                       460,456       394,470
  Accumulated other comprehensive income                      580             -
                                                         --------      --------
    Total shareholders' equity                            537,699       511,189
                                                         --------      --------
     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity         $ 731,568     $ 688,755
                                                         ========      ========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                      Consolidated Statements of Operations
                  For the years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
                      (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                  2003          2002        2001
                                                --------      --------    --------
Net sales                                       $907,264     $892,288    $904,133
Cost of sales                                    457,880      470,975     490,477
                                                 -------      -------     -------
     Gross profit                                449,384      421,313     413,656

Operating expenses:
  Selling                                        178,608      163,122     160,394
  General and administrative                     136,970      123,168     120,309
  Restructuring and impairment charge (note 2)    13,223        5,123       6,906
                                                 -------      -------     -------
   Total operating expenses                      328,801      291,413     287,609
                                                 -------      -------     -------

     Operating income                            120,583      129,900     126,047

Interest and other miscellaneous
  income, net                                      1,254        2,984       2,814

Interest and other related financing
  costs                                              645          640         758
                                                 -------      -------     -------
     Income before income taxes                  121,192      132,244     128,103

Income tax expense (note 12)                      45,811       49,988      48,423
                                                 -------      -------     -------

Net income                                      $ 75,381     $ 82,256    $ 79,680
                                                 =======      =======     =======

Per share data (notes 9 and 10):
- --------------------------------

  Net income per basic share                    $   2.00     $   2.12    $   2.02
                                                 =======      =======     =======

  Basic weighted average common shares            37,607       38,828      39,390

  Net income per diluted share                  $   1.95     $   2.06    $   1.98
                                                 =======      =======     =======

  Diluted weighted average common shares          38,569       39,942      40,321

  Dividends declared per common share           $   0.25     $   0.18    $   0.16
                                                 =======      =======     =======

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                  For the years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
                                 (In thousands)

                                                   2003         2002        2001
                                                 --------     --------    --------
Operating activities:
  Net income                                    $ 75,381     $ 82,256    $ 79,680
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
   cash provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization               21,296       19,314      20,220
      Restructuring and impairment charge         10,400        4,134       6,356
      Compensation expense (benefit) related to
       restricted stock award                       (335)         140         552
      Provision (benefit) for deferred income
        taxes                                      4,750          189      (3,339)
      Other non-cash expense (income)                308       (1,103)     (2,289)

  Change in  assets  and  liabilities,  net of the
    effects of acquired and divested businesses:
      Accounts receivable                          5,891       (2,390)      1,334
      Inventories                                (13,970)      16,641     (18,964)
      Prepaid and other current assets            (7,771)        (481)     (1,665)
      Other assets                                   238        2,246      (1,528)
      Customer deposits                            8,066        7,176      (6,732)
      Income taxes and accounts payable           (6,130)      (4,074)      5,760
      Accrued expenses                             2,266        1,921       7,083
      Other liabilities                               90         (646)      1,119
                                                 -------      -------      ------
Net cash provided by operating activities        100,480      125,323      87,587
                                                 -------      -------      ------

Investing activities:
  Proceeds from the disposal of property,
   plant and equipment                             5,040        4,873       9,214
  Capital expenditures                           (27,207)     (31,078)    (38,516)
  Acquisitions                                   (11,332)     (42,403)     (9,722)
  Other                                              262          143         532
                                                 -------      -------     -------
Net cash used in investing activities            (33,237)     (68,465)    (38,492)
                                                 -------      -------     -------
Financing activities:
  Borrowings on revolving credit facility              -            -       1,500
  Payments on revolving credit facility                -            -      (9,500)
  Other payments on long-term debt and
   capital leases                                 (3,528)        (166)       (420)
  Payments to acquire treasury stock             (50,700)     (24,668)     (1,069)
  Net proceeds from issuance of common stock       2,219        1,753         759
  Dividends paid                                  (9,066)      (6,201)     (6,277)
                                                 -------      -------     -------
Net cash used in financing activities            (61,075)     (29,282)    (15,007)
                                                 -------      -------     -------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents          6,168       27,576      34,088

Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of year     75,688       48,112      14,024
                                                 -------      -------     -------
Cash and cash equivalents - end of year         $ 81,856     $ 75,688    $ 48,112
                                                 =======      =======     =======

Supplemental disclosure:

  Cash payments for:

      Income taxes                              $ 44,596     $ 44,815    $ 50,365
      Interest                                       508          522         618

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                  Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity
                  For the years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
                        (In thousands, except share data)

                                                     Additional                          Other
                                          Common        Paid-in      Treasury    Comprehensive     Retained
                                           Stock        Capital         Stock           Income     Earnings        Total
                                           -----        -------         -----           ------     --------        -----
Balance at June 30, 2000                   $ 451       $272,710     $(128,493)         $    -       $245,841    $390,509

Issuance of 56,662 shares of common
   stock upon the exercise of stock
   options and restricted stock
   award compensation (notes 9 and 11)         -          1,311             -               -              -       1,311

Purchase of 61,006 shares of
   treasury stock (note 9)                     -              -        (1,069)              -              -      (1,069)

Tax benefit associated with exercise
 of employee stock options and
 warrants                                      -            624             -               -              -         624

Dividends declared on common stock             -              -             -               -         (6,272)     (6,272)

Net income                                     -              -             -               -         79,680      76,680
                                            ----        -------      --------           -----        -------     -------
Balance at June 30, 2001                     451        274,645      (129,562)              -        319,249     464,783

Issuance of 114,834 shares of common
   stock upon the exercise of stock
   options and restricted stock
   award compensation (notes 9 and 11)         2          1,891             -               -              -       1,893

Purchase of 1,059,226 shares of
   treasury stock (note 9)                     -              -       (31,866)              -              -     (31,866)

Tax benefit associated with exercise
   of employee stock options and
  warrants                                     -          1,021             -               -              -       1,021

Dividends declared on common stock             -              -             -               -         (7,035)     (7,035)

Charge for early vesting of stock
  options                                      -            137             -               -              -         137

Net income                                     -              -             -               -         82,256      82,256
                                            ----        -------       -------           -----        -------     -------
Balance at June 30, 2002                     453        277,694      (161,428)              -        394,470     511,189

Issuance of 196,206 shares of common
   stock upon the exercise of stock
   options and restricted stock
   award compensation (notes 9 and 11)         1          1,883             -               -              -       1,884

Purchase of 1,457,000 shares of
   treasury stock (note 9)                     -              -       (43,503)              -              -     (43,503)

Tax benefit associated with exercise
  of employee stock options and
  warrants                                     -          1,536             -               -              -       1,536

Dividends declared on common stock             -              -             -               -         (9,395)     (9,395)

Charge for early vesting of stock
  options                                      -             27             -               -              -          27

Other comprehensive income                     -              -             -             580              -         580

Net income                                     -              -             -               -         75,381      75,381
   Total comprehensive income                                                                                     75,961
                                            ----        -------      --------           -----        -------     -------
Balance at June 30, 2003                   $ 454       $281,140     $(204,931)         $  580       $460,456    $537,699
                                            ====        =======      ========           =====        =======     =======

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


(1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

      Basis of Presentation

      Ethan Allen  Interiors  Inc.  (the  "Company")  is a Delaware  corporation
      incorporated  on May  25,  1989.  The  consolidated  financial  statements
      include the accounts of the Company,  its  wholly-owned  subsidiary  Ethan
      Allen  Inc.   ("Ethan   Allen")  and  Ethan  Allen's   subsidiaries.   All
      intercompany  accounts  and  transactions  have  been  eliminated  in  the
      consolidated  financial statements.  All of Ethan Allen's capital stock is
      owned by the Company. The Company has no other assets or operating results
      other than those associated with its investment in Ethan Allen.

      Nature of Operations

      The  Company,   through  its   wholly-owned   subsidiary,   is  a  leading
      manufacturer  and retailer of quality home  furnishings  and  accessories,
      selling a full  range of  products  through  an  exclusive  network of 309
      retail  stores,   of  which  119  are  Ethan   Allen-owned   and  190  are
      independently-owned. Nearly all of the Company's retail stores are located
      in the United States,  with the remaining  stores  located in Canada.  The
      majority of the independently-owned  stores are also located in the United
      States,  with the remaining  stores  located  throughout  Asia, the Middle
      East,  Canada,  Mexico,  Europe and the West  Indies.  Ethan  Allen has 14
      manufacturing   facilities   including  3  sawmill   operations,   located
      throughout the United States.

      Use of Estimates

      The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with  accounting
      principles  generally  accepted in the United  States of America  requires
      management  to make  estimates  and  assumptions  that affect the reported
      amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent  assets and
      liabilities  at the  date of the  financial  statements  and the  reported
      amounts of revenues  and  expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Actual
      results could differ from those estimates.


      Certain  reclassifications  have  been  made  to  prior  years'  financial
      statements in order to conform to the current year's  presentation.  These
      changes did not have a material impact on previously  reported  results of
      operations or shareholders' equity.

      Cash Equivalents

      The Company  considers  all highly liquid cash  investments  with original
      maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.


      Inventories  are  stated at the  lower of cost  (first-in,  first-out)  or
      market.  Cost is determined  based solely on those charges incurred in the
      acquisition and production of the related inventory (i.e. material,  labor
      and manufacturing overhead costs).

      Property, Plant and Equipment

      Property,  plant and  equipment  are  stated at cost,  net of  accumulated
      depreciation.  Depreciation  of plant and  equipment is provided  over the
      estimated useful lives of the respective assets on a straight-line  basis.
      Estimated  useful  lives of the  respective  assets  typically  range from
      twenty to forty years for  buildings  and  improvements  and from three to
      twenty years for  machinery  and  equipment.  Leasehold  improvements  are
      depreciated  based on the underlying lease term, or the asset's  estimated
      useful life, whichever is shorter.


      Retail Store Acquisitions

      The Company  accounts  for the  acquisition  of retail  stores and related
      assets in  accordance  with  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards
      ("SFAS") No. 141, Business Combinations, which requires application of the
      purchase  method for all business  combinations  initiated  after June 30,
      2001.  Accounting for these transactions as purchase business combinations
      requires the allocation of purchase price paid to the assets  acquired and
      liabilities  assumed  based on  their  fair  values  as of the date of the
      acquisition.  The  amount  paid in excess of the fair  value of net assets
      acquired is accounted for as goodwill.

      Intangible Assets

      The Company's  intangible  assets are comprised,  primarily,  of goodwill,
      which  represents  the  excess of cost over the fair  value of net  assets
      acquired, product technology, and trademarks. On July 1, 2001, the Company
      adopted the  provisions  of SFAS No. 142,  Goodwill  and Other  Intangible
      Assets.  In  re-assessing  the  useful  lives of its  goodwill  and  other
      intangible  assets upon adoption of the standard,  the Company  determined
      these assets to have indefinite useful lives. Accordingly, amortization of
      these assets ceased on that date. Prior to July 1, 2001, these assets were
      amortized on a straight-line basis over forty years.

      Statement  142 requires  that the Company  annually  perform an impairment
      analysis to assess the  recoverability of the recorded balance of goodwill
      and other  intangible  assets.  The Company  conducts its required  annual
      impairment  test  during  the  fourth  quarter of each  fiscal  year.  The
      provisions of the Statement  indicate that the  impairment  test should be
      conducted  more  frequently if events occur or  circumstances  change that
      would more likely  than not reduce the fair value of a reporting  unit (as
      defined) below its carrying value. In addition,  the Company  performed an
      initial impairment  analysis upon adoption of the standard.  No impairment
      losses have been recorded on the Company's  intangible  assets as a result
      of the adoption of Statement 142.

      Financial Instruments

      The carrying  value of the Company's  financial  instruments  approximates
      fair value.

      Income Taxes

      Income  taxes are  accounted  for under  the asset and  liability  method.
      Deferred  tax assets and  liabilities  are  recognized  for the future tax
      consequences  attributable to differences  between the financial statement
      carrying  amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their  respective
      tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards.

      Deferred tax assets and  liabilities  are measured using enacted tax rates
      expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those  temporary
      differences  are  expected  to be  recovered  or  settled.  The  effect on
      deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized
      in income in the period that includes the enactment date.

      Revenue Recognition

      Revenue is recognized when all of the following have occurred:  persuasive
      evidence of a sales arrangement exists (e.g. a wholesale purchase order or
      retail  sales  invoice);  the  sales  arrangement  specifies  a  fixed  or
      determinable  sales price;  product is shipped or services are provided to
      the customer;  and  collectibility is reasonably  assured.  This generally
      occurs upon the shipment of goods to  independent  dealers or, in the case
      of Ethan Allen-owned retail stores, upon delivery to the customer.


      Shipping and Handling Costs

      Ethan Allen's policy is to sell its products at the same delivered cost to
      all  retailers  nationwide,  regardless  of their  shipping  point.  Costs
      incurred  to deliver  finished  goods to the  consumer  are  expensed  and
      recorded in selling,  general and  administrative  expenses.  Shipping and
      handling  costs were $67.6 million,  $60.4 million,  and $59.8 million for
      fiscal years 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively.

      Advertising Costs

      Advertising   costs  are  expensed   when  first  aired  or   distributed.
      Advertising  costs for the fiscal  years 2003,  2002 and 2001,  were $42.8
      million,   $44.2  million,  and  $45.9  million,   respectively.   Prepaid
      advertising  costs at June 30,  2003 and 2002 were $5.4  million  and $4.2
      million, respectively.

      Earnings Per Share

      The Company  computes  basic  earnings per share by dividing net income by
      the weighted  average number of common shares  outstanding for the period.
      Diluted earnings per share reflect the potential dilution that could occur
      if all potentially dilutive common shares were exercised.

      Stock Compensation

      The  Company's  1992 Stock Option Plan (the  "Plan") is  accounted  for in
      accordance with the  recognition and measurement  provisions of Accounting
      Principles  Board Opinion  ("APB") No. 25,  Accounting for Stock Issued to
      Employees, and related interpretations,  which employs the intrinsic value
      method of measuring compensation cost.  Accordingly,  compensation expense
      is not  recognized  for fixed stock  options if the exercise  price of the
      option  equals the fair value of the  underlying  stock at the grant date.
      For certain stock-based awards, where the exercise price is equal to zero,
      the fair  value of the  award,  measured  at the grant,  is  amortized  to
      compensation  expense on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. In
      addition, other stock-based award programs provided for under the Plan may
      also result in the  recognition of compensation  expense  (benefit) to the
      extent they are deemed to be variable  (as that term is defined in APB No.
      25) in nature.

      SFAS  No.  123,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based   Compensation,   encourages
      recognition  of the fair  value of all  stock-based  awards on the date of
      grant as expense over the vesting  period.  However,  as permitted by SFAS
      No. 123, the Company continues to apply the intrinsic  value-based  method
      of  accounting  prescribed  by APB  Opinion No. 25 and  discloses  certain
      pro-forma  amounts as if the fair value  approach of SFAS No. 123 had been

      In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 148, Accounting for Stock-Based
      Compensation-Transition  and Disclosure,  an amendment of SFAS No. 123, to
      provide  alternative  methods of transition for a voluntary  change to the
      fair value method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation.  In
      addition, this standard amends the disclosure requirements of SFAS No. 123
      by requiring more prominent  pro-forma  disclosures in both the annual and
      interim financial  statements,  which are included in the following table.
      See Note 11 for a further discussion of SFAS No. 123.

      The following table  illustrates the effect on net income and earnings per
      share if the fair value  recognition  provisions  of SFAS No. 123 had been
      applied to all outstanding and unvested awards in each period. The Company
      employs the  Black-Scholes  option-pricing  model in  estimating  the fair
      value of stock options granted.


                                              Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
                                           2003           2002           2001
                                       ------------   ------------   ----------
Net income as reported                $  75,381       $ 82,256       $ 79,680

Add: Stock-based employee
 compensation expense (benefit)
 included in reported net income,
 net of related tax effects                (208)            87            343

Deduct: Stock-based employee
 compensation expense determined
 under the fair-value based
 method for all awards granted
 since July 1, 1995, net of
 related tax effects                     (2,612)        (1,640)        (2,536)
                                       ------------   ------------   ----------
Pro forma net income                  $  72,561       $ 80,703       $ 77,487
                                       ============   ============   ==========

Earnings per share:
 Basic - as reported                  $    2.00       $   2.12       $   2.02
 Basic - pro forma                    $    1.93       $   2.08       $   1.97

 Diluted - as reported                $    1.95       $   2.06       $   1.98
 Diluted - pro forma                  $    1.90       $   2.02       $   1.93

      Foreign Currency Translation

      The functional  currency of each Company-owned  foreign retail location is
      the respective local currency.  Assets and liabilities are translated into
      United  States  dollars  using the current  period-end  exchange  rate and
      income and expense amounts are translated  using the average exchange rate
      for the period in which the transaction  occurred.  Resulting  translation
      adjustments are reported as a component of accumulated other comprehensive
      income within shareholders' equity.

      Derivative Instruments

      The Company  adopted  SFAS No.  133,  Accounting  for  Certain  Derivative
      Instruments and Certain Hedging Activities,  and SFAS No. 138, which later
      amended  Statement  133, in fiscal  year 2001.  Upon review of its current
      contracts,   the  Company  has  determined   that  it  has  no  derivative
      instruments as defined under these standards.

      New Accounting Standards

      In April 2003, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board ("FASB") issued
      SFAS No. 149,  Amendment of Statement  133 on Derivative  Instruments  and
      Hedging Activities.  This standard amends certain financial accounting and
      reporting  requirements for derivative  instruments and hedging activities
      as prescribed  in SFAS No. 133 and other  accounting  pronouncements.  The
      adoption  of  Statement  149,  effective  June  30,  2003,  did not have a
      material effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

      SFAS  No.  150,   Accounting  for  Certain   Financial   Instruments  with
      Characteristics  of Both Liabilities and Equity, was issued by the FASB in
      May 2003 and establishes  standards on how certain  financial  instruments
      with  characteristics  of both  liabilities  and equity are classified and
      measured.  This  standard  was  adopted  by the  Company  on July 1, 2003.
      Management  does not expect that the  adoption of SFAS No. 150 will have a
      significant impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

      In November  2002,  the  Emerging  Issues task Force  ("EITF") of the FASB
      reached a consensus  on Issue No.  02-16,  "Accounting  for  Consideration
      Received  from a Vendor by a  Customer",  to  provide  guidance  as to how
      customers  should account for cash  consideration  received from a vendor.
      EITF  02-16  presumes  that  cash


      received  from a  vendor  represents  a  reduction  of the  prices  of the
      vendor's  products or  services,  unless the cash  received  represents  a
      payment for assets or services  provided to the vendor or a  reimbursement
      of costs  incurred by the  customer  to sell the  vendor's  products.  The
      provisions of EITF 02-16 apply to all agreements  entered into or modified
      after  December  31,  2002.  The  provisions  of EITF 02-16 did not have a
      material impact on the Company's  consolidated financial statements during
      the six months ended June 30, 2003 and, at this time, the Company does not
      believe  the  adoption  of EITF 02-16  will have a material  effect on its
      future financial position, results of operations or cash flow.

      In May 2003, the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 01-08, "Determining
      Whether an Arrangement  Contains a Lease",  to clarify the requirements on
      identifying  whether an arrangement  should be accounted for as a lease at
      its  inception.  The  guidance  in the  consensus  is  designed to mandate
      reporting  revenue as rental or leasing  income  that  otherwise  would be
      reported as part of product sales or service revenue.  EITF 01-08 requires
      both parties to an arrangement to determine  whether a service contract or
      similar arrangement is, or includes,  a lease within the scope of SFAS No.
      13, Accounting for Leases. The consensus is to be applied prospectively to
      arrangements agreed to, modified,  or acquired in business combinations in
      fiscal periods  beginning  after May 28, 2003 (July 1, 2003 in the case of
      the  Company).  Accordingly,  the  impact of EITF  01-08 on the  Company's
      results of operations  and financial  position is dependent upon the terms
      contained in contracts  entered  into after such date.  At this time,  the
      Company  does not believe the  adoption of EITF 01-08 will have a material
      effect on its financial position, results of operations or cash flow.

(2)   Restructuring and Impairment Charge

      In recent years,  the Company has developed,  announced and executed plans
      to consolidate its manufacturing operations as part of an overall strategy
      to  maximize   production   efficiencies   and  maintain  its  competitive

      During the third quarter of fiscal 2003,  the Company  announced a plan to
      close  three of its  smaller  manufacturing  facilities.  Closure of these
      facilities  resulted in a headcount  reduction totaling  approximately 580
      employees;  340  employees  effective  April 21, 2003,  and 240  employees
      throughout the last quarter of fiscal 2003 and the first quarter of fiscal
      2004. A pre-tax  restructuring  and impairment charge of $13.4 million was
      recorded for costs  associated  with these plant  closings,  of which $4.5
      million  related to employee  severance  and benefits and other plant exit
      costs,  and $8.9  million  related  to  fixed  asset  impairment  charges,
      primarily for real property and  machinery and equipment  associated  with
      the closed  facilities.  Substantially all of related payments  associated
      with  these  plant  closure  costs  will be  made by the end of the  first
      quarter of fiscal 2004.

      In the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2002,  the Company  announced a plan that
      involved the closure of one of its manufacturing facilities as well as the
      rough mill operation of a separate  facility.  Closure of these facilities
      resulted in a headcount  reduction  totaling  approximately 220 employees;
      150 employees  effective  June 29, 2002,  and 70 employees  throughout the
      first  quarter of fiscal  2003.  A pre-tax  restructuring  and  impairment
      charge of $5.1 million was recorded for costs  associated with these plant
      closings, of which $2.0 million related to employee severance and benefits
      and other  plant exit  costs,  and $3.1  million  related  to fixed  asset
      impairment  charges,   primarily  for  real  property  and  machinery  and
      equipment associated with the closed facilities.  During the quarter ended
      March 31, 2003, adjustments totaling $0.2 million were recorded to reverse
      certain  of these  previously  established  accruals,  which are no longer

      In the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2001,  the Company  announced a plan that
      involved  the  closure  of three  of its  manufacturing  facilities  and a
      headcount reduction totaling  approximately 350 employees effective August
      6, 2001. A pre-tax restructuring and impairment charge of $6.9 million was
      recorded for costs  associated  with these plant  closings,  of which $3.3
      million  related to


      employee  severance  and  benefits  and other plant exit  costs,  and $3.6
      million  related to fixed asset  impairment  charges,  primarily  for real
      property  and  machinery  and   equipment   associated   with  the  closed

      As of June 30, 2003,  restructuring  reserves  totaling  $1.6 million were
      included in the  Consolidated  Balance Sheet as an accrued  expense within
      current  liabilities.  In  addition,  total  impairment  charges  of $15.6
      million  ($8.9  million,  $3.1 million and $3.6 million in 2003,  2002 and
      2001  respectively)  were recorded to reduce certain  property,  plant and
      equipment to net realizable value.

      Activity in the Company's  restructuring reserves is summarized as follows
      (in thousands):

    Fiscal 2003 Restructuring
                                   Original     Cash         Non-cash
                                   Charges     Payments      Utilized      Total
                                   -------     --------      --------      -----
    Employee severance and
       other related payroll
       and benefit costs           $ 4,339     $(2,823)      $    -      $ 1,516
    Plant exit costs and other         150        (150)           -           -
    Long-lived asset impairment      8,884          -         (8,884)         -
                                    ------      ------        ------      ------
    Balance as of June 30, 2003    $13,373     $(2,973)      $(8,884)    $ 1,516
                                    ======      ======        ======      ======

    Fiscal 2002 Restructuring
                                   Original     Cash         Non-cash
                                   Charges     Payments      Utilized      Total
                                   -------     --------      --------      -----
    Employee severance and
       other related payroll
       and benefit costs           $ 1,847     $(1,757)      $   (90)(a) $    -
    Plant exit costs and other         171         (38)          (60)(a)      73
    Long-lived asset impairment      3,105          -         (3,105)         -
                                    ------      ------        ------      ------
    Balance as of June 30, 2003    $ 5,123     $(1,795)      $(3,255)    $    73
                                    ======      ======        ======      ======

      (a)   Amounts  represent  the reversal of certain  previously  established
            accruals which are no longer required.

    Fiscal 2001 Restructuring
                                   Original     Cash         Non-cash
                                   Charges     Payments      Utilized      Total
                                   -------     --------      --------      -----
    Employee severance and
       other related payroll
       and benefit costs           $ 2,974     $(2,916)      $   (58)    $    -
    Plant exit costs and other         332        (295)          (34)          3
    Long-lived asset impairment      3,600          -         (3,600)         -
                                    ------      ------        ------      ------
    Balance as of June 30, 2003    $ 6,906     $(3,211)      $(3,692)    $     3
                                    ======      ======        ======      ======

(3)   Business Acquisitions

      During fiscal 2003, the Company acquired,  in four separate  transactions,
      sixteen Ethan Allen retail stores from independent  dealers for total cash
      consideration  of  approximately  $11.3  million.  As a  result  of  these
      acquisitions,  the  Company (i)  recorded  additional  inventory  of $10.1
      million  and  other  assets of $4.5  million,  and (ii)  assumed  customer
      deposits  of $4.9  million,  third-party  debt of $4.3  million  and other
      liabilities  of $2.9  million.  As of June 30,  2003,  $3.4 million of the
      third-party debt had been fully repaid by the Company. Goodwill associated
      with these  acquisitions  totaled $8.9 million and  represents the premium
      paid to the sellers related to the acquired book of business (i.e.  market
      presence)  and other fair value  adjustments  to the assets  acquired  and
      liabilities assumed. Further discussion of the Company's intangible assets
      can be found in Note 6.


      A summary of the  Company's  allocation  of purchase  price in each of the
      last three fiscal years is provided below (in thousands):

                                           Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
                                     2003            2002           2001
                                 --------------  -------------  -------------
                                                                   1 store;
Nature of acquisition              16 stores      20 stores        1 plant
Cash consideration               $    11,332         42,403          9,722
Assets acquired and
 liabilities assumed:
  Inventory                           10,095         15,381            266
  PP&E and other assets                4,489         19,974          9,876
  Customer deposits                   (4,907)        (7,927)          (154)
  Third-party debt                    (4,300)             -              -
  A/P and other liabilities           (2,938)          (447)          (448)
                                 --------------  -------------  -------------
Goodwill                         $     8,893     $   15,422     $      182
                                 ==============  =============  =============

(4)   Inventories

      Inventories at June 30 are summarized as follows (in thousands):

                                                   2003           2002
                                                 --------       --------
         Finished goods                          $147,704       $123,906
         Work in process                           15,333         15,418
         Raw materials                             35,175         34,823
                                                  -------        -------
                                                 $198,212       $174,147
                                                  =======        =======

      Inventories  are  presented net of a related  valuation  allowance of $4.7
      million and $4.5 million at June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

(5)   Property, Plant and Equipment

      Property,  plant and  equipment at June 30 are  summarized  as follows (in
                                                    2003          2002
                                                  --------      --------
         Land and improvements                   $ 53,058       $ 54,771
         Buildings and improvements               236,313        230,089
         Machinery and equipment                  150,251        152,860
                                                  -------        -------
                                                  439,622        437,720
         Less: accumulated depreciation          (150,199)      (144,094)
                                                  -------        -------
                                                 $289,423       $293,626
                                                  =======        =======

(6)   Intangible Assets

      On July 1, 2001,  the Company  adopted  SFAS No. 142,  Goodwill  and Other
      Intangible  Assets.  As of  June  30,  2003,  the  Company  had  goodwill,
      including product technology,  (net of accumulated  amortization) of $59.2
      million  and other  identifiable  intangible  assets  (net of  accumulated
      amortization)  of $19.7 million.  Comparable  balances as of June 30, 2002
      were $50.0 million and $19.7 million, respectively.

      Goodwill in the wholesale and retail  segments was $27.5 million and $31.7
      million,  respectively,  at June 30,  2003 and  $27.5  million  and  $22.5
      million, respectively, at June 30, 2002.

      The  wholesale  segment,  at both dates,  includes  additional  intangible
      assets of $19.7 million.  These assets consist of Ethan Allen trade names,
      which  were  formerly  being  amortized  over 40 years.  The  Company  has
      re-assessed the useful lives of goodwill and other  intangible  assets and
      both  were   determined  to  have   indefinite   useful  lives.  As  such,
      amortization of these assets ceased on July 1, 2001. No impairment  losses
      have been recorded on these intangible  assets as a result of the adoption
      of Statement 142.


      The  following  table  reconciles  the  Company's  reported net income and
      earnings per share with pro forma balances from previous  periods adjusted
      to  exclude  goodwill  amortization,  which is no  longer  required  under
      Statement 142.  Fiscal 2003 and 2002 net income and earnings per share are
      presented for  comparative  purposes only (in thousands,  except per share

                                                   Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
                                                  2003        2002        2001
                                                -------     -------     --------
      Net Income:
        Reported net income                     $75,381     $82,256     $79,680
        Add back:  Goodwill amortization,
                   after-tax                         -           -          694
        Add back:  Intangible asset
                   amortization, after-tax           -           -          439
                                                 ------      ------      ------
          Adjusted net income                   $75,381     $82,256     $80,813
                                                 ======      ======      ======

      Basic Earnings per Share:
        Reported earnings per share             $  2.00     $  2.12     $  2.02
        Goodwill amortization                        -           -         0.02
        Intangible asset amortization                -           -         0.01
                                                 ------      ------      ------
          Adjusted basic earnings per share     $  2.00     $  2.12     $  2.05
                                                 ======      ======      ======

      Diluted Earnings per Share:
        Reported earnings per share             $  1.95     $  2.06     $  1.98
        Goodwill amortization                        -           -         0.02
        Intangible asset amortization                -           -         0.01
                                                 ------      ------      ------
          Adjusted diluted earnings per share   $  1.95     $  2.06     $  2.01
                                                 ======      ======      ======

(7)   Borrowings

      Total debt obligations at June 30 consist of the following (in thousands):

                                                    2003           2002
                                                  -------        -------
      Industrial revenue bonds                    $ 8,455        $ 8,455
      Other debt and capital lease obligations      1,763            866
                                                   ------          -----
          Total debt                               10,218          9,321

      Less: current maturities and short-
        term capital lease obligations                996            107
                                                   ------         ------
          Long-term debt                          $ 9,222        $ 9,214
                                                   ======         ======

      The Company has a $125.0 million unsecured  Revolving Credit Facility (the
      "Credit Agreement") with J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. as administrative  agent
      and Fleet Bank, NA and Wachovia Bank, NA as  co-documentation  agents. The
      Credit Agreement includes  sub-facilities for trade and standby letters of
      credit of $25.0  million and swingline  loans of $3.0  million.  Revolving
      loans under the Credit  Agreement  bear  interest at J. P. Morgan  Chase &
      Co.'s Alternative Base Rate, or adjusted LIBOR plus 0.625%, and is subject
      to  adjustment  arising from changes in the credit rating of Ethan Allen's
      senior unsecured debt. The Credit Agreement  provides for the payment of a
      commitment  fee  equal to 0.15%  per annum on the  average  daily,  unused
      amount of the revolving credit commitment. The Company is also required to
      pay a fee equal to 0.75% per annum on the average  daily letters of credit
      outstanding.  At June 30, 2003 there were no revolving  loans  outstanding
      and $19.4 million of trade and standby letters of credit outstanding under
      the Credit Agreement.

      Remaining  available  borrowing  capacity  under the Credit  Agreement was
      $105.6  million at June 30,  2003.  For fiscal  years ended June 30, 2003,
      2002 and 2001 the  weighted-average  interest rates were 4.49%, 4.45%, and
      5.55%, respectively. The Credit Agreement matures in August 2004 and there
      are no minimum  repayments  required during the term of the facility.  The
      revolving  loans may be borrowed,  repaid and reborrowed  over the term of
      the facility until final maturity.

      The Credit  Agreement  also  contains  various  covenants  which limit the
      ability of the  Company and its  subsidiaries  to:  incur debt;  engage in
      mergers and consolidations; make restricted payments; sell certain assets;


      investments; and issue stock. The Company is also required to meet certain
      financial  covenants  including   consolidated  net  worth,  fixed  charge
      coverage  and  leverage  ratios.  As of June 30,  2003,  the  Company  had
      satisfactorily   complied  with  all  covenants   related  to  the  Credit

      The majority of the Company's debt is related to industrial  revenue bonds
      which were issued to finance  (i) the  construction  of its Maiden,  North
      Carolina manufacturing  facility, and (ii) capital improvements at the Inn
      at Ethan Allen, which is adjacent to the Company's corporate  headquarters
      in Danbury,  Connecticut.  The bonds related to the Maiden, North Carolina
      facility bear interest at a floating rate and have a remaining maturity of
      15 months.  The rate on these bonds did not exceed 2.1% during  2003.  The
      bonds  related to the Inn at Ethan Allen bear  interest at a fixed rate of
      7.5% and have a remaining maturity of 8 years.

      The Company has loan  commitments in the aggregate amount of approximately
      $0.8 million related to the  modernization  of its Beecher Falls,  Vermont
      manufacturing  facility.  Loans made  pursuant to these  commitments  bear
      interest  at fixed  rates  ranging  from  3.0% to 5.5% and have  remaining
      maturities  of 3 to 24 years.  The loans have a first and  second  lien in
      respect  of  equipment  financed  by such  loans  and a first  and  second
      mortgage  interest in respect of the building,  the  construction of which
      was financed by such loans.

      As  mentioned in Note 3, the Company  assumed $4.3 million in  third-party
      debt in connection  with its acquisition of 16 retail stores during fiscal
      2003.  This debt was in the form of a line of  credit,  a  mortgage  on an
      existing retail store location and, to a lesser extent,  obligations under
      certain capital  leases.  As of June 30, 2003, $3.4 million of this amount
      had been fully repaid. Of the remaining  outstanding  amount, $0.8 million
      relates to the  aforementioned  mortgage  which bears  interest at a fixed
      rate of 7.5% and matures in December 2003.

      Aggregate  scheduled  maturities  of  long-term  debt for each of the five
      fiscal years  subsequent to June 30, 2003,  and  thereafter are as follows
      (in thousands):

      Fiscal Year Ended June 30:
                    2004                              $     996
                    2005                                  4,713
                    2006                                    239
                    2007                                     38
                    2008                                     40
                    Subsequent to 2008                    4,192
                      Total debt payments             $  10,218

 (8)  Leases

      Ethan Allen leases real  property and equipment  under  various  operating
      lease  agreements  expiring  through 2027.  Leases  covering  retail store
      locations  and  equipment  may  require,  in addition to stated  minimums,
      contingent  rentals based on retail sales and equipment usage.  Generally,
      the leases provide for renewal for various periods at stipulated rates.

      Future   minimum   payments  by  year,   and  in  the   aggregate,   under
      non-cancelable  operating  leases  consisted of the  following at June 30,
      2003 (in thousands):

      Fiscal Year Ended June 30:
                    2004                              $  23,680
                    2005                                 22,111
                    2006                                 19,583
                    2007                                 17,983
                    2008                                 15,910
                    Subsequent to 2008                   52,459
                     Total minimum lease payments     $ 151,726


      The above  amounts  will be  offset in the  aggregate  by  minimum  future
      rentals from subleases of $30.8 million.

      Total rent  expense for each of the past three  fiscal years ended June 30
      was as follows (in thousands):

                                                 2003        2002        2001
                                               --------    --------    ---------
           Basic rentals under operating
             leases                           $ 25,824    $ 21,890    $ 18,496
           Contingent rentals under
             operating leases                      691         729         895
                                               -------     -------     -------
                                                26,515      22,619      19,391
           Less: sublease rent                   2,251       3,307       3,084
                                               -------     -------     -------
             Total rent expense               $ 24,264    $ 19,312    $ 16,307
                                               =======     =======     =======

(9)   Shareholders' Equity

      The Company's  authorized capital stock consists of (a) 150,000,000 shares
      of Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share,  (b) 600,000 shares of Class B
      Common  Stock,  par value  $.01 per  share,  and (c)  1,055,000  shares of
      Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, of which (i) 30,000 shares have
      been designated  Series A Redeemable  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  (ii)
      30,000  shares  have  been  designated  Series  B  Redeemable  Convertible
      Preferred  Stock,  (iii) 155,010  shares have been  designated as Series C
      Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock,  and (iv) the  remaining  839,990
      shares may be  designated  by the Board of Directors  with such rights and
      preferences as they determine (all such preferred stock, collectively, the
      "Preferred  Stock").  Shares of Class B Common  Stock are  convertible  to
      shares of the Company's Common Stock upon the occurrence of certain events
      or other  specified  conditions  being met.  As of June 30, 2003 and 2002,
      there were no shares of Preferred  Stock or Class B Common Stock issued or

      The Company has been  authorized  by its Board of Directors to  repurchase
      its common stock from time to time,  either directly or through agents, in
      the open market at prices and on terms  satisfactory  to the Company.  The
      Company also retires  shares of unvested  restricted  stock and,  prior to
      June 30,  2002,  repurchased  shares of common  stock from  terminated  or
      retiring  employee's  accounts in the Ethan Allen Retirement Savings Plan.
      All of the Company's common stock repurchases and retirements are recorded
      as  treasury  stock and result in a  reduction  of  shareholders'  equity.
      During  fiscal years 2003,  2002 and 2001 the Company  repurchased  and/or
      retired the following shares of its common stock:

                                           2003(1)        2002(1)        2001(2)
                                        ------------   ------------    ---------
     Common shares repurchased            1,457,000     1,059,226        61,006
     Cost to repurchase common shares   $43,503,500   $31,865,423    $1,069,587
     Average price per share                 $29.86        $30.08        $17.53

      (1)   The cost to repurchase shares in fiscal years 2003 and 2002 reflects
            $7,197,165 in common stock  repurchases  with a June 2002 trade date
            and a July 2002 settlement date.

      (2)   Includes  the   repurchase  of  28,000  shares  at  $.01  per  share
            previously  issued under the Company's  Restricted Stock Award Plan.
            Excluding  the effect of these  repurchases,  the average  price per
            share was $32.40.

      The Company  funded its  purchases  through cash from  operations  and, in
      2001,  through revolver loan borrowings under the Credit Agreement.  As of
      June 30, 2003, the Company had a remaining Board authorization to purchase
      1.3 million shares.

      On May 20, 1996, the Board of Directors adopted a Stockholder  Rights Plan
      and declared a dividend of one Right for each outstanding  share of common
      stock as of July 10, 1996.  Each Right entitles its holder,  under certain
      circumstances,  to purchase one  one-hundredth of a share of the Company's
      Series C Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock at a price of $41.67 on a
      post split basis.  The Rights may not be  exercised  until 10 days after a
      person or group acquires 15% or more of the Company's  common stock, or 15
      days after the  commencement or the announcement of the intent to commence
      a tender  offer,  which,  if


      consummated,  would  result in a 15% or more  ownership  of the  Company's
      common stock. Until then, separate Rights certificates will not be issued,
      nor will the Rights be traded separately from the stock.

      Should an acquirer  become the  beneficial  owner of 15% of the  Company's
      common stock, and under certain  additional  circumstances,  the Company's
      stockholders  (other than the acquirer) would have the right to receive in
      lieu of the Series C Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock,  a number of
      shares  of the  Company's  common  stock,  or in  stock  of the  surviving
      enterprise if the Company is acquired,  having a market value equal to two
      times the  purchase  price per share.  The Rights  will  expire on May 31,
      2006,  unless  redeemed prior to that date. The redemption  price is $0.01
      per Right.  The Board of Directors may redeem the Rights at its option any
      time prior to the announcement  that a person or group has acquired 15% or
      more of the Company's common stock.

(10)  Earnings per Share

      The following table sets forth the calculation of weighted  average shares
      for the fiscal years ended June 30 (in thousands):

                                                     2003       2002      2001
                                                    ------     ------    ------
      Weighted average common shares outstanding
        for basic calculation                       37,607     38,828    39,390

      Add: Dilutive effect of stock options and
        warrants                                       962      1,114       931
                                                    ------     ------    ------

      Weighted average common shares outstanding,
        adjusted for diluted calculation            38,569     39,942    40,321
                                                    ======     ======    ======

      In 2003 and 2002,  stock  options to  purchase  71,781 and 67,825  shares,
      respectively,  had exercise  prices that exceeded the average market price
      for each corresponding  period.  These options have been excluded from the
      respective  diluted  earnings  per share  calculation  as their  impact is
      anti-dilutive. No such anti-dilutive stock options existed in 2001.

(11)  Employee Stock Plans

      The Company has  6,320,139  shares of Common  Stock  reserved for issuance
      pursuant to the following stock-based compensation plans:

      1992 Stock Option Plan

      The  1992  Stock  Option  Plan  (the  "Plan")  provides  for the  grant of
      non-compensatory  stock  options to eligible  employees  and  non-employee
      directors.  Stock options granted under the Plan are  non-qualified  under
      Section 422 of the  Internal  Revenue  code and allow for the  purchase of
      shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  The Plan also  provides  for the
      issuance of stock appreciation rights ("SARs") on issued options, however,
      no SARs have been issued as of June 30, 2003. The awarding of such options
      is  determined  by the  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of Directors
      after  consideration  of  recommendations  proposed by the Chief Executive
      Officer.  Options  awarded  are  exercisable  at the  market  value of the
      Company's  Common  Stock  at the date of grant  and  vest  ratably  over a
      four-year  period for awards to employees and a two-year period for awards
      to independent directors.

      Mr. Kathwari, the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer, entered
      into a new employment agreement with the Company dated August 1, 2002 (the
      "2002 Employment  Agreement").  This agreement was effective as of July 1,
      2002 and served to  supercede  all terms and  conditions  set forth in his
      previous  employment  agreement dated July 1, 1997,  which expired on June
      30, 2002 (the "1997 Employment  Agreement").  Pursuant to the terms of the
      2002 Employment Agreement,  Mr. Kathwari was awarded,  during fiscal 2003,
      options to purchase  600,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock.  These
      options were issued at an exercise price of $31.02 per share (the price of
      a share of the Company's Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange as of
      such date) and vest ratably


      over a  three-year  period.  In addition,  he is also  entitled to receive
      another 400,000 options in fiscal 2004 (which vest ratably over a two-year
      period)  and  200,000  options in fiscal  2005 (which vest over a one-year

      The maximum  number of shares of Common Stock  reserved for issuance under
      the 1992 Stock Option Plan is 5,490,597 shares.

      In  connection  with the 1992 Stock Option Plan,  the  following two stock
      award plans have also been established:

      Restricted Stock Award

      Under  the  terms of the  1997  Employment  Agreement,  Mr.  Kathwari  was
      granted,  as of July 1, 1994 and for each  successive year through July 1,
      1998, an annual award of 30,000 shares of restricted  stock,  with vesting
      based  on  the  performance  of  the  Company's  stock  price  during  the
      three-year  period  subsequent  to grant as compared to the  Standard  and
      Poor's 500 index. Under the discretion of the Compensation Committee,  Mr.
      Kathwari was deemed vested in 92,000 shares as of June 30, 2002.

      In connection with the 2002 Employment Agreement, Mr. Kathwari is entitled
      to  receive,  as of August 1, 2002 and for each  successive  year  through
      August 1, 2004, an annual award of 10,500 shares of restricted stock, with
      vesting based on the  performance of the Company's  stock price during the
      three-year  period  subsequent  to grant as compared to the  Standard  and
      Poor's 500 index.  As of June 30, 2003,  Mr.  Kathwari has not been deemed
      vested in any of these shares.

      Stock Unit Award

      In accordance  with the provisions of the 1997 Employment  Agreement,  the
      Company established,  during fiscal 1998, a book account for Mr. Kathwari,
      which was  credited  with  21,000  Stock  Units as of July 1 of each year,
      commencing  July 1, 1997,  for a total of up to 105,000 Stock Units,  over
      the  initial  five-year  term of the 1997  Employment  Agreement,  with an
      additional  21,000 Stock Units to be credited in  connection  with each of
      the two optional  one-year  extensions.  Following the  termination of his
      employment,  Mr. Kathwari will receive shares of Common Stock equal to the
      number of Stock Units  credited to the  account.  In  connection  with the
      establishment of the 2002 Employment Agreement, Mr. Kathwari was deemed to
      have earned 126,000 of the Stock Units  contemplated under the performance
      provisions of the 1997 Employment Agreement.

      Incentive Stock Option Plan

      In 1991,  pursuant to the Incentive Stock Option Plan, the Company granted
      to members of  management  options to  purchase  829,542  shares of Common
      Stock at an  exercise  price of $5.50  per  share.  These  options  vested
      ratably over a five-year period.

      Stock  option  activity  during  fiscal  years 2003,  2002 and 2001 was as

                                                      Number of Shares
                                                  92 Stock       Incentive
                                                 Option Plan      Options
                                                 -----------      -------
      Options Outstanding - June 30, 2000         3,383,590         14,000
        Granted in 2001                              35,225             -
        Exercised in 2001                           (67,882)        (6,000)
        Canceled in 2001                            (55,658)            -
                                                  ---------       --------
      Options Outstanding - June 30, 2001         3,295,275          8,000
        Granted in 2002                              94,625             -
        Exercised in 2002                          (106,846)        (8,000)
        Canceled in 2002                            (16,073)            -
                                                  ---------       --------
      Options Outstanding - June 30, 2002         3,266,981             -
        Granted in 2003                             694,800             -
        Exercised in 2003                          (187,896)
        Canceled in 2003                            (59,780)            -
                                                  ---------       --------
      Options Outstanding - June 30, 2003         3,714,105             -
                                                  =========       =========


      The  following   table   summarizes  the  stock  awards   outstanding  and
      exercisable at June 30, 2003:

                                Options Outstanding          Options Exercisable
                            ------------------------------   -------------------
                                        Weighted Average
                                      Remaining                          Average
             Exercise                    Life     Exercise              Exercise
           Price Range       Number   (in years)    Price     Number      Price
        -----------------  ---------- ---------- ---------  ---------- ---------

        $   6.33 to  6.50     967,175     1.9    $   6.37     967,175  $    6.37
           14.50 to 18.21      64,110     3.7       15.03      64,110      15.03
           21.17 to 25.00     968,315     4.7       21.93     919,701      21.77
           26.25 to 28.31     840,367     4.4       27.44     834,849      27.44
           29.23 to 33.78     802,348     8.8       30.94      79,515      31.50
           38.00 to 41.59      71,790     8.7       39.05      21,520      38.93
                           ------------                     ----------
                            3,714,105     4.8       21.28   2,886,870      18.50
                           ============                     ==========

      As stated in Note 1, the Company employs the intrinsic  value  recognition
      and  measurement  provisions of APB No. 25 in accounting  for  stock-based
      compensation. However, in complying with the disclosure provisions of SFAS
      No. 123, the Company  estimates  the fair value of stock  options  granted
      using the  Black-Scholes  option-pricing  model.  The per  share  weighted
      average fair value of stock options granted during fiscal years 2003, 2002
      and 2001 was $15.94, $16.06, and $13.60, respectively.

      The fair value of each stock  option  grant was  estimated  on the date of
      grant using the following assumptions: weighted average risk-free interest
      rates of 4.26%,  4.50%,  and 5.39% for fiscal  years 2003,  2002 and 2001,
      respectively;  dividend yields of 0.83%, 0.48%, and 0.53% for fiscal years
      2003, 2002 and 2001,  respectively;  expected volatility factors of 44.3%,
      43.9%, and 45.0% for fiscal years 2003, 2002 and 2001,  respectively;  and
      expected  lives of 8.5 years for fiscal 2003 and 5.0 years for both fiscal
      2002 and 2001.

      The table  located  in Note 1  illustrates  the  effect on net  income and
      earnings  per  share  if  the  fair  value   recognition  and  measurement
      provisions  of SFAS  No.  123 had  been  applied  to all  outstanding  and
      unvested awards in each period.

 (12) Income Taxes

      Total income taxes were allocated as follows (in thousands):

                                                2003         2002         2001
                                              -------      -------      --------
      Income from operations                $ 45,811      $ 49,988     $ 48,423
      Shareholders' equity                    (1,536)       (1,021)        (624)
                                             -------       -------      -------
                                            $ 44,275      $ 48,967     $ 47,799
                                             =======       =======      =======

      The  income  taxes  credited  to  shareholders'  equity  relate to the tax
      benefit arising from the exercise of employee stock options.

      Income  tax  expense  (benefit)  attributable  to income  from  operations
      consists  of  the  following  for  the  fiscal  years  ended  June  30 (in

                                                2003         2002         2001
                                              -------      -------      --------
         Federal                            $ 35,909      $ 44,548     $ 46,513
         State                                 5,152         5,251        5,249
                                             -------       -------      -------
              Total current                   41,061        49,799       51,762
                                             -------       -------      -------
         Federal                               4,395           180       (3,157)
         State                                   355             9         (182)
                                             -------       -------      -------
              Total deferred                   4,750           189       (3,339)
                                             -------       -------      -------
      Income tax expense                    $ 45,811      $ 49,988     $ 48,423
                                             =======       =======      =======


      The following is a  reconciliation  of expected  income taxes (computed by
      applying  the Federal  statutory  rate to income  before  taxes) to actual
      income tax expense (in thousands):

                                                2003        2002          2001
                                              -------     -------       -------
      Computed "expected" income
         tax expense                        $ 42,417      $ 46,285     $ 44,836
      State income taxes, net of
         federal income tax benefit            3,211         3,126        3,162
      Goodwill amortization                       68           109          265
      Other, net                                 115           468          160
                                             -------       -------      -------
      Actual income tax expense             $ 45,811      $ 49,988     $ 48,423
                                             =======       =======      =======

      The  significant  components of the deferred tax expense  (benefit) are as
      follows (in thousands):
                                               2003         2002          2001
                                             --------     --------      --------

      Deferred tax expense (benefit)        $  3,294      $ (1,268)    $ (4,795)
      Utilization of net operating
        loss carryforwards                     1,456         1,457        1,456
                                             -------       -------      -------
      Total deferred tax expense (benefit)  $  4,750      $    189     $ (3,339)
                                             =======       =======      =======

      The  components  of the net  deferred  tax  liability as of June 30 are as
      follows (in thousands):
                                                       2003           2002
                                                     --------       ---------
      Deferred tax assets:
        Accounts receivable                         $    733        $   923
        Inventories                                    4,329          4,407
        Employee compensation accruals                 8,389          7,743
        Restructuring accruals                         6,627          1,765
        Other accrued liabilities                      2,898          2,507
        Net operating loss carryforwards               2,620          4,076
                                                     -------        -------
      Total deferred tax asset                        25,596         21,421
                                                     -------        -------

      Deferred tax liabilities:
        Property, plant and equipment                 28,170         23,192
        Intangible assets other than goodwill         13,366         13,354
        Non-deductible temporary differences
         arising as a result of Section 481a
         changes in accounting methods                 6,329          4,102
        Other                                          2,294            586
                                                     -------        -------
      Total deferred tax liability                    50,159         41,234
                                                     -------        -------

      Net deferred tax liability                    $ 24,563       $ 19,813
                                                     =======        =======

      At June 30,  2003,  the  Company  has,  for federal  income tax  purposes,
      approximately $6.9 million of net operating loss carryovers ("NOLs"),  all
      of which expire in 2008.  Pursuant to Section 382 of the Internal  Revenue
      Code,  the  Company's  utilization  of such NOLs is  subject  to an annual
      limitation of approximately $3.9 million.

      Management  believes that the results of future  operations  will generate
      sufficient taxable income to realize the deferred tax assets.

(13)  Employee Retirement Programs

      The Ethan Allen Retirement Savings Plan

      The Ethan Allen Retirement  Savings Plan (the "Savings Plan") is a defined
      contribution  plan, which is offered to substantially all employees of the
      Company who have completed three consecutive  months of service regardless
      of hours worked.

      Ethan Allen may, at its  discretion,  make a matching  contribution to the
      401(k) portion of the Savings Plan on behalf of each participant, provided
      the  contribution  does not exceed the lesser of 50% of the  participant's
      contribution or $1,000 per participant per Savings Plan year. Total profit


      sharing and 401(k)  company match  expense was $3.9 million in 2003,  $5.1
      million in 2002, and $5.5 million in 2001.

      Other Retirement Plans and Benefits

      Ethan Allen provides additional benefits to selected members of senior and
      middle management in the form of previously entered deferred  compensation
      arrangements and a management cash bonus and other incentive program.  The
      total cost of these  benefits was $3.3  million,  $4.2  million,  and $5.0
      million in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

(14)  Litigation

      The Company has been named as a potentially  responsible party ("PRP") for
      the  cleanup  of three  active  sites  currently  listed or  proposed  for
      inclusion  on  the  National   Priorities  List  under  the  Comprehensive
      Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA").

      The Company  believes it has resolved its liability at one of the sites by
      completing remedial action activities. With regard to the other two sites,
      the Company does not anticipate incurring  significant cost as it believes
      that it is not a major contributor based on the very small volume of waste
      generated by the Company in relation to total volume at the site. However,
      liability under CERCLA may be joint and several. Additionally, the Company
      has been  notified  by the  State  of New  York  that it may be a PRP in a
      separate,  unrelated matter.  However, the extent of any adverse effect on
      the Company's financial  condition,  results of operations,  or cash flows
      with respect to this matter cannot be reasonably estimated at this time.

(15)  Related Party Transactions

      On August 31, 2001, the Company  acquired  certain assets  associated with
      the  retail  operations  of 6 Ethan  Allen  Home  Interiors  stores in the
      Pittsburgh  and Cleveland  metropolitan  areas from two entities owned and
      controlled by Mr. Edward Teplitz.  The total purchase price for the assets
      was $10.1  million,  net of the  assumption  of  certain  liabilities  and
      subject to  post-closing  adjustments.  Approximately  $3.5 million of the
      purchase price was allocated to two real estate properties acquired in the
      transaction with the remaining $6.6 million allocated to other assets. The
      purchase price was determined by mutual  negotiation,  based upon the fair
      value of net assets acquired and supported, as appropriate, by independent
      third-party appraisals.  Subsequent to the closing, Mr. Teplitz joined the
      Company as Vice  President  of Finance.  In August 2002,  Mr.  Teplitz was
      named Chief Financial Officer of the Company.  He currently serves as Vice
      President and General Manager of the Company's Retail division,  a role he
      assumed in May 2003.

(16)  Comprehensive Income

      Total  comprehensive  income represents the sum of net income and items of
      "other comprehensive income or loss" that are reported directly in equity.
      Such items may include foreign currency translation  adjustments,  minimum
      pension   liability   adjustments,   fair  value  adjustments  on  certain
      derivative  instruments,  and  unrealized  gains  and  losses  on  certain
      investments  in debt and equity  securities.  The Company has reported its
      total comprehensive income in the Consolidated  Statement of Shareholders'

      The Company's other comprehensive  income, which is attributable solely to
      foreign  currency  translation  adjustments,  was $0.6 million at June 30,
      2003.   This  amount,   as  well  as  the  Company's   accumulated   other
      comprehensive  income  included  in  equity,  are the result of changes in
      foreign  currency  exchange  rates  related to the  operations  of 7 Ethan
      Allen-owned retail stores located in Canada.  Foreign currency translation
      adjustments  exclude income tax expense  (benefit) given that the earnings
      of non-U.S.  subsidiaries  are deemed to be  reinvested  for an indefinite
      period of time.


(17)  Segment Information

      The  Company's  reportable  segments are  strategic  business  areas which
      operate  separately  but which both offer the  Company's  complete line of
      home  furnishings  through their own distinctive  services.  The Company's
      operations are classified into two segments: wholesale and retail.

      The wholesale  segment is principally  involved in the  development of the
      Ethan Allen brand, which encompasses the design, manufacture, domestic and
      off-shore  sourcing,  sale  and  distribution  of a  full  range  of  home
      furnishing  products  to  a  network  of  independently-owned   and  Ethan
      Allen-owned  stores  as well as  related  marketing  and  brand  awareness
      efforts.  Wholesale  profitability  includes the  wholesale  gross margin,
      which is earned on wholesale  sales to all retail stores,  including Ethan
      Allen-owned stores.

      The retail  segment sells home  furnishing  products  through a network of
      Ethan Allen-owned stores.  Retail profitability  includes the retail gross
      margin, which represents the difference between retail sales price and the
      cost of goods purchased from the wholesale segment.

      While the manner in which the Company's home  furnishings are marketed and
      sold is  consistent,  the nature of the  underlying  recorded  sales (i.e.
      wholesale  versus  retail) and the specific  services that each  operating
      segment  provides (i.e.  wholesale  manufacture  and  distribution  versus
      retail sales) are  different.  Within the wholesale  segment,  the Company
      maintains revenue  information  according to each respective  product line
      (i.e. case goods, upholstery, or home accessories and other).

      A breakdown of wholesale sales by these product lines for each of the last
      three fiscal years is provided below:

                                              Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
                                               2003       2002       2001
                                               ----       ----       ----
            Case Goods                          53%         56%       56%
            Upholstered Products                33          31        30
            Home Accessories and Other          14          13        14
                                               ---         ---       ---
                                               100%        100%      100%
                                               ===         ===       ===

      Similar  information  by product line is not  available  within the retail
      segment as it is not practicable.  However,  because wholesale  production
      and sales are matched to incoming  orders,  the Company  believes that the
      allocation  of retail  sales  would be  similar  to that of the  wholesale

      The Company evaluates  performance of its segments based upon revenues and
      operating  income.   Inter-segment  eliminations  primarily  comprise  the
      wholesale sales and profit on the transfer of inventory  between segments.
      Inter-segment  eliminations also include items not allocated to reportable

      During the third quarter of 2001, the Company  re-evaluated  its operating
      segments and as a result  changed its  segment-reporting  format from five
      segments (case goods, upholstery, home accessories,  retail, and other) to
      two segments  (wholesale and retail).  This change reflects how management
      currently  manages its  operations,  resulting in part, from the growth in
      the Company's  retail  business.  The  following  table  presents  segment
      information  for each of the fiscal years ended June 30, 2003,  2002,  and
      2001 (in thousands):

                                                 2003        2002        2001
                                               -------     -------     -------
      Net Sales:
      Wholesale segment                       $660,986    $660,818    $705,651
      Retail segment                           526,388     459,640     419,322
      Elimination of inter-company sales      (280,110)   (228,170)   (220,840)
                                              --------     -------     -------
        Consolidated Total                    $907,264    $892,288    $904,133
                                               =======     =======     =======

      Operating Income:
      Wholesale segment (1)                   $109,281    $110,078    $100,503
      Retail segment                            14,573      23,125      23,142
      Elimination (2)                           (3,271)     (3,303)      2,402
                                               -------      ------      ------
        Consolidated Total                    $120,583    $129,900    $126,047
                                               =======     =======     =======


      Capital Expenditures:
      Wholesale segment                       $ 11,759    $ 13,601    $ 22,147
      Retail segment                            15,448      17,477      16,369
      Acquisitions (3)                          11,332      42,403       9,722
                                               -------    --------      ------
        Consolidated Total                    $ 38,539    $ 73,481    $ 48,238
                                               =======     =======     =======

      Total Assets:
      Wholesale segment                       $465,017    $459,311    $453,650
      Retail segment                           303,061     259,770     190,067
      Inventory profit elimination (4)         (36,510)    (30,326)    (24,599)
                                               -------     -------     -------
        Consolidated Total                    $731,568    $688,755    $619,118
                                               =======     =======     =======

      (1)   Operating   income  for  the  wholesale   segment  includes  pre-tax
            restructuring and impairment charges of $13.2 million,  $5.1 million
            and $6.9  million  recorded  in fiscal  years  2003,  2002 and 2001,

      (2)   The  adjustment  reflects  the change in the  elimination  entry for
            profit in ending inventory.

      (3)   Acquisitions  include the purchase of 16 retail  stores in 2003,  20
            retail stores in 2002 and one retail store and the Dublin,  Virginia
            manufacturing facility in 2001.

      (4)   Inventory profit elimination  reflects the embedded wholesale profit
            in the  Company-owned  store  inventory  that has not been realized.
            These profits will be recorded when shipped to the retail customer.

       There are 20 independent retail stores located outside the United States.
       Less than 2.0% of the Company's net sales are derived from sales to these
       retail stores.

(18)  Selected Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)

      Tabulated  below are  certain  data for each  quarter of the fiscal  years
      ended June 30, 2003, 2002, and 2001 (in thousands, except per share data):

                                                Quarter Ended
                              September 30   December 31    March 31   June 30
                              ------------   -----------    --------   -------
        Fiscal 2003:
        Net sales                 $216,529      $229,713    $224,574  $236,448
        Gross profit               106,715       115,804     111,950   114,915
        Net income                  20,082        23,086      11,672    20,541
        Earnings per basic share      0.53          0.61        0.31      0.55
        Earnings per diluted share    0.52          0.60        0.30      0.54
        Dividend declared per
          common share                0.06          0.06        0.06      0.07

        Fiscal 2002:
        Net sales                 $206,725      $222,857    $227,917  $234,789
        Gross profit                93,969       103,380     108,436   115,528
        Net income                  16,731        21,195      22,969    21,361
        Earnings per basic share      0.43          0.55        0.59      0.55
        Earnings per diluted share    0.42          0.53        0.58      0.54
        Dividend declared per
          common share                0.04          0.04        0.04      0.06

        Fiscal 2001:
        Net sales                 $211,231      $232,667    $233,791  $226,444
        Gross profit                99,709       107,737     103,511   102,699
        Net income                  20,700        23,107      20,030    15,843
        Earnings per basic share      0.53          0.59        0.51      0.40
        Earnings per diluted share    0.52          0.58        0.50      0.39
        Dividend declared per
          common share                0.04          0.04        0.04      0.04


Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
          Financial Disclosure

      No  changes  in,  or  disagreements  with,  accountants  as  a  result  of
accounting or financial  disclosure matters,  occurred during fiscal years 2003,
2002 or 2001.

Item 9A.  Controls and Procedures

      Ethan  Allen's  management,  including the Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer ("CEO") and the Vice President-Finance  ("VPF"),  conducted an
evaluation of the  effectiveness of disclosure  controls and procedures (as such
term is defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)  under the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"))  as of the end of the  period
covered by this report. Based on such evaluation, the CEO and VPF have concluded
that, as of June 30, 2003, the Company's  disclosure controls and procedures are
effective  in  ensuring  that  material  information  relating  to  the  Company
(including its consolidated  subsidiaries),  which is required to be included in
the  Company's  periodic  filings under the Exchange Act, has been made known to
them in a timely manner.

      There have been no significant  changes in the Company's  internal control
over  financial  reporting  (as such  term is  defined  in Rules  13a-15(f)  and
15d-15(f)  under the  Exchange  Act) during the  Company's  most  recent  fiscal
quarter (the  Company's  fourth fiscal  quarter in the case of this report) that
have materially  affected,  or are reasonably likely to materially  affect,  the
Company's internal control over financial reporting.


                                    PART III

      Except as  otherwise  stated  below,  Part III is omitted  as the  Company
intends  to file  with  the  Commission  within  120 days  after  the end of the
Company's  fiscal year a definitive  proxy statement  pursuant to Regulation 14A
which will involve the election of directors.

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

Code of Ethics

The Company has adopted a code of ethics that applies to its principal executive
officer,   principal   financial  officer,   principal   accounting  officer  or
controller,  or persons  performing  similar  functions.  The Company's  code of
ethics can be accessed via its website at www.ethanallen.com.

Audit Committee Financial Expert

The  Company's  Board of  Directors  has  determined  that the Company has three
"financial  experts",  as  defined  under  Item  401  of  Regulation  S-K of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, currently serving on its Audit Committee. Those
members of the Company's Audit Committee who are deemed to be financial  experts
are as follows:

Clinton A. Clark
Horace G. McDonell
William W. Sprague

All persons  identified as financial  experts are independent from management as
defined by Item 7(d)(3), of Schedule 14A.

See reference to the definitive proxy statement under Part III for the remainder
of required disclosures under Item 10.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation

See reference to the definitive proxy statement under Part III.

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

See reference to the definitive proxy statement under Part III.

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

See reference to the definitive proxy statement under Part III.

Item 14.  Principal Accountant Fees and Services

See reference to the definitive proxy statement under Part III.


                                     PART IV

Item 15.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K

I.    Listing of Documents

      (1)   Financial   Statements.   The   Company's   Consolidated   Financial
            Statements,  included in Item 8 hereof, as required at June 30, 2003
            and 2002,  and for the years  ended  June 30,  2003,  2002 and 2001,
            consist of the following:

            Consolidated Balance Sheets

            Consolidated Statements of Operations

            Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

            Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

      (2)   Financial  Statement  Schedule.  Financial Statement Schedule of the
            Company  appended  hereto,  as required for the years ended June 30,
            2003, 2002 and 2001, consist of the following:

            Valuation and Qualifying Accounts

            The schedules  listed in Reg.  210.5-04,  except those listed above,
            have been omitted  because they are not  applicable  or the required
            information is shown in the financial statements or notes thereto.

      (3)   Reports on Form 8-K

            On May 13, 2003,  the Company filed with the Securities and Exchange
            Commission  its  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the three  month
            period  ended  March  31,  2003.  Accompanying  such  report  was  a
            certification,  filed  on  Form  8-K,  of  the  Company's  Principal
            Executive Officer and Principal  Financial  Officer,  pursuant to 18
            U.S.C.   Section  1350  adopted  pursuant  to  Section  906  of  the
            Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and attached thereto as Exhibit 99.1.

            During the three month period ended June 30, 2003, the Company filed
            a  Current  Report  on  Form  8-K  dated  June  10,  2003,  covering
            information  reported under Item 9.  Regulation FD  Disclosure.  The
            Company also filed a Current Report of Form 8-K dated July 31, 2003,
            covering information reported under Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure
            but  furnished  pursuant  to Item  12.  Results  of  Operations  and
            Financial Condition in accordance with SEC Release No. 33-8216.

      (4) The following Exhibits are filed as part of this report on Form 10-K:

             Number     Exhibit
             ------     -------

            2(a)        Agreement and Plan of Merger,  dated May 20, 1989, among
                        the Company,  Green  Mountain  Acquisition  Corporation,
                        INTERCO Incorporated, Interco Subsidiary, Inc. and Ethan
                        Allen  (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2(a) to the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC")
                        on March 16, 1993)

            2(b)        Restructuring  Agreement,  dated  March 1,  1991,  among
                        Green  Mountain   Holding   Corporation,   Ethan  Allen,
                        Chemical Bank,  General  Electric  Capital  Corporation,
                        Smith  Barney  Inc.  and the  stockholder's  name on the
                        signature  page  thereof  (incorporated  by reference to
                        Exhibit 2(b) to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-1
                        of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)


            2(c)        Purchase  and Sale  Agreement,  dated  March  28,  1997,
                        between the  Company and  Carriage  House  Interiors  of
                        Colorado,  Inc.  (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2
                        to the Registration Statement on Form S-3 of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on May 21, 1997)

            3(a)        Restated Certificate of Incorporation for Green Mountain
                        Holding   Corporation   (incorporated  by  reference  to
                        Exhibit 3(a) to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-1
                        of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            3(b)        Restated and Amended  By-Laws of Green Mountain  Holding
                        Corporation  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 3(b)
                        to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            3(c)        Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the Company
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  3(c)  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            3(c)-1      Certificate  of  Designation  relating  to the  Series C
                        Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock  (incorporated by
                        reference to Exhibit 1 to Form 8-A of the Company  filed
                        with the SEC on July 3, 1996)

            3(c)-2      Certificate  of  Amendment  to Restated  Certificate  of
                        Incorporation  as of  August 5,  1997  (incorporated  by
                        reference to Exhibit  3(c)-2 to the Quarterly  Report on
                        Form 10-Q of the  Company  filed with the SEC on May 13,

            3(c)-3      Second Certificate of Amendment to Restated  Certificate
                        of Incorporation  as of March 27, 1998  (incorporated by
                        reference to Exhibit  3(c)-3 to the Quarterly  Report on
                        Form 10-Q of the  Company  filed with the SEC on May 13,

            3(c)-4      Third  Certificate of Amendment to Restated  Certificate
                        of Incorporation  as of April 28, 1999  (incorporated by
                        reference to Exhibit  3(c)-4 to the Quarterly  Report on
                        Form 10-Q of the  Company  filed with the SEC on May 13,

            3(d)        Amended   and   Restated    By-laws   of   the   Company
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  3(d)  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            3(e)        Certificate   of   Designation   relating   to  the  New
                        Convertible  Preferred Stock  (incorporated by reference
                        to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            3(e)-1      Certificate  of  Designation  relating  to the  Series C
                        Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock  (incorporated by
                        reference to Exhibit 1 to Form 8-A of the Company  filed
                        with the SEC on July 3, 1996)

            3(f)        Certificate  of  Incorporation  of Ethan  Allen  Finance
                        Corporation (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to
                        Amendment  No. 3 to the  Registration  Statement on Form
                        S-3 of the  Company  filed with the SEC on  February  1,

            3(g)        By-Laws of Ethan Allen Finance Corporation (incorporated
                        by reference  to Exhibit 3.4 to  Amendment  No. 3 to the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-3 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on February 1, 1995)

            3(h)        Certificate    of    Incorporation    of   Ethan   Allen
                        Manufacturing  Corporation (incorporated by reference to
                        Exhibit  3.2 to  Amendment  No.  3 to  the  Registration
                        Statement on Form S-3 of the Company  filed with the SEC
                        on February 1, 1995)

            3(i)        By-Laws  of  Ethan   Allen   Manufacturing   Corporation
                        (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit 3.5 to Amendment
                        No. 3 to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-3 of the
                        Company filed with the SEC on February 1, 1995)


            4(a)        First Amendment to Management Non-Qualified Stock Option
                        Plan  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 4(a) to the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(b)        Second  Amendment  to  Management   Non-Qualified  Stock
                        Option Plan  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 4(b)
                        to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(c)        1992 Stock  Option Plan  (incorporated  by  reference to
                        Exhibit 4(c) to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-1
                        of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(c)-1      First Amendment to 1992 Stock Option Plan  (incorporated
                        by reference to Exhibit  4(c)-1 to the Quarterly  Report
                        on  Form  10-Q  of the  Company  filed  with  the SEC on
                        November 14, 1997)

            4(c)-2      Amended   and   Restated    1992   Stock   Option   Plan
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(c)-2 to the
                        Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company filed with
                        the SEC on November 14, 1997)

            4(c)-3      First  Amendment  to  Amended  and  Restated  1992 Stock
                        Option Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)-3
                        to the  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q of the  Company
                        filed with the SEC on February 12, 1999)

            4(c)-4      Second  Amendment  to Amended  and  Restated  1992 Stock
                        Option Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)-4
                        to the  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q of the  Company
                        filed with the SEC on February 14, 2000)

            4(d)        Management   Letter   Agreement   among  the  Management
                        Investors and the Company  (incorporated by reference to
                        Exhibit 4(d) to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-1
                        of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(e)        Management Warrant,  issued by the Company to members of
                        the Management of Ethan Allen (incorporated by reference
                        to Exhibit  4(e) to the  Registration  Statement on Form
                        S-1 of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(f)        Form of Dealer Letter  Agreement among Dealer  Investors
                        and the Company  (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit
                        4(f) to the  Registration  Statement  on Form S-1 of the
                        Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(g)        Form  of   Kathwari   Warrant,   dated  June  28,   1989
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(g)  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(j)        Form  of   Indenture   relating  to  the  Senior   Notes
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(m)  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(j)-1      First  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  March 23,  1995,
                        between  Ethan  Allen  and the  First  National  Bank of
                        Boston  for  $75,000,000  8-3/4%  Senior  Notes due 2007
                        (incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.1  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-3 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on October 25, 1994)

            4(k)        Credit  Agreement  among the  Company,  Ethan  Allen and
                        Bankers  Trust  Company  (incorporated  by  reference to
                        Exhibit 4(o) to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-1
                        of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(k)-1      Amended Credit Agreement among the Company,  Ethan Allen
                        and Bankers Trust Company  (incorporated by reference to
                        Exhibit  4(k)-1 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K of the
                        Company filed with the SEC on September 8, 1994)


            4(k)-2      110,000,000  Senior Secured  Revolving  Credit  Facility
                        dated  March  10,  1995  between  Ethan  Allen and J. P.
                        Morgan Chase & Co. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
                        4(k)-2 to the Annual  Report on Form 10-K of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on September 21, 1995)

            4(k)-3      Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement as of December 4,
                        1996 between Ethan Allen Inc. and the J. P. Morgan Chase
                        & Co.  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit  4(k)-3 to
                        the  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on February 13, 1997)

            4(k)-4      First Amendment to Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
                        as of August 27, 1997  between  Ethan Allen Inc. and the
                        J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.  (incorporated  by reference to
                        Exhibit  4(k)-4 to the Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of
                        the Company filed with the SEC on February 12, 1999)

            4(k)-5      Second   Amendment  to  Amended  and   Restated   Credit
                        Agreement  as of October  20, 1998  between  Ethan Allen
                        Inc. and the J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.  (incorporated  by
                        reference to Exhibit  4(k)-5 to the Quarterly  Report on
                        Form 10-Q of the Company  filed with the SEC on February
                        12, 1999)

            4(l)        Catawba  County  Industrial   Facilities   Revenue  Bond
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(r)  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(l)-1      Trust  Indenture  dated as of October  1, 1994  securing
                        $4,600,000  Industrial   Development  Revenue  Refunding
                        Bonds,  Ethan  Allen  Inc.  Series  1994 of the  Catawba
                        County  Industrial   Facilities  and  Pollution  Control
                        Financing   Authority   (incorporated  by  reference  to
                        Exhibit  4(l)-1 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K of the
                        Company filed with the SEC on September 21, 1995)

            4(m)        Lease for 2700 Sepulveda Boulevard Torrance,  California
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(s)  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(n)        Amended and Restated Warrant  Agreement,  dated March 1,
                        1991, among Green Mountain Holding Corporation and First
                        Trust National Association (incorporated by reference to
                        Exhibit 4(t) to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-1
                        of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            4(o)        Exchange Notes Warrant Transfer Agreement  (incorporated
                        by  reference  to  Exhibit  4(u)  to  the   Registration
                        Statement on Form S-1 of the Company  filed with the SEC
                        on March 16, 1993)

            4(p)        Warrant  (Earned)  to purchase  shares of the  Company's
                        Common  Stock  dated  March 24,  1993  (incorporated  by
                        reference to Exhibit 4(v) to the Registration  Statement
                        on Form S-1 of the  Company  filed with the SEC on March
                        16, 1993)

            4(q)        Warrant  (Earned-In) to purchase shares of the Company's
                        Common  Stock,  dated  March 23, 1993  (incorporated  by
                        reference to Exhibit 4(w) to the Registration  Statement
                        on Form S-1 of the  Company  filed with the SEC on March
                        16, 1993)

            4(r)        Recapitalization  Agreement  among the Company,  General
                        Electric   Capital   Corporation,   Smith  Barney  Inc.,
                        Chemical Fund  Investments,  Inc., Legend Capital Group,
                        Inc., Legend Capital  International Ltd., Castle Harlan,
                        Inc.,  M. Farooq  Kathwari,  the Ethan Allen  Retirement
                        Program and other  stockholders  named on the  signature
                        pages  thereto,  dated March 24, 1993  (incorporated  by
                        reference to Exhibit 4(x) to the Registration  Statement
                        on Form S-1 of the  Company  filed with the SEC on March
                        16, 1993)


            4(s)        Preferred Stock and Common Stock Subscription Agreement,
                        dated  March  24,  1993,  among  the  Company,   General
                        Electric  Capital  Corporation,  and Smith  Barney  Inc.
                        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(y) to the Annual
                        Report on Form 10-K of the Company filed with the SEC on
                        September 24, 1993)

            4(t)        Security Agreement,  dated March 10, 1995, between Ethan
                        Allen Inc. and J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. (incorporated by
                        reference  to Exhibit  4(t) to the  Quarterly  Report on
                        Form 10-Q of the Company  filed with the SEC on February
                        13, 1997)

            4(u)        Rights  Agreement,  dated  July 26,  1996,  between  the
                        Company and Harris Trust and Savings Bank  (incorporated
                        by reference  to Exhibit  10.1 to the Current  Report on
                        Form 8-K of the  Company  filed  with the SEC on July 3,

            4(v)        Registration  Rights  Agreement,  dated March 28,  1997,
                        between the  Company and  Carriage  House  Interiors  of
                        Colorado, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4
                        to the Registration Statement on Form S-3 of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on May 21, 1997)

            4(w)        Credit  Agreement,  dated August 24, 1999,  by and among
                        Ethan Allen Inc.,  Ethan Allen Interiors Inc., the J. P.
                        Morgan Chase & Co., Fleet Bank,  N.A. and Wachovia Bank,
                        N.A.  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 4(w) to the
                        Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company filed with the
                        SEC on September 13, 2000)

            10(b)       Employment  Agreement,  dated June 29,  1989,  among Mr.
                        Kathwari,  the Company and Ethan Allen  (incorporated by
                        reference to Exhibit 10(b) to the Registration Statement
                        on Form S-1 of the  Company  filed with the SEC on March
                        16, 1993)

            10(c)       Employment  Agreement,  dated July 27,  1994,  among Mr.
                        Kathwari,  the Company and Ethan Allen  (incorporated by
                        reference to Exhibit  10(c) to the Annual Report on Form
                        10-K of the Company  filed with the SEC on September 21,

            10(d)       Restated Directors Indemnification Agreement dated March
                        1993,  among  the  Company  and  Ethan  Allen  and their
                        Directors (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(c) to
                        the  Registration  Statement  on Form S-1 of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            10(e)       Registration Rights Agreement,  dated March 1993, by and
                        among Ethan Allen,  General Electric Capital Corporation
                        and Smith  Barney Inc.  (incorporated  by  reference  to
                        Exhibit 10(d) to the Registration  Statement on Form S-1
                        of the Company filed with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            10(f)       Form of  Management  Bonus Plan,  dated October 30, 1991
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  10(g)  to the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

            10(g)       Ethan Allen Profit  Sharing and 401(k)  Retirement  Plan
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  10(g)  to the
                        Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company filed with the
                        SEC on September 21, 1995)

            10(h)       General Electric Capital Corporation Credit Card Program
                        Agreement  dated  August  25,  1995   (incorporated   by
                        reference  from  Exhibit  10(h) to the Annual  Report on
                        Form 10-K of the Company filed with the SEC on September
                        21, 1995)

            10(h)-1     First  Amendment to Credit Card Program  Agreement dated
                        February 22, 2000  (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
                        10(h)-1 to the Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company
                        filed with the SEC on September 13, 2000)


            10(i)       Employment  Agreement,  dated October 28, 1997,  between
                        Mr.   Kathwari   and   Ethan   Allen   Interiors,   Inc.
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  10(i)  to the
                        Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company filed with
                        the SEC on November 14, 1997)

            10(j)       Sales Finance  Agreement,  dated June 25, 1999,  between
                        the Company and MBNA America Bank, N.A. (incorporated by
                        reference to Exhibit  10(j) to the Annual Report on Form
                        10-K of the Company  filed with the SEC on September 13,

            10(k)       Amended  and  Restated   Consumer  Credit  Card  Program
                        Agreement,  dated  February 22,  2000,  by and among the
                        Company  and  Monogram   Credit  Card  Bank  of  Georgia
                        (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  10(k)  to the
                        Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Company filed with the
                        SEC on September 13, 2000)

            10(k)-2     Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Consumer Credit
                        Card Program  Agreement,  dated February 1, 2002, by and
                        among  the  Company  and  Monogram  Credit  Card Bank of
                        Georgia (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(k)-2 to
                        the  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on May 13, 2002)

            10(k)-3     Third Amendment to Amended and Restated  Consumer Credit
                        Card  Program  Agreement,  dated July 26,  2002,  by and
                        among  the  Company  and  Monogram  Credit  Card Bank of
                        Georgia (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(k)-3 to
                        the  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on November 12, 2002)

            10(l)       Employment Agreement,  dated August 1, 2002, between Mr.
                        Kathwari and Ethan Allen Interiors,  Inc.  (incorporated
                        by  reference to Exhibit  10(l) to the Annual  Report on
                        Form 10-K of the Company filed with the SEC on September
                        30, 2002)

            10(l)-1     First Amendment to Employment Agreement, dated August 1,
                        2002,  between Mr.  Kathwari and Ethan Allen  Interiors,
                        Inc.  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit  10(l)-1 to
                        the  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on May 15, 2003).

            21          List  of   wholly-owned   subsidiaries  of  the  Company
                        (incorporated   by   reference  to  Exhibit  22  to  the
                        Registration  Statement on Form S-1 of the Company filed
                        with the SEC on March 16, 1993)

      *     23          Consent of KPMG LLP

      *     31.1        Rule  13a-14(a)  Certification  of  Principal  Executive

      *     31.2        Rule  13a-14(a)  Certification  of  Principal  Financial

      *     32.1        Section  1350   Certifications  of  Principal  Executive
                        Officer and Principal Financial Officer

                        *   Filed herewith.


       As of and for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
                                 (In thousands)

                             Balance at     Additions  Adjustments    Balance at
                              Beginning    Charged to       and/or        End of
                              of Period        Income   Deductions        Period
                             ----------    ----------  -----------    ----------
Accounts Receivable
  Sales discounts, sales returns and
   allowance for doubtful accounts:

     June 30, 2003             $ 2,019       $  (451)     $   (78)      $ 1,490
     June 30, 2002             $ 2,679       $  (660)     $     -       $ 2,019
     June 30, 2001             $ 2,751       $   (22)     $   (50)      $ 2,679

  Inventory valuation allowance:

     June 30, 2003             $ 4,517       $   772      $  (621)      $ 4,668
     June 30, 2002             $ 3,346       $ 1,510      $  (339)      $ 4,517
     June 30, 2001             $ 1,591       $  (444)     $ 2,199       $ 3,346



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this Report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                          ETHAN ALLEN INTERIORS INC.

                                          By: /S/ M. FAROOQ KATHWARI
                                             (M. Farooq Kathwari)
                                              Chairman, President and
                                                Chief Executive Officer

                                          Date:  September 19, 2003



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this Report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  Registrant and
in the capacities indicated on September 19, 2003.

      /s/  M. Farooq Kathwari              Chairman, President and
- ------------------------------------------ Chief Executive Officer
      (M. Farooq Kathwari)

      /s/ Clinton A. Clark                Director
- ------------------------------------------
      (Clinton A. Clark)

      /s/ Kristin Gamble                  Director
- ------------------------------------------
      (Kristin Gamble)

      /s/ Horace G. McDonell              Director
- ------------------------------------------
      (Horace G. McDonell)

      /s/ Edward H. Meyer                 Director
- ------------------------------------------
      (Edward H. Meyer)

      /s/ William W. Sprague              Director
- ------------------------------------------
      (William W. Sprague)

      /s/ Frank G. Wisner                 Director
- ------------------------------------------
      (Frank G. Wisner)

      /s/ Jeffrey A. Hoyt                 Vice President, Finance
- ------------------------------------------
      (Jeffrey A. Hoyt)
