Texon Reports Fourth Quarter Results and First Acquisition

Leicester,  England March 11, 1999 - Texon  International plc today reported its
1998  year  end and  fourth  quarter  results  and  announced  its  first  major

Texon acquired Cornwell  Industries  Limited on March 10, 1999 for approximately
(pound)3 million including assumed debt and finance leases. The net cash payment
was  (pound)0.8  million  and was met  from  Texon's  current  bank  facilities.
Management  believes  Cornwell  Industries  is the UK market  leader in  moulded
footwear  components and insole  assemblies and supplies  several major footwear
manufacturers including Clarks, FII and Lambert Howarth.  Cornwell operates from
three facilities in the UK and has approximately 200 employees.

Cornwell had net sales of (pound)10.2 million and generated EBITDA of (pound)0.9
million in 1998.

Texon  reported  earnings  before  interest and tax for the twelve  months ended
December 31, 1998 of (pound)13.6  million compared to (pound)9.6 million for the
prior  year.  Net  sales  for  1998  fell  by  (pound)11.5  million  or  9.4% to
(pound)110.9  million  from  (pound)122.3  million for the twelve  months  ended
December 31, 1997.

"There is no doubt that we would have  liked to report  higher  sales but in the
face of a continuing  weak global  footwear  market we believe our solid results
are evidence of the strength of the company world wide.  We have reduced  costs,
improved  efficiencies and created new products to strengthen our core business.
Furthermore  we have now added  our first  major  acquisition - we believe a key
element in  developing  Texon to be the  foremost  supplier of  materials to the
global  footwear  companies,"  said  Peter  Selkirk,  Chief  Executive  of Texon
International plc.

Texon's  operating  profit for the fourth  quarter  was  (pound)3.3  million,  a
decrease of (pound)0.7  million from the same period in 1997.  Net sales for the
fourth quarter were (pound)26.6  million compared to (pound)30.2  million in the
same period in 1997.

For the quarter ended December 31, 1998, net sales fell by (pound)3.9 million or
12.8% from the same period in 1997 at constant  exchange rates. This decline was
similar across all product lines.  In  geographical  terms net sales declined in
Europe  by 11%,  North  America  by 5%,  South  America  by 26%,  Asia by 3% and
Australasia  by 13%.  Gross profit margin for the quarter was 35.4%  compared to
33.6% for the same  quarter in 1997 and 34.7% for the first  three  quarters  in
1998.  Selling,  general  and  administrative  expenses  for  the  quarter  were
(pound)6.1 million,  (pound)0.1 million lower than the same quarter in 1997. The
principal reason for the increase in the fourth quarter as compared to the third
quarter of 1998 is the sale of the  Leicester  site at the  beginning of October
1998. Therefore Texon must now pay rent whereas previously Texon received rental
income resulting in a net difference of (pound)0.5 million.  Excluding this item
selling,  general and  administrative  costs are  approximately 15% less than in

Net cash flow from operating activities for the year ended December 31, 1998 was
(pound)10.l  million and for the quarter  ended  December 31,  1998,  (pound)7.2
million. Net cash flow for the quarter was comprised of earnings before interest
and taxation of (pound)2.9 million plus depreciation of (pound)0.4 million and a
net reduction in working capital of (pound)3.9 million.  Capital expenditures in
the fourth quarter were (pound)0.7 million.

Texon is the world's  largest,  in terms of sales,  manufacturer and marketer of
structural  materials  essential for the  manufacture  of footwear.  The Company
operates a global business, with sales that are widely diversified by geographic
region and product line and operates six  manufacturing  facilities in the U.K.,
the United States, Germany, Italy and China.

Profit & Loss  Account for the years and quarters ended
December 31, 1998 and 1997

                                        Year ended           Year ended         Quarter 4 ended       Quarter 4 ended
                                       December 31,         December 31,         December 31,           December 31,
                                           1998                 1997                 1998                   1997
                                        (pound)'000         (pound)'000           (pound)'000           (pound)'000

Sales                                      110,880             122,343                26,569                30,193
Cost of Sales                             (72,193)            (79,802)              (17,167)              (20,048)
Gross Profit                                38,687              42,541                 9,402                10,145
SG&A Costs                                (25,261)            (27,230)               (6,112)               (6,150)
Operating Profit                            13,426              15,311                 3,290                 3,995
Reorganisation Costs                         (819)               (429)                 (319)                     0
Profit on disposal of Assets                   957                 386                  (43)                   383
Exceptional Items                                0             (5,659)                     0               (5,659)
EBIT                                        13,564               9,609                 2,928               (1,281)
Interest                                   (9,829)            (10,199)               (2,093)               (2,832)
Profit before Tax                            3,735               (590)                   835               (4,113)
Tax                                        (1,303)             (1,492)                 (553)                 (253)
Profit after tax                             2,432             (2,082)                   282               (4,366)
Minority Interest                            (184)               (305)                 (101)                  (99)
Dividend                                   (2,600)                   0                 (650)                     0
Goodwill Amortisation                         (26)                   0                  (26)                     0
Net Income/(Loss)                            (378)             (2,387)                 (495)               (4,465)

Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1998 and 1997 

                                                           As at                       As at
                                               December 31, 1998           December 31, 1997
                                                     (pound)'000                 (pound)'000

Fixed Assets
  Tangible Assets                                         13,116                     17,098
  Goodwill                                                  672
                                                      ----------                   --------
                                                          13,788                     17,098
Current Assets
  Stocks                                                  15,781                     16,716
  Debtors                                                 19,637                     19,345
  Cash at Bank and in Hand                                   721                      1,156
                                                      ----------                  ---------

                                                          36,139                      37,217
                                                      ----------                  ---------

TOTAL ASSETS                                              49,927                     54,315
                                                      ----------                  ---------
  Amounts falling due within one year                    (30,949)                  (114,393)
  Amounts falling due after more than 1 year             (84,477)                      (698)
  Provisions for Liabilities and Charges                  (7,642)                    (6,422)

Capital and Reserves
  Called Up Share Capital                                 (9,120)                       (13)
  Share Premium                                          (46,800)
  Share Capital to be issued                                                        (55,600)

Profit and Loss Account Reserves                         129,539                    124,242
                                                      ----------                   --------

Shareholders' Funds:                                      73,619                     68,629

Minority Equity Interests                                   (478)                    (1,431)
                                                      ----------                  ---------

LIABILITIES & EQUITY                                     (49,927)                   (54,315)
                                                      ==========                  =========

Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Year and 
Quarter Ended December 31, 1998 

                                              Year ended        Quarter 4 ended
                                       December 31, 1998      December 31, 1998
                                             (pound)'000            (pound)'000

Net Cash Flow from Operating
  Activities                                     10,144                  7,215

Returns on Investment & Servicing 
of Finance                                      (14,767)                    42

Taxation                                         (1,420)                  (709)

Capital Expenditure & Financial Investment        2,211                  3,356

Acquisitions & Disposals                           (545)                     0
                                                 -------                 -----
Cash (outflow)/inflow before financing           (4,377)                 9,904
                                                 =======                 =====