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                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   DEFINITIONS                                              5

2.   CONTRIBUTION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS                         7

3.   RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER OF SHARES                       7

4.   ISSUANCE OF SHARES                                       9

5.   RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL                                  11


7.   DEATH OR DISABILITY OF PETTIGREW                         14


9.   ADDITIONAL RIGHTS OF PETTIGREW                           16

10.  DEFAULT                                                  18

11.  VALUATION                                                20

12.  CLOSING                                                  21

13.  MANAGEMENT                                               22

     CONTROL; SHARES IN TRUST                                 28

15.  FINANCING                                                30


17.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES                           32



20.  ARBITRATION                                              34

21.  GENERAL                                                  35

SCHEDULE 1 - CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURE                            41

SCHEDULE 2 - OPTION TO FAIRE TRUST                            41

SCHEDULE 3 - OPTION TO PETTIGREW                              41


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June, 1998, AS AMENDED as of the 8th day of September, 2000

BETWEEN:      ANIMATION CINEPIX INC., a body corporate,
              incorporated under the laws of Canada, and
              represented by Andre Link, its President, duly
              authorized as he so declares (hereinafter "Cinepix")

                                                OF THE FIRST PART

AND:          JACQUES PETTIGREW, businessman, residing at 6
              Croissant Merton, Hampstead, Quebec H3X 1L6
              (hereinafter "Pettigrew")

                                               OF THE SECOND PART

AND:          ROBERT PAUL, in his capacity as trustee of the
              Faire Trust, a trust governed by the laws of the
              Province of Ontario (hereinafter "Faire Trust")

                                                OF THE THIRD PART

AND:          FOX FAMILY WORLDWIDE, INC., a body corporate,
              incorporated under the laws of the State of
              Delaware, U.S.A., and represented by its duly
              authorized representative (hereinafter "Fox

                                               OF THE FOURTH PART

AND:          FIDUCIE FAMILLE PETTIGREW, a trust created and
              governed by the laws of the Province of Queec
              (hereinafter "Fiducie Pettigrew")

                                                OF THE FIFTH PART

              (Cinepix, Pettigrew, Faire Trust, Fox Family and
              Fiducie Pettigrew and any other shareholder bound
              by this Agreement are collectively hereinafter
              referred to as the "Shareholders" and each one of
              the Shareholders may also be referred to
              hereinafter as the "Shareholder")

AND:          CORPORATION CINE-GROUPE, a body corporate,
              incorporated under the laws of the Province of
              Quebec, and represented by Andre Link and Jacques
              Pettigrew, two of its directors, duly authorized
              as  they so declare (hereinafter the "Company")

                                                OF THE SIXTH PART


              LIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT CORP., a body corporate,
              incorporated under the laws of the Province of
              British Columbia, and represented by Gordon Keep,
              its Senior Vice-President, duly authorized as he
              so declares (hereinafter "Lions Gate")

Page 118


              LIONS GATE FILMS CORP., a body corporate,
              incorporated under the laws of Canada, and
              represented by Andre Link, its Chief Executive
              Officer, duly authorized as he so declares
              (hereinafter "Lions Gate Films")


              CINEPIX FILMS INC., a body corporate, incorporated
              under the laws of the Province of Quebec, and
              represented by Andre Link, its President, duly
              authorized as he so declares (hereinafter "Cinepix
              Films ")


              CINEPIX INC., a body corporate, incorporated under
              the laws of the Province of Quebec, and
              represented by Andre Link, its President, duly
              authorized as he so declares (hereinafter "Cinepix

WHEREAS Cinepix beneficially owns one hundred and nineteen
thousand (119,000) of the two hundred and six thousand (206,000)
issued and outstanding Class A shares as well as all the issued
and outstanding Class B shares, namely ten thousand (10,000)
Class B shares, which Class B shares it acquired upon conversion
of Five Hundred Thousand Canadian Dollars (CAN $500,000) in
capital of a convertible debenture originally of a capital of
Four Million Canadian Dollars (CAN $4,000,000) in the Company;

WHEREAS Pettigrew beneficially owns seventy-seven thousand five
hundred and twenty (77,520) of the eighty-four thousand (84,000)
issued and outstanding Class P shares;

WHEREAS Faire Trust beneficially owns twenty-nine thousand
(29,000) of the two hundred and  six thousand (206,000) issued
and outstanding Class A shares;

WHEREAS Fox Family beneficially owns fifty-eight thousand
(58,000) of the two hundred and  six thousand (206,000) issued
and outstanding Class A shares;

WHEREAS Fiducie Pettigrew beneficially owns six thousand four
hundred and eighty (6,480) of the eighty-four thousand (84,000)
issued and outstanding Class P shares;

WHEREAS other than as noted above, there are no other issued and
outstanding shares or debentures in the Company;

WHEREAS the Company carries on the business of producing and
distributing movies, television series, mini-series, motion
pictures, films, videotapes, animated productions or other
programs produced for television or theatrical release or for
release in any other medium, whether theatrically released or
shown on network, free or cable, pay and/or other television
medium or in the home-movie market, and all ancillary activities
relating thereto, specifically within the fields of animation,
children and family, and documentary products and activities
(hereinafter the "Business");

WHEREAS it is the intent of the Shareholders that the Company
successfully complete a Public Listing  by no later than June 23,

Page 119

WHEREAS each of the Shareholders wishes to provide for the manner
in which the affairs of the Company shall be conducted, their
obligations with respect to the Company, and the disposition of
their shares in the Company on the happening of certain events as
well as various other issues;

WHEREAS the Shareholders, except Fiducie Pettigrew, the Company
and various intervening parties have executed as of June 23, 1998
an unanimous shareholders agreement (the "Unanimous Shareholders

WHEREAS Fiducie Pettigrew, who subsequently to June 23, 1998
became a Shareholder, has agreed by an instrument in writing to
be bound by and to benefit of the provisions of the Unanimous
Shareholders Agreement;

WHEREAS this Agreement contains the Unanimous Shareholders
Agreement, as amended since that date;

WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the sum of One Canadian
Dollar (CDN$1.00) now paid by each of the parties to each of the
others (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged by all of the parties) and in consideration of the
mutual covenants herein, the parties agree with each other as


1.1  "Affiliate" has the same meaning as the term "Affiliate" is
     given in the  Securities Act (Quebec) as in effect at the
     date hereof.

1.2  "Agreement" means, unless the context otherwise requires,
     this Agreement and any schedules attached hereto.

1.3  "Auditors" means the auditors of the Company and shall be
     deemed to include the accountants of the Company where the
     Company has not appointed auditors.

1.4  "Business" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals

1.5  "Business Day" means a day which is not Saturday, Sunday or
     civic or statutory holiday in Montreal, Quebec.

1.6  "Canadian Tax Credits" includes any and all tax credits,
     benefits, capital cost allowances, advantages, grants or
     subventions of any sort, existing or not at the date hereof,
     which are or may become available to the Company relating
     directly and available exclusively to businesses that
     conduct  the Business (in whole or in part), including those
     currently provided by, or arising from (without being
     limitative), Sections 125.4 and 125.5 of  the Income Tax Act
     (Canada) and Regulation 1106 of the Income Tax Regulations,
     as amended from time to time, or any replacement legislation
     or regulation, as the case may be.

1.7  "Class A Share(S)" means one or more Class A share(s) in the
     share capital of the Company as constituted at the date of
     this Agreement.

1.8  "Class B Share(S)" means one or more Class B share(s) in the
     share capital of the Company as constituted at the date of
     this Agreement.

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1.9  "Class C Share(S)" means one or more Class C share(s) in the
     share capital of the Company as constituted at the date of
     this Agreement.

1.10 "Class D Share(S)" means one or more Class D share(s) in the
     share capital of the Company as constituted at the date of
     this Agreement.

1.11 "Class P Share(S)" means one or more Class P share(s) in
     the share capital of the Company as constituted at the date
     of this Agreement.

1.12 "Control", whether used as a noun or verb, means the de jure
     and/or de facto control of a partnership, joint venture,
     corporation, trust or other entity (hereafter in this
     definition the "Entity"), consisting of (i) the right
     (whether through agreements or by law) to a majority of the
     votes in the election of the board of directors of the
     Entity; or (ii) the right (whether through agreements or by
     law) to direct the majority of members of the board of
     directors of the Entity in the exercise of their discretion
     and powers.

1.13 "Convertible Debenture" means the non-secured and
     convertible debenture of  a face value of Three Million Five
     Hundred Thousand Canadian Dollars (CDN$3,500,000), in
     capital, issued by the Company to Cinepix, which under
     certain conditions, is convertible for each Fifty Canadian
     Dollars (CDN$50) of capital into one (1) Class B share or
     Class A share, as the case may be; copy of said Convertible
     Debenture is attached hereto as Schedule 1.

1.14 "Disability" means in respect of Pettigrew (a) the physical
     or mental disability of  Pettigrew, whether caused by
     accident, illness or otherwise, arising during the time
     Pettigrew is an employee of the Company and resulting in the
     fact that Pettigrew cannot for any consecutive period of two
     (2) years perform all his then duties and responsibilities
     as employee of the Company, as determined in writing by his
     doctor, or (b) the fact that a court of competent
     jurisdiction has declared Pettigrew to be mentally
     incompetent or incapable of managing his affairs, or (c) if
     the Company has disability insurance, the definition of
     disability as provided in such disability insurance.

1.15 "Fair Market Value" means the price determined in an open
     and unrestricted market between informed and prudent
     parties, acting at arm's length and under no compulsion to
     act, expressed in terms of money.  The Fair Market Value of
     the Shares shall be determined by reference to the aggregate
     price at which the Company, as a going concern, could be
     sold in an arm's length transaction to an unaffiliated bona
     fide third party in an orderly sale without regard to the
     lack of liquidity of its capital stock.

1.16 "Officer" means a person holding a management or executive
     position, including a position considered as such in
     accordance with the then existing rules and practices
     applicable in the  Business of the Company, within the
     Company, and includes a Senior Officer.

1.17 "Option to Faire Trust" means the option granted to Faire
     Trust under the agreement reproduced in Schedule 2.

1.18 "Option to Pettigrew" means the option granted to Pettigrew
     under the agreement reproduced in Schedule 3.

1.19 "Public Listing" means an initial public offering of the Class A
     shares or any other event resulting in the Class A shares or
     such shares of the Company or of another company into which
     the Class A shares have been converted or for which they have
     been exchanged, being listed and

Page 121

     traded on a stock exchange in Canada, the New York Stock Exchange,
     the American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ or the Canadian Dealer Network
     or any successor thereto.

1.20 "Purchaser", unless the context otherwise requires, means
     the acquirer of Shares pursuant to this Agreement.

1.21 "Quebec Officer" means an Officer who is a Quebec Resident.

1.22 "Quebec Resident" means a person domiciled in the Province
     of Quebec who also complies with all the requirements to
     qualify the Company and its Business for the Quebec Tax
     Credits and, for greater certainty, excludes any person who
     is not resident in Quebec under Section 1029.8.34 of the
     Taxation Act (Quebec) (R.S.Q., c. I-3), as amended or
     replaced, and any person not domiciled in the Province of
     Quebec for the prescribed periods under the Regulation
     respecting the recognition of films as Quebec films, adopted
     pursuant to the  Cinema Act (Quebec) (R.S.Q., c. C-18.1), as
     amended or replaced.

1.23 "Quebec Tax Credits" includes any and all tax credits,
     benefits, capital cost allowances, advantages, grants or
     subventions of any sort, existing or not at the date hereof,
     which are or may become available to the Company relating
     directly and available exclusively to businesses that
     conduct the Business (in whole or in part), including those
     currently provided by, or arising from (without being
     limitative), Sections 1029.8.34 through 1029.
     (inclusive) as well as 1129.1 through 1129.4.3.17
     (inclusive) of  the Taxation Act (Quebec) and Regulations
     130 R 55.3.1 through 130 R 55.6.1 (inclusive), 1029.8.34R1
     as well as 1029.8.34R2 of the Regulation respecting the
     Taxation Act, as amended from time to time, or any
     replacement legislation or regulation, as the case may be.

1.24 "Senior Officer"  means an Officer holding a senior position
     within the Company, including the offices of chairman of the
     board, president, chief executive officer, chief operating
     officer, general manager, chief financial officer, vice-
     presidents and treasurer.

1.25 "Shares" means any share or shares in the capital stock of
     the Company now or at any time hereafter beneficially owned
     by the Shareholders and includes options to buy Shares
     pursuant to the Option to Pettigrew, the Option to Faire
     Trust and Article 19.

1.26 "Subsidiary" has the same meaning as the term "Subsidiary"
     is given in the  Securities Act (Quebec) as in effect as
     the date hereof.


2.1 Subject to Article 2.2 in the case of Fox Family, the
    Shareholders of the Company hereby undertake to contribute,
    on a reasonable basis, to the Business of the Company, to
    enable the Company to have access to their own network of
    contacts and markets and, subject to execution of
    appropriate agreements, to allow the Company to benefit from
    their own expertise in so far as it can be useful to the
    Company in the operation of the Business.

2.2 Fox Family acknowledges that the Company has issued shares
    of its Class A capital to Fox Family in order to induce Fox
    Family to continue to contract with the Company to produce
    or co-produce animated, children and family movies,
    televisions series, mini-series, motion pictures, films,
    videotapes, or other programs to be procured for television
    exhibition or theatrical release.  Fox Family and the
    Company have entered into similar business arrangements in
    the past and

Page 122

    currently intend to explore additional productions and co-
    productions in the future, it being understood and agreed,
    however, that Fox Family is under no obligation to deal with
    the Company on an exclusive basis and that it has no obligation
    to enter into any additional production or co-production


3.1  Except as provided in this Agreement and except (i) with
     respect to Pettigrew's and Pettigrew's Corporation's (as
     defined in Article 3.2 below) right to borrow and hypothec
     Shares and/or Convertible Debenture (then held and/or to be
     purchased) to finance purchases of Shares or of the
     Convertible Debenture, which may be acquired by Pettigrew
     (and/or Pettigrew's Corporation, as the case may be) under
     the Option to Pettigrew or under Articles 6 or 9.2, and for
     the transfer of Shares or of the Convertible Debenture
     bought by Pettigrew (and/or Pettigrew's Corporation, as the
     case may be) under the Option to Pettigrew or under Articles
     6 or 9.2 if a creditor having funded the acquisition of said
     Shares or the Convertible Debenture enforces its rights and
     for the sale or transfer of said Shares or the Convertible
     Debenture by such creditor to a third party in case of
     enforcement of said creditor's rights, and (ii) with respect
     to Fox Family, A Faire Aujourd'hui Inc. ("A Faire") and
     Faire Trust, for the pledge of Fox Family's Shares pursuant
     to the Share Pledge Agreement entered on June 23, 1998,
     between Fox Family and A Faire of fifty-eight thousand
     (58,000) Class A  shares as security for a Three Million
     Canadian Dollars (CDN$ 3,000,000) loan made by A Faire to
     Fox Family (the "Pledged Shares"), for the transfer of
     Pledged Shares by Fox Family to A Faire, if A Faire enforces
     its Pledge Agreement, for the sale or transfer of Pledged
     Shares by A Faire to a third party or to Faire Trust,
     following an enforcement of its Pledge Agreement, for the
     transfer of the Pledged Shares to Lions Gate pursuant to the
     Put Agreement entered on June 23, 1998 between Fox Family
     and Lions Gate (the "Put Agreement") and for the transfer of
     the Pledged Shares to Lions Gate by A Faire or Faire Trust
     pursuant to the Put Agreement, which has been assigned to A
     Faire by Fox Family pursuant to the Put Agreement Assignment
     entered on June 23, 1998, between Fox Family and A Faire, no
     Shareholder shall sell, transfer, assign or otherwise
     dispose of any Shares or the Convertible Debenture, or
     mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, charge or otherwise encumber
     any Shares or the Convertible Debenture, without the prior
     written consent of the other Shareholders.  Except under
     Article 3.2 hereunder, Shareholders may only sell, transfer,
     assign or otherwise dispose of the totality, and not part,
     of their Shares or Convertible Debenture.

3.2  Notwithstanding Article 3.1 above, each of the Shareholders
     (hereinafter in Article 3, the "Transferor") shall, at all
     times, have the right to transfer all or part of its Shares,
     the Convertible Debenture and/or rights pursuant to this
     Agreement to one of its Affiliates or Subsidiaries or, in
     the case of Pettigrew, to a corporation that he Controls
     and/or to Fiducie Pettigrew (except if stipulated otherwise,
     hereinafter collectively "Pettigrew's Corporation"); in the
     event of such a transfer (with respect to transferred
     Shares, Convertible Debenture and/or rights), the given
     Affiliate or Subsidiary or Pettigrew's Corporation shall be
     previously required to confirm in writing to the other
     Shareholders its irrevocable consent to be bound by the
     provisions of this Agreement relative to the Transferor
     (with respect to transferred Shares, Convertible Debenture
     and/or rights) and to succeed in all of the Transferor's
     rights, advantages, obligations and liabilities hereunder
     (with respect to transferred Shares, Convertible Debenture
     and/or rights) and is deemed to substitute itself to the
     Transferor as if it were named in each provision of this
     Agreement (other than this Article 3.2) (with respect to
     transferred Shares, Convertible Debenture and/or rights),
     it being understood however that the Transferor shall
     remain solidarily liable for the entire compliance with
     this Agreement by such an Affiliate or a Subsidiary or
     Pettigrew's Corporation. The Shares and the Convertible
     Debenture will remain subject to the provisions of

Page 123

     this Agreement within the hands of such an Affiliate or a
     Subsidiary or Pettigrew's Corporation. The Transferor must
     give notice of its intention to effect a transfer pursuant
     to this Article 3.2 at least fifteen (15) days before the
     transfer. Before a transfer is effected and once a year
     thereafter, the other Shareholders may require from the
     president of the Affiliate or Subsidiary or Pettigrew's
     Corporation (or in the case of Fiducie Pettigrew, from the
     trustees thereof) who is to receive Shares,  the Convertible
     Debenture  from the Transferor or, as the case may be, has
     been transferred Shares,  the Convertible Debenture of the
     Company, a sworn affidavit as to the name of its controlling
     shareholders and the percentage of voting shares they hold
     in the Affiliate or Subsidiary or Pettigrew's Corporation
     (or in the case of Fiducie Pettigrew, a sworn affidavit to
     the effect that Pettigrew is one of the trustees thereof).
     Any default to produce this sworn affidavit and any loss of
     Control of the Affiliate or Subsidiary or Pettigrew's
     Corporation by the Transferor (or in the case of Fiducie
     Pettigrew, any default to produce the sworn affidavit or the
     fact that Pettigrew is no longer a trustee of  Fiducie
     Pettigrew) shall be deemed to be a default under this
     Agreement and shall give rise to the application of Article
     10 of this Agreement.

3.3  In the event that any Shares or the Convertible Debenture,
     are sold, transferred or assigned  to a person who is not an
     original Shareholder to this Agreement, including for
     greater certainty in the circumstances described in Article
     3.1, as a condition precedent to being registered as a
     holder of such Shares or the Convertible Debenture, and to
     the exercise by such transferee of any rights attaching to
     such Shares or the Convertible Debenture, the transferee of
     such Shares or the Convertible Debenture, shall execute and
     deliver an agreement, in form and on terms reasonably
     satisfactory to the Shareholders, whereby such transferee
     agrees to be bound by the provisions hereof as if he were an
     original Shareholder hereto.  After the execution of such
     agreement and subject to all other relevant provisions of
     this Agreement, the transferee shall have the same rights
     and obligations with respect to such Shares or the
     Convertible Debenture, as the Shareholder from whom it
     acquired such Shares or the Convertible Debenture.

3.4  The Company shall cause all share certificates now or later
     authorized or issued to have printed thereon :

          "The right of the holder of this certificate
          to sell, transfer, assign or otherwise
          dispose, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate,
          charge or otherwise encumber the Shares
          represented by this certificate is governed
          by an unanimous shareholders' agreement,
          dated as of the 23rd  day of June, 1998, as
          may be amended from time to time, and by the
          articles of the Company, as may be amended
          from time to time."

3.5  No sale, transfer, assignment or other disposal of Shares or
     the Convertible Debenture, in violation of this Agreement
     shall be valid and no such sale, transfer, assignment or
     other disposal shall be recorded in the securities register,
     minute book or corporate records of the Company.

3.6  The Shareholders and the Company expressly consent to any
     sale, transfer, assignment or other disposal of Shares or
     the Convertible Debenture, pursuant to this Agreement and
     carried out in accordance with the provisions of this
     Agreement and any sale, transfer, assignment or other
     disposal of Shares or the Convertible Debenture permitted by
     Article 3.1 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything else
     in this Agreement, other than the transfer of the Pledged
     Shares to Lions Gate by Fox Family under the Put Agreement,
     the Company hereby undertakes to not consent to, or give
     effect to, any sale, transfer, assignment or other disposal
     of any of the Pledged Shares without first obtaining the
     written consent of A Faire to such sale, transfer,
     assignment or other disposal.

Page 124


3.7  Subject to Articles 4.7 to 4.11, no Shares of any classes
     shall be issued by the Company, unless Article 13.1(p) of
     this Agreement was complied with, and furthermore, when an
     issue of Class A shares is involved, unless the Class A
     shares to be issued have been first offered to the
     Shareholders holding either Class A shares,  Class B shares
     and Class P shares, each of whom hold a pre-emptive right to
     acquire the offered Class A shares in proportion to their
     aggregate holdings (in aggregate number) of the Class A
     shares, Class B shares and Class P shares, at such price and
     conditions as those of the contemplated issue.

3.8  The pre-emptive right provided for in Article 4.1 may be
     exercised by each Shareholder holding either Class A, Class
     B or Class P shares within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a
     written notice by the Company with respect to said
     contemplated issue of Class A shares; such notice must
     inform each such Shareholder of the number of Class A shares
     he may acquire and all conditions of the issue, including
     the issue price.  Failure by a Shareholder to notify the
     Company within the fifteen (15) day delay that he accepts to
     exercise his pre-emptive right is deemed a refusal.

3.9  Each Shareholder may exercise his pre-emptive right by
     notifying the Company in writing of the exercise of his pre-
     emptive right acceptance and by notifying the Company (in
     the same notice) of the maximum number of Class A shares he
     would acquire if one (or more)  Shareholder does not
     exercise his pre-emptive right.

3.10 If one (or more) Shareholder refuses to exercise his pre-
     emptive right, his pre-emptive right will accrue (in
     proportion to his aggregate Class A, Class B and Class P
     shares ownership in aggregate number) in favour of those
     Shareholders who have duly exercised their pre-emptive
     rights and have duly notified the Company of their consent
     to acquire additional Class A shares under their accrued pre-
     emptive rights.  If more than one Shareholder want to
     exercise their accrued pre-emptive rights, the additional
     Class A shares shall be divided between the Shareholders
     exercising said accrued pre-emptive rights in proportion to
     their aggregate holdings (in aggregate number) of Class A,
     Class B and Class P Shares.

3.11 Failure by Shareholders to accept to acquire all or part of
     the contemplated issue of Class A shares and to duly comply
     with their acceptance shall allow the Company to issue the
     non-subscribed Class A shares to third parties who do not
     have any pre-emptive rights, at terms and conditions
     including the price of issue, not more advantageous than
     those offered to the Shareholders in the notice to exercise
     the pre-emptive rights, provided however that such third
     parties must agree to be bound by the terms of this
     Agreement as provided in Article 3.3.  Such issuance must
     take place no sooner than fifteen (15) days and no later
     than sixty (60) days after the expiry of the above process
     provided for in Articles 4.1 to 4.3, failing which the
     provisions of these Articles shall again apply to said

3.12 Notwithstanding the foregoing and Article 13.1(p), the
     Company shall be entitled to issue the following Shares from
     its treasury, only with resolutions of the board of
     directors of the Company, without, if applicable, having to
     first  offer to all the Shareholders by virtue of their pre-
     emptive rights :

     (a)  such number of Shares to Faire Trust as required
          following any exercise by Faire Trust of the Option to
          Faire Trust;

     (b)  the Shares that may be issued  pursuant to the
          Convertible Debenture;

     (c)  such number and types of Shares  to Pettigrew as
          required following any exercise by Pettigrew of the
          Option to Pettigrew;

Page 125

     (d)  such number of Class D shares as required by any stock
          option exercise pursuant to a stock option plan of the
          Company put in place pursuant to Article 19;

     (e)  Shares issued following the automatic conversions
          provided for in Article 14.2;

     (f)  such number of Class C shares that may be issued
          pursuant to Articles 14.3 and 14.6.

3.13 No Class B shares may be issued except upon a conversion of
     part or all of the Convertible Debenture or in accordance
     with the automatic conversion provided for in Article 14.2
     and in the Company's articles.

3.14 No Class P shares may be issued except to Pettigrew or
     Pettigrew's Corporation.

3.15 No Class C shares may be issued except to Pettigrew or
     Pettigrew's Corporation, or if Pettigrew is no longer an
     Officer of the Company, to the highest ranking Quebec
     Officer of the Company pursuant to the terms of the Option
     to Pettigrew or the provisions of Articles 14.3 or 14.6 of
     this Agreement, as the case may be.

3.16 No Class D shares may be issued except pursuant to a stock
     option plan of the Company put in place pursuant to Article

3.17 Except in compliance with this Agreement and with  the
     Option to Pettigrew and the Option to Faire Trust, and
     without restricting the provisions of Article 14 of this
     Agreement, the Company hereby agrees not to issue any
     additional voting Shares and not to approve any transfer of
     voting Shares, unless  an affirmative written unrestricted
     legal opinion is obtained from  an independent counsel
     jointly retained by the Company, Pettigrew and Cinepix (or
     its successors and assigns), at the Company's costs, which
     states that said issuance or transfer, as the case may be,
     would not result in the loss for the Company of any of the
     Quebec Tax Credits and Canadian Tax Credits for a given
     financial year,  it being provided however that this Article
     4.11 shall cease to apply (without retroactive effects) if
     the aggregate of the Quebec Tax Credits and the Canadian Tax
     Credits (without taking into account any expected loss of
     these credits resulting from said issue or transfer)
     represent for a given financial year (of twelve (12) months)
     and are expected to represent for the following financial
     year (of twelve (12) months) (according to the then approved
     budget) less than five percent (5%) of the Company's annual

     It is also agreed that this Article 4.11 shall not apply to
     said issue or transfer (but may apply to subsequent issues
     or transfers) : (1) in the case of an expected loss of the
     Quebec Tax Credits only, resulting from said issue or
     transfer, if the Quebec Tax Credits (without taking into
     account the expected loss of the Quebec Tax Credits)
     represent for a given financial year (of twelve (12) months)
     and are expected to represent for the following financial
     year (of twelve (12) months) (according to the then approved
     budget) less than two percent (2%) of the Company's annual
     revenues; or (2) in the case of an expected loss of the
     Canadian Tax Credits only, resulting from said issue or
     transfer, if the Canadian Tax Credits (without  taking into
     account the expected loss of the Canadian Tax Credits)
     represent for a given financial year (of twelve (12) months)
     and are expected to represent for the following financial
     year (of twelve (12) months) (according to the then approved
     budget) less than two percent (2%) of the Company's annual


4.1 Subject to  Article 6 hereunder, when this Article 6 is
    applicable, in the event any Shareholder receives a bona
    fide offer from a third party or another Shareholder to
    purchase all but not less

Page 126

    than all of his Shares (hereinafter in this Article the
    "Offeror"), such Shareholder (hereinafter in this Article,
    the "Vendor") shall, before accepting the offer of the
    Offeror, offer the Shares, which are the subject of the
    Offeror's offer in writing to the other Shareholders in
    proportion to their shareholdings (in aggregate number)
    of Class A, Class B and Class P shares (excluding the
    Shares of the Vendor) at the price and on the terms set
    out in the offer of the Offeror; said notice must include
    a copy of the offer received from the Offeror and an
    undertaking that the Vendor will accept the offer of the
    Offeror if Shareholders do not exercise their rights of
    first refusal (hereinafter in this Article and in Article
    6 hereafter the "Notice").

    In the event that Article 6 is not applicable by reasons of
    (A) the Offeror's offer not covering the Shares and/or
    Convertible Debenture of Cinepix (and its successors); or
    (B) if Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation refuse or fail
    to exercise their rights to purchase under Article 6, the
    Shareholders (other than the Vendor but including Pettigrew
    and Pettigrew's Corporation) may accept in writing the offer
    of the Vendor within (i) sixty (60) days after the receipt
    of the Notice if Article 6.1 is not applicable because the
    Offeror's offer does not cover the Shares and/or Convertible
    Debenture of Cinepix (and its successors); or (ii) ninety
    (90) days after the receipt of the Notice if  Pettigrew and
    Pettigrew's Corporation advise that they do not wish, or if
    they fail, to exercise their rights pursuant to Article 6
    hereunder; or  (iii) one hundred and twenty (120) days after
    the receipt of the Notice if Pettigrew and Pettigrew's
    Corporation, after having exercised their rights to purchase
    under Article 6 hereunder, fail to purchase at the Closing,
    as outlined in Article 6.2 hereunder. Any acceptance must
    notify the Vendor of the additional number of Shares, any
    accepting Shareholder is willing to purchase pursuant to the
    Vendor's offer in the event one or more other Shareholders
    shall not accept the Vendor's offer.  Any Shareholder not
    responding within this delay shall be deemed to have refused
    the offer of the Vendor.  In the event  one or more of the
    other Shareholders do not accept to purchase all Vendor's
    Shares pursuant to the offer as contained in the Notice, the
    Vendor shall be obliged to sell his Shares to the Offeror at
    the price and on the terms set out in the offer of the
    Offeror within the next sixty (60) days, provided however
    that the Offeror, if he is not a Shareholder, agrees to be
    bound by the terms of this Agreement as provided in Article

    In the event more than one Shareholder accepts the Vendor's
    offer as contained in the Notice and expresses its
    acceptance to purchase additional Shares not bought by other
    Shareholders, if the accepting Shareholders offer to
    purchase more than one hundred per cent (100%) of the
    Offeror's Shares pursuant to this Article 5, those
    Shareholders who accept such offer or any of them, having
    expressed their consent to acquire an additional number of
    Shares shall be entitled, to purchase the remainder of the
    Vendor's Shares in proportion to their Shareholdings (in
    aggregate number) of Class A, Class B and Class P shares
    (excluding the Shares of the Vendor, the Shares of any other
    Shareholder refusing the offer pursuant to this Article 5
    and the Shares of any other Shareholder accepting the offer
    made pursuant to this Article in proportion of his
    shareholdings (in aggregate number) of Class A, Class B and
    Class P shares but refusing to purchase additional Shares)
    at the price and on the terms set out in the offer of the
    Offeror. In the event none of the other Shareholders
    accepts to purchase all Vendor's Shares pursuant to the
    offer, if the Vendor's Shares are not sold to the Offeror
    within the sixty (60) days next following the completion of
    the above process, the provisions of this Article 5 shall
    again apply from that time forward and from time to time.

4.2 Without limiting Article 5.1 above and when Article 6.1
    hereafter does not apply or if Pettigrew and Pettigrew's
    Corporation refuse or fail to exercise their rights to
    purchase or refuse or fail to purchase at Closing  under
    Article 6, should a Shareholder holding more than fifty
    percent (50%) of the votes in Company's Shares (a "Majority
    Shareholder") or Pettigrew (including

Page 127

    Pettigrew's Corporation) receive a third party offer, all
    other Shareholders must have the right (but not the obligation),
    under said Offeror's offer to sell their Shares in the
    Company on the same terms and conditions as those offered to
    the Majority Shareholder or Pettigrew (including Pettigrew's
    Corporation), otherwise the Majority Shareholder or
    Pettigrew (including Pettigrew's Corporation), may not
    accept the Offeror's offer.  The Offeror's offer made to the
    Majority Shareholder or Pettigrew (including Pettigrew's
    Corporation) must be open for acceptance by all other
    Shareholders for a period of not less than one hundred and
    twenty (120) days from the receipt of the Notice by all
    other Shareholders.  Notwithstanding this Article 5.2, when
    Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation exercise their
    rights provided by Article 6.1 herein on the sale of Shares
    of a Majority Shareholder, this Article 5.2 is not
    applicable, unless the closing of such transaction by
    Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation, as purchaser, does
    not take place.

4.3 Cinepix and Lions Gate Films hereby irrevocably agree in
    favour of Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation that if
    there is a direct or indirect change in Control of Cinepix
    and/or Lions Gate Films (except only in the case of a change
    in Control of Lions Gate),  Pettigrew and Pettigrew's
    Corporation shall have the option within sixty (60) days of
    their  knowledge of said change, to solidarily  require
    Cinepix and Lions Gate Films to  purchase their Shares at
    the price stipulated in Article 11, it being understood
    however that: (i) without restricting Pettigrew's rights
    under his employment agreement with the Company attached
    hereto as Schedule 4 (the "Employment Agreement") to
    exercise the option provided by this Article  5.3, Pettigrew
    shall be under the obligation to submit his resignation as
    an employee of the Company; (ii) for evaluation purposes the
    fact that Pettigrew ceases to be an employee of the Company
    shall be considered in the determination of the Fair Market
    Value of his Shares, (iii) payment of the purchase price to
    Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation shall be made as
    follows : (a) twenty-five percent (25%) at closing, which
    shall occur at the latest thirty (30) days after Fair Market
    Value of Pettigrew's Shares and Pettigrew's Corporation's
    Shares has been determined; (b) twenty-five percent (25%)
    six (6) months after closing; (c) twenty-five percent (25%)
    twelve (12) months after closing; and (d) twenty-five
    percent (25%) eighteen (18) months after closing.

    Subject to Pettigrew's and Pettigrew's Corporation's rights
    outlined in Article 6 hereafter, any sale, transfer,
    assignment or other disposal of the Convertible Debenture
    shall be subject to this Article 5. For greater certainty,
    no partial sale of the Convertible Debenture is permitted.

4.4 Article 5 shall cease to apply should the Company
    successfully complete a Public Listing, except for an event
    giving rise to the first refusal mechanism which has
    occurred prior to the completion of said Public Listing and
    which is still existing when the Company completes its
    Public Listing.


5.1 Without restricting the provisions of Article 14
    hereinafter, in the event Cinepix (and its successors)
    receives a bona fide offer from a third party or another
    Shareholder (other than Pettigrew or Pettigrew's
    Corporation) (hereinafter in this Article the "Offeror") to
    purchase all of its Shares and/or Convertible Debenture (in
    its entirety) which it desires to accept, Pettigrew and/or
    Pettigrew's Corporation (at Pettigrew's choice) shall,
    notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5.1 above, have
    the exclusive right to purchase all the Shares and/or
    Convertible Debenture mentioned in the Offeror's offer made
    to Cinepix (and its successors) at the price and on the
    terms set out therein. The parties agree that, provided that
    a sale by Cinepix (or its successors) to a third party or a
    Shareholder has taken place after giving rise to this
    Article 6, this priority right of first refusal shall not
    apply thereafter and Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation
    shall only benefit from the rights of first refusal provided
    in Article 5.

    Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation may accept in
    writing to purchase all the Shares and/or Convertible
    Debenture mentioned in the Offeror's offer within sixty (60)
    days from receipt of the

Page 128

    Notice by forwarding acceptance in writing to Cinepix (or
    its successors) together with (i)  a letter or other
    documents from a bona fide  financial institution, lender
    or investor (or a combination thereof) approving with or
    without conditions to finance such an eventual acquisition
    by Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation or (ii)
    evidence of sufficient funding by Pettigrew and/or
    Pettigrew's Corporation to finance such an eventual
    acquisition. Failure to respond as aforesaid within
    this delay shall be deemed to be a refusal of Pettigrew
    and/or Pettigrew's Corporation to exercise their rights
    pursuant to this Article 6.1 and then Cinepix (and its
    successors), as Vendor, shall be required to  continue the
    process already commenced pursuant to Article 5 above.

5.2 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, to finance
    the acquisition of the Shares and/or Convertible Debenture
    covered by an Offeror's offer pursuant to this Article 6,
    Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation shall be entitled
    to sell Shares to raise the sum required for the purchase as
    long as Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation remain the
    owners of Shares representing at least ten percent (10%) of
    equity (exclusive of votes) at closing of the acquisition.
    Closing shall occur within  thirty (30) days of the
    forwarding of written acceptance (accompanied with
    appropriate documents as provided for in the second
    paragraph of Article 6.1) by Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's
    Corporation; if for any reason whatsoever Pettigrew and/or
    Pettigrew's Corporation, acting in good faith, cannot close
    the transaction, Cinepix (and its successors), the other
    Shareholders, the Offeror  and any other party involved will
    have no recourse against Pettigrew and Pettigrew's
    Corporation and then, Cinepix (and its successors), as
    Vendor, shall be required to continue compliance with the
    provisions of Article 5 above. It is agreed that even in the
    cases of failure to respond to the Notice or if, after
    acceptance of the  Offeror's offer contained in the Notice,
    a closing does not occur in accordance with this Article
    6.2, Pettigrew  and Pettigrew's Corporation shall have the
    benefit of the provisions of Article 5.1.

5.3 The rights to purchase given to Pettigrew and Pettigrew's
    Corporation pursuant to this Article 6 shall continue to
    exist even if the Company successfully completes a Public
    Listing.  However, if the  sale of  Shares and/or
    Convertible Debenture by Cinepix (and its successors) would
    not result in a loss of Control of the Company by Cinepix
    (and its successors), these rights to purchase  would only
    cover the Class B shares and the Convertible Debenture held
    by Cinepix (and its successors) which are intended to be
    sold, if any, and not the Class A shares of the Company
    which are intended to be sold.  For greater certainty, if,
    after a Public Listing, the sale of Shares and/or
    Convertible Debenture would result in a loss of Control of
    the Company by Cinepix (and its successors), these rights to
    purchase would cover all the Shares and/or Convertible
    Debenture which are intended to be sold.

5.4 In the event Article 6.1 applies and Pettigrew and/or
    Pettigrew's Corporation exercises the exclusive right to
    purchase all the Shares and/or Convertible Debenture
    mentioned in the Offeror's offer, all other Shareholders
    have the right (but not the obligation) to sell to Pettigrew
    and/or Pettigrew's Corporation, their Shares in the Company
    on the same terms and conditions as those offered to Cinepix
    (and its successors) by the Offeror.  The other Shareholders
    will have a period of not less than twenty (20) days from
    the receipt of the Notice (as defined in Article 5.1) to
    exercise this option to sell.  For greater certainty,
    Article 6.2 shall apply mutatis mutandis when other
    Shareholders exercise their option to sell hereunder.

5.5 The Shareholders agree that this Article 6 shall apply as
    long as Pettigrew (i) is a Senior Officer of the Company,
    subject to what is provided hereunder in case of wrongful
    dismissal of Pettigrew; and (ii) has (considering any anti-
    dilution option he has under the Option to Pettigrew, as
    deemed exercised) either a) at least five percent (5%) of
    the equity of the Company (exclusive of voting rights)
    provided he has at least eighty-four thousand (84,000)
    Shares of

Page 129

    the  Company, whether in Class A, Class B and/or Class P
    shares or b) at least ten percent (10%) of equity of the
    Company (exclusive of voting rights) if he has less than
    eighty-four thousand (84,000) Shares of the Company, whether
    in Class A, Class B and/or Class P shares. The Shareholders
    agree that if Pettigrew alleges, in writing, within ten (10)
    Business Days of his knowledge of his dismissal, to have
    been wrongfully dismissed, his option pursuant to this
    Article 6 shall remain in full force and effect (subject to
    compliance with this paragraph) until a final arbitration
    award has been rendered on this matter by the arbitration
    tribunal of which the members shall have been nominated
    pursuant to the Employment Agreement declaring that the
    dismissal of Pettigrew was not a wrongful dismissal or the
    execution of an out of court settlement to this effect.


6.1 Pettigrew and, as the case may be, Pettigrew's Corporation
    and Pettigrew's estate, hereby irrevocably offer to sell to
    the Company, which irrevocably accepts to buy, at the price
    stipulated in Article 11 hereof and upon the terms and
    conditions set forth hereinafter all of his (its) Shares and
    Convertible Debenture(in its entirety) then held in the
    event of the death or Disability of Pettigrew, whichever
    comes first, which events are each a suspensive condition to
    this offer.

6.2 Article 7 shall cease to apply should the Company
    successfully complete a Public Listing, unless the death or
    Disability of Pettigrew has occurred prior to the closing of
    said Public Listing.

6.3 The closing of the sale of Shares and Convertible Debenture
    provided for in Article 7 shall occur within six (6) months
    of the death or Disability of Pettigrew.


7.1 In order to fulfill the Company's obligations in the event
    of Pettigrew's death or Disability pursuant to Article 7,
    the Company shall use its best efforts to  subscribe and
    maintain in full force and effect throughout the term of
    this Agreement a policy or policies of life insurance on the
    life of Pettigrew for an aggregate coverage amount of at
    least Six Million Canadian Dollars (CDN$6,000,000) payable
    upon the death of Pettigrew and the Company shall use its
    best efforts to subscribe and maintain in full force and
    effect throughout the term of this Agreement a policy or
    policies on the Disability of Pettigrew for such reasonable
    available coverage (hereinafter collectively the "Policies")
    and Pettigrew hereby accepts to submit himself to, as may be
    reasonably required at any time and from time to time, any
    medical examination for the purposes of subscribing and
    maintaining in full force and effect the Policies.  The
    owner of such Policies and the beneficiary (hereinafter the
    "Beneficiary") of the proceeds of the Policies (hereinafter
    the "Proceeds") shall be the Company.  On a yearly basis,
    the Company shall review and increase, if necessary, the
    Proceeds payable under the Policies to ensure that the
    amount of life insurance in such year is at least equal to
    the value of the Shares and Convertible Debenture held by
    Pettigrew or Pettigrew's Corporation calculated as if the
    obligations to purchase those Shares and Convertible
    Debenture was created on the first day of January of any
    year this Agreement is in force, starting January 1, 2000
    and make the necessary adjustments to any policies payable
    upon the Disability of Pettigrew.

    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement :

    a)   When upon Pettigrew's death or Disability, the
         Company must buy Shares and Convertible Debenture from
         Pettigrew, Pettigrew's estate or Pettigrew's
         Corporation (hereinafter in this Article "Pettigrew's
         Shares") the first One Million Canadian Dollars
         (CDN$1,000,000) payable out of the Proceeds shall be
         used by the Company to buy

Page 130

         Pettigrew's Shares and Convertible Debenture, the next
         One Million Five Hundred Thousand Canadian Dollars
         (CDN$1,500,000) payable out of the Proceeds shall be
         kept by the Company and the remainder of the Proceeds
         shall be used by the Corporation to fund the purchase
         of Pettigrew's Shares and Convertible Debenture.

         The foregoing amount of One Million Five Hundred
         Canadian Dollars (CDN$1,500,000) shall read as One
         Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Canadian Dollars
         (CDN$1,250,000) after June 23, 2000.

    b)   Unless all Shareholders consent to the contrary, in any
         Company's financial year, the Company shall not pay, as
         premiums excluding applicable taxes, more than Fifty
         Thousand Canadian Dollars (CDN$50,000) for the
         Policies.  If the Company has to pay more than Fifty
         Thousand Canadian Dollars (CDN$50,000) for the
         Policies, then the insurance coverage shall be
         diminished to such an amount where the insurance
         premiums shall not be more than Fifty Thousand Canadian
         Dollars (CDN$50,000).

7.2 Upon the death of Pettigrew or his Disability, subject to
    Article 8.1, all or part of the Proceeds shall be used by
    the Beneficiary to fund the purchase of such Shares and
    Convertible Debenture, directly or indirectly, held and/or
    controlled by Pettigrew, Pettigrew's Corporation or the
    estate of the deceased Pettigrew  (Pettigrew, Pettigrew's
    Corporation and the estate of the deceased Pettigrew, as the
    case may be, in this Article, the "Selling Shareholder"), so
    that the purchase price payable by the Company to the
    Selling Shareholder in respect of such Shares and
    Convertible Debenture be fully funded by all or part of the
    Proceeds, as the case may be.  Notwithstanding anything to
    the contrary herein, in the event that the Proceeds
    (distributed in accordance with Article 8.1) are not
    sufficient to fund or fully fund the payment of the purchase
    price, then the Company shall only buy and the Selling
    Shareholder shall only sell to Company such number of Shares
    and that part of the Convertible Debenture which may be
    fully paid out of the Proceeds; any Shares and part of the
    Convertible Debenture  of the Selling Shareholder which have
    not been bought by the Corporation because the Proceeds were
    insufficient shall be bought by the  Company and sold by the
    Selling Shareholder as follows for each financial year ended
    after the foregoing purchase:

    (i)  within three (3) months after the approval of the
         Company's financial statements, the Auditors shall
         determine the Company's after tax profit for said year,
         as determined by said Auditors applying the generally
         accepted accounting principles applicable in Canada and
         the board of directors of the Company shall cause, to
         the extent permitted by the Companies Act (Quebec), the
         Company to use twenty-five percent (25%) of said amount
         to fund purchase of additional Shares and part of the
         Convertible Debenture from the Selling Shareholder.  The
         purchase price of these additional Shares and part of
         the Convertible Debenture shall be equivalent to the
         purchase price per Share which had been paid out of the
         Proceeds to the Selling Shareholder.

         When Article 13.4 applies, the purchase of these
         additional Shares and part of the Convertible Debenture
         shall occur before the declaration and payment of the
         annual dividend provided in said Article 13.4.

    The Company shall take all such commercial efforts which may
    be required to designate or qualify any and all part of the
    purchase price payable out of the Proceeds as a "capital
    dividend" or such other designation qualifying the payment
    of the purchase price as tax free to the recipients to the
    extent available under prevailing tax laws at the relevant

7.3 The premiums payable in respect of the Policies in any
    financial year shall be assumed by the Company. In the event
    the Company fails to maintain the Policies, any Shareholder
    may do so for

Page 131

    the account of the Company and the Company shall consequently
    reimburse any insurance premiums paid by a Shareholder.

7.4 If Pettigrew ceases to be a direct or indirect Shareholder
    of the Company or if the Company completes a Public Listing
    prior to the death or Disability of Pettigrew, the Company
    shall relinquish all of its interest in and under all
    Policies held on the life and Disability of Pettigrew and
    shall take such steps as are necessary or expedient to
    assign such interest in accordance with Pettigrew's
    instructions. The Company shall pay all premiums for said
    Policies until the date such assignment is effective.


8.1 In the event of termination of Pettigrew's employment with
    the Company resulting from non-renewal of  the Employment
    Agreement by the Company or of termination of Pettigrew's
    employment without Cause (as defined in the Employment
    Agreement) or of retirement by Pettigrew from his employment
    after the age of fifty-five (55) years old, the parties
    agree that Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation shall have
    the right, within ninety (90) days of occurrence of the
    relevant event, to require that the Company (or a third
    party solicited by the Company) purchase their Shares and
    Convertible Debenture at the price set forth in Article 11
    and, upon receipt of a notice for this purpose, the Company
    (or the acquiring third party), shall be obliged to purchase
    such Shares  and Convertible Debenture from them, upon the
    terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.  The
    Company and any third party acquiring said Shares and
    Convertible Debenture are solidarily bound towards Pettigrew
    and Pettigrew's Corporation to comply with all provisions of
    this Agreement. The above option to Pettigrew and
    Pettigrew's Corporation shall cease should the Company have
    completed a Public Listing prior to the exercise of the
    option or if Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation
    acquire the Control of the Company.

8.2 Without limiting the provisions of Article 14 and as long as
    Cinepix, Cinepix Films, Cinepix Inc. and/or Lions Gate
    Films, directly or indirectly, Control the Company, in the
    event of a direct or indirect change of Control of Cinepix,
    Cinepix Films, Cinepix Inc. or Lions Gate Films (except only
    in the case of  a change of Control of Lions Gate) Pettigrew
    shall have, in his sole discretion, the option to purchase,
    directly or through Pettigrew's Corporation, all but not
    less than all of the issued and outstanding Shares and the
    Convertible Debenture of the Company held by Cinepix (and
    its successors pursuant to Article 3.2) (the Shares and the
    Convertible Debenture are collectively designated in this
    Article the "Purchased Shares and Debenture").

    Pettigrew must exercise this option within sixty (60) days
    following the earlier of a) his receipt of a notice
    containing all relevant details of such a transaction or b)
    his knowledge of the occurrence of the transaction with all
    relevant details of such transaction  by sending to the
    owner of said Purchased Shares and  Debenture a notice
    stating that Pettigrew or Pettigrew's Corporation exercises
    his option under this Article 9.2.  Pettigrew may, at his
    discretion, but without any obligation to do so, renounce,
    in writing, to the term provided above in a) or b), and
    exercise this option even if he has not received a notice of
    the transaction or all relevant details of such a

    Pettigrew shall have an additional sixty (60) days after the
    Fair Market Value of the Purchased Shares and Debenture has
    been determined in accordance with Article 11 (which Article
    11 shall be applicable in its entirety except the delay of
    thirty (30) days within which Pettigrew or Pettigrew's
    Corporation (as the Purchaser as defined in Article 11) and
    the Vendor (as defined in Article 11) shall try to reach an
    agreement as to the purchase price shall start from the
    occurrence of the earliest of event a) or b) above described
    in this Article 9.2 or the renunciation of Pettigrew

Page 132

    to the term provided above in a) or b))  to obtain the
    requisite financing to buy the Purchased Shares and Debenture.
    The terms of payment for the Purchased Shares and Debenture (as
    the case may be) shall be those stated in Article 12.2 b) of
    this Agreement. If for any reason whatsoever Pettigrew or
    Pettigrew's Corporation, acting in good faith, cannot close
    the transaction after having exercised his option, the
    Shareholders and any other party involved will have no
    recourse against Pettigrew or Pettigrew's Corporation;
    however, in such a case, this Article will cease to receive
    application for the future.

    Article 6.2 of this Agreement shall apply mutatis mutandis
    in favour of Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation to
    finance an acquisition  pursuant to this Article 9.2

    This Article 9.2 applies whether or not the change of
    Control contemplated herein would result in the loss for the
    Company of the Quebec Tax Credits and/or Canadian Tax
    Credits, or would have a negative impact thereon.

    The Shareholders agree that Article 9.2 shall apply as long
    as Pettigrew (i) is a Senior Officer of the Company, subject
    to what is provided hereunder in case of wrongful dismissal
    of Pettigrew; and (ii) has (considering any anti-dilution
    option he has under the Option to Pettigrew, as deemed
    exercised) either a) at least five percent (5%) of the
    equity of the Company (exclusive of voting rights) provided
    he has at least eighty-four thousand (84,000) Shares of the
    Company, whether in Class A, Class B and/or Class P shares;
    or b) at least ten percent (10%) of equity of the Company
    (exclusive of voting rights) if he has less than eighty-four
    thousand (84,000) Shares of the Company, whether in Class A,
    Class B and/or Class P shares.

    The Shareholders agree that if Pettigrew alleges, in
    writing, within ten (10) Business Days of his knowledge of
    his dismissal, to have been wrongfully dismissed, his option
    pursuant to this Article 9.2 shall remain in full force and
    effect (subject to compliance with the above paragraph)
    until a final arbitration award  has been rendered on this
    matter by the arbitration tribunal of which the members
    shall have been nominated pursuant to the Employment
    Agreement declaring that the dismissal of Pettigrew was not
    a wrongful dismissal or the execution of an out of court
    settlement to this effect.

    This Article 9.2 applies even after the Company successfully
    completes a Public Listing and applies regardless of the
    fact that the change of Control may have resulted into
    conversion of Class P shares into Class B shares.


9.1 The occurrence of any of the following events shall
    constitute an event of default (an (r)Event of Default")
    hereunder on the part of the Shareholder with respect to
    whom such event occurs (the "Defaulter"), if, within the
    number of Business Days, provided in the notice of such
    default sent by any other party in the manner set forth in
    Article 10 below, following receipt of said notice, the
    Defaulter fails to cure the default; provided, however, that
    the occurrence of any event described in Articles 10.1 (a)
    to (d), 10.1(g) and 10.1 (i) shall constitute an Event of
    Default immediately upon such occurrence without any
    requirement of notice or passage of time, except as
    specifically set forth in any such Articles :

    (a)  the institution by a Shareholder of proceedings of any
         nature under any laws of Canada, of any province, of
         the United States of America or of any American State
         for the relief of debtors wherein such Shareholder is
         seeking relief as debtor including the taking of any
         action by a Shareholder to participate in, or commence
         any proceeding relating to,

Page 133

         insolvency or bankruptcy or the seeking of reorganisation,
         arrangement, protection, relief or composition of a
         Shareholder or any of his or its property or debt or
         the making of a proposal under any law relating to
         bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganisation or compromise
         of debt;

    (b)  a general assignment by a Shareholder for the benefit
         of its creditors in general;

    (c)  the institution against a Shareholder of a petition of
         bankruptcy under any section of the Bankruptcy and
         Insolvency Act (Canada) or any similar act under the
         U.S. or any American State laws, which proceeding is
         not dismissed, stayed or discharged within a period of
         sixty (60) days after the filing thereof or, if stayed,
         which stay is thereafter lifted without a
         contemporaneous discharge or dismissal of such

    (d)  any admission by a Shareholder in writing of its
         inability to pay its debts as they become due or any
         acknowledgement of insolvency;

    (e)  any material breach or violation of this Agreement by a

    (f)  except as provided for in Articles 3.1 or 12.2(b) of
         this Agreement, the registration of any legal hypothec
         on all or part of the Shares held by a Shareholder
         where such hypothec remains registered for a period of
         more than twenty (20) days after the registration
         thereof or the rendering of any judgment against any
         Shareholder as a result of any action taken by any
         third party, which condemns the Shareholder to the
         payment of an amount of $100,000 or more unless an
         appeal is taken therefrom within the period of time
         permitted by law to appeal from such judgment, and as
         long as said appeal is not partly or fully dismissed,
         or the amount payable under such judgment (as modified
         by an out of court settlement) is paid and discharged
         in full and evidence of such appeal or of such payment
         and discharge is provided to all the other parties
         hereto within the aforesaid period of time or if no
         appeal may be taken from such judgment unless the
         amount payable under such judgment is paid and
         discharged in full and evidence of such payment and
         discharge is provided to all the other parties hereto
         within a period of thirty (30) days following the date
         such judgment is rendered;

    (g)  private appointment of a receiver, trustee or similar
         official for a Shareholder's property and assets or any
         part thereof, which appointment is not dismissed,
         stayed or discharged within a period of sixty (60) days
         after the filing thereof or, if stayed, which stay is
         thereafter lifted without a contemporaneous discharge
         or dismissal of such appointment;

    (h)  seizure of his or its Shares or Convertible Debenture,
         including execution, distress or other enforcement
         process (in this Article 10.1 (h), the "Seizure"), not
         opposed within five (5) days of such Seizure or if
         after such opposition the Seizure is not quashed and
         the seizing party could become owner of the Shares or
         Convertible Debenture; or

    (i)  any Shareholder or any of its directors and officers
         commits a fraud against the Company or one of its

9.2 Should any of the events described in Article 10.1 (e), (f)
    or (h) occur, any Shareholder may send a notice to the
    Defaulter and to all the other Shareholders hereto, setting
    forth the details of the default, and, if any, the manner in
    which such default may be cured by the Defaulter together
    within a fifteen (15) Business Days delay of sending of said
    notice to the Defaulter.

Page 134

9.3 If a default under Article 10.1 (a) to 10.1 (d), 10.1 (g)
    and 10.1 (i) arises or if a default arises under Article
    10.1 (e), 10.1 (f) or 10.1 (h) which is not cured following
    the notice of default sent pursuant to Article 10.2 within
    the delay therein stipulated, which default is a suspensive
    condition of this offer, then the Defaulter irrevocably
    offers to sell to other Shareholders at the price stipulated
    in Article 11; his (its) Shares, as determined at the
    occurrence of the condition of this offer.

9.4 In the event that any Shareholder wants to accept the offer
    made pursuant to Article 10.3 within thirty (30) days of his
    knowledge of an Event of Default, he shall send a notice of
    his acceptance to the other Shareholders, the Defaulter and
    the Company.  After receipt of this notice, if one or more
    of the other Shareholders also want to accept the offer made
    pursuant to Article 10.3, within thirty (30) days of receipt
    of the acceptance of the offer from the first accepting
    Shareholder, said other Shareholders shall give notice of
    their acceptance to the Defaulter, the Company and all other
    Shareholders, including the first accepting Shareholder,
    failing which all other Shareholders are deemed not to have
    accepted the offer.  If more than one Shareholder accepts
    the offer made pursuant to Article 10.3, the accepting
    Shareholders shall acquire the Shares of the Defaulter in
    proportion to the Class A, Class B and Class P shares (in
    aggregate number) they hold (excluding the Shares of all
    other Shareholders and of the Defaulter).

9.5 The closing of the sale provided for in this Article must
    occur within sixty (60) days of the last acceptance of the
    offer by the other Shareholders.

9.6 The Shareholders and the Company hereby renounce to Article
    1392 of the Civil Code of the Province of Quebec.

9.7 Any Event of Default by Pettigrew shall be deemed to be an
    Event of Default by Pettigrew's Corporation and vice versa.


10.1 The value (or purchase price) of each of the Shares and
     Convertible Debenture pursuant to Articles 5.3, 7, 9 and 10
     of this Agreement shall be the amount agreed to by the
     Purchaser acquiring the Shares and Convertible Debenture
     and the vendor of said Shares and Convertible Debenture
     (hereinafter the "Vendor") within the thirty (30) day period
     following request by the Purchaser or the Vendor  to
     establish the purchase price.  In the event agreement is not
     reached within such thirty (30) day period, each of the
     Vendor and the Purchaser shall, within fifteen (15) days
     following the expiry of such thirty (30) day period, appoint
     a business valuator having experience in the Business to
     determine the Fair Market Value of the Shares  and
     Convertible Debenture as at the date of the event giving
     rise to the sale.  Each such valuator (the "Original
     Valuators") shall be instructed to deliver its valuation as
     soon as practicable, and in any event within thirty (30)
     days of his appointment.  Each party to valuation and the
     Company (when the Company is not the Purchaser) must
     collaborate to promptly give all relevant information to the
     Original Valuators.  If a party to valuation does not so
     appoint such a valuator, then the valuation determined by
     the valuator appointed by the other party shall be the
     purchase price for the Shares and Convertible Debenture.
     For greater certainty, the costs and expenses of each
     Original Valuator shall be paid by the party retaining such
     valuator.  For the purposes of Article 11, Pettigrew and
     Pettigrew's Corporation (if such a corporation is a Vendor )
     shall be deemed to be one party to valuation and if more
     than a person is the Purchaser, said persons shall be deemed
     to be one party to valuation.

10.2 If the lowest of the two (2) valuations of the Original
     Valuators is at least ninety percent (90%) of the highest
     valuation of the Original Valuators, the purchase price for
     the Shares  and Convertible

Page 135

     Debenture shall be equal to the mid-point of the two (2)
     original valuations.  If the lowest of the two (2) valuations
     is less than ninety percent (90%) of the highest valuation,
     the Original Valuators shall, within ten (10) days of the
     delivery of the last of the valuations, mutually agree upon
     a third valuator having xperience in the Business (the
     "Third Valuator") who shall determine the Fair Market Value
     of the Shares and Convertible Debenture as aforesaid which
     valuation shall be the purchase price for the Shares and
     Convertible Debenture and which shall be final and binding
     upon the Purchaser and the Vendor, unless the valuation of
     the Third Valuator is lower than the two (2) valuations of
     the Original Valuators, in which case the lowest valuation
     of the Original Valuators shall be deemed to be the Fair
     Market Value of the Shares and Convertible Debenture and
     shall be final and binding upon the Purchaser and the Vendor.
     If the Original Valuators fail to appoint a Third Valuator
     within such ten (10) day period, the Third Valuator shall
     be appointed by the Auditors of the Company.  The Third
     Valuator shall be instructed to deliver its valuation as
     soon as practicable, and in any event within thirty (30)
     days of his appointment. Each party and the Company (when
     the Company is not the Purchaser) must collaborate to
     promptly give all relevant information to the Third
     Valuator.  The costs of the Third Valuator shall be paid
     by the party whose Original Valuator provided a valuation
     which is furthest from the valuation determined by the
     Third Valuator.

10.3 For the purposes of valuation under Article 11, the Original
     Valuators and the Third Valuator must consider that
     Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation (if such a
     Corporation is a Vendor) have exercised any and all options
     (under the Option to Pettigrew and any other stock option
     plan to be put in place in the future by the Company) to buy
     Company's Shares and the value of such deemed Shares is
     equivalent to the Fair Market Value of such deemed Shares
     less the amount that would have to be paid by Pettigrew
     and/or, as the case may be,  Pettigrew's Corporation to
     exercise such options; it being understood however that  if
     the latter amount is greater than the Fair Market Value, the
     value of the deemed shares will be considered to be nil.


11.1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Purchaser and the vendor of
     the Shares (hereinafter in this Article the "Vendor"), the
     closing of any sale and purchase contemplated in this
     Agreement shall be at a place (in Montreal, Quebec) and time
     as determined by the Purchaser; provided, however, the date
     is within the time limit set for the sale, purchase and
     payment of the purchase price for the first part thereof.

11.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the Purchaser and the Vendor, the
     Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor:

     (a)  In the circumstances contemplated by Article 7.1, when
          Pettigrew, Pettigrew's Corporation and/or Pettigrew's
          estate is the Vendor, in the case of Proceeds being
          payable to the Company in respect of the death of
          Pettigrew or its Disability, the Company (acting as
          Purchaser) shall, subject to Article 8.1, remit to the
          Vendor the lesser of (i) the purchase price for such
          shares and (ii) up to the amount of life insurance
          Proceeds paid to the Company, a certified cheque for
          the full amount  payable under Article 8.1;

     (b)  In the circumstances contemplated by Article 9.2, the
          terms of payment will be forty percent (40%) at
          closing; twenty percent (20%) six (6) months after
          closing; twenty percent (20%) twelve (12) months after
          closing and twenty percent (20%) eighteen (18) months
          after closing; furthermore, all Shares and Convertible
          Debenture of Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation
          shall be given as a collateral guarantee of the
          purchase price to the Vendor by way of hypothec
          (subject to the rights of a third party having

Page 136

          financed part of the purchase price pursuant to Article
          9.2) and in case of default of payment, this shall not
          result into a default pursuant to Article 10 and the only
          recourse under this Agreement or at law would be
          exercisable against such collateral security and no
          personal recourse or other type of recourse would exist
          against Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation.

     (c)  In all cases other than Article 12.2(a) and (b):

          (1)  a certified cheque in an amount equal to forty
               percent (40%) of the purchase price, except in
               case of bankruptcy where the amount of certified
               cheque shall be limited to ten percent (10%) of
               the purchase price; and

          (2)  a Promissory Note of the Purchaser of the balance
               of the purchase price, payable over three (3)
               years in equal annual instalments of principal and
               interest with interest at the prime commercial
               lending rate of the Company's bankers determined
               as at the Closing, except in case of bankruptcy
               where the purchase price shall be payable over
               seven (7) years in equal annual instalments of
               principal and interest at the prime commercial
               lending rate of the Company's bankers determined
               as at the Closing.

     (d)  In the case where a Promissory Note is issued by the
          Purchaser, a hypothecation, of the Shares or
          Convertible Debenture which are the subject matter of
          the sale and purchase, to the Company's legal counsel
          in each case to be held in trust for the Vendor and the
          given Purchaser as their interests appear under the
          terms of this Agreement;

     (e)  Any on demand or no term indebtedness owing by the
          Company to the Vendor shall be repaid by the Company to
          the Vendor within a one (1) year period of the closing of the
          sale of the Shares, it being understood that this term of
          payment is in favour of the Company;

     (f)  A release of all guarantees given by  the Vendor
          (including Pettigrew's wife, Luz Dary Quintero, if
          Pettigrew is the Vendor and including Pettigrew and his
          wife Luz Dary Quintero, if the Vendor is Pettigrew's
          Corporation) in respect of the Company's indebtedness
          and all collateral security relating thereto.  If the
          Purchaser is unable to obtain such releases by Closing,
          the Purchaser shall indemnify, in writing, the Vendor
          (and Pettigrew if the Vendor is Pettigrew's
          Corporation) against all claims on such guarantees and
          shall continue to use best efforts to obtain the
          release of such guarantees.

11.3 Unless otherwise agreed by the Purchaser and the Vendor, at
     the Closing, the Vendor shall deliver to the Purchaser the

     (a)  Share certificates for all Vendor's Shares duly
          endorsed for transfer in blank;

     (b)  Resignation of Vendor's nominee directors from the
          board of directors of the Company.

11.4 Unless otherwise agreed by the Purchaser and the Vendor and
     subject to Article 12.2(d), after closing provided in
     Article 12, the Vendor shall not, thereafter, be entitled to
     any dividends or other distributions which may be declared
     and become payable on those Shares being sold and in the
     event that such Shares are hypothecated, such dividends or
     other distribution shall be paid by the Company to its legal
     counsel, who shall in turn apply such dividends or other
     distributions in payment of the purchase price to the extent
     that such dividends or other distributions are in cash.  To
     the extent that such dividends or other distributions are
     not in cash, they should be held by

Page 137

     the legal counsel of the Company on the same terms and subject
     to the same conditions as those on which the Shares on which
     the dividends or other distributions have been made are held.


12.1 The day to day operation of the Company shall be carried on
     under the management of the President and Chief Executive
     Officer of the Company, subject to the supervision of the
     board of directors of the Company in accordance with the
     Companies Act (Quebec) it being agreed that no Major
     Decision shall be made except with the approval of the board
     of directors of the Company and the consent of Shareholders
     holding not less than eighty percent (80%) in aggregate of
     the voting rights in issued Shares for Major Decisions
     provided for under Articles 13.1 (b), (c), (d), (e), (f),
     (g), (k) and (q) and the unanimous consent of Shareholders
     holding not less than one hundred percent (100%) in the
     aggregate of the voting rights in issued Shares for Major
     Decisions provided for in Articles 13.1 (a), (h), (i), (j),
     (l), (m), (n), (o), (p), (r) and (s) in addition in all
     cases to any other approval which may be required by law or
     by the articles of the Company, it being further agreed that
     the following matters shall be Major Decisions:

     (a)  Subject to  the provisions of various paragraphs of
          Article 13, Article 14.4 and Article 16.1  of this
          Agreement, any change in the number of directors and
          any action which would impair the rights of any
          Shareholder to nominate their representatives to the
          board of directors of the Company;

     (b)  The salary, bonuses or other compensation to be paid by
          the Company to the President and Chief Executive
          Officer, except as agreed in the Employment Agreement
          or in any stock option plan put in place by the Company
          for its directors and senior executives or bonus plan put
          in place by the Company for its Senior Officers;

     (c)  Subject to the  provisions of various paragraphs of
          Article 13, Article 14.4 and of Article 16.1 of this
          Agreement, any change of the quorum of the meetings of
          the board of directors of the Company and of

     (d)  Any change in the Auditors of the Company;

     (e)  Any change in the Business, as currently carried on by
          the Company;

     (f)  Any change in the head office and principal place of
          business of the Company outside the Metropolitan Region
          of Montreal;

     (g)  Any acceptance and go-ahead on a production of the
          Company which exceeds CDN$1,000,000 in budget
          (excluding direct and indirect producer and
          administrative fees and profits of Company's
          Subsidiaries), except :

          i)   when the total budget production is
               between CDN$1,000,000 and CDN$5,000,000 if at
               least eighty percent (80%) of the production
               budget (excluding direct and indirect producer and
               administrative fees and profits of Company's
               Subsidiaries) is covered by financings,
               commitments, agreements, tax credits and tax
               advantages, by among others, co-producers,
               distributors, sponsors, bankers, lenders,
               financial partners, governments and/or other
               parties; and

          ii)  when the total budget production is more
               than CDN$5,000,000, if at least ninety percent
               (90%) of the production budget (excluding direct
               and indirect

Page 138

               producer and administrative fees and profits of
               Company's Subsidiaries) is covered by financings,
               commitments, agreements, tax credits and tax
               advantages by, among others, co-producers,
               distributors, sponsors, bankers, lenders,
               financial partners, governments and/or other

          For the purposes of this Article 13.1(g) deferred
          payments may be considered as financings when said
          differed payments shall be made out of the production

     (h)  The dissolution, winding-up and liquidation of the

     (i)  Any assignment of the assets of the Company in
          bankruptcy, deposit of a proposal in bankruptcy and any
          other recourse for the protection of debtors;

     (j)  The amalgamation or merger of the Company with another

     (k)  The granting of a loan or other financial aid of more
          than CDN$25,000 to or the guaranteeing of more than
          CDN$25,000 of a debt of a Shareholder or an Affiliate
          of a Shareholder;

     (l)  Any acquisition or disposition by the Company of any
          asset of the Company worth more that CDN$100,000 if not
          already in the Company's budgets or business plans
          approved by the board of directors of the Company;

     (m)  Any other change in the Articles or By-Laws of the

     (n)  Any matters relating to the payment of dividends,
          distribution of surplus, repurchase or redemption of
          Shares of the Company, except as provided in this
          Agreement or the Employment Agreement;

     (o)  Any sale, transfer, assignment or other disposal of
          Shares of the Company, except if made in accordance
          with the provisions of this Agreement, the Option to
          Pettigrew, the Convertible Debenture or the stock
          option plan to be established under Article 19;

     (p)  Any issuance of Shares and options and other securities
          of the Company, except for those issued under:

          i)   the Option to Pettigrew;

          ii)  the Option to Faire Trust;

          iii) the stock option plan to be put in place for the
               directors and senior executives of the Company
               under Article 19;

          iv)  the Convertible Debenture;

          v)   if in the reasonable opinion of a majority of
               members of the board of directors an issue of
               shares is necessary because the Company has a cash
               balance of CDN$500,000 or less after reserving
               cash to meet the Company's short-term then
               outstanding obligations, debts and liabilities and
               no other source of financing is reasonably
               acceptable and available (including without
               limitation issues of shares to Shareholders), at
               standard business terms; and

Page 139

          vi)  Shares issued following the automatic conversions
               provided for in Article 14.2 and Shares issued
               pursuant to Articles 14.3 and 14.6.

     (q)  Any transaction between the Company and any Shareholder
          of the Company and any of their Affiliates or their
          Subsidiaries, unless such transaction is no less
          favourable to the Company than could be obtained from
          persons dealing at arm's length with the Company;

     (r)  The sale of all or substantially all of the assets of
          the Company; and

     (s)  Any transaction out of the ordinary course of the
          Business of more than CDN$25,000.

     In addition, the parties hereto covenant and agree that any
     change in the name of the Company shall require the consent
     of Pettigrew as long as Pettigrew shall be the President and
     Chief Executive Officer of the Company or hold (directly
     and/or through Pettigrew's Corporation) more than ten
     percent (10%) of the aggregate of  Class A, Class B and
     Class P shares.

12.2 Subject to the terms of the Employment Agreement, the
     parties hereto covenant and agree that the President and
     Chief Executive Officer of the Company chooses and dismisses
     the senior executives (excluding the president, chief
     executive officer, vice-president, secretary, assistant-
     secretary and treasurer) and employees of the Company and
     its Subsidiaries and establishes their remuneration.

12.3 As provided in Article 13.5, the Shareholders hereto
     covenant and agree that there shall be a maximum of nine (9)
     members to be elected to the board of directors of the
     Company; a majority of said directors must be Quebec
     Residents, except if Article 14.7 becomes applicable.

12.4 If by June 23, 2001, the Company has not completed a Public
     Listing, and as long as such a Public Listing is not
     completed, the board of directors shall cause, to the extent
     permitted by the Companies Act (Quebec) and agreements
     binding on the Company, the declaration and payment of an
     annual dividend equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the
     Company's after tax profit for each of its financial year
     ended after said date, as determined by the Auditors
     applying the generally accepted accounting principles
     applicable in Canada.  For greater certainty, the
     declaration and payment of this additional dividend shall
     occur after purchase and payment of the additional Shares
     provided for in Article 8.2 i) of this Agreement.

12.5 The parties hereto covenant and agree that each of the
     Shareholders shall be entitled to nominate directors to the
     board of directors of the Company as follows and each
     Shareholder covenant and agree to exercise his (its) voting
     rights consequently :


     (a)  as long as Cinepix shall own fifty percent (50%) or
          more of the voting rights in issued Shares of the
          Company, it may elect five (5) directors;

     (b)  as long as Cinepix shall own between forty percent
          (40%) and fifty percent (50%) of  the voting rights in
          issued Shares of the Company, it may elect four (4)

     (c)  as long as Cinepix shall own between thirty percent
          (30%) and forty percent (40%) of  the voting rights in
          issued Shares of the Company, it may elect three (3)

Page 140

     (d)  as long as Cinepix shall own between twenty percent (20%)
          and thirty percent (30%) of the voting rights in
          issued Shares of the Company, it may elect two (2)

     (e)  as long as Cinepix shall own between seven percent (7%)
          and twenty percent (20%) of the voting rights in
          issued Shares of the Company, it may elect one (1)


     (f)  as long as Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation
          shall own fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting
          rights in issued Shares of the Company, he/it may elect
          five (5) directors;

     (g)  as long as Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation
          shall own between forty percent (40%) and fifty percent
          (50%) of the voting rights in issued Shares of the
          Company, he/it may elect four (4) directors;

     (h)  as long as Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation
          shall own between thirty percent (30%) and forty
          percent (40%) of the voting rights in issued Shares of
          the Company, he/it may elect three (3) directors;

     (i)  as long as Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation
          shall own between twenty percent (20%) and thirty
          percent (30%) of the voting rights in issued Shares of
          the Company, he/it may elect two (2) directors;

     (j)  as long as Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation
          shall own between seven percent (7%) and twenty
          percent (20%) of the voting rights in issued Shares of
          the Company or own Shares and Pettigrew is the
          President of the Company, he/it may elect one (1)


     (k)  as long as Faire Trust shall own seven percent (7%) or
          more of the voting rights in issued  Shares of the
          Company, it may elect one (1) director. Notwithstanding
          the above, it is also agreed that in the event of the
          automatic conversion of the Class P shares into Class B
          shares, Faire Trust shall maintain its right to elect
          one (1) director (even though it may hold less than
          seven percent of the voting rights in issued Shares of
          the Company) provided Faire Trust still holds more than
          70% of the 29,000 Class A shares it currently holds in
          the Company (as such shares may be consolidated,
          subdivided or amended);


     (l)  as long as Fox Family shall own seven percent (7%) or
          more of the voting rights in issued  A Shares of the
          Company, it may elect one (1) director. Notwithstanding
          the above, it is also agreed that in the event of the
          automatic conversion of the Class P shares into Class B
          shares, Fox Family shall maintain its right to elect
          one (1) director (even though it may hold less than
          seven percent of the voting rights in issued Shares of
          the Company) provided Fox Family still holds more than
          70% of the 58,000 Class A shares it currently holds in
          the Company (as such shares may be consolidated,
          subdivided or amended);

Page 141

     (m)  For greater certainty, subject to Articles 13.6 and
          13.8, only the Shareholder having appointed his (its)
          director to the board of directors of the Company may
          remove him from office and in the event of a vacancy to
          the board of directors, the Shareholder who appointed
          the director may only fill the vacancy and all the
          other Shareholders agree to vote in favour of the
          appointment of such new nominee.

12.6 Notwithstanding Article 13.5, the Shareholders agree that
     the directorship allotment of Cinepix and Pettigrew will be
     such that out of the seven directors currently available for
     these two (2) Shareholders, Cinepix (and its successors or
     assigns) and Pettigrew will each appoint, at their
     discretion, two (2) directors, and the other three (3) will
     be appointed by Cinepix with a veto right of their
     appointment given to Pettigrew, which veto right is subject
     to the following:

     12.6.1  Pettigrew may only reject a nominee of Cinepix if,
          acting bona fide:

          (a)  the nominee works or renders services as a
               consultant, an adviser, an agent, a director, an
               officer or an employee of or is a majority or a
               minority shareholder having a significant
               influence on or a partner or the sole owner of a
               competitor or of an enterprise, a business or an
               organization which could be considered as
               detrimental to the Company's business or image;

          (b)  the nominee is not a Quebec Resident ( when the
               majority of board members would not be Quebec
               Residents if the nominee becomes a director of the
               Company and Article 4.11 applies with respect to
               the Quebec Tax Credits), unless the first
               paragraph of Article 14.7 receives application;

          (c)  the nominee does not bring a recognized expertise
               in :

               S                   the animation industry;
               S                   the financial field;
               S                   the taxation field; or
               S                   any other relevant business

          (d)  the nominee is not independent from Lions Gate  or
               Lions Gate Films or any direct and indirect
               significant shareholders, subsidiaries and
               affiliates of the foregoing.

               An employee, director, officer, agent, advisor or
               provider of material goods and services of the
               above corporations is deemed to be not

          (e)  the nominee has been found guilty or is charged
               with intellectual property infringement or
               securities violation or any other crime.

     12.6.2  Pettigrew will inform Cinepix whether he will
          exercise or not his veto within ten (10) Business Days
          after he is aware that Cinepix wants to nominate a
          person to the Company's board of directors and he has
          obtained a detailed curriculum vitae of the nominee. In
          the course of determining whether he is going to
          exercise his veto right,  Pettigrew may consult the
          Company's other Shareholders and speak with the

     12.6.3  If Pettigrew acts in bad faith and contrary to
          what is above provided in Article 13 and to the bests
          interests of the Company in exercising his veto right,
          then after having received a letter from Cinepix
          stating relevant details and giving him ten (10) days
          to withdraw his veto and accept the proposed nominee,
          he shall lose his veto right and Article 13.6 shall

Page 142

          cease to be applicable, it being understood however
          that this shall not result into a default pursuant to
          Article 10.

12.7 In the event that Cinepix (and its successors or assigns)
     has the right (or discretion) to appoint less or more than
     five (5) members to the board of directors of the Company,
     the Shareholders agree that the veto right of Pettigrew will
     apply on any number of directors which is superior to two
     (2) that Cinepix has then the right to appoint and if
     Pettigrew has the right to appoint more than two (2)
     directors pursuant to Article 13.5, then the number of
     directors he may appoint pursuant to his discretionary right
     to appoint directors shall be increased from two (2) to the
     number of directors he may appoint pursuant to Article 13.5.

12.8 The Shareholders agree that Article 13.6 shall apply as long
     as Pettigrew (i) is a Senior Officer of the Company, subject
     to Article 13.18 hereunder; and (ii) has (considering any
     anti-dilution option he has under the Option to Pettigrew,
     as deemed exercised) either a) at least five percent (5%) of
     the equity of the Company (exclusive of voting rights)
     provided he has at least eighty-four thousand (84,000)
     Shares of the  Company, whether in Class A, Class B and/or
     Class P shares; or b) at least ten percent (10%) of equity
     of the Company (exclusive of voting rights) if he has less
     than eighty-four thousand (84,000) Shares of the Company,
     whether in Class A, Class B  and/or Class P shares. Article
     13.6 shall cease to receive application if Pettigrew and/or
     Pettigrew's Corporation is the majority shareholder or
     Controls the Company.

12.9 In the event that a Shareholder loses the right to nominate
     a director on the board of directors of the Company, such
     Shareholder shall cause its director or one of its
     directors, as the case may be, to resign in a timely manner.

12.10 The parties covenant and agree that the quorum for
      meetings of the board of directors shall require a majority
      of the directors to be present and that, within that
      majority, at least one representative of Cinepix and of
      Pettigrew must be present. In the event that the absence of
      one representative of Cinepix or Pettigrew causes a meeting
      of the board of directors to be adjourned to a date which
      may not be earlier than five (5) Business Days after the
      originally convened meeting, quorum for such adjourned
      meeting shall only require a majority of the directors to be

12.11 A director of the Company may participate at a meeting
      of the board of directors by means of conference call or
      other telecommunication means allowing all participants to
      the meeting to communicate between themselves. Such a
      director is deemed to be present at such a meeting as any
      other director present physically.

12.12 For matters other than Major Decisions, the parties
      covenant and agree that the quorum for meetings of
      Shareholders shall be a majority in votes of the
      Shareholders to be present personally or by proxy.

12.13 Unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, the
      parties covenant and agree that questions to be decided by
      any meeting of Shareholders or the board of directors shall
      be decided by a majority vote.

12.14 No Shareholder or director, whether chairman of a
      Shareholders' meeting or chairman of the board or otherwise
      shall exercise a casting vote.

12.15 Unless otherwise decided by the board of directors of
      the Company and subject to Pettigrew's rights provided for
      in the Employment Agreement, Pettigrew is the Chairman of
      the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer.  The vice-
      presidents, the secretary and the treasurer as

Page 143

      well as an assistant-secretary of the Company shall be
      nominated by resolutions of the board of directors.

12.16 Unless otherwise decided by Major Decision of the
      Shareholders,  Samson Belair Deloitte & Touche of Montreal
      are chosen as Auditors of the Company.

12.17 The parties covenant and agree that unless decided
      otherwise by the board of directors of the Company, the
      president shall exercise the voting rights of the Company as
      shareholder of any of its Subsidiaries or any other company
      and shall be the authorized signatory of the Company for
      such purposes in accordance with the instructions of the
      board of directors.

12.18 The Shareholders agree that if Pettigrew alleges, in
      writing, within ten (10) Business Days of his knowledge of
      his dismissal, to have been wrongfully dismissed, his veto
      right under Article 13.6 shall remain in full force or
      effect (subject to compliance with condition (ii) a) or b)
      in Article 13.8 above) until a final arbitration award has
      been rendered on this matter by the arbitration tribunal
      of which the members shall have been nominated pursuant
      to the Employment Agreement declaring that the dismissal of
      Pettigrew was not a wrongful dismissal or the execution of
      an out of court settlement to this effect.

12.19 The Shareholders and the Company agree that the spirit
      of the provisions of Article 13 should be preserved in as
      much as possible after the Company has successfully
      completed a Public Listing and, in this respect, to execute
      any agreement or other instrument reasonably required for
      such purpose.

12.20  Subject to Pettigrew's veto right, Cinepix agrees to
      review and replace two of its current  appointed directors
      in the Company, before the sooner of a) September 1, 2000 or
      30 days after an agreement has been executed with brokers to
      make the Company become public.


13.1  In the event of any transaction or agreement of any sort
      whatsoever (including a transfer of shares) to which either
      or both Cinepix Films, Cinepix (and their successors or
      assigns) or their direct or indirect shareholders are party,
      that but for the provisions of Article 14, would result in
      the loss  of the Quebec Tax Credits and/or Canadian Tax
      Credits by the Company, the Shareholders and the Company
      agree that a  voting trust with respect to Cinepix's Shares
      in the Company and its successors' or assigns' Shares in the
      Company will be granted to Pettigrew (or if he is no longer
      an Officer  of the Company, to the highest ranking Quebec
      Officer of the Company) and this voting trust will
      automatically become effective  immediately prior to the
      occurrence of such event and shall remain in effect for a
      period of 90 days from the earliest of a) the receipt of any
      notice of such a possible transfer, transaction or other
      agreement to the Company and to Pettigrew (or to said
      highest ranking Quebec Officer) or b) the day the Company
      and/or Pettigrew (or said highest ranking Quebec Officer)
      finds out about such possible transfer, transaction or other
      agreement by any other means.  During the period of the
      voting trust, Cinepix and Cinepix Films shall be entitled
      (but not obliged) to take such steps as each of them
      determines necessary or advisable to ensure that the Company
      continues to be eligible for the Quebec Tax Credits and/or
      Canadian Tax Credits (as applicable).  The Shareholders and
      the Company hereby undertake and agree to do all reasonable
      acts and to provide such assistance as may be requested of
      them by Cinepix in this regard.  The Company's eligibility
      for such tax credits will be determined pursuant to an
      affirmative written unrestricted legal opinion obtained from
      an independent Quebec legal counsel retained jointly by the
      Company, Pettigrew (or the highest ranking Quebec Officer,

Page 144

      Pettigrew is no longer an Officer of the Company) and
      Cinepix at the Company's costs. Provided such an affirmative
      written unrestricted legal opinion is obtained within the
      said 90-day period, the voting trust will terminate.

13.2  If at the end of such 90-day period while the voting trust
      is in force, no such affirmative written unrestricted legal
      opinion has been obtained or the then shareholder(s) of
      Cinepix Films and/or Cinepix (or its successors and
      assigns), as the case may be, has (have) not rectified or,
      as the case may be, may not rectify, the situation to the
      satisfaction of the independent Quebec legal counsel (as
      confirmed by such counsel in a written unrestricted legal
      opinion) in such a way that  the Company will not lose the
      benefit of the Quebec Tax Credits and/or the Canadian Tax
      Credits, then  all of the following events will occur

      o  all Class P shares held by Pettigrew and Pettigrew's
         Corporation and their successors or assigns in the
         Company will be automatically converted into Class B

      o  thereafter, the Convertible Debenture, if still held by
         Cinepix or any other person (other than Pettigrew and
         Pettigrew's Corporation or their successors or assigns),
         automatically ceases to be convertible in Class B shares
         and can only be converted in Class A shares; and

      o  all Class B shares of the Company (except for the Class B
         shares held by Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation or
         their successors or assigns following the conversion of the
         Class P shares into Class B Shares which are being converted
         simultaneously) will be automatically converted into Class A

13.3  In addition to the provisions of Article 14.2 above, if
      Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation does not own enough
      Shares to obtain (with other holders who are Quebec
      Residents) a 51% voting Control of the Company (or such
      control of the Company by Quebec Residents as is necessary
      for the Company to remain eligible for the Quebec Tax
      Credits and/or Canadian Tax Credits), (or if Pettigrew is no
      longer an Officer of the Company, if the highest ranking
      Quebec Officer of the Company does not have with other
      holders who are Quebec Residents such a 51% voting Control
      of the Company (or such control of the Company by Quebec
      Residents as is necessary for the Company to remain eligible
      for the Quebec Tax Credits and/or Canadian Tax Credits)),
      Pettigrew or the highest ranking Quebec Officer of the
      Company, as the case may be,  shall have the right to
      receive, at no cost, except a nominal value of 1$ (and
      without tax consequences), a sufficient number of Class C
      shares to achieve  the required control, it being understood
      that such Class C shares will be redeemed by the Company if
      holders who are Quebec Residents eventually come to achieve
      the required control .  Any tax consequences will be borne
      by the Company.

13.4  When the voting trust mechanism provided in Article 14 is
      triggered, Pettigrew (or the highest ranking Quebec Officer
      of the Company, if Pettigrew is no longer an Officer of the
      Company) is automatically granted the right to appoint such
      number of directors to obtain a majority in board members
      (if necessary, the number of directors will be increased to
      such number required, notwithstanding the provisions of
      Article 13.3),  it being understood that the Shareholders
      (except Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation if Pettigrew
      is benefiting of the voting trust mechanism provided for in
      this Article 14) shall maintain their rights to appoint the
      same number of directors they had the right to appoint as of
      the date of beginning of the voting trust mechanism, as
      outlined in Article 13.5.

13.5  Given the fact that eligibility of the Company for the
      Quebec Tax Credits is based on a Control of the Company by
      Quebec Residents, the Shareholders, the Company, Cinepix
      Inc.  and Cinepix Films agree that: (I) the Shares owned by
      Cinepix in the Company as well as shares owned by Cinepix
      Films in Cinepix from time to time (collectively the "Voting
      Trust Shares") may not be

Page 145

      directly or indirectly transferred or agreements with respect
      to exercise of voting rights of the Voting Trust Shares cannot
      be entered into before a 45-day prior written notice has been
      given to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. This
      Article 14.5 will cease to apply if Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's
      Corporation have Control of the Company.

13.6  Any issuances of voting Shares occurring after Article 14
      has given voting Control to Pettigrew or to the highest
      ranking Quebec Officer of the Company shall require
      additional and simultaneous issues of Class C shares to
      Pettigrew or, as the case may be, the highest ranking Quebec
      Officer of the Company, to the extent necessary to ensure
      that the Control of the Company be preserved in the hands of
      Quebec Residents. Such additional issues of Class C shares
      shall be made at nominal value and without tax consequences for
      their holder.

13.7  This Article 14 shall cease to apply (without retroactive
      effects) if the aggregate of the Quebec Tax Credits and the
      Canadian Tax Credits (without taking into account any
      expected loss of these credits resulting from any
      transaction or agreement contemplated in Article 14.1)
      represent for a given financial year (of twelve (12) months)
      and are expected to represent for the following financial
      year (of twelve (12) months) (according to the then approved
      budget) less than five percent (5%) of the Company's annual

      It is also agreed that this Article 14 shall not apply to
      said transaction or agreement (but may apply to subsequent
      transactions or agreements) : (1) in the case of an expected
      loss of the Quebec Tax Credits only, resulting from said
      transaction or agreement, if the Quebec Tax Credits (without
      taking into account the expected loss of the Quebec Tax
      Credits) represent for a given financial year (of twelve
      (12) months) and are expected to represent for the following
      financial year (of twelve (12) months) (according to the
      then approved budget) less than two percent (2%) of the
      Company's annual revenues; or (2) in the case of an expected
      loss of the Canadian Tax Credits only, resulting from said
      transaction or agreement, if the Canadian Tax Credits
      (without taking into account the expected loss of the
      Canadian Tax Credits) represent for a given financial year
      (of twelve (12) months) and are expected to represent for
      the following financial year (of twelve (12) months)
      (according to the then approved budget) less than two
      percent (2%) of the Company's annual revenues.

13.8  The Shareholders and the Company agree that the spirit of
      the provisions of Article 14 should be preserved in as much
      as possible after the Company has successfully completed a
      Public Listing and, in this respect, to execute any
      agreement or other instrument reasonably required for such


14.1  Except for existing investments, loans or guarantees by the
      Shareholders with respect to the Company, none of the
      Shareholders shall have any obligation to provide, or to
      arrange for or to cause others to provide, any financing to
      the Company, whether by way of subscription for Shares, the
      making of loans, the giving of guarantees or otherwise.

14.2  Except as provided for in Article 13.1(p), nothing contained
      in this Agreement restricts the right of the Company to
      obtain financing through loans and other financial

14.3  Without restricting Article 15.1, any loans and advances
      made by a Shareholder to the Company (and its Subsidiaries
      or Affiliates) shall bear, from April 1, 1998, an annual
      rate of interest equal to the prime commercial lending rate
      of the Company's banker plus one percent (1%).

Page 146

14.4  Without restricting Article 15.1, any Shareholder who
      guarantees the debts or obligations of the Company (and its
      Subsidiaries and Affiliates) shall have a right to receive
      from the Company (or, as the case may be, its Subsidiaries
      and Affiliates): a) upon execution of any guarantee, a fee
      equivalent to one percent (1%) of the amount of guarantee;
      and b) from June 23, 1998 an annual fee equivalent to one
      percent (1%) of the averaged yearly amount of guarantees
      which is in place during each financial year of the Company
      (or, as the case may be, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates'
      financial year).  For greater certainty, for purposes of
      Article 15.4, guarantees of Company's debts and obligations
      by a Shareholder, existing as of June 23, 1998, shall be
      deemed to be executed as of the date of this Agreement.


15.1  Should the Company complete a Public Listing as long as they
      will hold Shares in the Company the Shareholders covenant
      and agree that they will do everything in their power to
      have elected and maintained to the board of directors their
      representatives then in place and that they will renegotiate
      this Agreement in the context of a Public Listing, it being
      understood however that Articles 3, 4.1 to 4.6, 7, 8.1 to
      8.4 and 9.1 shall cease to apply, without affecting accrued
      or existing rights and obligations existing pursuant to
      these Articles when the Company completes a Public Listing.

15.2  In the case of a Public Listing or subsequent public
      offerings of the Company, the Shareholders (other than
      Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation) covenant and agree
      that they will consent to a full priority of release from
      escrow of Pettigrew's (and/or Pettigrew's Corporation)
      Shares up to an aggregate value of One Million Canadian
      Dollars (CDN$1,000,000) of value of Shares in all such
      public offering(s) (including the Public Listing).

15.3  In the case of a Public Listing or subsequent public
      offerings of the Company, the Shareholders (other than
      Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's Corporation) covenant and agree
      that they will consent in favour of Pettigrew (and/or
      Pettigrew's Corporation) that the latter may sell, if the
      underwriter or lead agent so accepts, in priority to all
      other Shareholders up to an aggregate value of One Million
      Canadian Dollars (CDN$1,000,000) of value of Shares in all
      such public offering(s) (including the Public Listing).

15.4  In the case of a Public Listing or subsequent public
      offerings of the Company, the Shareholders (other than Fox
      Family and Faire Trust) covenant and agree that they consent
      in favour of Fox Family and Faire Trust that Fox Family and
      Faire Trust may sell, if the underwriter or lead agent so
      accepts, in priority to all other Shareholders, but after
      the priority right provided for in Article 16.3, up to an
      aggregate value equivalent to, on a prorata basis between
      Fox Family and Faire Trust :

      a)   in the case of Fox Family, Three Million Canadian
           Dollars (CDN$3,000,000) plus interest paid or payable
           pursuant to the loan agreement entered into between
           Faire Trust and Fox Family on June 23,1998 referred to
           in Article 3.1; and

      b)   in the case of Faire Trust, one half (") the amount
           provided above in Article 16.4 a);

      in all such offering (s) (including the Public Listing).

15.5  At any time after a Public Listing, if the Company proposes
      to register any additional Class A shares in a given
      territory, it will give prompt written notice to the
      Shareholders and, if permitted by the proposed form of
      registration statement, will include in such registration,
      subject to the

Page 147

      allocation provisions discussed below, any of the Shareholders'
      Class A shares with respect to which it has received written
      request for inclusion within twenty (20) days after such notice
      is given by the Company.

      In all such piggyback registration, the Company will pay the
      reasonable expenses related to the registration of Shares
      held by the Shareholders (including, without limitation, the
      Shareholders' legal fees for said registration).

      Without restricting Articles 16.3 and 16.4, if a piggyback
      registration is an underwritten registration on behalf of
      the Company and the managing underwriter advises the Company
      in writing that in the underwriter's opinion the number of
      securities to be included exceeds the number that can be
      sold in such offering at a price reasonably related to fair
      value, the Company will allocate the securities to be
      included as follows : first, the securities the Company
      proposes to sell on its own behalf; and second, the
      securities the Shareholders propose to sell, determined pro
      rata among the Shareholders on the basis of the number of
      Class A shares owned.


16.1  Each Shareholder hereby represents and warrants the
      following to the other Shareholders, as of the date hereof:

      (a)  except in the case of Pettigrew who is an individual,
           and in the cases of Faire Trust and Fiducie Pettigrew
           which are trusts, it is a corporation duly organized,
           validly existing and in good standing under the laws
           pertaining to its incorporation;

      (b)  it (he) has all requisite power and authority to own
           and operate its assets, properties and business and to
           carry on its business as now conducted;

      (c)  it (he) has all requisite power, authority and approval
           required to enter into, execute and deliver this
           Agreement and to perform fully its obligations

      (d)  it (he) has taken all actions necessary to authorize it
           to enter into and perform its obligations under this
           Agreement and this Agreement is a legal, valid and
           binding obligation of it (him); and

      (e)  neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement by
           it (him), nor the performance of its (his) obligations
           hereunder, will conflict with, or result in a breach
           of, or constitute a default under any provision of its
           constating documents or its by-laws, if applicable, or
           any law, judgment, order or decree of any Court or of
           any contract, agreement or other instrument to which it
           (he) is a party or by which it (he) is bound.

16.2  Other representations and warranties of Faire Trust and
      Fiducie Pettigrew :

      16.2.1   Faire Trust is a duly organized, validly existing
               and a good standing trust under the laws of Ontario and
               Robert Paul is its sole trustee.

      16.2.2   Fiducie Pettigrew is a duly organized, validly
               existing and a good standing trust under the laws of
               Quebec and Pettigrew and Jacqueline Pettigrew are its
               sole trustees, and as long as Pettigrew shall remain a
               trustee of Fiducie Pettigrew, there shall be only two
              (2) trustees of Fiducie Pettigrew.

Page 148

16.3  Each of the Shareholders hereby covenants and agrees to do,
      and to use its (his) best efforts in order to cause to be
      done by any other person, all things or acts necessary or
      desirable so that its (his) representations and warranties
      contained in this Article remain in full force and effect
      at any time hereafter during the term of this Agreement.


17.1  All confidential records, material and information and
      copies thereof, and all trade secrets (and without
      restricting the generality of the foregoing, including all
      confidential information and documentation relating to the
      products in which the Company has an interest and all
      intellectual property of the Company) concerning the
      Business of the Company obtained by any of the Shareholders
      of the Company shall remain the exclusive property of the
      Company.  During this Agreement, or at any time thereafter,
      each such persons shall not divulge the contents of such
      confidential records or any of such confidential information
      or trade secrets to any person other than to the Company or
      the Company's qualified employees, except as may be required
      by law or otherwise in the proper discharge of their duties
      for the Company, and each such persons shall not, following
      the termination of this Agreement, for any reason, use the
      contents of such confidential records or such confidential
      information or trade secrets for any purpose whatsoever.
      Under no circumstances shall any such persons remove any
      books, records or documents or copies thereof (whether or
      not confidential) from the offices of the Company, nor shall
      they make any copies of any such books, records or documents
      or copies thereof for use outside the offices of the
      Company, except as specifically authorized by the board of
      directors or except in the proper discharge of their duties
      for the Company.

17.2  For the purposes hereof, confidential records, material and
      information including confidential or proprietary
      information known or used by the Company in connection with
      its Business, including but not limited to any matters
      relating to products owned by or in which the Company has
      any interest including any scripts, all intellectual
      property owned by the Company or in which it has an
      interest, information and documentation relating to output
      and/or distribution arrangements, compilation of
      information, data, program, code, method, technique or
      process, information about or relating to suppliers or
      customers of the Company and markets and marketing plans of
      the Company, present and future, information about or
      relating to potential business ventures of the Company,
      financial information of all kinds relating to the Company
      and its activities, all inventions, ideas, and related
      material, but does not include any of the foregoing which is
      not of a confidential or proprietary nature or becomes a
      matter of public knowledge through no fault of any such
      persons concerned by this Article.

17.3  Without intending to limit the remedies available to the
      Company,  the Shareholders of the Company acknowledge that
      damages at law will be an insufficient remedy to the Company
      in view of the irreparable harm which will be suffered if
      the terms of Article 18 are violated by any of them, as the
      case may be, and agree that the Company may apply for and
      have injunctive relief in any court of competent
      jurisdiction specifically to enforce any such covenants upon
      the breach or threatened breach of any such provisions, or
      otherwise specifically to enforce any such covenants and
      hereby waives all defences to the strict enforcement thereof
      by the Company.

17.4  In the event that any provision, clause or covenant herein,
      or part thereof, shall be deemed void or invalid or
      unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
      remaining provisions, clauses and covenants, and parts
      thereof, shall be and remain in full force and effect.  If,
      in any judicial proceeding, any provision, clause or
      covenant of this Agreement is found to be so broad as to be
      unenforceable, it is hereby agreed that such provision,
      clause or covenant shall be interpreted to be only so broad
      as it may be to be enforceable.

Page 149


18.1  The Shareholders and the Company hereto covenant and agree
      that the board of directors of the Company shall establish,
      within three (3) months of the execution of this Agreement,
      a stock option plan which will provide that Class D shares
      of the Company may be issued, from time to time up to the
      equivalent of five percent (5%) of the issued and
      outstanding Class A shares, but subject to conditions to be
      determined by the board of directors, to the directors and
      senior executives of the Company and its Affiliates, as an
      incentive for such persons.

18.2  The Shareholders and the Company hereto covenant and agree
      that the board of directors of the Company shall establish,
      within three (3) months of execution of this Agreement, a
      bonus plan for Senior Officers of the Company and its
      Affiliates, as an incentive for such persons.


19.1  In the event of any dispute between the parties (including
      the intervening parties) relating to this Agreement, whether
      such dispute is relating to the interpretation or
      application of its provisions or to the existence of any of
      their respective rights and obligations hereunder or to the
      nature or the amount of the obligations and responsibilities
      resulting from this Agreement, such dispute shall be
      submitted to arbitration, to the exclusion of any court of
      law having otherwise competent jurisdiction, in accordance
      with the provisions of the Code  of Civil Procedure of the
      Province of Quebec, modified as follows, it being understood
      that  Article 20 shall constitute an arbitration agreement
      within the meaning of the Civil Code of the Province of
      Quebec :

      (a)  Three Arbitrators - the dispute shall be submitted to
           the arbitration of three arbitrators, the party
           requiring the arbitration designating the first
           arbitrator and the other party or the other parties to
           the dispute having a conflicting interest with the
           requiring party designating the second arbitrator and
           the third arbitrator being designated jointly by the
           two first arbitrators so designated. All arbitrators
           must be lawyers qualified to practise law within the
           Province of Quebec;

      (b)  Notice of Arbitration - a party requiring arbitration
           shall give notice thereof to the other party or the
           other parties to the dispute having a conflicting
           interest and shall provide in such notice the name and
           address of the arbitrator for the purposes of this
           Agreement as well as the details of the dispute;

      (c)  Designation of a Second Arbitrator - within ten (10)
           Business Days after a notice of arbitration has been
           sent pursuant to  paragraph (b) above, all of the other
           parties to the dispute having a conflicting interest
           with the party submitting the issue to arbitration
           shall agree on the name of the second arbitrator and
           shall give notice of the name and address of such
           second arbitrator to the requesting party and the first
           arbitrator within such  ten (10) Business Days period,
           failing which all of such other parties shall be deemed
           to have waived their rights to designate an arbitrator,
           and the arbitration shall be held by one arbitrator
           only, namely the arbitrator designated pursuant to
           paragraph (b) above;

      (d)  Designation of a Third Arbitrator - subject to the
           provisions of the preceding paragraph relating to the
           resolution of the dispute by one arbitrator, the third
           arbitrator shall be designated by the other two
           arbitrators within five (5) Business Days following
           receipt by the requiring party and the first arbitrator
           of the notice described in paragraph (c) above in
           respect of the designation of a second arbitrator;

Page 150

      (e)  Hearing of the Arbitration - the hearing of the
           arbitration shall be held on the territory of the
           Metropolitan Region of Montreal , at such place and at
           such time as shall be determined jointly by the
           arbitrators and within a delay of ten (10) Business
           Days of the nomination of the third arbitrator or sole
           arbitrator, as the case may be;

      (f)  Procedure and Expenses Relating to Arbitration - the
           arbitrators are authorized to determine their own
           procedure and shall render their decision in writing in
           such form as they shall decide; the arbitrators shall
           allocate the expenses relating to the arbitration in
           the manner which they shall see fit which for such
           purposes shall take into account, inter alia, the
           relative success of the arguments of each of the
           parties to the arbitration;

      (g)  Delay to Render Decision - the arbitrators shall, to
           the extent possible, render their decision and give
           notice thereof to the parties within a period of ten
           (10) Business Days following the hearing of the parties
           involved in the arbitration or, as the case may be,
           such period of time (which shall not be more than five
           (5) Business Days) which they shall grant to the
           parties involved to the arbitration to submit in
           writing their arguments following the hearing;

      (h)  Final Decision - the decision of the arbitrators shall
           be final and binding on the parties to the arbitration
           and the provisions of Sections 946 to 946.6 inclusively
           of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Province of
           Quebec relating to the homologation of  arbitration
           decisions shall apply;

      (i)  Rules of Law - the arbitrators shall resolve the
           dispute in accordance with the rules of law and shall
           not act as "amiables compositeurs"; and

      (j)  Language of Arbitration - the English language shall be
           the language of arbitration, it being understood
           however that if Pettigrew and/or Pettigrew's
           Corporation is a party to arbitration, he (it) will
           have the right to obtain simultaneous translation at
           the costs of the Company.

19.2  Specific Performance.  Nothing in Article 20 shall be
      interpreted or construed so as to affect or limit the rights
      of any parties hereto of seeking any injunction,
      constraining order, or other mandatory relief available to
      them under the law from any court having jurisdiction with
      respect to any breach or violation or anticipated breach or
      violation of any of the covenants provided in this


20.1  A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Corporate
      Records of the Company at the office of the Company.

20.2  Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

20.3  Any notices, demand or other communication required or
      permitted to be given to any party or intervening party
      hereunder shall be in writing and shall be either :

      (a)  personally delivered;

      (b)  sent by same-day or next-day courier; or

Page 151

      (c)  sent by facsimile

      Any notice so given shall be sent to the parties or
      intervening parties at their respective addresses set out

           3600 Thimens Boulevard
           St-Laurent, Quebec
           Canada H4H 1V6
           Fax: (514) 336-6606
           Attention : The President

           6 Croissant Merton
           Hampstead, Quebec
           Canada H3X 1L6

      (c)  ROBERT PAUL, Trustee
           Faire Trust
           45 Charles Street
           Suite 702
           Toronto, Ontario
           Canada M4Y 1S2

           Fax : (416) 920-5140

           with a copy to:

           FOLEY, BRODERICK, c.a.
           130 Adelaide Street West
           32nd Floor
           Toronto, Ontario
           Canada M5H 3P5

           Fax: (416) 863-1510
           Attention: Mr. Brent Insley

           10960 Wilshire Boulevard
           Los Angeles, California
           United States of America 90024

           Fax : (310) 235-5552
           Attention : The President

           6 Croissant Merton
           Hampstead, Quebec
           Canada H3X 1L6

           Attention : Mr. Jacques Pettigrew and Mrs. Jacqueline
           Pettigrew, Trustees

Page 152

           1151 Alexandre-de-Seve
           Montreal, Quebec
           Canada H2L 2T7

           Fax : (514) 524-1997
           Attention : The President

           Suite 3123, Three Bentall Centre
           595 Burrard Street
           Vancouver, British Columbia
           Canada V7X 1J1

           Fax : (604) 609-6145
           Attention : The President

           3600 Thimens Boulevard
           St-Laurent, Quebec
           Canada H4H 1V6

           Fax : (514) 336-6606
           Attention : The President

           3600 Thimens Boulevard
           St-Laurent, Quebec
           Canada H4H 1V6
           Fax: (514) 336-6606
           Attention : The President

      (j)  CINEPIX  INC.
           3600 Thimens Boulevard
           St-Laurent, Quebec
           Canada H4H 1V6

           Fax: (514) 336-6606
           Attention : The President

      Either party and intervening party may from time to time
      change its address by written notice to the other party and
      intervening party given in accordance with the provisions
      hereof.  Any notice or communication shall be deemed to have
      been received on the next Business Day after which it was
      delivered, if personally delivered or sent by courier, or on
      the next Business Day after it was sent by facsimile, if it
      was so sent.

20.4  The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to any shares
      issued pursuant to an option granted by the Company, to
      Shares issued pursuant to a convertible debenture, to any
      shares resulting from the reclassification, subdivision,
      consolidation or corporate reorganization and to any shares
      of the Company received by the holders as a stock dividend
      and to any shares or other securities of the Company which
      may be received by the holder of such shares on

Page 153

      reorganization or reconstruction of the Company or to any other
      shares which may hereafter be issued to the shareholders.

20.5  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding
      upon the parties and intervening parties, their respective
      heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted
      assigns as the case may be.

20.6  Unless otherwise stipulated, all amounts expressed in this
      Agreement are in the Canadian currency.

20.7  This Agreement shall be the only Agreement between the
      parties and intervening parties in respect of their interest
      in the Company and all subject matters expressed in this

20.8  If any of the provisions of this Agreement are ever held
      illegal or invalid for any reason, such illegality or
      invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts of the
      Agreement, and the Agreement shall be construed and enforced
      as if such illegal and invalid provisions had never been
      inserted therein. If, in any judicial proceeding, any
      provision, clause or covenant of this Agreement is found to
      be so broad as to be unenforceable, it is hereby agreed that
      such provision, clause or covenant shall be interpreted to
      be only so broad as it may be to be enforceable.

20.9  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of
      which, when so executed and delivered to all other parties
      and intervening parties, shall be deemed to be an original,
      and when taken together shall be deemed to be one and the
      same agreement.

20.10 The Shareholders, the Company and the other intervening
      parties agree to do all things and execute any and all
      documents, upon the request of any of the other, to better
      effect complete consummation of the transactions
      contemplated by this Agreement as well as the true intent
      and purposes of this Agreement including vote Shares which
      any one of them may hold or have Control over, use its best
      efforts so as to cause to be done, executed, acknowledged or
      delivered by any other person, all such further acts or
      other things, deeds, documents, assignments, transfers,
      conveyances, powers of attorney and assurances as may be
      reasonably necessary or desirable.

20.11 This Agreement is an unanimous shareholders' agreement
      within the meaning of Sections 123.91 and following of the
      Company Act (Quebec) and must be interpreted as such. No by-
      law or resolution of the board of directors and of the
      Shareholders of the Company may contradict or modify the
      provisions of this Agreement and, should this occur, this
      Agreement shall prevail.  This Agreement is governed by the
      laws of the Province of Quebec, Canada.

20.12 The preamble forms an integral part of this Agreement.

20.13 The parties and the intervening parties declare that
      they have requested and do hereby confirm their request,
      that this Agreement and any other agreement or document with
      respect to corporate organisation of the Company be drafted
      and signed in English.  Les parties et les intervenants
      declarent qu'ils ont exige, et par les presentes, confirment
      leur demande que cette convention et toute autre entente ou
      document relatif a l'organisation corporative de la
      Compagnie soient rediges en anglais. The Company shall bear
      all translation costs required by this Article or by Article
      20.1 (j).

Page 154

20.14 The trustee of Faire Trust incurs no personal liability
      under this Agreement and his liability is limited to the
      assets of Faire Trust.  The trustees of Fiducie Pettigrew
      incur no personal liability under this Agreement and their
      liability is limited to the assets of Fiducie Pettigrew.

20.15 All rights of Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation
      provided in this Agreement are in addition to all rights of
      Pettigrew and Pettigrew's Corporation in the Employment
      Agreement or under the Company's statutes, and Pettigrew may
      select to exercise some or all his rights thereunder,
      hereunder or under Company's statutes, at his discretion.


                                  ANIMATION CINEPIX INC.

                                   /s/ ANDREW LINK
                                   Andre Link

                                  /s/ JACQUES PETTIGREW
                                  JACQUES PETTIGREW

                                  /s/ ROBERT PAUL
                                  ROBERT PAUL, in his capacity
                                  as trustee of the Faire Trust

                                  FOX FAMILY WORLDWIDE, INC.

                                  /s/ MEL WOODS
                                  Mel Woods, President

                                  FIDUCIE FAMILLE PETTIGREW

                                   /s/ JACQUES PETTIGREW
                                   Jacques Pettigrew, in his
                                   capacity as Trustee, without
                                   personal liability

                                   /s/ JACQUELINE PETTIGREW
                                   Jacqueline Pettigrew, in her
                                   capacity as Trustee, without
                                   personal liability

Page 155

                                  CORPORATION CINE-GROUPE

                                  /s/ ANDRE LINK
                                   Andre Link

                                   /s/ JACQUES PETTIGREW
                                   Jacques Pettigrew


                                   LIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT CORP.

                                   LIONS GATE FILMS CORP.

                                   /s/ GORDON KEEP
                                   Gordon Keep, Senior Vice-

                                   /s/ ANDRE LINK
                                   Andre Link

                                   CINEPIX FILMS INC.

                                   CINEPIX INC.

                                   /s/ ANDRE LINK
                                   Andre Link

Page 156