This Employment Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as of
June 26,  2006,  (the  "Effective  Date") by and between  Vitesse  Semiconductor
Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation  ("Vitesse") and Christopher  Gardner (the


     A.     Executive serves as Vitesse's Chief Executive Officer as of the
            date of this Agreement.

     B.     Vitesse and Executive desire to set forth in this Agreement the
            terms and conditions upon which the Executive shall continue to
            serve as Vitesse's Chief Executive Officer.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  hereby  are
acknowledged, Vitesse and Executive hereby agree as follows:


     It is hereby agreed that Executive shall continue to be employed by Vitesse
in the  position of Chief  Executive  Officer at a base  salary of $310,000  per
year.  Vitesse and Executive further agree that Executive's base salary shall be
reviewed not less than once per year from the Effective Date of this  Agreement.
Changes  in  Executive's  compensation  shall  be  recorded  in  a  Compensation
Adjustment  form  signed and dated by Vitesse  and  Executive.  In  addition  to
salary,  Executive  shall also be eligible to participate in the Vitesse's bonus
plan for senior executives as from time to time in effect.


     Executive   shall  be  eligible  to  receive   options  under  the  Vitesse
Semiconductor Corporation 2001 Stock Incentive Plan ("SIP") as determined by the
Compensation  Committee of the Board of  Directors of Vitesse (the  "Board") and
consistent with his position as Chief Executive Officer.


     Employment  benefits shall be provided to Executive in accordance  with the
programs of Vitesse  then  available to its senior  executives,  as amended from
time to time.


     Executive shall be entitled to five weeks of paid vacation per year. Unused
vacation  time  may be  carried  forward  only  to the  extent  consistent  with
Vitesse's then current policy with respect to vacation time.


     Vitesse and Executive understand and agree that Executive's  employment may
be terminated under the circumstances and in accordance with the terms set forth

     A.   By mutual agreement at any time with or without notice;  provided that
          such  agreement  must be stated in  writing  and  signed  and dated by
          Executive and an authorized agent of Vitesse.

     B.   By either  Vitesse or Executive  upon sixty (60) days  written  notice
          delivered to the other party;  provided,  however, that Vitesse may at
          its sole discretion  elect to provide sixty (60) days pay to Executive
          in lieu of notice.

     C.   By Vitesse  For Cause.  A  termination  of  employment  "For Cause" is
          defined as  termination by reason of (i)  Executive's  conviction of a
          felony  or plea  of  guilty  or  nolo  contendere  to a  felony;  (ii)
          Executive's  intentional  failure or refusal to perform his employment
          duties and responsibilities;  (iii) Executive's intentional misconduct
          that  injures  Vitesse's   business;   (iv)  Executive's   intentional
          violation  of any  other  material  provision  of  this  Agreement  or
          Vitesse's code of business  conduct and ethics;  or (v) as provided in
          Section 8 of this  Agreement.  Executive's  inability  to perform  his
          duties because of death or disability shall not constitute a basis for
          Vitesse's   termination   of   Executive's   employment   For   Cause.
          Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Executive's  employment  shall not be
          subject  to  termination  For  Cause  without  Vitesse's  delivery  to
          Executive of a written  notice of intention to terminate.  Such notice
          must describe the reasons for the proposed employment  termination For
          Cause,  and must be delivered to Executive at least  fifteen (15) days
          prior  to  the  proposed   termination  date  ("the  Notice  Period").
          Executive shall be provided an opportunity within the Notice Period to
          cure  any  such  breach  (if  curable)  giving  rise  to the  proposed
          termination,  and shall be provided an  opportunity to be heard before
          the Board. Thereafter,  the Board shall deliver to Executive a written
          notice  of  termination  after the  expiration  of the  Notice  Period
          stating  that a majority  of the  members of the Board have found that
          Executive engaged in the conduct described in this Paragraph 5.C.

     D.   Vitesse may  terminate  Executive's  employment  immediately  upon his
          death or upon  Vitesse's  provision  to  Executive  of not  less  than
          fifteen  (15)  days  written  notice to  Executive  that  Vitesse  has
          determined  that  Executive  is unable to  continue to perform his job
          duties due to  Disability.  "Disability"  means a  physical  or mental
          impairment  of Executive as  certified in a written  statement  from a
          licensed  physician  selected or  approved  by the Board that  renders
          Executive  unable to perform his duties  under this  Agreement  (after
          reasonable  accommodation,  if  necessary,  by  Vitesse  that does not
          impose an undue  hardship on Vitesse)  for one hundred and fifty (150)
          consecutive  days or for at  least  two  hundred  and ten  (210)  days
          (regardless of whether such days are consecutive) during any period of
          three hundred  sixty-five (365)  consecutive days. In conjunction with
          determining the existence of a Disability,  Executive  consents to any
          reasonable medical  examinations (at Vitesse's expense) that the Board
          determ ines are relevant to a determination of Executive's Disability,
          and agrees that Vitesse is entitled to receive the written  results of
          such   examinations.   Executive   agrees  to  waive  any   applicable
          physician-patient  privilege  which may  arise  with  respect  to such


     If employment is terminated by mutual agreement, by Vitesse For Cause, or
by Executive  upon sixty (60) days notice of intent to terminate  employment for
other than Good  Reason (as defined  below), Executive  shall receive his base
salary and any vested bonus prorated  through his final day of employment, but
shall not be eligible to receive any Severance Pay (as defined  below) or Change
in Status (as defined below).

     If  employment  is  terminated  by Vitesse  upon sixty (60) days  notice of
intent to terminate employment or pay in lieu of notice other than For Cause, or
by Executive  upon sixty (60) days notice of intent to terminate  employment for
Good  Reason,  Executive  shall  receive  his base  salary and any vested  bonus
prorated  through his final day of employment  and Severance Pay and a Change in

     If employment is terminated  because of Executive's  Disability,  Executive
shall  receive his base salary and any vested bonus  prorated  through his final
day of receipt of base salary, but shall not be entitled to any Severance Pay or
Change in Status.

     If employment  is  terminated  because of  Executive's  death,  Executive's
estate shall receive Executive's base salary and any vested bonus prorated until
the date of death,  but shall not be entitled to any  Severance Pay or Change in

     "Good Reason" means, without Executive's written consent, the occurrence of
any of the following  actions unless the action is fully corrected (if possible)
within  fifteen (15) days after Vitesse  receives  written  notice of the action
from  Executive:  (a)  Vitesse's  reduction  in  Executive's  base  salary;  (b)
Vitesse's  failure to pay Executive any amount that is expressly  required to be
paid under this Agreement;  (c) Vitesse's  material and adverse reduction of the
nature of Executive's duties and responsibilities,  disregarding mere changes in
title; (d) Vitesse's requirement that Executive perform his principal employment
duties  at an  office  that is more  than  twenty  (20)  miles  from  Camarillo,
California;  or, (e) a Change of Control of Vitesse (as defined below).  "Change
Of Control" means each occurrence of any of the following:

     (a) the acquisition, directly or indirectly, by any person or group (within
the  meaning of Section  13(d)(3) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
amended),  of beneficial ownership of more than 51% of the aggregate outstanding
voting power of the capital stock of Vitesse;

     (b) (i) Vitesse  consolidates with or merges into another entity and is not
the surviving entity or conveys, transfers or leases all or substantially all of
its property and assets to another person, or (ii) any entity  consolidates with
or merges into Vitesse in a transaction pursuant to which the outstanding voting
capital stock of Vitesse is  reclassified or changed into or exchanged for cash,
securities or other property,  other than any such transaction described in this
clause (ii) in which no person or group (within the meaning of Section  13(d)(3)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) has, directly or indirectly,
acquired  beneficial  ownership  of more than 51% of the  aggregate  outstanding
voting capital stock of Vitesse; or

     (c)  approval by Vitesse's  shareholders  of the  complete  liquidation  or
dissolution of Vitesse.

     "Severance Pay" means twelve (12) months of Executive's base salary (at the
amount  before  any  proposed  reduction  or the  amount  required  to  maintain
Executive's base salary above that of all other Vitesse  employees) payable in a
lump sum on the date of termination of employment.

     "Change In Status" means Executive shall continue to perform  services as a
Consultant for Vitesse and receive compensation at a guaranteed rate of not less
than Three Thousand  Dollars ($3,000) per month for a period not to exceed three
(3) years  following the termination of Executive's  employment.  Vitesse agrees
that  Executive  shall not be  required  to perform  more than ten (10) hours of
services per month as a Consultant, and shall receive additional compensation at
the rate of Three Hundred Dollars ($300) per hour for all services  performed in
excess of ten (10) hours per month.  Executive's guaranteed monthly compensation
for  consulting  shall expire on the earlier of either three (3) years after the
date of  termination  of his  employment  or the day  Vitesse  has an  effective
registration  statement  under the  Securities  Act of 1933 with  respect to the
shares  to be issued  upon  exercise  of  options  granted  to  Executive  under
Vitesse's SIP.


     Executive  will  report to  Vitesse's  Board and shall  perform  all duties
assigned to him by the Board.  Executive's duties may be conveyed to him through
a job  description,  or  through  other  written  or  verbal  instructions  from
Vitesse's Board.  Executive's duties are expected to involve travel from time to
time to various  locations and events,  and are expected to involve  significant
unpaid overtime.


     As a member of Vitesse  management,  Executive  will be  expected to comply
with all provisions of the Vitesse  Policies and Procedures  Manual and Employee
Handbook, as amended from time to time. Executive acknowledges,  by signature on
this Agreement,  that failure to comply with and ensure enforcement of Vitesse's
policies,  procedures and all federal/state laws relating to business operations
may result in immediate termination of employment For Cause.


     Executive acknowledges that his position is a full-time position and agrees
to devote his  entire  productive  time,  ability  and  attention  to  Vitesse's
business.  Executive further agrees that while employed by Vitesse,  he will not
directly  or  indirectly  engage  in  outside  employment,  consulting  or other
business  activities  unless he has  obtained  written  consent from the Vitesse


     Executive  promises and agrees that during the term of this  Agreement  and
for a period of two (2)  years  thereafter,  Executive  will  not,  directly  or
indirectly,  individually  or as a consultant  to, or as an  employee,  officer,
stockholder,  director or other owner or participant in any business,  influence
or  attempt  to  influence  customers,   vendors,  suppliers,  joint  venturers,
associates,  consultants,  agents,  or partners of Vitesse,  either  directly or
indirectly,  to divert their  business  away from  Vitesse,  to any  individual,
partnership,  firm,  corporation  or other entity then in  competition  with the
business of Vitesse,  and he will not otherwise  materially  interfere  with any
business relationship of Vitesse.


     Executive  promises and agrees that during the term of this  Agreement  and
for a period of two (2)  years  thereafter,  Executive  will  not,  directly  or
indirectly,  individually  or as a consultant  to, or as an  employee,  officer,
stockholder,  director or other owner of or participant in any business, solicit
(or assist in soliciting)  any person who is then, or at any time within six (6)
months prior thereto was, an employee of Vitesse who earned annually  $25,000 or
more as an employee of Vitesse  during the last six (6) months of his or her own
employment to work for (as an employee,  consultant or otherwise)  any business,
individual,  partnership,  firm,  corporation,  or other  entity  whether or not
engaged in competitive business with Vitesse.


     Any controversy arising out of or relating to Executive's  employment,  any
termination of Executive's  employment,  this Agreement or because of an alleged
breach,  default, or  misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions
of this Agreement, including (without limitation) any state or federal statutory
claims,  shall be  submitted  to final and  binding  arbitration,  to be held in
Ventura County,  California  before a sole neutral  arbitrator.  The arbitration
shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its  Comprehensive  Arbitration  Rules
and  Procedures.  Judgment  on the award  may be  entered  in any  court  having
jurisdiction. The parties acknowledge and agree that they are hereby waiving any
rights to trial by jury in any action,  proceeding  or  counterclaim  brought by
either of the parties against the other in connection with any matter whatsoever
arising out of or in any way  connected  with any of the matters  referenced  in
this Section 12. The parties agree that in any proceeding with respect to such m
atters, each party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs.

13.  TERM

     Subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this Agreement,  the term of this
Agreement shall end on the second anniversary of the date of this Agreement.


     It is the desire and intent of Vitesse and Executive that the provisions of
this Agreement be enforced to the fullest extent  permissible  under  applicable
federal,  state and municipal laws.  Accordingly,  if any specific  provision or
portion of this Agreement are determined to be invalid or  unenforceable  within
the particular  jurisdiction in which enforcement is sought, that portion of the
Agreement  will be considered as deleted for the purposes of  adjudication.  All
other portions of this Agreement will be considered valid and enforceable within
that jurisdiction.


     Vitesse and Executive understand and agree that this Agreement  constitutes
the full and complete  understanding  and agreement  between them  regarding the
terms  of  Executive's  employment  and  supersedes  all  prior  understandings,
representations,  and  agreements  with respect to the  employment.  Vitesse and
Executive  understand  that the  Vitesse  Semiconductor  Corporation  2001 Stock
Incentive  Plan and the  Compensation  Adjustment  forms (if any) referred to in
this Agreement shall be fully incorporated into this Agreement by reference.


     Executive  acknowledges  that he has read and  understands  this Employment
Agreement and agrees to the terms and  conditions  contained  herein.  Executive
agrees  that he has had the  opportunity  to confer  with  legal  counsel of his
choosing  regarding this Agreement.  Executive  further  acknowledges  that this
Agreement has not been executed by Executive in reliance upon any representation
or promise except those contained herein, and that Vitesse has made no guarantee
regarding Executive's employment other than those specified in this Agreement.


Dated July 5, 2006                      /s/ CHRISTOPHER GARDNER
                                        Christopher Gardner

                                        VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION,
                                        a Delaware Corporation

Dated June 28, 2006                  By /s/ ALEX DALY
                                        Alex Daly
                                        Chairman of the Compensation Committee