Washington, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
14a-6(e)(2)) [ ] Definitive Proxy Statement [ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

 ..............................REAL-EQUITY PARTNERS.............................
                (Name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     (Name of person(s) filing proxy statement if other than the registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[  ]  No fee required
[X] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

         1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
              . . . . .Units of Limited Partnership Interest...................
         2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
              . . . . .30,000 Units............................................
         3)   Per unit price or other underlying  value of transaction  computed
              pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
              the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): . .
              . . .$552....................................................
         4)   Proposed  maximum  aggregate  value  of  transaction:   .  .  .  .
         5)   Total fee paid:
              . . . . .$3,344..................................................

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:


                              REAL-EQUITY PARTNERS
                             9090 Wilshire Boulevard
                         Beverly Hills, California 90211

                              ___________ __, 1998

To the Limited Partners:

         National  Partnership  Investments  Corp., the managing general partner
("NAPICO" or the  "Managing  General  Partner")  of  REAL-Equity  Partners  (the
"Partnership"  or "REP"),  is writing to recommend,  and seek your consent to, a
proposed sale of the five real estate  properties  owned by the Partnership (the
"Properties") to JH Real Estate Partners,  Inc., a California  corporation,  and
American  Apartment  Communities  III,  L.P.,  a  Delaware  limited  partnership
(collectively,   the  "Buyers"),  neither  of  which  are  affiliated  with  the
Partnership  or the Managing  General  Partner.  The  transactions  by which the
Partnership  proposes  to sell  the  Properties  to the  Buyers  is  hereinafter
referred  to as the  "Sale."  If the Sale is  consummated,  it will  result in a
dissolution of the Partnership under the terms of the Partnership Agreement.

         In evaluating the proposed Sale, the Limited Partners should note that:

         o    Based upon a purchase price for the Properties of $31,900,000  and
              the assumption of certain indebtedness, it is anticipated that the
              Partnership  will  make  an  aggregate   distribution  to  Limited
              Partners  of  approximately  $16,553,782,  or $552 per  unit.  The
              distribution  amount is  anticipated  to be  sufficient to pay any
              federal and state income  taxes  incurred in  connection  with the
              Sale and Limited Partners may be able to utilize suspended passive
              losses to offset their tax  liabilities.  In  connection  with the
              Sale, the  Partnership  will pre-pay or assign its  $14,443,323 of
              mortgage  indebtedness in connection with the Sale. The units were
              sold at an original cost of $1,000 per unit.

         o    The Managing General Partner believes that now may be an opportune
              time for the Partnership to sell the Properties.

         o    The terms of the Sale have been negotiated at arm's length.

         o    Robert A. Stanger & Co., Inc., a recognized independent investment
              banking firm, has  determined  that,  subject to the  assumptions,
              limitations  and  qualifications  contained  in its  opinion,  the
              Purchase  Price  to  be  received  by  the   Partnership  for  the
              Properties  in the Sale is fair from a financial  point of view to
              the Limited Partners.

         o    The   Managing   General   Partner   believes   that  selling  the
              Partnership's  entire  portfolio of real estate assets in a single
              transaction  (as  opposed to a series of  individual  sales)  will
              enable the Partnership to reduce transaction  expenses and dispose
              of its portfolio in an expedited time frame.

         There are certain risk factors that the Limited Partners should
consider in evaluating the proposed Sale, such as:

         o    As a result of the Sale, the Partnership will forego any potential
              benefits of continuing to own the Properties.

         o    The Sale and liquidation of the Partnership will have a tax impact
              on Limited  Partners.  For Limited  Partners who have been able to
              use all of the passive  losses  generated by the  Partnership on a


              basis,  the Sale should result in a net cash  distribution,  after
              payment  of tax  liabilities,  of $384 per Unit in  excess  of the
              federal  and state  income  taxes that would be due in  connection
              with the Sale.

         On  July  29,  1998,  the  Partnership  filed  a  preliminary   consent
solicitation  statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission  regarding a
proposed sale of the Properties to an affiliate of the Managing  General Partner
for a purchase price of  $24,876,300,  $10,432,977 of which was to be payable in
cash and $14,443,323 through the assumption of certain mortgage indebtedness.

         On  August  14,  1998,  JH  Real  Estate  Partners,  Inc.  of  Anaheim,
California  contacted the  Partnership  to express its interest in acquiring the
Properties.  After  satisfactorily  demonstrating  its  ability to  finance  the
proposed  transaction,  JH Real Estate Partners commenced a due diligence review
of the  Properties.  As of  September  25, 1998,  the  affiliate of the Managing
General Partners  withdrew its offer of $24,876,300 and the Partnership  entered
into a purchase  and sale  agreement  with the Buyers  that  included a purchase
price of $31,900,000  and the assumption of certain  indebtedness.  The terms of
the Sale were  determined in arm's-length  negotiations  between the Partnership
and the Buyers.

         Under the terms of the Partnership's  Amended and Restated  Certificate
and Agreement of Limited Partnership, a copy of which was included as an exhibit
to the offering  materials  Limited  Partners  received in connection with their
investments in the Partnership, the Partnership is obligated to pay the Managing
General  Partner a fee for services  rendered to the  Partnership  in connection
with the selection,  purchase, development and management of the Properties (the
"Deferred   Acquisition   Fee").   The  Partnership   Agreement   provides  that
distributions  of the Deferred  Acquisition Fee will cease upon the distribution
made  with  respect  to  the  15th  year  of the  Partnership  term,  which  the
Partnership  Agreement states commenced September 9, 1981 with the filing of the
Partnership's Certificate and Agreement of Limited Partnership with the Recorder
of Los Angeles County,  California.  However, it is the position of the Managing
General Partner that the Partnership's term did not commence until the admission
of Limited  Partners  in  connection  with the  Partnership's  offering of Units
through  E.F.  Hutton and, as a result,  remains due and  payable.  Although the
Managing  General  Partner  believes that the Partnership is required to pay the
Deferred  Acquisition Fee in connection with the Sale, it is seeking the consent
of the Limited  Partners to the payment of such Fee. As of December  31, 1997, a
Deferred Acquisition Fee of $735,685 was due and payable to the Managing General
Partner.  The payment of the  Deferred  Acquisition  Fee will be paid out of the
proceeds of the Sale and will reduce the Limited  Partners'  distributions  from
$576 to $552 per Unit. The Managing  General  Partner is requesting that Limited
Partners approve both the Sale and the payment of the Deferred  Acquisition Fee.
Approval of the proposed Sale will be deemed to include approval of the Deferred
Acquisition Fee.

         Consummation   of  the  Sale  is   subject   to  the   approval   of  a
majority-in-interest  of the Limited  Partners.  If the Limited  Partners do not
approve the Sale,  the  Partnership  will most likely  retain  ownership  of the

         We  urge  you to  carefully  read  the  enclosed  Consent  Solicitation
Statement  in order to vote  your  interests.  YOUR VOTE IS  IMPORTANT.  BECAUSE
VOTE AGAINST THE SALE. To be sure your vote is  represented,  please sign,  date
and return the enclosed consent as promptly as possible.

         The  proposed  Sale  is  fully   described  in  the  enclosed   Consent
Solicitation  Statement.  Please read the  enclosed  materials  carefully,  then
return your signed  consent form either by facsimile to  303-705-6171  or in the
enclosed envelope on or before ________ __, 1998.


         If you have any questions,  please do not hesitate to contact MacKenzie
Partners,   the  Partnership's   consent   solicitation   agent,  toll  free  at
800-322-2885 or collect at 212-929-5500.

                                         Very truly yours,

                                         National Partnership Investments Corp.


                              REAL-EQUITY PARTNERS
                             9090 Wilshire Boulevard
                         Beverly Hills, California 90211
                                ________ __, 1998


         On the terms described in this Consent Solicitation Statement, National
Partnership  Investments  Corp. the managing  general  partner  ("NAPICO" or the
"Managing  General  Partner"),  of REAL-Equity  Partners,  a California  limited
partnership (the  "Partnership" or "REP"), is seeking the consent of the Limited
Partners of the Partnership to the sale of the five real estate properties owned
by Partnership (the "Properties") to JH Real Estate Partners, Inc., a California
corporation,  and American  Apartment  Communities III, L.P., a Delaware limited
partnership  (collectively,  the "Buyers"),  for a purchase price of $31,900,000
(the "Purchase  Price").  The transaction by which the  Partnership  proposes to
sell the Properties to the Buyers is hereinafter referred to as the "Sale."

         Each  of  the  Properties  is  a  conventional  multi-unit  residential
apartment  complex.  The  mortgage  on one of the  Properties  is insured by the
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") and during the
period  for which the  mortgage  is so  insured,  its rents  will be  subject to
regulation by HUD.

         It is anticipated  that the  Partnership  will make a  distribution  to
Limited Partners of approximately $552 per unit of limited partnership  interest
in  the  Partnership  from  the  net  proceeds  of the  Sale.  If  the  Sale  is
consummated,  it will result in a dissolution of the Partnership under the terms
of the Partnership Agreement.

         The Sale is conditioned  upon approval of a majority in interest of the
Limited  Partners  of the  Partnership.  Under  the  Partnership  Agreement  and
California law, Limited Partners do not have dissenters' rights of appraisal. If
the Sale is approved by a  majority-in-interest  of the  Limited  Partners,  all
Limited Partners, both those voting in favor of the Sale and those not voting in
favor, will be entitled to receive the resulting cash distributions.

         The Managing  General Partner has approved the Sale, has concluded that
the  Sale,  including  the  Purchase  Price for the  Properties,  is fair to the
Limited Partners and recommends that the Limited Partners consent to the Sale.

         National  Partnership  Investments  Associates II, a California limited
partnership   ("NPIA  II"),  is  the  non-  managing   General  Partner  of  the
Partnership.  Pursuant to an  agreement  between  NAPICO and NPIA II,  NAPICO is
responsible  for the  performance of any duties  required to be performed by the
General  Partners  and has sole and final  discretion  to manage and control the
business of the Partnership and make all decisions relating thereto. NPIA II has
not participated in the management of the  Partnership,  or in decisions made by
the  Partnership in connection  with the proposed Sale.  NPIA II has not taken a
position with respect to the Sale nor has it  participated in the preparation of
this Consent Solicitation Statement.

         This  Consent  Solicitation  Statement  and  the  accompanying  form of
Consent of Limited  Partner  are first  being  mailed to Limited  Partners on or
about ________ __, 1998.


                      NO LATER THAN 11:59 P.M. EASTERN TIME
                     ON ________ __, 1998, UNLESS EXTENDED.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.  SUMMARY OF CONSENT SOLICITATION STATEMENT..................................1
         The Partnership.......................................................1
         The Sale..............................................................1
         Potential Benefits of the Sale........................................2
         Potential Adverse Effects of the Sale.................................3
         Limited Partner Approval..............................................3
         Third-Party Opinion...................................................4
         Recommendation of the Managing General Partner; Fairness..............4
         Summary Financial Information.........................................5
         Transaction Expenses..................................................6
         Voting Procedures.....................................................6

II.  THE SALE..................................................................6
         Background and Reasons for the Sale...................................6
         Acquisition Agreement.................................................7
         Transaction Costs.....................................................8
         Distribution of Sale Proceeds; Accounting Treatment...................8
         Fairness Opinion......................................................9
         Recommendation of the Managing General Partner; Fairness.............13

III.  THE PARTNERSHIP.........................................................13
         The Properties.......................................................14
         Market for Partnership Interests and Related Security Holder Matters.16
         Distribution History.................................................17
         Year 2000 Information................................................18

IV.  SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION...........................................19

V.  FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES...........................................20

VI.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS .......................................................21

VII.  LIMITED PARTNERS CONSENT PROCEDURE......................................22
         Distribution of Solicitation Materials...............................22
         Voting Procedures and Consents.......................................22
         Completion Instructions..............................................23
         Withdrawal and Change of Election Rights.............................23
         No Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal...................................23
         Solicitation of Consents.............................................24

VIII.  IMPORTANT NOTE.........................................................24



Annex A  -   Fairness Opinion of Robert A. Stanger & Co., Inc.

Annex B  - The Partnership's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
           ended December 31, 1997. 
Annex C  - The Partnership's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter 
           ended June 30, 1998.


                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

         REAL-Equity  Partners is subject to the  informational  requirements of
the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange  Act"),  and in
accordance therewith files reports,  consent  solicitation  statements and other
information with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission"). Such
reports,  consent  solicitation  statements and other information filed with the
Commission  can be  inspected  and  copied at the  public  reference  facilities
maintained by the Commission at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street,  N.W.,  Washington,
D.C. 20549, and at the Commission's Regional Offices,  Seven World Trade Center,
13th Floor,  New York,  New York 10048 and  Citicorp  Center,  500 West  Madison
Street, Suite 1400, Chicago,  Illinois 60661-2511.  In addition,  the Commission
maintains a site on the World Wide Web  portion of the  Internet  that  contains
reports,  proxy  and  information  statements  and other  information  regarding
registrants that file  electronically  with the Commission.  The address of such
site is  Copies of the latest Annual Report on Form 10-K and
Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q may also be obtained from NAPICO without  charge.
All  requests  should be made in writing  to  National  Partnership  Investments
Corp.,  9090 Wilshire  Boulevard,  Suite 201, Beverly Hills,  California  90211;
Attention: Investor Services; Telephone 800-666-6274.


         The following  documents  filed with the Commission by the  Partnership
are incorporated by reference in this Consent Solicitation Statement:

         Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Partnership for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1997.

         Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Partnership for the quarter ended
June 30, 1998.

         Current Report on Form 8-K of the Partnership dated March 9, 1998.

         Any statement contained in a document  incorporated by reference herein
shall be deemed to be  modified  or  superseded  for  purposes  of this  Consent
Solicitation  Statement to the extent that a statement contained herein modifies
or supersedes such statement. Any such statement so modified or superseded shall
not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this
Consent Solicitation Statement.

         No  person  is  authorized  to give  any  information  or to  make  any
representation  not  contained  in  this  Consent   Solicitation   Statement  in
connection with the solicitation of proxies made hereby,  and, if given or made,
any such information or representation  should not be relied upon as having been
authorized by the Partnership or any other person.  The delivery of this Consent
Solicitation   Statement  shall  not,  under  any   circumstances,   create  any
implication that there has been no change in the information set forth herein or
in the affairs of the  Partnership  since the date of this Consent  Solicitation



         The  following  summary is intended to provide only  highlights  of the
materials contained in this Consent Solicitation Statement.  This summary is not
intended to be a complete  statement  of all  material  features of the proposed
Sale and is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed information contained
herein.  Cross  references  in the  summary  are to the  indicated  captions  or
portions of this Consent Solicitation Statement.

The Partnership

         REAL-Equity Partners is a California limited  partnership,  the general
partners  of which are  National  Partnership  Investments  Corp.  and  National
Partnership Investments Associates II, a California limited partnership.

         The Partnership holds title to five Properties.  Each of the Properties
is a  conventional  multi-unit  apartment  complex.  The  mortgage on one of the
Properties  is insured by HUD.  During the period for which the  mortgage  is so
insured,  its rents will be subject to regulation by HUD. Four of the Properties
are located in California and one is located in Nevada.  See "THE  PARTNERSHIP -
The Properties."

         The Partnership  maintains offices at 9090 Wilshire Boulevard,  Beverly
Hills,  California  90211  (310-278-2191).  The  Partnership  was organized as a
California limited partnership on September 9, 1981. See "THE PARTNERSHIP."

The Sale

         The  Partnership  proposes to sell the  Properties  to the Buyers for a
Purchase Price of $31,900,000. Under the terms of the Partnership Agreement, the
Sale will result in the dissolution of the  Partnership.  It is the intention of
the Managing General Partner to liquidate the Partnership in accordance with its
Amended and  Restated  Certificate  and  Agreement of Limited  Partnership  (the
"Partnership Agreement") following the consummation of the Sale.

         Neither the Partnership nor the Managing  General Partner is affiliated
with the  Buyers.  The  address of JH Real  Estate  Partners,  Inc.  is 600 City
Parkway West, Suite 730, Orange,  California 92862,  Attention:  Hugo F. Aviles,
714-712-9400.  The address of American Apartment  Communities III, Inc. is 21 W.
Broad Street, 11th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, 614-220-8900.

         The aggregate consideration for the Properties is $31,900,000,  and the
assumption of the mortgage indebtedness encumbering the Arbor Glen Property. The
Sale will enable the  Partnership to pre-pay or assign all of the $14,443,323 of
mortgage indebtedness  encumbering the Properties.  The net proceeds of the Sale
will be distributed to the Limited and General  Partners in accordance  with the
cash   distribution   provisions  of  the   Partnership   Agreement.   See  "THE
SALE--Distribution  of Sale  Proceeds"  for a summary  of the cash  distribution
rules applicable to such distributions. Limited Partners are expected to receive
a distribution of approximately  $552 in cash per unit. The units (the "Units"),
each of which represents one limited partnership interest,  were originally sold
for $1,000 per Unit. All of the  Partnership's  expenses  incurred in connection
with the Sale will be borne by the Partnership.

         The  distribution  of $552 per Unit is  anticipated to be sufficient to
pay the federal and state income taxes that would be due in connection  with the
Sale,  assuming that Limited Partners have suspended  passive losses of $297 per
Unit from the  Partnership  that could be deducted in full  against such Limited
Partners'  ordinary  income and  assuming  such Limited  Partner has  sufficient
taxable income taxed at federal tax rates of 39.6% on ordinary income and 25% on
long-term  capital gain  attributable to depreciation (and assuming an effective
5% state tax). For Limited Partners who do not have sufficient taxable income to
be taxed at a 39.6% marginal  federal rate or who have other losses available to
deduct against their taxable  income and therefore  could not fully utilize such
suspended passive losses to offset their ordinary income,  the Sale could result
in a lower net cash distribution. For Limited


Partners  who have been able to use all of the passive  losses  generated by the
Partnership  on  a  current  basis,  the  Sale  should  result  in  a  net  cash
distribution of $516 per Unit after payment of their tax liability. Each Limited
Partner is urged to consult his, her or its own tax advisor for a more  detailed
explanation of the specific tax  consequences  to such Limited  Partner from the

         Under  the  terms of the  Partnership  Agreement,  the  Partnership  is
obligated to pay the Managing General Partner a fee for services rendered to the
Partnership  in  connection  with  the  selection,   purchase,  development  and
management of the Properties (the "Deferred  Acquisition  Fee"). The Partnership
Agreement provides that distributions of the Deferred Acquisition Fee will cease
upon the  distribution  made with  respect  to the 15th year of the  Partnership
term, which the Partnership  Agreement  states commenced  September 9, 1981 with
the filing of the Partnership's Certificate and Agreement of Limited Partnership
with the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. However, it is the position
of the Managing  General  Partner that the  Partnership's  term did not commence
until the  admission of Limited  Partners in connection  with the  Partnership's
offering of Units through E.F. Hutton and, as a result, remains due and payable.
Although the Managing  General Partner believes that the Partnership is required
to pay the Deferred  Acquisition  Fee in connection with the Sale, it is seeking
the consent of the  Limited  Partners to the payment of such Fee. As of December
31,  1997,  a Deferred  Acquisition  Fee of $735,685  was due and payable to the
Managing  General Partner.  The payment of the Deferred  Acquisition Fee will be
paid out of the  proceeds  of the Sale and will  reduce  the  Limited  Partners'
distributions  from $576 to $552 per Unit. The Managing General Partner requests
that  Limited  Partners  approve  both the Sale and the payment of the  Deferred
Acquisition  Fee.  Approval  of the  proposed  Sale will be  deemed  to  include
approval of the Deferred  Acquisition Fee. If approved,  NAPICO and NPIA II, the
General Partners,  will be entitled to receive  distributions in connection with
the Sale of $910,252 in the aggregate.

         The Sale,  including  payment of the  Deferred  Acquisition  Fee to the
Managing General Partner, is conditioned upon approval of a majority-in-interest
of the Limited Partners of the Partnership.

Potential Benefits of the Sale

         The  Managing  General  Partner  believes  that the Sale  achieves  the
Partnership's investment objectives for the following reasons:

         o    Receipt of Cash.  The Sale will result in a cash  distribution  of
              $552 per Unit to Limited Partners,  which amount is anticipated to
              be sufficient to pay any federal and state income taxes that would
              be payable in connection with the Sale,  assuming (i) that Limited
              Partners have  suspended  passive losses of $297 per Unit from the
              Partnership;  (ii)  that  such  losses  are  available  to  offset
              ordinary income taxed at the 39.6% marginal federal rate and (iii)
              federal  and state  effective  capital  gains rates of 25% and 5%,
              respectively.  For a discussion of the bases of these assumptions,
              see  "FEDERAL  INCOME  TAX  CONSEQUENCES."  If  the  Sale  is  not
              completed,  there can be no assurance that the Partnership will be
              able to  make  distributions  at the  current  rate  or  that  the
              Partnership will be able to make any future distributions.

         o    Third  Party  Fairness  Opinion.  Robert A.  Stanger  & Co.,  Inc.
              ("Stanger"),  an  independent,  nationally  recognized real estate
              investment  banking firm,  has been engaged by the  Partnership to
              render an opinion (the "Fairness  Opinion") to the  Partnership as
              to the  fairness,  from a  financial  point  of view,  to  Limited
              Partners of the Purchase  Price to be received by the  Partnership
              for the  Properties  in the Sale.  Stanger has  conducted  certain
              reviews  described  herein  and  has  concluded,  subject  to  the
              assumptions,  qualifications  and  limitations  contained  in  its
              opinion, that the Purchase Price to be received for the Properties
              in the Sale is fair,  from a financial  point of view,  to Limited
              Partners. See "THE SALE-- Fairness Opinion."

         o    Eliminating  the  Risks  of  Real  Estate   Investing.   Continued
              ownership of the Properties  subjects the Partnership to continued
              risks  inherent in real  estate  ownership,  such as national  and
              local economic


              trends,  supply and demand factors in the local  property  market,
              the cost of operating and  maintaining  the physical  condition of
              the  Properties  and the cost and  availability  of financing  for
              prospective  buyers of the  Properties.  No assurance can be given
              that a  prospective  buyer would be willing to pay an amount equal
              to or greater than the Purchase  Price for the  Properties  in the

         o    Attractive Sale Terms.  The Managing General Partner believes that
              the  Purchase  Price  for the  Properties  is fair to the  Limited
              Partners and, based on its experience in the real estate industry,
              believes that it exceeds the price that the  Partnership  would be
              likely to receive in a sale to a third party or parties.

         o    Reduced Transaction Costs. The Partnership will not be required to
              pay brokerage commissions in connection with the Sale, which would
              typically be paid when selling real property to third parties.  As
              a result, the Sale is likely to produce a higher cash distribution
              to Limited Partners than a comparable sale to another unaffiliated
              third party. In addition,  the Managing  General Partner  believes
              that selling the Partnership's  portfolio of real estate assets in
              a single  transaction (as opposed to a series of individual sales)
              will  enable the  Partnership  to dispose of its  portfolio  in an
              expedited  time  frame and  provide  additional  transaction  cost
              savings,  although the Partnership will pay certain expenses, such
              as the costs of  environmental  inspections  and costs relating to
              proxy  solicitation and fairness opinions which may be higher than
              comparable  expenses in a  transaction  with another  unaffiliated
              third party. See "THE SALE--  Transaction Costs" for a schedule of
              the costs the  Partnership is expected to incur in connection with
              the Sale.

Potential Adverse Effects of the Sale

         Limited Partners should also consider the following risk factors in
determining whether to approve or disapprove the Sale:

         o    Loss of Opportunity to Benefit from Future Events.  It is possible
              that the future performance of the Properties will improve or that
              prospective  buyers may be willing to pay more for the  Properties
              in the future.  It is possible that Limited  Partners might earn a
              higher  return on their  investment  if the  Partnership  retained
              ownership  of the  Properties.  By  approving  the  Sale,  Limited
              Partners  will  also be  foregoing  certain  current  benefits  of
              ownership of the Properties, such as continuing distributions. See
              "THE SALE -- Background and Reasons for the Sale."

         o    No  Solicitation  of Third  Party  Offers.  The  Managing  General
              Partner has not solicited offers from third parties to acquire the
              Properties.  There  is no  assurance  that  the  Managing  General
              Partner  would not be able to obtain  higher or better  offers for
              the   Properties  if  such  offers  were  to  be  solicited   from
              independent third parties.

         o    Tax  Consequences.  The Sale  will have a tax  impact  on  Limited
              Partners, producing a long-term capital gain of approximately $536
              per Unit.  In  addition,  the Sale will  produce  ordinary  income
              attributable    to   accelerated    depreciation    recapture   of
              approximately  $16 per Unit.  For Limited  Partners  who have been
              able to use all of the passive losses generated by the Partnership
              on  a  current  basis,  the  Sale  should  result  in a  net  cash
              distribution   of  $384  per  Unit  after  payment  of  their  tax
              liability.   Limited  Partners  who  have  available  all  of  the
              suspended  passive losses generated by the Partnership,  but whose
              ordinary  income is not taxed at the 39.6% marginal  federal rate,
              may receive a lower net cash  distribution made in connection with
              the Sale.  For a discussion of the tax impact of the Sale, and the
              Partnership's  assumptions  and the bases  therefor,  see "FEDERAL


         o    No  Dissenter's  Rights.  Under  the  Partnership   Agreement  and
              California law, Limited Partners do not have dissenters' rights of

Limited Partner Approval

         The  Managing  General  Partner is seeking  the  consent of the Limited
Partners to the Sale. If a  majority-in-interest  of the Limited Partners do not
approve the Sale, there will be no change in its investment objectives, policies
and  restrictions and the Partnership will continue to be operated in accordance
with the terms of the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership will bear the costs
of the  consent  solicitation  process  whether or not the Sale is  approved  or
ultimately consummated.

Third-Party Opinion

         The  Partnership  has obtained from Stanger,  a recognized  independent
real estate  investment  banking firm, an opinion that the Purchase  Price to be
received  by the  Partnership  for  the  Properties  in the  Sale is fair to the
Limited  Partners from a financial point of view. In the course of preparing its
Fairness Opinion,  Stanger  conducted such reviews as it deemed  appropriate and
discussed its  methodology,  analysis and conclusions  with the Managing General
Partner.  The  Fairness  Opinion,  which  is  subject  to  certain  assumptions,
qualifications and limitations,  is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Stanger has no
obligation  to update the Fairness  Opinion on the basis of  subsequent  events.
Stanger will be paid an aggregate fee by the Partnership of $55,500, plus $4,100
per Property, or an aggregate of approximately  $76,000. No portion of Stanger's
fee is  contingent  upon  consummation  of the Sale.  See "THE  SALE--  Fairness
Opinion" and "--Potential Adverse Effects of the Sale--No Appraisals;  Limits on
Fairness Opinion."

Recommendation of the Managing General Partner; Fairness

         The  Managing  General  Partner  believes  that the Sale is fair from a
financial  point of view and in the best interests of the Limited  Partners.  In
addition, the Managing General Partner reviewed (but did not specifically adopt)
the Fairness Opinion. Accordingly, the Managing General Partner has approved the
Sale and recommends that it be approved by the Limited Partners.


Summary Financial Information

         The  following  table  sets forth  selected  historical  financial  and
operating data of the  Partnership for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1997,
1996, 1995, 1994, 1993 and for the six months ended June 30, 1998. The following
information  should be read in conjunction with the Partnership's  Annual Report
on Form 10-K and  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q,  which are attached  hereto as
Annexes B and C, respectively.

         The selected historical financial and operating data of the Partnership
for the six-month periods ended June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1997 are derived from
unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements of the Partnership  which, in the
opinion of the Managing  General  Partner,  include all adjustments  (consisting
only of normal recurring items unless otherwise  disclosed) necessary for a fair
presentation of the Partnership's  financial position and results of operations.
The results set forth for the six-month periods ended June 30, 1998 and June 30,
1997 are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected for a full year.

                                              Year Ended December 31,                          Six Months Ended June 30,
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------
                            1997          1996          1995         1994          1993          1998           1997
                        ------------- -------------  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------

Interest Income         $             $              $           $              $             $             $
                             105,777        89,711        49,476       37,710        12,779        28,185          75,391
Operating Expenses           355,249       158,460       185,584      226,208       353,825       156,240         131,802
                        ------------- -------------  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------
Income (Loss) from         (249,472)      (68,749)     (136,108)    (188,498)     (341,046)     (128,055)        (56,411)
                        ------------- -------------  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------------

Rental Operations
Revenues                   4,925,227     4,935,895     5,486,329    5,678,656     5,463,671     2,530,407       2,427,278
Expenses                   4,921,727     4,942,160     5,675,071    6,514,923     5,402,010     4,177,214       2,491,664

                        ------------- -------------  -------------------------  ------------
Income (Loss) from             3,500       (6,265)     (188,742)    (836,267)        61,661     (107,362)        (64,386)
Gain on Foreclosure         --             259,088       --          --             --            --             --
  Rental Property

Net Income (Loss)       $   (245,972) $     184,074  $  (324,850)$ (1,024,765)  $  (279,385)  $  (235,417)  $    (120,797)
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Net Income (Loss)       
  allocated to          
  Limited Partners      $(243,512)    $     182,234  $  (321,601)$ (1,014,517)  $  (276,591)  $  (233,063)  $    (119,589)
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Net Income (Loss)       
per Limited
Interest                $         (8) $          6   $      (11) $       (34)   $       (9)   $       (8)   $         (4)
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Total assets            $ 20,791,123  $  22,049,995  $ 26,365,792 $ 26,668,029  $ 27,182,103  $ 20,296,242  $   21,281,493
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Mortgage Notes          
Payable                 $ 14,443,323  $ 14,064,914   $17,747,363  $17,959,940   $15,517,461   $14,320,565   $  14,562,880
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Cash Distribution       
per Limited             
Interest                $      20.00  $      10.00   $   --        $    15.00   $     10.00   $      5.00   $       10.00
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Partners' Equity        $   4,562,631 $   6,309,459  $  6,425,385  $ 6,750,235  $  8,225,000  $  4,177,214  $    5,021,140
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Limited Partners'       
  Equity                $  6,184,431  $  7,027,943   $ 7,145,709 $  7,467,310   $ 8,931,827   $ 5,801,369   $   6,608,354
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Limited Partners'       
Equity per                                                      
Limited Partnership
Interest                $        206  $        234   $        238 $       249   $       298   $       193   $         220
                        ============= =============  =========================  ============  ============  ==============

Transaction Expenses

         The  Partnership  will  bear its  direct  costs  relating  to the Sale,
including  customary  closing  costs  such  as the  seller's  portion  of  title
insurance  and escrow  fees,  and the costs  incurred  in  connection  with this
solicitation of consents.  The aggregate  amount of such costs is expected to be
approximately  $247,000,  which  the  Partnership  expects  to  pay  using  cash
equivalents held by the Partnership.  The transaction costs will be borne by the
Partnership  as they are  incurred,  whether or not the Sale is  approved by the
Limited Partners or ultimately consummated.

         The Managing  General  Partner  believes  that,  under the terms of the
Partnership  Agreement,  the  Partnership  is obligated to the Managing  General
Partner  for  the  Deferred   Acquisition  Fee  for  services  rendered  to  the
Partnership  in  connection  with  the  selection,   purchase,  development  and
management of the Properties.  As of December 31, 1997, $735,685 of the Deferred
Acquisition  Fee was due and payable to the  Managing  General  Partner,  all of
which will be paid out of the proceeds of the Sale.

Voting Procedures

         This  Consent  Solicitation  Statement  outlines the  procedures  to be
followed by Limited  Partners in order to consent to the Sale. A form of Consent
of Limited Partner (a "Consent") is attached  hereto.  These  procedures must be
strictly  followed in order for the  instructions of a Limited Partner as marked
on such Limited Partner's Consent to be effective. The following is a summary of
certain of these procedures:

         1. A Limited  Partner may make his or her  election on the Consent only
during the  solicitation  period  commencing  upon the date of  delivery of this
Consent  Solicitation   Statement  and  continuing  until  the  earlier  of  (i)
___________,  1998  or such  later  date as may be  determined  by the  Managing
General  Partner  and (ii) the date upon  which  the  Managing  General  Partner
determines that a Majority Vote has been obtained (the "Solicitation Period").

         2. Limited  Partners are encouraged to return a properly  completed and
executed  Consent  in the  enclosed  envelope  prior  to the  expiration  of the
Solicitation Period.

         3. A Consent delivered by a Limited Partner may be changed prior to the
expiration  of the  Solicitation  Period  by  delivering  to the  Partnership  a
substitute  Consent,  properly  completed and  executed,  together with a letter
indicating that the Limited Partner's prior Consent has been revoked.

         4. The Sale and each of the proposed  Amendment are being  submitted to
the Limited Partners as separate resolutions.  Limited Partners must approve the
proposed Sale and the proposed  Amendment in order to allow  consummation of the

         5. A Limited Partner  submitting a signed but unmarked  Consent will be
deemed to have voted FOR the Partnership's participation in the Sale.


Background and Reasons for the Sale

         On  July  29,  1998,  the  Partnership  filed  a  preliminary   consent
solicitation  statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission  regarding a
proposed sale of the Properties to an affiliate of the Managing  General Partner
for a purchase price of  $24,876,300,  $10,432,977 of which was to be payable in
cash and $14,443,323 through the assumption of certain mortgage indebtedness.


         On  August  14,  1998,  JH  Real  Estate  Partners,  Inc.  of  Anaheim,
California  contacted the  Partnership  to express its interest in acquiring the
Properties.  After  satisfactorily  demonstrating  its  ability to  finance  the
proposed  transaction,  JH Real Estate Partners commenced a due diligence review
of the  Properties.  As of  September  25, 1998,  the  affiliate of the Managing
General Partners  withdrew its offer of $24,876,300 and the Partnership  entered
into a purchase  and sale  agreement  with the Buyers  that  included a purchase
price of  $31,900,000.  The terms of the Sale were  determined  in  arm's-length
negotiations between the Partnership and the Buyers. Consummation of the Sale is
subject to the approval of a majority-in-interest of the Limited Partners.

         The Managing  General Partner believes that it is in the best interests
of the  Partnership to sell its interests in the  Properties.  Limited  Partners
realized  an  aggregate  of  approximately  $24.00 per Unit in  current  passive
activity  rental  losses  for  1997.  In  addition,  Limited  Partners  realized
approximately $4.29 per Unit in interest income for 1997.

         Pursuant  to the  terms of the  Partnership  Agreement,  the Sale  will
result in the dissolution of the Partnership.

Acquisition Agreement

         The Partnership has entered into a purchase and sale agreement with the
Buyers.  The purchase  and sale  agreement  sets forth the terms and  conditions
under which the  Partnership  and the Buyers are  obligated  to proceed with the
Sale and sets forth certain other agreements of such parties with respect to the

         Consideration.  The purchase and sale agreement provides for a purchase
price of $31,000,000 for the Properties.

         Representations  and  Warranties.  The  Partnership  has not  made  any
representations  and warranties to the Buyers in the purchase and sale agreement
with  respect to the  Properties,  and the  Properties  will be sold "as is." In
addition,  the Buyers will assume certain  mortgage  indebtedness  in connection
with the Sale.

         Conditions.  The  purchase  and sale  agreement  includes  a number  of
conditions  to the Buyer's  obligation  to  consummate  the Sale,  including the
receipt of any  required  third-party  consents to the Sale and that no material
adverse change shall have occurred with respect to a Property.

         Amendment  and  Closing.  The  Partnership  and the Buyers may mutually
agree to amend the terms of the purchase and sale  agreement in a manner  which,
in the good faith judgment of the Managing General Partner  (consistent with the
Managing  General  Partner's  fiduciary duty to the  Partnership and the Limited
Partners), does not materially reduce the benefits to be received by the Limited
Partners from the Sale without resoliciting the consent of the Limited Partners.
Approval of the proposed Sale by the Limited  Partners will be deemed to include
authorization  of the Managing  General  Partner to (i) execute on behalf of the
Partnership such amendments,  instruments and documents as shall be necessary to
effectuate  the Sale, and (ii) make  modifications  to the terms of the proposed
Sale that, in good faith determination of the managing General Partners,  are in
the best  interests  of the Limited  Partners.  If the closing does not occur by
December 31, 1998 the purchase and sale agreement will be terminated.


Transaction Costs

         The  transaction  costs  incurred in  connection  with the Sale will be
borne  by the  Partnership  as they  are  incurred,  whether  or not the Sale is
approved by the Limited Partners or ultimately consummated. The Managing General
Partner estimates that the transaction costs will be as follows:

  Accounting ..............................................            $  50,000
  Legal ...................................................               50,000
  Escrow Costs (seller's portion)..........................               25,000
  Title Policy (seller's portion)..........................               35,000
  Stanger Fairness Opinion.................................               76,000
  Consent Solicitation Costs...............................                6,000
  Miscellaneous Costs......................................                5,000
  Total....................................................            $ 247,000

         The General  Partners  will  receive a  distribution  of  approximately
$174,567 for their  interests in the  Partnership  in connection  with the Sale,
plus $735,685 in consideration of the Deferred Acquisition Fee.

Distribution of Sale Proceeds; Accounting Treatment

         Following the Sale it is  anticipated  that the  Partnership's  affairs
will be wound up and the  Partnership  will be liquidated.  After the payment of
all liabilities and expenses,  the  consideration  to be paid to the Partnership
for the Properties will be allocated and  distributed  among Limited and General
Partners  in  accordance  with  the cash  distribution  rules  set  forth in the
Partnership Agreement.  Pursuant to the Partnership Agreement,  net distribution
proceeds are distributable as follows:

         o    Proceeds  from  the  liquidation  of  the  partnership   shall  be
              distributed  first  to  creditors  in the  order  of  priority  as
              provided for by law,  second to the setting up of such reserves as
              the General Partners deem necessary,  and third to the Limited and
              General  Partners  as set forth  below:  (a) first to the  General
              Partners  in an  amount  equal  to any  fees  owed to the  General
              Partners  under the  Partnership  Agreement that have not yet been
              paid, including the Deferred Acquisition Fee; (b) next, 99% to the
              Limited  Partners and 1% to the General Partners until the Limited
              Partners have received an amount equal to their  adjusted  capital
              accounts  plus an  amount  equal  to a  cumulative  non-compounded
              6%annual return on their aggregate  adjusted capital accounts from
              time to time (which  annual  return  shall,  with  respect to each
              Limited Partner, be calculated  commencing with the fiscal quarter
              after  termination  of the  offering,  and shall be reduced by any
              cash distributions actually distributed to such Limited Partner or
              predecessor in interest);  and (c) the balance, if any, 85% to the
              Limited Partners and 15% to the General Partners:  provided,  that
              upon dissolution of the Partnership,  such balance,  if any, shall
              be distributed to the Limited Partners and the General Partners in
              proportion to their respective positive account balances.

         Based on the distribution  priority in the Partnership  Agreement,  and
assuming the net proceeds of the Sale are $16,720,992, the Limited Partners will
be entitled to receive  $16,553,782 in cash ($552 per Unit).  NAPICO and NPIA II
will be  entitled  to  receive a  distribution  in  connection  with the Sale of
$174,567.  In addition,  the Partnership will pay, using available cash on hand,
approximately  $736,000 to the Managing  General  Partner in connection with the
unpaid Deferred  Acquisition  Fee. The Deferred  Acquisition Fee is for services
rendered  to  the  Partnership  in  connection  with  the  selection,  purchase,
development and management of the Properties. The


Partnership will also distribute any cash reserves remaining after winding down
its operations and liquidating after the Sale. Such reserves are expected to be

Fairness Opinion

         Stanger,  an  independent  investment  banking firm, was engaged by the
Managing  General  Partner to conduct an analysis and to render an opinion as to
whether the Purchase Price to be paid to the  Partnership  for the Properties in
the Sale is fair, from a financial point of view, to the Limited  Partners.  The
Managing General Partner selected Stanger because of its experience in providing
similar services to other parties in connection with real estate merger and sale
transactions  and Stanger's  experience and  reputation in connection  with real
estate partnerships and real estate assets. No other investment banking firm was
engaged to provide, or has provided, any report, analysis or opinion relating to
the fairness of the Sale.

         Stanger has advised the Partnership  that,  subject to the assumptions,
limitations and qualifications  contained in its Fairness Opinion,  the Purchase
Price to be paid to the  Partnership  for the Properties in the proposed Sale is
fair, from a financial point of view, to the Limited Partners.  The full text of
the Fairness Opinion, which contains a description of the matters considered and
the assumptions,  limitations and qualifications made, is set forth as Exhibit A
hereto and should be read in its entirety. The summary set forth herein does not
purport  to be a complete  description  of the  review  performed  by Stanger in
rendering  the  Fairness  Opinion.  Arriving at a fairness  opinion is a complex
process not necessarily  susceptible to partial  analysis or amenable to summary

         Except for  certain  assumptions  described  more fully below which the
Partnership advised Stanger that it would be reasonable to make, the Partnership
imposed no conditions or limitations on the scope of Stanger's  investigation or
the methods and procedures to be followed in rendering the Fairness Opinion. See
"--  Fairness  Opinion --  Assumptions,  Limitations  and  Qualifications."  The
Partnership has agreed to indemnify Stanger against certain  liabilities arising
out of Stanger's engagement to prepare and deliver the Fairness Opinion.

         Experience. Since its founding in 1978, Stanger and its affiliates have
provided  information,  research,  investment banking and consulting services to
clients  located  throughout the United States,  including  major New York Stock
Exchange member firms,  insurance companies and over 70 companies engaged in the
management and operation of partnerships and real estate investment  trusts. The
investment banking activities of Stanger include financial advisory and fairness
opinion services, asset and securities valuations, industry and company research
and analysis,  litigation support and expert witness services, and due diligence
investigations in connection with both publicly  registered and privately placed
securities transactions.

         Stanger,  as part of its  investment  banking  business,  is  regularly
engaged in the valuation of businesses and their  securities in connection  with
mergers, acquisitions,  reorganizations and for estate, tax, corporate and other
purposes.   Stanger's  valuation  practice  principally  involves  partnerships,
partnership securities and the assets typically held through partnerships,  such
as real estate,  oil and gas reserves,  cable  television  systems and equipment
leasing assets. Stanger was selected because of its experience and reputation in
connection  with real estate  partnerships,  real estate  assets and mergers and

         Summary of Materials Considered. In the course of Stanger's analysis to
render its opinion,  Stanger reviewed:  (i) a draft of this Consent Solicitation
Statement  in  substantially  the form  which  will be  distributed  to  Limited
Partners; (ii) the Partnership's annual reports on Form 10-K for the years ended
December 31, 1995, 1996 and 1997 and the Partnership's  quarterly report on Form
10-Q  for  the  six-month   period  ended  June  30,  1998,  which  reports  the
Partnership's  management  has  indicated  to  be  the  most  current  available
financial statements;  (iii) descriptive  information  concerning the Properties
provided by management,  including location,  number of units and unit mix, age,
and amenities;  (iv) summary historical  operating statements for the Properties
for the years ended December 31, 1995,  1996 and 1997 and  year-to-date  through
September  1998; (v) operating  budgets for the Properties for 1998, as prepared
by the Managing General Partner;  (vi) information regarding market rental rates
and  conditions  for  apartment  properties  in the  general  market area of the
Properties and other information relating


to  acquisition  criteria for  apartment  properties;  (vii) the  February  1998
Property  appraisals;  (viii) a schedule of projected  capital  expenditures and
deferred  maintenance  for the  Properties  as prepared by the Managing  General
Partner; (ix) a draft of the purchase and sale agreement between the Partnership
and the Buyers in  substantially  final form;  and (x) conducted  other studies,
analysis and inquiries as Stanger deemed appropriate.

         In addition,  Stanger  discussed with management of the Partnership and
the Managing  General  Partner the market  conditions for apartment  properties,
conditions in the market for  sales/acquisitions  of properties similar to those
owned by the  Partnership,  historical,  current and  projected  operations  and
performance  of  the  Properties,  the  physical  condition  of  the  Properties
including any deferred  maintenance,  and other factors influencing value of the
Properties. Stanger also performed site inspections of the Properties,  reviewed
local real estate  market  conditions,  and discussed  with property  management
personnel conditions in local apartment rental markets and market conditions for
sales and acquisitions of properties similar to the Properties.

         Summary of Reviews.  The following is a summary of the material reviews
conducted by Stanger in connection with and in support of its Fairness  Opinion.
The summary of the  opinion  and  reviews of Stanger  set forth in this  Consent
Solicitation  Statement  is  qualified  in its entirety by reference to the full
text of such opinion.

         In preparing its Fairness  Opinion,  Stanger performed site inspections
of the Properties  during  December 1997. In the course of the site visits,  the
physical  facilities  of  the  Properties  were  observed,  current  rental  and
occupancy  information  for the Properties  were obtained,  current local market
conditions were reviewed,  a sample of similar  properties were identified,  and
local property management  personnel were interviewed  concerning the Properties
and local market  conditions.  Stanger also reviewed and relied upon information
provided by the Partnership and the Managing General Partner, including, but not
limited  to,  financial  schedules  of  historical  and  current  rental  rates,
occupancies,  income,  expenses,  reserve  requirements,  cash flow and  related
financial information;  property descriptive information including unit mix; and
information  relating to any  required  capital  expenditures  and any  deferred

         Stanger  also  reviewed   historical   operating   statements  for  the
Properties for 1995,  1996, 1997 and  year-to-date  through  September 1998, the
operating budget for 1998 for each Property, as prepared by the Managing General
Partner and discussed  with  management  the current and  anticipated  operating
results of the Properties.

         In  addition,   Stanger   interviewed   management   personnel  of  the
Partnership.  Such  interviews  included  discussions of conditions in the local
market, economic and development trends affecting the Properties, historical and
budgeted  operating  revenues  and  expenses  and  occupancies  and the physical
condition  of the  Properties  (including  any  deferred  maintenance  and other
factors affecting the physical condition of the improvements), projected capital
expenditures and building improvements, and expectations of management regarding
the impact of various  regulatory  factors and proposed changes on the operating
results of the Properties.

         Stanger  also  reviewed  the  acquisition  criteria  used by owners and
investors  in the  type of  real  estate  owned  by the  Partnership,  utilizing
available   published   information  and  information  derived  from  interviews
conducted by Stanger with various real estate owners and investors.

         Summary of Analysis.  Based in part on the above reviews,  Stanger then
performed a discounted  cash flow analysis (a "DCF Analysis") of the Properties.
The DCF Analysis involved the following steps.

         During its site visits to each Property, Stanger conducted local market
research, including the identification and assessment of relative quality (e.g.,
condition,  location amenities,  etc.) of similar multi-family properties in the
competitive  market  area of each  Property  and the  collection  of rental rate
information  for various  apartment unit sizes (e.g.,  efficiency,  one-bedroom,
two-bedroom,   etc.)  for  such  Properties.   In  addition,   Stanger  reviewed
information  provided by the  Managing  General  Partner and  management  of the
Properties  concerning  the terms of the HUD rental  rate  restrictions  and the
rental rates allowed for each type of apartment for the single Property  subject
to such HUD rental rate restrictions.


         Utilizing the above information, Stanger determined the gross potential
rent for each Property  based on the number and type of apartment  units in each
Property and the estimated  market rental rates the Property would likely obtain
based on review of the rates  charged at similar  properties in the local market
and  considering  the current HUD rental rate  restrictions  at the one Property
subject to such restrictions.

         Stanger also reviewed  historical  and budgeted gross income and income
from  ancillary  sources for each  Property in the  portfolio in light of market
trends and competitive  conditions in each Property's local market. Stanger also
reviewed  summary  information  concerning  occupancy  rates  for  each  of  the

         After  assessing the above factors,  Stanger  estimated each Property's
effective  gross income based upon estimated  gross potential rent and estimates
of ancillary  income and occupancy.  Expenses were estimated based on historical
and  budgeted  operating  expenses,  discussions  with  management,  and certain
industry expense information.  Estimated property operating expenses,  including
recurring replacement  reserves,  were then deducted from effective gross income
to arrive at each Property's  estimated net operating income.  Expenses relating
solely to investor  reporting and other  expenses not related to the  properties
were excluded from the analysis.

         Stanger then  discounted to present value the estimated cash flows from
the continued  operation of each of the Properties during a holding period equal
to ten years.  Income and expense escalators utilized in the analysis were based
on  parameters  cited by investors,  owners and managers of similar  properties,
market factors, and historical and budgeted results for each Property. Effective
rental income escalators  generally ranged from  approximately  3.0% to 3.5% per
year during the holding period.  Effective expense  escalators  generally ranged
from approximately 2.9% to 3.0% per year.

         As part of its DCF Analysis, Stanger then estimated the residual values
of the Properties by utilizing a direct capitalization  technique. The estimated
net  operating  income  after  replacement  reserves  in the  eleventh  year  of
operations was capitalized utilizing terminal  capitalization rates ranging from
9.0% to 10.0% and the  resulting  value was reduced by estimated  sales costs of

         The resulting annual cash flows and the residual value, after deduction
of estimated  costs of sale,  for each Property were then  discounted to present
value assuming the  Properties  were  free-and-clear  of mortgage debt utilizing
discount rates ranging from 11.00% to 12.00%.

         Stanger  observed that the range of estimated value of the portfolio of
Properties  resulting  from the  above-referenced  analysis was  $29,140,000  to
$31,730,000  and that the Purchase Price of $31,900,000  was above this range of
value. The above-referenced value range excludes any reductions in value related
to  capital  expenditure  requirements  to cure  deferred  maintenance.  Stanger
further  observed that the Properties are being sold to the Buyers in an "as is"

         Stanger concluded that the range of estimated value of the portfolio of
Properties  resulting  from the DCF  Analysis  supported  its  opinion as to the
fairness of the Purchase Price from a financial point of view.

         Due to the uncertainty in establishing  many of the values cited above,
Stanger  established a range of estimated values. The estimated values are based
in part on  information  provided  to Stanger in the  context of  rendering  the
fairness  opinion,  and  there  can be no  assurance  that the  same  conditions
analyzed by Stanger in arriving at the estimates cited herein would exist at the
time of consummation of the Sale. In addition,  the estimated values cited above
are based on a variety of assumptions  that relate,  among other things,  to (i)
each Property's revenues, expenses, and cash flow; (ii) the capitalization rates
that would be used by prospective buyers; (iii) ranges of residual values of the
Properties;  (iv) selling costs; and (v) appropriate  discount rates to apply to
estimated  cash flows and residual  values in computing the  discounted  present
value of such cash flows and residual values. Actual results may vary from those
utilized in the above analysis  based on numerous  factors,  including  interest
rate  fluctuations,   changes  in  capitalization   rates  used  by  prospective
purchasers,  tax law changes,  supply/demand  conditions for similar properties,
changes in the availability of capital, changes in the regulations or HUD's


interpretations of existing and/or new regulations relating to the single
Property currently operating under HUD rental rate restrictions.

         Stanger also reviewed the February 1998 Property  appraisals  conducted
by an independent third party.  Stanger observed that the appraised value of the
Properties  was  $27,200,000  and  that  the  appraisals   explicitly   excluded
reductions in value related to capital expenditure requirements to cure deferred
maintenance at the Properties. Stanger further observed that the appraisals were
prepared for the Partnership's  internal asset management  purposes and were not
obtained in connection with the evaluation of the Sale.

         Conclusions.   Stanger  concluded,  based  upon  its  analysis  of  the
foregoing and the assumptions,  qualifications  and limitations stated below, as
of the date of the Fairness  Opinion,  that the Purchase Price to be paid to the
Partnership for the Properties is fair to the Limited  Partners from a financial
point of view.

         Assumptions,  Limitations and Qualifications. In rendering the Fairness
Opinion, Stanger relied upon and assumed, without independent verification,  the
accuracy and  completeness of all financial  information and data, and all other
reports and information contained in this Consent Solicitation Statement or that
were  provided,  made  available,  or otherwise  communicated  to Stanger by the
Partnership,  the  Managing  General  Partner  and/or  its  affiliates,  or  the
management  of  the  Properties.   Stanger  has  not  performed  an  independent
appraisal,  structural or engineering study or environmental study of the assets
and liabilities of the Partnership.  Stanger relied upon the  representations of
the Managing  General  Partner and its  affiliates,  and the  management  of the
Properties  concerning,  among other things,  any environmental  liabilities and
deferred  maintenance and estimated capital  expenditure and replacement reserve
requirements.  Stanger also relied upon the  assurance of the  Partnership,  the
Managing  General  Partner  and  its  affiliates,  and  the  management  of  the
Properties that any financial  statements,  budgets,  capital  expenditures  and
deferred  maintenance  estimates,  mortgage  debt,  value  estimates  and  other
information  contained  in this  Consent  Solicitation  Statement or provided or
communicated  to  Stanger  were  reasonably   prepared  and  adjusted  on  bases
consistent  with actual  historical  experience  and reflect the best  currently
available  estimates  and good faith  judgments;  that no material  changes have
occurred in the value of the Properties or other  information  reviewed  between
the date of such information provided and the date of the Fairness Opinion; that
the  Partnership,  the  Managing  General  Partner and its  affiliates,  and the
management  of the  Properties  are not aware of any  information  or facts that
would cause the  information  supplied to Stanger to be incomplete or misleading
in any material respect;  and that the highest and best use of the Properties is
as improved.

         Stanger was not  requested  to, and  therefore  did not: (i) select the
method of determining  the Purchase Price offered in connection with the Sale or
participate in the  negotiation of the Purchase Price or terms of the Sale; (ii)
make any  recommendation  to the  Partnership  or its  partners  with respect to
whether to approve or reject the proposed  Sale; or (iii) express any opinion as
to (a) the tax  consequences of the proposed Sale to the Limited  Partners,  (b)
the  terms of the  Partnership  Agreement,  or the  terms of any  agreements  or
contracts  between the  Partnership  and the Buyers,  (c) the  Managing  General
Partner's  business  decision to effect the proposed Sale,  (d) any  adjustments
made by the Managing  General Partner to the Purchase Price to determine the net
amounts  distributable  to the Limited  Partners,  including but not limited to,
balance sheet adjustments to reflect the Managing General Partner's  estimate of
the value of current and  projected  net working  capital  balances and cash and
reserve  accounts  (including  debt  service  and  mortgage  escrow  amounts and
operating and replacement reserves and the income therefrom) of the Partnership,
the  payment  of the  Deferred  Acquisition  Fee and  other  expenses  and  fees
associated with the Sale, or (e) alternatives to the proposed Sale.

         Stanger is not  expressing  any opinion as to the fairness of any terms
of the proposed Sale other than the Purchase Price of the Properties paid to the
Partnership.  Stanger's opinion is based on business,  economic, real estate and
capital  market,  and  other  conditions  as of the  date  of its  analysis  and
addresses  the proposed Sale in the context of  information  available as of the
date of its analysis. Events occurring after such date and before the closing of
the proposed Sale of the Properties to the Buyers could affect the Properties or
the  assumptions  used  in  preparing  the  Fairness  Opinion.  Stanger  has  no
obligation to update the Fairness Opinion on the basis of subsequent events.


         In  connection  with  preparing the Fairness  Opinion,  Stanger was not
engaged to, and  consequently  did not, prepare any written report or compendium
of its  analysis  for  internal or external use beyond the analysis set forth in
Exhibit A.

         Compensation and Material  Relationships.  Stanger has been retained by
the Managing General Partner and its affiliates to provide fairness  opinions to
certain partnerships  affiliated with the Managing General Partner in connection
with the formation of a real estate  investment  trust.  Stanger will be paid an
aggregate  fee by the  Partnership  and the  partnerships  participating  in the
formation of the real estate  investment trust of up to approximately  $455,000,
plus  $4,100 per  property  reviewed.  The portion of the fee  allocable  to the
Partnership  with regard to the Sale is approximately  $55,500,  plus $4,100 per
Property,  or an aggregate of  approximately  $76,000.  In addition,  Stanger is
entitled  to  reimbursement  for  reasonable  legal,  travel  and  out-of-pocket
expenses  incurred in making site visits and  preparing  the  Fairness  Opinion,
subject to an aggregate  maximum of up to  approximately  $1,000,  plus $600 per
Property,  and is  entitled  to  indemnification  against  certain  liabilities,
including  certain  liabilities  under  federal  securities  laws. No portion of
Stanger's fee is contingent upon consummation of the Sale.

Recommendation of the Managing General Partner; Fairness

         The recommendation of the Managing General Partner in favor of the Sale
is based  upon its belief  that the Sale is fair to the  Limited  Partners  for,
among  others,  the  following  reasons:  (a) its  belief  that  the  terms  and
conditions of the Sale,  including the Purchase  Price,  are fair to the Limited
Partners of the Partnership;  (b) its belief that the alternatives  available to
the Partnership  are not as attractive to the Limited  Partners as the Sale; (c)
its belief that now may be an  opportune  time for the  Partnership  to sell the
Properties, given current conditions in the real estate and capital markets; and
(d) its belief that the  Purchase  Price  represents  the highest  amount that a
third party would offer the Partnership for the Properties. The Managing General
Partner did not attempt to market the Properties to any third parties.

         The  Purchase  Price of  $31,900,000  was  determined  as a  result  of
arm's-length negotiations and it exceeded the proposed purchase price offered by
affiliates of the Managing General  Partner,  which the Managing General Partner
believed was fair. The Managing General Partner believes that the Purchase Price
is fair and reasonable and exceeds the price that the  Partnership  would likely
receive if the Properties  were to be marketed to a third party or parties.  Due
to changes  in the tax laws  pursuant  to which  losses of the  Partnership  are
treated as passive losses and can only be deducted against passive income,  most
Limited Partners are not realizing  material tax benefits from continuing to own
their limited partnership interests.



         The Partnership is a limited partnership that was formed under the laws
of the State of  California  on September 9, 1981.  On September  27, 1983,  the
Partnership   offered  30,000  Units,   each  Unit  consisting  of  one  limited
partnership interest in the Partnership,  at $1,000 per Unit through an offering
managed by E.F.  Hutton & Company  Inc.  As of May 12,  1998  there were  30,000
limited partnership interests in the Partnership outstanding.

         The Managing General Partner of the Partnership is NAPICO. The business
of the Partnership is conducted primarily by NAPICO. NPIA II is the non-managing
General Partner of the Partnership.  Pursuant to an agreement between NAPICO and
NPIA II, NAPICO has the primary responsibility for the performance of any duties
required to be performed by the General  Partners and, in general,  has sole and
final  discretion to manage and control the business of the Partnership and make
all decisions  relating thereto.  NPIA II has not participated in the management
of the  Partnership,  or in decisions made by the Partnership in connection with
the proposed Sale. NPIA II has not taken a position with respect to the Sale nor
has it participated in the preparation of this Consent  Solicitation  Statement.
The Partnership has no employees of its own.


         Casden  Investment  Corporation owns 100 percent of NAPICO's stock. The
current members of NAPICO's Board of Directors are Charles H.  Boxenbaum,  Bruce
E.  Nelson,  Alan I.  Casden  and Henry C.  Casden.  Alan I.  Casden is the sole
director and  stockholder of Casden  Investment  Corporation  and,  accordingly,
controls NAPICO.

         The original  objectives of the Partnership were to own and operate the
Properties  (and certain other real estate  assets) for  investment so as to (i)
generate  cash  distributions  for  Limited  Partners  from  operations  of  the
Properties,  of which all or a portion  of would be a return of  capital or "tax
sheltered";  (ii) provide protection for the Partnership's  capital investments;
and (iii)  provide  capital  gains  through  appreciation,  and equity  build up
through principal reduction of mortgage loans on the properties over a period of
five to seven years.

         The Partnership holds interests in five Properties,  each of which is a
conventional multi-unit apartment complex. The mortgage on one of the Properties
is insured by HUD.  During the period for which the mortgage is so insured,  its
rents will be subject to regulation by HUD.

         The Properties in which the Partnership has invested  generated  $3,500
in  income  to  the  Partnership  in  1997,  before   Partnership   expenses  of
approximately  $355,249 and interest  income of $105,777.  At December 31, 1997,
the Partnership had a cash reserve of $1,354,289.

The Properties

         During  1997,  all of the  Properties  in  which  the  Partnership  had
invested were  substantially  rented. The following is a schedule of the status,
as of December 31, 1997, of the Properties owned by the Partnership.

                                 No. of                            Percentage of
Name & Location                  Units         Units Occupied       Total Units

Arbor Glenn                     208                  195                    94%
  West Covina, CA
Park Creek                      123                  112                    91%
- - - ----------                      ---                  ---                    ---
  Canoga Park, CA
- - - -----------------
Warner Willows I                 74                   74                   100%
- - - ----------------                 --                   --                   ----
  Woodland Hills, CA
- - - --------------------
Warner Willows II                73                   70                    96%
- - - -----------------                --                   --                    ---
  Woodland Hills, CA
- - - --------------------
Willowbrook Apartments          183                  175                    96%
- - - ----------------------          ---                  ---                    ---
  Reno, NV
- - - ----------
_________________              ____                                       _____
- - - -----------------                                -------                  -----
Total                           661                  626                    95%
- - - -----                         -----                -----                  -----

         The  Properties  range  in age  from 17 to 25  years.  Routine  repair,
maintenance and capital  expenditures made out of operating cash reserves by the
Partnership  amounted to approximately  $1,781,359 in the aggregate for the year
ended December 31 1997. Due to the age of the Properties,  capital  expenditures
are expected to increase  progressively  over the remaining  useful lives of the
Properties.  In addition, recent engineering studies of the Properties performed
by the Managing General Partner indicate that the Properties  require  immediate
capital  expenditures  of  approximately  $3,000,000  in order to  maintain  the
Properties' competitive position their respective markets.

         Each of the five  Properties  is  encumbered  by a mortgage  note.  The
outstanding principal balance as of December 31, 1997 were as follows:


              Arbor Glen                      $ 5,574,398
              Park Creek                        1,280,984
              Warner Willows I                  2,715,447
              Warner Willows II                 2,654,098
              Willowbrook                       2,218,396


         The following is a summary of the operating  budgets for the Properties
for 1998.

                                       Arbor Glen       Park Creek     Warner Willows I    Warner Willows II     Willowbrook
                                       ----------       ----------     ----------------    -----------------     -----------

Gross Potential Income                  $  1,686,600     $   874,704       $     756,660      $       735,060       $1,431,252
Vacancy & Concessions                        (84,330)       (133,387)            (37,836)             (36,753)         (82,761)
Bad Debt Expense                             (15,120)        (14,244)            (13,320)             (22,572)          (8,400)
                                        -------------   -------------       -------------     ----------------     ------------

Net Rental Income                          1,587,150         727,073             705,504              675,735        1,340,091
Total Other Income                            61,704          39,492              17,400               22,980           42,780
                                        -------------   -------------       -------------     ----------------     ------------

Total Revenue                              1,648,854         766,565             722,904              698,715        1,382,871
                                        -------------   -------------       -------------     ----------------     ------------

Payroll                                      127,235         107,294              66,057               65,955          194,093
Utilities                                    166,560          61,716              59,136               54,996          231,269
Grounds and Pool                              98,892          23,460              32,460               28,584           34,750
Repairs and Maintenance                      121,504          63,144              39,693               45,991           60,590
Taxes and Insurance                          205,917         100,058              77,515               74,566          141,884
Rental Expense                                20,304           8,832               6,384                6,384           12,120
General Administrative                       120,612          59,700              51,829               45,616          113,113
                                        -------------   -------------       -------------     ----------------     ------------

Total Operating Expenses                     861,024         424,204             333,074              322,092          787,819
                                        -------------   -------------       -------------     ----------------     ------------

Net Operating Income                         787,830         342,361             389,830              376,623          595,052
Total Capital Expenditures                   172,181          63,690              19,080               19,080          214,601
                                        -------------   -------------       -------------     ----------------     ------------

Net Cash Flow Before Debt-Service            615,649         278,671             370,750              357,543          380,451
Total Debt Service                           548,764         164,051             330,836              319,629          234,842
                                        -------------   -------------       -------------     ----------------     ------------

Net Cash Flow                         $       66,885     $   114,620      $       39,914     $         37,914      $   145,609

                                      ==============     ===========      ==============     ================      ===========

Market for Partnership Interests and Related Security Holder Matters

         Limited  partnership  interests in the Partnership  were sold through a
public  offering  managed by an affiliate of the  predecessor of Lehman Brothers
Inc.,  and are not  traded on a  national  securities  exchange  or  listed  for
quotation on the Nasdaq Stock Market. There is no established trading market for
Units and it is not  anticipated  that any market will  develop for the purchase
and sale of the  Units.  Pursuant  to the  Partnership  Agreement,  Units may be
transferred  only with the  written  consent of the  Managing  General  Partner,
unless the  proposed  transfer is to a member of the family of the  transferring
Limited Partner, a trust set up for the benefit of the Limited Partner's family,
or a  corporation  or other  entity in which the Limited  Partner has a majority
interest.  At June 30, 1998, there were 2,781 registered holders of Units in the
Partnership.  None of the Units are  beneficially  owned by the Managing General
Partner or its affiliates.

         No  established  trading  market  for the  Units was ever  expected  to
develop and the sales transactions for the Units have been limited and sporadic.
On March 9, 1998,  the Limited  Partners  received an  unsolicited  offer from a
third party to purchase up to 3.3% of the outstanding  Units at a purchase price
of  $300.00  per  Unit.  On May 15,  1998,  the  Limited  Partners  received  an
unsolicited  offer from a third party to purchase 4.9% of the outstanding  Units
at a purchase price of $350.00 per Unit.


         The following  table sets forth the quarterly high and low sales prices
for the Units for each  quarterly  period  during the last two years  (including
transfers made in connection with unsolicited tender offers).

                                                High                   Low
Fourth Quarter 1996                             $215.00                $50.00
First Quarter 1997                              $242.00                $176.00
Second Quarter 1997                             $263.00                $195.00
Third Quarter 1997                              $287.04                $140.50
Fourth Quarter 1997                             $265.00                $142.00
First Quarter 1998                              $287.00                $227.00
Second Quarter 1998                             $300.00                $150.00
Third Quarter 1998                              $350.00                $245.00

         The  Managing  General  Partner  monitors  transfers  of the  Units (a)
because the admission of a substitute  limited  partner  requires the consent of
the Managing General Partner under the Partnership  Agreement,  and (b) in order
to track  compliance  with safe harbor  provisions  under the  Securities Act to
avoid treatment as a "publicly traded  partnership" for tax purposes.  While the
Partnership  requests to be provided with the price at which a transfer is being
made, and the Partnership receives some information regarding the price at which
secondary sale  transactions  in the Units have been  effectuated,  the Managing
General  Partner  does not  maintain  comprehensive  information  regarding  the
activities of all  broker/dealers  and others known to  facilitate  from time to
time, or on a regular basis,  secondary  sales of the Units.  It should be noted
that some  transactions  may not be reflected on the records of the Partnership.
It is not known to what extent Unit sales  transactions  are between  buyers and
willing  sellers,  each having  access to  relevant  information  regarding  the
financial affairs of the Partnerships, expected value of their assets, and their
prospects  for the  future.  Many Unit sales  transactions  are  believed  to be
distressed  sales where sellers are highly motivated to dispose of the Units and
willing to accept substantial discounts from what might otherwise be regarded as
the fair value of the interest being sold, to facilitate  the sales.  The prices
paid  recently  for Units  generally  do not reflect  the current  market of the
Partnerships'  assets, nor are they indicative of total return, since prior cash
distributions  and  tax  benefits  received  by the  original  investor  are not
reflected in the price. Nonetheless,  notwithstanding these qualifications,  the
Unit sales  prices,  to the extent  that the  reported  data are  reliable,  are
indicative of the prices at which the Units have recently been sold. None of the
Unit sales  transactions  have  involved  the  Managing  General  Partner or its

         The Partnership is not aware of any person that holds 5% or more of the
Units. Neither NAPICO nor its officers and directors hold any Units.

Distribution History

         It was the intention of the Partnership that  distributions of net cash
from  operations  be made  quarterly,  pro rata,  in proportion to the number of
Units  held.  From  November  1994  through May 1996,  distributions  to Limited
Partners were not made due to the  Partnership's  setting aside funds for losses
incurred  as a  result  of the  January  17,  1994  Northridge  earthquake.  The
Partnership made  distributions of $600,000 and $300,000 to the Limited Partners
in 1997 and 1996,  respectively.  In addition,  total  distributions of $900,856
were made to NAPICO in 1997  consisting  of $834,188  related to prior years and
$66,668  related to 1997.  Under the terms of the  Partnership  Agreement,  cash
available for distribution is to be allocated 90 percent to the Limited Partners
as a group and 10 percent to the General Partners.  Based on cash  distributions
made to the Limited  Partners as of December 31,  1996,  $834,188 was due to the
General Partners as their 10% percent share of cash available for  distribution.
This  amount  was  paid  to  the  General  Partners  in  February  1997.  Future
distributions will depend in part on the operating results of the Properties and
will be impacted  significantly  by  anticipated  capital  expenditures  to cure
certain  items of  deferred  maintenance,  including  roof and wall  repairs and
repairs relating to earthquake damage.


         In the case of the sale or  refinancing  of the  property,  the General
Partners  are  entitled  to  receive  1% of the net  proceeds  from  the sale or
refinancing  until the Limited  Partners  have received an amount equal to their
adjusted capital value (as defined in the Partnership Agreement) plus cumulative
distributions  (including net cash from operations) equal to a non-compounded 6%
annual  distribution  with respect to their adjusted capital value,  after which
the General  Partners  shall receive 15% of the balance of any net proceeds from
sale or refinancing. In addition, the Partnership will pay, using available cash
on hand,  approximately  $736,000 to the Managing  General Partner in connection
with the Deferred Acquisition Fees. The Deferred Acquisition Fee is for services
rendered  to  the  Partnership  in  connection  with  the  selection,  purchase,
development  and management of the  Properties.  Income and losses are allocated
99% to Limited Partners and 1% to the General Partners.

         There are no  regulatory  or legal  restrictions  on the  Partnership's
current or future ability to pay distributions, however, the rental rates of one
of the  Properties  are  subject to HUD  regulation  during the period  that the
mortgage of such Property is insured by HUD.

Year 2000 Information

         The  Partnership  has  assessed the  potential  impact of the Year 2000
computer  systems  issue on its  operations.  The  Partnership  believes that no
significant  actions are required to be taken by the  Partnership to address the
issue and that the  impact  of the Year 2000  computer  systems  issue  will not
materially  affect the  Partnership's  future  operating  results  or  financial
condition.  Due to the nature of its operations and its relationships with third
parties,  the  Partnership  does not  anticipate  having  to make  any  material
expenditures related to the Year 2000 computer systems issue.



         The  following  table  sets forth  selected  historical  financial  and
operating data of the  Partnership for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1997,
1996, 1995, 1994, 1993 and for the six months ended June 30, 1998. The following
information  should be read in conjunction with the Partnership's  Annual Report
on Form 10-K and  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q,  which are attached  hereto as
Annexes B and C, respectively.

         The selected historical financial and operating data of the Partnership
for the six-month periods ended June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1997 are derived from
unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements of the Partnership  which, in the
opinion of the Managing  General  Partner,  include all adjustments  (consisting
only of normal recurring items unless otherwise  disclosed) necessary for a fair
presentation of the Partnership's  financial position and results of operations.
The results set forth for the six-month periods ended June 30, 1998 and June 30,
1997 are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected for a full year.

                                                    Year Ended December 31,                         Six Months Ended June 30,
                             ---------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------
                                 1997          1996          1995          1994           1993          1998          1997
                             ------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------  ------------   -----------

Partnership Operations
Interest Income............  $    105,777   $    89,711   $    49,476   $    37,710   $     12,779  $     28,185   $    75,391
Operating Expenses.........       355,249       158,460       185,584       226,208   353,825            156,240       131,802
                             ------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------  ------------   -----------
Income (Loss) from
Partnership  Operations....     (249,472)      (68,749)     (136,108)     (188,498)      (341,046)     (128,055)      (56,411)
                             ------------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------  ------------   -----------

Rental Operations
Revenues                    4,925,227     4,935,895     5,486,329     5,678,656     5,463,671      2,530,407    2,427,278
Expenses                    4,921,727     4,942,160     5,675,071     6,514,923     5,402,010      4,177,214    2,491,664
                         ------------- -------------  ------------ -------------  ------------  ------------- ------------

Income (Loss) from       
Rental Operations               3,500       (6,265)     (188,742)     (836,267)        61,661      (107,362)     (64,386)
                         ------------- -------------  ------------ -------------  ------------  ------------- ------------

Gain on Foreclosure of  
  Rental Property            --             259,088       --           --             --            --            --
                         ------------- -------------  ------------ -------------  ------------  ------------- ------------

Net Income (Loss)        $   (245,972) $     184,074  $  (324,850) $ (1,024,765)  $  (279,385)  $   (235,417) $  (120,797)
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============

Net Income (Loss)
  allocated to           
  Limited Partners       $  (243,512)  $    182,234   $ (321,601)  $(1,014,517)   $ (276,591)   $  (233,063)  $ (119,589)
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============

Net Income (Loss)        
per Limited                                                         
Partnership Interest     $        (8)  $          6   $       (11) $        (34)  $       (9)   $        (8)  $        (4)
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============

Total assets             $  20,791,123 $  22,049,995  $ 26,365,792 $  26,668,029  $ 27,182,103  $  20,296,242 $ 21,281,493
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============

Mortgage Notes Payable   $  14,443,323 $  14,064,914  $ 17,747,363 $  17,959,940  $ 15,517,461  $  14,320,565 $ 14,562,880
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============
Cash Distribution per
Limited Partnership      
   Interest              $      20.00  $      10.00   $    __      $      15.00   $      10.00  $       5.00  $      10.00
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============

Partners' Equity         $   4,562,631 $   6,309,459  $  6,425,385 $   6,750,235  $  8,225,000  $   4,177,214 $  5,021,140
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============

Limited Partners'        
  Equity                 $  6,184,431  $  7,027,943   $ 7,145,709  $   7,467,310  $  8,931,827  $   5,801,369 $  6,608,354
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============

Limited Partners'        
Equity per Limited                                                       
Partnership Interest     $        206  $        234   $       238  $        249   $        298  $        193  $       220  
                         ============= =============  ============ =============  ============  ============= ============



         The following is a summary of the material tax consequences relating to
the proposed Sale and the  distribution  of  approximately  $552 per Unit to the
Limited Partners.  However, each Limited Partner is urged to consult his, her or
its  own  tax  advisor  for a more  detailed  explanation  of the  specific  tax
consequences to such Limited Partner from the Sale.

         Upon  consummation  of the Sale,  and subject to the  passive  activity
rules described below, each Limited Partner will recognize his, her or its share
of the  taxable  gain of the  Partnership  to the extent that the sum of (i) the
cash,  plus  (ii)  the  fair  market  value  of  any  property  received  by the
Partnership  on the Sale plus  (iii)  the  outstanding  principal  amount of the
Partnership's nonrecourse indebtedness, exceeds the Partnership's adjusted basis
for the Properties.  Gain realized by the Partnership on the Sale will generally
be a Section 1231 gain (i.e.,  long-term  capital  gain,  except for the portion
thereof which is taxable as ordinary  income due to depreciation  recapture).  A
Partner's  share of gains and losses from  Section  1231  transactions  from all
sources  would be  netted  and  would be taxed as  capital  gains or  constitute
ordinary losses,  as the case may be. A net Section 1231 gain for a taxable year
will be treated as capital  gain only to the extent  such gain  exceeds  the net
Section 1231 losses for the five most recent prior taxable years not  previously
recaptured.  Any gain  attributable to a Limited Partner's share of depreciation
recapture will be taxed at ordinary income rates.

         The taxable  income  realized by each Limited  Partner by reason of the
Sale  should be  characterized  as income from a "passive  activity"  and may be
offset by a Limited Partner's  available  "passive  activity losses"  (including
suspended losses). Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (the "1986 Act") losses from
passive  activities may only be offset against income from passive activities or
may be deducted in full when the taxpayer  disposes of the passive activity from
which the loss arose. However,  pursuant to a transitional rule contained in the
1986 Act, a certain  percentage of losses from a passive activity which was held
by the taxpayer on the date of the enactment of the 1986 Act (i.e.,  October 22,
1986) and at all times  thereafter  was  permitted  to offset any type of income
during the years 1987 through 1990.

         It is estimated that as a consequence of the Sale, each Limited Partner
will have taxable  income equal to  approximately  $552 per Unit,  of which $536
will constitute  long-term capital gain and $16 of which will be ordinary income
due to recapture of accelerated depreciation. The income tax consequences of the
Sale to any Limited Partner depends in large part upon the amount of losses that
were allocated to such Limited Partner by the Partnership and the amount of such
losses which were  applied by such Limited  Partner to offset his or her taxable
income. If a Limited Partner has not utilized any of the passive activity losses
allocated to such Limited Partner in excess of those amounts permitted under the
transitional  rule relief  described above, the Limited Partner will realize net
cash in excess of any federal and state  taxes of  approximately  $516 per Unit.
Because  passive losses are only  deductible  against  passive income after 1986
(subject to the  transitional  rules  described  above),  the  Managing  General
Partner  does not have any  basis for  determining  the  amount of such  passive
losses which have previously been utilized by Limited Partners.  The anticipated
cash distribution of approximately  $552 per Unit would be sufficient to pay the
federal and state tax liability arising from the Sale.

         The net tax liability was calculated  assuming a federal  capital gains
rate of 25%, (the current capital gains rate for the portion of net Section 1231
gain  attributable to unrecaptured  depreciation not otherwise taxed as ordinary
income)  and  assuming  an  effective  state  tax rate of 5%,  and that  Limited
Partners have  suspended  passive  losses of $297 per Unit from the  Partnership
(which is the amount of passive losses that a Limited  Partner would have it had
it not utilized any of its passive losses (except to the extent  permitted under
the transitional  rule)). The net tax liability was calculated by deducting from
the tax  payable on the gain from the sale the tax  benefit  resulting  from the
ability to deduct the suspended  passive losses against ordinary income assuming
that the Limited  Partner has sufficient  ordinary  income which would otherwise
have been taxed at the 39.6%  marginal tax rate for federal  income tax purposes
to fully utilize such losses at such rate,  and assuming a state income tax rate
of 5%. In addition to assuming  federal  income tax rates,  the  calculation  of
income tax liability of a Limited Partner assumes that such


Limited  Partner has no net Section  1231 losses for the five most recent  prior
taxable years. If this latter assumption is not applicable to a Limited Partner,
the income tax liability of such Limited Partner could increase  because certain
income would be taxed at ordinary,  instead of capital gains tax rates.  Limited
Partners  are  advised  to  consult  with their own tax  advisors  for  specific
application  of the  tax  rules  where  the  above-described  assumption  is not
applicable.  The foregoing  does not take into  consideration  the effect of any
local tax liabilities that may be applicable to the Sale.

         While the  financial  circumstances  of the Limited  Partners  may vary
considerably,  the Managing  General Partner believes it is reasonable to assume
that the majority of the current Limited Partners will be in the highest federal
tax bracket in 1998. The Managing  General Partner believes that while state tax
rates  vary from  state-to-  state,  the  effective  average  state tax rate for
individuals who itemize  deductions is  approximately  5%. The Managing  General
Partner  calculated  the tax benefit from the suspended  passive losses at 44.6%
(39.6% federal rate plus a 5% effective state rate).

         To the extent that a Limited  Partner was able to utilize  more passive
activity losses than were available under the transitional rules (e.g.,  because
such Limited  Partner had passive  income from other sources) to offset his, her
or its taxable  income,  the  estimated  federal  income tax  liability  of such
Limited Partner would  substantially  increase.  Thus, for example, if a Limited
Partner  had no  suspended  passive  activity  losses  to carry  forward,  it is
estimated  that such Limited  Partner  would have a federal and state income tax
liability equal to approximately $168 per Unit.  Accordingly,  net cash received
by such  Limited  Partners  in  connection  with the Sale is  anticipated  to be
approximately  $384 per Unit. In addition,  to the extent that a Limited Partner
does not have sufficient ordinary income taxed at a 39.6% marginal rate to fully
utilize the suspended passive losses against such income,  the Limited Partner's
net tax  benefits  from the Sale would be  reduced  and the  Limited  Partner is
likely to receive a lower net cash distribution.



         On June 25, 1997, the  Commission  settled  administrative  proceedings
against NAPICO, three members of NAPICO's senior management and three affiliated
entities for their roles in two separate series of securities laws  allegations.
In connection therewith,  the Commission ordered certain  NAPICO-related persons
and  entities  to cease and desist from  committing  or causing  securities  law
violations and ordered NPEI, a brokerage firm affiliated with NAPICO, to undergo
a review of certain of its policies and procedures and pay a $100,000 penalty.

         The first  series of  securities  law  allegations  involved a "part or
none" private placement  offering of interests in National  Corporate Tax Credit
Fund  ("Corporate  Fund").  The offering  was to take place in phases,  with the
first phase closing after the sale of five units, priced at $1 million each. The
Commission  found that,  in June 1992,  NAPICO  accomplished  the closing of the
first phase through the use of a non-bona fide investor.  The  Commission  found
that  NAPICO  and the  Corporate  Fund  thereby  violated  Section  10(b) of the
Exchange Act and Rule 10b-9,  provisions  that  prohibit  misrepresentations  in
connection  with "all or none" or "part or none"  offerings.  The Corporate Fund
offering continued in 1992 and 1993, and the offering  documents  distributed to
potential investors  contained no disclosure related to this transaction,  which
the  Commission  found was in  violation  of  Sections  17(a)(2)  and (3) of the
Securities  Act,  which  prohibit  material  misrepresentations  or omissions in
connection with the offer and sale of securities. The Commission found that Alan
I. Casden, Vice Chairman of NAPICO's Board of Directors


and NAPICO's beneficial owner; Charles H. Boxenbaum, Chairman of NAPICO's Board
of Directors; and Bruce E. Nelson, NAPICO's President, caused these violations.

         The second series of  violations  involved a  NAPICO-controlled  public
partnership  called  Century  HillCreste  Apartment  Investors   ("HillCreste").
HillCreste  was  required  to  file  annual  and  quarterly   reports  with  the
Commission.  The  Commission  found that  HillCreste  failed to  disclose in its
reports filed with the Commission from 1991 through 1993 that  HillCreste's cash
was used to pay the  expenses  of  other  properties  that  were  managed  by an
affiliated  property  management  company,  including  properties  syndicated by
entities  affiliated  with  Casden or NAPICO.  The  Commission  found that these
disclosure  failures by  HillCreste  violated  Sections  17(a)(2) and (3) of the
Securities Act, Sections 13(a) and Rules 13a-1, 13a-13 and 12(b)(2)  thereunder,
which  prohibit  material  misrepresentations  or omissions in periodic  reports
filed with the Commission.  The Commission  found that the failure of HillCreste
to maintain adequate internal controls to prevent these  transactions from being
improperly  recorded violated Sections  13(b)(2)(A) and (B) of the Exchange Act,
books and records  provisions of the federal  securities  laws.  The  Commission
found Alan Casden to have caused HillCreste's violations of these provisions.

         NAPICO, NPEI, Corporate Fund, HillCreste, Mr. Casden, Mr. Boxenbaum and
Mr.  Nelson all consented to the above relief  without  admitting or denying the
findings in the Commission's order.


Distribution of Solicitation Materials

         This Consent  Solicitation  Statement and the related Consent are first
being mailed to Limited  Partners on or about  ________  __, 1998.  Only Limited
Partners of record on ___________, 1998 (the "Record Date") will be given notice
of, and allowed to give their consent  regarding,  the matters addressed in this
Consent Solicitation Statement.

         This Consent Solicitation Statement,  together with the Consent and the
letter from the Managing General Partner,  constitute the Solicitation Materials
to be distributed  to the Limited  Partners to obtain their votes for or against
the  Sale.  The  Solicitation  Period is the time  frame  during  which  Limited
Partners may vote for or against the Sale. The Solicitation Period will commence
upon  the date of  delivery  of this  Consent  Solicitation  Statement  and will
continue until the earlier of (i)  _________,  1998 or such later date as may be
determined  by the  Managing  General  Partner  and (ii) the date upon which the
Managing General Partner  determines that a Majority Vote has been obtained.  At
its  discretion,   the  Managing   General  Partner  may  elect  to  extend  the
Solicitation  Period.  Under no circumstances  will the  Solicitation  Period be
extended beyond ______________,  1998. Any Consents delivered to the Partnership
prior to the termination of the Solicitation  Period will be effective  provided
that such Consents have been properly completed, signed and delivered.

         As permitted by the  Partnership  Agreement,  the  Partnership  has not
scheduled a special meeting of the Limited  Partners to discuss the Solicitation
Materials or the terms of the Sale.

Voting Procedures and Consents

         Limited  Partners of record as of the Record Date will  receive  notice
of, and be entitled to vote, with respect to the Sale.

         The Consent  included in the  Solicitation  Materials  constitutes  the
ballot to be used by Limited  Partners in casting their votes for or against the
Sale.  By marking  this  ballot,  the  Limited  Partner  may either  vote "for,"
"against" or "abstain" as to the Partnership's participation in the Sale. Once a
Limited Partner has voted, he may not revoke his vote unless he submits a second
Consent,  properly signed and completed,  together with a letter indicating that
this prior  Consent has been  revoked,  and such  second  Consent is received by
Gemisys Corporation


(the  "Tabulator")   prior  to  expiration  of  the  Solicitation   Period.  See
"Withdrawal and Change of Election Rights" below.

         The Sale will not be  completed  unless it is  approved  by a  Majority
Vote.  See "THE SALE --  Conditions"  for a discussion  of the other  conditions

         Any Limited Partner who returns his Consent signed but does not specify
"for," "against" or "abstain" will be deemed to have voted "for" the Sale.

         All questions as to the validity,  form, eligibility (including time of
receipt),  acceptance  and  withdrawal  of the Consent will be determined by the
Tabulators,  whose  determination  will be  final  and  binding.  The  Tabulator
reserves the absolute right to reject any or all Consents that are not in proper
form  or the  acceptance  of  which,  in the  opinion  of the  Managing  General
Partner's counsel,  would be unlawful.  The Tabulator also reserves the right to
waive any  irregularities  or conditions of the Consent as to particular  Units.
Unless waived,  any irregularities in connection with the Consents must be cured
within such time as the Tabulator shall determine. The Partnership, the Managing
General Partner and the Tabulator shall be under no duty to give notification of
defects in such  Consents  or shall incur  liabilities  for failure to give such
notification.  The delivery of the Consents will not be deemed to have been made
until such irregularities have been cured or waived.

Completion Instructions

         Each  Limited  Partner is requested to complete and execute the Consent
in accordance with the  instructions  contained  therein.  For his Consent to be
effective, each Limited Partner must deliver his Consent to the Tabulator at any
time prior to the termination of the  Solicitation  Period to the Partnership at
the following address:

                               Gemisys Corporation
                            7103 South Revere Parkway
                            Englewood, Colorado 80112

         A  pre-addressed  stamped  envelope  for return of the Consent has been
included with the Solicitation Materials.  Limited Partners may also telecopy an
executed copy of this Consent to the  Partnership at Tabulator at  303-705-6171.
The Consents will be effective only upon actual receipt by the Partnership.  The
method of delivery of the Consent to the Partnership is at the election and risk
of the Limited Partner, but if such delivery is by mail it is suggested that the
mailing be made  sufficiently  in advance of _______ __, 1998 to permit delivery
to the Partnership on or before such date.

Withdrawal and Change of Election Rights

         Consents may be withdrawn  at any time prior to the  expiration  of the
Solicitation  Period.  In addition,  subsequent to submission of his Consent but
prior to expiration of the Solicitation Period, a Limited Partner may change his
vote in favor of or against the Sale.  For a withdrawal  or change in vote to be
effective, a written or facsimile transmission notice of withdrawal or change in
vote must be timely  received  by the  Tabulator  at its address set forth under
"Completion  Instructions"  above and must specify the name of the person having
executed  the  Consent  to be  withdrawn  or vote  changed  and the  name of the
registered holder if different from that of the person who executed the Consent.

No Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal

         Under the Partnership Agreement and California law, Limited Partners do
not have dissenters' rights of appraisal.  If the Sale is approved by a Majority
Vote, and the other conditions to consummation of the Sale are


satisfied,  all  Limited  Partners,  both those  voting in favor of the Sale and
those not voting in favor,  will be  entitled  to  receive  the  resulting  cash

Solicitation of Consents

         The Managing General Partner and its officers,  directors and employees
may assist in the  solicitation  of consents  and in  providing  information  to
Limited  Partners in connection with any questions they may have with respect to
this Consent Solicitation Statement and the voting procedures.  Such persons and
entities  will be reimbursed by the  Partnership  for out of pocket  expenses in
connection with such services.  The Partnership may also engage third parties to
assist with the solicitation of Consents and pay fees and reimburse the expenses
of such persons.


         If you have any  questions  about  the  consent  procedure  or  require
assistance,  please  contact:  MacKenzie  Partners,  the  Partnership's  consent
solicitation agent, toll free at 800-322-2885 or collect at 212- 929-5500.


         It is important that Consents be returned  promptly.  Limited  Partners
are urged to complete,  sign and date the accompanying  form of Consent and mail
it in the enclosed  envelope,  which requires no postage if mailed in the United
States, so that their vote may be recorded.

_________ ___, 1998


                              REAL-EQUITY PARTNERS
                             9090 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD
                         BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA 90211

                             OF REAL-EQUITY PARTNERS

                           CONSENT OF LIMITED PARTNER

         The undersigned  hereby gives written notice to the  Partnership  that,
with respect to the proposal to sell all of the Partnership's real estate assets
to JH Real  Estate  Partners,  Inc.,  a  California  corporation,  and  American
Apartment  Communities  III,  L.P.,  a  Delaware  limited  partnership,  and  to
authorize the Managing  General  Partner to take any and all actions that may be
required  in  connection  therewith,  including  the  payment  of  the  Deferred
Acquisition  Fee  and  the  execution  on  behalf  of the  Partnership  of  such
amendments,  instruments  and documents as shall be necessary to effectuate  the
Sale, the undersigned votes all of his, her or its units of limited  partnership
interest as indicated below:

 FOR                       AGAINST                             ABSTAIN
 |_|                         |_|                                 |_|

         The undersigned acknowledges receipt from the Managing General Partner
of the Consent Solicitation Statement dated _________ __, 1998.

Dated:  _____________, 199_      
                                          Print Name
                                          Signature (if held jointly)
                                          Print Name

                              Please sign exactly as name appears  hereon.  When
                              units are held by joint tenants, both should sign.
                              When   signing  as  an   attorney,   as  executor,
                              administrator,  trustee or  guardian,  please give
                              full title of such. If a corporation,  please sign
                              name by President or other authorized  officer. If
                              a partnership,  please sign in partnership name by
                              authorized person.

[__], 1998.


