Exhibit 1.3

                                    Financiet Markten

Form for the disclosure of securities transactions
in the own issuing institution

Form for the disclosure of securities transactions in the own issuing institution

Part 1

1.   Name of issuing institution:                                 New Skies Satellites N.V.

2.   Name of person obliged to notify:                            New Skies Satellites N.V.

Sort of security
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.   Sort of security:                                            Ordinary shares


4.   To be filled out if applicable:

               Nominal value of the security:                     0.05 EUR

               Optional series (call option/put option):

               Exercise price:

               Expiration date:

Transaction in the security indicated in questions 3 and 4
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.   Date of the transaction:                                     06-03-03

6a.  Number of securities acquired in the transaction:            505,030

 b.  Number of securities sold in the transaction:

7.   Price of the securities:                                     3.90EUR

8.   Open/Close (in case of options)

To the best of my knowledge and belief I certify that the information set forth
in this statement is true, complete and correct:

New Skies Satellites N.V., Mary J. Dent, General Counsel
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Rooseveltplantsoen 4                                              7 March 2003
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Address                                                           Date

2517 KR The Hague
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Postal code & city & country                                      Signature