INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN
                           Job Grade Level 4 and Above

 Purpose:             The CARBO Ceramics Inc. Incentive Compensation Plan (the
                      "Plan") is being adopted by the Compensation Committee of
                      the Company's Board of Directors (the "Compensation
                      Committee") to:

                            1.   provide competitive levels of compensation to
                                 enable the Company to attract and retain high
                                 quality personnel to manage the business, and;

                            2.   provide a financial incentive for managers and
                                 key employees that can directly influence the
                                 results of the business to achieve corporate
                                 and individual goals.

 Duration:            The Plan is effective January 1, 2004, and unless earlier
                      terminated or revoked by the Compensation Committee, it
                      will terminate on December 31, 2006.

Participants:         All salaried positions at grade level 4 and above are
                      eligible to participate in the Plan. The President and
                      Chief Executive Officer of the Company shall not be
                      eligible to receive any payments pursuant to this Plan.

Administration:       The form of the Plan will be approved by the Compensation
                      Committee of the Company. Upon approval of the form of the
                      Plan, the Plan will be administered by the Company's
                      President and Chief Executive Officer.

Payments:             Incentive Payment Targets will be established by the
                      President & CEO for each eligible position on an annual
                      basis and shall be submitted to the Compensation Committee
                      for approval each year. Annual Incentive Payment Targets
                      will be determined based on a review of (i) comparable
                      practices at companies with which the Company competes for
                      labor and; (ii) the level of responsibility for achieving
                      corporate objectives of each eligible position as
                      determined by the President & CEO.

                      The President & CEO will also establish and present to the
                      Compensation Committee for review each year a target level
                      of NIBT ("Target NIBT") at which participants will be
                      eligible to receive incentive payments at 100% of target

                      Plan participants' actual incentive payments will be based
                      on an equal weighting of the Incentive Payment Target for
                      both individual performance relative to individual goals
                      and objectives established for each calendar year and the
                      corporation's performance relative to Target NIBT. Actual
                      payments shall be made to plan participants as soon as
                      practical following the completion of the audit of the
                      Company's annual financial statements subject to deferral
                      of certain amounts as described below. In order to be
                      eligible to receive a payment under this plan, a
                      participant must be employed by the company at the close
                      of the calendar year for which the award is being made.

                      Individual Performance Portion

                      The portion of a plan participants' actual incentive
                      payment that is based on his/her individual performance
                      will be determined by the participant's annual performance
                      appraisal rating and will be adjusted according to the
                      following schedule:

                      Performance Appraisal Rating  Incentive Payment Adjustment
                      ----------------------------  ----------------------------
                                  5                  120% of Target Incentive
                                  4                  100% of Target Incentive
                                  3                   80% of Target Incentive
                               below 3              not eligible for incentive

                      Any participant receiving a performance appraisal rating
                      of below 3 will not be eligible for any incentive payment
                      (either individual or corporate performance portion). The
                      portion of the incentive payment that is based on
                      individual performance will be paid regardless of the
                      level of NIBT achieved by the Company.

                      Corporate Performance Portion

                      For plan participants in job grade levels 4 and above, the
                      portion of the Incentive Payment Target attributable to
                      corporate performance will be paid based on the following

                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                              % of NIBT           Percent of Target Paid
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                < 70%                       0%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                 70%                       30%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                 80%                       60%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                 90%                       90%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                100%                       100%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                110%                       125%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                120%                       150%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                130%                       175%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------
                            140% or above                  200%
                     -------------------------- ----------------------------

Deferral:             For all plan participants at grade level 4 and above, the
                      payment of 50% of any annual incentive award will be
                      deferred and paid in three equal annual installments
                      beginning in the January immediately following the year in
                      which the participant is informed of the award (e.g., 2004
                      deferred amounts would be announced in January, 2005, and
                      paid in equal installments in January of 2006, 2007 and
                      2008). A plan participant shall forfeit all rights to
                      receive any unpaid portion of deferred amounts if such
                      participant's employment with the Company terminates for
                      any reasons other than normal retirement, death, or
                      permanent disability. In the event of normal retirement,
                      death, or permanent disability, the unpaid portion of any
                      deferred amounts can be either paid out in lump sum or per
                      the terms of the original Plan, at the discretion of the

Revocability:         The Compensation Committee shall have the absolute right
                      to interpret the Plan and to modify or terminate the Plan
                      if there shall be a material change in the nature of the
                      business of the Company, in the ownership or control of
                      the Company, or if the Compensation Committee in its
                      judgment determines that continuation of the Plan would
                      not be in the Company's best interests as a result of a
                      material change in circumstances.

Example Incentive Payment Calculation:

Incentive Payment Target (as a % of base salary)                                     20%

Individual performance portion (50% of total)

        Performance appraisal rating  -  4
        Incentive payment for individual performance - 100% of Target
         (100% x 50% x 20%)                                                          10%

Corporate performance portion (50% of total) Corporate NIBT as a percent of
        Target NIBT - 100% Incentive payment for individual performance - 100%
        of Target
        (100% x 50% x 20%)                                                           10%

Total incentive payment as a percentage of base salary                               20%