CORPORATION (AMEX:ETC) announced today that it has concluded a
major recapitalization arrangement with the First Union National
Bank of Philadelphia and Tandem Capital Corporation, a subsidiary
of Sirrom Capital Corporation (NASDAQ:SROM), of Nashville, TN. 
The transaction includes a revolving senior line of credit of $10
million provided by First Union, and $4.0 millon of 12%
subordinated debentures with warrants and $2.5 million of
convertible preferred stock provided by Tandem.  On a fully
diluted basis, the warrants are exercisable for 5% of the common
stock of the Company.  The convertible preferred stock carries a
conversion price of between $6 and $7.50 per share of common
stock, depending on certain specified events.  Both the warrant
and the preferred stock contain customary antidilution
provisions.  This new capital has enabled ETC to refinance its
existing debt at more attractive interest rates and terms, and
will provide funding for the Company's aggressive growth plans. 
The entire transaction was arranged by Berwind Financial Group of
Philadelphia, PA, who acted as ETC's exclusive agent and
financial advisor throughout the extensive process.

According to William F. Mitchell, ETC's President and CEO, "This
is a landmark event for ETC, coming at a significant stage of our
growth, and it could not have happened at a better time.  First,
it will enable us to immediately expand our marketing efforts,
both in the U.S. and abroad, which will certainly increase our
business opportunities.  Second, it will accelerate the growth of
our already strong technological base by making adequate funding
readily available.  Third, it provides the solid financial base
needed to support increased sales.  Also, we can now continue
with planned enhancements to our operations.  We have seen
consistent improvement over the last seven quarters, and our
backlog remains strong.  This new capital is the jump-start we've
needed to move on to a new plateau."

ETC designs, manufactures, and installs aircrew training systems,
sterilizer equipment, hyperbaric systems, environmental testing
and simulation systems, and related products for domestic and
international customers.  ETC is listed on the AMEX under the
stock symbol "ETC."

Contact:  Mike Mulshine                 ETC - Internet Home Page:
          VOICE:  908-528-8585          http://www.ETCusa.com
          FAX:  908-223-9803
          E-MAIL:  MMulshine@aol.com