EXHIBIT 10(u)(i)


     This First Amended Executive Employment Agreement (hereafter referred to as
this "Agreement") is made by and between UST Corp., a Massachusetts corporation,
(the  "Company")  and Walter E.  Huskins (the  "Employee")  as of the 1st day of
February,  1996 (the  "Effective  Date"),  amending in part and  restating  that
certain Executive  Employment Agreement between the parties dated as of the 24th
day of October, 1994 (the "Original Agreement").

     In consideration of the mutual promises,  terms and conditions contained in
this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:

     1.  Employment.  The  Company  agrees to  continue  the  employment  of the
Employee,  and the  Employee  agrees to continue in the service of the  Company,
subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.

     2.  Term.  Subject to  earlier  termination,  as  provided  hereafter,  the
Employee's  employment  hereunder shall be for an initial term of two (2) years,
commencing  on  the  Effective  Date,  which  term  shall   automatically  renew
thereafter  for  successive  terms of one year each  unless  either  party gives
notice to the other at least  sixty  (60) days  prior to the  expiration  of the
initial or any renewal term that this Agreement shall not renew. Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  in the event  that this  Agreement  is in effect on the date of
consummation  of a Change of Control,  as defined in Section 6.g.ii below,  this
Agreement shall  automatically  be extended on said date such that the remaining
term of the Agreement  shall then be two (2) years,  but this Agreement shall be
renewable  thereafter only by a written  agreement  signed by the Employee and a
duly authorized  representative of the Company.  The term of this Agreement,  as
from time to time  renewed or extended  in  accordance  with this  Section 2, is
hereafter referred to as "the term hereof" or "the term of this Agreement".

     3. Performance.

        a.  During the term  hereof,  the  Employee  shall  hold such  executive
position or  positions  with the Company as he/she  held on the  Effective  Date
hereof and/or such other executive  position or positions with the Company,  its
affiliates and subsidiaries to which the parties may hereafter from time to time
agree and the Employee shall perform the duties and assume the  responsibilities
of such positions and such other appropriate duties and  responsibilities as may
be  assigned  by the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Board") or its

        b. During  employment,  the Employee  shall devote his/her full business
time  and  best  efforts,  judgment,  skill  and  knowledge  exclusively  to the
advancement  of the Company's  interests and to the discharge of his/her  duties
and  responsibilities  for the  Company.  While  employed  by the  Company,  the
Employee shall not be engaged in any other business activity, except as approved
by the Board,  the President or the Board's  designee in writing.  It is agreed,
however,  that the  provisions  of this Section 3.b shall not be violated by the
Employee's   holding  of  directorships  or  related  positions  in  charitable,
educational or not-for-profit


organizations which do not involve continuous or substantial time commitments or
by passive  personal  investment  activities,  provided that such  positions and
activities  are  not in  conflict,  and do not  otherwise  interfere,  with  the
Employee's duties and responsibilities to the Company and its subsidiaries.

     4. Compensation. As compensation for all services performed for the Company
and its  subsidiaries  during the term of this Agreement,  the Company shall pay
the Employee a base salary at an annual rate not less than the  Employee's  base
salary on the  Effective  Date,  subject  to  increase  from time to time by the
Company in its discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may reduce
the  Employee's  base  salary,  but (i) only in the event of a salary  reduction
affecting all or substantially  all of the Company's  officers employed under an
executive  employment  agreement and only in proportion to the salary reductions
applicable to such other affected officers and (ii) only if no Change of Control
has occurred.

     5.  Employee  Benefits.  During  the term  hereof,  the  Employee  shall be
entitled to participate in any and all employee  benefit plans from time to time
in effect for employees of the Company generally, excluding only plans providing
payments  and/or other benefits in the event of termination of employment.  Such
participation  shall be subject to the terms of the applicable  plan  documents,
generally  applicable  Company  policies and the  discretion of the Board or any
administrative or other committee provided for in or contemplated by such plan.

     6. Termination of Employment.  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Section 2
above, the Employee's  employment under this Agreement shall terminate under the
following  circumstances  and, in that event,  the Company  shall have only such
obligations  to the  Employee  as  are  specified  below  under  the  applicable
termination provision:

        a. Upon  Death.  In the event of the  Employee's  death  during the term
hereof, the Employee's  employment hereunder shall immediately and automatically
terminate.  In such event,  the Company shall pay to the  Employee's  designated
beneficiary or, if no beneficiary  has been  designated by the Employee,  to the
Employee's estate, any base salary earned and unpaid through the date of death.

        b. As a Result of  Disability.  In the event that the  Employee  becomes
disabled  during  the term  hereof  and,  as a  result,  is  unable  to  perform
substantially  all of his/her  duties for the  Company for more than one hundred
and twenty (120) days during any period of three  hundred and  sixty-five  (365)
days,  the Company may  terminate  the  Employee's  employment  without  further
obligation  upon notice to the Employee.  In the event of such  disability,  the
Employee  will  continue  to receive  his/her  base  salary and  benefits  under
Sections  4 and 5 hereof  until the  earlier  of the date the  Employee  becomes
eligible for  disability  income under the  Company's  long-term  disability  or
workers' compensation insurance plan or the date his/her employment terminates.

        c. By the Company for Cause.  The Company may terminate  the  Employee's
employment  for Cause at any time upon notice to the Employee  setting  forth in
reasonable detail the nature of such Cause. The following,  as determined by the
Board in its reasonable  judgment,  shall constitute Cause for termination:  (i)
the Employee's  refusal to perform,  or


gross  negligence in the performance of, his/her duties or  responsibilities  on
behalf of the Company and, if applicable, its affiliates and subsidiaries;  (ii)
the Employee's fraud,  embezzlement or other material dishonesty with respect to
the Company or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries; (iii) the Employee's gross
misconduct or his/her  conviction of, or plea of no contest to, a felony. In the
event of such termination,  the Company shall have no further  obligation to the
Employee, other than for base salary earned through the date of termination.

        d. By the Company  other than for Cause.  The Company may  terminate the
Employee's  employment  other than for Cause upon notice to the  Employee  under
this subsection d or under subsection g below,  whichever is applicable.  In the
event of such termination  prior to, or more than two years following,  a Change
of  Control  and  provided  that the  Employee  executes  the  release of claims
attached hereto and marked "A" (the "Employee  Release") within  twenty-one (21)
days of his/her  receipt of notice of  termination  of  employment  and does not
timely revoke the Employee Release, the Company:

               i. shall pay the  Employee  severance  pay in an amount  equal to
          twelve (12)  months'  base salary at the rate in effect on the date of
          termination,  which the  Employee may elect to receive (A) in a single
          lump sum, payable within thirty (30) days following the effective date
          of the Employee Release or (B) as salary  continuation  payable at the
          Company's  regular  payroll periods and in accordance with its regular
          payroll  practices  commencing on the next regular payday  immediately
          following the effective date of the Employee Release,  but retroactive
          to the date of termination and,

               ii. at the  Employee's  election,  (A) shall continue to pay, for
          the  period  of  twelve  (12)  months  following  termination  of  the
          Employee's  employment or, if earlier,  until the date the Employee is
          covered  under  another  employer's  health plan that is comparable to
          that of the Company (the  "Post-Employment  Health Coverage  Period"),
          that share of the premium cost of Employee's participation and that of
          his/her  eligible  dependents in the Company's group health plan as it
          pays for active employees of the Company and their eligible dependents
          generally  OR (B) shall pay the  Employee  a single  lump sum  payment
          equal  to  the  amount  that  the  Company   would  have  expended  if
          participation  had been elected and  continued  for a period of twelve
          (12) months,  which lump sum shall be payable  within thirty (30) days
          following the effective date of the Employee Release, and the Employee
          and his/her  eligible  dependents  may  exercise  any rights they have
          under  COBRA to  continue  participation  in the group  health plan at
          their  cost,  effective  as of  the  date  the  Employee's  employment
          terminates.  Should the Employee elect option (A) above, the period of
          any  continued  health  coverage  to which the  Employee  and  his/her
          eligible  dependents may be entitled  under Sections  601-607 of ERISA
          and Section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code (collectively  referred
          to as "COBRA") as a result of the Employee's termination of employment
          will commence at the end of the above-defined  Post-Employment  Health
          Coverage Period.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained
          herein, the Employee may only elect option (A) directly above


          if the Employee  elects to receive  payment under  subparagraph  d.i.,
          directly above, in the form of salary continuation.

        e.  By  the  Employee  for  Good  Reason.  The  Employee  may  terminate
employment hereunder for Good Reason upon notice to the Company setting forth in
reasonable detail the nature of such Good Reason. The following shall constitute
Good  Reason for  termination  by the  Employee:  (i)  failure of the Company to
continue the Employee in his/her  executive  position;  (ii) a change adverse to
the Employee in the Employee's  primary reporting  relationship;  (iii) material
diminution in the nature or scope of the Employee's responsibilities,  duties or
authority;  (iv)  material  failure of the Company to provide the Employee  base
salary and benefits in accordance with the terms of Sections 4 and 5 hereof;  or
(v) a permanent  transfer of the  Employee to a work site more than  twenty-five
miles  distant  from his/her work site on the  Effective  Date.  In the event of
termination  in accordance  with this Section 6.e, the Company shall provide the
Employee base salary and health  insurance  benefits in accordance  with Section
6.d hereof,  provided  that the Employee  executes the Employee  Release  within
twenty-one (21) days of his/her notice of termination of employment and provided
further that the Employee does not timely revoke the Employee Release.

        f. By the Employee  other than for Good Reason.  The Employee may resign
employment other than for Good Reason at any time upon one month's notice to the
Company.  In the event of such  termination,  the Company  shall have no further
obligation to the Employee,  other than for base salary earned  through the date
of termination.

        g. Upon a Change of Control.

           i. If a Change of Control  (as  defined  in  subsection  g.ii  below)
      occurs and,  within two (2) years  following  such Change of Control,  the
      Company terminates the Employee's  employment other than for Cause, or the
      Employee  terminates  his/her employment for Good Reason, and the Employee
      executes the Employee  Release within  twenty-one (21) days of the date of
      notice of termination of his/her employment and does not timely revoke it,
      then,  in lieu of any payment and  benefits  to which the  Employee  would
      otherwise be entitled under Section 6.d or 6.e hereof, the Company

           (1)  shall  pay the  Employee  an amount  equal to  twenty-four  (24)
      months'  base salary at the rate in effect on the date of  termination  of
      the Employee's employment,  which the Employee may elect to receive (A) in
      a single lump sum, payable within thirty (30) days following the effective
      date of the Employee Release or (B) as salary continuation  payable at the
      Company's  regular  payroll  periods  and in  accordance  with its regular
      payroll  practices  commencing  on the next regular  payday  following the
      effective  date of the Employee  Release,  but  retroactive to the date of
      termination, and

           (2) at the  Employee's  election,  (A) shall continue to pay, for the
      period of  twenty-four  months  following  termination  of the  Employee's
      employment  or, if earlier,  until the date the Employee is covered  under
      another  employer's  health plan that is comparable to that of the Company
      (the "Post-Employment  Health Coverage Period"), that share of the premium
      cost of Employee's participation and that of his/her eligible


      dependents  in the  Company's  group  health  plan as it pays  for  active
      employees of the Company and their  eligible  dependents  generally OR (B)
      shall pay the Employee a single lump sum payment  equal to the amount that
      the Company  would have  expended if  participation  had been  elected and
      continued for a period of twenty-four (24) months, which lump sum shall be
      payable  within  thirty  (30) days  following  the  effective  date of the
      Employee  Release,  and the Employee and his/her  eligible  dependents may
      exercise their rights under COBRA to continue  participation  in the group
      health  plan at their cost  effective  as of the date  his/her  employment
      terminates.  Should the Employee elect option (A) above, the period of any
      continued  health  coverage to which the  Employee  and  his/her  eligible
      dependents  may be  entitled  under  COBRA as a result  of the  Employee's
      termination  of employment  will commence at the end of the  above-defined
      Post-Employment  Health Coverage Period.  Notwithstanding  anything to the
      contrary contained herein, the Employee may only elect option (A) directly
      above if the employee elects to receive payment under subparagraph g.i.(1)
      in the form of salary continuation.

           (3) Upon a Change  of  Control  as  defined  in the  Company's  Stock
      Compensation  Plan as  amended  by the  Company  from  time  to time  (the
      "Plan"),  the  vesting of any UST  Restricted  Common  Stock  ("Restricted
      Stock") or stock  options to  purchase  UST  Common  Stock  granted to the
      Employee and not yet exercised,  expired, surrendered or canceled shall be
      in accordance with the Plan.

           (4) If in connection  with a Change of Control as defined in the Plan
      any other  employees  who hold stock  options under the Plan or Restricted
      Stock will have their  options or  Restricted  Stock or both  cashed  out,
      whether under the Plan or otherwise,  the Employee shall have the right to
      have all or any of such options or Restricted  Stock or both cashed out on
      the same basis and at the same time the  options and  Restricted  Stock of
      such other employees are cashed out.

           ii.  Except as  otherwise  provided  with  respect  to  subparagraphs
      g.i.(3) and g.i.(4)  directly above, a "Change of Control" shall be deemed
      to have been consummated if hereafter

           (A) any "person", as such term used in Section 13(d) and 14(d) of the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended (the "Exchange Act") other than
      the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates  or any trustee or
      other fiduciary  holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of the
      Company or any of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates,  becomes a beneficial
      owner (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3, as amended,  as promulgated under
      the Exchange  Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of securities  representing
      twenty-five  (25%)  percent or more of the  combined  voting  power of the
      Company's then outstanding securities; or

           (B) during any period of two  consecutive  years (not  including  any
      period prior to the Effective  Date),  individuals who at the beginning of
      such  period  constitute  the Board,  and any new  director  (other than a
      director designated by a person who has entered into an agreement with the
      Company to effect a  transaction  described  in clause (A),  (C) or (D) of
      this Section 6.g.(ii) whose election by the Board or


      nomination  for election by the Company's  stockholders  was approved by a
      vote of at least  two-thirds  of the  directors  then  still in office who
      either were  directors at the beginning of the period or whose election or
      nomination for election was  previously so approved,  cease for any reason
      to constitute at least a majority thereof; or

           (C) there  occurs a merger or  consolidation  of the Company with any
      other corporation, other than a merger or consolidation which would result
      in the voting  securities  of the Company  outstanding  immediately  prior
      thereto  continuing to represent  (either by remaining  outstanding  or by
      being converted into voting  securities of the surviving entity) more than
      eighty percent (80%) of the combined voting power of the voting securities
      of the Company or such surviving entity outstanding immediately after such
      merger or consolidation; provided, however, that a merger or consolidation
      effected  to  implement  a  recapitalization  of the  Company  (or similar
      transaction) in which no "person" (as hereinabove  defined)  acquires more
      than  twenty-five  percent  (25%)  of the  combined  voting  power  of the
      Company's  then  outstanding  securities  shall not constitute a Change of
      Control; or

           (D) the  stockholders  of the  Company  approve a plan of a  complete
      liquidation of the Company; or

           (E) there  occurs a  closing  of a sale or other  disposition  by the
      Company of all or substantially all of the Company's assets.

     h. Upon  Expiration of the Term Hereof.  Notice by the Company  pursuant to
Section  2 hereof  that this  Agreement  shall not  renew  shall be  treated  as
termination by the Company other than for Cause pursuant to Section 6.d.  Notice
by the Employee pursuant to Section 2 hereof that this Agreement shall not renew
shall be treated as a termination  by the Employee of his/her  employment  other
than for Good Reason.

     7. Confidential Information.

        a. The  Employee  acknowledges  that the  Company  continually  develops
Confidential Information, that the Employee may develop Confidential Information
for the  Company and that the  Employee  may learn of  Confidential  Information
during the course of employment. The Employee agrees to comply with the policies
and procedures of the Company for protecting Confidential Information and agrees
that he shall never disclose to any person,  corporation or other entity, except
as  required  for the  proper  performance  of  his/her  regular  duties for the
Company,  and shall never use for  his/her  own benefit or that of another,  any
Confidential Information obtained by the Employee incident to his/her employment
or other  association with the Company or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.
The Employee understands that this restriction will continue to apply throughout
his/her  employment and after his/her employment  terminates,  regardless of the
reason for such termination;  provided,  however, that the obligations contained
in this Section 7 shall not apply to any  Confidential  Information that becomes
publicly  known  through  no  fault of the  Employee  or that  the  Employee  is
otherwise required by law or regulation to disclose.


       b. As used in this Agreement,  "Confidential  Information"  means any and
all information of the Company,  its  subsidiaries  and affiliates,  that is not
generally  known by others with whom any of them competes or does  business,  or
with  whom any of them  plans  to  compete  or do  business,  including  without
limitation any and all information  concerning the identity and special needs of
the customers of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates and the people and
organizations  with  whom  any of them  has  business  relationships  and  those
relationships.  Confidential  Information also includes any information received
by the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates  from others with any
understanding, express or implied, that it will not be disclosed.

      8. Non-Solicitation. While the Employee is employed by the Company and (a)
for a period  of two years  following  the  termination  of  his/her  employment
pursuant to Section 6.b or 6.c or 6.f hereof or (b) in the event of  termination
pursuant to Section 6.d or 6.e or 6.g hereof,  for a period  equal to the months
of severance pay provided the Employee thereunder:

         (i)  the  Employee  shall  not,  directly  or  indirectly,  solicit  or
encourage any customer of the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  or affiliates
to terminate or diminish  substantially its relationship with the Company or any
of its subsidiaries or affiliates and

         (ii) the Employee shall not, directly or indirectly, hire or attempt to
hire any  executive  personnel  of the  Company  or any of its  subsidiaries  or
affiliates or solicit or encourage any executive personnel of the Company or any
of its subsidiaries or affiliates to discontinue  employment with the Company or
any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.

For purposes of this  Section 8, the term  "months of severance  pay" shall mean
the quotient of the total sum of payments to be made to the  Employee  under the
applicable  termination  provision  divided by the Employee's base salary at the
monthly rate in effect on the date of termination.

      9. Remedies.  The Employee acknowledges that, if he/she were to breach any
of the provisions of Section 7 or Section 8 of this  Agreement,  the harm to the
Company would be irreparable. The Employee therefore agrees that, in addition to
any other  remedies  available  to it, the  Company  shall be entitled to obtain
preliminary  and permanent  injunctive  relief against any such breach,  without
having to post bond.

      10. Taxes. All payments made to the Employee under this Agreement shall be
reduced by any tax or other amount  required to be withheld by the Company under
applicable law.

      11. Reductions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Agreement,  (a) any and all payments and benefits to be provided to the Employee
hereunder  are  subject  to  reduction  to the  extent  required  by  applicable
statutes,  regulations,  rules  and  directives  of  federal,  state  and  other
governmental and regulatory  bodies having  jurisdiction over the Company and/or
any of its affiliates or subsidiaries and (b) the payments and benefits to which
the Employee would be entitled  pursuant to Section 6.g hereof or otherwise as a
result of a Change of Control  shall be reduced to the maximum  amount for which
the Company will not be limited in its deduction pursuant to Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as


amended, or any successor provision.  Any such reduction shall be applied to the
amounts  due to the  Employee  in such  manner as the  Employee  may  reasonably
specify  within thirty (30) days  following  notice from the Company of the need
for such reduction or, if the Employee fails to so specify timely, as determined
by the Company.

      12.  Assignment.  The Company may assign its rights and obligations  under
this Agreement without the consent of the Employee in the event that the Company
shall hereafter effect a  reorganization,  consolidate  with, or merge into, any
other person,  corporation or other entity or transfer all or substantially  all
of its assets to any other  person,  corporation  or other  entity.  The Company
requires  the  personal  services of the Employee and he/she may not assign this
Agreement.  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
Company  and  the  Employee   and  their   respective   successors,   executors,
administrators, heirs and permitted assigns.

      13. Indemnification. The Company shall, and the Company shall use its best
efforts to cause its  subsidiaries  and affiliates to, indemnify the Employee to
the maximum  extent  permitted  by law and  regulation  in  connection  with any
liability,  expense or damage which the Employee incurs or to which the Employee
is exposed  as a result of the  Employee's  employment  and  positions  with the
Company and its  subsidiaries  and affiliates as contemplated by this Agreement,
provided that the Employee shall not be  indemnified  with respect to any matter
as to which he/she shall have been  adjudicated  in any  proceeding  not to have
acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that his/her action was in the best
interest of the Company and its  subsidiaries  and affiliates.  The Company,  on
behalf of itself and its subsidiaries  and affiliates,  hereby confirms that the
occupancy of all offices and positions  which in the future are or were occupied
or held by the Employee  have been so occupied or held at the request of and for
the benefit of the Company and its  subsidiaries  and affiliates for purposes of
the Employee's entitlement to indemnification under applicable provisions of the
respective  articles of  organization  and/or  other  similar  documents  of the
Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

      14. Miscellaneous.  This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between
the Company and the Employee and supersedes all prior communications, agreements
and  understandings,  whether  written or oral,  with respect to the  Employee's
employment;  provided,  however,  that this  Agreement  shall not  terminate  or
supersede any additional  obligations  of the Employee  pursuant to the Original
Agreement or any other agreement with respect to the Confidential Information or
the like or with respect to any  restrictions  on the activities of the Employee
or the like or with respect to the  securities of the Company.  The headings and
captions contained herein are for convenience of reference only and are not part
of this


Agreement.  This Agreement may not be modified or amended, and no breach of this
Agreement  shall be deemed to be  waived,  unless  agreed to in  writing  by the
Employee and the Company. This is a Massachusetts contract and shall be governed
by  and  construed  in  accordance   with  the  laws  of  the   Commonwealth  of

      15.  Notices.  Any  notices  provided  for in this  Agreement  shall be in
writing and shall be  effective  when  delivered  in person or  deposited in the
United States mail,  postage prepaid,  and addressed to the Employee at his last
known address on the books of the Company or, in the case of the Company, at its
main office, attention of the Senior Vice President, Human Resources with a copy
to the General Counsel of the Company.

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement  has been  executed  as a sealed
instrument by the Company,  by its duly  authorized  representative,  and by the
Employee, as of the date first written above.

THE EMPLOYEE                              UST CORP.

/s/ Walter E. Huskins                     By:  /s/ Wallace M. Haselton
- ---------------------                          -----------------------
Walter E. Huskins                              Wallace M. Haselton
Executive Vice President,                      Chairman, Compensation Committee
Administration                                 and authorized signer



                                RELEASE OF CLAIMS

     FOR  AND IN  CONSIDERATION  OF the  special  payments  to be  made to me in
connection  with my separation  of  employment,  as set forth in the  employment
agreement  between UST Corp.  and me dated as of the ____ day of  _____________,
1994 (the "Employment Agreement"), I, on my own behalf and on behalf of my heir,
beneficiaries  and  representatives  and all others  connected  with me,  hereby
release and forever  discharge UST Corp. (the  "Company"),  its subsidiaries and
affiliates, and all of their respective officers, directors,  employees, agents,
representatives,  successors and assigns and all others connected with them (all
collectively,  the  "Releasees"),   both  individually  and  in  their  official
capacities,  from any and all liability,  claims, demands, actions and causes of
action of any type (all collectively "Claims") which I have had in the past, now
have,  or might now have,  through the date of my  execution  of this Release of
Claims,  in any  way  resulting  from,  arising  out  of or  connected  with  my
employment  or its  termination  or  pursuant  to any  federal,  state  or local
employment law,  regulation or other requirement  (including  without limitation
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act, as amended, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, and
the Massachusetts fair employment practices act, as amended).

     Excluded  from the scope of this Release of Claims is (i) any claim arising
hereafter under the terms of the Employment  Agreement or under the terms of any
of the Company's employee  qualified and non-qualified  benefit plans (including
without  limitation the Company's  employee pension plan, profit sharing plan or
stock  ownership  plan) and (ii) any right of  indemnification  or  contribution
pursuant to the Articles of  Organization  or By-Laws of the Company that I have
or hereafter acquire if any claim is asserted or proceedings are brought against
me by any  governmental  or regulatory  agency,  or by any  customer,  creditor,
employee or shareholder of the Company, or by any self-regulatory  organization,
stock  exchange or the like,  related or allegedly  related to my having been an
officer or employee of the Company or to any of my  activities  as an officer or
employee of the Company.

     By  acceptance  of or  reliance  on this  Release  of Claims,  the  Company
promises  that  neither it nor any of the other  Releasees  affiliated  with the
Company  will take any action that is  designed,  specifically  as to me or with
respect  to a class  of  similarly  situated  former  employees,  to  reduce  or
abrogate,  or  may  reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in  an  abridgment  or
elimination of, any rights of  indemnification  or contribution  available to me
pursuant to the Articles of Organization or By-Laws of the Company, or under any
policy or policies of  directors  and  officers  liability  insurance  affording
coverage to former  officers  and in effect  from time to time,  unless any such
abridgment or elimination of rights is also generally applicable to then-current
officers and employees of the Company.

     In signing this Release of Claims,  I acknowledge  that I have had at least
twenty-one  (21) days from the date of my receipt of notice of termination of my
employment  (or, if  applicable,  the date I gave such notice to the Company) to
consider the terms of this Release of Claims,


that I am encouraged  by the Company to seek the advice of an attorney  prior to
signing  this  Release of Claims and that I am  signing  this  Release of Claims
voluntarily and with a full  understanding of its terms. I understand that I may
revoke this  Release of Claims at any time within  seven (7) days of the date of
my signing by  written  notice to the  President  of the  Company  and that this
Release of Claims will take effect only upon the  expiration  of such  seven-day
revocation period and only if I have not timely revoked it.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal on the date written below.

Signature: _________________________________

Date Signed: _______________________________
