EXHIBIT 10.5 AWARD/CONTRACT 1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER RATING PAGE OF PAGE UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350) 1 32 2. CONTRACT (Proc. Inst. Indent.) NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITION PURCHASE REQUEST/PROJECT NO. N01-CP-33060 03/01/93 5. ISSUED BY CODE 261933060 6. ADMINISTERED BY (IF OTHER THAN ITEM 5) CODE National Cancer Institute ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY Research Contracts Branch, CECS EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOSTATISTICS PROGRAM Executive Plaza South, Room 620 DIVISION OF CANCER ETIOLOGY 9000 Rockville Pike (RFP No. NCI-CP-21000-21) Bethesda, Maryland 20892 7. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, city, county, State and ZIP Code) 8. Delivery BIOTECH RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. FOB ORIGIN FOB DESTINATION 3 TAFT COURT 9. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT T HIGH RIS, MARYLAND 20850 10. SUBMIT NOTICES ITEM (4 copies unless other- SEE SECTION G PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND wise specified) TO ARTICLE G.3. CODE FACILITY CODE THE ADDRESS SHOWN IN: 11. SHIP TO/MARK FOR CODE 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE SEE SECTION C, ARTICLE C.2. SEE SECTION G, ARTICLE G.3. 13. AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION 14. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA CAN1 38422985 TIN 1043152484A1 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) ( ) 41 U.S.C. 253(c) ( ) CAN2 DOC. NO. N1CP33060A OC CODE 25.3T LOC 15A. ITEM NO. 15B. SUPPLIES/SERVICES 15C. QUANTITY 15D. UNIT 15E. UNIT PRICE 15F. AMOUNT TITLE: LABORATORY SUPPORT FOR PROCESSING AND STORAGE OF BIOLO- GICAL SPECIMENS FROM PERSONS AT HIGH RISK FROM CANCER CONTRACT PERIOD: 03/01/93 through 02/28/94. CONTRACT TYPE: Cost-Plus Fixed Fee, TERM 558,106 CURRENT OBLIGATION: $ 15G. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT $ 898,011 16. TABLE OF CONTENTS (() SEC. DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) (() SEC. DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) PART I - THE SCHEDULE PART II - CONTRACT CLAUSES ( A SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM 1 ( I CONTRACT CLAUSES 25 ( B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS 4 PART III - LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH. ( C DESCRIPTION/SPECS./WORK STATEMENT 7 ( J LIST OF ATTACHMENTS 32 ( D PACKAGING AND MARKING 14 ( PART IV - REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ( E INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 15 K REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND ( F DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE 16 OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS 32 ( G CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA 17 L INSTRS., CONDS., AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS ( H SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 22 M EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE ITEM 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE 17. CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is 18. AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document.) required to sign this document and return 1 copies to issuing Your offer on Solicitation Number , office.) Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all items or including the additions or changes made by you which perform all the services set forth or otherwise identified above additions or changes are set forth in full above, is hereby and on any continuation sheets for the consideration stated additions or items listed above and on any continuation herein. The rights and obligations of the parties to this sheets. This award consumates the contract which consists of contract shall be subject to and governed by the following the following documents: (a) the Government's solicitation documents: (a) this award/contract, (b) the solicitation, if and your offer, and (b) this award/contract. No further any, and (c) such provisions, representations, certifications, contractual document is necessary. and specifications, as are attached or incorporated by reference herein. (Attachments are listed herein.) 19A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or Print) 20A. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER /S/ MARK MANAK NANCY E COLEMAN VICE PRESIDENT 19B. NAME OF CONTRACTOR 19C. DATE SIGNED 20B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 20C. DATE SIGNED /S/ Mark Manuk BY /S/ SIGNATURE UNREADABLE 2/22/93 (Signature of person authorized to sign) 2/22/93 (Signature of Contracting Officer) NSW 7540-01-152-8069 26-107 STANDARD FORM 26 (REV. 4-85) PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(a) * GPO: 1985 0 - 461-275 (418) Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 DETAILED TABLE OF CONTRACT CONTENTS PART I - THE SCHEDULE SECTION A - SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM...........................................................1 SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS................................................4 ARTICLE B.1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES OR SERVICES................................4 ARTICLE B.2. ESTIMATED COST AND FIXED FEE.............................................4 ARTICLE B.3. PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS....................................5 ARTICLE B.4. ADVANCE UNDERSTANDINGS...................................................7 SECTION C - DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/WORKSTATEMENT.............................................7 ARTICLE C.1. STATEMENT OF WORK........................................................7 ARTICLE C.2. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS...................................................13 SECTION D - PACKAGING, MARKING AND SHIPPING...................................................14 ARTICLE D.1. PACKAGING................................................................14 ARTICLE D.2. MARKING..................................................................15 ARTICLE D.3. SHIPPING.................................................................15 SECTION E - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE...........................................................15 ARTICLE E.1. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE................................................15 SECTION F - DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE............................................................16 ARTICLE F.1. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE....................................................16 ARTICLE F.2. LEVEL OF EFFORT..........................................................16 ARTICLE F.3. STOP WORK ORDER..........................................................17 SECTION G - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA.........................................................17 ARTICLE G.1. PROJECT OFFICER..........................................................17 ARTICLE G.2. KEY PERSONNEL............................................................18 ARTICLE G.3. INVOICE SUBMISSION.......................................................18 ARTICLE G.4. CONTRACT FINICAL REPORT..................................................19 ARTICLE G.5. INDIRECT COST RATES......................................................20 ARTICLE G.6. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY......................................................20 ARTICLE G.7. GOVERNMENT SUPPLY SOURCES................................................22 2 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 SECTION H - SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS........................................................22 ARTICLE H.l. REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS FOR INDEPENDENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS.....................................................22 ARTICLE H.2. HUMAN SUBJECTS...........................................................23 ARTICLE H.3. HUMAN MATERIALS..........................................................23 ARTICLE H.4. PRIVACY ACT..............................................................23 ARTICLE H.5. OPTION PROVISION.........................................................23 ARTICLE H.6. SALARY RATE LIMITATION IN FISCAL YEAR 1993...............................24 ARTICLE H.7. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION...........................................25 PART II SECTION I - CONTRACT CLAUSES.....................................................................25 ARTICLE I.1. GENERAL CLAUSES FOR A COST-PLUS-A-FIXED-FEE CONTRACT.....................25 ARTICLE I.2. AUTHORIZED SUBSTITUTIONS OF CLAUSES......................................29 ARTICLE I.3. ADDITIONAL CONTRACT CLAUSES..............................................29 ARTICLE I.4. ADDITIONAL FAR CONTRACT CLAUSES INCLUDED IN FULL TEXT....................30 PART III SECTION J - LIST OF ATTACHMENTS..................................................................32 Invoice/Financing Request Instructions for NIH Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts......................................................................32 Financial Report of Individual Project/Contract, NIH 2706...............................32 Instructions for Completing form NIH 2706...............................................32 Privacy Act System of Records...........................................................32 Safety and Health.......................................................................32 Procurement of Certain Equipment........................................................32 Schedule II-A, Government Furnished Property............................................32 PART IV SECTION K - REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS...................................................32 Representations and Certifications......................................................32 3 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS ARTICLE B.1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES OR SERVICES Numerous scientific advancements have been accelerated by having available well-characterized biologic specimens collected from previous research efforts and then preserved for long-term storage. The Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program (EBP), Division of Cancer Etiology (DCE), National Cancer Institute (NCI), has had a long history of collaboration with laboratory investigators involving the collection, testing and storage of biologic samples on patients with malignancies or at high risk of developing malignancies, as well as appropriate controls. The Contractor shall maintain a repository of biologic specimens for the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program (EBP). This shall include frozen serum, plasma, urine, tumor tissue, tumor tissue extracts, whole red blood cells, separated and frozen white blood cells, or fractions of white blood cell populations, bone marrow cells, body fluids, lymphoblastoid cell lines, DNA, stool specimens or smears on slides and other types of specimens as specified by the Project Officer. These materials shall be maintained at optimum temperatures for long-term storage, including liquid nitrogen, if appropriate. ARTICLE B.2. ESTIMATED COST AND FIXED FEE a. The estimated cost of Year 1 of this contract is $842,429. b. If the Government exercises its options pursuant to ARTICLE H.5. of this contract, the estimated cost of this contract will be increased by $881,626 (Option 1, Year 2); $922,633 (Option 2, Year 3); $965,679 (Option 3, Year 4). c. The fixed fee for Year 1 of this contract is $55,582. The fixed fee shall be paid in direct ratio to the level of effort expended; that is, the percent of fee paid shall be equal to the percent of total effort expended. Payment shall be subject to the withholding provisions of the clauses ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT and FIXED FEE referenced in the General Clause Listing in Part II, ARTICLE I.1. of this contract. Payment of fixed fee shall not be made in less than monthly increments. d. If the Government exercises its options pursuant to ARTICLE H.5. of this contract, the fixed fee of this contract will be increased by $58,207 (Option 1, Year 2); $60,955 (Option 2, Year 3); $63,841 (Option 3, Year 4). e. The Government's obligation, represented by the sum of the estimated cost plus the fixed fee for Year 1 is $898,011. f. If the Government exercises its options pursuant to ARTICLE H.5. of this contract, the Government's obligation represented by the sum of the estimated cost plus the fixed fee will be $939,833 (Option 1, Year 2); $983,588 (Option 2, Year 3); $1,029,520 (Option 3, Year 4). 4 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 g. Total funds currently available for payment of Year 1 and allotted to this contract are $558,106 of which $523,562 represents the estimated costs and of which $34,544 represents the fixed fee. For further provisions on funding, see the LIMITATION OF FUNDS clause referenced in Part II, ARTICLE I.2. Authorized Substitutions of Clauses. h. It is estimated that the amount currently allotted will cover performance of the contract through October 15, 1993. i. The Contracting Officer may allot additional funds to the contract without the concurrence of the Contractor. ARTICLE B.3. PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS a. Items Unallowable Unless Otherwise Provided Notwithstanding the clauses, ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT and FIXED FEE, incorporated in this contract, unless authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the costs of the following items or activities shall be unallowable as direct costs: 1) Acquisition, by purchase or lease, of any interest in real property; 2) Special rearrangement or alteration of facilities; 3) Purchase or lease of any item of general purpose office furniture or office equipment regardless of dollar value. (General purpose equipment is defined as any items of personal property which are usable for purposes other than research, such as office equipment and furnishings, pocket calculators, etc.); 4) Travel to attend general scientific meetings; 5) Foreign travel - [See paragraph b.2), below.]; 6) Patient care costs; 7) Accountable Government property (defined as both real and personal property with an acquisition cost of $1,000 or more and a life expectancy of more than two years) and "sensitive items" (defined and listed in the Contractor's Guide for Control of Government Property, 1990, regardless of acquisition value. 5 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 b. Travel Costs 1) Domestic Travel a) No expenditures for domestic travel (transportation, lodging, subsistence, and incidental expenses) are to be incurred in direct performance of this contract without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. In the event travel costs may be required as a direct cost to this contract, these costs must be approved in writing, in advance, by the Contracting Officer, and must be certified that the cost will not be included in the indirect costs. b) This contract is subject to the provisions of Section 24 of Public Law 99-234 which amends the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act to provide that contractor costs for travel, including lodging, other subsistence, and incidental expenses, shall be allowable only to the extent that they do not exceed the amount allowed for Federal employees. 2) Foreign Travel Requests for foreign travel must be submitted at least six weeks in advance and shall contain the following: (a) meeting(s) and place(s) to be visited, with costs and dates; (b) name(s) and title(s) of contractor personnel to travel and their functions in the contract project; (c) contract purposes to be served by the travel; (d) how travel of contractor personnel will benefit and contribute to accomplishing the contract project, or will otherwise justify the expenditure of NIH contract funds; (e) how such advantages justify the costs for travel and absence from the project of more than one person if such are suggested; and (f) what additional functions may be performed by the travelers to accomplish other purposes of the contract and thus further benefit the project. 3) Government Discount Air Travel Rates a) To the maximum extent practicable consistent with travel requirements, the Contractor agrees to use the reduced air transportation rates and services provided through available Government discount air fares. These fares are available only for bona-fide employees' travel that is otherwise reimbursable as a direct cost pursuant to this contract. The objective is to achieve the lowest overall cost to the Contractor and, thus, to the Government. The Contractor shall submit written requests to the Contracting Officer for authorization to use these rates. The request shall provide the full name of the traveler(s), the number of the contract for which the travel is being performed, the contract objective that is to be fulfilled, and the dates during which the 6 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 travel is to occur. Contracting Officer approval, if given, will be on official agency letterhead so that the letter can be presented to the airline as confirmation of the authorization. b) Nothing in this clause shall authorize transportation or services which are not otherwise reimbursable under this contract. Nothing in this clause requires air carriers to make available to the Contractor any Government discount airfares. ARTICLE B.4. ADVANCE UNDERSTANDINGS Other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, approval of the following items within the limits set forth is hereby granted without further authorization from the Contracting Officer. a. Indirect Rates [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] SECTION C - DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/WORKSTATEMENT ARTICLE C.1. STATEMENT OF WORK a. Independently and not as an agent of the Government, the Contractor shall be required to furnish all the necessary services, qualified personnel, material, equipment, and facilities, not otherwise provided by the Government, as needed to perform the Statement of Work below: 1) The Contractor shall provide the services described below in accordance with Contractor-developed, Government-approved protocols: a) separation and viable cryopreservation of blood mononuclear lymphocytes; b) separation, aliquotting and storage of serum, plasma and/or urine as needed; c) cryopreservation of bone marrow samples; d) storage of tumor extracts; e) cryopreservation of whole tumor tissue; 7 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 f) cryopreservation of intact red blood cells; g) viable cryopreservation of previously established lymphoblastoid cell lines; h) storage of DNA and other biological materials as specified by the Project Officer; i) extraction of DNA from biologic materials; j) specimen processing as required by NCI to preserve special biologic materials; k) logging in, labeling and tracking of each vial of each sample employing an NCI developed computerized specimen tracking system, including all laboratory safeguards to insure the fidelity and purity of each sample; and l) maintenance of the previously-established repository currently containing 300,000 biological specimens and allowance for an estimated increase of up to 25% of freezer storage space. These services shall be available routinely between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at any other time (including nights, weekends and holidays) by special arrangement, usually with advance notice. A laboratory staff member shall be available during non-business hours for emergency specimen processing (as might occur when a patient dies). A biohazard area adequate for processing specimens with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) shall be available for the processing of all biologic samples. 2) The Contractor shall supply messenger service to pick up specimens or inter-laboratory communication from medical care facilities in the Washington, D.C. area or at area transportation centers (i.e., Dulles, D.C. National and Baltimore/Washington Airports). This messenger service shall be supplied by the Contractor and not subcontracted to commercial carriers. All specimens submitted to the laboratory for processing shall be scheduled in advance, except in emergencies as detailed below. Specimens shall be delivered to the Contractor's laboratory within four hours of notification for pick-up. Specimens shall be protected from temperature extremes by use of insulated containers or other acceptable means as needed. A portable liquid nitrogen container for transport of frozen cells or tumor specimens shall also be required. Only specimens provided by or approved by the Project Officer shall be accepted for processing and storage by the Contractor. 8 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 3) The Contractor shall be responsible for recording and monitoring the location of all specimens that are being sent or received through use of a log book of all requests and specimens. The Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring, shipping and receipt of specimens to minimize delay or loss. If a specimen is not received within four hours of expected delivery, the Contractor shall inform the Project Officer by telephone. An after-hours telephone number of the Contractor's staff member shall be available to assist in this follow-up and the staff member shall be available at that number. The Contractor shall be responsible for tracing immediately the location of delinquent specimens not received when expected. All specimens that are of questionable research value shall be noted and the Project Officer immediately notified by telephone, as well as in writing, providing identifying names or numbers, quantity, place of origin, etc., so that repeat specimens can be obtained. The Contractor shall designate a specific individual to be responsible for after-hours specimen processing and name an alternate to act when the primary person is not available. 4) The Contractor shall maintain a repository of biologic specimens for the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program (EBP). This shall include frozen serum, plasma, urine, tumor tissue, tumor tissue extracts, whole red blood cells, separated and frozen white blood cells, or fractions of white blood cell populations, bone marrow cells, body fluids, lymphoblastoid cell lines, DNA, stool specimens or smears on slides and other types of specimens as specified by the Project Officer. These materials shall be maintained at optimum temperatures for long-term storage, including liquid nitrogen, if appropriate. 5) All specimens will be submitted to the Contractor, accompanied by written identification of the specimen source, using forms supplied by the Project Officer. Specimens from members of NCI-associated families will be submitted with a unique Family Studies identification number to insure compatibility with NCI laboratory computer data bases. Specimens shall be assigned a unique code number which shall be the only identification of the specimen in future laboratory processing, dispersal, etc. This code number shall comply with the format and convention established by the NCI Project Officer. The name of the donor shall not be used in labeling of specimens or in correspondence concerning the specimen by laboratory personnel. Such labeling shall uniquely identify each vial of each specimen and the quality of that individual vial will be recorded and updated as needed in the NCI-developed computer system. 6) The Contractor shall provide and train primary and backup staff in the operation of a computerized record system for specimens which has been developed and furnished by the Project Officer. Using this system, the laboratory shall keep records of all manipulation on all specimens and accurately enter data on each specimen. The data shall include but not be limited to vial identification number, study ID, material type and 9 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 material description, volume or cell concentration, freezer location, subject ID, crisis events, data received, specimen vial quality, etc. Data shall be entered into the system within 48 hours of receipt or as specified by the NCI Project Officer. The Contractor shall be responsible for extracting this information from either data forms or floppy disks which will be transmitted with the samples. The Contractor shall also use this system to monitor and track all activities related to specimens. The Project Officer will supply computer support for generating management reports for the Contractor on a regular basis. 7) The Contractor shall prepare a variety of specimens for storage. Specifically, white blood cell separation, fractionation and viable cryopreservation, red blood cell cryopreservation, serum separation and storage of aliquots of 0.5 ml, plasma separation and storage, tumor tissue freezing, tumor tissue extracts, urine, serum, or blood fluid lyophilization, freezing and/or extraction of stool specimens and other techniques as required. Specimens shall be stored in containers impervious to entry of CO2 so that they can be shipped on dry ice. In order to ensure the viability of valuable specimens, the Contractor shall be prepared to have appropriate personnel travel to a contract site, foreign or domestic, to train local staff on optimal techniques for freezing viable material. 8) Freezers shall be equipped with a stylus recording system indicating consistency of temperature which shall be reviewed frequently each day at specified times. Freezer malfunctions must give warning by means of an alarm system. The Contractor must provide a central alarm system monitored 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. A switch-operated electric generator of appropriate wattage for these particular freezers shall be hooked up and on standby in the event of a major power outage. Liquid nitrogen freezers must have automatic filling mechanisms drawing on a constant central source of liquid nitrogen with emergency back-up. All unplanned defrostings must be logged, giving date and times during which defrostings were in effect and temperature reached, and reported by telephone as soon as possible to the Project Officer. The circumstances of the defrosting shall be reported immediately to the Project Officer in writing, giving full particulars. 9) The laboratory shall keep clear records of all manipulations on all specimens and carefully document specimen type, volume, cell concentration, source, "crisis events", etc. for each sample. The exact freezer location shall be known for each specimen and shall be kept in a master log which is easy to understand. Information shall be supplied routinely to the NCI Project Officer on forms designed and supplied by NCI in conjunction with laboratory personnel. These records shall include number of vials, exact location of vials and specimen type. The Contractor shall conduct a complete inventory of all stored specimens on an annual basis. Thorough quality control protocols must be designed, documented and 10 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 approved by the NCI Project Officer. These protocols must be rigorously implemented in the conduct of the inventories. The results of each inventory shall be documented in the Annual Technical Progress Report. 10) The Contractor shall respond only to written requests for biological specimens from collaborating investigators, which have been approved by the NCI Project Officer or his/her designee(s). Specimens shall not be sent to any investigators without a written request from the NCI Project Officer or his/her designee(s). A copy of this written request and Contractor-generated correspondence shall be sent to the NCI Project Officer. All written requests for specimen distribution shall be acted upon within four working days of receipt, unless permission to delay such action is obtained from the Project Officer. The Contractor shall not supply the outside collaborator with any information concerning the biological specimens other than code number, specimen type or other information essential to specimen processing. Requests for identification of the patient, the diagnosis, demographic information or other such information shall be referred to the NCI Project Officer. The Contractor shall never send out the last vial from a particular specimen without explicit authorization from the Project Officer. The Contractor shall prepare specimens for shipment, supply shipping containers appropriate to maintain specimens in the proper state (cool, frozen, deep frozen, etc.) and make arrangements through commercial air freight companies and other carriers to send biologic specimens to collaborating investigators in an expeditious (e.g., overnight or same day) fashion. For immunologic or genetic typing studies, the Contractor shall prepare specimens for delivery to the local HLA typing laboratory or immune function laboratory in a suitable form. The local in-house delivery service shall be used for these particular specimens to ensure expeditious delivery under optimum conditions. In some cases, commercial freight companies shall be used in overnight shipments to investigators in other cities. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the receiving laboratory of the specimens shipment and anticipated arrival time to insure that the receiving laboratory is prepared to receive the specimens. All specimens for both immunologic testing and HLA typing and serum or other type storage shall be processed by the Contractor. Peripheral blood cells shall be aliquoted for storage in suitable quantities for subsequent testing. Other specimens, such as red blood cells, plasma, serum, urine, stool, tumor tissue, and body fluids shall be processed for storage. 11) A large repository of sera and cells used for immunogenetic tissue typing shall be inventoried, stored and maintained under this contract. This shall include preparing appropriate inventory forms for specimen storage, retrieval and shipment. 11 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 The laboratory shall retain written, hard-copy records of inventory sheets and shall supply copies in suitable form for computer entry by NCI computer support personnel. Laboratory personnel shall verify the accuracy of information as it is entered in the computer against the original data, and errors shall be corrected. 12) The Contractor shall be prepared to process up to 1100 mls. of blood per day four days per week for lymphocyte harvesting (these samples coming from as many as 60 donors per day). For this aspect of the contract, it is anticipated that technicians shall be available at least one day per weekend through the entire period of this contract (the weekend blood samples will be less than 200 mls. and from less than five donors). The Contractor shall also be prepared to receive and process approximately 5000 serum vials from up to 400 individuals and approximately 250 mls. whole blood per month for plasma and red blood cell storage. 13) The Contractor shall handle international shipments of biological specimens (blood components, urine, gastric juice, and biopsy specimen) and clearance of these shipments through U.S. and foreign customs. Most of these samples are being collected in a collaborative study with the Beijing Institute for Cancer Research investigating causes of stomach cancer. Pan Alpina, a European company with officers in Beijing and Northern Virginia, will ship these samples from China to the U.S. West Coast, clear them through U.S. customs, and then transfer them to Federal Express for shipment to various laboratories in the U.S. or to the Contractor's own facilities for short-term storage. In addition, Pan Alpina will occasionally ship samples from the U.S. via the Contractor's short-term storage facilities to laboratories outside the U.S. The Contractor shall serve as the liaison between Biostatistics Branch scientists and Pan Alpina and must work closely with Pan Alpina to coordinate these shipments. Close coordination is vital because these samples need to be kept frozen with dry ice, and freezer-to-freezer shipping time must be less than 72 hours. Delays of just one or two days will seriously jeopardize months of scientific and medical work. Another large group of samples (estimated to be at least 40,000 aliquots of sera and 20,000 cervical swabs) will be shipped from Costa Rica and shall require similar clearance, transfer, and storage. A separate shipping/customs agent shall be procured by the Contractor to provide this service. Large quantities of samples are shipped from London, Europe, the West Indies, Africa and other geographic locales. In each instance, the repository Contractor shall have responsibility for coordinating logistics to insure their timely arrival, including contracting with appropriate customs brokers and agents to expedite shipment and customs clearances. 12 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 ARTICLE C.2. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a. Technical Progress Reports In addition to those reports required by the other terms of this contract, the contractor shall prepare and submit the following reports during the period of performance of this contract: 1) Monthly Computerized and Written Reports The Contractor shall submit Monthly Computerized and Written Reports summarizing the status of all newly received specimens and outlining all dispersals by the laboratory. A summary of all correspondence consisting of requests for shipment, cover letters and inquiries from outside collaborators shall be submitted monthly to the NCI Project Officer and copies made available upon request. Emphasis shall be on conciseness as well as comprehensiveness. The first monthly report shall cover the period consisting of the first full calendar month following the effective date of the contract and any fractional part of the initial month and shall be due on or before April 15, 1993. Thereafter, monthly reports shall be due on or before the 15th day of the month following each monthly reporting period. The submission of monthly reports shall continue through the exercise of each option period. A Monthly Computerized and Written Report shall not be required when submitting the Annual Reports or the Final Report. 2) Annual Technical Progress Reports The Contractor shall prepare Annual Technical Progress Reports which explain the progress of work performed under this contract. Each report shall describe the progress of the project to date, noting all technical areas in which the effort is being directed and indicating the status of work in each area. This report shall include: (a) a quantitative summary of the numbers of specimens processed by the Contractor, their type and investigator source; (b) shipments and logistics; (c) an indication of any current problems which may impede performance under the contract and the proposed corrective action, and (d) a discussion of work to be performed during the next reporting period. The annual report shall, in addition, include a complete, up-to-date inventory of the Repository and its contents. Additional interim reports may be requested as necessary. The first annual report shall cover the period consisting of the first full year following the effective date of the contract and shall be due on or before February 28, 1994. If the Government exercises its options pursuant to ARTICLE H.5., the annual report will be due on/before the expiration date of each option year. If the Government does not exercise its options, the annual report shall cover the period consisting of the first full year following the effective date of this contract through the 13 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 expiration date of the current option period and shall represent the Final Technical Progress Report. Emphasis shall be on conciseness as well as comprehensiveness. A separate Annual Technical Progress Report shall not be required when submitting the Final Report. 3) Final Technical Progress Report The Contractor shall submit a Final Technical Progress Report on or before the expiration date of the contract. The Final Report shall include information in sufficient detail to describe comprehensively the results achieved and shall include a summation of the work performed for the entire contract period of performance. 4) Summary of Salient Results The Contractor shall submit, with the Final Technical Progress Report, a summary (not to exceed 200 words) of salient results achieved during the performance of the contract. b. Addresses for Submission of Technical Progress Reports Technical progress reports shall be addressed to: ORIGINAL TO: Contracting Officer Cancer Etiology Contracts Section Research Contracts Branch, OD National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza South, Suite 620 Bethesda, Maryland 20892 TWO COPIES TO: Project Officer Viral Epidemiology Branch Epidemiology & Biostatistics Program Division of Cancer Etiology National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza North, Suite 434 Bethesda, Maryland 20892 SECTION D - PACKAGING, MARKING AND SHIPPING ARTICLE D.1. PACKAGING Specimens shall be protected from temperature extremes by use of insulated containers or other acceptable means as needed. A portable liquid nitrogen container for transport of frozen cells shall also be required. 14 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 ARTICLE D.2. MARKING All deliverables under this contract shall be clearly identified with the subject contract number. All specimens shall be submitted to the Contractor, accompanied by written identification of the specimen source, using forms supplied by the Project Officer. All specimens from members of the NCI-associated families will be submitted with a unique alpha-numeric code number which will be the only identification of the specimen in future laboratory processing, dispersal, etc. The name of the donor shall not be used in the labeling of specimens by laboratory personnel. No names of persons enrolled in AIDS-associated studies shall be written on vials. ARTICLE D.3. SHIPPING The Contractor shall prepare specimens for shipment, supply shipping containers appropriate to maintain specimens in the proper state (cool, frozen, deep frozen, etc.) and make arrangements through commercial air freight companies and other carriers to send biologic specimens to collaborating investigators in an expeditious (e.g., overnight or same day) fashion. For immunologic or genetic typing studies, the Contractor shall prepare specimens for delivery to the local Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing laboratory or immune function laboratory in a suitable form. The local in-house delivery service shall be used for these particular specimens to ensure expeditious delivery under optimum conditions. In some cases, commercial freight companies shall be used for overnight shipments to investigators in other cities. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the receiving laboratory of the specimens shipment and anticipated arrival time to insure that the receiving laboratory is prepared to receive the specimens. SECTION E - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE ARTICLE E.1. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE a. The Contracting Officer or the duly authorized representative will perform inspection and acceptance of materials and services to be provided. b. For the purpose of this ARTICLE, the Project Officer identified in ARTICLE G.1., is the authorized representative of the Contracting Officer. c. Inspection and acceptance will be performed at the National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Etiology, Viral Epidemiology Branch, Epidemiology & Biostatistics Program, 6130 Executive Boulevard, Executive Plaza North, Room 434, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Acceptance may be presumed unless otherwise indicated in writing by the Contracting Officer or the duly authorized representative within 30 days of receipt. 15 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 d. This contract incorporates the following clause by reference, with the same force and effect as if it were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make its full text available. FAR 52.246-9, INSPECTION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - (SHORT FORM) (APRIL 1984). SECTION F - DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE ARTICLE F.1, PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance of Year 1 of this contract shall be from March 1, 1993 through February 28, 1994. If the Government exercises its options pursuant to ARTICLE H.5. of this contract, the period of performance of this contract will be: Option 1, Year 2 -- March 1, 1994 through February 28, 1995. Option 2, Year 3 -- March 1, 1995 through February 29, 1996. Option 3, Year 4 -- March 1, 1996 through February 28, 1997. ARTICLE F.2. LEVEL OF EFFORT a. During Year 1 of this contract, the Contractor shall provide [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] total direct labor hours. If the Government exercises its options pursuant to ARTICLE H.5. of this contract, the total direct labor hours of this contract will be increased by [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] labor hours (Option 1, Year 2); [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] labor hours (Option 2, Year 3); [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] labor hours (Option 3, Year 4). The labor hours exclude vacation, sick leave, and holiday. It is estimated that the labor hours are constituted as specified below and will be expended approximately as follows: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Labor Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] TOTALS b. The Contractor shall have satisfied the requirement herein if not less than 90% nor more than 110% of the total direct labor hours specified herein are furnished. Accordingly, the Contractor shall not expend more than 110%. 16 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 c. In the event fewer hours than the minimum specified number of direct labor hours in the total categories are used by the Contractor in accomplishing the prescribed work and the Government has not invoked its rights under the FAR Clause 52.249-6, TERMINATION (Cost-Reimbursement), incorporated in this contract, these parties agree that the fee will be adjusted based solely upon the quantity of hours by which the number of direct labor hours furnished is less than the number of direct labor hours specified in this ARTICLE. The resulting adjustment shall be evidenced by a contract modification. ARTICLE F.3. STOP WORK ORDER This contract incorporates the following clause by reference, with the same force and effect as if it were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make its full text available. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CLAUSE: 52.212-13, STOP WORK ORDER (AUGUST 1989) with ALTERNATE I (APRIL 1984). SECTION G - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA ARTICLE G.1. PROJECT OFFICER The following Project Officer(s) will represent the Government for the purpose of this contract: Dr. Paul A. Levine, Project Officer Dr. William A. Blattner, Assistant Project Officer The Project Officer is responsible for: (1) monitoring the Contractor's technical progress, including the surveillance and assessment of performance and recommending to the Contracting Officer changes in requirements; (2) interpreting the Statement of Work and any other technical performance requirements; (3) performing technical evaluation as required; (4) performing technical inspections and acceptances required by this contract; and (5) assisting in the resolution of technical problems encountered during performance. The Contracting Officer is the only person with authority to act as agent of the Government under this contract. Only the Contracting Officer has authority to: (1) direct or negotiate any changes in the Statement of Work; (2) modify or extend the period of performance; (3) change the delivery schedule; (4) authorize reimbursement to the Contractor any costs incurred during the performance of this contract; or (5) otherwise change any terms and conditions of this contract. The Government may unilaterally change its Project Officer designation. 17 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 ARTICLE G.2. KEY PERSONNEL Pursuant to the Key Personnel clause incorporated in this contract, the following individual(s) is/are considered to be essential to the work being performed hereunder: NAME TITLE ---- ----- Dr. Hanna Weissberger Principal Investigator Radhika Uppaluri Laboratory Manager ARTICLE G.3. INVOICE SUBMISSION a. Invoice/Financing Request Instructions for NIH Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts NIH(RC)-l are attached and made part of this contract. The instructions and the following directions for the submission of invoices/financing request must be followed to meet the requirements of a "proper" payment request pursuant to FAR 32.9. Invoices/financing requests shall be submitted concurrently as follows: 1) An original and two copies to the following designated payment office: National Institutes of Health Division of Financial Management Chief, Contracts Section FAAB Building 31, Room BlBO5A 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 2) Three copies to the following approving officer: Contracting Officer Cancer Etiology Contracts Section Research Contracts Branch, OD National Cancer Institute, NIH Executive Plaza South, Suite 620 Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Inquiries regarding payment of invoices should be directed to the designated payment office, attention of Chief, Contracts Section, FAAB (301) 496-6452. 18 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 b. The Contractor shall include the following certification on every invoice for reimbursable costs incurred with Fiscal Year 1993 funds. For billing purposes, certified invoices are required for the billing period during which Fiscal Year 1993 funds were initially charged through the final billing period utilizing the Fiscal Year 1993 funds: "I hereby certify that the salaries charged in this invoice are in compliance with P.L. 102-394 and ARTICLE H.6. of the above referenced contract." ARTICLE G.4. CONTRACT FINANCIAL REPORT a. Financial reports on the attached Form NIH 2706, Financial Report of Individual Project/Contract, shall be submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Instructions for Completing Form NIH 2706, which accompany the form, in an original and two copies, not later than the 30th working day after the close of the reporting period. The line entries for subdivisions of work and elements of cost (expenditure categories) which shall be reported within the total contract are listed in paragraph e., below. Subsequent changes and/or additions in the line entries shall be made in writing. b. Unless otherwise stated in that part of the Instructions for Completing Form NIH 2706, entitled "PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS," all columns A through J, shall be completed for each report submitted. c. The first financial report shall cover the period consisting of the first full three calendar months following the date of the contract, in addition to any fractional part of the initial month. Thereafter, reports will be on a quarterly basis. d. The Contracting Officer may require the Contractor to submit detailed support for costs contained in one or more interim financial reports. This clause does not supersede the record retention requirements in FAR Part 4.7. e. The following is a listing of expenditure categories to be reported: Expenditure Category A -------------------- 1) Direct Labor 2) Overhead 3) Materials & Supplies 4) Shipping 5) Freezer Maintenance and Repair 6) G&A 7) Fixed Fee 8) Government Furnished Equipment 9) TOTAL CPFF 19 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 ARTICLE G.5. INDIRECT COST RATES In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (48 CFR Chapter 1) Clause 52.216-7 (d)(2), Allowable Cost and Payment incorporated by reference in this contract in Part II, Section I, the cognizant Contracting Officer responsible for negotiating provisional and/or final indirect cost rates is identified as follows: Chief, Financial Advisory Services Branch Division of Contracts and Grants Building 31, Room 1B43 9000 Rockville Pike National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20892 These rates are hereby incorporated without further action of the Contracting Officer. ARTICLE G.6. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY a. In addition to the requirements of the clause, GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, incorporated in Section I of this contract, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of DHHS Publication, Contractor's Guide for Control of Government Property, (1990), which is incorporated into this contract by reference. Among other issues, this publication provides a summary of the Contractor's responsibilities regarding purchasing authorizations and inventory and reporting requirements under the contract. A copy of this publication is available upon request to the Contract Property Administrator. This contract's Contract Property Administrator is: David A. Hubbard, II Contracts Property Administrator Research Contracts Property Administration, NIH Building 13, Room 2E-65 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 (301) 496-6467 b. Contractor-Acquired Government Property - Schedule I-B Pursuant to the clause, GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, incorporated in this contract, the Contractor will be authorized to acquire the property listed in Schedule I-B, below, for use in direct performance of the contract, following receipt of the Contracting Officer's written approval, based on contractor-furnished prices and evidence of competition. 20 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 SCHEDULE I-B Year 1: Total Estimated Estimated Item Quantity Unit Price Cost ---- -------- ---------- ---- Forma Freezers 4 $4,794.00 $19,176 Forma Racks 132 $52.00 6,864 MVE Liquid Nitrogen Freezers 2 $9,579.00 19,158 MVE Racks 40 $80.00 3,200 Year 1 Total Est. Cost: $48,398 Option 1 (Year 2): Total Estimated Estimated Item Quantity Unit Price Cost ---- -------- ---------- ---- Forma Freezers 4 $5,034.00 $20,136 Forma Racks 132 $54.59 7,206 MVE Liquid Nitrogen Freezers 2 $10,058.00 20,116 MVE Racks 40 $84.00 3,360 Option 1 (Year 2) Total Est. Cost: $50,818 Option 2 (Year 3): Total Estimated Estimated Item Quantity Unit Price Cost ---- -------- ---------- ---- Forma Freezers 4 $5,285.75 $21,143 Forma Racks 132 $57.32 7,566 MVE Liquid Nitrogen Freezers 2 $10,561.00 21,122 MVE Racks 40 $88.20 3,528 Option 2 (Year 3) Total Est. Cost: $53,359 21 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 Option 3 (Year 4): Total Estimated Estimated Item Quantity Unit Price Cost ---- -------- ---------- ---- Forma Freezers 4 $5,550.00 $22,200 Forma Racks 132 $60.18 7,944 MVE Liquid Nitrogen Freezers 2 $11,089.00 22,178 MVE Racks 40 $92.62 3,705 Option 3 (Year 4) Total Est. Cost: $56,027 c. Government Furnished Property - Schedule II-A Pursuant to the clause, GOVERNMENT PROPERTY, incorporated in this contract, the Contractor is hereby authorized to retain custody of the property listed in the attached Schedule II-A (ATTACHMENT 7) for use in direct performance of this contract. Accountability for the items listed in Schedule II-A is hereby transferred to this contract from predecessor Contract No. N01-CP-95663, under which these items were provided by the Government. Title to this property shall remain in the Government. ARTICLE G.7. GOVERNMENT SUPPLY SOURCES This contract incorporates the following clause by reference, with the same force and effect as if it were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make its full text available. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CLAUSE 52.251-01, GOVERNMENT SUPPLY SOURCES SECTION H - SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS ARTICLE H.l. REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS FOR INDEPENDENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The primary purpose of the Public Health Service (PHS) is to support and advance independent research within the scientific community. This support is provided in the form of contracts and grants totalling approximately 7 billion dollars annually. PHS has established effective, time tested and well recognized procedures for stimulating and supporting this independent research by selecting from multitudes of applications those research projects most worthy of support within the constraints of its appropriations. The reimbursement through the indirect cost mechanism of independent research and development costs not incidental to product improvement would circumvent this competitive process. 22 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 To ensure that all research and development projects receive similar and equal consideration, all organizations may compete for direct funding of independent research and development projects they consider worthy of support by submitting those projects to the appropriate Public Health Service grant office for review. Since these projects may be submitted for direct funding, the Contractor agrees that no costs for any independent research and development project, including all applicable indirect costs, will be claimed under this contract. ARTICLE H.2. HUMAN SUBJECTS It is hereby understood and agreed that research involving human subjects shall not be conducted under this contract, and that no material developed, modified, or delivered by or to the Government under this contract, or any subsequent modification of such material, shall be used by the Contractor or made available by the Contractor for use by anyone other than the Government, for experimental or therapeutic use involving humans without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. ARTICLE H.3. HUMAN MATERIALS It is understood that the acquisition and supply of all human specimen material (including fetal material) used under this contract shall be obtained by the Contractor in full compliance with applicable State and Local laws and the provisions of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act in the United States and that no undue inducements, monetary or otherwise, will be offered to any person to influence their donation of human material. ARTICLE H.4. PRIVACY ACT This procurement action requires the Contractor to do one or more of the following: design, develop, or operate a system of records on individuals to accomplish an agency function in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-579, December 31, 1974 (5 USC 552a) and applicable agency regulations. Violation of the Act may involve the imposition of criminal penalties. The Privacy Act System of Records applicable to this project is Number 09-25-0130. This document is incorporated into this contract as ATTACHMENT 4. ARTICLE H.5. OPTION PROVISION a. Unless the Government exercises its option pursuant to paragraph b. of this article, the contract will consist only of YEAR 1 of the Statement of Work as defined in Sections C and F of the contract. Pursuant to FAR 52.217-9 set forth in paragraph b., below, the Government may, by unilateral contract 23 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 modification, require the Contractor to perform Years 2 through 4 (Options 2 through 3) of the Statement of Work as also defined in Sections C and F of the contract. If the Government exercises these options, notice must be given at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of this contract, and the estimated cost plus fixed fee of the contract will be increased as set forth in ARTICLE B.2. b. FAR 52,217-9. OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT (MARCH 1989) (a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor within the time specified within the Schedule; provided, that the Government shall give the Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 60 calendar days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension. (b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option provision. (c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed four years. (End of clause) ARTICLE H.6. SALARY RATE LIMITATION IN FISCAL YEAR 1993 a. Pursuant to Public Law (P.L.) 102-394, no NIH Fiscal Year 1993 (October 1, 1992 - September 30, 1993) funds may be used to pay the direct salary of an individual through this contract at a rate in excess of $125,000 per year (direct salary is exclusive of Overhead, Fringe Benefits and General and Administrative Expenses). The $125,000 per year salary rate limit also applies to individuals proposed under subcontracts. If this is a multi-year contract, it may be subject to unilateral modification by the Government if an individual's salary rate exceeds any salary rate ceiling established in future HHS appropriation acts. P.L. 102-394 states in pertinent part: "None of the funds appropriated in this title for the National Institutes of Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shall be used to pay the salary of an individual through a grant or extramural mechanism at a rate in excess of $125,000 per year." 24 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 ARTICLE H.7. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION The following information is covered by HHSAR Clause 352.224-70, Confidentiality of Information (APRIL 1984): a. Identification of the specimen source or donor name; b. All records of manipulations on all specimens; c. Information concerning the identification of the patient, the diagnosis, demographic information or other such information; d. Written, hard-copy records of inventory sheets; PART II SECTION I - CONTRACT CLAUSES ARTICLE I.1 GENERAL CLAUSES FOR A COST-PLUS-A-FIXED-FEE CONTRACT - CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (APRIL 1984) This contract incorporates the following clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available [FAR 52.252-2 (JUNE 1988)]. a. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR) (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CLAUSES: FAR CLAUSE NO. TITLE AND DATE 52.203-1 Officials Not to Benefit (APRIL 1984) 52.203-3 Gratuities (APRIL 1984) 52.203-5 Covenant Against Contingent Fees (APRIL 1984) 52.203-6 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government (JULY 1985) 52.203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures (OCTOBER 1988) 52.203-10 Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity (SEPTEMBER 1990) 52.203-12 Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions (Over $100,000) (JANUARY 1990) 52.209-6 Protecting the Government's Interests when Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (NOVEMBER 1992) (12/92) 25 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 FAR CLAUSE NO. TITLE AND DATE 52.215-1 Examination of Records by Comptroller General (FEBRUARY 1993) 52.215-2 Audit--Negotiation (FEBRUARY 1993) 52.215-22 Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data (Over $100,000) (JANUARY 1991) 52.215-24 Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data (Over $100,000) (DECEMBER 1991) 52.215-27 Termination of Defined Benefit Pension Plans (Over $100,000) (SEPTEMBER 1989) 52.215-33 Order of Precedence (JANUARY 1986) 52.215-39 Reversion or Adjustment or Plans for Post-retirement Benefits Other Than Pensions (PRB) (Over $100,000) (JULY 1991) 52.216-7 Allowable Cost and Payment (JULY 1991) 52.216-8 Fixed Fee (APRIL 1984) 52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns and Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns (FEBRUARY 1990) 52.219-9 Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan (Over $500,000) (JANUARY 1991) 52.219-13 Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses (AUGUST 1986) 52.219-16 Liquidated Damages--Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Over $500,000) (AUGUST 1989) 52.220-1 Preference for Labor Surplus Area Concerns (APRIL 1984) 52.220-3 Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns (APRIL 1984) 52.222-2 Payment for Overtime Premiums (Over $100,000) (JULY 1990) (NOTE: The dollar amount in paragraph (a) of this clause is $0 unless otherwise specified in the contract.) 52.222-18 Notification of Employee Rights Concerning Payment of Union Dues or Fees (MAY 1992) 52.222-20 Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (APRIL 1984) 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity (APRIL 1984) 26 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 FAR CLAUSE NO. TITLE AND DATE 52.222-28 Equal Opportunity Preaward Clearance of Subcontracts (Over $1,000,000) (APRIL 1984) 52.222-35 Affirmative Action for Special Disabled and Vietnam Era Veterans (APRIL 1984) 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers (APRIL 1984) 52.222-37 Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era (JANUARY 1988) 52.223-2 Clean Air and Water (Over $100,000) (APRIL 1984) 52.223-6 Drug-Free Workplace (JULY 1990) 52.225-11 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (MAY 1992) 52.227-1 Authorization and Consent (APRIL 1984) 52.227-2 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement (APRIL 1984) 52.227-3 Patent Indemnity (APRIL 1984) 52.227-14 Rights in Data--General (JUNE 1987) 52.232-9 Limitation on Withholding of Payments (APRIL 1984) 52.232-17 Interest (JANUARY 1991) 52.232-20 Limitation of Cost (APRIL 1984) 52.232-23 Assignment of Claims (JANUARY 1986) 52.232-25 Prompt Payment (SEPTEMBER 1992) 52.232-28 Electronic Funds Transfer Payment Methods (APRIL 1989) 52.233-1 Disputes (DECEMBER 1991) 52.233-3 Protest After Award (AUGUST 1989) Alternate I (JUNE 1985) 52.242-1 Notice of Intent to Disallow Costs (APRIL 1984) 52.242-13 Bankruptcy (APRIL 1991) 27 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 FAR CLAUSE NO. TITLE AND DATE 52.243-2 Changes--Cost-Reimbursement (AUGUST 1987) Alternate II (APRIL 1984) 52.244-2 Subcontracts (Cost-Reimbursement and Letter Contracts) (JULY 1985) 52.244-5 Competition in Subcontracting (APRIL 1984) 52.245-5 Government Property (Cost-Reimbursement, Time-and-Material, or Labor-Hour Contracts) (JANUARY 1986) 52.246-23 Limitation of Liability (APRIL 1984) 52.248-1 Value Engineering (Over $100,000) (MARCH 1989) 52.249-6 Termination (Cost-Reimbursement) (MAY 1986) 52.249-14 Excusable Delays (APRIL 1984) 52.253-1 Computer Generated Forms (JANUARY 1991) b. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ACQUISITION REGULATION (HHSAR) (48 CFR CHAPTER 3) CLAUSES: HHSAR CLAUSE NO. TITLE AND DATE 352.202-1 Definitions (APRIL 1984) Alternate I (APRIL 1984) 352.228-7 Insurance - Liability to Third Persons (DECEMBER 1991) 352.232-9 Withholding of Contract Payments (APRIL 1984) 352.233-70 Litigation and Claims (APRIL 1984) 352.242-71 Final Decisions on Audit Findings (APRIL 1984) 352.270-5 Key Personnel (APRIL 1984) 352.270-6 Publication and Publicity (JULY 1991) 352.270-7 Paperwork Reduction Act (APRIL 1984) [End of GENERAL CLAUSES FOR A COST-PLUS-A-FIXED-FEE CONTRACT] 28 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 ARTICLE I.2. AUTHORIZED SUBSTITUTIONS OF CLAUSE ARTICLE I.1. of this SECTION is hereby modified as follows: FAR 52.215-31, WAIVER OF FACILITIES CAPITAL COST OF MONEY (SEPTEMBER 1987) is added. FAR 52.219-9, SMALL BUSINESS AND SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (JANUARY 1991), and FAR 52.219-16, LIQUIDATED DAMAGES--SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (AUGUST 1989), are deleted in their entirety. FAR 52.232-20, LIMITATION OF COST, is deleted in its entirety and FAR 52.232-22, LIMITATION OF FUNDS (APRIL 1984), is substituted therefor. ARTICLE 1.3. ADDITIONAL CONTRACT CLAUSES a. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR) (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CLAUSES: This contract incorporates the following clauses by reference, (unless otherwise noted), with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. 1) FAR 52.220-4, LABOR SURPLUS AREA SUBCONTRACTING PROGRAM (APRIL 1984). 2) FAR 52.224-1, PRIVACY ACT NOTIFICATION (APRIL 1984). 3) FAR 52.224-2, PRIVACY ACT (APRIL 1984). 4) ALTERNATE I (JUNE 1987), FAR 52.227-14, RIGHTS IN DATA--GENERAL (JUNE 1987). 5) FAR 52.247-63, PREFERENCE FOR U.S.-FLAG AIR CARRIERS (APRIL 1984). b. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ACQUISITION REGULATIONS/PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS (HHSAR)/(PHSAR) (48 CFR CHAPTER 3) CLAUSES: This contract incorporates the following clauses by reference, (unless otherwise noted) with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. 1) HHSAR 352.224-70, CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION (APRIL 1984). 2) PHS 352.223-70, SAFETY AND HEALTH (APRIL 1984), is hereby incorporated in full text. See Part III, Section J of this contract. 29 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 c. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH) RESEARCH CONTRACTING (RC) CLAUSES: The following clauses are attached and made a part of this contract: 1) NIH(RC)-7, PROCUREMENT OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT (APRIL 1984) (OMB Bulletin 81-16). ARTICLE I.4. ADDITIONAL FAR CONTRACT CLAUSES INCLUDED IN FULL TEXT This contract incorporates the following clause(s) in full text. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR)(48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CLAUSES: a. FAR Clause 52.203-9 REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICATE OF PROCUREMENT INTEGRITY-- MODIFICATION (NOVEMBER 1990) (a) Definitions. The definitions set forth in FAR 3.104-4 are hereby incorporated in this clause. (b) The Contractor agrees that it will execute the certification set forth in paragraph (c) of this clause when requested by the Contracting Officer in connection with the execution of any modification of this contract. (c) Certification. As required in paragraph (b) of this clause, the officer or employee responsible for the modification proposal shall execute the following certification: CERTIFICATE OF PROCUREMENT INTEGRITY--MODIFICATION (NOV 1990) (1) I, ___________________ [Name of certifier] am the officer or employee responsible for the preparation of this modification proposal and hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, with the exception of any information described in this certification, I have no information concerning a violation or possible violation of subsection 27(a), (b), (d), or (f) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act, as amended* (41 U.S.C. 423), (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), as implemented in the FAR, occurring during the conduct of this procurement ___________________ [contract and modification number]. (2) As required by subsection 27(e)(1)(B) of the Act, I further certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, each officer, employee, agent, representative, and consultant of ____________________[Name of Offeror] who has participated personally and substantially in the preparation or submission of this proposal has certified that he or she is familiar with, and will comply with, the requirements of subsection 27(a) of the Act, as implemented in the FAR, and will report immediately to me any information concerning a violation or possible violation of subsections 27(a), (b), (d), or (f) of the Act, as implemented in the FAR, pertaining to this procurement. 30 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 (3) Violations or possible violations: [Continue on plain bond paper if necessary and label Certificate of Procurement Integrity--Modification (Continuation Sheet), ENTER "NONE" IF NONE EXISTS] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- [Signature of the officer or employee responsible for the modification proposal and date] - ---------------------------------- [Typed name of the officer or employee responsible for the modification proposal] *Subsections 27(a), (b), and (d) are effective on December 1, 1990. Subsection(f) is effective on June 1, 1991. THIS CERTIFICATION CONCERNS A MATTER WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF AN AGENCY OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE MAKING OF A FALSE, FICTITIOUS, OR FRAUDULENT CERTIFICATION MAY RENDER THE MAKER SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION UNDER TITLE 18, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 1001. [End of certification] (d) In making the certification in paragraph (2) of the certificate, the officer or employee of the competing Contractor responsible for the offer or bid, may rely upon a one-time certification from each individual required to submit a certification to the competing Contractor, supplemented by periodic training. These certifications shall be obtained at the earliest possible date after an individual required to certify begins employment or association with the Contractor. If a contractor decides to rely on a certification executed prior to the suspension of section 27 (i.e., prior to December 1, 1989), the Contractor shall ensure that an individual who has so certified is notified that section 27 has been reinstated. These certifications shall be maintained by the Contractor for a period of 6 years from the date a certifying employee's employment with the company ends or, for an agent, representative, or consultant, 6 years from the date such individual ceases to act on behalf of the Contractor. (e) The certification required by paragraph (c) of this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed in executing this modification. [End of clause] 31 Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc. N01-CP-33060 PART III SECTION J - LIST OF ATTACHMENTS The following documents are attached and incorporated in this contract: 1) Invoice/Financing Request Instructions for NIH Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts, NIH(RC)-l (6/18/92), 5 pages. 2) Financial Report of Individual Project/Contract, NIH 2706, (5/92), 1 page. 3) Instructions for Completing form NIH 2706, Financial Report of Individual Project/Contract, (5/92), 3 pages. 4) Privacy Act System of Records, Number 09-25-0130, as cited in the Federal Register Notice issued in Volume 56, Number 8, (1/11/91), 2 pages. 5) Safety and Health, PHSAR Clause 352.223-70,(4/84), 2 pages. 6) Procurement of Certain Equipment, NIH(RC)-7, (4/1/84), 1 page. 7) Schedule II-A, Government Furnished Property, (3/1/93), 6 pages. PART IV SECTION K - REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS The following documents are incorporated by reference in this contract: 1) Representations and Certifications, dated October 23, 1992. END of the SCHEDULE (CONTRACT) 32 INVOICE/FINANCING REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS FOR NIH COST-REIMBURSEMENT TYPE CONTRACTS. NIH(RC)-l General: The Contractor shall submit claims for reimbursement in the manner and format described herein and as illustrated in the sample invoice/financing request. Format: Standard Form 1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal; and Standard Form 1035, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal--Continuation Sheet, or reproduced copies of such forms marked ORIGINAL should be used to submit claims for reimbursement. In lieu of SF-1034 and SF-1035, claims may be submitted on Form NIH 2706, Financial Report of Individual Project/Contract, or on the payee's letterhead or self-designed form provided that it contains the information shown on the sample invoice/financing request. Number of Copies: As indicated in the Invoice Submission clause in the contract. Frequency: Invoices/financing requests submitted in accordance with the payment clause shall be submitted monthly unless otherwise authorized by the Contracting Officer. Cost Incurrence Period:Costs incurred must be within the contract performance period or covered by precontract cost provisions. Billing of Costs Incurred: If billed costs include: (1) Costs of a prior billing period, but not previously billed, or (2) costs incurred during the contract period and claimed after the contract period has expired, the amount and month(s) in which such costs were incurred shall be cited. Contractor's Fiscal Year: Invoices/financing requests shall be prepared in such a manner that costs claimed can be identified with the Contractor's fiscal year. Currency: All NIH contracts are expressed in United States dollars. Where expenditures are made in a currency other than United States dollars, billings on the contract shall be expressed, and reimbursement by the United States Government shall be made, in that other currency at amounts coincident with actual costs incurred. Currency fluctuations may not be a basis of gain or loss to the Contractor. Notwithstanding the above, the total of all invoices paid under this contract may not exceed the United States dollars authorized. Costs Requiring Prior Approval: Costs requiring the Contracting Officer's approval which are not set forth in an advance understanding in the contract shall be so identified and reference the Contracting Officer's Authorization (COA) number. Invoice/Financing Request Identification: Each invoice/financing request shall be identified as either: (a) Interim Invoice/Contract Financing Request: These are interim payment requests during the contract performance period. NIH(RC)-1 ATTACHMENT 1 Rev. 6/18/92 (b) Completion Invoice: The completion invoice is a final invoice which is submitted promptly upon completion of the work, but no later than one year from the contract completion date. The completion invoice should be submitted when all costs (except for finalization of indirect cost rates) have been assigned to the contract and all performance provisions have been completed. (c) Final Invoice: A revised final invoice may be required after the amounts owed have been settled between the Government and the Contractor (e.g., final indirect cost rates and resolution of all suspensions and audit exceptions). Preparation and Itemization of the Invoice/Financing Request: The Contractor shall furnish the information set forth in the explanatory notes below. These notes are keyed to the entries of the sample invoice/financing request. (a) Payor's Name and Address: The paying office and address, identified in the Invoice Submission clause of the contract, shall be entered on all copies of the invoice/financing request. (b) Invoice/Financing Request Number: Insert the appropriate serial number of the invoice/financing request. (c) Date Invoice/Financing Request Prepared: Insert the date the invoice/financing request is prepared. (d) Contract Number and Date: Insert the contract number and the date of the contract. (e) Payee's Name and Address: Show the Contractor's name (as it appears in the contract), correct address, and the title and phone number of the responsible official to whom payment is to be sent. When an approved assignment has been made by the Contractor, or a different payee has been designated, then insert the name and address of the payee instead of the Contractor. (f) Total Estimated Cost of Contract: Insert the total estimated cost of the contract, exclusive of fixed-fee. For incrementally funded contracts, enter the amount currently obligated and available for payment. (g) Total Fixed-Fee: Insert the total fixed-fee (where applicable). (h) Billing Period: Insert the beginning and ending dates (day, month, and year) of the period in which costs were incurred and for which reimbursement is claimed. (i) Amount Billed for Current Period: Insert the amount billed for the major cost elements, adjustment and adjusted amounts for the period. (j) Cumulative Amount from Inception to Date of this Billing: Insert the cumulative amounts billed for the major cost elements and adjusted amounts claimed during this contract. NIH(RC)-1 ATTACHMENT 1 Rev. 6/18/92 (k) Direct Costs: Insert the major cost elements. For each element, consider the application of the paragraph entitled Costs Requiring Prior Approval on page 1 of these instructions. (1) Direct Labor: This consists of salaries and wages paid (or accrued) for direct performance of the contract. (2) Fringe Benefits: This represents fringe benefits applicable to direct labor and billed as a direct cost. Fringe benefits included in indirect costs should not be identified here. (3) Accountable Personal Property: This category of cost includes permanent research equipment and general purpose equipment having a unit acquisition cost of $1,000 or more and having an expected service life of more than two years, and sensitive property regardless of cost (See the DHHS Contractor's Guide for Control of Government Property.) Show permanent research equipment separate from general purpose equipment. Prepare and attach Form HHS-565, "Report of Accountable Property," in accordance with the following instructions: List each item for which reimbursement is requested. A reference shall be made to the following (as applicable): (A) The item number for the specific piece of equipment listed in the Property Schedule; (B) The Contracting Officer's Authorization letter and number, if the equipment is not covered by the Property Schedule, or; (C) Be preceded by an asterisk (*) if the equipment is below the approval level. Further itemization of invoices/financing requests shall only be required for items having specific limitations set forth in the contract. (4) Materials and Supplies: This category includes equipment with unit costs of less than $500 or an expected service life of two years or less, and consumable material and supplies regardless of amount. (5) Premium Pay: This is remuneration in excess of the basic hourly rate, (6) Consultant Fee: Fees paid to consultants. Identify consultant by name or category as set forth in the contract's advance understanding or in the COA letter, as well as the effort (i.e., number of hours, days, etc.) and rate being billed. (7) Travel: Foreign travel is travel outside of Canada, the United States and its territories and possessions. However, for an organization located outside Canada, the United States and its territories and possessions, foreign travel means travel outside that country. Foreign travel should be billed separately from domestic travel. NIH(RC)-1 ATTACHMENT 1 Rev. 6/18/92 (8) Subcontract Costs: List subcontractor(s) by name and amount billed. (9) Other: List all other direct costs in total unless exceeding $1,000 in amount. If over $1,000, list cost elements and dollar amount separately. If the contract contains restrictions on any cost element, that cost element should be listed separately. (l) Cost of Money (COM): Cite the COM factor and base in effect during the time the cost was incurred and for which reimbursement is claimed. (m) Indirect Costs--Overhead: Cite the formula (rate and base) in effect during the time the cost was incurred and for which reimbursement is claimed. If special rate is being used; e.g., off-site, then so specify. (n) Fixed-Fee: If the contract provides for a fixed-fee, it must be claimed as provided for by the contract. Cite the formula or method of computation. (o) Total Amounts Claimed: Insert the total amounts claimed for the current and cumulative periods. (p) Adjustments: This includes amounts conceded by the Contractor, outstanding suspensions and disapprovals subject to appeal. (q) Grand Totals The Contracting Officer may require the Contractor to submit detailed support for costs claimed on one or more interim invoices/financing requests. NIH(RC)-l ATTACHMENT 1 Rev. 6/18/92 SAMPLE INVOICE/FINANCING REQUEST (a) Payor's Name and Address (b) Invoice/Financing Request No. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Division of Financial Management Contracts Section, FAAB (c) Date Voucher Prepared Building 31, Room B1B05A Bethesda, Maryland 20892 (d) Contract No. and Date (e) Payee's Name and Address ABC CORPORATION (f) Total Est. Cost of Contract 100 Main Street Anywhere, U.S.A. zip code (g) Total Fixed-Fee Attention: Name, Title and Phone Number of Official to Whom Payment is Sent (h) This invoice/financing request represents reimbursable costs from August 1, 1982 through August 31, 1982. (i) Amount Billed (j) Cumulative Amt. From for Current Inception to Date Period of this Billing (k) Direct Costs (1) Direct Labor $ 3,400 $ 6,800 (2) Fringe Benefits 600 1,200 (3) Accountable Personal Property (Attach HHS-565) Permanent Research 3,000 8,000 General Purpose 2,000 2,000 (4) Materials and Supplies 2,000 4,000 (5) Premium Pay 100 150 (6) Consultant Fee 100 100 Dr. Jones/1 day @ 100 (COA #3) (7) Travel -- (Domestic) 200 200 (Foreign) 200 200 (8) Subcontract Cost 0 0 (9) Other 0 0 Total Direct Costs $11,600 $20,650 (l) Cost of Money (Factor) of (Approp. Base) 2,400 3,600 (m) Indirect Costs - Overhead % of Direct Labor or Other Base (Formula) 4,000 6,000 (n) Fixed-Fee Earned (Formula) 700 1,400 (o) Total Amount Claimed $18,700 $31,650 (p) Adjustments Outstanding Suspensions (q) Grand Totals $18,700 $29,950 "I certify that all payments requested are for appropriate purposes and in accordance with the contract." (Name of Official) (Title) NIH(RC)-1 ATTACHMENT 1 Rev. 6/18/92 National Institute of Health Project Task Contract No. Financial Report of Individual Project/Contract Reporting Period Contractor's Name and Address Complete this form in accordance with accompanying instructions. Expenditure Cagetory Percentage of Effort/Hours Cumulative Incurred Cumulative Estimated Insurred Cost-Current Cost to Date Cost to Cost at End Period (D + E) Complete of Prior Period Funded Actual A B C D E F G Direct Labor 22,435 Overhead Materials/Supp. Shipping Freezer Maint. G&A Fixed Fee Government Furnished Equip. TOTAL CPFF Date of Report 0990-0134 0990-0131 Estimated Funded Variance (Over Cost at Contract Amount or Under) Completion Year 1 (I - H) (F + G) H I J Direct Labor [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] Overhead [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] Materials/Supp. [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] Shipping [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] Freezer Maint. [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] G&A [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] Fixed Fee [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] Government Furnished Equip. [Language Deleted due to Confidential Treatment Request.] TOTAL CPFF NIH 2706 (5/92) Formerly HHS646 ATTACHMENT 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM NIH 2706 "FINANCIAL REPORT OF INDIVIDUAL PROJECT/CONTRACT" GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose. Form NIH 2706 is designed to: (1) provide a management tool for use by NIH in monitoring the application of financial and personnel resources to NIH contracts, (2) provide contractors with financial and personnel management data which is usable in their management processes, (3) promptly indicate potential areas of contract underruns or overruns by making possible comparisons of actual performance and projections with prior estimates on individual elements of cost and personnel, and (4) obtain contractor's analyses of cause and effect of significant variations between actual and prior estimates of financial and personnel performance. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (a) Scope. The specific cost and personnel elements to be reported shall be established by mutual agreement prior to award. The Government may require the contractor to provide detailed documentation to support any element(s) on one or more financial reports. (b) Number of Copies and Mailing Address. An original and two (2) copies of the report(s) shall be sent to the Contracting Officer at the address shown on the face page of the contract, no later than the 30th working day after the end of the period reported. REPORTING STATISTICS A modification which extends the period of performance of an existing contract will not require reporting on a separate Form NIH 2706, except where it is determined by the Contracting Officer that separate reporting is necessary. Furthermore, when incrementally funded contracts are involved, each separate allotment is not considered a separate contract entity (only a funding action). Therefore, the statistics under incrementally funded contracts should be reported cumulatively from the inception of the contract through completion. Definitions and Instructions for Completing Form NIH 2706. For the purpose of establishing expenditure categories in Column A, the following definitions and instructions will be utilized. Each contract will specify the categories to be reported. (1) Personnel--Professional. Included are the senior level and all other personnel whose total annual salary rates are $50,000 or more. It should include key personnel regardless of annual salary rates. All such individuals should be listed by names and job titles on a separate line including those whose salary is not directly charged to the contract but whose effort is directly associated with the contract. The listing must be kept up to date. (2) Personnel--Other. This will be listed as one amount unless otherwise required by the contract. Form NIH 2706, Instructions ATTACHMENT 3 (5/92) (3) Fringe Benefits. Include allowances and services provided by the Contractor to employees as compensation in addition to regular salaries and wages. If a fringe benefit rate(s) has been established, identify the base, rate, and amount billed for each category. If a rate has not been established, the various fringe benefit costs may be required to be shown separately. Fringe benefits which are included in the indirect cost rate should not be shown here. (4) Accountable Personal Property. Nonexpendable personal property with an acquisition cost of $1,000 or more and with an expected useful life of two or more years, and sensitive items regardless of cost. Form HHS 565, "Report of Accountable Property," must accompany the contractor's public voucher (SF 1034/SF 1035) or this report if not previously submitted. See "Contractor's Guide for Control of Government Property." (5) Supplies. Includes the cost of supplies and material and equipment charged directly to the contract, but excludes the cost of nonexpendable equipment as defined in (4) above. (6) Inpatient Care. Costs associated with a subject while occupying a bed in a patient care setting. It normally includes both routine and ancillary costs. (7) Outpatient Care. Costs associated with a subject while not occupying a bed. It normally includes ancillary costs only. (8) Travel. Includes all direct costs of travel, including transportation, subsistence and miscellaneous expenses. Travel for staff and consultants shall be shown separately. Identify foreign and domestic travel separately. If required by the contract, the following information shall be submitted: (i) Name of traveler and purpose of trip; (ii) Place of departure, destination and return, including time and dates; and (iii) Total cost of trip. (9) Consultant Fee. Fees paid to consultant. Identify each consultant with effort expended, billing rate, and amount billed. (10) Premium pay. Includes the amount of salaries and wages over and above the basic rate of pay. (11) Subcontracts. List each subcontract by name and amount billed. (12) Other costs. Includes a number of separate expenditure categories for which the Government does not require individual line item reporting. It may include some of the above categories. (13) Overhead/Indirect Costs. Identify the cost base, indirect cost rate, and amount billed for each indirect cost category. (14) General and Administrative expense. Cite the rate and the base. In the case of nonprofit organizations, this item will usually be included in the indirect cost. (15) Fee. If any, cite the fee earned. (16) Total Costs to the Government. Form NIH 2706, Instructions ATTACHMENT 3 (5/92) PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS These instructions are keyed to the columns on Form NIH 2706. Column A--Expenditure Category. Enter in column A the expenditure categories required by the contract. Column B--Percentage of Effort/Hours Funded. Enter in column B the percentage of effort or number of hours agreed to during contract negotiations for each labor category listed in column A. Column C--Percentage of Effort/Hours-Actual. The Contractor will enter the cumulative percentage of effort or number of hours worked by each employee or group of employees listed in Column A. Column D--Cumulative Incurred Cost at End of Prior Period. This column should show the cumulative incurred costs up to the end of the prior reporting period. This column will be blank at the time of the submission of the initial report. Column E--Incurred Cost-Current Period. The Contractor should enter the costs which were incurred during the current period. Column F--Cumulative Incurred Cost to Date. The Contractor should enter the combined total of Columns D and E. Column G--Estimated Cost to Complete. Entries need only be made when the Contractor estimates that a particular expenditure category will vary from the amount funded. Realistic estimates are essential. Column H--Estimated Costs at Completion. No entry is required in this column unless an entry is made in Column G. Column I--Funded Contract Amount. Enter in this column the costs agreed to during contract negotiations for all expenditure categories listed in Column A. Column J--Variance (Over or Under). This column need not be filled in when Column H is blank. When entries have been made in Column H, this column should show the difference between the estimated costs at completion (Column H) and funded costs (Column I). When a line item varies by plus or minus 10%, i.e., the percentage arrived at by dividing Column J by Column I, an explanation of the variance should be submitted. In the case of an overrun (net negative variance), this submission shall not be deemed as notice under the Limitation of Cost (Funds) clause of the contract. Modifications. Any modification in the amount funded for an item since the preceding report should be listed in the appropriate cost category. Expenditures Not Funded. An expenditure for an item for which no amount was funded (e.g., at the discretion of the Contractor in performance of its contract) should be listed in the appropriate cost category and all columns filled in except for I. Column J will of course show a 100% variance and will be explained along with those identified under J above. Form NIH 2706, Instructions ATTACHMENT 3 (5/92) Federal Register / Vol. 56, No. 8 / Friday, January 11, 1991 / Notices SYSTEMS EXEMPTED FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE ACT: None. 89-25-0138 SYSTEM NAME: Clinical Research: Environm and Epidemiologic Studies in the Div National Cancer etiology, HHS/NIH/NCL Institutes SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: None. SYSTEM LOCATION: National Institutes of Health, Executive Plaza North, room 443, 0130 Executive Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20882, and National Institutes of Health, Building 12, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20882, and at hospitals, medical schools, universities, research institutions, commercial organizations, state agencies, and collaborating government agencies. A list of locations and contracts is available upon request from the system manager. CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: Patients with cancer and other environmentally caused diseases, (e.g., birth defects), patients with other diseases (e.g., heart disease), normal and other persons (e.g., family members) for the purpose of making comparisons. CATEGORIES OF PERSONS IN THE SYSTEM: Medical records, progress reports, correspondence, epidemiological computerized data and records on biological specimens (e.g., blood, tumors, urine, etc.). AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: 42 U.S.C. 241, AND 282. PURPOSE(S) OF THE SYSTEM: To determine: (1) Factors or substances in the environment which cause cancer; (2) ways in which these factors or substances may cause cancer; (3) characteristics of persons who may be particularly susceptible to the environmental factor(s) or substance(s) and/or to cancer. ROUTINE USES OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATEGORIES OF USERS AND THE PURPOSES OF SUCH USES 1. Disclosure may be made to HHS contractors, grantees and collaborating researchers and their staff in order to accomplish the research purposes for which the records are collected. The recipients are required to protect such records from improper disclosure. 2. Disclosure may be made to a congressional office from the record of ATTACHMENT 4 Federal Register / Vol. 56, No. 8 / Friday, January 11, 1991 / Notices an individual in response to an inquiry from the congressional office made at the request of the individual. 3. The Department contemplates that it will contract with a private firm for the purpose of collating, analyzing, aggregating or otherwise refining records in this system. Relevant records will be disclosed to such a contractor. The contractor shall be required to maintain Privacy Act safeguards with respect to such records. 4. In the event of litigations where the defendant is (a) the Department, any component of the Department, or any employee of the Department in his or her official capacity; (b) the United States where the Department determines that the claim, if successful, is likely to directly affect the operations of the Department or any of its components; or (c) any Department employee in his or her individual capacity where the Justice Department has agreed to represent such employees, or example in defending against a claim based upon an individual's mental or physical condition and alleged to have arisen because of activities of the Public Health Services in connection with such individual, the Department may disclose such records as it deems desirable or necessary to the Department of Justice or other appropriate Federal agency to enable that agency to present an effective defense, provided that such disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which the records were collected. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR STORAGE, RETRIEVING, ACCESSING, RETAINING AND DISPOSING OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: STORAGE: File folders, microfilm, charts, graphs, computer tapes, disks, and punch cards. RETRIEVABILITY: By name and/or code number. SAFEGUARDS: HHS contractors and collaborating researchers are required to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act and with Department Regulations. Subjects participating in a clinical study are advised that their identity will only be known to those who are involved in conducting the study and that any published findings will be in a format which precludes individual identification. 1. Authorized Users: Employees who maintain records in this system are instructed to grant regular access only to physicians, scientists and support staff of the National Cancer Institute, collaborating researchers, or HHS contractors, whose duties require the use of ATTACHMENT 4 such information. Other one-time and special access by other employees is granted on a need-to-know basis as specifically authorized by the system manager. 2. Physical Safeguards: Data are kept in secured areas with access limited to authorized personnel (system manager, project officer, contracting officer, collaborating researchers, staff, and HHS contractors). Data transmitted to the NCI are in a form which precludes individual identification. 3. Procedural Safeguards: For computerized records, the contractor is required to comply, where appropriate, with Department standards and National Bureau of Standards Guidelines. For example, access is controlled by the use of security codes known only to authorized personnel. These practices are in compliance with the standards of Chapter 45-13 of the HHS General Administration Manual. "Safeguarding Records Contained in Systems of Records," supplementary Chapter PHS bf: 45-13, and Part 6, "ADP Systems Security," of the HHS Information Resources Management Manual and the National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS Pub. 41 and FIPS Pub. 31). RETENTION AND DISPOSAL: Records are retained and disposed of under the authority of the NIH Records Control Schedule contained in NIH Manual Chapter 1743, Appendix 1--"Keeping and Destroying Records" (HHS Records Management Appendix B-301), item 3000-G-3, which allows records to be kept as long as they are useful in scientific research. Refer to the NIH Manual Chapter for specific disposition instructions. SYSTEM MANAGER AND ADDRESS: National Cancer Institute, Chief, Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Executive Plaza North, room 443, 0130 Executive Blvd., Bethesda, Maryland 20862. NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: To determine if a file exists, write to System Manager and provide the following information: a. System name: Environmental Epidemiologic Studies in the Division of Cancer Causes and Prevention; b. Complete Name at time of study; c. Facility and Home Address at the time the study was undertaken; d. Date(s) at the time the information was provided (if known); e. Birth date; f. Disease type (if known) The requester must also verify his or her identify by providing either a notarization of the request or a written certification that the requester is who he or she claims to be and understands that the knowing and willful request for acquisition of a record pertaining to an individual under false pretense is a criminal offense under the Act, subject to five thousand dollar fine. Individuals seeking notification of or access to medical records should designate a representative (including address) who may be a physician, other health professional, or other responsible individual who would be willing to review the record and inform the subject individual of its contents, at the representative's discretion. A parent or guardian who requests notification of or access to a child's or incompetent person's medical record shall designate a family physician or other health professional (other than a family member) to whom the record; if any, will be sent. The parent or guardian must verify relationship to the child or incompetent person as well as his or her own identity. RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURE: Write to System Manager and specify the record sought. The same information required above for notification is also needed for access. Individuals may also request listings of accountable disclosures that have been made of their records, if any. CONTESTING RECORDS PROCEDURE Write to System Manager and specify the record and the part(s) to be contested, and state the corrective action sought and the reasons for the correction. The right to contest records is limited to information which is incomplete, irrelevant, incorrect, or untimely (obsolete). RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES HHS agencies, institutions under contract to the U.S. Government, universities, medical schools, hospitals, research institutions, commercial institutions, state agencies, other U.S. Government agencies, patients and normal volunteers, physicians, research investigators and other collaborating personnel. SYSTEMS EXEMPTED FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE ACT: None. PHS 352.223-70 SAFETY AND HEALTH (APRIL 1984) (a) In order to provide safety controls for protection to the life and health of employees and other persons; for prevention of damage to all property; and for avoidance of work interruptions in the performance of the contract; the Contractor will consult, comply with, and include in all applicable subcontracts, the following standards, as appropriate: (1) Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the NIH, HHS Pub. No. (CDC) 88-8395. (2) Recommendations for Prevention of HIV Transmission in Health-Care Settings, Morbidity and Mortality Report, August 21, 1987, Vol. 35, No. 2S. (3) Update: Universal Precautions for Prevention of Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, and Other Bloodborne Pathogens in Health-Care Settings. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 24, 1988, Vol. 37, No. 24. (4) Agent Summary Statement for Human Immunodeficiency Viruses (HIV); Included are GTLV-III, LAV, HIV-1, and HIV-2. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, April 1, 1988, Vol. 37, No. S4. (5) Recommendations for the Safe Handling of Parentoral Antineoplastic Drugs, NIH Publication No. 83-2621. (6) NIH Guidelines for the Laboratory Use of Chemical Carcinogens, NIH No. 81-2385. The above, (1) - (6), may be obtained from: Division of Safety Office of Research Services National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 1C02 Bethesda, Maryland 20892 (7) Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (49 FR 46266 latest revision) and Administrative Practices Supplement. These may be from: Office of Recombinant DNA Activities Office of Science Policy and Legislation National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room B1C34 Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Safety and Health Clause ATTACHMENT 5 PHS 352.223-70 (04/84) (8) Procedures for the Domestic handling and Transport of Diagnostic Specimens and Etiologic Agents, National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, July 17, 1985, Vol. 5. This may be obtained from National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards 771 East Lancaster Avenue Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085 Further, the Contractor shall take or cause to be taken such additional safety measures as the Contracting Officer may determine to be reasonably necessary; provided, that if compliance with such additional safety measures results in a material increase in the cost or time of performance of the contract, an equitable adjustment will be made in accordance with the clause of this contract entitled "Changes." (b) Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor will submit in writing its plan for complying with the safety and health provisions of this contract, and will meet with the Contracting Officer or his/her designated representative to discuss and develop a mutual understanding relative to administration of the overall safety program. (c) During the performance of work under this contract, the Contractor shall comply with all procedures prescribed by the Contracting Officer for the control and safety of persons visiting the job site and will comply with such requirements to prevent accidents as may be prescribed by the Contracting Officer. (d) The Contractor will maintain an accurate record of, and report to the Contracting Officer in such manner as the Contracting Officer may prescribe, all accidents and incidents resulting in death, traumatic injury, occupational disease, and/or damage to all property incident to work performed under the contract. (e) The Contracting Officer shall notify (if otherwise, confirm in writing) the Contractor of any noncompliance with the provisions of this clause and corrective action to be taken. After receipt of such notice, the Contractor shall immediately take such corrective action. (Such notice, when delivered to the Contractor or its representative at the site of the work, shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose.) If the Contractor fails or refuses to comply promptly, the Contracting Officer may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. No part of the time lost due to any such stop order shall be the subject of claim for extension of time or for costs or damages by the Contractor. (f) The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause in each subcontract involving the use of hazardous materials or operations. Compliance with the provisions of this clause by subcontractors will be the responsibility of the Contractor. [End of Clause] Safety and Health Clause ATTACHMENT 5 PHS 352.223-70 (04/84) PROCUREMENT OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT Notwithstanding any other clause in this contract, the Contractor will not be reimbursed for the purchase, lease, or rental of any item of equipment listed in the following Federal Supply Groups, regardless of the dollar value, without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. 67 - Photographic Equipment 69 - Training Aids and Devices 70 - General Purpose ADP Equipment, Software, Supplies and Support (Excluding 7045-ADP Supplies and Support Equipment.) 71 - Furniture 72 - Household and Commercial Furnishings and Appliances 74 - Office Machines and Visible Record Equipment 77 - Musical Instruments, Phonographs, and Home-type Radios 78 - Recreational and Athletic Equipment When equipment in these Federal Supply Groups is requested by the Contractor and determined essential by the Contracting Officer, the Government will endeavor to fulfill the requirement with equipment available from its excess personal property sources, provided the request is made under a cost-reimbursement contract. Extensions or renewals of approved existing leases or rentals for equipment in these Federal Supply Groups are excluded from the provisions of this article. NIH(RC)-7 (4/1/84) ATTACHMENT 6 OMB Bulletin 81-16 Biotech Research SCHEDULE II-A Master List of Government Furnished Property Description Model # Serial # Gov. Decal # Location Cost ($) Date Acquired Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8158 80638-004 467579 3 Taft, Annex 1,780 04/03/82 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8158 80856-007 481561 3 Taft, Annex 4,850 10/22/84 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8158 80638-005 467580 3 Taft, Annex 1,780 04/03/82 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8158 80638-003 467578 3 Taft, Annex 1,780 04/03/82 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8158 80856-008 467628 3 Taft, Annex 4,850 10/22/84 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 69929-77 467349 3 Taft, Annex 4,539 12/27/83 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 69566-1 449931 3 Taft, Annex 4,539 08/03/83 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 69566-2 449932 3 Taft, Annex 4,539 08/03/83 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 60091-118 468220 3 Taft, Annex 4,539 06/28/84 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 60091-119 468222 3 Taft, Annex 4,539 06/28/84 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 60342-261 486569 3 Taft, Annex 4,732 05/02/85 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 80128-320 496994 3 Taft, Annex 4,680 07/25/85 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 81043-402 None 3 Taft, Annex 4,680 07/01/85 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 81391-455 509353 3 Taft, Annex 4,680 02/18/86 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 81611-479 509354 3 Taft, Annex 4,680 06/25/86 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 82004-659 525534 3 Taft, Annex 4,275 05/06/87 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 82004-658 525535 3 Taft, Annex 4,275 05/06/87 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 82189-762 600051 3 Taft, Annex 4,792 11/01/87 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 82154-858 None 3 Taft, Annex 4,857 08/01/88 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 82154-857 None 3 Taft, Annex 4,857 08/01/88 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8358 82154-860 None 3 Taft, Annex 4,857 08/01/88 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83029-220 None 3 Taft, Annex 4,743 06/01/89 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83029-219 None 3 Taft, Annex 4,743 06/01/89 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83071-255 609114 3 Taft, Annex 4,743 09/01/89 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83071-256 609115 3 Taft, Annex 4,743 09/01/89 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83327-403 623931 3 Taft, Annex 5,028 04/01/90 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83327-402 623932 3 Taft, Annex 5,028 04/01/90 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83510-576 811081 3 Taft, Annex 4,473 12/01/90 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/Forma 8458 83510-578 811080 3 Taft, Annex 4,473 12/01/90 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/So-Low SE27-120 8889646 01023091 3 Taft, Annex 11/92 Freezer, Mechanical MPG/So-Low SE27-120 8889645 01023092 3 Taft, Annex 11/92 Freezer, MFG/Montgomery Ward None 3 Taft, Lab D 450 Freezer Racks, for Mechanical 820012 449933 3 Taft, Annex 2,884 08/03/83 MFG/Forma Freezer Racks, for Mechanical (2 sets 12-2 None 3 Taft, Annex 5,469 03/05/91 MFG / Cryo Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 449-B 449930 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 6,909 07/06/83 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 448-B 449929 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 6,909 07/06/83 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 276-B 467577 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 1,460 04/03/82 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 272-B 467576 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 1,460 04/03/82 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 274-B 467575 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 1,460 04/03/82 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 481-B 481973 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 7,500 04/01/85 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 561 509677 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 7,800 08/22/86 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 595 530495 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 8,952 09/01/87 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE A4500 593 530496 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 8,952 09/01/87 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE XLC1110 DKA88J102 None 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 9,500 09/01/88 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE XLC1110 DKG89G101 609116 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 9,870 09/01/89 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE XLC1110 DKC89G103 609117 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 9,870 09/01/89 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE XLC1110 DKD90B102 623933 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 9,870 04/01/90 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE XLC1110 DKD90B101 623934 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 9,870 04/01/90 Freezer, LN 2 MFG / MVE XLC1110 DFK90K110 811082 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 10,077 12/01/90 Freezer Racks, for LN 2 (2 sets) 9-2 44934 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 2,260 08/12/83 MFG/MVE 44935 Freezer Racks, for LN 2 MFG / MVE 12-2C 468221 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 2,970 08/17/84 Freezer Racks, for LN 2 MFG / MVE 9-2C 481973 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 1,300 04/01/85 Freezer Racks, for LN 2 MFG / MVE 12-2C 486570 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 2,805 05/22/85 Freezer Racks, for LN 2 MFG / Cryo 9-2 None 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 1,409 03/05/91 Centrifuge, Micro MFG/Fisher 59 1611 467566 3 Taft, Lab D 1,100 04/03/82 Centrifuge MFG/IEC PR-6 47914P2 295075 3 Taft, Lab D 2,606 04/03/82 Centrifuge MFG/Beckman TJ-6 10309 481563 3 Taft, Lab D 2,900 10/22/84 Centrifuge MFG/IEC CRU-5000 23452863 467626 3 Taft, Lab D 2,950 10/22/84 Centrifuge with H-100B Rotor RT6000B 8601962 509355 3 Taft, Lab D 7,325 07/17/86 MFG/Sorvall Water Bath MFG/Precision Scientific 182 22AM/7 467574 3 Taft, Lab D 450 04/03/82 Water Bath MFG/Precision Scientific 184 22AM/6 467572 3 Taft, Lab D 450 04/03/82 Hood, Laminar Flow MFG/Nuaire, Inc. NU-408-424 4009 MM-A 467568 3 Taft, Lab D 8,952 04/03/82 Hood, Laminar Flow MFG/CCI 740 13406 418708 3 Taft, Annex 8,952 05/01/90 Coulter Counter MFG/Coulter Electron ZBi 5632 467567 3 Taft, Lab D 10,000 04/03/82 Tank, TN 2 MFG/MVE 160L DURA-LO L83112112CA 467514 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 1,295 02/06/84 Freezer, Control Rate; Programmer 900 81050ID 496118 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 9,870 1986 Controller, & Recorder MFG/Cryomed Freezer, Control Rate; Chamber 990 81020F 496118 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 1986 MFG/Cryomed Freezer, Control Rate; Programer & 1010 89-22026 None 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 06/01/89 Controller MFG/Cryomed Freezer, Control Rate; Recorder L655221 1288/89 None 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 06/01/89 MFG/Cryomed Freezer, Control Rate; Chamber 2700C 882110 None 3 Taft, Freezer Rm 06/01/89 MFG/Cryomed Refrigerator MFG/Puffer Hubbard LR201T4 11138 277520 3 Taft, Lab D 880 04/03/82 Refrigerator MFG/Gibson RT173WJGB 0781677522 401923 3 Taft, Lab D 310 10/22/84 Freezer, Mechanical MFG/Forma 8458 84200-00719 811940 3 Taft, Annex 5,431 08/28/91 Freezer, Mechanical MFG/Forma 8458 84200-00720 811941 3 Taft, Annex 5,431 08/28/91 Freezer, LN2MFG/MVE DFK91G101 811942 3 Taft, Freezer Room 9,870 08/28/91 Freezer Racks for LN2MFG/MVE 3 Taft, Freezer Room 2,000 08/28/91 Freezer Racks for LN2MFG/MVE 3 Taft, Freezer Room 1,725 08/28/91 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Computer, 286 MFG/Compaq 20 48-14AM3B1292 None 3 Taft, Office D 2,195 12/01/88 Monitor, Monochrome 1418 AONO7564 None 3 Taft, Office D 157 12/01/88 MFG/Packard Bell Printer MFG/Epson DFX-5000 OOG0000823 None 3 Taft, Office D 1,517 12/01/88 Modem MFG/Hayes 2400B None 3 Taft, Office D 443 12/01/88 Graphic Card MFG/Hercules None 3 Taft, Office D 194 12/01/88 Program, MS DOS MFG/Compaq V3.3 None 3 Taft, Office D 84 12/01/88 Disc Drive/Compaq None 3 Taft, Office D 400 06/25/91 Hard Drive/Compaq None 3 Taft, Office D 538 07/09/91 Keyboard/Compaq None 3 Taft, Office D 07/09/91 Liquid Nitrogen Dry CRYOMED CMD-20-1 916815 1,100 11/91 Shipper CMD-20 Liquid Nitrogen Dry CRYOMED CMD-20-2 916816 1,100 11/91 Shipper CMD-20 Freezer, LN2 MFG/MVE XLC 1110 JIA92B101 871521 9,882 05/92 Freezer, Mechanical MFG/So-Low SE27.120 9192769 871522 5,243 06/92 Freezer, Mechanical MFG/So-Low SE27.120 9192768 871523 5,243 06/92