THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

               FILED BY THE REGISTRANT       X


               Check the appropriate box:

    _X_    Preliminary Proxy Statement* 
    ___    Definitive Proxy Statement
    ___    Definitive Additional Materials
    ___    Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12 
    ___    Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only 
            (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

                         CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

               Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

_X_  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(i)(2) or
       Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule  14A.  
___  $ 500 per each  party  to  the  controversy  pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule
___  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined).

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

___  Fee previously paid with preliminary materials.

___  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)  Filing Party:

(4)  Date Filed:
*    Definitive  copies of the attached  Proxy  Statement  and form of proxy are
     intended to be released to security holders on September 27, 1996.

                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                 37 Manning Road
                         Billerica, Massachusetts 01821


         You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of Centennial  Technologies,  Inc.  (the  "Company") to be held at 10:00 a.m. on
Wednesday,  November 6, 1996 at The First  National  Bank of Boston,  Conference
Center - 2nd Floor, 100 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110.

         At the Annual  Meeting,  you will be asked to elect seven (7) Directors
of the Company.

         Details of the  matters to be  considered  at the  Annual  meeting  are
contained in the Proxy  Statement  that we urge you to consider  carefully.  The
Company's 1996 Annual Report, which is not part of the enclosed Proxy Statement,
is also  enclosed and provides  additional  information  regarding the financial
results of the Company.  Holders of the  Company's  Common Stock are entitled to
vote at the Annual Meeting on the basis of one vote for each share held.

         Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting,  please complete,
date,  sign and return  your Proxy  promptly  in the  enclosed  envelope,  which
requires  no postage if mailed in the  United  States.  If you attend the Annual
Meeting,  you may  vote in  person  if you  wish,  even if you  have  previously
returned your Proxy.


                                                     Emanuel Pinez
                                                     Chief Executive Officer

Billerica, Massachusetts
September 27, 1996

                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                 37 Manning Road
                         Billerica, Massachusetts 01821



         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of
CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES,  INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  will be
held on Wednesday,  November 6, 1996 at 10:00 a.m. at The First National Bank of
Boston, Conference Center - 2nd Floor, 100 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts
02110 for the following purposes:

     1.  To elect Directors of the Company for the ensuing year;

     2.  To approve an amendment to the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation
         to  increase  the  number of  authorized  shares of Common  Stock  from
         15,000,000 shares to 30,000,000 shares;

     3.  To approve an amendment to the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation
         to increase the number of  authorized  shares of  Preferred  Stock from
         1,000,000 shares to 2,000,000 shares;

     4.  To approve an  amendment  to the  Company's  1994 Stock  Option Plan to
         increase  the number of shares of Common  Stock  reserved  for issuance
         under said plan from 750,000 shares to 1,000,000 shares;

     5.  To ratify and confirm the  appointment of Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  as
         the independent  accountants for the Company for the fiscal year ending
         June 30, 1997; and

     6.  To consider and act upon any matters  incidental  to the  foregoing and
         any other  matters  that may  properly  come  before the meeting or any
         adjournment or adjournments thereof.

         The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of business on  Wednesday,
September 18, 1996,  as the record date for the  determination  of  stockholders
entitled  to  notice  of  and  vote  at  the  meeting  and  any  adjournment  or
adjournments thereof.


         We hope that all  stockholders  will be able to attend  the  meeting in
person. In order to assure that a quorum is present at the meeting, please date,
sign and promptly  return the enclosed Proxy whether or not you expect to attend
the  meeting.  A  postage-prepaid  envelope,  addressed  to American  Securities
Transfer,  Incorporated,  the Company's  transfer agent and registrar,  has been
enclosed for your  convenience.  If you attend the meeting,  your Proxy will, at
your request, be returned to you and you may vote your shares in person.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                     Andrew D. Myers
                                                     Assistant Secretary

Billerica, Massachusetts
September 27, 1996


                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                 37 Manning Road
                         Billerica, Massachusetts 01821

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                              [September 27, 1996]

         The enclosed Proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of CENTENNIAL
TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  for use at the
Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held on  Wednesday,  November 6, 1996 at
10:00 a.m. at The First National Bank of Boston,  Conference Center - 2nd Floor,
100 Federal  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02110,  and at any  adjournment or
adjournments thereof.

         Stockholders  of record at the close of business on September  18, 1996
will be  entitled  to vote at the meeting or any  adjournment  thereof.  On that
date,  ________  shares of Common  Stock,  $.01 par value,  of the Company  (the
"Common Stock") were issued and outstanding. Each share of Common Stock entitles
the holder to one vote with respect to all matters  submitted to stockholders at
the meeting. There are no other voting securities of the Company.

         The presence of the holders of a majority of the issued and outstanding
shares of Common  Stock  entitled  to vote at the  meeting,  either in person or
represented by a properly  executed  proxy,  is necessary to constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business at the meeting.

         The  election of  Directors  will be  determined  by a plurality of the
votes cast.  The other  proposals  to be voted upon by the  stockholders  of the
Company require the votes of a majority of the shares of Common Stock present at
the meeting for passage,  except that the proposal to amend the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  of the Company requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock for passage. Abstentions and broker non-votes
(which result when a broker  holding  shares for a beneficial  holder in "street
name" has not received  timely voting  instructions on certain matters from such
beneficial  holder and the broker does not have  discretionary  voting  power on
such matters) are counted for purposes of determining the presence or absence of
a quorum at the meeting. Abstentions are counted in tabulation of the votes cast
on proposals presented to stockholders, whereas broker non-votes are not counted
for purposes of determining whether a proposal has been approved.



         Execution of a Proxy will not in any way affect a  stockholder's  right
to attend the meeting  and vote in person.  The Proxy may be revoked at any time
before it is exercised by written notice to the Secretary  prior to the meeting,
or by giving to the  Secretary a duly  executed  Proxy bearing a later date than
the Proxy being revoked at any time before such Proxy is voted,  or by appearing
at the  meeting and voting in person.  The shares  represented  by all  properly
executed  Proxies  received in time for the meeting  will be voted as  specified
therein.  In the absence of a special  notice,  shares will be voted in favor of
the election of Directors of those persons named in this Proxy  Statement and in
favor of all other items set forth herein.

         The Board of Directors  knows of no other matter to be presented at the
meeting.  If any other  matter  should be  presented at the meeting upon which a
vote may be taken, such shares  represented by all Proxies received by the Board
of Directors will be voted with respect  thereto in accordance with the judgment
of the person named in the Proxies. The Board of Directors knows of no matter to
be acted  upon at the  meeting  that  would  give rise to  appraisal  rights for
dissenting stockholders.

         An annual report  containing  financial  statements for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 1996 ("Fiscal 1996") is being mailed herewith to all stockholders
entitled to vote.  This Proxy  Statement and the  accompanying  Proxy were first
mailed to stockholders on or about [September 27, 1996].


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                              FOR THE ENSUING YEAR

         The Directors of the Company are elected annually and hold office until
the next Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  and until their  successors  have been
elected and qualified.  Shares  represented by all Proxies received by the Board
of  Directors  and  not so  marked  as to  withhold  authority  to  vote  for an
individual nominee for Director, or for all nominees for Director, will be voted
(unless one or more  nominees are unable or unwilling to serve) for the election
of the nominees named below.  The Board of Directors  knows of no reason why any
such  nominee  should be  unwilling  to serve,  but if such  should be the case,
Proxies  will be voted for the  election of some other  person or for fixing the
number of Directors at a lesser number.

         The following  table sets forth the age of each nominee,  the year each
nominee was elected a Director,  and the positions and offices currently held by
each  nominee  with the  Company.  For  information  about the  ownership of the
Company's Common Stock held by each nominee, see "Beneficial Ownership of Common

                                                      Year Nominee
                                                      First Became                Position and Offices
Name                          Age                       Director                    With the Company
- ----                          ---                     ------------                --------------------      

Emanuel Pinez                  58                         1987                    Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                                  Secretary and Chairman of the
                                                                                  Board of Directors

James M. Murphy                45                         1994                    Chief Financial Officer,
                                                                                  Treasurer and Director

John J. McDonald               37                         1995                    President, Vice President of
                                                                                  Sales and Marketing and

John J. Shields                58                         1996                    Vice Chairman of the Board
                                                                                  of Directors

J.P. Luc Beaubien              41                         1994                    Director

William M. Kinch               64                         1995                    Director

William J. Shea                48                         1996                    Director


         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,
requires executive officers and Directors, and persons who beneficially own more
than ten  percent  (10%) of the  Company's  stock,  to file  initial  reports of
ownership  on Form 3 and  reports  of changes  in  ownership  on Form 4 with the
Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  (the   "Commission")  and  any  national
securities exchange on which the Company's securities are registered.  Executive
officers,  Directors  and greater than ten percent (10%)  beneficial  owners are
required by the  Commission's  regulations to furnish the Company with copies of
all Section 16(a) forms they file.

         Based  solely on a review of the copies of such forms  furnished to the
Company and written  representations  from the executive officers and Directors,
the Company  believes that all Section 16(a) filing  requirements  applicable to
its executive officers,  Directors and greater than ten percent (10%) beneficial
owners were complied  with for Fiscal 1996,  other than (1) a filing of a Form 4
in September 1996 to report the  acquisition by William M. Kinch of 1,500 shares
of Common  Stock in March  1996;  and (2) a filing of a Form 4 in March  1996 to
report the  purchase by Wieslaw  Brys of 325 shares of Common Stock in September


         The  Board  of  Directors   established   an  Audit   Committee  and  a
Compensation  Committee in July 1994. Members of the Audit Committee are Messrs.
Beaubien and Kinch,  outside  Directors of the Company.  The Audit  Committee is
concerned  primarily  with (i)  reviewing the  Company's  financial  results and
recommending the selection of the Company's independent auditors; (ii) reviewing
the effectiveness of the Company's accounting policies,  financial reporting and
internal controls; and (iii) reviewing the scope of independent audit coverages,
the fees charged by the independent auditors,  any transactions that may involve
a potential  conflict of  interest,  and  internal  control  systems.  The Audit
Committee met twice in Fiscal 1996.

         The  Compensation  Committee  consists of Messrs.  Beaubien  and Kinch,
outside Directors of the Company. The Compensation  Committee is responsible for
negotiating and approving  compensation  arrangements  for officers,  employees,
consultants  and  Directors of the Company,  including,  but not limited to, the
granting of options to  purchase  the  Company's  Common  Stock  pursuant to the
Company's 1994 Stock Option Plan or otherwise.  The  Compensation  Committee met
twice in Fiscal 1996.

         In October  1994,  the Board of  Directors  established  a Stock Option
Committee to  administer  the Company's  1994 Stock Option Plan.  Members of the
Stock Option Committee are Messrs.  Beaubien and Kinch, outside Directors of the

         The  Company  does  not  have  a  standing  nominating  committee  or a
committee  performing similar  functions.  The Board of Directors met four times
during Fiscal 1996. All of the Company's  Directors attended at least 75% of the
meetings  of the Board of  Directors  in Fiscal 1996 during the period for which
they were  Directors,  except for John J.  McDonald who  attended  66.7% of such
meetings after he became a Director in November 1995.


         No Director or  executive  officer is related to any other  Director or
executive officer by blood or marriage.


         The following is a brief summary of the  background of each nominee for
Director of the Company:

         EMANUEL PINEZ, Chief Executive  Officer,  Secretary and Chairman of the
Board.  Mr. Pinez founded the Company in 1987 and has served as Chief  Executive
Officer,  Secretary  and Chairman of the Board of Directors  since the Company's
inception.  From 1986 through March 1, 1994,  Mr. Pinez was employed by Camwill,
S.A., a Swiss management  corporation engaged in executive search and placement,
which  contracted  out Mr.  Pinez's  management  services to corporate  clients,
including the Company. Mr. Pinez holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry
from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

         JAMES M. MURPHY, Chief Financial Officer,  Treasurer and Director.  Mr.
Murphy has served as the Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company since December
1993, as Treasurer  since October  1995,  and as a Director  since January 1994.
From 1980 through 1993, Mr. Murphy served in several positions, most recently as
an Audit Manager, for the public accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. Mr.
Murphy  holds a Bachelor of Science  degree  from Boston  College and a Master's
degree in business administration from Babson College.

         JOHN J. MCDONALD, President, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and
Director. Mr. McDonald has served as President of the Company since August 1996,
as Vice  President  of Sales and  Marketing  since June 1992,  and as a Director
since November 1995.  From 1989 to 1992, Mr.  McDonald served as a sales manager
for Bell  Microproducts,  Inc.,  a publicly  traded  distributor  of  electronic
components to original equipment  manufacturers  ("OEMs").  Mr. McDonald holds a
Bachelor of Science degree in business administration in marketing from American
International College.

         JOHN J. SHIELDS, Vice Chairman and Director.  Mr. Shields has served as
a Director of the Company  since April 1996 and as Vice Chairman of the Board of
Directors  of the Company  since  August  1996.  From 1993 to the  present,  Mr.
Shields has served as  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of King's  Point
Holdings,  Inc., a company  principally  engaged in venture  capital,  technical
consulting and cranberry  cultivation.  From 1990 to 1993, Mr. Shields served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Computervision  Corporation, a publicly
traded  company  that  provides  computer-aided  design  solutions  for  complex
mechanical and electrical systems. Mr. Shields currently serves as a Director of
Ionics,   Inc.,  a  publicly  traded  company   principally   engaged  in  water
purification.  Mr. Shields is a graduate of the School of Industrial  Management
of  Worcester  Polytechnic  Institute,  a graduate of the Program in  Management
Development  (PMD)  of  the  Harvard  University  Graduate  School  of  Business
Administration,  and  received  an  Honorary  Ph.D  from  Worcester  Polytechnic


         J.P. LUC BEAUBIEN,  Director.  Mr. Beaubien has served as a Director of
the Company  since  January  1994.  Since  1987,  Mr.  Beaubien  has worked as a
Principal for the Boston Agent, a Boston- based venture  consulting  firm.  From
September 1992 to July 1996,  Mr.  Beaubien also served as Chairman of the Board
and Chief  Financial  Officer of Broadband  Networks,  Inc., a  manufacturer  of
analog fiberoptic equipment.  From August 1994 to January 1996, Mr. Beaubien was
a general partner of Zero Stage Capital L.L.P.  Mr. Beaubien holds a Bachelor of
Science degree in electrical  engineering from McGill  University and a Master's
degree in business  administration  from the Sloan School of  Management  at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

         WILLIAM M. KINCH,  Director.  Mr. Kinch has served as a Director of the
Company since July 1995.  He is the founder and  President of Kinch  Associates,
Inc. of Wilton,  Connecticut,  an international  trade and consulting firm. From
July 1989 to August 1996, Mr. Kinch served as Chairman of the Board of Directors
of Inoac USA, Inc., a trading and investment  subsidiary of a Japanese  company.
From July 1989 to March 1996, he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of
Woodbridge Inoac, Inc., a manufacturer of auto parts. Mr. Kinch holds a Bachelor
of  Science  degree in civil  engineering  and a  Master's  degree  in  business
administration from Northeastern University.

         WILLIAM J. SHEA,  Director.  Mr.  Shea has served as a Director  of the
Company  since  August  1996.  Mr. Shea is the Vice  Chairman,  Chief  Financial
Officer and Treasurer of BankBoston Corporation.  Prior to joining BankBoston in
January 1993, Mr. Shea spent nineteen years with the public  accounting  firm of
Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.,  where he was Vice Chairman and Senior  Partner.  Mr.
Shea serves as a Director  of  Geerlings & Wade,  Inc.,  a publicly  traded wine
distribution  company.  He  holds  Bachelor  of Arts  and  Master's  degrees  in
economics from Northeastern University.



         The executive  officers and  management of the Company,  their ages and
positions held in the Company are as follows:

         Name                                   Age                    Position
         ----                                   ---                    --------    

         Emanuel Pinez                           58                    Chief Executive Officer, Secretary and
                                                                       Chairman of the Board of Directors

         James M. Murphy                         45                    Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

         John J. McDonald                        37                    President and Vice President of Sales
                                                                       and Marketing

         Wieslaw Brys                            43                    Chief Engineer

         Thomas J. MacCormack                    42                    Vice President of Manufacturing
                                                                       and Operations

         Steven Schirm                           30                    Vice President of Quality Assurance

         Robert Silva                            45                    Vice President of Sales and Marketing
                                                                       for the PC Cards Division

         Executive  officers  are  elected by and serve at the  pleasure  of the
Board of Directors.  The following is a brief summary of the  background of each
executive officer of the Company,  with the exception of Messrs.  Pinez,  Murphy
and McDonald, whose backgrounds are summarized above:

         WIESLAW  BRYS,  Chief  Engineer.  Mr. Brys has served as the  Company's
Chief  Engineer  since  September  1995.  From 1989 to September  1995, Mr. Brys
served as Vice President of Research and Development  for the Company.  Mr. Brys
holds  Bachelor  of  Science  and  Master  of  Science   degrees  in  electrical
engineering from the Technical University of Silesia, Gliwice, Poland.

         THOMAS J. MACCORMACK,  Vice President of Manufacturing  and Operations.
Mr.  MacCormack  joined  the  Company  in  November  1995 as Vice  President  of
Manufacturing.  He has served as Vice President of Manufacturing  and Operations
since August 1996. From May 1994 through October 1995, Mr.  MacCormack served as
Commodity Manager for Stratus Computer,  Inc., a publicly traded manufacturer of
fault-tolerant  computers.  From April 1988 through April 1994,  Mr.  MacCormack
served in various  manufacturing and sales capacities at Kendall Square Research
Corporation,  a  publicly  traded  manufacturer  of  super-computers,  including
Director of Purchasing and Director of Contract  Administration.  Mr. MacCormack
received a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from Boston College.


         STEVEN  SCHIRM,  Vice  President of Quality  Assurance.  Mr. Schirm has
served as Vice  President of Quality  Assurance  since August 1996.  Mr.  Schirm
served as Quality  Assurance  Manager of the Company from June 1995 through July
1996 and served as Senior  Quality  Engineer of the Company from January 1995 to
June 1995.  From  October 1993 to January  1995,  Mr.  Schirm  served as Quality
Assurance  Manager  at BPI  Packaging  Technologies,  Inc.,  a  publicly  traded
manufacturer of plastic bags and related products.  From October 1988 to October
1993,  Mr. Schirm worked at Fisher Pierce,  a publicly  traded  manufacturer  of
electronics  for  electric  utilities,  where he  served  as  Quality  Assurance
Supervisor  until October 1991,  and as Senior Quality  Assurance  Engineer from
October 1991 to October 1993.  Mr. Schirm holds a Bachelor of Science  degree in
electrical engineering from Roger Williams University.

         ROBERT  SILVA,  Vice  President of Sales and Marketing for the PC Cards
Division.  Mr. Silva has served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the
PC Cards  Division  since August 1996.  Mr. Silva served as one of the Company's
OEM  Sales   Managers  since  July  1994.  Mr.  Silva  was  employed  by  Source
Electronics,  a company engaged in the principal  business of providing  program
and sourcing services to the electronic OEM marketplace,  from June 1991 to June
1994.  He holds a Bachelor  of Science  degree in business  administration  from
Northeastern University.


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

         During  Fiscal  1996,  the  Company  loaned A. Uri Levy,  who served as
President  of the  Company  from  February  1995 to  August  1996,  and as Chief
Operating  Officer  and a Director of the Company  from  October  1994 to August
1996, a total of $170,000  pursuant to three promissory notes that bore interest
at the rate of nine percent (9%) per annum and were due on demand.  As of August
21, 1996, all of the promissory notes had been repaid in full.

         Transactions with WebSecure, Inc.

         As of June 30, 1996, the Company held a minority  ownership interest in
WebSecure,  Inc., a privately held provider of Internet services  ("WebSecure").
John J.  Shields,  Vice  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company,  has
served as  Chairman of the Board of  Directors  of  WebSecure  since April 1996.
Robert  Kuzara,  who served as a Director of the Company from  February  1994 to
November  1995,  currently  serves as  President,  Secretary  and a Director  of

         On November 7, 1995,  the Company  purchased  350,000  shares of Common
Stock of WebSecure for $10,000.  In November  1995,  the Company  guaranteed the
payment  obligations  of  WebSecure  under  a  lease  covering  the  offices  of
WebSecure,  and  in  September  1996,  guaranteed  the  payment  obligations  of
WebSecure  under a lease of capital  equipment.  The aggregate  rental  payments
under both leases  totaled  approximately  $950,000 as of September 10, 1996. To
date, the Company has not made any payments in connection with these  guarantys.
On April 8, 1996,  the Company  purchased  138,750 shares of the Common Stock of
WebSecure  for $555,000 in connection  with a private  placement of WebSecure in
which the Company raised $2,000,000.

         During  Fiscal  1996,  the  Company  from  time to time  made  loans to
WebSecure,  which loans bear interest at the rate of nine percent (9%) per annum
and are due on demand.  As of September 9, 1996, the outstanding  balances under
these loans  totaled  approximately  $855,000 . The Company and  WebSecure  have
agreed  that this  amount  will be repaid out of a portion of the  proceeds of a
proposed initial public offering of WebSecure.

         On April 30, 1996,  WebSecure  granted a non-qualified  stock option to
John J. Shields to purchase  100,000  shares of  WebSecure's  Common Stock at an
exercise price of $4.00 per share,  exercisable between April 30, 1997 and April
29, 2000.

         Transactions with Triple I Corporation

         As of June 30, 1996, the Company held a minority  ownership interest in
Triple I  Corporation,  a  privately  held  manufacturer  of  optical  equipment
("Triple I"). Emanuel Pinez, the Chief Executive Officer, Secretary and Chairman
of the Board of Directors of the Company,  served as a Director of Triple I from
February  1996 to August 1996.  Mr. A. Uri Levy,  who served as President of the
Company from  February 1995 to August 1996,  as Chief  Operating  Officer of the
Company from  September  1994 to August  1996,  and as a Director of the Company
from December 1994 to August


1996,  currently  serves as a Director of Triple I. Mr. Levy currently serves as
the President of Centennial Capital  Corporation,  a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
the Company.

         As of June 14, 1996,  the Company  owned  700,000  shares of the Common
Stock of Triple I. During Fiscal 1996, the Company  purchased a total of 500,000
shares of Common Stock of Triple I for $500,000.  In addition, on June 17, 1996,
the  Company   purchased   200,000  shares  of  Common  Stock  of  Triple  I  in
consideration of the cancellation of a $200,000 loan to Triple I.

         On May 17,  1996,  the Company  loaned  $200,000 to Triple I, which was
evidenced  by a  promissory  note that bore  interest at the rate of ten percent
(10%) per annum and matured on May 17, 1997.  This  promissory note was canceled
on June 17, 1996 in  consideration  of the issuance of 200,000  shares of Common
Stock of Triple I to the Company.

         On March 31, 1996, the Company  entered into an Agreement with Triple I
whereby, in consideration of a lump sum payment of $200,000 to the Company,  the
Company  agreed to purchase  certain  components  for Triple I,  subject to full
reimbursement  from  Triple  I of the  cost of the  components  within  ten days
following  the  sale by  Triple  I of the  products  containing  the  components
purchased by the Company . The term of the Agreement runs through June 30, 1997.

         On  November  14,  1995,  the  Company  loaned  $95,000 to Triple I, in
consideration  of the  execution  by  Triple I of a  promissory  note  that bore
interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum and matured on May 14, 1997,
and the  issuance of warrants  to the Company to purchase  95,000  shares of the
Common Stock of Triple I,  exercisable  until  November 13, 1998. The promissory
note was repaid in full on February 8, 1996.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2

           OF COMMON STOCK FROM 15,000,000 SHARES TO 30,000,000 SHARES


         On August 1, 1996,  the Board of  Directors  approved a  resolution  to
amend the  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to increase  the number of
shares of Common Stock the Company is authorized to issue from 15,000,000 shares
to 30,000,000 shares, subject to the approval of the Company's stockholders.


         The  Company  continues  to  evaluate  ways to  increase  value for its
stockholders,  and the Board of  Directors  believes  that it is prudent to have
additional  shares of Common Stock  available  for general  corporate  purposes,
including  acquisitions,   equity  financings,   grants  of  stock  options  and
recapitalizations,  which may be done more  expediently if the proposal to amend
the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation  is approved by the stockholders at
this  meeting.  A  stockholder  vote is  required  to  increase  the  number  of
authorized shares of Common Stock.  Given the time normally needed to complete a
proxy  solicitation,  the  Company may not be able to amend its  Certificate  of
Incorporation  expediently in the future if an  opportunity  arose that required
the  issuance of  additional  equity  securities  of the  Company.  The Board of
Directors  will  determine  whether,  when and on what terms to issue  shares of
Common Stock in connection with any of the foregoing purposes.  The Company does
not currently intend to issue additional  shares of Common Stock with preemptive

         The Board of  Directors  believes  that the  proposed  increase  in the
number of  authorized  shares  of Common  Stock  will give the  Company  greater
flexibility in responding to business needs and opportunities by allowing shares
of Common  Stock to be issued by the Board of  Directors  without  the delay and
expense  of a  special  meeting  of  stockholders.  For  example,  the  Board of
Directors may deem it  appropriate to issue shares of Common Stock in connection
with a private or public offering, to finance possible future acquisitions,  for
distribution  to the Company's  stockholders in the event of a stock dividend or
stock split, or for distribution pursuant to employee benefit plans.

         If such additional  authorized  shares of Common Stock are subsequently
issued other than pursuant to a stock  dividend or stock split,  the  percentage
interest of existing  stockholders in the Company will be reduced.  In addition,
the issuance of additional  shares of Common Stock could have a material adverse
effect on the  earnings  per share and market  price per share of the  Company's
Common  Stock.  The  Company  regularly   considers  financing  and  acquisition
opportunities,  as well as other means to increase  the  Company's  value to its
stockholders.  However, as of the date of this Proxy Statement,  the Company has
no commitments to issue any additional  shares of its Common 


Stock  in   connection   with  any   offerings,   acquisitions,   dividends   or
distributions.  The issuance of any additional shares will be on terms deemed to
be in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders.

         Stockholders  of the  Company  do not now  have  preemptive  rights  to
subscribe  for  or  purchase   additional   shares  of  Common  Stock,  and  the
stockholders  will have no preemptive rights to subscribe for or purchase any of
the  authorized  shares of Common Stock that will be available for issuance as a
result of the increase in the number of authorized shares of Common Stock.

         If the  proposed  amendment is adopted,  the  authority of the Board of
Directors to issue the authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock might be
considered as having the effect of  discouraging an attempt by another person or
entity to effect a takeover or otherwise  gain control of the Company  since the
issuance of  additional  shares of Common Stock would dilute the voting power of
the Common Stock then outstanding.


         If the  proposed  amendment  is  adopted by the  stockholders,  it will
become  effective  upon filing and recording a  Certificate  of Amendment to the
Company's  Certificate of Incorporation  as required by the General  Corporation
Law of Delaware.


         The Board of  Directors  believes  that the  proposed  increase  in the
number  of  authorized  shares  of  Common  Stock is  advisable  and in the best
interests of the Company.  Accordingly, the Board of Directors recommends a vote
FOR the approval of Proposal No. 2.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 3

          OF PREFERRED STOCK FROM 1,000,000 SHARES TO 2,000,000 SHARES


         On [September 25, 1996],  the Board of Directors  approved a resolution
to amend the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation  to increase the number of
shares of preferred stock, $.01 par value per share (the "Preferred Stock"), the
Company  is  authorized  to issue from  1,000,000  shares to  2,000,000  shares,
subject to the approval of the Company's stockholders.


         The Board of Directors  believes that it is prudent to have  additional
shares of Preferred Stock available for general  corporate  purposes,  including
acquisitions,  equity financings, grants of stock options and recapitalizations,
which may be done  more  expediently  if the  proposal  to amend  the  Company's
Certificate of Incorporation is approved by the stockholders at this meeting.  A
stockholder  vote is  required to increase  the number of  authorized  shares of
Preferred   Stock.   Given  the  time  normally   needed  to  complete  a  proxy
solicitation,  the  Company  may  not  be  able  to  amend  its  Certificate  of
Incorporation  expediently in the future if an  opportunity  arose that required
the  issuance of  additional  equity  securities  of the  Company.  The Board of
Directors  will  determine  whether,  when and on what terms to issue  shares of
Preferred Stock in connection with any of the foregoing purposes.

         The Board of  Directors  believes  that the  proposed  increase  in the
number of  authorized  shares of Preferred  Stock will give the Company  greater
flexibility in responding to business needs and opportunities by allowing shares
of Preferred Stock to be issued by the Board of Directors  without the delay and
expense  of a  special  meeting  of  stockholders.  For  example,  the  Board of
Directors  may  deem it  appropriate  to  issue  shares  of  Preferred  Stock in
connection  with a private  or  public  offering,  to  finance  possible  future
acquisitions,  for distribution to the Company's  stockholders in the event of a
stock dividend or stock split, or for distribution  pursuant to employee benefit

         The Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  authorizes  the Board of
Directors to issue up to 1,000,000  shares of Preferred  Stock.  The issuance of
any  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  will be on  terms  deemed  to be in the  best
interests of the Company and its stockholders.  No shares of Preferred Stock are
currently  outstanding,  and the Company has no present  plans for the  issuance
thereof.  The Preferred Stock may be issued in one or more series,  the terms of
which may be  determined  at the time of  issuance  by the  Board of  Directors,
without further action by stockholders, and may include voting rights (including
the  right  to  vote as a  series  on  particular  matters),  preferences  as to
dividends and  liquidation,  conversion and  redemption  rights and sinking fund
provisions.  The issuance of any such shares of Preferred  Stock could adversely
affect the rights of holders of Common Stock and,


therefore,  could reduce the value of the Common Stock. In addition, the ability
of the Board of Directors to issue Preferred Stock could  discourage,  delay, or
prevent a takeover of the Company.


         If the  proposed  amendment  is  adopted by the  stockholders,  it will
become  effective  upon filing and recording a  Certificate  of Amendment to the
Company's  Certificate of Incorporation  as required by the General  Corporation
Law of Delaware.


         The Board of  Directors  believes  that the  proposed  increase  in the
number of  authorized  shares of Preferred  Stock is  advisable  and in the best
interests of the Company.  Accordingly, the Board of Directors recommends a vote
FOR the approval of Proposal No. 3.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 4


         On August 1, 1996,  the Board of  Directors  approved a  resolution  to
amend the  Company's  1994  Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Plan")  to  increase  the
aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance under the Plan
from 750,000 shares to 1,000,000 shares,  subject to stockholder approval. As of
September  10,  1996,  447,950  shares of the  750,000  shares  of Common  Stock
issuable  under the Plan are subject to outstanding  options at exercise  prices
ranging from $3.50 to $33.63 per share,  and stock  options to purchase  207,100
shares of Common Stock had been  exercised.  Accordingly,  as of  September  10,
1996,  94,950  shares of Common Stock were  available  for future  grants by the
Company under the Plan.  Options  granted under the Plan  generally  vest over a
three year period.


         The purpose of the Plan is to strengthen  the ability of the Company to
attract and retain  well-qualified  executive  and  managerial  personnel and to
provide  additional  incentive  to  the  Company's  employees  and  officers  to
contribute  to the success of the  Company,  and thereby to enhance  stockholder
value. All employees  (including  employee Directors) are eligible to be granted
incentive stock options as defined in Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code,
as amended, as well as "non-qualified  options" (options not intended to qualify
as  incentive  stock  options).   Non-employees   are  eligible  to  be  granted
non-qualified options under the Plan. The Plan was originally adopted on January
10, 1994.

         The per share exercise price of the Common Stock subject to all options
granted pursuant to the Plan is determined by the Board of Directors at the time
any option is granted.  In the case of  incentive  stock  options,  the exercise
price may not be less than the fair market value of the shares  covered  thereby
at the time the incentive stock option is granted (but in no event less than par
value), provided that no incentive stock option may be granted under the Plan to
any  regular  employee  of the  Company or of a stock  corporation  of which the
Company  directly or indirectly  owns a majority of the voting common or capital
stock ("affiliated corporation"), if at the time of grant such employee directly
or indirectly  owns Common Stock  possessing  more than ten percent (10%) of the
combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Company and its affiliated
corporations,  unless the exercise price of the incentive stock option equals no
less than 110% of the fair  market  value of the shares  covered  thereby at the
time the incentive stock option is granted.

         Options  under  the Plan must be  granted  within  ten  years  from the
effective  date of the Plan.  Incentive  stock  options  granted  under the Plan
cannot be  exercised  more than ten years  from the date of grant,  except  that
incentive stock options issued to an employee who at the time such option is


granted owns more than ten percent (10%) of the total  combined  voting power of
all classes of stock of the Company are limited to five year terms.

         The Board of Directors has retained the right to amend or terminate the
Plan as it deems  advisable.  However,  no amendment may be made to (i) increase
the number of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance under the Plan,  (ii)
change  the  class of  employees  eligible  under  the Plan or (iii)  materially
increase the benefits  which may accrue to  participants  under the Plan without
submitting  such  amendments  to  stockholders  for  approval.  In addition,  no
amendments  to, or  termination  of,  the Plan  shall  impair  the rights of any
individual under options previously  granted without such individual's  consent.
The Plan shall terminate no later than 2004. Any options  outstanding  under the
Plan at the time of the Plan's  termination shall remain  outstanding until such
options expire by their terms.


         No tax  obligation  will arise for the optionee or the Company upon the
granting of either incentive stock options or non-qualified  stock options under
the Plan if the  exercise  price of the  option is no less than the fair  market
value of the  underlying  shares of  Common  Stock  measured  on the date of the
grant. Upon exercise of a non-qualified stock option, an optionee will recognize
ordinary  income in an amount  equal to the  excess,  if any, of the fair market
value, on the date of exercise, of the stock acquired over the exercise price of
the option.  Thereupon,  the Company  will be entitled to a tax  deduction in an
amount equal to the ordinary income  recognized by the optionee.  Any additional
gain or loss realized by an optionee on disposition of the shares generally will
be capital gain or loss to the  optionee  and will not result in any  additional
tax  deduction to the Company.  The taxable  event  arising from the exercise of
non-qualified  stock options by officers of the Company subject to Section 16(b)
of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  occurs on the later of the
date on which the option is  exercised or the date six months after the date the
option was granted unless the optionee elects, within thirty days of the date of
exercise,  to recognize  ordinary income as of the date of exercise.  The income
recognized at the end of any deferred  period will include any  appreciation  in
the value of the stock during that period and the capital  gain  holding  period
will not begin to run until the completion of such period.

         Upon the exercise of an incentive stock option, an optionee  recognizes
no immediate  taxable income.  The tax cost is deferred until the optionee sells
the shares of stock  received  upon  exercise of the option if the optionee does
not dispose of the option  shares  within two years from the date the option was
granted and within one year after the exercise of the option,  and the option is
exercised  no later than three months after the  termination  of the  optionee's
employment. Upon sale of the option shares in accordance with the holding period
described  above,  the optionee will recognize the gain on the sale as long term
capital gain.  Subject to the limitations in the Plan,  certain of these holding
periods  and  employment  requirements  are  liberalized  in  the  event  of the
optionee's death or disability while employed by the Company. The Company is not
entitled  to any tax  deduction  in  connection  with  the  grant,  exercise  or
disposition of incentive stock options, except that if the stock is not held for
the full term of the holding period outlined above, the gain on the sale of such


being  the  lesser  of (i) the fair  market  value  of the  stock on the date of
exercise minus the option price,  or (ii) the amount  realized on disposition of
the option shares minus the option exercise price, will be taxed to the optionee
as ordinary  income and the Company  will be entitled to a deduction in the same
amount.  Any additional gain or loss realized by an optionee upon disposition of
shares prior to the expiration of the full term of the holding  period  outlined
above generally will be capital gain or loss to the optionee and will not result
in any additional tax deduction to the Company. The "spread" upon exercise of an
incentive stock option  constitutes a tax preference item within the computation
of the  "alternative  minimum  tax" under the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  The tax
benefits  which might  otherwise  accrue to an  optionee  may be affected by the
imposition of such tax if applicable to the optionee's individual circumstances.


         Pursuant to the terms of the Plan, as of September 10, 1996, options to
purchase  655,050 shares of Common Stock had been granted to executive  officers
and other employees of the Company,  of which options to purchase 207,100 shares
of Common Stock had been  exercised.  As of September 10, 1996,  the Company had
granted  options  to  purchase  271,950  shares of Common  Stock to all  current
executive  officers  as a group,  and had granted  options to  purchase  383,100
shares of Common Stock to all employees,  including all current officers who are
not executive  officers,  as a group.  The fair market value of the Common Stock
underlying the options as of September 10, 1996 was $32.625 per share  (American
Stock  Exchange  closing sale price on September  10,  1996).  If this  proposed
amendment is approved by the stockholders,  344,950 shares of Common Stock would
be issuable  upon  exercise of stock  options  available for future grant by the


         The Board of  Directors  believes  that the  proposed  increase  in the
number of shares of Common Stock  underlying  the Plan is  advisable  and in the
best interests of the Company.  Accordingly, the Board of Directors recommends a
vote FOR the approval of Proposal No. 4.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 5

                    FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1997

         The  persons  named in the  enclosed  Proxy  will  vote to  ratify  the
selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as independent  accountants for the fiscal
year  ending  June  30,  1997  unless  otherwise  directed  by  stockholders.  A
representative  of Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  is  expected  to be present at the
Annual  Meeting,  and will have the  opportunity  to make a statement and answer
questions from stockholders if he or she so desires.



         The following table sets forth as of September 10, 1996, the number and
percentage  ownership of the Company's  Common Stock by (i) all persons known by
the Company to be the  beneficial  owner of more than five  percent  (5%) of the
outstanding Common Stock, (ii) each Named Executive Officer (as defined herein),
Director,  and Director Nominee,  and (iii) all Directors and executive officers
of the Company as a group.


                                                                         Number of
                Name and Address                                       Beneficially
              of Beneficial Owner(1)                                     Owned(2)       Percentage of Class
              ---------------------                                    ------------     -------------------
Emanuel Pinez.....................................................         2,200,010            25.9%
James M. Murphy(3)................................................            59,166               *
John J. McDonald(4)...............................................            50,900               *
A. Uri Levy(5)....................................................            33,750               *
John J. Shields(6)................................................            11,500               *
J.P. Luc Beaubien(7)..............................................            11,250               *
William M. Kinch(8)...............................................            10,750               *
William J. Shea(9)................................................            19,300               *
All Officers, Directors and Director Nominees as a Group
   (11 persons)(3)(4)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14).............         2,414,753            28.4%

- ----------------------
*        Less than 1%

(1)      The address for all of these  individuals  is Centennial  Technologies,
         Inc., 37 Manning Road, Billerica, Massachusetts 01821.

(2)      Pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, shares
         of Common  Stock  which an  individual  or group has a right to acquire
         within  sixty days  pursuant to the exercise 


         of options or warrants are deemed to be outstanding  for the purpose of
         computing the percentage ownership of such individual or group, but are
         not  deemed  to  be  outstanding  for  the  purpose  of  computing  the
         percentage ownership of any other person shown in the table.

(3)      Includes  45,000  shares  of Common  Stock  underlying  a stock  option
         exercisable  at $3.50 per share that has vested.  Includes 6,666 shares
         of Common Stock underlying a stock option which will become exercisable
         at $12.81 per share within sixty days of the date hereof,  but excludes
         an  additional  13,334  shares  underlying  the  option  that will vest
         beginning in October 1997.

(4)      Includes  900  shares  of  Common  Stock   underlying  a  stock  option
         exercisable  of $3.50  per share  that have  vested,  but  excludes  an
         additional  450 shares  underlying  the  option  that will vest in July
         1997.  Includes 15,000 shares of Common Stock underlying a stock option
         exercisable at $12.81 per share that have vested,  and includes  35,000
         shares of Common  Stock  underlying  the option  that will vest  within
         sixty days of the date hereof.  Excludes two options to purchase 16,890
         shares of Common Stock and 33,110 shares of Common Stock, respectively,
         exercisable  at $17.48 per  share,  that will vest  beginning  in April

(5)      Includes  18,750  shares  of Common  Stock  underlying  a stock  option
         exercisable  at $3.50  per share  that have  vested,  but  excludes  an
         additional  18,750 shares  underlying the option that will vest in July
         1997.  Since  August  1996,  Mr.  Levy has not  served as an  executive
         officer or Director of the Company.

(6)      Includes  4,000 shares of Common  Stock owned by King's Point  Holdings
         Incorporated.  Mr. Shields owns a majority of the stock of King's Point
         Holdings Incorporated, and is the President and Chief Executive Officer
         of that  corporation.  Includes an option to purchase  7,500  shares of
         Common Stock exercisable at $15.03 per share that has vested.

(7)      Includes  11,250  shares  of Common  Stock  underlying  a stock  option
         exercisable at $4.67 per share that have vested.  Excludes an option to
         purchase  1,500 shares of Common Stock  exercisable at $16.13 per share
         that will vest in December 1996.

(8)      Includes an option to purchase 7,500 shares of Common Stock exercisable
         at $12.36 per share that has vested.

(9)      Mr.  Shea's  wife  and son own  11,500  shares  and 300  shares  of the
         Company's  Common Stock,  respectively.  Includes an option to purchase
         7,500 shares of Common Stock  exercisable  at $25.77 per share that has

(10)     Excludes  33,750  shares of Common Stock  beneficially  owned by A. Uri
         Levy as set forth above in this table  since Mr. Levy no longer  serves
         as an executive officer or Director of the Company.


(11)     Includes  2,200  shares of Common  Stock owned by Wieslaw  Brys,  Chief
         Engineer  of  the  Company.  Includes  2,400  shares  of  Common  Stock
         underlying  a stock option  owned by Mr.Brys  exercisable  at $3.50 per
         share  that have  vested,  but  excludes  an  additional  1,200  shares
         underlying  the  option  that will vest in July  1997.  Includes  1,200
         shares of Common Stock underlying a stock option owned by Mr. Brys that
         will become  exercisable  at $17.00 per share  within sixty days of the
         date hereof,  but excludes an additional  2,400 shares  underlying  the
         option that will vest beginning in October 1997.

(12)     Includes  5,000 shares of Common Stock  underlying a stock option owned
         by Thomas J. MacCormack, Vice President of Manufacturing and Operations
         of the Company, that will become exercisable at $17.31 per share within
         sixty days of the date hereof, but excludes an additional 10,000 shares
         underlying the option that will vest beginning in November 1997.

(13)     Includes  77 shares  of  Common  Stock  owned by  Steven  Schirm,  Vice
         President of Quality Assurance of the Company. Includes 1,000 shares of
         Common Stock  underlying  a stock option owned by Mr.  Schirm that will
         become  exercisable  at $17.00 per share  within sixty days of the date
         hereof,  but excludes an additional 2,000 shares  underlying the option
         that will vest beginning in October 1997.

(14)     Includes 35,000 shares of Common Stock  underlying a stock option owned
         by Robert Silva, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the PC Cards
         Division  of the  Company,  exercisable  at $3.50 per  share  that have
         vested,  but excludes an additional 17,500 shares underlying the option
         that will vest in July  1997.  Includes  5,000  shares of Common  Stock
         underlying  a  stock  option  owned  by  Mr.  Silva  that  will  become
         exercisable  at $14.44 per share  within sixty days of the date hereof,
         but excludes an  additional  10,000 shares  underlying  the option that
         will vest beginning in October 1997.




         The following table sets forth the compensation  paid to Mr. Pinez, the
Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer,  with respect to services  rendered to the
Company  during the fiscal years ended June 30, 1996,  1995,  and 1994  ("Fiscal
1996, 1995 and 1994,"  respectively) and the other executive officers who earned
in excess of $100,000 during Fiscal 1996 (the "Named Executive Officers").

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                     Annual Compensation
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (a)                                (b)                         (c)                         (d)
- -----------------------------------               ----                     -----------                 ----------
    Name and Principal Position                   Year                     Salary ($)                   Bonus ($)
- -----------------------------------               ----                     --------------------------------------

Emanuel Pinez
  Chief Executive Officer (1).......              1996                       75,000                          0
                                                  1995                      152,400                          0
                                                  1994                      224,931                     60,000

A. Uri Levy
  President and Chief Operating
  Officer(2)........................              1996                      154,038                          0
                                                  1995                      123,066                     15,000
                                                  1994                            0                          0

James M. Murphy
  Chief Financial Officer(3)........              1996                      105,961                          0
                                                  1995                      100,000                          0
                                                  1994                       54,551                          0

John J. McDonald
  Vice President of Sales and
   Marketing(4).....................              1996                      117,981                     23,220
                                                  1995                      110,000                          0
                                                  1994                      105,024                          0

- ---------

(1)  Mr.  Pinez   received  an  annual  car   allowance   from  the  Company  of
     approximately  $2,408,  $1,400  and $8,100 in Fiscal  1996,  1995 and 1994,
     respectively.  Prior to March 1, 1994, the Company paid the compensation of
     Mr. Pinez, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company,  to Camwill, a Swiss
     management  corporation  engaged in executive  search and placement,  which
     employed  Mr.  Pinez  and  contracted   out  his  management   services  to
     corporations,  including the Company.  Camwill paid Mr. Pinez approximately
     70% of amounts the  Company  paid to Camwill  for his  management  services
     rendered  to the  Company.  On March 1, 1994,  Mr.  Pinez  entered  into an
     employment agreement with the Company.  Other than by his prior employment,
     Mr.  Pinez is  


      unaffiliated  with  Camwill.  For the period July 1, 1993 to February  28,
      1994,  Mr. Pinez was paid $176,299 by Camwill.  From March 1, 1994 to June
      30, 1994, Mr. Pinez was paid $108,632 by the Company, of which $60,000 was
      paid to Mr. Pinez in the form of bonuses  ratified by the Company's  Board
      of Directors.

(2)   Since August 1996, Mr. Levy has not served as President or Chief Operating
      Officer of the Company.  During  Fiscal 1996,  Mr. Levy received an annual
      education  allowance of up to $10,000 as needed. Mr. Levy currently serves
      as President of Centennial Capital Corporation,  a wholly owned subsidiary
      of the Company.

(3)   On October  11,  1995 the Company  granted  Mr.  Murphy a stock  option to
      purchase  20,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $12.81 per
      share that is exercisable until October 10, 1999. The option will vest and
      become exercisable over three years beginning October 11, 1996.

(4)   Mr.  McDonald  received  an  annual  car  allowance  from the  Company  of
      approximately  $7,997,  $7,200 and $7,200 in Fiscal  1996,  1995 and 1994,
      respectively.  On October 11,  1995,  the Company  granted Mr.  McDonald a
      stock  option to  purchase  50,000  shares of Common  Stock at an exercise
      price of $12.81 per share that is  exercisable  until October 10, 1999. As
      of August 1, 1996, 15,000 shares of Common Stock underlying Mr. McDonald's
      option had vested and were  exercisable,  with full  vesting  occurring on
      October 11, 1996. On April 19, 1996, the Company  granted Mr. McDonald two
      separate  options to purchase an additional  50,000 shares of Common Stock
      at an exercise price of $17.48 per share that are exercisable  until April
      18, 2000. These options will vest and become  exercisable over three years
      beginning  April 19, 1997.  Mr.  McDonald has also served as the Company's
      President since August 1996.


                          OPTION GRANTS IN FISCAL 1996

                                                                                                    Potential Realizable
                                                                                                    Value at Assumed
                                                                                                    Annual Rates of Stock
                                                                                                    Price Appreciation
                      Individual Grants                                                             for Option Term (3)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (a)                               (b)           (c)            (d)            (e)             (f)        (g)
                                       Number of      % of Total
                                       Securities      Options
                                       Underlying     Granted to
                                        Options       Employees      Exercise or
                                        Granted       in Fiscal      Base Price      Expiration
        Name                             (#)(1)         Year(2)         ($/Sh)        Date            5%($)      10%($)
- ----------------------------           ----------     ----------     -----------     ----------     --------    --------   

Emanuel Pinez...............                   0           0             N/A            N/A            N/A         N/A

A. Uri Levy.................                   0           0             N/A            N/A            N/A         N/A

James M. Murphy(4)..........              20,000           6.42         12.81        10/10/99        55,273      118,976

John J. McDonald(5).........              50,000          16.05         12.81        10/10/99       217,999      297,439
                                          50,000          16.05         17.48        04/18/00       189,568      407,088

- ---------------

(1)      The Company has  registered  the shares of Common Stock  underlying its
         1994 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") and 1994 Formula  Stock Option Plan
         (the "Formula  Plan"),  allowing such shares to become fully  tradeable
         upon issuance.

(2)      In Fiscal  1996,  options to  purchase  up to 305,900  shares of Common
         Stock  were  granted  under the Plan to  Company  employees,  including
         executive  officers,  and  options to  purchase  up to 9,000  shares of
         Common  Stock  were  granted  under the  Formula  Plan to  non-employee
         Directors.  Of the options granted under the Plan,  168,550 shares were
         exercised and 70,000 canceled.

(3)      Amounts reported in these columns represent  hypothetical  amounts that
         may be realized upon exercise of the options  immediately  prior to the
         expiration  of their term assuming the  specified  compounded  rates of
         appreciation on the Company's Common Stock over the term of the options
         as  prescribed by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  and do not
         reflect the Company's estimate of future stock price growth.

(4)      The option was  granted on October  11,  1995 with  options to purchase
         6,666 shares  becoming  vested and exercisable on October 11, 1996, and
         with  an  additional  6,666  and  6,667  options  becoming  vested  and
         exercisable  on  each  of  October  11,  1997  and  October  11,  1998,


(5)      The  option to  purchase  50,000  shares of Common  Stock at $12.81 per
         share was granted on October 11, 1995, of which 15,000  options  became
         vested and  exercisable  as of January 31, 1996, and with the remaining
         35,000 options becoming vested and exercisable on October 11, 1996. Two
         separate  options to purchase  an  additional  50,000  shares of Common
         Stock at $17.48 per share were granted on April 19,  1996,  with 16,890
         options  becoming vested and exercisable over three years commencing on
         April 19, 1997 and 33,110 options  becoming  vested and  exercisable on
         April 19, 1997.

                            AND FY-END OPTION VALUES

           (a)                                (b)                (c)               (d)                       (e)
- --------------------------------        ---------------      ----------       -------------            ---------------
                                                                                Number of
                                                                               Securities                 Value of
                                                                               Underlying                Unexercised
                                                                               Unexercised               In-the-Money
                                                                                Options                    Options
                                                               Value            at FY-End                Exercisable/
                                        Shares Acquired       Realized         Exercisable/             Unexercisable
             Name                         on Exercise            ($)          Unexercisable                 ($)(1)
- --------------------------------        ---------------      ----------       -------------            ---------------
Emanuel Pinez...................                  0                 0              0/0                       0/0

A. Uri Levy.....................             37,500           445,312              0/37,500                  0/989,062

James M. Murphy.................              7,500           102,187         27,500/37,500            725,312/802,862

John J. McDonald................                  0                 0         15,450/85,900          267,843/1,240,762

- ---------------

(1)        In-the-Money  Options  are those  options  for which the fair  market
           value of the  underlying  Common  Stock is greater  than the exercise
           price of the option.  The fair market value of the  Company's  Common
           Stock  underlying  the  options as of June 30,  1996 was  $29.875 per
           share (American Stock Exchange closing sale price on June 28, 1996).



           Since  April  12,  1994,  the date of the  Company's  initial  public
offering (the "Initial Public  Offering"),  each non-employee  Director has been
compensated  $1,000 per year for a full year of service  and $250 for each Board
of Directors meeting  attended.  William M. Kinch, J.P. Luc Beaubien and John J.
Shields, non-employee Directors of the Company, each received $1,417, $2,500 and
$250,  respectively,  from the Company as compensation for their services to the
Company as Directors  during  Fiscal  1996.  On December 1, 1995,  Mr.  Beaubien
received a  non-qualified  stock option to purchase up to 1,500 shares of Common
Stock at a price of $16.13 per share exercisable at any time between December 1,
1996  and  November  29,  2000.  On April  10,  1996,  Mr.  Shields  received  a
non-qualified  stock  option to purchase up to 7,500 shares of Common Stock at a
price of $15.03 per share exercisable at any time prior to April 9, 2001.


         On  March  1,  1994,  the  Company   entered  into  an  employment  and
non-competition agreement with Mr. Pinez, the Company's Chief Executive Officer,
that  expires on December 31, 1996  ("Pinez's  Employment  Agreement").  Pinez's
Employment Agreement provides for a salary of $150,000 per annum plus the use of
a Company-owned car,  cost-of-living  increases and such other bonuses as may be
determined by the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Pinez's salary of $75,000 in
Fiscal 1996 reflected a reduction of his management duties and  responsibilities
in Fiscal 1996. In August 1996,  Mr.  Pinez's  annual  salary was  reinstated to
$150,000 due to an increase in his  management  duties and  responsibilities  to
levels which existed prior to Fiscal 1996.  Pinez's  Employment  Agreement  also
provides that Mr. Pinez is entitled to receive benefits offered to the Company's
employees  generally as well as severance  benefits equal to 200% of his salary,
payable in a lump sum if (i) the Company or a substantial portion of the Company
is acquired  without the Board of Directors'  approval,  (ii) his  employment is
terminated  without cause,  (iii) his salary is reduced without his consent,  or
(iv) there is a change in his  principal  place of  employment  from the greater
Boston,  Massachusetts area without his consent.  Pinez's  Employment  Agreement
provides  that "cause"  includes  (i) the  repeated and material  neglect of Mr.
Pinez's duties under the agreement,  (ii) conviction of a felony, (iii) fraud or
embezzlement involving the Company, (iv) a substantial change in his position or
authority within the Company without his consent, or (v) extended disability.

         Pinez's Employment  Agreement provides for successive one-year renewals
after the initial  term and  contains a  provision  prohibiting  Mr.  Pinez from
competing  with the  Company  for a two-year  period  following  termination  of

         On  May  1,  1994,   the  Company   entered  into  an  employment   and
non-competition  agreement  with  Mr.  Murphy,  the  Company's  Chief  Financial
Officer,  that expires on December 31, 1996 ("Murphy's  Employment  Agreement").
Murphy's  Employment  Agreement provides for an annual salary of $100,000,  such
other bonuses and stock  options as may be determined by the Company's  Board of
Directors,  and all benefits offered to other executive officers of the Company.
If Mr. Murphy is terminated  without  cause,  as defined in Murphy's  Employment
Agreement,  the Company will be obligated to pay him a severance amount equal to
six  months of his then  current  annual  salary  and for a period of six months
provide  him with all of the health and  insurance  benefits  he received



at the  time  of his  termination.  For  the  purposes  of  Murphy's  Employment
Agreement the term "cause" means the willful  breach or habitual  neglect of Mr.
Murphy's  obligations  under the  agreement  or his duties as an employee of the

         In the event  that a  substantial  portion of the  Company is  acquired
without the approval of the Company's  Board of Directors,  Murphy's  Employment
Agreement  provides that he shall be entitled to receive,  as severance  pay, an
amount equal to 150% of his then current annual salary within thirty days of the
date of his termination.  Also, for a period of six months from the date of such
termination,  Mr.  Murphy  shall  receive all health and  insurance  benefits he
enjoyed at the time of his termination.

         On October  20,  1995,  the  Company  entered  into an  employment  and
non-competition  agreement with Mr. McDonald,  the Company's  President and Vice
President of Sales and Marketing, that expires on December 31, 1998 ("McDonald's
Employment  Agreement").  McDonald's Employment Agreement provides for an annual
salary of $120,000,  a monthly automobile  allowance of $700, such other bonuses
and stock options as may be determined by the Company's Board of Directors,  and
all other benefits provided to the other executive  officers of the Company.  If
Mr. McDonald is terminated  without cause,  as defined in McDonald's  Employment
Agreement,  the Company will be obligated to pay him a severance amount equal to
six months of his then current  annual  salary and also provide him for a period
of six months  with all of the health and  insurance  benefits he enjoyed at the
time of his termination.  For the purposes of McDonald's  Employment  Agreement,
the term "cause"  means the  intentional  falseness of any material  warranty or
representation made by Mr. McDonald in McDonald's Employment  Agreement,  or the
willful  breach or habitual  neglect of Mr.  McDonald's  obligations  under that
Agreement or his duties as an employee of the Company.

         In the event  that a  substantial  portion of the  Company is  acquired
without the approval of the Company's Board of Directors,  McDonald's Employment
Agreement  provides that Mr.  McDonald shall be entitled to receive as severance
pay, an amount equal to 150% of his then current  annual  salary  within  thirty
days of the date of his  termination.  Mr.  McDonald  also shall be  entitled to
receive,  for a period  of six  months  from the date of such  termination,  all
health and insurance benefits he enjoyed at the time of his termination.



         The Company's  executive  compensation  program is  administered by the
Compensation Committee. This committee,  composed of Messrs. Beaubien and Kinch,
is responsible for establishing the policies that govern base salary, as well as
short  and  long-term  incentives  for the  Company's  senior  management  team.
Following review and approval by the Committee of the compensation policies, all
issues  pertaining  to  executive  compensation  are  submitted  to the Board of
Directors  for  approval.   The  Committee's  informal  executive   compensation
philosophy  (which  applies  generally  to  all  of  the  Company's  management)
considers  a  number  of  factors,   which  may  include   providing  levels  of
compensation competitive with companies at a comparable stage of development and
in the Company's geographic area,  recognizing the overall cost of living in the
Company's geographical region, integrating management's pay with the achievement
of performance goals, rewarding above average corporate performance, recognizing
and providing incentive for individual initiative and achievement, and promoting
a cooperative spirit among the executive officers of the Company.  The Committee
also endorses the position that equity  ownership by management is beneficial in
aligning   management's  and  stockholder's   interest  in  the  enhancement  of
stockholder   value  by  providing   management  with  longer-term   incentives.
Accordingly,   compensation   structures  for  management  generally  include  a
combination of salary and stock options.

         In setting,  reviewing  and  approving  the cash  compensation  for all
executive  officers,  the Committee reviews salaries  annually.  The Committee's
policy is to fix base  salaries  at levels  comparable  to the  amounts  paid to
senior    executives    with   comparable    qualifications,    experience   and
responsibilities  at other  companies  of similar  size and engaged in a similar
business  to that of the  Company.  In  addition,  the base  salaries  take into
account the Company's  relative  performance as compared to these  companies and
the attainment of certain planned  objectives.  The Company believes the present
compensation  for its  executive  officers  is  comparable  to  these  similarly
situated companies.

         Incentive-based  compensation  is  an  integral  part  of  the  overall
compensation  package  of  the  executive  group,  other  than  those  executive
employees  who already own an  appreciable  share of the  Company's  outstanding
Common Stock. Incentive compensation in the form of stock options is designed to
provide  long-term  incentives  to executive  officers and other  employees,  to
encourage the executive  officers and other employees to remain with the Company
and to enable them to develop  and  maintain a stock  ownership  position in the
Company's  Common Stock. The Company's stock option plans have been used for the
granting of stock options to eligible employees, including executive officers.

         During Fiscal 1996,  stock options to purchase  shares of the Company's
Common  Stock were  granted  to  various  employees  of the  Company.  The value
realizable  from  exercisable  options is dependent upon the extent to which the
Company's  performance is reflected in the market price of the Company's  Common
Stock at any particular point in time. Equity  compensation in the form of stock
options is designed to provide  long-term  incentives to executive  officers and
other  employees.  The  options  have been  granted in order to  motivate  these
employees to maximize  stockholder  value.  Generally,  options granted to those
employees expire after a ten-year period. In addition, the 



Company has a policy of awarding  stock options at not less than the fair market
value at the date of grant.  As a result of this  policy,  executives  and other
employees  are rewarded  economically  only to the extent that the  Stockholders
also benefit through appreciation in the value of the Company.

         Options granted to employees are used to attract qualified personnel or
granted to existing  employees  based on such factors as individual  initiative,
achievement and performance. The Committee generally reviews the option holdings
of each of the executive officers, including exercise price and the then current
value of unexercised  options. The Committee considers equity compensation to be
an  integral  part  of a  competitive  executive  compensation  package  and  an
important  mechanism  to align the  interests  of  management  with those of the
Company's stockholders.

         During  Fiscal 1996,  Emanuel Pinez  received a salary of $75,000.  The
reduction in Mr.  Pinez's  annual salary for Fiscal 1996 was  attributable  to a
reduction of his management duties and  responsibilities  during Fiscal 1996. In
August 1996,  the  Compensation  Committee and the Company's  Board of Directors
reinstated  Mr.  Pinez's  annual  salary to  $150,000  due to an increase in his
management duties and  responsibilities  to levels which existed prior to Fiscal

         The Compensation  Committee is satisfied that the executive officers of
the Company are dedicated to achieving significant improvements in the long-term
financial  performance  of the Company and that the  compensation  policies  and
programs  implemented  and  administered  have  contributed and will continue to
contribute towards achieving this goal.

         This  report has been  submitted  by the  members  of the  Compensation


                                J.P. Luc Beaubien
                                William M. Kinch
                                September 5, 1996



         The following graph and table computes the cumulative total stockholder
return (assuming reinvestment of dividends, if any) from investing $100 on April
12, 1994 (the date the  Company's  Common  Stock began  trading on the  American
Stock Exchange (the "AMEX")), and plotted at the end of each fiscal and calendar
year-end  thereafter,  in each of (i) the Company's Common Stock*; (ii) the AMEX
Market Index of U.S. companies (the "AMEX Market Index"), and (iii) a Peer Group
Index based upon the Company's Standard Industry Classification Number (the "SIC
Code Index").

                               [INSERT CHART HERE]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    4/12/94        6/30/94       12/31/94       6/30/95        12/31/95      6/30/96
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Centennial Technologies               $100         $102.44       $178.05        $441.46        $552.16       $873.95
AMEX Market Index                     $100         $ 83.89       $113.35        $141.06        $176.64       $203.36
SIC Code Index                        $100         $ 93.32       $ 97.85        $112.92        $123.10       $130.01
- ----------
* This  graph  does not  reflect  the  performance  of the  Redeemable  Warrants
purchased in connection with the Initial Public Offering.



         The Company's Common Stock and Redeemable  Warrants have been traded on
the American Stock Exchange ("AMEX") since the Company's Initial Public Offering
on April 12, 1994.

         As of September 18, 1996,  there were approximately      record holders
of the Common Stock. Management believes there are approximately      beneficial
holders of the Company's Common Stock.

         The  following  table sets  forth the high and low sale  prices for the
Common Stock as reported by AMEX for the periods indicated.

COMMON STOCK                                      HIGH              LOW         
                                                 ------            -----        
First Fiscal Quarter                             $6  3/8          $3 1/2        
Second Fiscal Quarter                             6  5/8           5 1/4        
Third Fiscal Quarter                              7  7/8           5 1/8        
Fourth Fiscal Quarter                            16                7 1/4        
First Fiscal Quarter                             16               14 1/2        
Second Fiscal Quarter                            20  3/8          14 1/2        
Third Fiscal Quarter                             22               17 1/8        
Fourth Fiscal Quarter                            30  7/8          16 5/8        
REDEEMABLE WARRANTS*                                                     
1995                                              HIGH              LOW         
                                                 ------            -----        
First Fiscal Quarter                             $2  1/2         $   5/8        
Second Fiscal Quarter                             2  7/8          1  3/8        
Third Fiscal Quarter                              4  3/4          1  3/4        
Fourth Fiscal Quarter                            17               3  7/8        
First Fiscal Quarter                             21              13  5/8        
Second Fiscal Quarter                            20              11  3/4        
*All of the Redeemable Warrants had been exercised by December 1995.



         The  Company  has not paid  dividends  on its  Common  Stock  since its
inception  and has no intention of paying any dividends to its  stockholders  in
the foreseeable  future. The Company currently intends to reinvest earnings,  if
any, in the  development  and  expansion of its  business.  The  declaration  of
dividends in the future will be at the  election of the Board of  Directors  and
will depend upon the earnings,  capital  requirements and financial  position of
the Company, general economic conditions and other pertinent factors.


         Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  served as the Company's  independent  public
accountants  for the fiscal  year ended June 30,  1996.  The Board of  Directors
appoints the Company's  independent public  accountants  annually based upon the
recommendation of the Audit Committee,  which reviews several factors, including
the audit scope and estimated audit fees. A representative  of Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P. is expected to be present at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and will
have the opportunity to make a statement if he or she so desires, and respond to
appropriate questions from stockholders.

                                VOTING AT MEETING

         The Board of Directors has fixed Wednesday,  September 18, 1996, as the
record  date for the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to vote at this
meeting.  At the close of  business  on that date,  there were  outstanding  and
entitled to vote_______ shares of Common Stock.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

         The  solicitation  of proxies is made by the  Company,  and the cost of
solicitation  of  proxies  will be  borne by the  Company.  In  addition  to the
solicitation  of proxies by mail,  officers  and  employees  of the  Company may
solicit in person or by telephone.  The Company may reimburse brokers or persons
holding  stock in their  names,  or in the  names of their  nominees,  for their
expenses in sending proxies and proxy material to beneficial owners.

                               REVOCATION OF PROXY

         Subject  to the terms and  conditions  set forth  herein,  all  proxies
received by the Company will be effective,  notwithstanding  any transfer of the
shares to which such  proxies  relate,  unless  prior to the meeting the Company
receives a written  notice of  revocation  signed by the person  who,  as of the
record date, was the registered holder of such shares.  The Notice of Revocation
must  indicate  the  certificate  number or  numbers of the shares to which such
revocation  relates  and the  aggregate  number  of shares  represented  by such


                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

         In order to be included in Proxy material for the 1997 Annual  Meeting,
tentatively scheduled for November 12, 1997,  stockholders' proposed resolutions
must be received by the Company on or before May 29, 1997. The Company  suggests
that  proponents  submit  their  proposals  by certified  mail,  return  receipt
requested, addressed to the Secretary of the Company.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT



         The Management does not know of any other matters which may come before
this  meeting.  However,  if any other  matters are  properly  presented  to the
meeting,  it is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying  proxy to
vote, or otherwise act, in accordance with their judgment on such matters.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                     Andrew D. Myers
                                                     Assistant Secretary

Billerica, Massachusetts
[September 27, 1996]




                             APPENDIX TO PRELIMINARY
                               PROXY STATEMENT OF
                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                             1994 STOCK OPTION PLAN

                                    ARTICLE I

                               PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

         The  purpose  of  this  Plan  is to  encourage  and  enable  employees,
consultants,  directors  and others who are in a  position  to make  significant
contributions  to  the  success  of  CENTENNIAL  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.  and of its
affiliated  corporations  upon  whose  judgment,   initiative  and  efforts  the
Corporation  depends for the  successful  conduct of its business,  to acquire a
closer  identification  of their  interests  with  those of the  Corporation  by
providing them with opportunities to purchase stock in the Corporation  pursuant
to options granted hereunder, thereby stimulating their efforts on behalf of the
Corporation  and  strengthening   their  desire  to  remain  involved  with  the
Corporation.  Any employee,  consultant or advisor  designated to participate in
the Plan is referred to as a "Participant."
                                   ARTICLE II

         2.1  "Affiliated  Corporation"  means any stock  corporation of which a
majority of the voting common or capital  stock is owned  directly or indirectly
by the Corporation.
         2.2  "Award" means an Option granted under Article V.
         2.3  "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation or, if one
or more has been  appointed,  a  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the
         2.4  "Code"  means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended from
time to time.
         2.5  "Committee"  means a Committee of not less than two members of the
Board appointed by the Board to administer the Plan.


         2.6  "Corporation"  means  CENTENNIAL  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  a Delaware
corporation, or its successor.
         2.7  "Employee"  means  any  person  who  is  a  regular  full-time  or
part-time  employee of the Corporation or an Affiliated  Corporation on or after
January 7, 1994.
         2.8  "Incentive  Stock Option"  ("ISO") means an option which qualifies
as an incentive stock option as defined in Section 422 of the Code, as amended.
         2.9  "Non-Qualified Option" means any option not intended to qualify as
an Incentive Stock Option.
         2.10 "Option" means an Incentive Stock Option or  Non-Qualified  Option
granted  by the  Board  under  Article  V of this Plan in the form of a right to
purchase  Stock  evidenced by an instrument  containing  such  provisions as the
Board may establish.  Except as otherwise  expressly provided with respect to an
Option grant, no Option granted pursuant to the Plan shall be an Incentive Stock
         2.11 "Participant"  means a person selected by the Committee to receive
an award under the Plan.
         2.12 "Plan" means this 1994 Stock Option Plan.
         2.13 "Reporting  Person"  means a person  subject to  Section 16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or any successor provision.
         2.14 "Restricted  Period"  means  the  period of time  selected  by the
Committee during which an award may be forfeited by the person.
         2.15 "Stock" means the Common Stock,  $.01 par value per share,  of the
Corporation or any successor,  including any adjustments in the event of changes
in capital structure of the type described in Article XI.


                                   ARTICLE III

                           Administration of the Plan

         3.1  Administration  by Board.  This Plan shall be  administered by the
Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation.  The  Board  may,  from  time to time,
delegate any of its  functions  under this Plan to one or more  Committees.  All
references  in this  Plan to the Board  shall  also  include  the  Committee  or
Committees,  if one or more have been appointed by the Board.  From time to time
the Board may  increase  the size of the  Committee  or  Committees  and appoint
additional  members thereto,  remove members (with or without cause) and appoint
new members in substitution  therefor,  fill vacancies however caused, or remove
all members of the Committee or Committees  and thereafter  directly  administer
the Plan.  No member of the Board or a Committee  shall be liable for any action
or  determination  made in good  faith with  respect to the Plan or any  options
granted hereunder.
         If a Committee is appointed by the Board,  a majority of the members of
the Committee shall constitute a quorum, and all determinations of the Committee
under the Plan may be made  without  notice or  meeting  of the  Committee  by a
writing signed by a majority of Committee  members.  On or after registration of
the Stock under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Board shall
delegate the power to select  directors and officers to receive Awards under the
Plan,  and the timing,  pricing and amount of such  Awards to a  Committee,  all
members of which  shall be  "disinterested  persons"  within the meaning of Rule
16b-3 under that Act.
         3.2 Powers.  The Board of Directors  and/or any Committee  appointed by
the Board shall have full and final authority to operate,  manage and administer
the Plan on behalf of the Corporation.
This authority includes, but is not limited to:
         (a) The power to grant Awards conditionally or unconditionally,

         (b) The  power to  prescribe  the  form  or  forms  of any  instruments
             evidencing Awards granted under this Plan, 


         (c)  The power to interpret the Plan,
         (d)  The  power  to  provide  regulations  for  the  operation  of  the
              incentive  features of the Plan,  and  otherwise to prescribe  and
              rescind   regulations   for    interpretation,    management   and
              administration of the Plan,
         (e)  The  power  to  delegate   responsibility   for  Plan   operation,
              management and  administration on such terms,  consistent with the
              Plan, as the Board may establish,
         (f)  The power to  delegate  to other  persons  the  responsibility  of
              performing  ministerial acts in furtherance of the Plan's purpose,
         (g)  The  power to  engage  the  services  of  persons,  companies,  or
              organizations in furtherance of the Plan's purpose,  including but
              not limited to, banks,  insurance  companies,  brokerage firms and

        3.3   Additional Powers. In addition,  as to each Option to buy Stock of
the  Corporation,  the  Board  shall  have  full  and  final  authority  in  its
discretion:  (a) to  determine  the  number of shares of Stock  subject  to each
Option; (b) to determine the time or times at which Options will be granted; (c)
to  determine  the option  price of the shares of Stock  subject to each Option,
which price shall be not less than the minimum  price  specified in Article V of
this Plan;  (d) to  determine  the time or times when each Option  shall  become
exercisable and the duration of the exercise period  (including the acceleration
of any exercise period),  which shall not exceed the maximum period specified in
Article V; (e) to determine  whether each Option  granted  shall be an Incentive
Stock  Option  or a Non-  qualified  Option;  and (f) to waive  compliance  by a
Participant with any obligation to be performed by him under an Option, to waive
any condition or provision of an Option,  and to amend or cancel any Option (and
if an Option is cancelled,  to grant a new Option on such terms as the Board may
specify),  except  that the Board may not take any  action  with  respect  to an
outstanding option that



would adversely  affect the rights of the Participant  under such Option without
such Participant's consent. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be construed
as limiting the power of the Board to make adjustments required by Article XI.
         In no event may the  Company  grant an  Employee  any  Incentive  Stock
Option that is first exercisable  during any one calendar year to the extent the
aggregate fair market value of the Stock (determined at the time the options are
granted)  exceeds  $100,000 (under all stock option plans of the Corporation and
any Affiliated Corporation);  provided,  however, that this paragraph shall have
no force and effect if its  inclusion in the Plan is not necessary for Incentive
Stock  Options  issued  under the Plan to  qualify as such  pursuant  to Section
422(d)(1) of the Code.

                                   ARTICLE IV


         4.1  Eligible  Employees.  All Employees  (including  Directors who are
Employees) are eligible to be granted  Incentive Stock Option and  Non-Qualified
Option Awards under this Plan.
         4.2  Consultants,  Directors and other  Non-Employees.  Any Consultant,
Director (whether or not an Employee) and any other  Non-Employee is eligible to
be granted  Non-Qualified  Option Awards under the Plan, provided the person has
not irrevocably elected to be ineligible to participate in the Plan.
         4.3  Relevant Factors. In selecting individual Employees,  Consultants,
Directors  and other  Non-Employees  to whom Awards shall be granted,  the Board
shall weigh such factors as are relevant to  accomplish  the purpose of the Plan
as stated in  Article  I. An  individual  who has been  granted  an Award may be
granted one or more additional Awards, if the Board so determines.  The granting
of an Award to any  individual  shall neither  entitle that  individual  to, nor
disqualify him from, participation in any other grant of Awards.



                                    ARTICLE V

                               Stock Option Awards

         5.1  Number of Shares.  Subject to the provisions of Article XI of this
Plan,  the aggregate  number of shares of Stock for which options may be granted
under this Plan shall not exceed three hundred thousand  (300,000)  shares.  The
shares to be delivered  upon  exercise of Options  under this Plan shall be made
available,  at the discretion of the Board,  either from authorized but unissued
shares or from  previously  issued  and  reacquired  shares of Stock held by the
Corporation as treasury shares, including shares purchased in the open market.
        Stock  issuable upon exercise of an option  granted under the Plan
may be subject to such  restrictions  on  transfer,  repurchase  rights or other
restrictions as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
         5.2  Effect of Expiration, Termination or Surrender. If an Option under
this Plan  shall  expire  or  terminate  unexercised  as to any  shares  covered
thereby, or shall cease for any reason to be exercisable in whole or in part, or
if the Company shall  reacquire any unvested  shares issued  pursuant to Options
under the Plan,  such shares shall  thereafter  be available for the granting of
other Options under this Plan. 

         5.3  Term of Options.  The full term of each Option  granted  hereunder
shall be for such period as the Board shall determine.  In the case of Incentive
Stock Options granted  hereunder,  the term shall not exceed ten (10) years from
the  date  of  granting  thereof.  Each  Option  shall  be  subject  to  earlier
termination as provided in Sections 6.3 and 6.4.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the term of options  intended to qualify as "Incentive  Stock Options" shall not
exceed five (5) years from the date of granting hereof if such option is granted
to any  employee  who at the time  such  option  is  granted  owns more than ten
percent (10%) of the total combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the


         5.4 Option Price.  The Option price shall be determined by the Board at
the time any Option is granted.  In the case of  Incentive  Stock  Options,  the
exercise  price  shall not be less than one hundred  percent  (100%) of the fair
market  value of the  shares  covered  thereby at the time the  Incentive  Stock
Option is  granted  (but in no event  less  than par  value),  provided  that no
Incentive Stock Option shall be granted hereunder to any Employee if at the time
of grant the Employee,  directly or indirectly,  owns Stock possessing more than
ten percent  (10%) of the  combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the
Corporation  and its Affiliated  Corporations  unless the Incentive Stock Option
price  equals not less than one hundred  ten  percent  (110%) of the fair market
value of the shares  covered  thereby at the time the Incentive  Stock Option is
         5.5  Fair Market Value.  If, at the time an Option is granted under the
Plan, the Corporation's  Stock is publicly traded,  "fair market value" shall be
determined as of the last business day for which the prices or quotes  discussed
in this  sentence  are  available  prior to the date such  Option is granted and
shall  mean (i) the  average  (on that  date) of the high and low  prices of the
Stock on the  principal  national  securities  exchange  on which  the  Stock is
traded, if the Stock is then traded on a national securities  exchange;  or (ii)
the last reported sale price (on that date) of the Stock on the NASDAQ  National
Market List, if the Stock is not then traded on a national securities  exchange;
or (iii) the closing  bid price (or average of bid prices)  last quoted (on that
date) by an establishedquotation service for over-the-counter securities, if the
Stock is not reported on the NASDAQ National Market List.  However, if the Stock
is not publicly  traded at the time an Option is granted  under the Plan,  "fair
market value" shall be deemed to be the fair value of the Stock as determined by
the  Board  after  taking  into   consideration   all  factors  which  it  deems
appropriate,  including, without limitation, recent sale and offer prices of the
Stock in private transactions negotiated at arm's length.



         5.6  Non-Transferability  of Options. No Option granted under this Plan
shall  be  transferable  by the  grantee  otherwise  than by will or the laws of
descent and distribution,  and such Option may be exercised during the grantee's
lifetime only by the grantee.
         5.7 Foreign  Nationals.  Awards may be granted to Participants  who are
foreign  nationals  or  employed  outside  the  United  States on such terms and
conditions different from those specified in the Plan as the Committee considers
necessary  or  advisable  to achieve  the  purposes  of the Plan or comply  with
applicable laws.
                                   ARTICLE VI
                               EXERCISE OF OPTION

         6.1 Exercise.  Each Option granted under this Plan shall be exercisable
on such date or dates and during  such  period and for such  number of shares as
shall be determined pursuant to the provisions of the instrument evidencing such
Option. The Board shall have the right to accelerate the date of exercise of any
option,  provided  that, the Board shall not accelerate the exercise date of any
Incentive  Stock Option  granted if such  acceleration  would violate the annual
vesting limitation contained in Section 422(d)(1) of the Code.

         6.2 Notice of Exercise.  A person  electing to exercise an Option shall
give written  notice to the  Corporation  of such  election and of the number of
shares he or she has  elected  to  purchase  and  shall at the time of  exercise
tender the full purchase  price of the shares he or she has elected to purchase.
The  purchase  price  can  be  paid  partly  or  completely  in  shares  of  the
Corporation's  stock  valued at Fair  Market  Value as defined  in  Section  5.5
hereof,  or by any such other lawful  consideration  as the Board may determine.
Until such person has been issued a certificate or  certificates  for the shares
so purchased  and has fully paid the purchase  price for such shares,  he or she
shall  possess no rights of a record  holder with respect to any of such shares.
In the event that the  Corporation  elects to receive payment for such shares by
means of a  promissory  note,  such note,  if 



issued  to an  officer,  director  or  holder  of 5% or  more  of the  Company's
outstanding  Common  Stock,  shall  provide for payment of interest at a rate no
less than the  interest  rate  then  payable  by the  Company  to its  principal
commercial  lender,  or if the Company has no loan  outstanding  to a commercial
lender,  then the interest rate payable shall equal the prevailing prime rate of
interest then charged by commercial banks  headquartered  in  Massachusetts  (as
determined  by the Board of Directors  in its  reasonable  discretion)  plus two
percent (2%).
         6.3  Option  Unaffected by Change in Duties.  No Incentive Stock Option
(and,  unless otherwise  determined by the Board of Directors,  no Non-Qualified
Option granted to a person who is, on the date of the grant,  an Employee of the
Corporation  or an  Affiliated  Corporation)  shall be affected by any change of
duties or position of the optionee  (including transfer to or from an Affiliated
Corporation), so long as he or she continues to be an Employee. Employment shall
be considered as continuing  uninterrupted during any bona fide leave of absence
(such as those  attributable  to illness,  military  obligations or governmental
service) provided that the period of such leave does not exceed ninety (90) days
or, if longer,  any period during which such optionee's right to reemployment is
guaranteed by statute. A bona fide leave of absence with the written approval of
the Board shall not be considered an interruption of employment  under the Plan,
provided that such written approval  contractually  obligates the Corporation or
any Affiliated  Corporation to continue the employment of the optionee after the
approved period of absence.
              If the optionee shall cease to be an Employee for any reason other
than death,  such Option shall  thereafter be exercisable  only to the extent of
the  purchase  rights,  if  any,  which  have  accrued  as of the  date  of such
cessation;  provided that (i) the Board may provide in the instrument evidencing
any  Option  that  the  Board  may in its  absolute  discretion,  upon  any such
cessation of  employment,  determine  (but be under no  obligation to determine)
that such accrued purchase rights shall be 


deemed to include  additional shares covered by such Option; and (ii) unless the
Board shall otherwise provide in the instrument  evidencing any Option, upon any
such  cessation of employment,  such  remaining  rights to purchase shall in any
event  terminate  upon the earlier of (A) the expiration of the original term of
the  Option;  or (B)  where  such  cessation  of  employment  is on  account  of
disability,  the  expiration  of one year  from the  date of such  cessation  of
employment  and,  otherwise,  the expiration of three months from such date. For
purposes of the Plan,  the term  "disability"  shall mean  "permanent  and total
disability" as defined in Section 22(e)(3) of the Code.
              In the case of a  Participant  who is not an employee,  provisions
relating to the  exercisability  of an Option  following  termination of service
shall be specified in the award.  If not so specified,  all Options held by such
Participant shall terminate on termination of service to the Corporation.

         6.4  Death of Optionee.  Should an optionee die while in  possession of
the legal right to exercise an Option or Options  under this Plan,  such persons
as shall have acquired, by will or by the laws of descent and distribution,  the
right to  exercise  any  Options  theretofore  granted,  may,  unless  otherwise
provided by the Board in any  instrument  evidencing  any Option,  exercise such
Options  at any time  prior to one year from the date of death;  provided,  that
such Option or Options  shall expire in all events no later than the last day of
the original  term of such Option;  provided,  further,  that any such  exercise
shall be limited to the  purchase  rights which have accrued as of the date when
the optionee ceased to be an Employee, whether by death or otherwise, unless the
Board provides in the instrument  evidencing such Option that, in the discretion
of the Board,  additional  shares  covered by such Option may become  subject to
purchase immediately upon the death of the optionee.


                                   ARTICLE VII

                          REPORTING PERSON LIMITATIONS

         To the extent  required to qualify for the  exemption  provided by Rule
16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and any successor provision, at
least six months  must  elapse  from


the date of  acquisition  of an  Option  by a  Reporting  Person  to the date of
disposition of such Option (other than upon  exercise) or its underlying  Common

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                         TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OPTIONS

         Options shall be evidenced by instruments (which need not be identical)
in such forms as the Board may from time to time approve. Such instruments shall
conform to the terms and  conditions  set forth in  Articles V and VI hereof and
may contain such other  provisions  as the Board deems  advisable  which are not
inconsistent with the Plan, including restrictions applicable to shares of Stock
issuable upon exercise of Options.  In granting any  Non-Qualified  Option,  the
Board may  specify  that  such  Non-Qualified  Option  shall be  subject  to the
restrictions  set forth herein with respect to Incentive  Stock  Options,  or to
such other  termination and cancellation  provisions as the Board may determine.
The Board may from time to time confer  authority and  responsibility  on one or
more of its own  members  and/or  one or more  officers  of the  Corporation  to
execute and deliver such instruments. The proper officers of the Corporation are
authorized  and directed to take any and all action  necessary or advisable from
time to time to carry out the terms of such instruments.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                                 BENEFIT PLANS

         Awards under the Plan are  discretionary  and are not a part of regular
salary. Awards may not be used in determining the amount of compensation for any
purpose  under  the  benefit  plans  of  the   Corporation,   or  an  Affiliated
Corporation,  except  as the  Board  may from  time to time  expressly  provide.
Neither the Plan, an Option or any instrument  evidencing an Option confers upon
any  Participant  any right to  continue  as an employee  of, or  consultant  or
advisor to, the Company or an Affiliated  Corporation or affect the right of the
Corporation or any Affiliated  Corporation to terminate them at any time. Except
as specifically provided by the Board in any particular case, the 



loss of  existing  or  potential  profits  granted  under  this  Plan  shall not
constitute an element of damages in the event of termination of the relationship
of a Participant even if the termination is in violation of an obligation of the
Corporation to the Participant by contract or otherwise.

                                    ARTICLE X


         The Board may suspend  the Plan or any part  thereof at any time or may
terminate  the Plan in its  entirety.  Awards  shall not be  granted  after Plan
termination.  The Board may also amend the Plan from time to time,  except  that
amendments which affect the following  subjects must be approved by stockholders
of the Corporation:
     (a)      Except as provided in Article XI relative to capital changes,  the
              number of shares as to which  Options  may be granted  pursuant to
              Article V;
     (b)      The maximum term of Options granted;
     (c)      The minimum price at which Options may be granted;
     (d)      The term of the Plan; and
     (e)      The requirements as to eligibility for participation in the Plan.
         Awards  granted prior to suspension or  termination of the Plan may not
be cancelled  solely because of such suspension or termination,  except with the
consent of the grantee of the Award.

                                   ARTICLE XI

                          CHANGES IN CAPITAL STRUCTURE

         The instruments  evidencing  Options granted hereunder shall be subject
to  adjustment  in  the  event  of  changes  in  the  outstanding  Stock  of the
Corporation  by  reason of Stock  dividends,  Stock  splits,  recapitalizations,
reorganizations,  mergers,  consolidations,  combinations,  exchanges  or  other
relevant changes in  capitalization  occurring after the date of an Award to the
same extent as would affect an actual share of Stock issued and  outstanding  on
the effective date of such change.  Such 


adjustment  to  outstanding  Options  shall be made without  change in the total
price applicable to the unexercised portion of such options, and a corresponding
adjustment in the applicable  option price per share shall be made. In the event
of any such change, the aggregate number and classes of shares for which Options
may  thereafter be granted  under Section 5.1 of this Plan may be  appropriately
adjusted as determined by the Board so as to reflect such change.
         Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  any adjustments  made pursuant to this
Article XI with respect to Incentive  Stock Options shall be made only after the
Board,  after  consulting with counsel for the Corporation,  determines  whether
such  adjustments  would  constitute a  "modification"  of such Incentive  Stock
Options  (as that term is defined in Section 424 of the Code) or would cause any
adverse tax consequences for the holders of such Incentive Stock Options. If the
Board  determines  that such  adjustments  made with respect to Incentive  Stock
Options would constitute a modification of such Incentive Stock Options,  it may
refrain from making such adjustments.
         In  the  event  of  the  proposed  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the
Corporation, each Option will terminate immediately prior to the consummation of
such proposed action or at such other time and subject to such other  conditions
as the Board shall determine.
         Except as expressly  provided herein, no issuance by the Corporation of
shares of stock of any class, or securities  convertible into shares of stock of
any class,  shall affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with
respect  to, the number or price of shares  subject to Options.  No  adjustments
shall be made for dividends paid in cash or in property other than securities of
the Corporation.
         No  fractional  shares  shall be issued under the Plan and the optionee
shall receive from the Corporation cash in lieu of such fractional shares.


                                  ARTICLE XII

                       EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM OF THE PLAN

         The Plan shall become  effective  on January 10,  1994.  The Plan shall
continue  until such time as it may be  terminated by action of the Board or the
Committee;  provided, however, that no Options may be granted under this Plan on
or after the tenth anniversary of the effective date hereof.


                                  ARTICLE XIII


                          OPTIONS; TERMINATION OF ISOS

         The  Board,  at  the  written  request  of  any  optionee,  may  in its
discretion  take such actions as may be  necessary  to convert  such  optionee's
Incentive Stock Options, that have not been exercised on the date of conversion,
into  Non-  Qualified  Options  at any  time  prior  to the  expiration  of such
Incentive  Stock  Options,  regardless of whether the optionee is an employee of
the  Corporation or an Affiliated  Corporation  at the time of such  conversion.
Such actions may include,  but not be limited to,  extending the exercise period
or reducing the exercise price of such Options.  At the time of such conversion,
the Board or the  Committee  (with the consent of the  optionee) may impose such
conditions on the exercise of the resulting  Non-Qualified  Options as the Board
or the Committee in its discretion may determine,  provided that such conditions
shall not be inconsistent with the Plan.  Nothing in the Plan shall be deemed to
give any  optionee the right to have such  optionee's  Incentive  Stock  Options
converted into Non-Qualified  Options,  and no such conversion shall occur until
and unless the Board or the Committee takes appropriate  action. The Board, with
the optionee's  consent,  may also terminate any portion of any Incentive  Stock
Option that has not been exercised at the time of such termination.


                                   ARTICLE XIV

                              APPLICATION OF FUNDS

         The  proceeds  received  by the  Corporation  from the  sale of  shares
pursuant to Options  granted under the Plan shall be used for general  corporate


                                   ARTICLE XV

                             GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION

         The Corporation's  obligation to sell and deliver shares of Stock under
this Plan is subject to the approval of any governmental  authority  required in
connection with the authorization, issuance or sale of such shares.


                                  ARTICLE XVI


         Upon  the  exercise  of a  Non-Qualified  Option  or  the  making  of a
Disqualifying  Disposition  (as  defined in Article  XVII) the  Corporation,  in
accordance  with  Section  3402(a) of the Code,  may require the optionee to pay
additional  withholding  taxes  in  respect  of the  amount  that is  considered
compensation  includible  in  such  person's  gross  income.  The  Board  in its
discretion  may  condition  the  exercise  of an Option on the  payment  of such
additional withholding taxes.


                                  ARTICLE XVII


         Each  employee  who  receives an  Incentive  Stock Option must agree to
notify  the  Corporation  in  writing  immediately  after the  employee  makes a
Disqualifying  Disposition of any Stock acquired  pursuant to the exercise of an
Incentive  Stock  Option.   A  Disqualifying   Disposition  is  any  disposition
(including  any sale) of such Stock  before the later of (a) two years after the
date the employee was granted the  Incentive  Stock Option or (b) one year after
the date the employee  acquired Stock by 


exercising  the  Incentive  Stock  Option.  If the employee has died before such
stock  is  sold,  these  holding  period   requirements  do  not  apply  and  no
Disqualifying Disposition can occur thereafter.


                                  ARTICLE XVIII

                           GOVERNING LAW; CONSTRUCTION

         The  validity  and   construction  of  the  Plan  and  the  instruments
evidencing  Options  shall  be  governed  by the  laws  of the  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts  (without  regard to the conflict of law principles  thereof).  In
construing  this Plan,  the singular  shall include the plural and the masculine
gender  shall  include the  feminine  and neuter,  unless the context  otherwise



                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                           TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 6, 1996

         THE UNDERSIGNED hereby appoints Emanuel Pinez as proxy, with full power
of  substitution,  to vote for and on behalf of the  undersigned  at the  Annual
Meeting of Stockholders of CENTENNIAL  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC. (the "Company") to be
held at 10:00 a.m. at The First National Bank of Boston, Conference Center - 2nd
Floor, 100 Federal Street, Boston,  Massachusetts 02110, on Wednesday,  November
6, 1996, and at any adjournment or adjournments  thereof,  upon and with respect
to all shares of the Common Stock of the Company to which the undersigned  would
be  entitled  to vote and act if  personally  present.  The  undersigned  hereby
directs  Emanuel  Pinez to vote in  accordance  with his judgment on any matters
which may properly  come before the  meeting,  all as indicated in the Notice of
the  meeting,  receipt  of  which  is  hereby  acknowledged,  and  to act on the
following matters set forth in such Notice as specified by the undersigned:

3, 4 AND 5.

         (1)   Proposal  to elect the  following  persons  as  Directors  of the
Company for the ensuing year:
         Emanuel Pinez          __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ WITHHOLD VOTE
         J.P. Luc Beaubien      __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ WITHHOLD VOTE
         William M. Kinch       __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ WITHHOLD VOTE
         John J. McDonald       __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ WITHHOLD VOTE
         James M. Murphy        __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ WITHHOLD VOTE
         John J. Shields        __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ WITHHOLD VOTE
         William Shea           __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ WITHHOLD VOTE

         (2)      Proposal to approve an amendment to the Company's  Certificate
                  of Incorporation  to increase the number of authorized  shares
                  of Common Stock from 15,000,000 shares to 30,000,000 shares.
                                __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ ABSTAIN

         (3)      Proposal to approve an amendment to the Company's  Certificate
                  of Incorporation  to increase the number of authorized  shares
                  of Preferred Stock from 1,000,000 shares to 2,000,000 shares.
                                __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ ABSTAIN


         (4)      Proposal to approve an amendment to the  Company's  1994 Stock
                  Option Plan to increase  the number of shares of Common  Stock
                  reserved for issuance  under said plan from 750,000  shares to
                                __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ ABSTAIN

         (5)      Proposal to ratify and confirm  the  appointment  of Coopers &
                  Lybrand L.L.P. as the independent  accountants for the Company
                  for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997.
                                __ FOR      __ AGAINST       __ ABSTAIN

                  ADJOURNMENTS THEREOF.



         Please sign exactly as name appears below.

- --                                  --       Dated:________________________


                                                Signature if held jointly

                                                       Printed Name

- --                                  --                    Address

NOTE:  When shares are held by joint tenants,  both should sign. When signing as
attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give full title
as such. If the person named on the stock  certificate  has died,  please submit
evidence of your authority. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name
by the President or authorized  officer and indicate the signer's  office.  If a
partnership, please sign in the partnership name by an authorized person.