WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A

                             CURRENT REPORT PURSUANT
                            TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                       Date of Report: September 23, 1996

                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES. INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)

       1 - 12912                                         04-2978400
- ------------------------                    ------------------------------------
(Commission File Number)                    (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

       37 Manning Road, Billerica. Massachusetts              01821
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (Address of Principal Executive Offices)           (Zip Code)

                                 (508) 670-0646
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

                                 Not Applicable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 1

          The  undersigned   registrant   hereby  amends  the  following  items,
financial statements,  exhibits or other portions of its Form 8-K dated July 24,
1996, as set forth in the pages attached hereto:

          1. Item 7 - Financial Statements and Exhibits - Amended to provide the
audited  financial  statements and pro forma  financial  information  for Design
Circuits, Inc.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                   FORM 8-K/A

                               September 23, 1996

         Item                                                Page
         ----                                                ----

         Item 7.    Financial Statements and Exhibits         1

         Signature                                            2
         Exhibits                                            None




         Listed  below  are  the  financial  statements,   pro  forma  financial
information and exhibits, if any, filed as part of this amendment:

a.       June  30,  1996  unaudited  and  October  31,  1995  Audited  Financial
         Statements for Design Circuits, Inc.

b.       Pro forma Financial Information for the Registrant and Design Circuits,

c.       Exhibits. None.




         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                               CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

   Dated: September 23, 1996                   By: /S/ Emanuel Pinez
                                                       Emanuel Pinez
                                                       Chief Executive Officer



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                       JUNE 30, 1996 AND OCTOBER 31, 1995

                              DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

                         INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Independent Auditors' Report

Financial Statements:

   Balance Sheets at June 30, 1996 (Unaudited) and October 31, 1995                          4

   Statements of Operations for the Eight Months Ended June 30, 1996 (Unaudited)
     and the Year Ended October 31, 1995                                                     5

   Statement of Stockholders' Equity for the Year Ended October 31, 1995
     and the Eight Months Ended June 30, 1996 (Unaudited)                                    6

   Statements of Cash Flows for the Eight Months Ended June 30, 1996 (Unaudited)
     and the Year Ended October 31, 1995                                                     7

   Notes to Financial Statements                                                          8-20

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Directors
Design Circuits, Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying  balance sheet of Design  Circuits,  Inc. as of
October 31, 1995 and the related statements of operations,  stockholders' equity
and cash  flows for the year then  ended.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards  require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the financial  position of Design Circuits,  Inc. as of
October 31, 1995,  and the results of its  operations and its cash flows for the
year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

January 5, 1996, except as to Note 12,
    which is as of July 10, 1996

                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                       JUNE 30, 1996 AND OCTOBER 31, 1995

                                                                          1996          1995
                                                                          ----          ----
Current assets:
   Cash                                                                $   385,432    $    2,522
   Trade accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts
     of $172,600 in 1996 and $115,000 in 1995 (Note 11)                  1,809,101     1,534,882
   Notes receivable - related parties (Note 2)                               8,500         8,607
   Inventories (Note 3)                                                  2,723,045     3,020,714
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                52,434        32,476
                                                                       -----------    ----------
         Total current assets                                            4,978,512     4,599,201

Property and Equipment (Note 7)
   Machinery and equipment                                               2,659,994     2,489,298
   Computer equipment                                                      283,875       259,414
   Furniture and fixtures                                                   67,784        48,271
   Leasehold improvements                                                   98,302        98,302
                                                                       -----------    ----------
                                                                         3,109,955     2,895,285

   Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                        1,634,998     1,387,999
                                                                       -----------    ----------

         Net property and equipment                                      1,474,957     1,507,286
                                                                       -----------    ----------
Notes receivable - related parties (Note 2)                                  4,250        10,651
Deposits                                                                    17,481        17,481
Other assets, net of accumulated amortization                                    -         1,851
                                                                       -----------    ----------
         Total assets                                                  $ 6,475,200   $ 6,136,470
                                                                       ===========   ===========

Current liabilities:

   Notes payable - bank (Note 4)                                         1,417,042     1,172,914
   Subordinated notes payable (Note 5)                                     564,281       295,370
   Current installments of long-term debt (Note 6)                           8,500        76,648
   Current installments of obligations under capital leases (Note 7)       190,980       167,916
   Accounts payable                                                      3,153,929     2,798,411
   Accrued expenses                                                        349,329       380,275
   Income taxes payable (Note 8)                                             4,509         6,744
                                                                       -----------    ----------
         Total current liabilities                                       5,688,570     4,898,278
                                                                       -----------    ----------
Subordinated notes payable, excluding current installments (Note 5)              -       153,963
Long-term debt, excluding current installments (Note 6)                      4,250         9,917
Obligations under capital leases, excluding current installments (Note 7)  478,012       475,266
                                                                       -----------    ----------
         Total liabilities                                               6,170,832     5,537,424
                                                                       -----------    ----------
Stockholders' equity (Notes 9 and 10):
   Series C convertible preferred stock, $.0001 par value.  Authorized 50,000
      shares; issued and outstanding 47,711 and 39,711 shares at June 30,
      1996 and October 31, 1995, respectively                                    5             4

   Series B convertible preferred stock, $.0001 par value.  Authorized 20,270
      shares; issued and outstanding 20,270 shares                               2             2

   Common stock , $.0001 par value.  Authorized 150,000 shares; issued and
      outstanding 26,428 and 26,744 shares at June 30, 1996 and October
      31, 1995, respectively                                                     3             3

   Additional paid-in capital                                            4,557,663     4,323,124
   Accumulated deficit                                                  (3,626,237)   (3,097,335)
                                                                       -----------    ----------
                                                                           931,436     1,225,798
Less treasury stock at cost, 13,459 and 13,143 common
   shares at June 30, 1996 and October 31, 1995, respectively             (627,068)     (626,752)
                                                                       -----------    ----------
         Total stockholders' equity                                        304,368       599,046
                                                                       -----------    ----------
   Commitments (Note 7)

         Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                    $ 6,475,200   $ 6,136,470
                                                                       ===========   ===========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS


                                                                         1996              1995
                                                                         ----              ----
Net sales (Note 11)                                                 $ 11,450,016       $ 9,069,993
Cost of sales                                                         10,830,868         8,814,282
                                                                    ------------       -----------
                  Gross profit                                           619,148           255,711

Selling, general and administrative expenses (Note 10):                  973,665         1,342,165
                                                                    ------------       -----------
                  Operating loss                                        (354,517)       (1,086,454)

Other income (expense):
   Interest expense                                                     (185,830)         (358,838)
   Interest income                                                        18,817            11,796
   Other                                                                  (7,372)              219
                                                                    ------------       -----------
                  Loss before income taxes                              (528,902)       (1,433,277)

Income tax expense (benefit) (Note 8)                                          -           (15,603)
                                                                    ------------       -----------
                      Net loss                                      $   (528,902)      $(1,417,674)
                                                                    ============       ===========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.



                                      Series C      Series B                
                                      Convertible   Convertible                Additional                                 Total
                                      Preferred     Preferred       Common      Paid-in      Accumulated     Treasury  Stockholders'
                                      Stock         Stock           Stock       Capital         Deficit       Stock       Equity
                                      -----         -----           -----       -------         -------       -----       ------
Balances at October 31, 1994                       $        2     $      3    $ 3,254,377    $(1,679,661)   $ (322,500) $ 1,252,221

Series C preferred stock issued
  in private offering, net of
  issuance cost                       $        4                                  969,822                                   969,826

Issuance of compensatory employee
  stock options                                                                    98,000                                    98,000

Exercise of common stock options                                                      925                                       925

Acquisition of treasury stock
  (Note 2)                                                                                                    (304,252)    (304,252)

Net loss                                                                                      (1,417,674)                (1,417,674)
                                      ----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    -----------    ----------   ----------

Balances at October 31, 1995                   4            2            3      4,323,124     (3,097,335)     (626,752)     599,046

Series C preferred stock issued
  in private offering, net of
  issuance cost                                1                                  199,999                                   200,000

Issuance of compensatory employee
  stock options                                                                    34,540                                    34,540

Acquisition of treasury stock                                                                                     (316)        (316)

Net loss                                                                                        (528,902)                  (528,902)
                                      ----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    -----------    ----------   ----------

Balances at June 30, 1996 
  (Unaudited)                         $        5    $       2    $       3    $ 4,557,663    $(3,626,237)   $ (627,068)  $  304,368
                                      ==========    =========    =========    ===========    ===========    ==========   ==========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS



                                                                                    1996                      1995
                                                                                    ----                      ----

Cash flow from operating activities:

Net loss                                                                        $  (528,902)              $(1,417,674)

Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net
   cash provided by (used in) operating activities:

  Depreciation and amortization                                                     246,999                   346,184
  Provision for doubtful accounts                                                    82,571                    45,000
  Provision for deferred income taxes                                                     -                   100,000
  Deferred compensation expense - incentive stock options                            34,540                    98,000
  Gain on sale of asset                                                                   -                      (218)
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable                                     (356,790)                  163,674
    Decrease (increase) in inventory                                                297,669                (1,784,509)
    Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses and other current assets                (19,958)                   19,503
    Decrease in deposits                                                                  -                     5,704
    Decrease in other assets                                                          1,851                    27,581
    Increase in accounts payable                                                    355,518                 1,720,188
    Increase (decrease) in accrued expense                                          (30,946)                  119,531
    Decrease in income taxes payable                                                 (2,235)                 (132,256)
                                                                                -----------               -----------
       Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                           80,317                  (689,292)
                                                                                -----------               -----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Capital expenditures                                                              (26,781)                  (71,875)
  Proceeds from sale of assets                                                            -                     3,250
  Collection of notes receivable - related party                                      6,508                    90,015
                                                                                -----------               -----------
       Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                          (20,273)                   21,390
                                                                                -----------               -----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                                  -                       925
  Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock                                         200,000                   969,826
  Purchase of treasury stock                                                           (316)                        -
  Net borrowings (repayments) under notes payable - bank                            244,128                  (109,179)
  Proceeds from subordinated notes payable                                          350,000                   235,052
  Repayments of subordinated notes payable                                         (235,052)                  (60,771)
  Repayments of long-term debt                                                      (73,815)                 (217,732)
  Payments under capital lease obligations                                         (162,079)                 (175,936)
                                                                                -----------               -----------
       Net cash provided by financing activities                                    322,866                   642,185
                                                                                -----------               -----------
Net increase (decrease) in cash                                                     382,910                   (25,717)

Cash at beginning of period                                                           2,522                    28,239
                                                                                -----------               -----------
Cash at end of period                                                           $   385,432               $     2,522
                                                                                ===========               ===========

Supplemental Disclosures:
  Cash paid for interest                                                         $  161,699                $  312,416
                                                                                ===========               ===========
  Cash paid for income taxes                                                     $    2,200                $   32,256
                                                                                ===========               ===========
Noncash investing and financing activities:
  Machinery and equipment acquired under capital
  lease obligations                                                              $  187,889                $  423,516
                                                                                ===========               ===========

During fiscal 1995, the Company  purchased common stock from two shareholders by
canceling notes receivable in the amount of $245,945, canceling notes payable in
the amount of $30,000, issuing notes payable in the amount of $50,000,  reducing
prepaid  expenses by  $47,932,  and  reducing  accrued  expenses  by $9,625.  An
increase to treasury stock of $304,252 was recorded.

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

1.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

         Description of Operations

         Design  Circuits,  Inc. (the  "Company") is an independent  provider of
         customized,  integrated  manufacturing  services to original  equipment
         manufacturers  in the  electronics  industry,  primarily  production of
         printed circuit boards. These services include turnkey services,  where
         the  Company  procures  certain or all of the  materials  required  for
         product  assembly,  and  consignment  services where  customers  supply
         certain  or all of the  materials  and the  Company  provides  assembly
         services. Turnkey services include material procurement and warehousing
         in addition to  manufacturing,  and typically  involve greater resource
         investment than consignment services.

         On July 10, 1996,  Centennial  Technologies,  Inc.  acquired a majority
         interest in the Company.  The preferred and common stock of the Company
         were retired and certain debt obligations were repaid.

         Use of Estimates

         The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally
         accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make estimates
         and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets  and
         liabilities and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at the
         dates of the financial  statements and the reported amounts of revenues
         and expenses during the reporting periods.  Actual results could differ
         from those estimates.

         Revenue Recognition

         The  Company  recognizes  revenue  upon  shipment  of  product  to  its


         Inventories  are  stated  at the  lower  of  cost  or  market.  Cost is
         determined using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method.

         Property and Equipment

         Property  and   equipment   are  stated  at  cost.   Depreciation   and
         amortization  are computed based on the lesser of the estimated  useful
         lives  or  the  lease  term  of  the   respective   asset,   using  the
         straight-line method. Estimated useful lives are as follows:

                  Machinery and equipment            7-10 years
                  Computer equipment                 5 years
                  Furniture and fixtures             10 years
                  Leasehold improvements             shorter of lease
                                                     term or useful life

         As  assets  are  retired  or sold,  the  related  cost and  accumulated
         depreciation  are removed from the accounts and any  resulting  gain or
         loss is included in the results of operations. Expenses for repairs and
         maintenance are charged to operations as incurred.



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

         (Information  with respect to the  eight months ended  June 30, 1996 is

         Other Assets

         Other assets consists  primarily of deferred financing fees incurred in
         connection with the Company's  long-term debt.  Deferred financing fees
         are amortized using the straight-line method over three years.

         Income Taxes

         Income taxes are accounted  for under the asset and  liability  method.
         Under  the  asset  and  liability  method,   deferred  tax  assets  and
         liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable
         to  differences  between the financial  statement  carrying  amounts of
         existing  assets  and  liabilities  and  their  respective  tax  bases.
         Deferred  tax assets and  liabilities  are measured  using  enacted tax
         rates  expected to apply to taxable  income in the years in which those
         temporary  differences  are expected to be recovered  and settled.  The
         effect on deferred  tax and assets and  liabilities  of a change in tax
         rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment

         Business and Credit Concentrations

         Financial   instruments  which  potentially   subject  the  Company  to
         concentrations of credit risk consist of trade receivables. The Company
         has  concentrations of credit risk due to sales to major customers (see
         Note  11).  The  Company  monitors  extension  of  credit  and  has not
         experienced significant credit losses in the past.

         Fair Value of Financial Instruments

         The carrying amount of the Company's  financial  instruments  including
         cash,  accounts  receivable,  accounts  payable,  and accrued  expenses
         approximate   fair  value  due  to  the  short-term   nature  of  these
         instruments.  The carrying value of notes receivable, notes payable and
         long-term  debt  approximate  fair  value  based  on  the  instruments'
         interest rate, maturity date, and collateral,  if any, in comparison to
         the  Company's   incremental   borrowing  rate  for  similar  financial

2.   Notes Receivable - Related Parties:

         In October  1990,  the Company  sold  manufacturing  equipment  used to
         produce printed  circuit boards to Circuit Tech Inc. ("CTI"), an entity
         wholly-owned  by a stockholder of the Company.  The Company  accepted a
         $475,000 note bearing  interest at 9.6% from CTI in connection with the
         aforementioned  sale. The original  terms of the note required  monthly
         payments of principal  and interest of $10,000  until  September  1995.
         During 1993, the Company modified the terms of the note receivable from
         CTI. The modified terms included a decrease in the stated interest rate
         to 7% and an extension of the maturity date to September 1997. The note
         was  canceled in August 1995 in exchange  for the shares of the Company
         held by the stockholder.



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

         During 1994, the Company  advanced  $34,000 to an officer.  The Company
         accepted a secured note  bearing  interest at 4.0%.  The note  requires
         bi-weekly  principal  and  interest  payments  of  $354  with  a  final
         principal  payment  due in December  1996.  The officer has pledged his
         common  stock in the Company as security  for the note.  The balance of
         the note as of October 31, 1995 was  $19,258  with $8,607 of  principal
         due in fiscal  1996.  The  balance of the note as of June 30,  1996 was
         $12,750 with $8,500 of principal due in the next twelve months.

3.   Inventories:

         Inventories at June 30, 1996 and October 31, 1995 consisted of:

                                          1996                 1995
                                          ----                 ----

         Raw materials                $ 1,931,990         $ 1,835,575
         Work-in-process                  742,180           1,185,139
         Finished goods                    48,875               -
                                      -----------         -----------
                                      $ 2,723,045         $ 3,020,714
                                      ===========         ===========
4.   Notes Payable-Bank:

         The Company has a $2,000,000 secured revolving line of credit with U.S.
         Trust,  (the Bank) which bears interest at the Bank's base lending rate
         plus 2%  (10.25%  and 10.75% at June 30,  1996 and  October  31,  1995,
         respectively).  The line of  credit is  secured  by  substantially  all
         assets of the Company.  Borrowings  under this  agreement  are computed
         based upon a formula which includes, among other items, 80% of eligible
         trade accounts receivable. Drawings against the line of credit amounted
         to  $917,042  and  $1,172,914  June 30,  1996  and  October  31,  1995,
         respectively.  At June 30, 1996 and October  31,  1995,  based upon the
         bank's  formula,  the Company had  approximately  $420,910 and $52,541,
         respectively, available to be drawn upon as needed.

         The line of credit agreement and the term loan described in Note 6 also
         contain certain financial covenants, restrictions on capital purchases,
         acquisitions and other  indebtedness and the payment of cash dividends.
         As of June 30, 1996, the Company was in violation of certain  covenants
         which have not been waived by the Bank.

         On March 26, 1996,  the Company  entered  into an agreement  with Fleet
         Bank for a $500,000  unsecured line of credit.  The line bears interest
         at Fleet Bank's Prime Rate (8.25% at June 30, 1996) and all  borrowings
         have been guaranteed by a significant  investor.  Drawings  against the
         line of credit at June 30, 1996 amounted to $500,000.



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

         On July  10,  1996,  upon  acquisition  of the  Company  by  Centennial
         Technologies, Inc., these lines of credit and all accrued interest were
         settled and both lines of credit were canceled.

5.   Subordinated Notes Payable:

         Subordinated  notes  payable  at June 30,  1996 and  October  31,  1995
         consisted of the following:

                                                                       June 30,         October 31,
                                                                          1996               1995
                                                                          ----               ----
14% unsecured subordinated demand note payable to a stockholder                         $  235,052

10% unsecured subordinated demand note payable to a stockholder,
due December 1996 or upon sale/merger of the Company,
whichever occurs first                                                $   50,000            50,000

10% unsecured subordinated demand note payable to a stockholder,
payable upon consent of the Bank                                         100,000           100,000

Prime plus one-half percent unsecured subordinated demand note
payable to a stockholder, payable upon consent of the Bank                32,500            32,500

9% unsecured subordinated note payable to a former sales
representative, payable in monthly principal and interest
installments of $2,000 through December 1996, upon consent
of the Bank                                                               31,781            31,781

14%  unsecured  subordinated  note payable to a related  party,
convertible  to preferred stock, due December 1996 or upon sale/
merger of the Company, which ever occurs first                           350,000                 -
                                                                      ----------        ----------
                  Total subordinated notes payable                       564,281           449,333

Less current installments                                                564,281           295,370
                                                                      ----------        ----------
Subordinated notes payable, excluding current installments            $        -        $  153,963
                                                                      ==========        ==========

         On July  10,  1996,  upon  acquisition  of the  Company  by  Centennial
         Technologies,  Inc., the 10% unsecured subordinated demand note payable
         to a stockholder  for $50,000 and the 14% unsecured  subordinated  note
         payable to a related  party for $350,000 and all accrued  interest were
         settled and the notes were canceled.



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

6.   Long-Term Debt:

         Long-term  debt at June 30, 1996 and October 31, 1995  consisted of the

                                                                                  1996                         1995
                                                                                  ----                         ----
$306,668 term note payable to Bank,  payable in eighteen  monthly  principal and
         interest  installments  of $17,037  through March 1996 with interest at
         the Bank's Base Lending Rate plus 1.5%,  secured  by  substantially all
         of the Company's assets                                                                             $  68,148

$34,000  unsecured  term note  with the Bank,  payable  in  forty-eight  monthly
         principal and interest installments of $708 through
         December 1997 with interest at 8%                                      $  12,750                       18,417
                                                                                ---------                    ---------
                  Total long-term debt                                             12,750                       86,565

Less current installments                                                           8,500                       76,648
                                                                                ---------                    ---------
Long-term debt, excluding current installments                                  $   4,250                    $   9,917
                                                                                =========                    =========

         The  aggregate  maturities  of long-term  debt for the  succeeding  two
         twelve month periods ending June 30 are as follows: 1997 - $8,500; 1998
         - $4,250.

7.   Leases:

         Capital Leases

         The Company is the lessee of certain  equipment  under  capital  leases
         expiring in various years through  fiscal year 2000.  Interest rates on
         capital  leases range from 9% to 15.25%.  The assets are amortized over
         their estimated  useful lives.  The following is a summary of equipment
         held under capital leases at June 30, 1996 and October 31, 1995:

                                                         1996                       1995
         Machinery and equipment                    $  1,151,581                $    963,692
         Computer equipment                               96,129                      96,129
                                                    ------------                ------------
                                                       1,247,710                   1,059,821

         Less accumulated amortization                   340,620                     231,706
                                                    ------------                ------------
                                                    $    907,090                $    828,115
                                                    ============                ============



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

         Minimum future lease payments under capital leases are as follows:

                                                                  Year Ending        Year Ending
                                                                    June 30,         October 31,
                                                                    --------         -----------
         1996                                                                      $    228,201
         1997                                                    $     255,849          208,562
         1998                                                          265,814          200,509
         1999                                                          222,363          133,879
         2000 and thereafter                                            50,529            9,069
                                                                 -------------     ------------
         Total minimum lease payments                                  794,555          780,220

         Less amounts representing interest                            125,563          137,038
                                                                 -------------     ------------
         Present value of net minimum lease payments                   668,992          643,182

         Less current installments of obligations
            under capital leases                                       190,980          167,916
                                                                 -------------     ------------
         Obligations under capital leases, excluding 
            current installments                                 $     478,012     $    475,266
                                                                 =============     ============


         The Company has noncancelable  operating lease arrangements for certain
         office  equipment  and  its  office  and   manufacturing   facility  in
         Southborough, Massachusetts.

         Minimum future obligations on leases are as follows:

                                                              Year                   Year
                                                              Ending                 Ending
                                                              June 30,               October 31,
                                                              --------               -----------
         1996                                                                        $  235,760
         1997                                               $  244,903                  231,760
         1998 and thereafter                                   102,063                   19,250
                                                            ----------               ----------
                                                            $  346,966               $  486,770
                                                            ==========               ==========

         All leases expire prior to October 31, 1998. It is expected that in the
         normal  course of  business,  leases  that  expire  will be  renewed or
         replaced by leases on other equipment and properties.

         Rent expense under operating leases amounted to approximately  $153,000
         and  $254,000 for the eight months ended June 30, 1996 and for the year
         ended October 31, 1995, respectively.



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

8.   Income Taxes:

         The Company did not incur federal or state income tax expense (benefit)
         for the eight months ended June 30, 1996.

         Total federal and state income tax expense (benefit) for the year ended
         October 31, 1995 consisted of the following:

                                    Current          Deferred           Total
         Federal                 $  (115,603)      $   103,000      $   (12,603)
         State                             -            (3,000)          (3,000)
                                 -----------       -----------      -----------
                                 $  (115,603)      $   100,000      $   (15,603)
                                 ===========       ===========      ===========

         Income tax expense (benefit) amounted to $0 and ($15,603) for the eight
         months  ended  June 30,  1996  and the year  ended  October  31,  1995,
         respectively.  The actual expense (benefit) differs from the "expected"
         tax expense (benefit)  (computed by applying the statutory U.S. federal
         corporate  tax rate of 34% to income  (loss)  before  income  taxes) as

                                                                 1996              1995
                                                                 ----              ----
Computed "expected" tax expense (benefit)                     $ (179,827)       $ (487,314)
State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit                  -            (1,980)
Change in valuation allowance for deferred tax assets            241,717           467,192
Non-deductible expenses                                            1,752             3,851
Other                                                            (63,642)            2,648
                                                              ----------        ----------
                                                                       -        $  (15,603)
                                                              ==========        ==========



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

         At June 30, 1996 and October 31, 1995,  deferred  income tax assets and
         liabilities  result from temporary  differences  in the  recognition of
         income  and  expense  for tax and  financial  reporting  purposes.  The
         sources and tax effects of these  temporary  differences  are presented

                                                                                      June 30,         October 31,
                                                                                        1996              1995
                                                                                        ----              ----
Deferred tax assets:

         Excess of financial statement amortization over tax
                  amortization                                                      $    4,599        $    4,509
         Nondeductible reserves for inventory and accounts receivable                  278,664           233,055
         Deferred compensation and vacation pay                                        121,463            63,545
         Federal tax credit carryforwards                                               25,355            23,000
         Net operating loss carryforwards                                            1,288,505         1,148,167
                                                                                    ----------        ----------
                  Total gross deferred tax assets                                    1,718,586         1,472,276

         Less valuation allowance                                                    1,500,909         1,259,192
                                                                                    ----------        ----------
         Net deferred tax assets                                                    $  217,677        $  213,084
                                                                                    ==========        ==========
Deferred tax liability:
         Excess of tax depreciation over financial statement
                  depreciation                                                      $  217,677        $  213,084
                                                                                    ==========        ==========
         Net deferred tax assets                                                             -                 -
                                                                                    ==========        ==========

         The net change in the total  valuation  allowance  for the eight months
         ending  June 30,  1996  and the  year  ended  October  31,  1995 was an
         increase of $241,717  and  $467,192,  respectively.  In  assessing  the
         realizability of deferred tax assets,  the Company considers whether it
         is more likely than not that some  portion or all of the  deferred  tax
         assets will not be realized.  Management  has concluded that it is more
         likely  than not  that the  Company  will not have  sufficient  taxable
         income  of  an   appropriate   character   within  the   carryback  and
         carryforward  period  permitted  by  current  tax law to allow  for the
         utilization  of  certain  of  the  deductible  amounts  generating  the
         deferred tax assets and, therefore, a valuation allowance of $1,500,909
         has been established to reduce total deferred tax assets to $217,677 at
         June 30, 1996.

         Management  believes that the remaining deferred tax assets of $217,677
         at June 30,  1996  will be  offset  by the  reversal  of  deferred  tax
         liabilities in future  periods;  therefore,  no valuation  allowance is
         considered necessary.



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

         As of June 30, 1996, the Company has net operating  loss  carryforwards
         of $3,219,456 for federal income tax purposes.  The Company experienced
         an ownership  change, as defined by Section 382 of the Internal Revenue
         Code to which the utilization of these losses will be limited.

9.   Stockholders' Equity:

     Series C Convertible Preferred Stock

         In August 1995, the Board of Directors and  stockholders of the Company
         authorized  50,000  shares of  Series C  convertible  preferred  stock,
         $.0001 par value per share.  During  1995,  the Company  issued  39,711
         shares of Series C convertible  preferred stock in a private placement.
         Net proceeds totaled $969,826, net of issuance costs of $22,937. During
         November 1995, the Company issued an additional  8,000 shares of Series
         C convertible  preferred  stock in a separate  private  placement.  Net
         proceeds of this issuance totaled $200,000. Proceeds of both placements
         were used to make capital  expenditures,  repay certain trade  accounts
         payable, and to provide working capital.

         Each share of Series C convertible  preferred stock may be converted at
         any time into the  number of  shares  of  common  stock of the  Company
         obtained by dividing  $25.00 by the  conversion  price in effect at the
         time of  conversion.  At June  30,  1996  and  October  31,  1995,  the
         conversion  price  was such that  each  share of  Series C  convertible
         preferred stock was convertible into one share of common stock.

         The holders of Series C  convertible  preferred  stock have  preference
         over all other  classes of capital stock as to the payment of dividends
         and liquidation,  and are entitled to one vote per share on all matters
         on which stockholders are entitled to vote.

         Series B Convertible Preferred Stock

         Prior to the issuance of Series C convertible  preferred stock in 1995,
         the Company executed a recapitalization  of its existing capital stock.
         As part of the  recapitalization,  the  2,026,985  shares  of  Series B
         convertible  preferred  stock issued and  outstanding at that date were
         converted to 20,270  shares.  In addition,  the par value per share was
         decreased from $.01 to $.0001.

         Each share of Series B convertible  preferred stock may be converted at
         any time into the  number of  shares  of  common  stock of the  Company
         obtained by dividing  $49.33 by the  conversion  price in effect at the
         time of  conversion.  At June  30,  1996  and  October  31,  1995,  the
         conversion  price  was such that  each  share of  Series B  convertible
         preferred stock was convertible into one share of common stock.

         The holders of Series B  convertible  preferred  stock have  preference
         over the holders of common stock, but are subordinate to the holders of
         Series C convertible  preferred  stock,  as to the payment of dividends
         and  liquidation.  The holders of Series B convertible  preferred stock
         are entitled to one vote per share on all matters on which stockholders
         are entitled to vote.



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

         Common Stock

         As part of the  recapitalization  noted above,  the 2,870,063 shares of
         common  stock  issued and  outstanding  at that date were  converted to
         28,701 shares. In addition,  the par value per share was decreased from
         $.01 to $.0001.

         The holders of common stock are  subordinate to the holders of Series C
         convertible  preferred  stock and the  holders of Series B  convertible
         preferred  stock as to the payment of dividends  and  liquidation.  The
         holders  of  common  stock  are  entitled  to one vote per share on all
         matters on which stockholders are entitled to vote.

         Common Stock Repurchase Agreements

         In December 1992, the Company executed agreements with two stockholders
         obtaining  the  exclusive  right  to  repurchase  140,845  and  300,000
         outstanding  shares of common stock from such stockholders at $1.42 and
         $.50 per share,  respectively.  These rights were to expire on December
         31, 1993.

         In January 1993,  170,000 shares of common stock were  repurchased from
         two stockholders for the treasury.  The purchases were made pursuant to
         common  stock  repurchase   agreements  described  above.  The  Company
         purchased 70,000 shares for $1.42 per share and 100,000 shares for $.50
         per share.

         Also in January 1993, the Company assigned its rights to repurchase the
         remaining 70,845 shares at $1.42 per share and the rights to repurchase
         50,000  shares at $.50 per share to Fidelity  Ventures Ltd. On December
         31, 1993,  the Company  purchased  145,000 shares of common stock under
         the terms of the December 1992 stock redemption  agreement  between the
         Company and the stockholder for $.50 per share. The right to repurchase
         the  remaining  5,000  shares  under  this stock  redemption  agreement



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

10.  Stock Options and Warrants:

        Non-Qualified Compensatory Stock Option Plan

         The Company had a  non-qualified,  compensatory  stock  option plan for
         certain  employee  groups under which options to purchase shares of the
         Company's  common stock were granted at less than the fair value of the
         stock at the date of grant  (hereafter  referred to as "the 1994 Option
         Plan"). The options issued under the 1994 Option Plan contained varying
         expiration  dates  and  vested no later  than ten  years  from the date
         granted.  The  following is a summary of the 1994 Option Plan  activity
         for fiscal 1995:

                                                                                 1994 OPTION PLAN
                                                                       Shares Under               Exercise
                                                                         Option                    Prices
                                                                         ------                    ------
     Outstanding, October 31, 1994                                     1,219,650              $  .01 - .05

         Granted                                                         333,200                    .05
         Exercised                                                       (18,500)                   .05
         Canceled                                                              -                     -
                                                                      ----------              ------------
                                                                       1,534,350                 .01 - .05

         Recapitalization of existing stock                           (1,519,006)                .01 - .05
         Canceled upon termination of the Plan                           (15,344)                .01 - .05
                                                                      ----------              ------------
     Outstanding and vested, October 31, 1995                                  -                     -
                                                                      ==========              ============

         During  fiscal 1995,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  approved the
         cancellation  of all  stock  options  under  the 1994  Option  Plan and
         reserved  40,000  shares of common  stock for  issuance  under the 1995
         Option Plan.  All option holders with vested options in the 1994 Option
         Plan received new options in the 1995 Option Plan.

         The 1995 Option Plan is a non-qualified  compensatory stock option plan
         for certain employee groups.  Options issued under the 1995 Option Plan
         vest  immediately  upon issuance and have an exercise price of $.05 per
         share.   The  options   expire  ten  years  from  the  date  of  grant.
         Compensation  expense  related  to the  1995  Option  Plan  charged  to
         operations  for the year ended  October 31, 1995 was  $98,000,  and has
         been included in selling,  general and  administrative  expenses in the
         accompanying Statements of Operations.

         In June 1996, the Company's Board of Directors  resolved to revalue the
         fair value of the Company's  common stock from $5.00 per share to $2.50
         per share,  retroactive for all shares issued subsequent to October 31,
         1995.  As  a  result,  for  the  eight  months  ended  June  30,  1996,
         compensation  expense  related  to the  1995  Option  Plan  charged  to
         operations  was  $34,540.  This  expense has been  included in selling,
         general and administrative  expenses in the accompanying  Statements of



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

         The  following  is a summary of the 1995 Option Plan  activity  for the
         fiscal year ended  October 31, 1995 and for the eight months ended June
         30, 1996:

                                                                  1995 OPTION PLAN
                                                               Under         Exercise
                                                              Option           Price
                                                              ------           -----
Outstanding balance, October 31, 1994                              -                -
Granted                                                       40,000         $    .05
                                                              ------         --------
Outstanding balance, October 31, 1995                         40,000              .05
                                                              ------         --------
Granted                                                       14,098              .05
                                                              ------         --------
Outstanding balance, June 30, 1996                            54,098         $    .05
                                                              ======         ========
Vested, October 31, 1995                                      40,000         $    .05
                                                              ======         ========
Vested, June 30, 1996                                         54,098         $    .05
                                                              ======         ========

         Non-Compensatory Stock Warrants

         The  Company  has also  issued  stock  warrants  to  employees,  former
         employees,  stockholders,   creditors,  and  other  individuals.  These
         warrants  are  vested  upon  issuance.  The  warrants  are  exercisable
         commencing  on the date granted and expire on various dates which range
         from five to seventeen years from the date granted.  The following is a
         summary of activity for the fiscal year ended  October 31, 1995 and the
         eight months ended June 30, 1996:



                             DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

(Information with respect to the eight months ended June 30, 1996 is unaudited)

                                                                       Warrants          Price
                                                                       --------          -----
Outstanding balance, October 31, 1994                                  245,238        $.25 - 3.00

Granted during fiscal 1995, prior to recapitalization                   40,000            .05

Canceled during fiscal 1995                                            (20,000)          2.50
                                                                       -------       --------------
                                                                       265,238         .25 - 3.00

Recapitalization of existing stock                                    (262,586)        .25 - 3.00

Granted during fiscal 1995, subsequent to recapitalization               2,407           5.00
                                                                       -------       --------------
Outstanding balance, October 31, 1995                                    5,059        5.00 - 300.00

Granted during the eight months ended June 30, 1996                      3,500            5.00
                                                                       -------       --------------
Outstanding balance, June 30, 1996                                       8,559       $5.00 - 300.00
                                                                       =======       ==============

11.  Major Customers:

         A summary of the net sales to three major  customers  that exceeded 10%
         for the eight  months  ended June 30,  1996 and the  fiscal  year ended
         October 31, 1995, respectively, and the amount due from these customers
         as of June 30, 1996 and October 31, 1995 is as follows:

                                                                        1996               1995
                                                                        ----               ----
Net sales                                                           $ 8,342,471        $ 4,835,935
                                                                    ===========        ===========
Amounts receivable                                                  $ 1,272,923        $   921,542
                                                                    ===========        ===========

12.  Subsequent Event:

         On July 10, 1996, the Company was acquired by Centennial  Technologies,


                        OF CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                           AND DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

The following  unaudited pro forma  combined  condensed  consolidated  financial
statements give effect to the acquisition of Design  Circuits,  Inc.  ("DCI") by
Centennial  Technologies,  Inc.  ("Centennial"),  by  means  of  a  merger  (the
"Merger"),  under the purchase  method of  accounting.  The  unaudited pro forma
combined   condensed   consolidated   balance   sheet   combines  the  unaudited
consolidated  balance sheet of Centennial and the unaudited balance sheet of DCI
at June 30, 1996 as if the Merger  occurred on June 30, 1996.  The unaudited pro
forma  combined  condensed  consolidated  statement of  operations  combines the
unaudited  historical  results of consolidated  operations of Centennial and the
unaudited  historical  results of operations of DCI, for the year ended June 30,
1996 as if the Merger had occurred at the beginning of such year.

The unaudited pro forma combined condensed  consolidated financial statements do
not reflect cost savings and synergies  which might be achieved from the Merger.
The unaudited pro forma combined condensed  consolidated financial statements do
not  purport  to be  indicative  of the  consolidated  operating  results or the
consolidated  financial  position  that would have been  achieved had the Merger
been  effected  for  the  year  indicated  or the  consolidated  results  or the
consolidated financial position which may by obtained in the future.

These combined condensed  consolidated pro forma financial  statements are based
on and should be read in conjunction with the unaudited  consolidated  financial
statements of Centennial,  including the notes thereto not separately  presented
herein, and the accompanying  audited and unaudited financial statements of DCI,
including the notes thereto.

                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                              DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

             Pro Forma Combined Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                               as of June 30, 1996

                                                      Centennial            Design             Pro Forma                Combined
                                                   Technologies, Inc.    Circuits, Inc.       Adjustments               Pro Forma
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
Current assets :
     Cash and marketable securities                     $11,114,283           $385,432        ($5,461,348)(2a)           $6,038,367
     Accounts receivable, net                            12,592,231          1,809,101                  0                14,401,332
     Current portion of notes receivable                  3,680,750                  0                  0                 3,680,750
     Notes receivable - related parties                           0              8,500             (8,500)(2a)                    0
     Inventories                                         18,229,317          2,723,045                  0                20,952,362
     Deferred income taxes                                  211,100                  0                  0                   211,100
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets            2,362,887             52,434                  0                 2,415,321
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
        Total current assets                             48,190,568          4,978,512         (5,469,848)               47,699,232
Equipment and leasehold improvements, net                 4,698,616          1,474,957            200,475 (2b)            6,374,048
Notes receivable - related parties                                0              4,250             (4,250)(2a)                    0
Investments                                               2,472,381                  0                  0                 2,472,381
Other assets                                                170,392             17,481                  0                   187,873
Deferred income taxes                                       121,300                  0                  0                   121,300
Goodwill and intangible assets, net                         128,918                  0          9,392,234 (2d)            9,521,152
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
        Total assets                                    $55,782,175         $6,475,200         $4,118,611               $66,375,986
                                                   =================    ===============    ===============           ===============
Current liabilities :                              
     Notes payable                                        4,683,876          1,417,042         (1,417,042)(2a)            4,683,876
     Subordinated notes payable                                   0            564,281           (532,500)(2a)               31,781
     Current installment of long-term debt                        0              8,500             (8,500)(2a)                    0
     Current portion of long term obligations
         under capital leases                               336,058            190,980                  0                   527,038
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses                3,494,693          3,503,258           (227,229)(2a)            6,770,722
     Income taxes payable                                   614,036              4,509                  0                   618,545
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
        Total current laibilities                         9,128,663          5,688,570         (2,185,271)               12,631,962
Subordinated notes payable, excluding current
     installments                                                 0                  0                  0                         0
Long-term debt, excluding current installments                    0              4,250             (4,250)(2a)                    0
Long-term obligations under capital leases                  366,944            478,012                  0                   844,956
Deferred income taxes                                       241,600                  0                  0                   241,600
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
        Total liabilities                                 9,737,207          6,170,832         (2,189,521)               13,718,518
Minority interest                                                                               2,487,500 (2e)            2,487,500
Stockholders' equity :                                                                                               
     Preferred stock                                              0                  7                 (7)                        0
     Common stock                                            83,159                  3              1,247                    84,409
     Additional paid-in capital                          38,883,677          4,557,663           (433,913)               43,007,427
     Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)              7,078,132         (3,626,237)         3,626,237                 7,078,132
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
                                                         46,044,968            931,436          3,193,564                50,169,968
     Treasury stock                                               0           (627,068)           627,068                         0
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
        Total stockholders' equity                       46,044,968            304,368          3,820,632 (2c)           50,169,968
                                                   -----------------    ---------------    ---------------           ---------------
            Total liabilities and stockholders'
                  equity                                $55,782,175         $6,475,200         $4,118,611               $66,375,986
                                                   =================    ===============    ===============           ===============


                          CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                              DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

        Pro Forma Combined Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                        for the year ended June 30, 1996

                                                          Centennial          Design           Pro Forma           Combined
                                                       Technologies, Inc.  Circuits, Inc.      Adjustments          Pro Forma
                                                         --------------    -------------    --------------     ---------------
  Sales                                                    $37,847,681      $15,064,093                           $52,911,774
  Cost of goods sold                                        23,636,299       14,568,075                 0          38,204,374
                                                         --------------    -------------    --------------     ---------------
       Gross margin                                         14,211,382          496,018                            14,707,400
  General and administrative expenses                        4,590,413        1,514,097          $959,223 (3a)      7,063,733
  Research and development costs                             1,433,765                0                 0           1,433,765
                                                         --------------    -------------    --------------     ---------------
       Income (loss) from operations                         8,187,204       (1,018,079)         (959,223)          6,209,902
  Other income (expense) :                                                                                     
       Interest income                                         352,606           19,675           (91,135)(3b)        281,146
       Interest expense                                       (369,584)        (318,472)         (290,684)(3c)       (978,740)
       Other                                                         0           (7,153)                0              (7,153)
                                                         --------------    -------------    --------------     ---------------
  Income (loss) before minority interest and taxes           8,170,226       (1,324,029)       (1,341,042)          5,505,155
  Minority interest                                                  0                0           662,365 (3d)        662,365
  Income (loss) before income taxes                          8,170,226       (1,324,029)         (678,677)          6,167,520
  Income tax expense (benefit)                               3,268,090          (15,603)         (152,000)(3e)      3,100,487
                                                         --------------    -------------    --------------     ---------------
  Net income (loss)                                         $4,902,136      ($1,308,426)        ($526,677)         $3,067,033
                                                         ==============    =============    ==============     ===================
  Historical primary net income per common share                 $0.67
  Historical fully diluted net income per common share           $0.66
  Historical primary weighted average common             
  shares outstanding                                         7,338,906
  Historical fully diluted weighted average common       
  shares outstanding                                         7,432,502
  Pro forma primary net income per share                                                                                $0.41
  Pro forma fully diluted net income per share                                                                          $0.41
  Pro forma primary weighted average common                                                 
  common shares outstanding                                                                                         7,463,906
  Pro forma fully diluted weighted average common        
  shares outstanding                                                                                                7,557,502


                        OF CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                           AND DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

1.       Basis of Presentation:

         The pro forma  adjustments  described in notes 2 and 3 to the pro forma
         financial  statements  are required to allocate the purchase  price and
         the estimated  acquisition  costs to the net assets of Design Circuits,
         Inc.  based  upon  their  estimated  fair  values  at June 30,  1996 as
         determined by the management of the Company.  Such  allocation  will be
         revised to reflect changes in assets and  liabilities  through July 10,
         1996 (the date of the acquisition) and the  determination of the actual
         acquisition costs.

2.       Pro Forma  Adjustments  to  Unaudited   Pro Forma  Combined   Condensed
         Consolidated Balance Sheet:

                  a.  Cash  and  marketable  securities  have  been  reduced  by
                      $5,461,348  to reflect  the cash  portion of the  purchase
                      price of DCI  ($5,622,077),  the  payment  of  acquisition
                      costs of  ($150,000)  and the  repayment  of a portion  of
                      DCI's  debt   obligations   ($2,176,771)   offset  by  the
                      collection  of  funds  of  $2,487,500  from  the  minority
                      shareholders of DCI.

                  b.  Equipment and leasehold improvements has been increased by
                      $200,475  to  increase  the  value of DCI's  equipment  to
                      appraised value.

                  c.  Stockholders'  equity has been  adjusted by  $3,820,632 to
                      reflect the  issuance of  Centennial's  common  stock as a
                      portion  of the total  purchase  price of DCI,  net of the
                      elimination  of  DCI's  preferred  stock,   common  stock,
                      additional  paid-in  capital,   accumulated   deficit  and
                      treasury stock.

                  d.  Goodwill  and  intangible  assets have been  increased  by
                      $9,392,234 to reflect the estimated  goodwill arising from
                      the acquisition of DCI by Centennial and the balance sheet
                      adjustments above.

                  e.  Minority  interest  reflects the interests of the minority
                      shareholders of DCI.

3.       Pro Forma  Adjustments  to  Unaudited   Pro Forma  Combined   Condensed
         Consolidated Statement of Operations:

                  a.  General and administrative expenses have been increased by
                      $959,223 for the year ended June 30, 1996  reflecting  (a)
                      amortization  over a 10-year period,  of the net excess of
                      the  purchase  price of DCI  over  the  fair  value of the
                      assets  acquired  (goodwill)  of  $9,392,234,  and (b) the
                      depreciation   expense  of  $20,000  associated  with  the
                      increase in the appraised value of equipment and leasehold

                  b.  Interest  income has been  reduced by $91,135 for the year
                      ended  June  30,  1996 to  adjust  interest  on  cash  and
                      marketable securities.

                  c.  Interest expense has been increased by $290,684 to reflect
                      borrowings  of  $7,811,598   under  the  Company's  credit
                      facility  at an  interest  rate of  8.75%  and to  reflect
                      repayment of a portion of DCI's debt obligations at a rate
                      of interest ranging from 9% to 14%.

                        OF CENTENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                           AND DESIGN CIRCUITS, INC.

                  d.  Minority  interest  reflects the interests of the minority
                      shareholders in the operating  results of DCI for the year
                      ended June 30, 1996.

                  e.  Income tax expense (benefit) has been reduced  by $152,000
                      to  reflect the  tax effect of the adjustments in interest
                      income and interest expense discussed above.