FORM OF
                                WARRANT AGREEMENT

         WebSecure,  Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  and American
Securities  Transfer & Trust,  Inc.  ("AST"),  1825 Lawrence Street,  Suite 444,
Denver,  Colorado 80202, a Colorado corporation (the "Warrant Agent"),  agree as

         1.  PURPOSE.  The Company  proposes  to publicly  offer and issue up to
1,000,000  shares of its Common Stock,  $.01 par value per Share (the "Shares"),
and 1,000,000 Redeemable Common Stock Purchase Warrants (the "Warrants").

         2.  WARRANTS.  Each  Warrant will  entitle the  registered  holder of a
Warrant  (the  "Warrant  Holder") to purchase  from the Company one (1) Share at
$9.60 per Share (the "Exercise Price"). A Warrant Holder may exercise all or any
number of Warrants resulting in the purchase of a whole number of Shares.

         3.  EXERCISE  PERIOD.  The Warrants may be exercised at any time during
the period  commencing  _________,  1997 and ending at 5:00 p.m.,  New York City
time on ________,  1999 (the "Expiration  Date") except as changed by Section 13
of this Agreement. If such date shall in the State of New York be a holiday or a
day on which banks are authorized to close,  then the Expiration Date shall mean
5:00 p.m. (New York City time) the next  following day which in the State of New
York is not a holiday or a day on which banks are authorized to close. After the
Expiration Date, any unexercised warrants will be void and all rights of Warrant
Holders shall cease.

         4. DETACHABILITY. The Shares and Warrants are immediately separate.


                  a. Redemption; Redemption Price. Commencing ___________, 1997,
         the Company may, at its option,  redeem the  outstanding  Warrants,  in
         whole or in part, upon not less than 30 days' prior written notice (the
         "Notice  of  Redemption"),   at  a  price  of  $.20  per  Warrant  (the
         "Redemption  Price"), if the average closing bid price of the Company's
         Common  Stock  equals  or  exceeds   $12.00  per  share  for  ten  (10)
         consecutive  trading  days within the twenty (20) day period  preceding
         the date of such notice.  If the Company shall determine to redeem less
         than all of the Warrants then outstanding, then the Warrant Agent shall
         determine  the  Warrants  to be redeemed by such manner or method as it
         shall deem fair and appropriate, whether by lot or otherwise.

                  b. Notice of Redemption.  The Company shall give notice to the
         Warrant Agent of any redemption in sufficient  time so that the Warrant
         Agent  shall give the Notice of  Redemption  to all  Holders of Warrant
         Certificates to be redeemed at least thirty (30) days prior to the date
         established for such redemption (the "Redemption Date"). Each Notice of
         Redemption  shall:  (a) specify the Redemption  Date and the Redemption
         Price;  (b) state that payment of the Redemption  Price will be made by
         the Warrant Agent upon  presentation and surrender to the Warrant Agent
         at its principal  office of the Warrant  Certificates  representing the
         Warrants  being  redeemed;  (c) state that the rights to  exercise  the
         Warrants  shall terminate at 5:00 p.m. New York City time, on the fifth
         business day preceding the Redemption Date; and (d) if less than all of
         the Warrants then  outstanding are being  redeemed,  specify the serial
         numbers or portions of the Warrants to be redeemed.

                  c. Payment of Redemption  Price. On or prior to the opening of
         business on the  Redemption  Date,  the Company  will  deposit with the
         Warrant  Agent cash,  or an  irrevocable  letter of credit  issued by a
         national  or state  bank  and in form  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
         Warrant  Agent,  sufficient  in amount to purchase  all of the Warrants
         stated in the  Notice of  Redemption  to be  redeemed.  Payment  of the
         Redemption  Price shall be made by the Warrant Agent upon  presentation
         and surrender of the Warrant Certificates representing such Warrants to
         the Warrant Agent at its principal  office. If the Notice of Redemption
         shall have been duly given and if the Company shall have duly deposited
         with  the  Warrant  Agent  the cash or  irrevocable  letter  of  credit
         required by this Section 4c, then any  Warrants  not  exercised by 5:00
         p.m.,  New York City time,  on the  Redemption  Date shall no longer be
         deemed to be outstanding,  and all rights with respect to such Warrants
         shall  from and after such time and date  cease and  terminate,  except
         only for the right of the  Holders  thereof to receive  the  Redemption
         Price, without interest.

         6. CERTIFICATES.  The Warrant  Certificates shall be in registered form
only and shall be  substantially  in the form set forth in Exhibit A attached to
this  Agreement.  Warrant  Certificates  shall be signed  by, or shall  bear the
facsimile signature of, the President or a Vice President of the Company and the
Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the Company and shall bear a facsimile of
the Company's corporate seal. If any person,  whose facsimile signature has been
placed  upon any  Warrant  Certificate  as the  signature  of an  officer of the
Company, shall have ceased to be such officer before such Warrant Certificate is
countersigned,   issued  and  delivered,   such  Warrant  Certificate  shall  be
countersigned,  issued and delivered  with the same effect as if such person had
not ceased to be such officer. Any Warrant Certificate may be signed by, or made
to bear the  facsimile  signature  of, any person who at the actual  date of the
preparation of such Warrant Certificate shall be a proper officer of the Company
to sign such Warrant Certificate even though such person was not such an officer
upon the date of this Agreement.

         7. COUNTERSIGNING. Warrant Certificates shall be manually countersigned
by the  Warrant  Agent  and  shall  not be  valid  for  any  purpose  unless  so
countersigned. The Warrant Agent hereby is authorized to countersign and deliver
to, or in accordance  with the  instructions  of, any Warrant Holder any Warrant
Certificate which is properly issued.



                  a. Warrant  Certificates  may be exchanged  for other  Warrant
         Certificates  representing an equal aggregate number of Warrants or may
         be  transferred  in whole or in part. The Warrant Agent shall from time
         to time register the transfer of any  outstanding  Warrant  Certificate
         upon  records  maintained  by the Warrant  Agent for such  purpose upon
         surrender  of  such  Warrant  Certificate  to  the  Warrant  Agent  for
         transfer,  accompanied by  appropriate  instruments of transfer in form
         satisfactory  to the Company and the Warrant Agent and duly executed by
         the  Warrant  Holder  or a duly  authorized  attorney.  Upon  any  such
         registration of transfer,  a new Warrant Certificate shall be issued in
         the  name  of  and  to  the  transferee  and  the  surrendered  Warrant
         Certificate shall be cancelled.

                  b. With  respect to any  Warrant  Certificates  presented  for
         registration of transfer, or for exchange or exercise, the subscription
         or exercise  form, as the case may be, on the reverse  thereof shall be
         duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written  instrument or instruments
         of transfer and  subscription,  in form satisfactory to the Company and
         the Warrant  Agent,  duly executed by the Warrant Holder thereof or his
         attorney duly authorized in writing.


                  a. Any one Warrant or any multiple of one Warrant evidenced by
         any Warrant Certificate may be exercised upon any single occasion on or
         after the  Exercise  Date,  and on or before  the  Expiration  Date.  A
         Warrant shall be exercised by the Warrant Holder by surrendering to the
         Warrant Agent the Warrant Certificate  evidencing such Warrant with the
         exercise form on the reverse of such Warrant Certificate duly completed
         and executed and delivering to the Warrant Agent, by good check or bank
         draft payable to the order of the Company,  the Exercise Price for each
         Share to be purchased.

                  b. Upon  receipt of a Warrant  Certificate  with the  exercise
         form  thereon  duly  executed  together  with  payment  in  full of the
         Exercise  Price  for the  Shares  for  which  Warrants  are then  being
         exercised,  the Warrant Agent shall requisition from any transfer agent
         for the Shares,  and upon receipt shall make delivery of,  certificates
         evidencing the total number of whole Shares for which Warrants are then
         being  exercised  in such names and  denominations  as are required for
         delivery to, or in  accordance  with the  instructions  of, the Warrant
         Holder.  Such certificates for the Shares shall be deemed to be issued,
         and the person to whom such Shares are issued of record shall be deemed
         to have become a holder of record of such Shares, as of the date of the
         surrender  of such  Warrant  Certificate  and  payment of the  Exercise
         Price,  whichever  shall last occur,  provided that if the books of the
         Company  with respect to the Shares shall be closed as of such date the
         Shares shall be deemed to be issued, and the person to whom such Shares
         are issued of record shall be deemed to have become a record  holder of
         such Shares, as of the date on which such books


         shall next be open (whether  before,  on or after the Expiration  Date)
         but at the Exercise Price,  whichever shall have last occurred,  to the
         Warrant Agent.

                  c. If  less  than  all the  Warrants  evidenced  by a  Warrant
         Certificate  are  exercised  upon  a  single  occasion,  a new  Warrant
         Certificate  for the balance of the Warrants not so exercised  shall be
         issued and delivered to, or in accordance with,  transfer  instructions
         properly given by the Warrant Holder until the Expiration Date.

                  d. All  Warrant  Certificates  surrendered  upon  exercise  of
         Warrants shall be cancelled.

                  e.  Upon the  exercise,  or  conversion  of any  Warrant,  the
         Warrant  Agent shall  promptly  deposit the  payment  therefor  into an
         escrow account  established by mutual  agreement of the Company and the
         Warrant  Agent  at a  federally  insured  commercial  bank.  All  funds
         deposited in the escrow  account will be disbursed on a weekly basis to
         the Company once they have been  determined  by the Warrant Agent to be
         collected  funds.  Once the funds are  determined to be collected,  the
         Warrant  Agent shall cause the share  certificate(s)  representing  the
         exercised Warrants to be issued.

                  f. Expenses incurred by American  Securities Transfer & Trust,
         Inc.  while acting in the capacity as Warrant Agent will be paid by the
         Company.  These expenses,  including  delivery of Share certificates to
         the shareholder, will be deducted from the exercise fee submitted prior
         to  distribution  of  funds  to  the  Company.  A  detailed  accounting
         statement  relating  to  the  number  of  shares  exercised,  names  of
         registered  Warrant  holder  and  the net  amount  of  exercised  funds
         remitted will be given to the Company with the payment of each exercise

                  g. At the time of exercise of the Warrant(s), the transfer fee
         is to be paid by the Company.

                  h. The Company covenants that if any securities to be reserved
         for the purpose of exercise of Warrants hereunder require  registration
         with,  or approval  of, any  governmental  authority  under any federal
         securities  law  before  such  securities  may  be  validly  issued  or
         delivered upon such exercise, then the Company will file a registration
         statement  under  the  federal  securities  laws  or a  post  effective
         amendment,  use its best efforts to cause the same to become  effective
         and use its best efforts to keep such  registration  statement  current
         while any of the  Warrants  are  outstanding  and deliver a  prospectus
         which complies with Section  10(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933, as
         amended (the "Act"),  to the Registered  Holder  exercising the Warrant
         (except, if in the opinion of counsel to the Company, such registration
         is not  required  under the federal  securities  laws or if the Company
         receives  a  letter  from  the  staff of the  Securities  and  Exchange
         Commission  stating  that it would not take any  enforcement  action if
         such  registration  is not  effected).  The  Company  will use its best
         efforts to obtain  appropriate  approvals or registrations  under state
         "blue sky" securities laws. With


         respect to any such securities,  however, Warrants may not be exercised
         by, or shares of Common Stock issued to, any  Registered  Holder in any
         state in which such exercise would be unlawful.

         10. TAXES.  The Company will pay all taxes  attributable to the initial
issuance of Shares upon exercise of Warrants. The Company shall not, however, be
required to pay any tax which may be payable in respect to any transfer involved
in any issue of  Warrant  Certificates  or in the issue of any  certificates  of
Shares in the name other than that of the Warrant  Holder  upon the  exercise of
any Warrant.

         11.  MUTILATED  OR  MISSING  WARRANT   CERTIFICATES.   If  any  Warrant
Certificate is mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the Company and the Warrant
Agent  may,  on such terms as to  indemnity  or  otherwise  as they may in their
discretion impose (which shall, in the case of a mutilated Warrant  Certificate,
include the surrender thereof), and upon receipt of evidence satisfactory to the
Company and the Warrant Agent of such  mutilation,  loss,  theft or destruction,
issue a substitute  Warrant  Certificate of like  denomination  and tenor as the
Warrant  Certificate  so mutilated,  lost,  stolen or destroyed.  Applicants for
substitute  Warrant   Certificates  shall  comply  with  such  other  reasonable
regulations  and pay any reasonable  charges as the Company or the Warrant Agent
may prescribe.

         12.  RESERVATION OF SHARES.  For the purpose of enabling the Company to
satisfy all  obligations to issue Shares upon exercise of Warrants,  the Company
will at all times reserve and keep available free from preemptive rights, out of
the aggregate of its authorized but unissued  Shares,  the full number of Shares
which may be issued  upon the  exercise  of  Warrants,  which will upon issue be
fully paid and  nonassessable  by the  Company  and free from all taxes,  liens,
charges and security interests with respect to the issue thereof.

         13. GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTIONS. If any Shares issuable upon the exercise
of Warrants require registration or approval of any governmental authority,  the
Company will endeavor to secure such registration or approval; provided, that in
no event shall such Shares be issued,  and the Company  shall have the authority
to suspend the exercise of all  Warrants,  until such  registration  or approval
shall have been obtained;  but all Warrants,  the exercise of which is requested
during any such  suspension,  shall be exercisable at the Exercise Price. If any
such period of suspension continues past the Expiration Date, all Warrants,  the
exercise of which has been requested on or prior to the Expiration  Date,  shall
be exercisable  upon the removal of such suspension  until the close of business
on the business day immediately following the expiration of such suspension.

         14.  ADJUSTMENTS.  If prior to the exercise of any Warrants the Company
shall  have  effected  one or more stock  split-ups,  stock  dividends  or other
increases  or  reductions  of the number of shares of its $.01 par value  Common
Stock outstanding without receiving  compensation therefor in money, services or
property,  the number of Shares subject to the Warrant  granted shall,  (i) if a
net increase shall have been effected in the number of outstanding shares of the
Company's  shares of Common Stock, be  proportionately  increased,  and the cash
consideration payable per share shall be proportionately reduced, and, (ii) if a
net reduction shall have been effected in the number of


outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock, be proportionately reduced and
the cash consideration payable per share be proportionately increased.

         15.  NOTICE TO WARRANT  HOLDERS.  Upon any  adjustment  as described in
Section 14, the Company within twenty (20) days thereafter shall (i) cause to be
filed with the Warrant Agent a certificate  signed by a Company  officer setting
forth the details of such  adjustment,  the method of calculation  and the facts
upon which such  calculation  is based,  which  certificate  shall be conclusive
evidence of the  correctness  of the matters set forth  therein,  and (ii) cause
written notice of such  adjustments to be given to each Warrant Holder as of the
record date  applicable to such  adjustment.  Also,  if the Company  proposes to
enter into any  reorganization,  reclassification,  sale of substantially all of
its assets, consolidation,  merger, dissolution,  liquidation or winding up, the
Company  shall give notice of such fact at least  twenty (20) days prior to such
action to all  Warrant  Holders,  which  notice  shall set forth  such  facts as
indicate  the effect of such  action (to the extent  such effect may be known at
the date of such  notice) on the  Exercise  Price and the kind and amount of the
Shares  or other  securities  and  property  deliverable  upon  exercise  of the
Warrants.  Without  limiting the obligation of the Company  hereunder to provide
notice to each Warrant  Holder,  failure of the Company to give notice shall not
invalidate corporate action taken by the Company.

         16. NO FRACTIONAL WARRANTS OR SHARES. The Company shall not be required
to issue fractions of Warrants upon the reissue of Warrants,  any adjustments as
described  in Section 14 or  otherwise;  but the  Company in lieu of issuing any
such fractional interest, shall round up or down to the nearest full Warrant. If
the total  Warrants  surrendered  by exercise  would result in the issuance of a
fractional  share, the Company shall not be required to issue a fractional share
but rather the aggregate number of shares issuable will be rounded up or down to
the nearest full share.

         17. RIGHTS OF WARRANT HOLDERS.  No Warrant Holder,  as such, shall have
any rights of a  shareholder  of the Company,  either at law or equity,  and the
rights of the Warrant  Holders,  as such, are limited to those rights  expressly
provided in this Agreement or in the Warrant  Certificates.  The Company and the
Warrant Agent may treat the registered  Warrant Holder in respect of any Warrant
Certificate  as the absolute  owner  thereof  (notwithstanding  any notations of
ownership  or  writing  thereon  made by anyone  other  than the  Company or the
Warrant Agent) for all purposes notwithstanding any notice to the contrary.

         18. WARRANT AGENT. The Company hereby appoints the Warrant Agent to act
as  the  agent  of the  Company  and  the  Warrant  Agent  hereby  accepts  such
appointment  upon the following terms and conditions by all of which the Company
and every Warrant Holder, by acceptance of his Warrants, shall be bound:

                  a.  Statements  contained in this Agreement and in the Warrant
         Certificates  shall be taken as statements of the Company.  The Warrant
         Agent assumes no responsibility  for the correctness of any of the same
         except such as describes the Warrant Agent or for action taken or to be
         taken by the Warrant Agent.


                  b. The Warrant Agent shall not be responsible  for any failure
         of the Company to comply with any of the Company's  covenants contained
         in this Agreement or in the Warrant Certificates.

                  c. The  Warrant  Agent may  consult  at any time with  counsel
         satisfactory to it (who may be counsel for the Company) and the Warrant
         Agent shall incur no liability or  responsibility  to the Company or to
         any Warrant Holder in respect of any action taken,  suffered or omitted
         by it hereunder in good faith and in accordance with the opinion or the
         advice of such counsel, provided the Warrant Agent shall have exercised
         reasonable  care in the  selection  and  continued  employment  of such

                  d.  The   Warrant   Agent   shall   incur  no   liability   or
         responsibility  to the Company or to any Warrant  Holder for any action
         taken in reliance upon any notice, resolution,  waiver, consent, order,
         certificate or other paper, document or instrument believed by it to be
         genuine and to have been signed,  sent or presented by the proper party
         or parties.

                  e. The Company  agrees to pay to the Warrant Agent  reasonable
         compensation  for all  services  rendered by the  Warrant  Agent in the
         execution of this  Agreement,  to reimburse  the Warrant  Agent for all
         expenses,  taxes and governmental  charges and all other charges of any
         kind or nature  incurred by the Warrant  Agent in the execution of this
         Agreement  and to  indemnify  the  Warrant  Agent and save it  harmless
         against any and all liabilities, including judgments, costs and counsel
         fees,  for this  Agreement  except as a result of the  Warrant  Agent's
         negligence or bad faith.

                  f. The Warrant Agent shall be under no obligation to institute
         any action, suit or legal proceeding or to take any other action likely
         to involve  expense  unless the Company or one or more Warrant  Holders
         shall furnish the Warrant Agent with reasonable  security and indemnity
         for any costs and  expenses  which may be incurred in  connection  with
         such action,  suit or legal  proceeding,  but this provision  shall not
         affect  the  power of the  Warrant  Agent to take  such  action  as the
         Warrant  Agent may  consider  proper,  whether with or without any such
         security or  indemnity.  All rights of action  under this  Agreement or
         under any of the Warrants may be enforced by the Warrant  Agent without
         the  possession of any of the Warrant  Certificates  or the  production
         thereof at any trial or other proceeding relative thereto, and any such
         action,  suit or  proceeding  instituted  by the Warrant Agent shall be
         brought in its name as Warrant  Agent,  and any  recovery  of  judgment
         shall  be for the  ratable  benefit  of the  Warrant  Holders  as their
         respective rights or interests may appear.

                  g. The Warrant Agent and any shareholder, director, officer or
         employee  of the  Warrant  Agent  may  buy,  sell or deal in any of the
         Warrants  or other  securities  of the  Company  or become  pecuniarily
         interested in any  transaction  in which the Company may be interested,
         or contract with or lend money to the Company or otherwise act as fully
         and freely as though it were not Warrant  Agent  under this  Agreement.
         Nothing herein shall preclude


         the Warrant Agent from acting in any other  capacity for the Company or
         for any other legal entity.

         19.  SUCCESSOR  WARRANT AGENT.  Any corporation  into which the Warrant
Agent may be merged or  converted or with which it may be  consolidated,  or any
corporation resulting from any merger,  conversion or consolidation to which the
Warrant Agent shall be a party, or any  corporation  succeeding to the corporate
trust business of the Warrant Agent, shall be the successor to the Warrant Agent
hereunder  without the  execution or filing of any paper or any further act of a
party or the  parties  hereto.  In any such event or if the name of the  Warrant
Agent  is  changed,   the  Warrant  Agent  or  such   successor  may  adopt  the
countersignature  of the original Warrant Agent and may countersign such Warrant
Certificates  either in the name of the predecessor Warrant Agent or in the name
of the successor Warrant Agent.

         20.  CHANGE OF  WARRANT  AGENT.  The  Warrant  Agent  may  resign or be
discharged  by the Company from its duties  under this  Agreement by the Warrant
Agent or the Company, as the case may be, giving notice in writing to the other,
and by giving a date when such resignation or discharge shall take effect, which
notice shall be sent at least  thirty (30) days prior to the date so  specified.
If the Warrant Agent shall  resign,  be  discharged  or shall  otherwise  become
incapable of acting, the Company shall appoint a successor to the Warrant Agent.
If the  Company  shall fail to make such  appointment  within a period of thirty
(30)  days  after  it has  been  notified  in  writing  of such  resignation  or
incapacity  by the  resigning or  incapacitated  Warrant Agent or by any Warrant
Holder or after discharging the Warrant Agent, then any Warrant Holder may apply
to the District  Court for Denver  County,  Colorado,  for the  appointment of a
successor  to the Warrant  Agent.  Pending  appointment  of a  successor  to the
Warrant Agent, either by the Company or by such Court, the duties of the Warrant
Agent shall be carried out by the Company.  Any successor Warrant Agent, whether
appointed by the Company or by such Court,  shall be a bank or a trust  company,
in good standing, organized under the laws of the State of Colorado or the State
of New York or of the United States of America,  having its principal  office in
Denver, Colorado or New York, New York and having at the time of its appointment
as  Warrant  Agent,  a combined  capital  and  surplus of at least four  million
dollars. After appointment, the successor Warrant Agent shall be vested with the
same powers,  rights,  duties and  responsibilities as if it had been originally
named as Warrant Agent without  further act or deed and the former Warrant Agent
shall  deliver and transfer to the  successor  Warrant Agent any property at the
time held by it  thereunder,  and execute  and  deliver  any further  assurance,
conveyance,  act or deed  necessary  for  effecting  the  delivery or  transfer.
Failure to give any notice provided for in this section,  however, or any defect
therein, shall not affect the legality or validity of the resignation or removal
of the Warrant Agent or the  appointment of the successor  Warrant Agent, as the
case may be.

         21.  NOTICES.  Any notice or demand  authorized by this Agreement to be
given or made by the Warrant Agent or by any Warrant Holder to or on the Company
shall be sufficiently  given or made if sent by mail, first class,  certified or
registered,  postage  prepaid,  addressed  (until  another  address  is filed in
writing by the Company with the Warrant Agent), as follows:


                                 WebSecure, Inc.
                                  1711 Broadway
                           Saugus, Massachusetts 01906

Any notice or demand  authorized  by this  Agreement  to be given or made by any
Warrant  Holder  or  by  the  Company  to or  on  the  Warrant  Agent  shall  be
sufficiently  given  or  made  if  sent  by  mail,  first  class,  certified  or
registered,  postage  prepaid,  addressed  (until  another  address  is filed in
writing by the Warrant Agent with the Company), as follows:

                   American Securities Transfer & Trust, Inc.
                         1825 Lawrence Street, Suite 444
                             Denver, Colorado 80202

Any  distribution,  notice or demand required or authorized by this Agreement to
be given  or made by the  Company  or the  Warrant  Agent  to or on the  Warrant
Holders  shall  be  sufficiently  given or made if sent by  mail,  first  class,
certified or registered,  postage  prepaid,  addressed to the Warrant Holders at
their last known  addresses as they shall appear on the  registration  books for
the Warrant Certificates maintained by the Warrant Agent.

         22.  SUPPLEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS.  The Company and the Warrant Agent may
from time to time supplement or amend this Agreement without the approval of any
Warrant  Holders or the  representatives  of the  underwriters  in the Company's
initial  public  offering  in order  to cure  any  ambiguity  or to  correct  or
supplement any provision contained herein which may be defective or inconsistent
with any other provisions  herein,  or to make any other provisions in regard to
matters or questions  arising  hereunder which the Company and the Warrant Agent
may deem necessary or desirable.

         23.  SUCCESSORS.  All the covenants and provisions of this Agreement by
or for the benefit of the  Company or the Warrant  Agent shall bind and inure to
the benefit of their respective successors and assigns hereunder.

         24.  TERMINATION.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate  at the  close  of
business on the  Expiration  Date or such  earlier  date upon which all Warrants
have been  exercised;  provided,  however,  that if exercise of the  Warrants is
suspended  pursuant  to  Section  13 and  such  suspension  continues  past  the
Expiration  Date, this Agreement shall terminate at the close of business on the
business day  immediately  following  the  expiration  of such  suspension.  The
provisions of Section 18 shall survive such termination.

         25. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement and each Warrant  Certificate  issued
hereunder  shall be deemed to be a contract  made under the laws of the State of
Colorado and for all purposes shall be construed in accordance  with the laws of
said State.


         26.  BENEFITS OF THIS  AGREEMENT.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be
construed to give any person or corporation other than the Company,  the Warrant
Agent and the Warrant  Holders  any legal or  equitable  right,  remedy or claim
under this  Agreement;  but this  Agreement  shall be for the sole and exclusive
benefit of the Company, the Warrant Agent and the Warrant Holders.

         27.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in any number of
counterparts,  each of such counterparts  shall for all purposes be deemed to be
an original and all such counterparts shall together  constitute but one and the
same instrument.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the day and year indicated below.

Date:_________________________             WEBSECURE, INC.,
                                              a Delaware corporation

                                                    Robert Kuzara, President



- ------------------------------
                  , Secretary

                                           AMERICAN SECURITIES TRANSFER &
                                            TRUST, INC., a Colorado corporation

                                               Gregory D. Tubbs, Vice President



- ------------------------------


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

NO. ________                                       VOID AFTER ____________, 1999

                                                   _______ WARRANTS

                                    FORM OF

                                 WEBSECURE, INC.

                                                            CUSIP 947683116

         THIS CERTIFIES THAT, FOR VALUE RECEIVED _______________________________
or registered  assigns (the  "Registered  Holder") is the owner of the number of
Redeemable Warrants (the "Warrants")  specified above. One (1) Warrant initially
entitles the Registered Holder to purchase,  subject to the terms and conditions
set  forth  in  this  Certificate  and the  Warrant  Agreement  (as  hereinafter
defined),  one (1) fully paid and nonassessable  share of Common Stock, $.01 par
value, of WebSecure,  Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  at any time
between  _____________,  1997 (the "Initial  Warrant  Exercise  Date"),  and the
Expiration Date (as hereinafter  defined) upon the presentation and surrender of
this Warrant  Certificate with the Subscription  Form on the reverse hereof duly
executed, at the corporate office of American Securities Transfer & Trust, Inc.,
1825 Lawrence Street,  Suite 444,  Denver,  Colorado 80202, as Warrant Agent, or
its successor (the "Warrant Agent"),  accompanied by payment of $9.60 per share,
subject to  adjustment  (the  "Purchase  Price"),  in lawful money of the United
States of America by check made payable to the Warrant  Agent for the account of
the Company.

         This Warrant Certificate and each Warrant represented hereby are issued
pursuant to and are  subject in all  respects  to the terms and  conditions  set
forth   in   the   Warrant   Agreement   (the   "Warrant   Agreement"),    dated
_________________, 1996, by and between the Company and the Warrant Agent.

         In the  event of  certain  contingencies  provided  for in the  Warrant
Agreement,  the Purchase  Price and the number of shares of Common Stock subject
to purchase upon the exercise of each Warrant  represented hereby are subject to
modification or adjustment.

         Each Warrant  represented  hereby is  exercisable  at the option of the
Registered  Holder,  but no fractional  interests will be issued. In the case of
the exercise of less than all the Warrants represented hereby, the Company shall
cancel this Warrant  Certificate upon the surrender hereof and shall execute and
deliver a new Warrant  Certificate or Warrant  Certificates of like tenor, which
the Warrant Agent shall countersign, for the balance of such Warrants.


         The term  "Expiration  Date"  shall  mean 5:00 p.m.  (New York time) on
_______________,  1999. If such date shall in the State of New York be a holiday
or a day on which banks are authorized to close,  then the Expiration Date shall
mean 5:00 p.m. (New York time) the next  following day which in the State of New
York is not a holiday or a day on which banks are authorized to close.

         The Company shall not be obligated to deliver any  securities  pursuant
to the  exercise  of this  Warrant  unless a  registration  statement  under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  with respect to such securities
is effective or an exemption thereunder is available. The Company has covenanted
and  agreed  that  it will  file a  registration  statement  under  the  federal
securities laws, use its best efforts to cause the same to become effective,  to
keep such registration  statement current,  if required under the Act, while any
of the Warrants are  outstanding,  and deliver a prospectus  which complies with
Section  10(a)(3) of the Act to the Registered  Holder  exercising this Warrant.
This Warrant shall not be exercisable by a Registered  Holder in any state where
such exercise would be unlawful.

         This Warrant Certificate is exchangeable,  upon the surrender hereof by
the Registered  Holder at the corporate  office of the Warrant Agent,  for a new
Warrant Certificate or Warrant  Certificates of like tenor representing an equal
aggregate number of Warrants, each of such new Warrant Certificates to represent
such number of Warrants as shall be designated by such Registered  Holder at the
time of such  surrender.  Upon due  presentment  and payment of any tax or other
charge imposed in connection  therewith or incident thereto, for registration of
transfer of this Warrant  Certificate at such office, a new Warrant  Certificate
or Warrant Certificates  representing an equal aggregate number of Warrants will
be issued to the  transferee in exchange  therefor,  subject to the  limitations
provided in the Warrant Agreement.

         Prior to the exercise of any Warrant represented hereby, the Registered
Holder  shall not be entitled  to any rights of a  stockholder  of the  Company,
including,  without  limitation,  the right to vote or to receive  dividends  or
other  distributions,  and shall not be  entitled  to receive  any notice of any
proceedings of the Company, except as provided in the Warrant Agreement.

         Subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Warrant  Agreement,   commencing
____________, 1997, this Warrant may be redeemed at the option of the Company in
whole or in part upon not less than 30 days' prior  written  notice (the "Notice
of Redemption"), at a price of $.20 per Warrant (the "Redemption Price"), if the
average of the high and low sales prices of the Company's Common Stock equals or
exceeds $12.00 per share (the "Notice Price") for ten (10)  consecutive  trading
days within the twenty (20) day period  preceding  the date of such notice.  The
Notice of Redemption  shall be given not later than the thirtieth day before the
date fixed for  redemption,  all as provided in the  Warrant  Agreement.  On and
after the date fixed for redemption,  the Registered Holder shall have no rights
with  respect  to the  Warrants  except to  receive  the $.20 per  Warrant  upon
surrender of this Warrant Certificate.


         Under  certain  circumstances,  Coburn & Meredith,  Inc.  and  Shamrock
Partners, Ltd. shall be entitled to receive an aggregate of five percent (5%) of
the Purchase Price of the Warrants represented hereby.

         Prior to due  presentment  for  registration  of transfer  hereof,  the
Company and the Warrant  Agent may deem and treat the  Registered  Holder as the
absolute owner hereof and of each Warrant  represented  hereby  (notwithstanding
any  notations of  ownership or writing  hereon made by anyone other than a duly
authorized  officer of the Company or the Warrant  Agent) for all  purposes  and
shall not be affected by any notice to the  contrary,  except as provided in the
Warrant Agreement.

         This  Warrant  Certificate  shall  be  governed  by  and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Colorado  without giving effect to its
conflict of law principles.

         This  Warrant  Certificate  is not valid  unless  countersigned  by the
Warrant Agent.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Warrant Certificate to
be duly executed, manually or in facsimile by two of its officers thereunto duly
authorized and a facsimile of its corporate seal to be imprinted hereon.

Dated:___________________, 1996            WEBSECURE, INC.

                                                 Robert Kuzara, President

                                                 Carole Ouellette, Treasurer


  as Warrant Agent

      Gregory D. Tubbs, Vice President


                                SUBSCRIPTION FORM

                     To Be Executed by the Registered Holder
                          in Order to Exercise Warrants

         The undersigned Registered Holder hereby irrevocably elects to exercise
____________  Warrants represented by this Warrant Certificate,  and to purchase
the securities  issuable upon the exercise of such  Warrants,  and requests that
certificates for such securities shall be issued in name of

                          PLEASE INSERT SOCIAL SECURITY
                           OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER





                     (please print or type name and address)

and be delivered to





                     (please print or type name and address)

and if such number of Warrants  shall not be all the Warrants  evidenced by this
Warrant  Certificate,  that a new  Warrant  Certificate  for the balance of such
Warrants be registered in the name of, and delivered to, the  Registered  Holder
at the address stated below.



1.       The exercise of this Warrant was solicited by Coburn &             [  ]
         Meredith, Inc. or Shamrock Partners, Ltd.

2.       The exercise of this Warrant was solicited by                      [  ]


3.       The exercise of this Warrant was not solicited                     [  ]

Dated:_____________________________      ___________________________________
                                         Number and Street

                                         Social Security or Taxpayer
                                         Identification Number

                                         Signature Guaranteed




                     To Be Executed by the Registered Holder
                           in Order to Assign Warrants

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED,  __________________________________,  hereby sells,
assigns, and transfers unto

                        PLEASE INSERT SOCIAL SECURITY OR
                            OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER





                     (please print or type name and address)

__________________________________  of the Warrants  represented by this Warrant
Certificate,     and    hereby    irrevocably     constitutes    and    appoints
_________________________________, Attorney to transfer this Warrant Certificate
on the books of the Company, with full power of substitution in the premises.

Dated:_________________________          ____________________________________
                                         Signature Guaranteed


