
                                    FORM OF
                             KEY EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT


To:      William Blocher, Ph.D.
         7 Redgate Lane                                   As of October 12, 1996
         Amherst, NH  03031

         The  undersigned,   WebSecure,   Inc.,  a  Delaware   corporation  (the
"Company"), hereby agrees with you as follows:


                  1.1 You shall serve as Chief Technical Officer for the Company
reporting to the president,  and shall perform the duties customarily associated
with  such  capacity  from  time to time  and at such  place  or  places  as are
appropriate and necessary in connection with such employment.

                  1.2 You will,  to the best of your  ability,  devote your full
time and best  efforts  to the  performance  of your  duties  hereunder  and the
business  and affairs of the  Company.  You agree to devote at least forty hours
per week to the  business of the Company.  You agree to perform  such  executive
duties as may be assigned to you by or on  authority of the  Company's  Board of
Directors  from time to time.  After  receipt of notice of  termination  of your
employment  hereunder  pursuant to Section 2, you shall continue to be available
to the  Company  for up to twenty (20) hours per week for a period of up to four
(4) weeks to assist in any necessary transition, with your compensation for that
period based on your full salary at the time of termination.

                  1.3 You will  duly,  punctually  and  faithfully  perform  and
observe  any and all rules and  regulations  which the  Company may now or shall
hereafter establish governing the conduct of its business.


                  2.1 The  term of this  Agreement  shall be for the  period  of
years set forth on Exhibit A annexed hereto  commencing  with the effective date
hereof. Thereafter, this Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive
periods of one (1) year, unless the Company or you shall give the other not less
than three (3) months prior written notice of non-renewal.  Your employment with
the Company may be terminated at any time only as provided in Section 2.2.

                  2.2 The  Company  shall have the right,  on written  notice to
you, to terminate your employment:

                            (a)  immediately  at any time for  cause;  or at any
time without cause,  or by not renewing this  Agreement  pursuant to Section 2.1
hereof,  provided the Company  shall be obligated to pay you as severance pay an
amount  equal to six (6)  months  of the  annual  Base  Salary  (as set forth on
Exhibit A hereto,  as adjusted by periodic  increases,  if any),less  applicable
taxes and other required withholdings and any amounts you may owe to the Company
and provided  further that the Company  shall  continue in full force and effect
for a period of six (6)  months  all  health  and  insurance  benefits  that you
enjoyed at the time of your  termination.  All unvested stock options would vest
on the date of your termination.

                  2.3  For purposes of Section 2.2, the term "cause" shall mean:

                           (a) Your  intentional  failure  or refusal to perform
                               the services  specified  herein,  or to carry out
                               any  reasonable  and  lawful  directions  of  the
                               Company  with  respect  to  the  services  to  be
                               rendered or the manner of rendering such services
                               by you; provided,  however, that (i) such failure
                               or refusal is material and  repetitive,  and (ii)
                               you  have  been  given   reasonable   notice  and
                               explanation  of  each  refusal  or  failure,  and
                               reasonable  opportunity  to cure such  refusal or
                               failure,  and no cure has been effected  within a
                               reasonable time after notice;

                           (b) conviction of a felony;

                           (c) fraud or embezzlement involving the assets of the
                               Company, its customers, suppliers or affiliates;

                           (d) inability for a continuous period of at least one
                               hundred  twenty  (120)  days  to  perform  duties
                               hereunder due to a physical or mental disability;

                           (e) breach of any term of this  Agreement  other than
                               as noted in (a) above,  provided,  however,  that
                               prior  to any  such  termination,  you have had a
                               reasonable   opportunity  to  be  heard  thereon.
                               Further,  any  dispute,   controversy,  or  claim
                               arising  out  of,  in  connection   with,  or  in
                               relation to this  definition  of "cause" shall be


                               by arbitration in Boston, Massachusetts, pursuant
                               to the  rules  then  in  effect  of the  American
                               Arbitration    Association.    Any    award    or
                               determination  shall  be  final,   binding,   and
                               conclusive  upon  the  parties,  and  a  judgment
                               rendered  may  be  entered  in any  court  having
                               jurisdiction thereof.

                  2.4 If at any time (i) the Company or a substantial portion of
the Company is acquired  without the  approval of the Board of  Directors,  (ii)
your  employment  is  terminated  without  cause,  (iii) your  salary is reduced
without your  consent,  (iv) there is a  substantial  change in your position or
authority  within the Company without your consent,  or (v) there is a change of
your principal place of employment from the greater Boston,  Massachusetts  area
without your consent, the Company shall be obligated to pay to you within thirty
(30) days of the date of your termination,  as severance pay 150% of your annual
base  salary  for six (6)  months  (as set  forth on  Exhibit  A  hereto),  less
applicable taxes, other required withholdings and any amounts you may owe to the
Company and provided  further that the Company shall  continue in full force and
effect for a period of six (6) months all health and insurance benefits that you
enjoyed at the time of your termination.

                  2.5 You shall have the right to terminate  this  Agreement for
any  reason  upon not less than  sixty  (60) days  prior  written  notice to the

         3.  COMPENSATION.  You shall receive the  compensation and benefits set
forth on Exhibit A hereto  ("Compensation")  for all  services to be rendered by
you hereunder and for your transfer of property  rights pursuant to an agreement
relating  to  proprietary  information  and  inventions  of even  date  herewith
attached  hereto as  Exhibit C between  you and the  Company  (the  "Proprietary
Information and Inventions Agreement").


                  4.1  Except for  any  outside  employments  and  directorships
currently  held by you as listed on Exhibit B hereto,  and except with the prior
written  consent of the Company's  Board of  Directors,  you will not during the
term of this Agreement  undertake or engage in any other employment,  occupation
or business enterprise other than one in which you are an inactive investor.

                  4.2 You hereby  agree that,  except as  disclosed on Exhibit B
hereto, during your employment hereunder,  you will not, directly or indirectly,
engage  (a)  individually,  (b)  as an  officer,  (c) as a  director,  (d) as an
employee,  (e) as a consultant,  (f) as an advisor,  (g) as an agent  (whether a
salesperson or otherwise), (h) as a broker, or (i) as a partner,


coventurer,  stockholder or other proprietor  owning directly or indirectly more
than five percent (5%) interest in any firm,  corporation,  partnership,  trust,
association,  or other  organization  which is engaged  in any line of  business
engaged  in or  under  demonstrable  development  by  the  Company  (such  firm,
corporation,  partnership,  trust,  association,  or  other  organization  being
hereinafter referred to as a "Prohibited Enterprise"). Except as may be shown on
Exhibit C hereto,  you hereby  represent  that you are not engaged in any of the
foregoing capacities (a) through (i) in any Prohibited Enterprise.


                  5.1 You  represent  and warrant  that your  employment  by the
Company  will not  conflict  with and will not be  constrained  by any  prior or
current  employment,  consulting  agreement  or  relationship  whether  oral  or
written.  You  represent  and  warrant  that  you  do not  possess  confidential
information  arising  out  of  any  such  employment,  consulting  agreement  or
relationship which, in your best judgment,  would be utilized in connection with
your employment by the Company in the absence of Section 5.2.

                  5.2 If, in spite of the second  sentence of Section  5.1,  you
should  find that  confidential  information  belonging  to any other  person or
entity might be usable in connection with the Company's  business,  you will not
intentionally  disclose  to the  Company  or use on  behalf of the  Company  any
confidential  information belonging to any of your former employers;  but during
your  employment by the Company you will use in the  performance  of your duties
all  information  which is generally known and used by persons with training and
experience  comparable to your own all information  which is common knowledge in
the industry or otherwise legally in the public domain.

         6.  PROPRIETARY  INFORMATION  AND  INVENTIONS.  You  agree to  execute,
deliver  and be bound  by the  provisions  of the  Proprietary  Information  and
Inventions Agreement.


                  7.1 For a period of six  months  after your  termination  with
cause or the expiration of your  employment with the Company  hereunder,  absent
the Company's prior written approval, you will not directly or indirectly engage
in  activities  similar or  reasonably  related to those in which you shall have
engaged  hereunder during the six months  immediately  preceding  termination or
expiration, nor render services similar or reasonably related to those which you
shall have  rendered  hereunder  during  such six months to any person or entity
whether now existing or hereafter  established  which directly competes with (or
proposes or plans to directly compete with) the Company ("Direct Competitor") in


line of business engaged in or under  development by the Company.  Nor shall you
entice,  induce or encourage any of the Company's  other  employees to engage in
any activity  which,  were it done by you,  would  violate any  provision of the
Proprietary  Information and Inventions  Agreement or this Section 7. As used in
this Section 7.1, the term "any line of business engaged in or under development
by the  Company"  shall  be  applied  as at the  date  of  termination  of  your
employment,  or, if later, as at the date of termination of any  post-employment
consulting arrangement.

                  7.2 For a period of six months after the  termination  of your
employment  with the Company,  the provisions of Section 4.2 shall be applicable
to you  and you  shall  comply  therewith.  As  applied  to  such  one (1)  year
post-employment period, the term "any other line of business engaged in or under
development  by the Company," as used in Section 4.2, shall be applied as at the
date of termination of your  employment with the Company or, if later, as at the
date of  termination  of any  post-employment  consulting  arrangement  with the

                  7.3 No  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  construed  to
preclude you from  performing the same services which the Company hereby retains
you to perform for any person or entity which is not a Direct  Competitor of the
Company  upon  the  expiration  or  termination  of  your   employment  (or  any
post-employment  consulting  arrangement)  so long as you do not thereby violate
any term of the Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement.

         8. REMEDIES.  Your  obligations  under the Proprietary  Information and
Inventions  Agreement  and  the  provisions  of  Sections  6, 7, 8 and 9 of this
Agreement  (as  modified  by  Section  10,  if  applicable)  shall  survive  the
expiration or termination of your employment  (whether  through your resignation
or otherwise)  with the Company.  You  acknowledge  that a remedy at law for any
breach  or  threatened  breach  by  you  of the  provisions  of the  Proprietary
Information  and  Inventions  Agreement or Section 7 would be inadequate and you
therefore agree that the Company shall be entitled to such injunctive  relief in
case of any such breach or threatened breach.

         9.  ASSIGNMENT.  This  Agreement and the rights and  obligations of the
parties  hereto  shall  bind  and  inure  to the  benefit  of any  successor  or
successors of the Company by  reorganization,  merger or  consolidation  and any
assignee of all or substantially all of its business and properties, but, except
as to any such successor or assignee of the Company,  neither this Agreement nor
any rights or  benefits  hereunder  may be  assigned  by the  Company or by you,
except by operation of law.


one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason,
be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity,
illegality  or  unenforceability  shall not affect the other  provisions of this
Agreement,  and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or
unenforceable  provision had never been contained  herein.  MOREOVER,  IT IS THE
INTENT OF THE PARTIES THAT in case any one or more of the  provisions  contained
in this  Agreement  shall for any reason be held to be  excessively  broad as to
duration,  geographical  scope,  activity or subject,  such  provision  shall be
construed  by limiting  and  reducing it as  determined  by a court of competent
jurisdiction,  so as to be enforceable to the extent  compatible with applicable

         11. NOTICES.  Any notice which the Company is required to or may desire
to give you shall be given by personal delivery or registered or certified mail,
return  receipt  requested,  addressed to you at your address of record with the
Company,  or at such  other  place as you may  from  time to time  designate  in
writing.  Any notice which you are required or may desire to give to the Company
hereunder  shall be given by personal  delivery or by  registered  or  certified
mail,  return  receipt  requested,  addressed  to the  Company at its  principal
office,  or at such other office as the Company may from time to time  designate
in  writing.  The date of  personal  delivery  or the date of mailing any notice
under this Section 11 shall be deemed to be the date of delivery thereof.

         12.  WAIVERS.  If either party should waive any breach of any provision
of this  Agreement,  such party  shall not  thereby be deemed to have waived any
preceding  or  succeeding  breach  of the same or any  other  provision  of this

         13. COMPLETE AGREEMENT; AMENDMENTS. The foregoing including Exhibits A,
B and C hereto,  is the entire  agreement  of the  parties  with  respect to the
subject matter hereof,  superseding any previous oral or written communications,
representations,  understandings,  or agreements with the Company or any officer
or  representative  thereof.  Any  amendment to this  Agreement or waiver by the
Company of any right hereunder shall be effective only if evidenced by a written
instrument  executed by the parties hereto,  upon authorization of the Company's
Board of Directors.

         14.  HEADINGS.  The  headings of the  Sections  hereof are inserted for
convenience  only and shall not be deemed to  constitute  a part  hereof  nor to
affect the meaning of this Agreement.

         15.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement may be signed in two  counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed an  original  and both of which  shall  together
constitute one agreement.


         16.  GOVERNING LAW. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed
under Massachusetts law.

         If you are in agreement with the foregoing, please sign your name below
and also at the bottom of the Proprietary  Information and Inventions Agreement,
whereupon  this  Agreement  shall become  binding in accordance  with its terms.
Please then  return  this  Agreement  to the  Company.  (You may retain for your
records the accompanying counterpart of this Agreement enclosed herewith).

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                WebSecure, Inc.

                                                   Robert Kuzara, President

Accepted and Agreed:

- ------------------------
William Blocher, Ph.D.




                            OF WILLIAM BLOCHER, PH.D.

1.       TERM.  The term of the Agreement to which this Exhibit A is annexed and
         incorporated shall be until October 1, 1999


                  (a) Base  Salary.  Your Base Salary shall be  $102,000.00  per
                  annum,  payable  in  accordance  with  the  Company's  payroll

                  (b)  Bonuses.  You shall be entitled to such bonuses as may be
                  determined by the Company's Board of Directors.

                  (c)  Performance  Reviews.  Written  reviews will be performed
                  annually on your hire date anniversary . Salary increases will
                  be determined at the discretion of the compensation  committee
                  of the Board of Directors. 

3.       STOCK  OPTIONS.  You will be offered  50,000 Stock Options at $4.00 per
         share to be vested  over three (3) years  with the first  vesting to be
         April 1, 1997.

4.       VACATION.  You shall be entitled to all legal and  religious  holidays,
         and four (4) weeks  paid  vacation  per  annum.  You will be allowed to
         carry over unused  vacation  entitlement  to future  periods or at your
         option  receive   compensation   equivalent  to  the  unused   vacation
         entitlement at your then current salary.

5.       INSURANCE AND BENEFITS.  You shall be eligible for participation in any
         health or other group  insurance  plan which may be  established by the
         Company or which the Company is required to maintain by law.  You shall
         also be eligible to receive any other  benefits  which are  provided to
         any of the executive officers of the Company.

6.       SICK LEAVE.  You shall be entitled to 5 (five) sick days per year. Sick
         days will be allowed to carry over to future periods if unused. No more
         than 65 days will be allowed to accrue.




                             WILLIAM BLOCHER, PH.D.

      1.      BBC Computers, Inc.
      2.      BBC Stores, Inc.
      3.      Presage Corp.
      4.      Harvard University
      5.      Boston University






To:      WebSecure, Inc.                                  As of  October 1, 1996

         1711 Broadway
         Corporate Center North
         Saugus, Massachusetts  01906

         The  undersigned,  in  consideration  of  and  as  a  condition  of  my
employment  or continued  employment  by you and/or by companies  which you own,
control,  or are affiliated with or their successors in business  (collectively,
the "Company"), hereby agrees as follows:

         1. CONFIDENTIALITY. I agree to keep confidential, except as the Company
may otherwise consent in writing,  and, except for the Company's benefit, not to
disclose  or make any use of at any  time  either  during  or  subsequent  to my
employment, any Inventions (as hereinafter defined), trade secrets, confidential
information,  knowledge,  data or other  information of the Company  relating to
products,  processes,  know-how,  designs,  formulas, test data, customer lists,
business plans,  marketing plans and strategies,  pricing  strategies,  or other
subject  matter  pertaining  to  any  business  of  the  Company  or  any of its
affiliates,  which I may produce, obtain, or otherwise acquire during the course
of my  employment,  except as herein  provided.  I further agree not to deliver,
reproduce or in any way allow any such trade secrets,  confidential information,
knowledge, data or other information,  or any documentation relating thereto, to
be  delivered  to or used by any third  parties  without  specific  direction or
consent of a duly authorized representative of the Company.

that  during  my  employment  with the  Company  I will not  engage in any other
employment, occupation, consulting or other activity relating to the business in
which  the  Company  is now or may  hereafter  become  engaged,  or which  would
otherwise conflict with my obligations


to the Company.  In the event my employment with the Company  terminates for any
reason whatsoever,  I agree to promptly surrender and deliver to the Company all
records, materials,  equipment,  drawings, documents and data which I may obtain
or produce during the course of my  employment,  and I will not take with me any
description containing or pertaining to any confidential information,  knowledge
or data of the  Company  which I may  produce or obtain  during the course of my


                  3.1 I hereby  acknowledge  and agree  that the  Company is the
owner of all  Inventions.  In order to  protect  the  Company's  rights  to such
Inventions,  by  executing  this  Agreement I hereby  irrevocably  assign to the
Company  all my  right,  title  and  interest  in and to all  Inventions.

                  3.2 For purposes of this  Agreement,  "Inventions"  shall mean
all discoveries,  processes, designs, technologies,  devices, or improvements in
any of the foregoing or other ideas,  whether or not  patentable  and whether or
not reduced to practice, made or conceived by me (whether solely or jointly with
others) during the period of my employment  with the Company which relate in any
manner to the actual or demonstrably anticipated business, work, or research and
development of the Company, or result from or are suggested by any task assigned
to me or any work performed by me for or on behalf of the Company.

                   3.3 Any discovery,  process, design,  technology,  device, or
improvement  in any of the foregoing or other ideas,  whether or not  patentable
and whether or not reduced to practice,  made or conceived by me (whether solely
or jointly with others) which I develop entirely on my own time not using any of
the  Company's  equipment,  supplies,  facilities,  or trade secret  information
("Personal  Invention") is excluded from this  Agreement  provided such Personal
Invention  (a)  does  not  relate  to the  actual  or  demonstrably  anticipated
business,  research and  development  of the  Company,  and (b) does not result,
directly or indirectly, from any work performed by me for the Company.

         4.  DISCLOSURE  OF  INVENTIONS.  I agree  that in  connection  with any
Invention,  I will promptly disclose such Invention to my immediate  superior at
the  Company in order to permit the Company to enforce  its  property  rights to
such  Invention  in  accordance  with this  Agreement.  My  disclosure  shall be
received in confidence by the Company.


                  5.1 Upon request, I agree to assist the Company or its nominee
(at its


expense) during and at any time subsequent to my employment in every  reasonable
way to obtain for its own benefit  patents and  copyrights for Inventions in any
and all countries.  Such patents and copyrights shall be and remain the sole and
exclusive property of the Company or its nominee. I agree to perform such lawful
acts as the Company  deems to be  necessary  to allow it to exercise  all right,
title and interest in and to such patents and copyrights.

                   5.2 In connection  with this  Agreement,  I agree to execute,
acknowledge  and deliver to the Company or its nominee  upon  request and at its
expense all  documents,  including  assignments  of title,  patent or  copyright
applications,  assignments  of such  applications,  assignments  of  patents  or
copyrights upon issuance, as the Company may determine necessary or desirable to
protect the Company's or its nominee's interest in Inventions,  and/or to use in
obtaining  patents  or  copyrights  in any and all  countries  and to vest title
thereto in the Company or its nominee to any of the foregoing.

         6.  MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS.  I agree to keep and maintain  adequate and
current  written  records  of all  Inventions  made by me (in the form of notes,
sketches,  drawings and other records as may be specified by the Company), which
records shall be available to and remain the sole property of the Company at all

         7. PRIOR INVENTIONS.  It is understood that all Personal Inventions, if
any, whether patented or unpatented,  which I made prior to my employment by the
Company, are excluded from this Agreement. To preclude any possible uncertainty,
I have set forth on  Schedule  A attached  hereto a  complete  list of all of my
prior  Personal  Inventions,   including  numbers  of  all  patents  and  patent
applications and a brief description of all unpatented Personal Inventions which
are not the property of a previous  employer.  I represent and covenant that the
list is  complete  and that,  if no items are on the list,  I have no such prior
Personal Inventions.  I agree to notify the Company in writing before I make any
disclosure  or  perform  any work on  behalf of the  Company  which  appears  to
threaten or conflict with proprietary rights I claim in any Personal  Invention.
In the event of my  failure  to give such  notice,  I agree  that I will make no
claim against the Company with respect to any such Personal Invention.

         8. OTHER OBLIGATIONS.  I acknowledge that the Company from time to time
may have agreements  with other persons or with the U.S.  Government or agencies
thereof,  which impose  obligations  or  restrictions  on the Company  regarding
Inventions   made  during  the  course  of  work  thereunder  or  regarding  the
confidential  nature of such work.  I agree to be bound by all such  obligations
and  restrictions  and to take all action  necessary to discharge  the Company's


         9. TRADE SECRETS OF OTHERS.  I represent that my performance of all the
terms of this Agreement and my position as an employee of the Company do not and
will not breach any  agreement  to keep  confidential  proprietary  information,
knowledge  or  data  acquired  by  me in  confidence  or in  trust  prior  to my
employment with the Company,  and I will not disclose to the Company,  or induce
the Company to use, any  confidential  or  proprietary  information  or material
belonging  to any  previous  employer  or others.  I agree not to enter into any
agreement either written or oral in conflict herewith.

         10.  MODIFICATION.  I agree that any subsequent change or changes in my
employment duties,  salary or compensation or, if applicable,  in any Employment
Agreement  between the Company and me, shall not affect the validity or scope of
this Agreement.

         11.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon my
heirs,  executors,  administrators or other legal representatives and is for the
benefit of the Company, its successors and assigns.

one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason,
be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity,
illegality  or  unenforceability  shall not affect the other  provisions of this
Agreement,  and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or
unenforceable  provision  had never been contained herein.  MOREOVER,  IT IS THE
INTENT OF THE PARTIES THAT in case any one or more of the  provisions  contained
in this  Agreement  shall for any reason be held to be  excessively  broad as to
duration,  geographical  scope,  activity or subject,  such  provision  shall be
construed by limiting and reducing it in  accordance  with a judgment of a court
of competent jurisdiction, so as to be enforceable to the extent compatible with
applicable law.

         13.  WAIVERS.  If either party should waive any breach of any provision
of this  Agreement,  he or it shall not  thereby  be deemed to have  waived  any
preceding  or  succeeding  breach  of the same or any  other  provision  of this

         14.  COMPLETE  AGREEMENT,  AMENDMENTS.  I  acknowledge  receipt of this
Agreement,  and agree that with respect to the subject  matter  thereof it is my
entire  agreement  with the Company,  superseding  any previous  oral or written
communications, representations, understandings, or  agreements with the Company
or any officer or  representative  thereof.  Any amendment to this  Agreement or
waiver  by  either  party of any  right  hereunder  shall be  effective  only if
evidenced by a written  instrument  executed by the parties hereto,  and, in the
case of the  Company,  upon  written  authorization  of the  Company's  Board of


         15.  HEADINGS.  The  headings of the  sections  hereof are inserted for
convenience  only and shall not be deemed to  constitute  a part  hereof  nor to
affect the meaning thereof.

         16.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement may be signed in two  counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed an  original  and both of which  shall  together
constitute one agreement.


         17. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed and construed under
Massachusetts law.

                                               William Blocher, Ph.D.

Accepted and Agreed:

WebSecure, Inc.

  Robert Kuzara, President



                            LIST OF PRIOR INVENTIONS

                           Identifying Number of patents and patent applications
Title       Date           or Brief Description of unpatented personal invention
- -----       ----           -----------------------------------------------------

Copyrighted software

Software programs under development
