LICENSE AGREEMENT

         Effective  June  1,  1994  ("EFFECTIVE  DATE"),   RESEARCH  CORPORATION
TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  a Delaware  corporation  at 101 North  Wilmot,  Suite 600,
Tucson,  Arizona  85711-3335  ("RCT"),  and JENNER  TECHNOLOGIES,  a  California
corporation at 1895 Mountain View Drive,  Tiburon,  California  94920 ("JENNER")
agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                               LICENSE and OPTION

         SECTION  1.1 Grant of  License.  RCT hereby  grants to JENNER a license
under the LICENSED  PATENTS to do the following in the LICENSED  TERRITORIES  in
the LICENSED  FIELD:  to develop,  make,  have made,  promote and SELL  LICENSED
PRODUCTS;  and to use LICENSED  PRODUCTS for research and development  purposes,
specifically  including  the  performance  of clinical  trials,  and for quality
control and promotional purposes. Except as set forth in the preceding sentence,
JENNER shall have no license to use  LICENSED  PRODUCTS.  Further,  JENNER shall
have no license to practice  any process  claimed in the  LICENSED  PATENTS.  No
other license or right is granted or implied by this SECTION.

         SECTION 1.2 Term of License.  The license granted in this ARTICLE shall
expire on the  EXPIRATION  DATE,  unless it is sooner  terminated as provided in
ARTICLE V ("Termination").

         SECTION 1.3  Extensions to AFFILIATES.

                  Subsection  1.3.1 Grant of Right. RCT hereby grants to JENNER,
on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the right to extend to AFFILIATES
of JENNER the license  granted  under  SECTION  1.1.  JENNER shall notify RCT in
writing  before  any  extension  to an  AFFILIATE  is made.  In the  event  this
Agreement is terminated  for any reason,  all  extension to JENNER's  AFFILIATES
pursuant to this SECTION shall simultaneously be terminated.

                  Subsection 1.3.2 JENNER  Responsible for  Performance.  JENNER
agrees  to be  responsible  for the  performance  under  this  Agreement  by the
AFFILIATES  to which such  license  is  extended.  For  purposes  of  assessing,
reporting  and paying  earned  royalties  the  manufacture  or SALE of  LICENSED
PRODUCTS by JENNER'S  AFFILIATES  shall be considered the manufacture or SALE of

                  Subsection 1.3.3 Reports and Payments. Each AFFILIATE may make
the pertinent  reports and royalty payments  specified in ARTICLE III ("Fees and
Royalties") directly to RCT on behalf of JENNER, provided JENNER notifies RCT in
writing in advance. Otherwise such reports and payments shall be made by JENNER.
In any event,  the SALE of LICENSED  PRODUCTS by  JENNER'S  AFFILIATES  shall be
separately shown in JENNER'S reports to RCT.


                  Subsection 1.4.1 Grant of Option.  RCT hereby grants to JENNER
an option to add the  Japanese  patent  applications  listed in EXHIBIT  A-2 and
patents  issuing  therefrom to the  definition  of LICENSED  PATENTS  under this
License  Agreement,  and to add Japan to the definition of LICENSED  TERRITORIES
under this Agreement.

                  Subsection  1.4.2 Exercise of Option.  Within thirty (30) days
after RCT's receipt of written notice that the Japanese Patent Office will issue
claims in either or both of the  applications  of EXHIBIT  A-2, RCT shall notify
JENNER of such  notice of  issuance.  Within  thirty  (30) days  after  JENNER's
receipt of such notice from RCT,  JENNER may  exercise  its option by giving RCT
written notice of its election to exercise.  Unless JENNER  exercises its option
as permitted under this Subsection,  the option shall expire and have no further
effect as of the date of expiration of such thirty (30) day period.

                  Subsection  1.4.3  Effect of Exercise.  Upon RCT's  receipt of
JENNER's written notice of its election to exercise,  the applications listed in
EXHIBIT A-2 and any and all issued patents, reissue,  reexamination,  renewal or
extension  patents that may be based on such  applications  shall be immediately
included in the  definition of LICENSED  PATENTS  under this License  Agreement.
Similarly,  upon RCT's  receipt  of  JENNER's  written  notice,  Japan  shall be
immediately  added to the definition of LICENSED  TERRITORIES under this License
Agreement.  JENNER's  obligations  under  this  Agreement  with  respect to such
Japanese applications and patents (specifically  including the obligation to pay
royalties for LICENSED  PRODUCTS made, or SOLD in Japan) shall begin on the date
of such inclusion in this License Agreement.

         SECTION 1.5   SUBLICENSE.

                  Subsection 1.5.1 Right to Grant SUBLICENSES. RCT hereby grants
to JENNER the right to grant to each of three  third  parties,  upon  reasonable
terms and conditions,  a  nonassignable,  royalty-bearing  SUBLICENSE  under the
in scope with the  rights  granted in SECTION  1.1.  In  addition  to such three
SUBLICENSES,  JENNER  may grant  one or more  additional  SUBLICENSES  under the
prior written consent.

                  Subsection 1.5.2 SUBLICENSE Fees.  JENNER shall pay to RCT [*]
of any  license  issue fee and [*] of each  maintenance  fee  received  from the
SUBLICENSEE for such  SUBLICENSE,  excluding any amounts that JENNER  represents
and  warrants  it  has  received  for  research  and/or  development  or  equity
investment in JENNER. Each such amount shall be payable no later than sixty (60)
days after receipt by JENNER of such fee from the SUBLICENSEE.

                  Subsection  1.5.3  SUBLICENSE  Requirements.   The  SUBLICENSE
agreement  shall be in  writing  and shall  contain  provisions  similar  in all
material  respects to those of [*] of this  Agreement.  Further,  the SUBLICENSE
agreement must comply with all applicable laws and


governmental  regulations.  In  particular,  JENNER  shall not have the right or
power to grant a SUBLICENSE under any circumstance  amounting to a misuse of any

                  Subsection 1.5.4 JENNER's Obligations Continue. The grant of a
SUBLICENSE  under  Subsection  1.5.1,  shall  not  relieve  JENNER of any of its
obligations  under this  Agreement;  in particular,  JENNER shall continue to be
obligated,  under SECTION 3.2, to pay an earned royalty to RCT for each LICENSED
PRODUCT SOLD, whether such SALE is by JENNER or by the SUBLICENSEE.

                  Subsection  1.5.5  Notification   Requirement.   JENNER  shall
promptly notify RCT in writing of the issuance of such SUBLICENSE.  On or before
the date thirty (30) days after the execution of such  SUBLICENSE,  JENNER shall
provide  RCT  with a  true  copy  of the  SUBLICENSE  and  an  English  language
translation if it is in another language.

         SECTION 1.6 No Further Rights.  Except as provided in this ARTICLE,  no
other license or rights is granted or implied under this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE II


         The license granted in ARTICLE I shall be non-exclusive and RCT, in its
sole discretion,  may grant concurrently  effective  nonexclusive licenses under
parties for commercial purposes, and to INSTITUTION for educational and research

                                   ARTICLE III

                               FEES AND ROYALTIES

         SECTION 3.1 License Issue Fee.  JENNER shall pay to RCT a license issue
fee of [*], payable as follows: [*] No portion of the license issue fee shall be
refundable,  nor may it be used as a credit  against any other amount payable by
JENNER under this  Agreement.  If this  Agreement is  terminated  for any reason
under  ARTICLE V before  JENNER has made full  payment of the license  issue fee
[*], JENNER shall have no obligation to pay the remaining unpaid amount.

         SECTION 3.2   Earned Royalties.

                  Subsection 3.2.1 Payability. JENNER shall pay to RCT an earned
royalty for:

                           (a) all LICENSED  PRODUCTS  SOLD by or for JENNER and
its AFFILIATES and SUBLICENSEES during the term of this Agreement; and


                           (b) all LICENSED  PRODUCTS made before  expiration or
termination  of this  Agreement but SOLD by or for JENNER and its AFFILIATES and
SUBLICENSEES after expiration or termination of this Agreement.

                  Subsection  3.2.2 One Royalty.  JENNER's  obligation to pay an
earned  royalty  to RCT shall  arise  upon the  first to occur of the  making or
SELLING of a LICENSED  PRODUCT in a place that, but for this License  Agreement,
would infringe a LICENSED PATENT.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  JENNER shall
have no obligation to pay an earned royalty for any LICENSED  PRODUCT unless and
until  such  LICENSED  PRODUCT  is SOLD.  The  amount of such  royalty  shall be
calculated  based on the NET SALES VALUE of the SALE of such  LICENSED  PRODUCT.
None of JENNER,  its AFFILIATES and  SUBLICENSEES (if any) shall be obligated to
pay a  royalty  for the use of  LICENSED  PRODUCTS  for  research,  development,
clinical  trials,  quality  control  or  promotional  purposes.  Only one earned
royalty shall be payable with respect to any LICENSED PRODUCT, regardless of how
many claims or patents within the LICENSED PATENTS cover such LICENSED  PRODUCT.
If a LICENSED  PRODUCT is made in the U.S.  or Canada,  and is SOLD  outside the
U.S.  or Canada,  JENNER's  obligation  to pay  royalties  shall arise when such
LICENSED PRODUCT is made, but the royalties shall not be payable until such time
as the  LICENSED  PRODUCT  is SOLD;  furthermore,  if the SALE of such  LICENSED
PRODUCT does not infringe a LICENSED PATENT in such country,  JENNER shall still
be obligated to pay RCT a royalty for the making of LICENSED PATENTS in the U.S.
or Canada,  and the amount of such royalty shall be calculated  based on revenue
generated by the SALE in such country outside the U.S. or Canada.

                  Subsection   3.2.3  Royalty  Amount.   The  amount  of  earned
royalties JENNER shall pay to RCT shall be [*].

                  Subsection 3.2.4 More Favorable Royalty Rates.

                           (a)  Generally.  If,  under  substantially  identical
provisions and  conditions,  RCT grants a license under the LICENSED  PATENTS to
any third party (other than to JENNER's  AFFILIATE)  SELLING products covered by
the LICENSED PATENTS in a given country(ies)  covered by the LICENSED PATENTS at
an earned  royalty rate that is lower than that provided in Subsection  3.2.3 of
this Agreement,  then RCT shall promptly notify JENNER as provided in Subsection
3.2.4(b)  below and,  upon  JENNER's  timely  request,  modify the terms of this
Agreement by changing the earned royalty rate in Subsection  3.2.3 as it applies
to such country(ies) only, to such lower earned royalty rate. [*].

                           (b) [*]. If RCT grants to one or more third parties a
license under the LICENSED PATENTS having a lower earned royalty rate, RCT shall
notify  JENNER in writing of any such  license  and a brief  description  of the
terms of such third party license, [*].

                           (c)  Limitations.  This Subsection  shall not entitle
JENNER to any refund for amounts  previously paid to RCT. Further,  JENNER shall
not be entitled to a lower earned royalty rate if the  third-party  licensee has
obtained  such lower earned  royalty rate in return for  substantial  and unique
consideration  that  JENNER  is unable  or  unwilling  to  provide  to RCT.  The
provisions of this Subsection


shall not be called into operation  because of the existence or operation of any
license  granted  or to be  granted  to or on  behalf of any  government  or any
increase in the royalty rate because of taxes imposed by any government.

                  Subsection  3.2.5 No Royalty  Charged  under  U.S.  Government
License. Notwithstanding Subsection 3.2.1, earned royalties shall not be payable
on any  LICENSED  PRODUCT  made or SOLD  under any  license  under the  LICENSED
PATENTS granted to or on behalf of the U.S.  Government as further  described in
ARTICLE VIII of this Agreement.

                  Subsection 3.2.6 Withholding of Taxes. If the taxing authority
of any government of any country  covered by the LICENSED  PATENTS imposes a tax
on the royalties to be paid under this Agreement or requires  JENNER to withhold
amounts from royalties  payable to RCT to ensure  payment of such taxes,  JENNER
shall  cooperate  with RCT in RCT's efforts to obtain  exemption from payment of
such taxes or a refund of taxes withheld.

         SECTION 3.3  Annual Minimum Royalties.

                  Subsection 3.3.1 Amount and Payment Date.  JENNER shall pay to
RCT a prepaid, annual minimum royalty of [*].

                  Subsection  3.3.2 [*] until  expiration or termination of this

                  Subsection  3.3.3 Credits.  JENNER shall be entitled to credit
the  annual  minimum  royalty  payment  paid  against  the  amount of the earned
royalties payable in the same calendar year for manufacture or SALES of LICENSED
PRODUCTS.  No amount of earned  royalties  paid for any  calendar  year shall be
creditable  against any annual minimum royalty payment due in any other calendar

         SECTION  3.4  Books and  Records.  JENNER  shall  keep  full,  true and
accurate books of account  containing all particulars and reasonable  supporting
documentation that may be necessary for the purpose of determining the NET SALES
VALUE of all  LICENSED  PRODUCTS  SOLD.  The  books of  account  and  reasonable
supporting  documentation  shall be kept at JENNER's principal place of business
and shall be open at all reasonable times, for three (3) years following the end
of the  calendar  year to which they  pertain  (and  access  shall not be denied
thereafter  if  reasonably  available),  to  the  inspection  of an  independent
certified  public  accountant  retained  by RCT for  the  purpose  of  verifying
JENNER's royalty statements; however, RCT shall not be entitled to more than one
(1) such  inspection  each calendar  year.  RCT agrees to keep in confidence all
information  it learns  about  JENNER's  business  pursuant to this  SECTION and
SECTION 3.6. If any such  inspection  discloses an underpayment of royalties [*]
of the amount of royalties  actually due for any quarterly  period,  then JENNER
shall promptly pay the reasonable cost of such inspection after JENNER's receipt
of the bill/invoice for such inspection. RCT shall instruct its certified public
accountant to disclose to RCT only if such inspection  discloses an underpayment
of royalties [*], and if so, the amount thereof.


         SECTION 3.5 Periodic Reports. Beginning with the first SALE of LICENSED
PRODUCTS  under  this  Agreement,  and  continuing  throughout  the term of this
Agreement,  on or before  February  1, May 1,  August 1, and  November 1 of each
year,  JENNER shall deliver to RCT a true and accurate  written report,  showing
the following as they apply to the preceding calendar quarter just ended:

                           (a) the quantities of LICENSED  PRODUCTS  invoiced by
JENNER, its AFFILIATES and SUBLICENSEES on a country-by-country basis;

                           (b) the U.S.  dollar value of the invoiced  amount on
such quantities in (a);

                           (c) the  computation  of the NET SALES VALUE based on
the dollar value of the invoiced amount on in (b); and

                           (d) the  computation  of  royalties  based on the NET
SALES VALUE computed under (c).

JENNER's  payment of the royalties due for the calendar  quarter  covered by the
written report shall accompany the report.  If no royalties are due, it shall be
so reported.  Royalties  shall be paid to RCT in U.S.  currency at RCT's address
specified in SECTION 7.2. The correctness  and  completeness of each such report
shall be certified in writing by a responsible  financial officer (or his or her
designee)  of  JENNER,  by the  independent  public  accounting  firm  acting as
JENNER's  auditor,  or by the chair or other  head of  JENNER's  internal  audit
committee.  Within  thirty (30) days after  expiration  or  termination  of this
Agreement,  JENNER shall  provide to RCT a written  report that  complies in all
respects with this SECTION.

         SECTION 3.6  Foreign Sales.

                  Subsection 3.6.1 Exchange Rate. If JENNER, its AFFILIATE(S) or
SUBLICENSEE(S) SELL any LICENSED PRODUCTS for currency other than U.S. currency,
the earned royalty payable as to such LICENSED PRODUCT shall first be determined
in such currency for which the LICENSED PRODUCT was SOLD and then converted into
its equivalent in U.S. currency as follows:

                           (a) at the selling rate, for such  currency,  for the
last business day of the accounting period for which payment is made,  published
by the Wall Street Journal; or

                           (b) if such rate is not so published,  at the selling
rate for such  currency for the last business day of the  accounting  period for
which payment is made, as published by a leading New York,  New York bank chosen
by JENNER and reasonably acceptable to RCT.

If JENNER is late in making any payment  under this  Agreement,  the  applicable
exchange rate obtained from the sources  described above shall be the greater of
such rate on the date payment was actually made or the rate on the date on which
payment is due.


         SECTION 3.7   Late Payment.

                  Subsection 3.7.1 Late Payment Fee. JENNER hereby  acknowledges
that late payment by JENNER to RCT of sums due under this  Agreement  will cause
RCT to incur certain  costs,  including  costs for legal,  accounting  and other
professional services to manage and administer this Agreement,  the exact amount
of which will be extremely difficult to ascertain.  Accordingly, if JENNER fails
to make any payment  required  under this Agreement on or before the date thirty
(30) days after  JENNER's  receipt of RCT's written  notice of such failure,  in
addition  to any other  remedy  available  under this  Agreement  and any remedy
available at law or equity,  JENNER shall pay to RCT a late payment fee equal to
the lesser of [*] (in  addition to any  interest  charges  required or permitted
below).  The  parties  hereby  agree that such late  charge  represents  a fair,
reasonable and  administratively  simple  estimate,  at the time of execution of
this Agreement, of the costs RCT will incur by reason of JENNER's late payment.

                  Subsection 3.7.2 Interest. If JENNER fails to make any payment
required under this Agreement on or before the date ten (10) days after JENNER's
receipt of RCT's written  notice of such  failure,  JENNER shall pay interest on
such  amount  at an  annual  rate of [*] which  shall  accrue  from the date the
payment not timely made became due until the date such  payment is paid in full;
provided,  however, that if such [*] rate exceeds the rate allowed by applicable
law, then the highest rate allowed by law shall apply.

                  Subsection  3.7.3 No Waiver.  RCT's acceptance of late charges
or  interest  shall in no event  constitute  a waiver of JENNER's  default  with
respect to such overdue amount, nor prevent RCT from exercising any of the other
rights and remedies granted under this Agreement. Any payments received shall be
applied first to any late  charges,  second to the  satisfaction  of any unpaid,
accrued interest and finally to the satisfaction of any unpaid principal.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                        OBLIGATIONS OF JENNER; DILIGENCE

         SECTION 4.1  JENNER's  Development.  JENNER  shall  exercise  diligence
consistent  with  its  reasonable  business  judgment  in  developing,  testing,
manufacturing and marketing LICENSED PRODUCTS under this License Agreement.

         SECTION 4.2 Activities  Limited to LICENSED FIELD and SALES of LICENSED
PRODUCTS. JENNER covenants that all of its activities under the LICENSED PATENTS
shall be limited to the LICENSED  FIELD.  JENNER  promises and covenants that it
shall not SELL LICENSED PRODUCTS outside the LICENSED FIELD. JENNER promises and
covenants  that it shall not use  LICENSED  PRODUCTS  or LICENSED  PROCESSES  to
provide services on a fee-for-service basis.

                                    ARTICLE V


                           EXPIRATION AND TERMINATION

         SECTION 5.1 Expiration on EXPIRATION  DATE This Agreement  shall expire
on the EXPIRATION DATE unless sooner terminated, as provided below.

         SECTION 5.2 JENNER's  Election.  JENNER may terminate this Agreement at
any time by giving the RCT three (3) months' written notice of JENNER's election
to terminate this Agreement.

         SECTION 5.3 JENNER's Default.

                  Subsection 5.3.1 Monetary Default.  Upon any material monetary
default under this  Agreement by JENNER (i.e.,  failure to timely pay amounts to
RCT  required  to be paid under this  Agreement),  RCT, in addition to any other
remedy  available  at law or equity,  may elect to terminate  this  Agreement by
giving JENNER thirty (30) days'  written  notice of RCT's  election to terminate
this Agreement.  This Agreement shall terminate on the expiration of such thirty
(30) day period unless JENNER has cured such default on or before such date.

                  Subsection  5.3.2  Non-Monetary  Default.  Upon  any  material
non-monetary default under this Agreement by JENNER (i.e., one not involving the
payment to RCT of any  amounts  required to be paid under this  Agreement),  RCT
may,  in  addition  to any other  remedy  available  at law or equity,  elect to
terminate  this  Agreement by giving JENNER thirty (30) days' written  notice of
RCT's election to terminate this Agreement.  This Agreement shall terminate upon
the  expiration  of such thirty (30) day  period,  unless  JENNER has cured such
default on or before such date.

                  Subsection  5.3.3  Immediate  Default.  The following shall be
defaults  under this  Agreement  that  JENNER  may not cure:  any  voluntary  or
involuntary  dissolution,  bankruptcy,  insolvency  of JENNER or  assignment  of
JENNER's  assets  for the  benefit  of  creditors  (collectively,  a  "Financial
Default")  and  a  lawsuit  or  reexamination  or  protest  proceeding  (or  the
equivalent)  filed by JENNER  against  RCT  seeking a  declaratory  judgment  or
determination,  as the case may be, that any of the PATENT  CLAIMS are  invalid,
unenforceable,  or otherwise not patentable  ("Procedural  Default").  Financial
Defaults and Procedural Defaults shall constitute  immediate defaults under this
Agreement and, upon the  occurrence of either a Financial  Default or Procedural
Default,  this  Agreement  shall  immediately  terminate.  On or before the date
thirty (30) days before the occurrence of a Financial Default or the filing of a
bankruptcy  petition  concerning  JENNER,  JENNER shall notify RCT in writing of
JENNER'S  intention to file the  petition or of  another's  intention to file an
involuntary petition in bankruptcy, if JENNER knows or should know of such other
party's  intention  to file,  or the  impending  Financial  Default.  Failure to
provide such written  notice shall be deemed to be an  immediate,  pre-petition,
incurable default under this Agreement.

         SECTION 5.4 Surviving Obligation to Pay Royalties. JENNER's obligations
to  pay  royalties  under  Subsection   3.2.1(b)  shall  survive  expiration  or
termination of this Agreement.

         SECTION 5.5 Surviving Provisions.  In addition to any provision of this
Agreement that expressly provides for acts or obligations to continue beyond the
expiration or termination of this


Agreement,  the  provisions  of SECTIONS  3.5 ("Books and  Records"),  the final
sentence of SECTION 3.6 ("Periodic  Reports"),  3.8 ("Late Payment") and ARTICLE
VII ("General") shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         SECTION 6.1 RCT'S Right to  Prosecute.  RCT shall  protect the LICENSED
PATENTS from  infringement  and prosecute  infringers  when in its sole judgment
such action may be necessary, proper and justified.

         SECTION 6.2  Obligation  to  Cooperate.  If RCT initiates or carries on
legal proceedings to enforce the LICENSED PATENTS against an alleged  infringer,
JENNER shall cooperate with RCT, at no out-of-pocket expense to JENNER.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         SECTION 7.1  Integration.  This Agreement and any Exhibits,  and Riders
attached to this Agreement  constitute the entire agreement  between the parties
as to  the  subject  matter  of  this  Agreement  and  all  prior  negotiations,
representations,  warranties,  and promises are  superseded and merged into, and
completely  expressed  by it.  No party  shall be bound by or  charged  with any
written  or  oral  agreements,  representations,  warranties,  or  promises  not
specifically set forth in this Agreement.

         SECTION 7.2  Addresses  and Notices.  All  notices,  requests and other
communications  provided  in this  Agreement  shall be in  writing  and shall be
deemed to have been given: (a) when delivered,  if delivered by hand, or sent by
facsimile,  telegram or telecopier;  (b) on the date  following  deposit with an
overnight courier,  if sent via overnight  courier;  or (c) on the date five (5)
days following deposit with the U.S. mail, certified or registered:

         If to RCT:                                    If to JENNER
         ----------                                    ------------

         President                                     Anthony E. Maida
         Research Corporation Technologies, Inc.       Chief  Executive Officer
         101 North Wilmot                              Jenner Technologies
         Suite 600                                     1895 Mountain View Drive
         Tucson, Arizona 85711-3335                    Tiburon, California 94920
         TEL:     (602) 748-4400                       TEL:     (510) 736-1863
         FAX:     (602) 748-0025                       FAX:     (510) 736-5910


Such  addresses  may be altered by notice.  If no time limit is specified  for a
notice  required  or  permitted  to be given by this  Agreement,  the time limit
therefor  shall be three  (3)  full  business  days,  not  including  the day of

         SECTION 7.3  Applicable  Law;  Venue.  This Agreement is subject to and
shall be construed in accordance  with the law of the State of Arizona,  U.S.A.,
without regard to the law of Arizona  regarding the conflicts of laws, except as
to any issue that  depends upon the  validity,  scope or  enforceability  of any
LICENSED  PATENTS,  which  issue  shall be  determined  in  accordance  with the
applicable patent laws of the country of such patent. Except with respect to any
issue that  involves  the patent  laws of the  country of a patent,  the parties
agree that any action, suit or proceeding brought under this Agreement or any of
the  transactions  contemplated  in this Agreement  shall be brought in the U.S.
District Court for the District of Arizona or any court in Pima County,  Arizona
of competent  jurisdiction  in the case where JENNER brings such action,  and in
the U.S.  District Court for the Northern District of California or any court in
Marin County,  California of competent jurisdiction in the case where RCT brings
such action.  Each party further agrees that service of process of notice in any
such action,  suit or proceeding  shall be effective if in writing and sent in a
manner provided in SECTION 7.2.

         SECTION  7.4  Non-Use  Of  Names.  JENNER  shall  not use  the  name of
INVENTORS,  INSTITUTION, RCT or any adaption of any of them, in any advertising,
promotional or sales literature, without prior written consent obtained from the

         SECTION 7.5 Assignment.  This Agreement shall not be assigned by JENNER
except upon the merger,  acquisition  or sale of  substantially  all of JENNER's
business assets pertaining to this License Agreement,  upon prior written notice
to RCT,  and upon  JENNER's  assignee's  agreement to abide by the terms of this
Agreement and assume all of JENNER's obligations under this Agreement. Upon such
assignment,  the term "JENNER" as used in this Agreement  shall  thereafter mean
the assignee of JENNER.

         SECTION 7.6  Arbitration.

                  Subsection  7.6.1 Dispute  Resolution.  The parties shall make
all reasonable  efforts to resolve any dispute or controversy  arising out of or
relating to this Agreement, its construction or its actual or alleged breach, by
face-to-face  negotiations  between senior executives.  Should such negotiations
fail to  resolve  the  matter,  the matter  shall be finally  decided by binding
arbitration by one arbitrator in accordance  with the Licensing  Agreement Rules
then in effect of the American  Arbitration  Association,  and judgment upon the
award  rendered  may be entered  in the  highest  court of the  forum,  state or
federal,  having  jurisdiction.  Any  arbitration  instituted by JENNER shall be
conducted  in  the  Tucson,  Arizona  metropolitan  area,  and  any  arbitration
instituted  by  RCT  shall  be  conducted  in  the  San  Francisco,   California
metropolitan  area. The costs of the arbitration  shall be shared equally by RCT
and JENNER, except that each party shall pay its own attorneys' fees.

                  Subsection  7.6.2  Exceptions.  The  provisions  of Subsection
7.6.1 relating to arbitration shall not apply to any issue of the patentability,
enforceability  or  infringement  of any  LICENSED  PATENT or to any  dispute or
controversy as to which any applicable law or treaty prohibits


such  arbitration.  If, in any  arbitration  proceeding,  any issue  shall arise
concerning  validity,  scope,  enforceability  or  infringement  of any LICENSED
PATENT,  the  arbitration  shall  assume  the  LICENSED  PATENTS  to  be  valid,
enforceable  and  infringed  (but  for  this  Agreement).   In  any  event,  the
arbitrators  shall not delay  the  arbitration  proceeding  for the  purpose  of
obtaining or  permitting  either  party to obtain  judicial  resolution  of such
issue, unless an order staying such arbitration proceeding shall be entered by a
court of competent jurisdiction.  Neither party shall raise any issue concerning
the validity,  construction,  enforceability or effect of any LICENSED PATENT in
any  proceeding to enforce an arbitration  award  hereunder or in any proceeding
otherwise arising out of such arbitration award.

                  Subsection  7.6.3 No Waiver.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
nothing in Subsections  7.6.1 or 7.6.2 shall be construed to waive any rights or
timely performance of any obligations existing under this Agreement.

         SECTION 7.7 Compliance  with Law.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be
construed  so as to require  the  commission  of any act  contrary  to law,  and
wherever  there is any conflict  between any provision of this Agreement and any
statute,  law,  ordinance or treaty concerning the legal right of the parties to
contract, the latter shall prevail, but in such event the affected provisions of
this  Agreement  shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent  necessary to
bring it within the applicable legal requirements.

         SECTION 7.8 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to
be or becomes  invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable,  the validity,  legality and
enforceability  of the remaining  provisions of this Agreement  shall not in any
way be affected or impaired thereby.

         SECTION 7.9 Representations, Warranties, and Covenants.

                  Subsection 7.9.1 By RCT. RCT represents and warrants that: (i)
RCT has the full right and  authority  to grant  rights,  license  and  interest
granted herein and perform its obligations  hereunder;  (ii) RCT owns all right,
title and interest in the LICENSED  PATENTS;  (iii) RCT has not previously,  and
will not grant during the term of this Agreement, any right, license or interest
in and to the LICENSED PATENTS,  or any portion thereof,  on an exclusive basis;
(iv)  the  LICENSED  PATENTS  are free and  clear  of all  liens,  encumbrances,
security  interests and  restrictions;  and (v) to the best of RCT's  knowledge,
there are no actions,  suits, claims or proceedings pending or threatened in any
way relating to the LICENSED PATENTS.

                  Subsection  7.9.2 By JENNER.  JENNER  represents  and warrants
that it has the full right and  authority to enter into this  License  Agreement
and to perform its obligations hereunder.

                  Subsection 7.9.3 Limitations.  Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary  in this  Agreement,  nothing  contained  in this  Agreement  shall  be
construed as a  representation  or warranty:  (a) as to the scope or validity of
LICENSED PATENT; or (b) that any performance, practice under any LICENSED PATENT
is not an infringement of any patent of others.


         SECTION 7.10  Independent  Contractor.  In its  performance  under this
Agreement,  each party shall be an independent contractor and neither party (nor
any employee or agent thereof) shall be an agent or partner of the other party.

         SECTION 7.11 Headings.  The headings of the various ARTICLES,  SECTIONS
and  Subsections  of this  Agreement are used solely for the  convenience of the
parties, do not form a part of this Agreement and are not intended to affect the
interpretation  or meaning of this  Agreement  or to  define,  limit,  extend or
describe its scope or intent.

         SECTION  7.12 No  Third-Party  Beneficiaries.  Except for  SECTIONS 7.4
("Non-Use of Names") and 7.16 ("Indemnity"), which shall also be for the benefit
of, and enforceable by, INSTITUTION and INVENTOR, none of the provisions of this
Agreement shall be for the benefit of, or enforceable by, any third-party.

         SECTION 7.13  Waiver.  No consent or waiver,  express or implied,  by a
party of any  breach or default by any other  party in the  performance  by such
other party of its  obligations  hereunder shall be construed to be a consent to
or waiver or any other breach or default in the  performance of such other party
of the same or any other obligations  hereunder.  Failure on the part of a party
to  complain  of any act or failure to act by the other  party,  to declare  the
other party in default,  irrespective  of how long such  failure  continues,  to
insist upon the strict performance of any covenant, duty, agreement or condition
of this  Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy  consequent  upon a breach
thereof shall not constitute a waiver by such party of its rights hereunder,  of
any such breach, or of any other commitment,  duty, agreement or condition.  The
giving of  consent by a party in any one  instance  shall not limit or waive the
necessity to obtain such party's consent in any future instance and in any event
no consent or waiver shall be effective  for any purpose  hereunder  unless such
consent or waiver is in writing and signed by the party sought to be charged.

         SECTION  7.14  Computation  of Time.  In  computing  any period of time
pursuant to this Agreement, the day or date of the act, notice, event or default
from which the designated period of time begins to run will not be included. The
last day of the period so computed  will be  included,  unless it is a Saturday,
Sunday or a federal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the
next day that is not a Saturday,  Sunday or federal holiday.  Only business days
shall be counted in any computation of time.

         SECTION 7.15 Disclaimer.  It shall be the full and sole  responsibility
of JENNER to use  appropriate  care in the practice,  manufacture and use of any
product  pursuant to any license or immunity  granted under this Agreement.  RCT
shall have no right to control the manner in which any LICENSED  PRODUCT is made
or  practiced.  RCT shall not be required to provide any  know-how or  operating
instructions or other information with respect to any such product and RCT makes
no representation or warranty  whatsoever with respect to any such product.  RCT
shall not be  obligated  to file any patent  applications,  secure any patent or
maintain any patent in force, although, if RCT intends and elects to discontinue
the  prosecution of any such patent  application or the  maintenance of any such
patent, RCT shall so advise JENNER and, subject to RCT's obligations to previous
licensees  under the LICENSED  PATENTS,  give JENNER an  opportunity to continue
such prosecution or maintenance on RCT's behalf


and at JENNER's  expense.  Any  out-of-pocket  expenses  thereafter  incurred by
JENNER for such  prosecution or maintenance of any patent or patent  application
of any such country  shall be creditable  against  earned  royalties  thereafter
payable under this Agreement  solely in respect of LICENSED  PRODUCTS,  made, or
SOLD in the country of such patent or patent application.  RCT shall keep JENNER
apprised  of  the  status  of the  prosecution  of the  LICENSED  PATENTS,  upon
reasonable request of JENNER occurring not more frequently than monthly.

         SECTION 7.16  Indemnity.  JENNER agrees to  indemnify,  defend and hold
harmless RCT, INVENTORS, INSTITUTION, and all officers, directors, employees and
agents of RCT and INSTITUTION (collectively, the "INDEMNITIES") from and against
any and all claims,  damages and  liabilities,  including  legal costs and fees,
asserted  by third  parties  arising  from the  manufacture,  use or sale of any
LICENSED PRODUCTS by or for JENNER, or arising from the use of any such LICENSED
PRODUCT by any third  party,  including  any  customer of JENNER,  except to the
extent such claims,  damages or liabilities are due to RCT's willful  misconduct
or  negligence.  JENNER  hereby  waives  any rights of  subrogation  it may have
against the  INDEMNITIES  on account of any claim,  damage or liability  arising
from activities  under or in connection with this Agreement.  JENNER shall cause
its applicable product liability insurance policy to contain a provision whereby
the insurer waives any rights of subrogation against the INDEMNITIES.

         SECTION  7.17  Insurance.  On or before the date of the first SALE of a
LICENSED  PRODUCT  under this  Agreement,  JENNER shall  obtain and,  thereafter
throughout  the term of this  Agreement,  maintain  in force  product  liability
insurance and other insurance  coverage  typically carried by PERSONS engaged in
JENNER's business,  but at least [*] for JENNER's SALE of LICENSED PRODUCTS as a
therapeutic  vaccine for prostate cancer,  and at least [*] for JENNER's SALE of
LICENSED  PRODUCTS as a  prophylactic  vaccine for prostate  cancer,  or, in the
alternative,  JENNER may  self-insure  against  such risks if its net worth,  as
measured by the most recent  audited  statement,  exceeds  [*].  Such  insurance
policies shall name RCT as an additional named insured. JENNER hereby waives any
rights  of  subrogation  it may  have  against  RCT on  account  of any  product
liability claim. The insurance  policies  required to be carried by JENNER under
this Agreement shall be with companies that have a Best's  Financial Rating of A
or better.  JENNER  shall  furnish  RCT with a  certificate  of such policy upon
request,  and whenever requested,  shall satisfy RCT that such policy is in full
force and effect.

         SECTION  7.18  Construction.  The  parties  agree  that each  party has
reviewed  this  Agreement and that any rule of  construction  to the effect that
ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply to the
interpretation of this Agreement.

         SECTION  7.19  Patent  Marking.  JENNER  agrees  that it shall mark all
LICENSED  PRODUCTS  with a legible  notice  indicating  the patents to which the

         SECTION  7.20  Registration  of  Agreement.  JENNER  agrees to take all
reasonable and necessary  steps to register this Agreement in any country of the
LICENSED  TERRITORIES  where such is  required  to permit the  transfer of funds
and/or  payment of  royalties to RCT  hereunder or is otherwise  required by the
government or law of such country to effectuate or carry out this Agreement.


Notwithstanding anything contained herein, JENNER shall not be relived of any of
its  obligations  under this Agreement by any failure to register this Agreement
in any country of the LICENSED TERRITORIES,  and specifically,  JENNER shall not
be relieved of its obligation to make any payment to RCT  hereunder,  which such
payment is blocked due to any failure to register this Agreement.

         SECTION 7.21 Authority and Binding Agreement. Each party represents and
warrants  to the  other  that this  Agreement  constitutes  a valid and  binding
agreement of the representing party, that execution, delivery and performance of
this Agreement by the  representing  party are within the  representing  party's
corporate  power,  and have  been duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate

         SECTION 7.22 No Publicity  About this  Agreement.  The parties agree to
keep the  existence and terms of this License  Agreement in confidence  and that
they shall  refrain from  publicly  disclosing  the  existence and terms of this
Agreement,  except to the extent that RCT is  required  to disclose  such to the
INSTITUTION  and the  INVENTORS,  and to previous  licensees  under the LICENSED
PATENTS; provided,  however, the parties may disclose the existence and terms of
this Agreement to comply with court order, law or government  regulation,  or to
accountants,  banks or  another  financing  source  (or  their  advisors)  or in
connection with a merger, acquisition or securities offering.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                                GOVERNMENT RIGHTS

         SECTION 8.1 Prior  Rights.  This  Agreement is subject to the rights of
the U.S.  Government  in and to the LICENSED  PATENTS,  including  those derived
through the  National  Cancer  Institute  ("NCI") of the  Department  of Health,
Education,  and Welfare ("DHEW"),  pursuant to a certain grant by the Government
to INSTITUTION identified as NCI Grant CA-15437, which rights are described in a
certain contract entitled "Institutional Patent Agreement",  made the 7th day of
April, 1976, by and between the U.S.  Government and INSTITUTION.  A copy of the
"Institutional Patent Agreement" is attached as Exhibit B-1, and a transcript of
that copy (for  clarity)  is  attached at Exhibit  B-2.  Such  rights  include a
nonexclusive,  nontransferable,  royalty-free,  irrevocable  license to the U.S.
Government for governmental purposes.  Such license to the U.S. Government shall
remain unaffected by this Agreement.

         SECTION  8.2  License  to  Conform.  Any  inconsistency   between  this
Agreement and the  pertinent  provisions  of any law,  regulation,  or executive
order by the U.S.  Government  shall be resolved by conforming this Agreement to
such provisions of any such law, regulation,  or executive order. This Agreement
shall  be  subject  to  applicable  governmental  laws  relating  to  compulsory

                                   ARTICLE IX



         SECTION  9.1  "AFFILIATE"  means any PERSON to which one or more of the
following apply:

                           (a) any PERSON  directly or  indirectly  controlling,
controlled by or under common control with JENNER;

                           (b) any PERSON  owning or  controlling  fifty percent
(50%) or more of the outstanding voting rights or securities of JENNER; or

                           (c) any PERSON  whose  outstanding  voting  rights or
securities are owned fifty percent (50%) or more by JENNER.

         SECTION  9.2  "EXPIRATION  DATE"  means  the  expiration  date  of  the
last-to-expire LICENSED PATENT.

         SECTION 9.3 "INSTITUTION" means Health Research,  Inc. of Buffalo,  New

         SECTION 9.4 "INVENTION" means "Immunological Test for Prostate Cancer".

         SECTION 9.5 "INVENTORS" means [*].

         SECTION 9.6 "LICENSED FIELD" means the use of prostate specific antigen
("PSA") as a  prophylactic  vaccine for  prostate  cancer  and/or a  therapeutic
vaccine for prostate cancer.

         SECTION 9.7 "LICENSED PATENTS" means:

                           (a) all issued,  unexpired  patents listed in EXHIBIT

                           (b) all  divisional or  continuation,  in whole or in
part, applications based on any of the patents or applications listed in EXHIBIT

                           (c) all issued,  unexpired patents resulting from any
of the applications described in (b); and

                           (d) all  issued,  unexpired  reissue,  reexamination,
renewal or extension  patents that may be based on any of the patents  described
in (a) or (c).

         SECTION 9.8 "LICENSED PRODUCT" means a product,  the manufacture,  use,
or SALE of which infringes a PATENT CLAIM under 35 USC ss.271 and/or  applicable
case law, but for this License Agreement.

         SECTION 9.9 "LICENSED  TERRITORIES"  means Canada and the United States
of America, its territories and possessions.


         SECTION 9.10 "NET SALES VALUE" of any LICENSED PRODUCT means the actual
billings  for the SALE of such  LICENSED  PRODUCT,  less  allowable  deductions,
listed below.

                  Subsection  9.10.1 [*] used for  calculating  [*] shall be the
amount [*]; provided,  however, [*] shall only be included in [*], otherwise [*]
shall only include [*].

                  Subsection  9.10.2  [*].  When  factually  applicable,  [*] as
determined above:

                           (a) [*], in amounts customary in the trade;

                           (b) [*], and with  specific  referent to,  particular

                           (c) [*]; and

                           (d) [*], to the extent included in such [*].

No other [*] shall be made  including  without  limitation  [*] by whatever name
known or for any [*].

         SECTION  9.11  "PATENT  CLAIM"  means a claim in a LICENSED  PATENT.  A
PATENT  CLAIM shall be presumed to be valid unless and until it has been held to
be  invalid  or  unenforceable  by a  final  judgment  of a court  of  competent
jurisdiction  from  which no appeal  can be or is taken.  For  purposes  of this
Agreement, and especially for purposes of royalty determination and payment, any
claim in a pending patent  application shall be deemed to be the equivalent of a
valid  claim  of an  issued,  unexpired  patent  and in  consideration  of RCT's
agreement to grant a license under any patent issuing  thereon earned  royalties
shall be payable in respect thereto as though it were a valid patent claim.

         SECTION  9.12  "PERSON"   means  an   individual   or  a   corporation,
partnership, trust, unincorporated organization, association or any other entity
or a government or any department or agency thereof.

         SECTION  9.13  "SELL"  (and  any  noun  form,   including  "SALE",  and
conjugated  verb form  thereof)  shall mean to sell,  or otherwise  part with or
dispose of LICENSED PRODUCTS, for value.

         SECTION 9.14  "SUBLICENSE"  means mean a sublicense  under the LICENSED
PATENTS  granted in accordance  with the terms of SECTION 1.5 of this Agreement.
Likewise, "SUBLICENSEE" shall mean the party to which rights are granted under a

RESEARCH CORPORATION                                    JENNER TECHNOLOGIES

/s/ GARY M. MUNSINGER                                    /s/ ANTHONY E. MAIDA
- ---------------------                                    -----------------------
Gary M. Munsinger                                        Anthony E. Maida
President                                                Chief Executive Officer


                                   EXHIBIT A-1

         Invention:                 "Immunological Test for Prostate Cancer"

         INVENTORS:                 [*]

                                     Issued Patents

        Country                        Patent No.                 Issue Date
        -------                        ----------                 ----------

        Canada                         1,165,685                  04/17/84

        United States                  Re.  33,405*               10/23/90

*    A Reissue  Patent  issued on United  States  Patent No.  4,446,122,  issued
05/01/84,  which was issued on the basis of  PCT/US80/01708,  filed December 23,
1980, as a  continuation-in-part  of U.S.  Application  Serial No. 108,217 filed
December 28, 1979.

                                   EXHIBIT A-2


                                   EXHIBIT B-1

                               September 20, 1979

                                    EXHIBIT I

Dr. Roger Herdman
State Department of Health and Health Research, Inc.
Tower Building
Empire State Plaza
Albany, New Jersey   12237

Dear Dr. Herdman:

         Re:  Your Institutional Patent Agreement

         This refers to the Institutional  Patent Agreement governing grants and
awards from this Department to your institution.

         By this letter, we are amending Section VII of the Agreement pertaining
to patent management  organizations to delete its limitation to nonprofit patent
management organizations. Please note that this does not change any of the other
requirements contained in that Section,  particularly the one requiring approval
by  this  Department  of  any  patent  administration   agreement  between  your
institution and a patent management organization.  Accordingly,  in Section VII,
line 4, please cancel "nonprofit."

         Section XI is also hereby  amended to change  September 30 in line 2 to
December  31 and June 20 in line 3 to  September  30.  This change will make the
annual reports coincide with the fiscal year.

         It would be appreciated if you would have the  responsible  official of
your  institution  sign  the  enclosed  copy of this  letter  to  indicate  your
concurrence and return it to this office at your convenience.

                                                     Sincerely yours,

                                                     Leroy B. Randall
                                                     Acting Chief, Patent Branch

- ---------------------------------------
David Axelrod, M.D.
New York State Department of Health
and President and Chairman of the Board
Health Research, Inc.
October 9, 1979

                                                                [Illegible Date]

Roger C. Herdman, M.D.
Deputy Commissioner for Preventive Services
Research and Development
New York State Department of Health
Tower Building, Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York  12237

Dear Dr. Herdman:

         Reference  is made to  previous  correspondence  with  this  Department
regarding the desire of the New York State Department of Health to enter into an
Institutional  Patent  Agreement  with the  Department of Health,  Education and

         I have reviewed the policy and procedures of your  institution and find
them acceptable.  It appears,  therefore,  that the Now York State Department of
Health  will be in a  position  to  administer  inventions  under  the  enclosed
Institutional  Patent  Agreement  in a manner  fully  protective  of the  public

         It is  important  to  understand  that  Article V of the  Institutional
Patent  Agreement  provides that,  notwithstanding  the election by the New York
State  Department  of  Health  not to  retain  title to  domestic  rights  to an
invention covered by the Agreement, it is still required to report the invention
so that  disposition  of  such-rights  can be made by the  Department of Health,
Education and Welfare. Waiver of domestic rights to New York State Department of
Health employees is not provided for in the Agreement.

         Further,  it is believed that it would be to the mutual interest of the
New York State  Department  of Health and this  Department if you, as the person
responsible for patent matters at the Health  Department,  would arrange to meet
with Mr. Norman J. Latker,  Patent Counsel, to discuss problems that might arise
in the administration of the Agreement.

         In accordance  with the above,  I have signed the  Agreement  submitted
with your letter of April 7, 1976, and am returning a copy for your files.

         It is hoped that you will find this  Agreement a useful  instrument for
encouraging  further  development  for ultimate use by the public of  inventions
generated with HEW funds.

                                                  Sincerely yours,

                                                  Theodore Cooper, M.D.
                                                  Assistant Secretary for Health

cc:      Dr. Robert P. Whalen
         New York State Dept. of Health





         This Agreement,  made and entered into this 7th day of April , 1976, by
and  between the United  States of  America,  as  represented  by the  Assistant
Secretary (Health and Scientific Affairs) of the Department of Health, Education
and Welfare, hereinafter sometimes referred to as the Grantor, and

hereinafter referred to as the Grantee.


         WHEREAS,  the Regulations of the Department of Health,  Education,  and
Welfare,  covering inventions resulting from research grants, fellowship awards,
and contracts for research (45 CFR Parts 6 and 8),  provide in Secs. 8.1 through
8.5 that  upon  approval  by the  Assistant  Secretary  (Health  and  Scientific
Affairs),  the  ownership  and  disposition  of domestic  and foreign  rights to
inventions  arising out of activities  assisted by grants and awards may be left
to the Grantee  pursuant to its approved  established  patent policy,  with such
modifications as may be agreed upon; and

         WHEREAS,  the Grantee is desirous of entering into an agreement whereby
it has a first option to retain principal rights in and to administer inventions
made in the course of or under research  supported by grants and awards from the
Department  of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare,  pursuant  to  the  aforesaid
Regulations; and

         WHEREAS,  the Assistant  Secretary (Health and Scientific  Affairs) has
reviewed  the patent  policy of the  Grantee as set forth in ITS  ADMINISTRATIVE
INVENTIONS" effective 12/5/74 and its practices thereunder and has found them to
be acceptable, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, and that said policy
provides for administration by the Grantee of patents in the public interest and
is  consistent  with the stated  objectives  of the  President's  Statement  and
Memorandum of Government Patent Policy, issued October 10, 1963;

         NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing,  the parties hereto
agree as follows:

I.       Scope of Agreement

         This Agreement shall define the rights of the parties hereto  regarding
disposition  of title to  inventions  made in the  course  of or under  research
supported by grants and awards from the Department


of Health,  Education,  and Welfare,  which are subject to the Department Patent
Regulations and are issued after the date hereof.

II.      Definitions

         (a) The term "subject  invention" as used in this  Agreement  means any
process,  machine,  manufacture,  composition of matter or design, or any new or
useful  improvement  thereof,  and  any  variety  of  plant  which  is or may be
patentable  under the Patent Laws of the United  States made in the course of or
under  research  supported by grants and awards from the  Department  of Health,
Education, and Welfare.

         (b) The term "made" when used in relation to any invention or discovery
means its conception or first actual reduction to practice.

III.     Disposition of Principal Rights to Subject Inventions

         The Grantee shall have the right to elect to file patent application in
the United  States and in foreign  countries  on any  subject  invention  and to
administer such invention pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.  Grantee
shall notify  Grantor at the time each subject  invention is reported to Grantor
as required by paragraph V hereof, if it intends to file patent  applications on
and to administer the invention. If Grantee does not elect to file a U.S. patent
application on and to administer a subject invention, it shall notify Grantor in
sufficient time to permit Grantor to file a U.S. patent application  thereon. In
such event,  all rights in and to such  invention,  except rights to any foreign
patent  application  filed by Grantee,  shall be subject to  disposition  by the
Grantor in accordance with its Regulations then in effect.

IV.      Supplementary Patent Agreements

         (a) The Grantee  shall obtain  patent  agreements  from all persons who
perform  any part of the work  under a grant or  award  from the  Department  of
Health,  Education,  and  Welfare,   exclusive  of  clerical  and  manual  labor
personnel,  requiring that such persons  promptly  report and assign all subject
inventions to Grantee or its approved patent management organization.

         (b) The Grantee shall  include the following  provision in any contract
it enters into involving  research  and/or  development for which DHELI research
grant or award funds are utilized.

         "The Contractor hereby agrees to report fully and promptly to NEW YORK,


         any  invention  conceived  or first  actually  reduced to  practice  in
         performance  of  this  contract   (hereinafter  referred  to  as  "such
         inventions", and to assign all right, title and interest in and to such

         or its designee.

         "In addition, the Contractor agrees to furnish the following materials,
         disclosures and reports:

         (i) Upon request,  such duly executed instruments  (Prepared by the NEW

         or its designee) and such other papers as are deemed  necessary to vest
         its designee the           (Grantee)

         rights  granted  under  this  clause  and to enable  the NEW YORK STATE

         designee  to apply for and  prosecute  any patent  application,  in any
         country, covering such invention.

         (ii) Interim  reports on the first  anniversary  of this contract where
         extended  or  renewed  and  every  year  thereafter  listing  all  such
         inventions made during the period whether or not previously reported or
         certifying that no inventions wore conceived or first actually  reduced
         to practice during the applicable period.

         (iii)  Prior to  final  settlement  of this  contract,  a final  report
         listing all such inventions,  including all those previously  listed in
         interim  reports,  or certifying  that no inventions  were conceived or
         first actually reduced to practice under the contract.

V.       Report of Invention

         (a) The Grantee shall submit a written  invention report to the Grantor
of each subject invention promptly after conception or first actual reduction to

         (b) Such  invention  report shall be furnished  directly the Grantor in
addition to any other requirement under any grant or award for the submission of
progress or financial reports, and whether or not reference to subject invention
has been made in any  progress or other report  furnished  to the Grantor;  such
report shall include description of such invention, appropriately illustrated by
a simple  sketch or  diagram,  to permit  the  invention  to be  understood  and
evaluated, and such other information as Grantor may require.


         (c) The report shall specify  whether or not Grantee  intends to file a
U.S.  patent  application  or any foreign  patent  application on the invention.
Notice  of an  election  not to file a U.S.  patent  application  shall be given
Grantor not less than ninety (90) days prior to the date a statutory bar becomes

         (d) If the Grantee  specifies that no U.S. patent  application  will be
filed (or having  specified  that it intends to file,  thereafter  notifies  the
Grantor to the contrary),  the Grantee shall promptly  inform the Grantor of the
date and identification of any known publication of subject invention made by or
known to the Grantee or, where applicable, of any contemplated publication to be
made by or known to the  Grantee.  and also the date  subject  invention  or any
embodiment  thereof was first in public use or on sale in the United  States and
shall  furnish  such other  information  (and have  executed  such  documents as
provided in VIII(F) as may be required to enable the Grantor to make disposition
of subject invention rights).

VI.  Administration  of  Inventions  on Which the Grantee  Elects to File Patent

         (a) The Grantee shall require  assignment to it of all right, title and
interest in and to each subject  invention on which it elects to file any patent
application for administration by it in accordance with and subject to the terms
and conditions  herein set forth.  Assignments  from the inventor to the Grantee
under U.S. patent  applications  shall be promptly  obtained and recorded by the
Grantee  in the  United  States  Patent  Office,  and  copies  of  the  recorded
assignment shall be furnished to the Grantor.

         (b) The Grantee  shall grant to the  Government  of the United States a
nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license for governmental purposes and on
behalf of any foreign  government,  pursuant to any existing or future treaty or
agreement with the United States under each U.S. or foreign  patent  application
it elects to file on a subject invention.  The form of the license to be granted
shall be as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and by this reference made
a part hereof.  Any license issued by Grantee shall be made expressly subject to
the license to the Government of the United States.

         (c) The Grantee shall administer  those subject  inventions to which it
elects to retain title in the public  interest and shall,  except as provided in
paragraph (d) below,  make them available  through  licensing on a nonexclusive,
royalty-free or reasonable royalty basis to qualified applicants.

         (d) The Grantee may license a subject  invention on an exclusive  basis
if it determines that  nonexclusive  licensing will not be effective in bringing
such  inventions to the commercial  market in a satisfactory  manner.  Exclusive
licenses  should be  issued  only  after  reasonable  efforts  have been made to
license on a nonexclusive  basis,  or where the grantee has  determined  that an
exclusive  license is necessary as an incentive for development of the invention
or where  market  conditions  art such as to require  licensing  on an exclusive
basis.  Any exclusive  license  issued by Grantee under a U.S.  patent or patent
application  shall be for a limited  period of time and such  period  shall not,
unless  otherwise  approved by the Assistant  Secretary  (Health and  Scientific
Affairs),  exceed three years from the date of the first  commercial sale in the
United  States of America of a product or process  embodying the  invention,  or
eight years from the date of the  exclusive  license,  whichever  occurs  first,
provided  that  the  licensee  shall  use  all   reasonable   effort  to  effect
introduction into the commercial market as soon as


practicable,  consistent  with  sound  and  reasonable  business  practices  and
judgment. Any extension of the maximum period of exclusivity shall be subject to
approval of the Grantor.  Upon  expiration of the period of  exclusivity  or any
extension  thereof,  licenses shall be offered to all qualified  applicants at a
reasonable royalty rate not in excess of the exclusive license royalty rate.

         (e) Any license  granted by the Grantee to other than the Government of
the United States under any patent  application or patent on a subject invention
shall include adequate  safeguards against  unreasonable  royalty and repressive
practices.  Royalties  shall  not,  in any event,  be in excess of normal  trade
practice.  Such license shall also provide that all sales to the U.S. Government
shall be royalty free.

         (f) If permitted  by its patent  policies and the terns of the grant or
award under which an invention is made. the Grantee may share royalties received
with the  inventors,  provided that the Grantee shall not pay the inventors more
than (1) fifty  percent  (50%) of the first $3,000 gross  royalty paid under the
patent, (2) twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross royalty income between $3,000
and $13,000,  and (3) fifteen  percent  (15%) of the gross  royalty in excess of
$13,000. The balance of the royalty income after payment of expenses incident to
the  administration of all inventions  assigned to it pursuant to the provisions
of this Agreement  shall be utilized for the support of educational and research

         (g) All licenses  issued by the Grantee to other than the Government of
the United States under any patent  application or patent on a subject invention
shall be subject to the  conditions  of this  Agreement  and shall  specifically
reserve to Grantor those rights  specified in paragraph XII hereof.  The Grantee
shall, upon request,  promptly furnish copies of any license  agreements entered
into by it to the Department.

VII.     Patent Management Organizations

         The Grantee  shall not assign any subject  invention  to parties  other
than the Grantor in  circumstances  as set forth in this Agreement except it may
assign rights in the invention to a nonprofit  patent  management  organization,
provided that the patent administration  agreement between such organization and
Grantee is approved by the Grantor. Any reference to a Grantee in this Agreement
shall also  include a patent  management  organization  when  applicable  and an
assignment  to such an  organization  shall  be  subject  to all the  terms  and
conditions of this Agreement.

VIII.    Patent Applications

         (a) Grantee  shall  promptly  furnish  Grantor with a copy of each U.S.
patent application filed in accordance with this Agreement specifying the filing
date and the  serial  number.  Grantee  shall  promptly  notify  Grantor of each
foreign patent application  filed,  including filing date and serial number, and
shall furnish a copy of each application upon request.

         (b) Upon request, Grantee shall fully advise the Grantor concerning all
steps and  actions  taken  during  the  prosecution  of any  patent  application
covering a subject  invention  and shall,  upon request,  furnish  copies of any
final actions, amendments,  petitions, motions, appeals or other papers relating
to the prosecution of said application.


         (c) Upon request,  the Grantee shall promptly furnish to the Grantor an
Irrevocable  power of attorney  granting the right to inspect and make copies of
any patent application covering a subject invention or any of the final actions,
amendments,  petitions,  motions,  appeals,  or  other  papers  relating  to the
prosecution of said application.

         (d) The Grantee  shall  include the  following  statement  in the first
paragraph of the specification  following the abstract of any patent application
filed on a subject invention:

         "The invention  described herein was made in the course of work under a
         grant or award from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare."

         (e) The Grantee shall not abandon any U.S. patent  application filed on
a subject invention without first offering to transfer all rights in and to such
application to the Grantor not less than  forty-five (45) days prior to the date
a reply to the Patent  Office  action is due.  If the  Grantor  does not request
assignment  within  thirty (30) days of receipt of this  offer,  the Grantee may
permit the application to go abandoned.

         (f) If the Grantee  elects to file no patent  application or to abandon
prosecution of a U.S. patent application on a subject invention,  he shall, upon
request,  execute instruments or require the execution of instruments  (prepared
by the  Grantor)  and such other  papers as are deemed  necessary to vest in the
Grantor all right,  title and  interest in the subject  invention  to enable the
Grantor to apply for and prosecute patent applications in any country.

IX.      Invention Reports and Certifications

         Notwithstanding  the  provisions of this  Agreement,  the Grantee shall
provide invention reports and  certifications as may be required by the terms of
any grant or award.

X.       Disclosure-and Publication

         The Grantee shall not bar or prohibit  publication  of  disclosures  of
inventions on which patent applications have been filed.

         The Grantor shall have the right to publish and make  disclosure of any
information  relating  to any  subject  invention  whenever  deemed to be in the
public interest,  provided that upon request,  reasonable  opportunity  shall be
afforded the Grantee to file U.S. and foreign patent applications.

XI.      Reports on Development and Commercial Use

         The Grantee shall provide a written  annual report to the Department on
or before September 30 of each year covering the preceding year, ending June 30,
regarding the development and commercial use that is being mad or intended to be
made of all subject  inventions  left for  administration  by the Grantee.  Such
reports  shall  include  information  regarding  development,  the date of first
commercial sale, gross


sales by licensees, gross royalties received by the Grantee, and such other data
and information as the Department may specify.

XII.     Additional Licenses

         (a) The  Grantee  agrees  that if it,  or its  licensee,  has not taken
effective  steps within  three years after a United  States  patent  issues on a
subject invention left for administration to the Grantee to bring that invention
to the point of practical application, and has not made such invention available
for licensing royalty-free or on terms that are reasonable in the circumstances,
and cannot show cause why he should  retain all right,  title and interest for a
further  period  of time,  the  Grantor  shall  have the  right to  require  (1)
assignment of said patent to the United  States,  as represented by the Grantor;
(2) cancellation of any outstanding exclusive licenses under said patent; or (3)
the granting of licenses  under said patent to an  applicant on a  nonexclusive,
royalty-free basis or on terms that are reasonable in the circumstances.

         (b) The  Grantor  reserves  the  right to  license  or to  require  the
licensing of other  persons  under any U.S.  patent or U.S.  patent  application
filed by the Grantee on a subject invention on a royalty-free  basis or on terms
that are reasonable in the circumstances,  upon a determination by the Assistant
Secretary  (Health and  Scientific  Affairs)  that the invention is required for
public  use by  governmental  regulations,  that the  public  health,  safety or
welfare requires the issuance of such  license(s),  or, that the public interest
would otherwise suffer unless such license(s) were granted.  The Grantee and its
licensees shall be given written notice of any proposed  determination  pursuant
to this  subparagraph not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date
of such determination,  and that if requested, shall be granted a hearing before
the determination is issued and otherwise made effective.

XIII.    Inventions by Federal Employees

         Notwithstanding any provision  contained in this Agreement,  inventions
made by Federal employees, or by Federal employees jointly with others, shall be
subject to disposition  under provisions of Executive  Orders,  Governmental and
Department Regulations applicable to Federal employees.

XIV.     Termination

         This Agreement may be terminated by either party for  convenience  upon
thirty (30) days written notice, Disposition of rights in, and administration of
inventions  made under grants or awards  entered into during and subject to this
Agreement  will not be affected by such a  termination  except that in the event
the  Department  terminates  this  Agreement  because of a failure or refusal by
Grantee to comply with its obligations under Articles V or VI of this Agreement,
the Department  shall have the right to require that the Grantee's entire right,
title and interest in and to the particular  invention with respect to which the
breach  occurred be assigned to the United States of America,  as represented by
the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.


XV.      Limitation

         It is agreed and understood  that this Agreement shall not apply to any
grants or awards issued under statutes  containing  requirements for disposition
of  invention   rights  with  which  the   provisions  of  this   Agreement  are
inconsistent.  It  is  further  agreed,  that  any  constituent  agency  of  the
Department  of Health,  Education,  and Welfare  may,  with the  approval of the
Assistant Secretary (Health and Scientific  Affairs),  provide as a condition of
any grant or award  that this  Agreement  shall  not apply  thereto.  It is also
agreed that any constituent agency of the Department of Health,  Education,  and
Welfare may provide,  subject to approval by the Assistant Secretary (Health and
Scientific  Affairs),  that this  Agreement  shall  apply to  specific  research

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the  parties  hereto has  executed  this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                     UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

                                     BY: /s/
                                     TITLE:  Asst. Secretary of Health

                                     NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

                                     BY: /s/
                                               Robert P. Whalen

                                     TITLE:    Commissioner of Health



         On the 7th day of April,  1976,  before me  personally  came  ROBERT P.
WHALEN, M.D., to me known and known to me to be the same person who executed the
foregoing  instrument  for and on behalf  of the NEW YORK  STATE  DEPARTMENT  OF
HEALTH,  and who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in
the  County of Albany,  State of New York,  and that he is  COMMISSIONER  of the
Department  of  Health  of the  State  of New  York,  and that he  executed  the
foregoing instrument for and on behalf of the State of New York by virtue of the
authority  vested  in  him in  Section  206 of the  Public  Health  Law as  such
COMMISSIONER of the Department of Health of the State of New York.

[Notary Stamp]

                                                       NOTARY PUBLIC


                                   Exhibit "A"


         WHEREAS,___________________________________________________________, of
___________________________________________________________________________, has

invented___________________________________________________________________, and

filed a patent application thereon in___________________________________________

bearing Serial No.__________________________, filing date_______________________

         WHEREAS,  the invention was made In the course of research supported by
grant(s) from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; and

         WHEREAS,  the United States Government is entitled to certain rights in
and to said  invention and  application by reason of the terms of said grant(s);

         WHEREAS, the___________________________________________________________

whereinafter  called the "Licensor" has acquired by assignment from the inventor
the entire right, title and interest of the inventor to such invention;

                                 NOW, THEREFORE:

1. The Licensor,  in  consideration  of the premises and other good and valuable
consideration,  hereby  grants and  conveys to the United  States  Government  a
royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license for governmental purposes and
on behalf of any foreign government pursuant to any existing or future treaty or
agreement with the United States under the aforesaid patent application, and any
and all divisions or continuations, and in any and all patents or reissues which
may be granted  thereon during the full term or terms  thereof.  As used herein,
"governmental  purpose"  means the right of the  Government of the United States
(including any agency thereof, state or

                                   EXHIBIT B-2

                       Certification of Timothy J. Reckart

1.       Timothy J.  Reckart,  am General  Counsel and  Secretary  for  Research
         Corporation Technologies, Inc.

2.       I have  reviewed the  documents  included in Exhibit B-1,  namely,  the
         Institutional  Patent Agreement,  the Letter to Dr. Roger Herdman dated
         September 20, 1979, and the Letter to Roger Herdman dated  ("Received")
         August 2, 1976.

3.       I have caused such  documents to be retyped for clarity.  These retyped
         documents are included in this Exhibit B-2.

4.       Based on my review of the  documents  included in Exhibit  B-1, and the
         documents  included in Exhibit B-2, I certify  that,  to the best of my
         knowledge,  the documents shown in Exhibit B-2 are exact transcriptions
         of the typed portions of the documents appearing in Exhibit B-1.

- ------------------------------------------------------------
                  Timothy J. Reckart, Esq.
               General Counsel and Secretary
          Research Corporation Technologies, Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
