Exhibit 10.7


THIS LEASE  made this 13th day of  December,  1995,  by and  between  (Names and
Addresses):   Allied  Venture  Number  1,  a  Washington  General   Partnership,
(hereinafter  called Lessor) and Earth and Ocean Sports,  Inc., a  Massachusetts
Corporation, (hereinafter called Lessee):


              1.  PREMISES:  Lessor does hereby lease to Lessee,  those  certain
premises commonly known as

         The free standing  building known as and having the physical address of
11425 - 120th Avenue N.E., City of Kirkland, WA containing  approximately 12,000
square feet of warehouse and 1,440 square feet of office.

as shown on Exhibit B attached hereto,  (hereinafter called  "premises"),  being
situated  upon land  described in Exhibit A attached  hereto  together  with the
right to use exclusively all entrances and exists, lobbies, corridors stairways,
elevators,  restrooms,  sidewalks, access roads and parking areas located on the
Land described in Exhibit A.

         2.   TERM: The term of the Lease shall be for thirty-seven and one-half
(37 1/2) months  commencing the 15th day of December,  1995, and shall terminate
on the 31st day of January, 1999.

         3.  RENT: Lessee covenants and agrees to pay Lessor,  at the offices of
Lessor,  901 Kirkland  Avenue,  Kirkland,  WA 98033 or to such other party or at
such other place as Lessor may hereafter designated in writing,  monthly rent in
the amount of Six  Thousand  Six Hundred  Twenty-Four  Dollars  ($6,624.00),  in
advance,  on the  first  day of each  month of the  lease  term,  Lessor  hereby
acknowledges   receipt  of  Six  Thousand   Six  Hundred   Twenty  Four  Dollars
($6,624.00),  for the second month's rent. Lessor hereby acknowledges receipt of
Six Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Four Dollars ($6,624.00), for the second month's
rent. If Lessee is in  possession of the premises for a portion of a month,  the
monthly  rent shall be prorated  for the number of days of  Lessee's  possession
during that month.  Any rental  payments  receipt  eleven or more days after the
beginning  date of each  rental  period  will be subject to a service  charge of
$331.00.  Lessee has deposited  the sum of Six Thousand Six Hundred  Twenty Four
Dollars  ($6,624.00),  (the  "Security  Deposit")  receipt  of which  is  hereby
acknowledge,  which  sum  is  security  for  Lessee's  full  performance  of the
obligations  hereunder and those pursuant Chapter 59 Revised Code of Washington,
or as such may be subsequently amended.


         4.  UTILITIES  AND FEES:  Lessee  agrees to pay all  charges for light,
heat,  water,  sewer,  garbage,  drainage,  metro  and all other  utilities  and
services to the premises  during the full term of this lease.  Above  items,  if
any,  included in the rent  payment  are none.  All other  items  including  all
license  fees and other  governmental  charges  levied on the  operation  of the
Lessee's business on the premises will be paid directly by Lessee.

         5.  TAXES:  In addition to the rent  provided  in  paragraph  3, Lessee
agrees to pay the real estate taxes and  assessments  applicable to the premises
which are due and payable during the term of the Lease or any extension  hereof.
Lessee shall pay the real estate taxes on the  building  leased to Lessee,  plus
the real  estate  taxes  applicable  to the  land  contained  in the tax  parcel
described in Exhibit A.

Lessor shall submit to Lessee a copy of the actual statements  received from the
taxing  authority as they become due and shall invoice  Lessee  according to the
provisions of this paragraph.  Lessee shall pay  one-twelfth  (1/12) of the real
estate taxes to Lessor monthly as additional rent.

If the term of this Lease commences and terminates on dates other than January 1
and December 31, respectively,  taxes payable shall be prorated in the first and
last calendar years of the term of the Lease.

Should there  presently be in effect or should there be enacted  during the term
of this Lease any law, statute or ordinance  levying any tax (other than Federal
or State income taxes) upon rents,  Lessee shall pay such tax or shall reimburse
Lessor on demand for any such taxes paid by Lessor.

         6.  COMMON AREAS:  N/A

         7.  REPAIRS  AND  MAINTENANCE:  Premises  have been  inspected  and are
accepted by Lessee in their present condition.  Lessee shall, at its own expense
and at all times, keep the premises neat, clean and in a sanitary condition, and
keep and use the premises in accordance with applicable laws ordinances,  rules,
regulations  and  requirements  of  governmental  authorities  due  to  Lessee's
particular use of the Premises. Lessor represents and warrants that, to the best
of its knowledge, the premises, the building and parking areas are in compliance
with all applicable  laws,  ordinances,  rules,  regulations and requirements of
government,   governmental  authorities  including,   without  limitation,   the
Americans with Disabilities Act. Lessee shall permit no waste,  damage or injury
to the premises;  keep all drain pipes free and open; protect water heating, gas
and other  pipes to prevent  freezing or  clogging;  repair all leaks and damage
caused by leaks;  replace all glass in windows and doors of the  premises  which
may become cracked or broken;  and remove ice and snow from sidewalks  adjoining
the premises.  Except for the roof, exterior walls and foundations which are the
responsibility  of the Lessor,  Lessee  shall make such  repairs as necessary to
maintain the premises in as good  condition as they now are,  reasonable use and
wear and damage by fire and other casualty excepted.


         8.  SIGNS:  All signs or symbols  placed by Lessee in the  windows  and
doors of the  premises,  or upon any  exterior  part of the  building,  shall be
subject  to  Lessor's  prior  written   approval  which  consent  shall  not  be
unreasonably  withheld conditioned or delayed.  Lessor may demand the removal of
signs  which are not so  approved,  and  Lessee's  failure  to comply  with said
request within forty-eight (48) hours will constitute a breach of this paragraph
and will  entitle  Lessor  to  cause  the sign to be  removed  and the  building
repaired at the sole expense of the Lessee.  At the  termination  of this Lease,
Lessee will remove all signs placed by it upon the premises, and will repair any
damage caused by such removal. All signs must comply with sign ordinances and be
placed in accordance with required permits.

         9. ALTERATIONS:  After prior written consent of Lessor, which shall not
be unreasonably  withheld,  conditioned or delayed Lessee may make  alterations,
additions and improvements in said premises,  at Lessee's sole cost and expense.
In the  performance  of such  work,  Lessee  agrees  to  comply  with all  laws,
ordinances,  rules and regulations of any proper public  authority,  and to save
Lessor harmless from damage loss or expense.  Upon termination of this Lease and
upon  Lessor's  request  which  will be made at the  time  Lessor's  consent  is
requested,  or Lessor's  approval,  Lessee  shall remove such  improvements  and
restore the premises to its original  condition  not later than the  termination
date, at Lessee's sole cost and expense.  Any  improvements not so removed shall
be removed at Lessee's  expense  provided  that Lessee  shall pay for any damage
caused by such removal.

         10.  CONDEMNATION:  In any event a substantial  part of the premises is
taken or damaged by the right of eminent domain,  or purchased by the condemnor,
in  lieu  thereof,   so  as  to  render  the  remaining  premises   economically
untenantable, then this Lease shall be cancelled as of the time of taking at the
option of either party.  In the event of a partial  taking which does not render
the  premises  economically  untenantable,  the rent  shall be reduced in direct
proportion  to the square  footage of the premises  taken.  Lessee shall have no
claim to any portion of the  compensation for the taking or damaging of the land
or  building.  Nothing  herein  contained  shall  prevent  the  Lessee  from his
entitlement  to  negotiate  for  compensation  for his own moving  costs and his
leasehold improvements.

         11.  PARKING:  Lessee  shall be  entitled to the  exclusive  use of all
parking  areas  located on the land  described  in Exhibit A. If portions of the
Premises are sublet,  it is the obligation of the Lessee to provide  parking for
the Sublessee.

         12.  LIENS AND INSOLVENCY: Lessee shall keep the premises free from any
liens arising out of work performed for, materials  furnished to, or obligations
incurred by Lessee and shall hold Lessor harmless against the same. In the event
Lessee  becomes  insolvent,  bankrupt,  or  if a  receiver,  assignee  or  other
liquidating  officer is appointed for the business of Lessee,  Lessor may cancel
this Lease at its option.


         13.  SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT: Lessee shall not sublet the whole or any
part of the  premises  nor assign  this lease  without  the  written  consent of
Lessor, which will not be unreasonably  withheld,  conditioned or delayed.  This
Lease shall not be assignable by operation of law.

         Notwithstanding  the first sentence of this section,  Lessee shall have
the  absolute  right to assign  its  interest  in the Lease or sublet all or any
portion of the  premises  without  prior  notice to Lessor and without  Lessor's
consent  in  connection   with  any  of  the  following:   any   reorganization,
recomposition,  merger or  consolidation  of Lessee with any entity or entities;
provided that such sublessor or assignee has a net worth  substantially the same
to Lessee  immediately  prior to the  transaction  and such use of  Premises  is
substantially similar in use and does not differ from Paragraph 27 of the Lease.

         14.  ACCESS:  Lessor  shall have the right to enter the premises at all
reasonable  times upon  reasonable  advance  notice to Lessee for the purpose of
inspection  or of making  repairs,  additions  or  alterations,  and to show the
premises to  prospective  tenants for sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of
the Lease term.

         15.  POSSESSION:  If  for  any  reason  Lessor  is  unable  to  deliver
possession of the premises at the commencement of the term of the Lease,  Lessee
may give  Lessor  written  notice  of its  intention  to  cancel  this  Lease if
possession is not delivered within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice
by Lessor.  Lessor  shall not be liable  for any  damages  caused by delay,  and
Lessee  shall not be liable for any rent  until  such  times as Lessor  delivers
possession.  A delay of possession  shall not extend the term or the termination
date. If Lessor offers possession of the premises prior to the commencement date
of the term of this Lease,  and if Lessee  accepts such early  possession,  then
both parties shall be bound by all of the covenants and terms contained  herein,
including the payment of rent during such period of early possession.

         16.  DAMAGE OR  DESTRUCTION:  In the event the  premises  are  rendered
substantially  untenantable by fire, the elements, or other casualty, Lessor may
elect, at its option, not to restore or rebuild the premises and shall so notify
Lessee  within 30 days after such  casualty,  in which event Lessee shall vacate
the premises and this Lease shall be terminated; or, in the alternative,  Lessor
shall notify Lessee,  within thirty (30) days after such  casualty,  that Lessor
will  undertake  to rebuild or restore the  premises,  and that such work can be
completed  within one  hundred  eighty  (180)  days from date of such  notice of
intent.  If Lessor is unable to restore or rebuild the premises  within the said
one  hundred  eight  (180) days,  then the Lease may be  terminated  at Lessee's
option  by  written  ten (10)  day  notice  to  Lessor.  During  the  period  of
untenantability,  rent  shall  abate in the same  ratio  as the  portion  of the
premises rendered untenantable bears to the whole of the premises.

         17.  ACCIDENTS AND  LIABILITY:  Lessor or its agent shall not be liable
for any injury or damage to persons or property sustained by Lessee or other, in


premises  unless  caused by Lessor's (or its agents,  employees  or  contractors
negligence or willful  misconduct).  Lessee agrees to defend and hold Lessor and
its agents  harmless  from any claim,  action  and/or  judgment  for  damages to
property or injury to persons suffered or alleged to be suffered on the premises
by any person,  firm or corporation,  unless caused by Lessor's (or its agents',
employees' or contractors') negligence or willful misconduct.

Lessee  agrees to maintain  public  liability  insurance  on the premises in the
minimum   limit  of  $25,000  for   property   damage  and  in  the  minimum  of
$100,000/$300,0000  for bodily  injuries and death,  and shall name Lessor as an
additional  insured,  and that the policy may not be  cancelled  unless ten (10)
days prior written notice of the proposed cancellation has been given to Lessor.

         18.  SUBROGATION  WAIVER:  Lessor and Lessee each  herewith  and hereby
releases and relieves the other and waives its entire right of recovery  against
the other for loss or damage arising out of or incident to the perils  described
in standard fire  insurance  policies and all perils  described in the "Extended
Coverage" insurance endorsement approved for use in the state where the premises
are  located,  which  occurs  in, on or about the  Premises,  unless  due to the
negligence of either party, their agents, employees or otherwise.

         19. DEFAULT AND RE-ENTRY:  If Lessee shall fail to keep and perform any
of the covenants and agreement herein contained, other than the payment of rent,
and such  failure  continues  for thirty  (30) days after  written  notice  from
Lessor, unless appropriate action has been taken by Lessee in good faith to cure
such  failure,  Lessor may terminate  this Lease and re-enter the  premises,  or
Lessor may, without terminating this Lease,  re-enter said premises,  and sublet
the whole or any part  thereof for the  account of the Lessee upon as  favorable
terms and  conditions  as the market  will allow for the  balance of the term of
this Lease and  Lessee  covenants  and  agrees to pay to Lessor  any  deficiency
arising from a reletting of the premises at a lesser  amount than herein  agreed
to.  Lessee  shall pay such  deficiency  each  month as the  amount  thereof  is
ascertained  by Lessor.  However,  the ability of Lessor to re-enter  and sublet
shall not impose upon Lessor the obligation to do so.

         20.  REMOVAL OF PROPERTY:  In the event Lessor  lawfully  re-enters the
premises as provided herein Lessor shall have the right, but not the obligation,
to remove all the personal  property  located therein and to place such property
in storage at the expense and risk of Lessee.

         21. COSTS AND  ATTORNEY'S  FEES: If, by reason of any default or breach
on the part of either party in the  performance of any of the provisions of this
Lease,  a legal  action  is  instituted,  the  losing  party  agrees  to pay all
reasonable costs and attorney's fees in connection therewith.  It is agreed that
the venue of any  action  brought  under  the terms of this  Lease may be in the
county in which the premises are situated.


         22.  SUBORDINATION:  Lessee agrees that this Lease shall be subordinate
to any mortgages or deeds of trust,  placed on the property described in Exhibit
A, provided,  that in the event of foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure,
if Lessee is not then in default  beyond  applicable  cure periods and agrees to
attorn to the mortgage or  beneficiary  under deed of trust,  such  mortgagee or
beneficiary  shall  recognize  Lessee's right of possession for the term of this
Lease.  Lessor  agrees to use best  efforts  to  provide  Lessee  with a written
agreement ("Non-Disturbance  Agreement') within sixty (60) days from the date of
this Lease from the holder of any current  mortgage or from the Lessor under any
current  ground lease  affecting the premises to the effect that, if such holder
forecloses such mortgage, or such ground lessor terminates such ground lease, or
either  holder,  or such ground  lessor  otherwise  exercises  their  respective
rights,  such holder or ground lessor shall recognize Lessor's rights under this
Lease and shall not disturb Lessee's occupancy of the Premises to any mortgages,
deeds of trust or ground leases on the land described in Exhibit A.

         23.  NO WAIVER OF  COVENANTS:  Any waiver by either party of any breach
hereof  by the other  shall not be  considered  a waiver of any  future  similar
breach.  This Lease contains all the agreements  between the parties;  and there
shall be no  modification of the agreements  contained  herein except by written

         24.  SURRENDER OF PREMISES:  Lessee  agrees,  upon  termination of this
Lease, to peacefully quit and surrender the premises  without notice,  leave the
premises neat and clean and to deliver all keys to the premises to Lessor.

         25.  HOLDING  OVER: If Lessee,  with the implied or express  consent of
Lessor,  shall hold over after the expiration of the term of this Lease,  Lessee
shall remain bound by all the covenants and agreements  herein,  except that the
tenancy  shall be from  month to month and the rent shall  increase  twenty-five
percent (25%).

         26.  BINDING  ON HEIRS,  SUCCESSORS  AND  ASSIGNS:  The  covenants  and
agreements   of  this  Lease  shall  be  binding  upon  the  heirs,   executors,
administrators,  successors  and  assigns  of both  parties  hereto,  except  as
hereinabove provided.

         27. USE:  Lessee  shall use the  premises  for the  purposes of design,
manufacturing,  assembly,  sales,  general office,  storage,  administration and
shipping  of  snowboards,  wakeboards  and  related  products,  and for no other
purposes,  without  written  consent  of  Lessor,  which  consent  shall  not be
unreasonably withheld,  conditioned,  or delayed except if prohibited by law. In
the event Lessee's use of the premises  increases the fire and extended coverage
or liability  insurance  rates on the building of which the premises are a part,
Lessee agrees to pay for such increase.

         28.  NOTICE:  Any notice  required  to be given by either  party to the
other shall be deposited in the United States mail,  postage prepaid,  addressed
to the Lessor at 901 Kirkland Avenue,  Kirkland, WA 98033 or to the Lessee at 70
Airport Road, Hyannis, 


MA 02601 with a copy to:  Joseph R.  Torpy;  Testa,  Hurwitz &  Thibeault,  High
Street Tower, 125 High Street, Boston, MA 02110.

         29.  RIDERS:  Riders, if any, attached hereto,  are made a part of this
lease by reference and are described as follows:

         Riders 1 - 12.


         31. If Lessee is a corporation, each individual executing this Lease on
behalf of said corporation represents and warrants that he is duly authorized to
execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of said  corporation in accordance with
a duly adopted  resolution of the Board of Directors of said  corporation  or in
accordance with the By-Laws of said corporation,  and that this Lease is binding
upon said  corporation in accordance with its terms. If Lessee is a corporation,
Lessee shall, within thirty (30) days after execution of this Lease,  deliver to
Lessor a  certified  copy of a  resolution  of the  Board of  Directors  of said
corporation authorizing or ratifying the execution of this Lease.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals
the date first above written.

LESSOR:  /s/ James G. Vaux              LESSEE(S)   /s/ Jon A. Glydon, President
       -----------------------------             -------------------------------
             James G. Vaux, Partner                 Earth and Ocean Sports, Inc.
             Allied Venture Number 1

STATE OF  Washington
COUNTY OF    King         } ss.(Individual Acknowledgement)

              On this day  personally  appeared  before  me James G.  Vaux to me
known  to be the  individual  described  in and  who  executed  the  within  and
foregoing  instrument,  and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and
voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
GIVEN Under My Hand and Official Seal this 19th day of December , 1995.

                                /s/ Ray M. Dunlap

                                Notary Public in and for the State of Washington

                                residing at LaConner

                                My commissions expires: Oct. 18, 1997


STATE OF Massachusetts
COUNTY OF Barnstable      } ss.(Corporate Acknowledgement)

              On this 15th day of December,  1995, before me personally appeared
Jon Anthony Glydon to me known to be President of the corporation  that executed
the within and foregoing instrument,  and acknowledged said instrument to be the
free and voluntary act and deed of said  corporation,  for the uses and purposes
therein  mentioned,  and on oath stated that he is  authorized  to execute  said
instrument  and that the seal  affixed,  if any, is the  corporate  seal of said

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the
day and year first above written.

                            /s/ Susan C. Masure

                            Notary Public in and for the State of Massachusetts

                            residing at 70 Airport Road, Hyannis, MA 02601

                            My commissions expires: 10/30/98



    The following provisions attached to this Rider are a part of the Lease:

         1.       Broker's Commissions

         2.       Recordation

         3.       Hazardous Substances

         4.       Insurance

         5.       Tax and Insurance Payments

         6.       Repairs and Maintenance

         7.       Lessor's Improvements

         8.       Lessee's Improvements

         9.       Renewal Option

         10.      Security Deposit

         11.      Rent Abatement

         12.      Quiet Enjoyment


                             1. BROKER'S COMMISSION

         Each party  represents  the other that it has not had dealings with any
real  estate  broker,  finder,  or other  person  who would be  entitled  to any
commission or fee in connection with the  negotiation,  execution or delivery of
this lease,  except  Leibsohn & Company,  Norris  Beggs & Simpson  and  Hallwood
Commercial Real Estate whose fees shall be paid by Lessor in accordance with the
separate  commission  agreement  between  Leibsohn & Company and Lessor.  If any
other claims for brokerage,  commission,  finder's fees, or like payments, arise
out of or in connection with this transaction, such claims shall be defended and
if  sustained,  paid by the party whose alleged  actions or commitment  form the
basis of such claims.

                                 2. RECORDATION

         This lease shall not be recorded,  except that if either party requests
the other party to do so, the parties  shall  execute a  memorandum  of lease in
recordable form.

                             3. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES

         Lessee shall not cause or permit any Hazardous  Substances,  as defined
below, to be brought upon, kept or used in or about the premises,  the building,
or the land by Lessee, its agents,  employees,  contractors of invitees,  unless
such Hazardous Substances are necessary for Lessee's business (and such business
is a permitted use) and will be used, kept, and stored in a manner that complies
with this Lease and all laws regulating any such Hazardous Substances,  provided
that Lessee  indemnifies  Lessor from and  against  any and all  liability  with
respect to such  Hazardous  Substances.  If Lessee  breaches the  covenants  and
obligations set forth herein or, if the presence of Hazardous  Substances on, in
or about the premises or any part of the building or land caused or permitted by
Lessee,   its  agents,   employees,   contractors  or  invitees,   resulting  in
contamination  of the  premises or any part of the building or land by Hazardous
Substances  otherwise occurs for which Lessee is legally liable to Lessor,  then
Lessee shall  indemnify  and hold Lessor  harmless  from and against any and all
claims,  judgments,  damages,  penalties,  fines, costs,  liabilities and losses
(including,  without  limitation,  diminution in the value of the premises,  the
building or land,  damages for the loss or restriction on the use of rentable or
useable  space or any part of the building or land,  and sums paid in settlement
of claims,  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  consultant fees and expert fees which
arise  during or after the lease  term as a result of such  contamination.  This
indemnification  by Lessee of Lessor  includes  without  limitation  any and all
reasonable and actual costs  incurred in connection  with any  investigation  of
site conditions and any cleanup,  remedial, removal or restoration work required
by any  federal,  state or local  government  agency  or  political  subdivision
because of the presence of such Hazardous  Substances in, or about the premises,
the building or land or the soil or ground water on or under the building or the
surface  of  the  land.  The  provisions  of  this  section  shall  survive  the
termination  of this Lease.  For purposes of this section,  the term  "Hazardous
Substances" shall be interpreted to include  substances  designated as


              hazardous  under the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery  Act, 42
U.S.C.  6901, et seq., the Federal Water Pollution Control act, 33 U.S.C.  1257,
et seq.,  the  Clean Air Act,  42 U.S.C.  2001,  et seq.,  or the  Comprehensive
Environmental  Response  Compensation and Liability Act or 1980, 42 U.S.C. 9601,
et seq.

                                  4. INSURANCE

         The Second  paragraph of Paragraph 17 of the Lease is hereby amended as

         "Lessee  agrees to  maintain a  commercial  general  liability  policy,
         including coverage for  premises/operations,  independent  contractors,
         broad form  contractual  in support of the indemnity  provision of this
         Lease,  and personal injury  liability,  with an insurer licensed to do
         business in the State of Washington, with a minimum limit of $1,000,000
         each  occurrence,  and shall name Lessor as an  additional  insured and
         shall  state that the  insurance  is primary  over  property  insurance
         carried by Lessor. Lessee shall furnish Lessor a certificate indicating
         that the  insurance  policy is in full  force and effect the Lessor has
         been  named as an  additional  insured,  and that the policy may not be
         canceled  unless ten (10) days  prior  written  notice of the  proposed
         cancellation has been given to Lessor."

Property Insurance

         Landlord  shall  obtain and keep in force during the term of this Lease
at the  expense  of the  Tenant,  property  insurance  on the  building  and any
improvements and additions permanently affixed thereto of which the Premises are
a part, against loss by fire and other causes.  Said insurance shall provide for
payment of loss thereunder to Landlord or the holder of the Existing Mortgage on
the Premises.

                          5. TAX AND INSURANCE PAYMENTS

         In addition to the monthly  rent  provided in Paragraph 3 of the Lease,
Lessee shall pay to Lessor  Lessee's  share of taxes and insurance  expenses for
each calendar  year during the term of the Lease.  During the month prior to the
commencement of each calendar year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, lessor
shall give Lessee notice of Lessor's  estimate of the amounts payable under this
section for the ensuing calendar year. On the first day of each month during the
ensuing  calendar year,  Lessee shall pay to Lessor  one-twelfth  (1/12) of such
estimated  amounts,  provided  that if such  notice  is not  given  prior to the
commencement of such calendar year, Lessee shall continue to pay on the basis of
the prior year's estimate until the month after such notice is given.  Within 90
days after the end of each  calendar  year in which  Lessee is  obligated to pay
said expenses,  Lessor shall furnish Lessee with a statement  ("Lessor's Expense
Statement")  setting forth in  reasonable  detail the expenses for such calendar
year,  and  Lessee's  share of said  expenses.  If Lessee's  share of the actual
expenses for such calendar  year exceeds the estimated  expenses paid by Lessee,
Lessee shall pay to Lessor the difference  within 


thirty (30) days after receipt of Lessor's Expenses Statement;  and if the total
amount paid by Lessee for any such calendar year shall exceed  Lessee's share of
actual  expenses for such calendar year,  such excess shall be credited  against
the next  installment  of  estimated  expenses  or other rent due from Lessee to
Lessor hereunder.  If any part of the first or the last years of the term of the
Lease shall include any part of an calendar  year,  Lessee's  obligations  under
this section shall be  apportioned  based on a 365 day year so that Lessee shall
pay only for such  parts of such  calendar  years as are  included  in the Lease

         For  purposes  of this  section,  the  following  terms  shall have the
meanings hereinafter set forth:

                  (a) "Lessee's Share" shall be the ratio that the rentable area
of the premises bears to the total  rentable area of the building  (exclusive of
common area). At the date hereof, Lessee's share is 100%.

                           6. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE

         Lessee's  repair  and  maintenance  obligation  shall  include  general
maintenance and repairs, resurfacing,  painting, striping, restriping, cleaning,
snow  removal,  sweeping  and  janitorial  services,  maintenance  and repair of
sidewalks,  curbs and signs,  landscaping,  irrigation  or  sprinkling  systems,
planting  and  landscaping;   lighting,   water,   sewer  and  other  utilities;
directional  signs and other markers and bumpers;  maintenance and repair of any
fire protection  systems,  lighting  systems,  storm drainage  systems and other
utility  systems;  all cost or  expense  incurred  by reason of any  repairs  or
modification to the improvements  and/or for repair or installation or equipment
required  for energy or safety  purposes as required by  governmental  statutes,
ordinances,  rules or  regulations  in force  from  time to time;  all costs and
expenses  pertaining to a security alarm system.  Lessor may cause any or all of
said  services to be provided by an  independent  contractor or  contractors  if
Lessee fails, after notice from Lessor to maintain the Premises in substantially
the same condition in which they were received, wear and tear and damage by fire
or other casualty excepted.

                            7. LESSOR'S IMPROVEMENTS

         Lessor  shall  repaint and  recarpet all of the office area at Lessor's
sole cost.  Lessor shall deliver the Premises with broom clean concrete  floors,
all walls and floor coverings cleaned,  and all hardware,  mechanical,  plumbing
and electrical  systems,  lighting and overhead doors in good working condition.
All of the  foregoing  shall be completed by January 5, 1996 by Lessor.  If such
work is not complete by January 15,  1996,  Base Rent shall abate until the work
is completed.  Any additional  improvements  shall be made by Lessee at Lessee's
sole cost.


                            8. LESSEE'S IMPROVEMENTS

         Lessee may modify the loading dock to an angled  configuration in order
to better  accommodate  freight-handling  trucks.  Lessee may also  demolish the
office/break area (excluding the bathroom)  located in the warehouse.  All costs
for  modifications  shall be paid by Lessee and  completed  in  accordance  with
Paragraph 9 of the Lease.

                                9. RENEWAL OPTION

         Provided  Lessee  is not in  default  of any of the  conditions  and/or
provisions  of this  Lease,  including  payment of rent,  Lessee  shall have the
option to extend the Lease term for an additional two (2) year period commencing
February 1, 1999. In order to exercise said option to renew, Lessee must provide
Lessor with at least six (6) months  prior  written  notice of its  intention to
renew. Rental rate for the renewal period shall be at the then prevailing market
rates.  If Lessor and  Lessee  are  unable to agree on the  rental  rate for the
renewal period within 60 days after the exercise of the renewal  option,  Lessee
shall be entitled to terminate its exercise of the renewal option.

                              10. SECURITY DEPOSIT

         The following sentence is to be added to paragraph 3 of the Lease:

         The  security  deposit  and any  balance  thereof  shall be returned to
Lessee within ten (10) days following expiration of the lease term. In the event
of  termination of Lessor's  interest in this Lease,  Lessor shall transfer said
deposit to Lessor's successor in interest.

                               11. RENT ABATEMENT

         Lessee  shall not be  responsible  for any  payments of rent,  taxes or
insurance until January 15, 1996. All other conditions of this Lease are in full
force and effect as of December 15, 1995.

                               12. QUIET ENJOYMENT

         Lessor  covenants  and agrees that Lessee shall  peaceably  and quietly
have,  hold and enjoy the  premises  throughout  the term of this Lease  without
hindrance or ejection.



The land is legally described as follows:

That portion of the northeast  quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter of Section 33,  Township 26 North,  Range 5 East,  W.M. in King Country,
Washington, lying East of the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks and West of 120th
Avenue Northeast.

         Being Lot A of King County  Short Plat  #78-6-2-JV,  as recorded  under
King County Recorder's #7806061000.
