Exhibit 10.8

                                 LEASE AGREEMENT

         THIS LEASE  AGREEMENT  (the "Lease") is entered into on this 9th day of
July,  1996, by and between Joe P. Ruthven  Investments  (the  "Lessor"),  whose
address is P.O.  Box 2187,  Lakeland,  Florida  33806-2187,  and Earth and Ocean
Sports,  Inc.  (the  "Lessee"),  whose  address  is 70  Airport  Road,  Hyannis,
Massachusetts 02601.

         In  consideration  of the rents herein  reserved and of the  covenants,
agreements,  and  conditions  herein  contained to be kept and  performed by the
parties hereto, Lessor and Lessee agree as follows:

         1. Lease and  Description of Premises.  Lessor hereby leases to Lessee,
and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor,  for the term, at the rental, and upon all
of the  conditions  set forth herein the premises  known as 3010 Reynolds  Road,
Unit(s) 1-3, Lakeland,  Florida,  containing approximately 12,242 square feet of
warehouse space and 1383 square feet of office space (the "Premises").

         2.  Term.  The  term  of this  Lease  shall  be for  Three  (3)  years,
commencing  on August 1, 1996,  and ending at  midnight on July 31,  1999,  (the
"lease  Term"),  unless sooner  terminated  pursuant to any  provisions  hereof.
Occupancy may commence on July 13, 1996,  and the  effective  date of this Lease
for the accrual and payment of rent is September 15, 1996.

         3. Rental.  Lessee hereby  covenants and agrees to pay Lessor as rental
for the demised Premises the following amounts, plus Florida sales tax:

                      MONTHLY                                             ANNUAL         SALES
TERM                   RENT             +   SALES TAX*      =  TOTAL       RENT        +  TAX*      =  TOTAL
- ----                 ---------              ---------          -----       ----           ----         -----
9/15/96-9/30/96       $2187.50              $131.25            $2318.75
10/1/96-7/31/99       $4375.00              $262.50            $4,637.50
                                                               per month

*Sales tax subject to change.

Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the payment of Six Thousand Five Hundred Sixty
Two  Dollars and 50/100  Dollars  ($6,562.50),  representing  the first and last
month's rent, plus Florida sales tax in the amount of Three Hundred Ninety Three
Dollars and 75/100 cents  Dollars  ($393.75)  for a total of Six  Thousand  Nine
Hundred Fifty Six Dollars and 25/100 Dollars ($6,956.25), paid in advance.

         4. Option to Renew. Lessor grants to Lessee,  subject to the conditions
set forth  below,  the right and  option to renew this Lease for the time and at
the monthly and annual rents as follows:


                      MONTHLY                                             ANNUAL         SALES
TERM                  RENT              +   SALES TAX*      =  TOTAL       RENT        +  TAX*      =  TOTAL
- ----                  ---------             ---------          -----       ----           ----         -----
8/1/99-7/31/2000      $4,593.75         +   $275.63         =  $4,869.38
8/1/2000-7/31/2001    $4,823.44         +   $289.41         =  $5,112.84

This is one two year option.


* Sales Tax Subject to Change

         If Lessee  exercises  this option,  Lessee shall continue to maintain a
total of one month's rent, plus Florida sales tax, as a deposit.

         Except as provided  above,  and otherwise  subject to and on all of the
terms and conditions  herein  contained,  all other terms and conditions of this
Lease  are to be and  remain in full  force  and  effect.  This  option  must be
exercised  by the  giving  to  Lessor,  on or  before  ninety  (90)  days of the
expiration date of this Lease, written notice of the exercise thereof by Lessee;
but Lessee shall in no event be entitled to renew the term  hereof,  even though
such notice be timely given,  unless  Lessee shall have timely  performed all of
its obligations  hereunder,  and shall not then be in default in the performance
of any terms of this Lease,  on the date the option is exercised and through and
including the date of the expiration of the initial term hereof.

         5. Late Charge:  Any  installment of rent accruing under the provisions
of this  Lease  that is not paid  when due is  subject  to a late  charge of the
greater of: (i)  Twenty-five  Dollars  ($25.00) or (ii) five percent (5%) of the
monthly rent,  plus Florida State sales tax. All rent is due on the first day of
each month and is late and subject to the foregoing  late charge if not received
by the Lessor on or before  the fifth  (5th) day of each  month.  In the event a
check is returned by a financial  institution  for any reason,  the Lessee shall
pay late charges as if the check had not been delivered to the Lessee.

         6. Date and Place of  Payment:  Lessee  shall pay  Lessor  the  monthly
rental herein  required to be paid in advance on the first day of each and every
month  without  demand and at any place that shall be  designated  in writing by
Lessor. Until notice is furnished to the contrary, the rental shall be mailed to
Lessor at Post Office Box 2187, Lakeland, Florida 33806-2187.

         7.       Use.

                   (a) Use. The Premises shall be used and occupied only for the
purposes of __________  and for no other purpose of  manufacturing,  storage and

                   (b) Compliance with Law.

                       Lessor  warrants  to  Lessee  that the  Premises,  in its
existing  state but  without  regard to the use for  which  Lessee  will use the
Premises,  does  not  violate  any  applicable  building  code,  regulation,  or
ordinance at the time this Lease is executed. In the event it is 


determined that this warranty has been violated, then it shall be the obligation
of the Lessor,  after written notice from Lessee, to promptly,  at Lessor's sole
cost and expense,  rectify any such violation. In the event Lessee does not give
to Lessor  written  notice of the violation of this warranty  within thirty (30)
days from the  commencement  of the term of this Lease, it shall be conclusively
deemed that such violation did not exist and the correction of the same shall be
the obligation of the Lessee.

                  Except  as provided in Paragraph  7(b),  Lessee hereby accepts
the Premises in their condition existing as of the date of the execution hereof,
subject to all applicable zoning, municipal, county, and state laws, ordinances,
and  regulations  governing and regulating the use of the Premises,  and accepts
this Lease  subject  thereto  and to all  matters  disclosed  thereby and by any
exhibits attached hereto.  Lessee  acknowledges that neither Lessor nor Lessor's
agent has made any  representation  or  warranty  as to the  suitability  of the
Premises for the conduct of Lessee's business.

         8.       Maintenance Repairs and Alterations.

                  (a)  Lessor's  Obligations.   Subject  to  the  provisions  of
Paragraphs  7(b) and 10,  and  except  for  damage  caused by any  negligent  or
intentional act or omission of Lessee,  Lessee's agents,  employees, or invitees
in which event  Lessee  shall repair the damage,  Lessor,  at Lessor's  expense,
shall keep in good order, condition, and repair the foundations, exterior walls,
and the exterior roof of the Premises.  Lessor shall not, however,  be obligated
to paint such  exterior,  nor shall  Lessor be required to maintain the interior
surface of exterior walls,  windows,  doors or plate glass. Lessor shall have no
obligation to make repairs under this  paragraph  until a reasonable  time after
receipt of written notice of the need for such repairs.  Lessee expressly waives
the benefits of any statute now or  hereafter  in effect  which would  otherwise
afford Lessee the right to make repairs at Lessor's expense or to terminate this
Lease because of Lessor's failure to keep the Premises in good order, condition,
and repair.

                  (b)  Lessee's Obligations.

                       Subject to the provisions of Paragraphs  7(b) , 8(a), and
10, Lessee, at Lessee's expense, shall keep in good order, condition, and repair
the Premises and every part thereof  (whether or not the damaged  portion of the
Premises or the means of repairing the same are reasonably or readily accessible
to  Lessee  otherwise),  including,  without  limiting  the  generality  of  the
foregoing,  all plumbing,  heating, air conditioning  including changing filters
monthly,  ventilating,  electrical and lighting and bulbs and ballasts, interior
walls and interior surface of exterior walls,  ceilings,  windows,  interior and
exterior  doors,  skylights  located within the premises and the septic tank. In
the  event  only part of the  building  is  leased  by  Lessee,  the cost of the
maintenance  of the  septic  tank  shall be shared by the other  tenants  of the
building on a pro rata basis based on the number of  employees  of each  tenant.
Lessee  expressly  waives the benefit of any statute now or  hereafter in effect
which  would  otherwise  afford  Lessee the right to make  repairs  at  Lessor's
expense or to  terminate  this Lease  because  of  Lessor's  failure to keep the
premises in good order,  condition,  and repair.  Lessee will be responsible for
own pest control.


                       If Lessee  fails to perform  Lessee's  obligations  under
this Paragraph  8(b),  Lessor may, at Lessor's  option,  enter upon the Premises
after ten (10) days' prior  written  notice to Lessee,  and put the same in good
order,  condition,  and repair,  and the costs  thereof,  together with interest
thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum,  shall be due and payable as
additional rent to Lessor, together with Lessee's next rental installment.

                       On the  last  day of the  term  hereof  or on any  sooner
termination, Lessee shall surrender the Premises to Lessor in the same condition
as received,  broom clean, ordinary wear and tear excepted.  Lessee shall repair
any damage to the  Premises  occasioned  by the  removal of its trade  fixtures,
furnishings,  and  equipment  pursuant to  Paragraph  8(c),  which  repair shall
include the patching and filling of holes and repair of structural damage.

                  (c)  Alterations and Additions.

                       Lessee shall not, without Lessor's prior written consent,
make any alternations, improvements, additions, or utility installments in , on,
or about the  Premises,  except upon the consent of the Lessor.  As used in this
paragraph,  the term "Utility  Installation"  shall mean ducting,  power panels,
wiring fluorescent  fixtures,  space heaters,  conduits,  air conditioning,  and
plumbing.  Lessor may require that Lessee remove any or all of said alterations,
improvements, additions, or Utility Installations at the expiration of the term,
and restore the Premises to their prior condition.  Lessor may require Lessee to
prove Lessor,  at Lessee's sole cost and expense,  a lien and completion bond in
an amount equal to the  estimated  cost of such  improvements,  to insure Lessor
against any  liability  for  mechanic's  and  materialmen's  liens and to ensure
completion  of the  work.  Should  Lessee  make any  alterations,  improvements,
additions, or Utility Installations without the prior approval of Lessor, Lessor
may require that Lessee remove any or all of such.

                       Any  alternations,  improvements,  additions,  or Utility
Installations in, on, or about the Premises that Lessee shall desire to make and
which  require the  consent of Lessor  shall be  presented  to Lessor in written
form,  with  proposed  detailed  plans.  If Lessor shall give its  consent,  the
consent shall e deemed  conditioned upon Lessee acquiring a permit to do so from
appropriate  governmental  agencies,  the furnishing of a copy thereof to Lessor
prior to the  commencement  of the  work,  and the  compliance  by Lessee of all
conditions of said permit in a prompt and expeditious manner.

                       Lessee  shall  pay,  when due,  all  claims  for labor or
materials furnished or alleged to have been furnished to or for Lessee at or for
use in the  Premises,  which claims are or may be secured by any  mechanic's  or
materialmen's  lien against the Premises or any interest  therein.  Lessee shall
given Lessor not less than ten (10) days' notice  prior to the  commencement  of
any work in the  Premises,  and Lessor  shall have the right to post  notices of
non-responsibility  in or on the  Premises.  If  Lessee  shall,  in good  faith,
contest the validity of any such lien,  claim, or demand,  then Lessee shall, at
its sole expense,  defend itself and Lessor  against the same, and shall pay and
satisfy any such  enforcement  thereof against Lessor or the Premises,  upon the
condition that if Lessor shall require,  Lessee shall furnish to Lessor a surety
bond satisfactory to 


Lessor in an amount equal to such contested lien, claim, or demand  indemnifying
lessor  against  liability  for the same and holding the Premises  free from the
effect of such lien or claim.  In  addition,  Lessor may  require  Lessee to pay
Lessor's  attorneys'  fees and costs in  participating  in such action if Lessor
shall decide it is to its best interest to do so.

                       Unless Lessor  requires  their  removal,  as set forth in
Paragraph  8(c),  all   alterations,   improvements,   additions,   and  Utility
Installations  (whether  or not  such  Utility  Installations  constitute  trade
fixtures  of  Lessee),  which  may be made on the  Premises,  shall  become  the
property of Lessor and remain upon and be  surrendered  with the Premises at the
expiration  of the term of this Lease.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of this
paragraph, Lessee's machinery and equipment, other than that which is affixed to
the  Premises  so that it  cannot  be  removed  without  material  damage to the
Premises,  shall  remain  the  property  of Lessee  and may be removed by Lessee
subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8(b).

                       (d) No Violation of Roof. Lessee shall not do anything to
violate the warranty, if any, for the roof by piercing, cutting, or altering the
roof or place equipment, machinery, structures, or any other thing upon the roof
without  the express  written  consent o f Lessor.  Notwithstanding  the written
consent  of Lessor as  described  in this  paragraph,  and  notwithstanding  the
Lessor's  obligations for repair of the roof set forth in Paragraph 8(a) of this
Lease,  Lessee shall  immediately  be  responsible  for  repairing  (to Lessor's
reasonable  satisfaction)  any leak that results from any  piercing,  cutting or
altering of the roof or the placement of equipment,  machinery,  structures,  or
any other thing upon the roof by Lessee, if any such leak occurs during the term
of this Lease or any time during the three (3) months immediately  following the
expiration or termination of this Lease.

         9.       Insurance; Indemnity.

                  (a)  Liability  Insurance.  Lessee  shall,  at  Lessee's  sole
expense,  obtain  and keep in force  during  the term of this  Lease a policy of
combined single limit,  bodily injury,  and property damage  insurance  insuring
Lessor and Lessee  against  any  liability  arising out of the  ownership,  use,
occupancy,  or  maintenance of the Premises and all areas  appurtenant  thereto.
Such  insurance  shall be a combined  single  limit policy in an amount not less
than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,00.00).  The policy shall contain cross
liability  endorsements and shall insure  performance by Lessee of the indemnity
provisions of this Paragraph 9. The limits of said insurance shall not, however,
limit the  liability  of Lessee  hereunder.  If Lessee shall fail to procure and
maintain said  insurance  Lessor may, but shall not be required to,  procure and
maintain the same, but at the expense of Lessee.  Not more  frequently than each
other, if, in the reasonable  opinion of the Lessor, the amount of the liability
insurance  required  hereunder  is not  adequate,  Lessee  shall  increase  said
insurance coverage as required by lessor;  provided,  however,  that in no event
shall the amount of the liability  insurance increase be more than fifty percent
(50%) greater than the amount  thereof  during the preceding year of the term of
this Lease.  However,  the failure of Lessor to require any additional insurance
coverage shall not be deemed to relieve Lessee form any  obligations  under this


                  (b) Property Insurance.  Lessor shall obtain and keep in force
during the term of this Lease a policy or  policies  covering  loss or damage to
the Premises, but not Lessee's fixtures,  equipment, or tenant improvements,  in
the amount of the full replacement value thereof,  providing  protection against
all  perils  included  within the  classification  of fire,  extended  coverage,
vandalism,  malicious mischief,  and special extended perils (all risk), but not
plate glass insurance.

                  (c) Insurance Policies.  Insurance required hereunder shall be
in  companies  holding a  "General  Policyholders  Rating" of A or better as set
forth in the most current issue of "Best Insurance  Guide." Lessee shall deliver
to Lessor copies of policies of liability  insurance  required  under  Paragraph
9(a)) or  certificates  evidencing  the existence and amounts of such  insurance
with loss  payable  clauses  satisfactory  to Lessor.  No such  policy  shall be
cancelable  or subject to  reduction  of coverage or other  modification  except
after ten (10) days' prior written notice to Lessor.  Lessee shall,  within then
(10)  days'  prior to the  expiration  of such  policies,  furnish  Lessor  with
renewals or "binders" thereof, or Lessor may order such insurance and charge the
cost  thereof to Lessee,  which  amount  shall be payable by Lessee upon demand.
Lessee shall not do or permit to be done  anything  which shall  invalidate  the
insurance policies referred to in Paragraph 9(b).

                  (d) No Use that  Increases  Insurance  Risk. In no event shall
Lessee  sue the  Premises  in any manner  that will  increase  risks  covered by
insurance  on the  Premises  or cause lack of coverage  or  cancellation  of any
insurance  policy  covering  the  Premises  or  any  portion  of  the  Premises,
regardless of whether Lessee's use of the Premises  complies with Paragraph 7 of
this Lease.  Lessee shall not keep on the Premises,  or permit to be kept, used,
or sold thereon,  anything  prohibited by the policy of fire insurance  covering
the  Premises.  If the use of the  Premises by Lessee  causes an increase in the
insurance  premium rate on the Premises,  Lessee shall, at his own expense,  pay
the additional insurance premium that is charged due to the increased hazard. If
any increased  hazard  insurance  premium is not paid by Lessee when due, Lessor
may at  Lessor's  option pay the  premium  and such  premium  shall be repaid to
Lessor as an additional  rent  installment  for the month  following the date on
which such increased hazard premiums are paid.

                  (e) Indemnity. Lessee shall indemnify and hold harmless Lessor
from and against any and all claims  arising from  Lessee's use of the Premises,
or from the conduct of Lessee's business,  or from any activity,  work or things
done,  permitted,  or suffered by Lessee in or about the Premises or  elsewhere,
and shall further  indemnify  and hold harmless  Lessor from and against any and
all  claims  arising  from any  breach  or  default  in the  performance  of any
obligation  on Lessee's part to be performed  under the terms of this Lease,  or
arising  from  any  negligence  of  the  Lessee,  or  any  of  Lessee's  agents,
contractors,  or  employees,  and from and against all costs,  attorneys'  fees,
expenses,  and  liabilities  incurred  in the  defense  of any such claim or any
action or proceeding  brought  thereon;  and in case any action or proceeding be
brought  against  Lessor by reason of any such  claim,  Lessee  upon notice from
Lessor  shall  defend the same at Lessee's  expense by counsel  satisfactory  to
Lessor.  Lessee,  as a material  part of the  consideration  to  Lessor,  hereby
assumes all risk of damage to property or injury to persons in,  


upon, or about the Premises arising from any cause, and Lessee hereby waives all
claims in respect thereof against Lessor.

                  (f) Exemption of Lessor from  Liability.  Lessee hereby agrees
that Lessor  shall not be liable for injury to Lessee's  business or any loss of
income  therefrom  or for  damage to the  goods,  wares,  merchandise,  or other
property of Lessee, Lessee's employees, invitees, customers, or any other person
in or about the Premises, nor shall Lessor be liable for injury to the person of
Lessee,  Lessee's  employees,  agents,  or  contractors,  whether such damage or
injury is caused by or results from fire,  steam,  electricity,  gas,  water, or
rain, or from the  breakage,  leakage,  obstruction,  or other defects of pipes,
sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, air conditioning, or lighting fixtures,
or form any  other  cause,  whether  the said  damage  or  injury  results  from
conditions  arising upon the Premises or upon other  portions of the building of
which the  Premises  are a part,  or from other damage or injury or the means of
repairing the same is inaccessible to Lessee.

                  (g)  Waiver of  Subrogation.  Lessee and  Lessor  each  hereby
waives  any and all  rights of  recovery  against  the  other,  or  against  the
officers,  employees,  agents, and  representatives of the other, for loss of or
damage to such waiving party or its property or the property of others under its
control,  where such loss or damage is insured  against  under and any insurance
policy in force at the time of such loss or damage.  Lessee  and  Lessor  shall,
upon obtaining the policies of insurance required hereunder,  give notice to the
insurance carrier or carriers that the foregoing mutual waiver of subrogation is
contained in this Lease.

         10.      Damage or Destruction.

                  (a) Total Destruction.  If at any time during the term of this
Lease the Premises are totally destroyed from any cause,  whether or not covered
by  insurance  required  to be  maintained  pursuant  to  Paragraph  9(b) hereof
(including any total destruction  required by any authorized public  authority),
this  Lease  shall  automatically  terminate  as  of  the  date  of  such  total

                  (b) Damage Near End of Term.  If the  Premises  are  partially
destroyed  or damaged  during the last six (6) months of the term of this Lease,
Lessor may, at Lessor's  option,  cancel and terminate this Lease as of the date
of  occurrence  of such  damage by giving  written  notice to Lessee of Lessor's
election to do so within  thirty (30) days after the date of  occurrence of such

                  (c) Abatement of Rent; Lessee's Remedies.

                   If the Premises are partially destroyed or damaged and Lessor
or Lessee  repairs or restores them pursuant to the provisions of this Paragraph
10, the rent payable hereunder for the period during which such damage,  repair,
or  restoration  continues  shall be abated in proportion to the degree to which
Lessee's use of the Premises is impaired.  Except for abatement of rent, if any,
Lessee shall have no claim against  Lessor for any damage  suffered by reason of
any such damage, destruction, repair, or restoration.


                         If Lessor shall be obligated to repair  or restore  the
Premises  under the  provisions of this Paragraph 10 and shall not commence such
repair or  restoration  within  ninety  (90) days after such  obligations  shall
accrue,  Lessee may,  at Lessee's  option,  cancel and  terminate  this Lease by
giving Lessor written notice of Lessee's  election to do so at any time prior to
the commencement of such repair  restoration. In  such  even  this  Lease  shall
terminate as of the date of such notice.

                  (d) Termination - Advance  Payments.  Upon termination of this
Lease  pursuant to this  Paragraph  10, an  equitable  adjustment  shall be made
concerning  advance  rent and any  advance  payments  made by Lessee to  Lessor.
Lessor shall, in addition, return to Lessee so much of Lessee's security deposit
as has not theretofore been applied by Lessor.

         11. Real  Property  Taxes.  Lessor  shall pay all real  property  taxes
assessed against the Premises prior to the time such taxes become delinquent.

         12. Personal Property Taxes.

             Lessee shall pay prior to delinquency  all taxes  assessed  against
and levied upon trade fixtures,  furnishings,  equipment, and all other personal
property of Lessee contained in the Premises or elsewhere. When possible, Lessee
shall cause said trade fixtures, furnishings,  equipment, and all other personal
property to be assessed and billed separately from the real property of Lessor.

             If any of Lessee's  said personal  property  shall be assessed with
Lessor's real property, lessee shall pay Lessor the taxes attributable to Lessee
within ten (10) days  after  receipt of a written  statement  setting  forth the
taxes applicable to Lessee's property.

         13.  Utilities.  Lessee shall pay for all electric,  water,  gas, heat,
light, power, telephone,  sprinkler surcharges, and other utilities and services
supplied to the Premises,  together with any taxes or deposits  thereon.  If any
such  services  are  not  separately  metered  to  Lessee,  Lessee  shall  pay a
reasonable  proportion to be determined by Lessor of all charges jointly metered
with other Premises.

         14.  Assignment and Subletting.

             (a) Lessor's Consent  Required.  Lessee shall not voluntarily or by
operation of law assign, transfer,  mortgage,  subject, or otherwise transfer or
encumber  all or any part of Lessee's  interest in this Lease or in the Premises
without  Lessor's  prior written  consent,  which Lessor shall not  unreasonably
withhold.  Any  attempted  assignment,  transfer,  mortgagee,   encumbrance,  or
subletting  without such consent shall be void and shall  constitute a breach of
this Lease.

             (b) No  Release of  Lessee.  Regardless  of  Lessor's  consent,  no
subletting or assignment  shall release  Lessee of Lessee's  obligation or alter
the  primarily  liability  of  Lessee to 


pay the rent and to perform  all other  obligations  to be  performed  by Lessee
hereunder.  The  acceptance of rent by Lessor from any other person shall not be
deemed  to be a  waiver  by  Lessor  of any  provision  hereof.  Consent  to one
assignment  or  subletting  shall  not  be  deemed  consent  to  any  subsequent
assignment or  subletting.  In the event of default by any assignee of Lessee or
any successor of Lessee,  in the performance of any of the terms hereof,  Lessor
may proceed directly against Lessee without the necessity of exhausting remedies
against said  assignee.  Lessor may consent to assignments or subletting of this
Lease or amendments  of  modifications  to this Lease with  assignees of Lessee,
without notifying lessee, or any successor of Lessee,  and without obtaining its
or their consent thereto,  and such action shall not relieve Lessee of liability
under this Lease.

              (c)  Attorneys'  Fees.  In the event Lessee shall assign or sublet
the Premises or request the consent of Lessor to any  assignment or  subletting,
or if Lessee shall request the consent of Lessor for any act Lessee  proposed to
do,  then Lessee  shall pay  Lessor's  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  incurred in
connection therewith.

         15. Hazardous Waste. Lessee agrees that the leased Premises comply with
all applicable federal,  state, and local environmental laws,  regulations,  and
rulings  before  and up to the  commencement  of the term of this Lease and that
there are not any  hazardous or toxic  substances  prohibited  by  environmental
protection and enforcement agencies on or at the leased Premises.

              Lessee will defend,  indemnify,  and hold Lessor harmless from and
against any and all actions, losses, liabilities,  damages, claims, obligations,
debts,  costs,  and  expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees),  known or unknown,
contingent or absolute, arising out of or resulting from any (i) petroleum based
products,  (ii) oil, (iii) waste, (iv) chemical substance or mixture, (v) toxic,
hazardous,  or regulated  substance,  mixture, or waste, and/or (vi) radioactive
substance stored, released,  and/or disposed of this Lease by Lessee through and
including the date Lessor retakes possession of the leased Premises.

              Lessee's  obligations  to take any  action  and  indemnify  Lessor
pursuant to Paragraphs  9(f) and 15 will survive the  termination  of this Lease
and continue until Lessee's obligations have been fulfilled.

         16.  Defaults; Remedies.

                  (a)  Defaults.  The  occurrence  of  any  one or  more  of the
following events shall constitute a material default and breach of this Lease by

                           (1) The  vacating or  abandonment  of the Premises by
Lessee for ten (10) days; or

                           (2) The failure by Lessee to make any payment of rent
or any other payment required to be made by Lessee  hereunder,  as and when due,
where such failure  shall  continue for a period of three (3) days after written
notice thereof from Lessor to Lessee; or


                           (3) The  failure by Lessee to observe or perform  any
of the  covenants,  conditions,  or  provisions  of this Lease to be observed or
performed by Lessee,  other than described in Paragraph  16(a)(2)  above,  where
such  failure  shall  continue  for a period of thirty  (30) days after  written
notice  hereof from Lessor to Lessee;  provided,  that if the nature of Lessee's
default is such that more than thirty (30) days are reasonably  required for its
cure,  then Lessee shall not be deemed in default if Lessee  commenced such cure
within said thirty (30) day period and  thereafter  diligently  prosecutes  such
cure to completion; or

                           (4)  (i)  The   making  by  Lessee  of  any   general
arrangement  for the benefit of creditors;  (ii) the filing by or against Lessee
of a petition to have Lessee adjudged bankrupt or a petition for  reorganization
or arrangement  under any law relating to bankruptcy  (unless,  in the case of a
petition filed against  Lessee,  the same is dismissed  within sixty (60) days);
(ii)  the   appointment  of  a  trustee  or  receiver  to  take   possession  of
substantially  all of  Lessee's  assets  located at the  Premises or of Lessee's
interest in this Lease, where possession is not restored to Lessee within thirty
(30)  days;  or (iv) the  attachment,  execution  or other  judicial  seizure of
substantially  all of  Lessee's  assets  located at the  Premises or of Lessee's
interest in this Lease,  where such seizure is not discharged within thirty (30)
days; or

                           (5)  The  discovery  by  Lessor  that  any  financial
statement  given to Lessor by Lessee,  any assignee of Lessee,  any subtenant of
Lessee,  any  successor  in interest  of Lessee,  or any  guarantor  of Lessee's
obligation hereunder, and any of them, was materially false.

                  (b)  Remedies.  In the event of any such  material  default or
breach by Lessee,  Lessor may at any time thereafter,  with or without notice or
demand and without  limiting lessor in the exercise of any right or remedy which
Lessor may have by reason of such default or breach:

                           (1)  Without  written  notice or  demand  to  Lessee,
re-enter  the  demised  Premises  and  remove  all  persons  thereon by force or
otherwise without being liable to indictment,  prosecution, or damages therefor;

                           (2) Relet the demised  Premises  or any part  thereof
for the  balance of the Lease term as agent for the  Lessee  and  receive  rents
therefor and apply the same first to the payment of the  expenses of  reasonable
redecorating  and making  necessary  repairs to the Premises,  attorneys'  fees,
broker's  commission,  advertising,  and all other  reasonable  expenses  of the
Lessor in re-entering the Premises and reletting the same; and/or

                           (3)  Elect to  accelerate  the rent to be paid  under
this Lease to make it all  immediately  due and  payable.  Lessor  shall also be
entitled  to recover  from Lessee any  special  damages  suffered by Lessor as a
result of Lessee's  default.  These  remedies are not in limitation of any other
remedies at law.

                  Lessee  shall  be   responsible   for  all  costs,   including
attorneys' fees, incurred by Lessor in enforcing any of the terms and provisions
of this Lease Agreement. In addition and in 


connection with the reletting of the demised  Premises for the account of Lessee
as  hereinabove  provided,  Lessor  shall have the right to declare  all monthly
installments  due and  payable  and to  proceed  to obtain a  judgment  therefor
against  Lessee.  Thereafter,  all  sums  collected  from the  reletting  of the
Premises, less costs in connection therewith,  shall be applied on said judgment
or if the judgment has been paid, turned over to Lessee.

                  Further,  in the event of default  on the part of Lessee,  the
Lessor  shall have the right to pursue  any legal  remedy  available  to it, and
Lessor  shall have the right to bring  distress  proceedings  without in any way
affecting  its right to  accelerate  the  balance  of rental due and to bring an
action therefor.

                  (c) Default by Lessor.  Lessor shall not be in default  unless
Lessor fails to perform obligations required of Lessor within a reasonable time,
but in no event later than thirty  (30) days after  written  notice by Lessee to
Lessor;  provided,  however,  that if the nature of Lessor's  obligation is such
that more than thirty (30) days are required for performance,  then Lessor shall
not be in default if Lessor commences  performance  within such thirty (30) days
period and thereafter diligently prosecutes the same to completion.

         17.  Condemnation.  If the  Premises or any  portion  thereof are taken
under the power of eminent  domain,  or sold under the threat of the exercise of
said power (all of which are herein  called  "condemnation"),  this Lease  shall
terminate as to the part so taken as of the date the condemning  authority takes
title or possession,  whichever first occurs.  If more than twenty-five  percent
(25%) of the land area of the Premises which is not occupied by any improvements
is taken by  condemnation,  Lessee may, at Lessee's  option,  to be exercised in
writing only within ten (10) days after  Lessor shall have given Lessee  written
notice of such  taking (or in the  absence of such  notice  within ten (10) days
after the  condemnation  authority shall have taken  possession)  terminate this
Lease as of the date the condemning  authority takes such possession.  If Lessee
does not terminate this Lease in accordance with the foregoing, this Lease shall
remain in full force and effect as to the  portion  of the  Premises  remaining,
except that the rent shall be reduced in the proportion that the land area taken
bears to the total land area of the premises. Any award for the taking of all or
any part of the Premises  under the power of eminent  domain or any payment made
under  threat of the  exercise  of such power  shall be the  property of Lessor,
whether such award shall be made as compensation  for diminution in value of the
leasehold  or for the  taking of the fee,  or as  severance  damages;  provided,
however,  that  Lessee  shall be  entitled to any award for loss of or damage to
Lessee's trade fixtures and removable personal property.  In the event that this
Lease is not  terminated by reason of such  condemnation,  Lessor shall,  to the
extent  of  severance  damages  received  by  Lessor  in  connection  with  such
condemnation,  repair any  damage to the  Premises  caused by such  condemnation
except to the extent that Lessee has been reimbursed  therefor by the condemning
authority.  Lessee shall pay any amount in excess of such  severance  damages to
complete such repair.

         18.  Surrender of Premises.  Lessee shall,  at the  termination  of the
Lease term or any renewal or extension thereof, quietly and peacefully surrender
said Premises in as good  condition and  substantially  in the same condition as
such Premises existed at the  commencement of the Lease term,  ordinary wear and
tear or damage or loss by fire or the elements excepted,  unless 


Lessee  shall be  responsible  for  maintenance  and repair by the terms of this
Lease,  in which case Lessee  shall  repair such  damage,  regardless  of cause,
except  damage by fire,  provided  otherwise  in this Lease,  damage  hereunder,
Lessee shall have full authority to remove from the demised  Premises all of its
merchandise and trade fixtures,  notwithstanding the fact that the same may have
heretofore  been bolted or otherwise  affixed to such Premises,  all conditioned
upon the Lessee not then being in default  hereunder and the repair by Lessee of
any damage resulting from such removal.

         19.      General Provisions.

                  (a)  Estoppel  Certificate.  Lessee shall at any time upon not
less than ten (10) days' prior written notice from Lessor execute,  acknowledge,
and deliver to Lessor a statement in writing (i)  certifying  that this Lease is
unmodified  and in full force and effect or, if modified,  stating the nature of
such  modification  and certifying that this Lease,  as so modified,  is in full
force and effect)  and the date to which the rent and other  charges are paid in
advance,  if any,  and  (ii)  acknowledging  that  there  are not,  to  Lessee's
knowledge,  any uncured defaults on the part of Lessor hereunder,  or specifying
such defaults if any are claimed.  Any such statement may be conclusively relied
upon by any prospective purchaser or encumbrancer of the Premises.

                  Lessee's  failure to deliver such  statement  within such time
shall be conclusive upon lessee (i) that this Lease is in full force and effect,
without notification except as may be represented by Lessor, (ii) that there are
no uncured defaults in Lessor's performance, and (iii) that not more than on two
(2) months' rent has been paid in advance or such failure may be  considered  by
Lessor as a default by Lessee under this Lease.

                  (b) Lessor's Liability. The term "Lessor" as used herein shall
mean  only the owner or  owners  at the time in  question  of the fee title or a
lessee's  interest in a ground  lease of the  Premises,  and in the event of any
transfer  of such title or  interest,  Lessor  herein  named (and in case of any
subsequent transfers the then grantor) shall be relieved from and after the date
of such transfer of all liability as respects Lessor's obligations thereafter to
be performed, provided that any funds in the hands of Lessor or the then grantor
at the  time of such  transfer,  in  which  Lessee  has an  interest,  shall  be
delivered  to the  grantee.  The  obligations  contained  in  this  Lease  to be
performed  by Lessor  shall,  subject  as  aforesaid,  be  binding  on  Lessor's
successor and assigns, only during their respective periods of ownership.

                  (c)  Severability.  The  invalidity  of any  provision of this
Lease as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall in no way affect
the validity of any other provision hereof.

                  (d)  Interest on  Past-Due  Obligations.  Except as  expressly
herein provided,  any amount due to Lessor not paid when due shall bear interest
at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date due. Payment of such interest shall
not excuse or cure any default by Lessee  under this Lease,  provided,  however,
that interest  shall not be payable on late charges  incurred by Lessee,  nor on
any amounts upon which late charges are paid by Lessee.


                  (e) Time of Essence. Time is of the essence.

                  (f) Captions.  Article and  paragraph  captions are not a part

                  (g) Incorporation of Prior Agreements;  Amendments. This Lease
contains all  agreements  of the parties  with  respect to any matter  mentioned
herein. No prior agreement or understanding  pertaining to any such matter shall
be  effective.  This Lease may be modified in writing only signed by the parties
in interest of the time of the modification.  Except as otherwise stated in this
Lease,  Lessee hereby  acknowledges  that neither a real estate broker,  nor any
cooperating  broker on this  transaction,  nor the  Lessor or any  employees  or
agents  of any of said  persons,  has  made any oral or  written  warranties  or
representations  to Lessee  relative to the  condition  or use by Lessee of said
Premises,  and  Lessee  acknowledges  that  Lessee  assumes  all  responsibility
regarding  the legal use and  adaptability  of the Premises  and the  compliance
thereof with all  applicable  laws and  regulations in effect during the term of
this Lease, except as otherwise specifically stated in this Lease.

                  (h)  Notices;  Communications;  Time.  Any notice  demand,  or
communication  given or required to be given  hereunder  shall be in writing and
shall be either (i) personally delivered, or by written notice hand-delivered to
Lessee at the foregoing  address,  or if to Lessee posted to the entrance to the
demised Premises,  or (ii) transmitted by United States express,  certified,  or
registered mail, postage prepaid, at the parties' respective addresses appearing
on the first page hereof.  Except as otherwise  specified  herein,  all notices,
demands,  and other communications  given by express,  certified,  or registered
mail shall be deemed given when deposited into the United States mail,  properly
addressed and with postage prepaid,  and if given by personal  delivery,  on the
date of receipt.  If the last day for giving notice or demand or performing  any
act hereunder falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or day on which the main post offices
at Lakeland,  Florida, is not open for regular transaction of business, the time
shall be extended to the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or post office
holiday.  Any party may change its address for purposes  hereof by notice to the
others in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph.

                  (i) Waivers. No waiver by Lessor of any provision hereof shall
be deemed a waiver of any other provision hereof or of any subsequent  breach by
Lessee of the same or any other  provision.  Lessor's  consent to or approval of
any act shall not be deemed to render  unnecessary  the  obtaining  of  Lessor's
consent to or approval of any subsequent  act by Lessee.  The acceptance of rent
hereunder by Lessor shall not be a waiver of any  preceding  breach by Lessee of
any  provision  hereof,  other than the failure of Lessee to pay the  particular
rent so accepted,  regardless of Lessor's  knowledge of such preceding breach at
the time of acceptance of such rent.

                  (j)  Recording.  Lessee  shall not record  this lease  without
Lessor's prior written  consent,  and such  recordation  shall, at the option of
Lessor, constitute a non-curable default of Lessee hereunder.


                  (k)  Holding  Over.  If Lessee  remains in  possession  of the
Premises or any part thereof after the expiration of the term hereof without the
express written consent of Lessor,  such occupancy shall be a tenancy from month
to month at a rental in the amount of the last  monthly  rental,  plus all other
charges  payable  hereunder,  and  upon all the  terms  hereof  applicable  to a
month-to-month tenancy.

                  (l) Cumulative Remedies. No remedy or election hereunder shall
be deemed exclusive but shall,  wherever possible,  be cumulative with all other
remedies at law or in equity.

                  (m) Covenants  and  Conditions.  Each  provision of this Lease
performance by Lessee shall be deemed both a covenant and a condition.

                  (n)  Binding  Effect  and  Choice  of  Law.   Subject  to  any
provisions hereof restricting  assignment or subletting by Lessee and subject to
the provisions of Paragraph  17(b),  this Lease shall bind the parties and their
respective heirs, devisees,  personal representatives,  successors, and assigns.
This Lease shall be governed by the law of the State of Florida.

                  (o)  Subordination.  This Lease, at Lessor's option,  shall be
subordinate  to any  ground  lease,  mortgage,  or any other  hypothecation  for
security  now or hereafter  placed upon the real  property of which the Premises
are a part,  and to any and  advances  made on the  security  thereof and to all
renewals, modifications,  consolidations,  replacements, and extensions thereof.
Notwithstanding  such  subordination,  Lessee's right to quiet possession of the
Premises  shall not be  disturbed  if Lessee  is not in  default  and so long as
Lessee shall pay the rent and observe and perform all of the  provisions of this
Lease,  unless this Lease is otherwise  terminated pursuant to its terms. If any
mortgage  or ground  lessor  shall elect to have this Lease prior to the lien of
its mortgage or ground lease,  and shall give written  notice thereof to Lessee,
this lease shall be deemed prior to such mortgage or ground lease,  whether this
Lease is dated prior or  subsequent to the date of said mortgage or ground lease
or the date of recording thereof.

                  Lessee agrees to execute any documents  required to effectuate
such  subordination  or to make this Lease prior to the lien of any  mortgage or
ground  lease,  as the case may be,  and  failing  to do so within ten (10) days
after written demand,  does hereby make,  constitute,  and  irrevocably  appoint
Lessor at Lessee's  attorney-in-fact  and in Lessee's name, place, and stead, to
do so.

                  (p)  Attorneys'  Fees. If either party hereto brings an action
to enforce the terms hereof or declare rights hereunder, the prevailing party in
any such  action,  at or before  trial or on appeal,  shall be  entitled to that
party's  reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs to be paid by the losing party as
fixed by the court. Such costs include, but are not limited to, costs of appeal,
court costs, and court reporter's fees.

                  (q) Lessor's Access. Lessor and Lessor's agents shall have the
right to enter the Premises at  reasonable  times for the purpose of  inspecting
the same, showing the same to prospective  purchasers,  lenders, or lessees, and
making such alterations,  repairs, improvements, or additions to the Premises or
to the  building  of which  they are a part as  Lessor  may  deem  


necessary  or  desirable.  Lessor may at any time place on or about the Premises
any ordinary  "For Sale"  signs,  and Lessor may at any time during the last one
hundred  twenty (120) days of the term hereof place on or about the Premises any
ordinary "For Lease" signs, all without rebate of rent or liability to Lease.

                  (r) Signs.  Lessee  must  secure  permission  in writing  from
Lessor  to  erect  or  place  any  awning,  marquee,  or sign of any type on the
exterior of the demised  Premises.  All signs shall comply with all governmental
sign  ordinances.  No  sign  may be  erected  which,  in  Lessor's  opinion,  is
offensive,  not  in  conformity  with  signs  of  other  tenants,  or  otherwise
objectionable.  Upon the expiration of the Lease term,  Lessee shall remove such
signs and shall repair any damage and close any holes caused by removal.  Lessee
is responsible for all expenses regarding signs,  including any electrical costs
with respect to lighted  signs.  Any property not removed from the Premises upon
the expiration of the term shall become the property of Lessor.

                  (s) Trash.  Lessee  shall be  responsible  for the removal and
proper  disposal  of all trash  from the  leased  Premises.  If Lessee  fails to
promptly  remove  and  dispose  of its trash and keep the  Premises  in a clean,
sightly,  and  healthful  condition,  as provided  in this Lease,  Lessor or his
agents,  servants,  or employees  may enter the Premises  without such  entrance
causing or  constituting  a termination  of this Lease or an  interference  with
Lessee's  possession of the Premises,  and Lessor may remove all trash and place
the Premises in a clean, sightly, and healthful condition;  and Lessee shall pay
Lessor,  in  addition  to the rent hereby  reserved,  a minimum  charge of Fifty
Dollars  ($50.00)  per occasion or Lessor's  actual  expenses if more than Fifty
Dollars ($50.00).

                  (t) Merger.  The voluntary or other surrender of this Lease by
Lessee, or a mutual cancellation  thereof, or a termination by Lessor, shall not
work a merger, and shall, at the option of Lessor, terminate all or any existing
subtenancies or may, at the option of Lessor, operate as an assignment to Lessor
of any or all of such subtenancies.

                  (u) Corporate Authority.  If the Lessee is a corporation,  the
individual executing this Lease on behalf of Lessee represents and warrants that
he is duly  authorized  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Lease on behalf of said
corporation  in  accordance  with a duly  adopted  resolution  of the  Board  of
Directors  of  said  corporation  or in  accordance  with  the  Bylaws  of  said
corporation,  and that this Lease is binding upon said corporation in accordance
with its terms.

                  (v) Consents.  Wherever in this Lease the consent of one party
is required to an act of the other party, such consent shall not be unreasonably

                  (w) Guarantor.  In the event that there is a guarantor of this
Lease,  said guarantor shall have the same  obligations as Lessee for payment of
and all monetary claims or items under this Lease.

                  (x) Quiet  Possession.  Upon  Lessee  paying  the  fixed  rent
reserved   hereunder  and  observing  and   performing  all  of  the  covenants,
conditions,  and  provisions  on  Lessee's  part to 


be  observed  and  performed hereunder,  Lessee  shall have quiet  possession of
the premises for the entire term hereof subject to all of the provisions of this

                  (y) Sidewalk and Common  Areas.  Lessee agrees not to obstruct
the sidewalk or common parking area in front of the demised Premises or the area
in the  rear of the  demised  Premises.  Lessee  further  agrees  that it  shall
maintain the good appearance of the sidewalk immediately in front of the demised
Premises and the area immediately to the rear of the demised Premises.

                  (z) Mechanic's Lien. Said Premises shall not be subject to any
lien  under the  Mechanic's  Lien Law of the State of Florida as a result of any
improvements made by Lessee.  Lessee shall not permit the Premises to be subject
to any lien for labor,  services, or material furnished at the request of Lessee
or its agent, and it shall ensure that all amounts owed for labor,  services, or
materials shall be paid for by it promptly.

                  (aa) Binding on  Successors,  Heirs,  and Assigns:  This Lease
Agreement shall be binding and obligatory upon the heirs, assigns and successors
of the respective parties.

                  (bb) Outside  Lighting.  An  additional  [Lessee will contract
directly  with the city]  $_______  per month for area lights per five  thousand
(5,000) square feet of building space leased or fraction  thereof shall be added
to the rent  unless  Lessee  contracts  directly  with the City of  Lakeland  to
provide a minimum of one (1) area light per five thousand (5,000) square feet or
fraction  thereof.  The City of  Lakeland is  responsible  for  maintenance  and
electricity for area lights per their contract agreement.

                  (cc) No Broker. Lessee represents to Lessor that the Premises,
or any  portion of the  buildings  of which the  Premises  are a part,  were not
presented to it or any person representing it by any broker or other person, and
that no broker or other person was involved in the leasing of the Premises,  and
warrants  that no claim for  commission  for said leasing  shall be presented to

                  (dd) Radon Gas. Section 404.056(a), Florida Statutes, requires
that the following notification be given on real estate documents:

                           "Radon   Gas:   Radon   is  a   naturally   occurring
                           radioactive  gas that,  when it is  accumulated  in a
                           building in sufficient quantities, may present health
                           risks to  persons  who are  exposed  to it over time.
                           Levels  of  radon  that  exceed   federal  and  state
                           guidelines  have been found in  buildings in Florida.
                           Additional  information  may be  obtained  from  your
                           county public health unit."

                  (ee) Impact  Fees.  The Lessee  shall be  responsible  for the
payment of any impact or growth fees or  assessments  which may be imposed  upon
the  demised  Premises  by any  governmental  agency by  virtue of the  Lessee's
occupation of the Premises,  or by virtue of any  


alterations  to the Premises or  increased  use in the Premises by the Lessee or
any use by the Lessee which causes the imposition of such fees or assessments.

         20.      Special Conditions.

                  [ ]    Attached as Exhibit "A"
                  [ ]    None

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have  hereunto  set their hands and

Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:                             JOE P. RUTHVEN INVESTMENTS

- --------------------------------                --------------------------------
                                                Joe P. Ruthven

- --------------------------------                "Lessor"

(Witnesses as to Lessor)

Signed, sealed and delivered

in the presence of:                              EARTH AND OCEAN SPORTS, INC.

- --------------------------------                --------------------------------
                                                Tony Glydon

- --------------------------------                "Lessee"

(Witnesses as to Lessee)

DRIVER'S LICENSE #:                      DATE OF BIRTH              STATE
                   ----------------------             -------------      -------
PHONE:                                   SOCIAL SECURITY #:
      -----------------------------------                  ---------------------