EARTH AND OCEAN SPORTS, INC.

                                          YEAR ENDED    YEAR ENDED    YEAR ENDED      THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                         OCTOBER 31,   OCTOBER 31,    OCTOBER 31,         JANUARY 31,
                                         -----------   -----------    -----------         -----------
                                             1994          1995          1996          1996         1997
                                             ----          ----          ----          ----         ----
Net income (loss)                         $   36,700    $   58,400    $ (290,674)   $ (337,500)  $ (321,026)
                                          ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========   ========== 
Weighted average common shares
  outstanding                              1,263,431     1,263,431     1,493,207     1,263,431    1,493,207
Common stock equivalents issued within
  twelve months of initial public offering   776,289       776,289       546,513       776,289      546,513
Weighted average number of common and
  common equivalent shares outstanding     2,039,720     2,039,720     2,039,720     2,039,720    2,039,720
                                           =========     =========     =========     =========    =========
Net income (loss) per share               $     0.02    $     0.03    $    (0.14)   $    (0.17)  $    (0.16)
                                          ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========   ========== 

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Pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 83,
stock,  stock  options  and stock  warrants  issued at prices  below the initial
public  offering  price during the 12-month  period  immediately  preceding  the
initial  filing  date of the  Company's  Registration  Statement  of its initial
public offering have been included as outstanding for all periods presented. The
dilutive effect of the common stock  equivalents was computed in accordance with
the treasury-stock method.