EARTH AND OCEAN SPORTS, INC.

                           1997 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN

         1.  Purpose

         The  purpose  of this 1997  Equity  Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan") is to
secure for Earth and Ocean Sports, Inc. (the "Company") and its stockholders the
benefits  arising  from  capital  stock  ownership  by  employees,  officers and
directors  of, and  consultants  to, the Company and its  subsidiaries  or other
persons who are expected to make significant  contributions to the future growth
and  success  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries.  The Plan is  intended  to
accomplish   these  goals  by  enabling   the  Company  to  offer  such  persons
equity-based  interests,  equity-based  incentives  or  performance-based  stock
incentives in the Company, or any combination thereof ("Awards").

         2.  Administration

         The Plan will be  administered by the Board of Directors of the Company
(the  "Board").  The Board shall have full power to interpret and administer the
Plan, to prescribe, amend and rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan
and  Awards,  and full  authority  to select the  persons to whom Awards will be
granted ("Participants"),  determine the type and amount of Awards to be granted
to Participants  (including any combination of Awards),  determine the terms and
conditions of Awards  granted  under the Plan  (including  terms and  conditions
relating to events of merger, consolidation, dissolution and liquidation, change
of control, vesting, forfeiture,  restrictions,  dividends and interest, if any,
on deferred  amounts),  waive compliance by a participant with any obligation to
be  performed  by him or her under an Award,  waive any term or  condition of an
Award,  cancel  an  existing  Award in whole or in part  with the  consent  of a
Participant,  grant replacement  Awards,  accelerate the vesting or lapse of any
restrictions  of any Award and adopt the form of instruments  evidencing  Awards
under the Plan and change such forms from time to time.  Any  interpretation  by
the Board of the terms and  provisions of the Plan or any Award  thereunder  and
the administration  thereof,  and all action taken by the Board, shall be final,
binding and  conclusive on all parties and any person  claiming under or through
any party. No director shall be liable for any action or  determination  made in
good faith. The Board may, to the full extent permitted by law,  delegate any or
all of its  responsibilities  under the Plan to a  committee  (the  "Committee")
appointed by the Board and consisting of two or more members of the Board.

         3.  Effective Date

         The Plan shall be effective as of the date first  approved by the Board
of Directors, subject to the approval of the Plan by the Company's stockholders.
Grants of Awards under the Plan made prior to such  approval  shall be effective
when made (unless  otherwise  specified by the Board at the 

time of grant),  but shall be conditioned on and subject to such approval of the
Plan by the Company's stockholders.

         4.  Shares Subject to the Plan

         Subject to  adjustment  as provided in Section 9.6, the total number of
shares of the  Common  Stock,  $.01 par value per  share,  of the  Company  (the
"Common Stock"), reserved and available for distribution under the Plan shall be
450,000 shares.  Such shares may consist, in whole or in part, of authorized and
unissued shares or treasury shares.

         If any  Award of  shares  of Common  Stock  requiring  exercise  by the
Participant for delivery of such shares terminates without having been exercised
in full, is forfeited or is otherwise terminated without a payment being made to
the  Participant  in the form of Common Stock,  or if any shares of Common Stock
subject to restrictions  are repurchased by the Company pursuant to the terms of
any Award or are  otherwise  reacquired  by the  Company to satisfy  obligations
arising by virtue of any Award,  such shares shall be available for distribution
in connection with future Awards under the Plan.

         5.  Eligibility

         Employees,  officers and directors of, and  consultants to, the Company
and its  subsidiaries,  or other  persons who are  expected to make  significant
contributions  to  the  future  growth  and  success  of  the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries  shall be eligible to receive Awards under the Plan. The Board,  or
other  appropriate  committee or person to the extent permitted  pursuant to the
last  sentence  of Section 2,  shall  from time to time  select  from among such
eligible persons those who will receive Awards under the Plan.

         6.  Types of Awards

         The Board may offer Awards  under the Plan in any form of  equity-based
interest,  equity-based incentive or performance-based stock incentive in Common
Stock of the Company or any combination  thereof. The type, terms and conditions
and  restrictions  of an Award shall be determined by the Board at the time such
Award is made to a Participant;  provided,  however,  that no Participant may be
granted  Awards,  in the  aggregate,  for more than 25% of the  shares of Common
Stock then  subject to the Plan  during any fiscal year of the  Company.  If any
option  granted under the Plan shall expire or terminate for any reason  without
having been exercised in full or shall cease for any reason to be exercisable in
whole or in part or shall be repurchased  by the Company,  the shares subject to
such option shall be included in the  determination  of the aggregate  number of
shares of Common Stock deemed to have been  granted to such  employee  under the

         An Award shall be made at the time  specified by the Board and shall be
subject to such  conditions or  restrictions  as may be imposed by the Board and
shall  conform to the  general  rules  applicable  under the Plan as well as any
special  rules then  applicable  under  federal tax laws or  regulations  or the
federal securities laws relating to the type of Award granted.


         Without limiting the foregoing, Awards may take the following forms and
shall be subject to the following rules and conditions:

         6.1  Options

         An option is an Award that  entitles the holder on exercise  thereof to
purchase Common Stock at a specified  exercise price.  Options granted under the
Plan may be either incentive stock options ("incentive stock options") that meet
the requirements of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the  "Code"),  or options  that are not  intended to meet the  requirements  of
Section 422 ("non-statutory stock options").

         6.1.1  Option  Price.  The price at which Common Stock may be purchased
upon exercise of an option shall be determined by the Board,  provided  however,
the  exercise  price  shall  not be less  than the par value per share of Common

         6.1.2 Option Grants.  The granting of an option shall take place at the
time  specified by the Board.  Options shall be evidenced by option  agreements.
Such agreements  shall conform to the  requirements of the Plan, and may contain
such other  provisions  (including  but not  limited to vesting  and  forfeiture
provisions,  acceleration, change of control, protection in the event of merger,
consolidations,   dissolutions  and   liquidations)  as  the  Board  shall  deem
advisable.  Option  agreements  shall expressly state whether an option grant is
intended to qualify as an incentive stock option or non-statutory stock option.

         6.1.3 Option Period. An option will become  exercisable at such time or
times  (which may be  immediately  or in such  installments  as the Board  shall
determine)  and on such terms and  conditions  as the Board shall  specify.  The
option agreements shall specify the terms and conditions applicable in the event
of an option holder's termination of employment during the option's term.

         Any  exercise  of an option  must be in  writing,  signed by the proper
person and delivered or mailed to the Company, accompanied by (1) any additional
documents  required  by the Board and (2)  payment  in full in  accordance  with
Section 6.1.4 for the number of shares for which the option is exercised.

         6.1.4  Payment of Exercise  Price.  Stock  purchased  on exercise of an
option  shall be paid for as follows:  (1) in cash or by check  (subject to such
guidelines as the Company may establish for this  purpose),  bank draft or money
order  payable  to the  order  of the  Company  or  (2) if so  permitted  by the
instrument  evidencing  the  option  (or in the  case of a  non-statutory  stock
option, by the Board at or after grant of the option),  (i) through the delivery
of  shares  of  Common  Stock  that  have a fair  market  value  (determined  in
accordance with procedures prescribed by the Board) equal to the exercise price,
(ii) at the  discretion of the Committee and  consistent  with  applicable  law,
through the delivery of an assignment  to the Company of a sufficient  amount of
the proceeds  from the sale of the Common Stock  acquired  upon  exercise of the
option and an authorization to the broker or selling agent to pay that amount to
the Company,  which sale shall be at the


Participant's  direction at the time of exercise, or (iii) by any combination of
the permissible forms of payment.

         6.1.5 Buyout Provision.  The Board may at any time offer to buy out for
a payment in cash,  shares of Common Stock,  deferred stock or restricted stock,
an option  previously  granted,  based on such terms and conditions as the Board
shall establish and communicate to the option holder at the time that such offer
is made.

         6.1.6 Special Rules for Incentive Stock Options.  Each provision of the
Plan and each option  agreement  evidencing  an incentive  stock option shall be
construed so that each incentive stock option shall be an incentive stock option
as  defined  in  Section  422 of the Code or any  statutory  provision  that may
replace such  Section,  and any  provisions  thereof that cannot be so construed
shall be  disregarded.  Instruments  evidencing  incentive  stock  options  must
contain such provisions as are required under applicable provisions of the Code.
Incentive  stock options may be granted only to employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries.  The exercise price of an incentive stock option shall not be less
than 100% (110% in the case of an incentive  stock option granted to a more than
ten percent  stockholder  of the Company) of the fair market value of the Common
Stock on the date of grant, as determined  pursuant to Section 6.1.7 hereof.  An
incentive  stock option may not be granted  after the tenth  anniversary  of the
date on which the Plan was  adopted by the Board and the latest date on which an
incentive  stock option may be exercised shall be the tenth  anniversary  (fifth
anniversary,  in the case of any incentive  stock option  granted to a more than
ten percent  stockholder of the Company) of the date of grant,  as determined by
the Board.  Each  Participant  may be granted options treated as incentive stock
options  only to the  extent  that,  in the  aggregate  under  this Plan and all
incentive  stock option plans of the Company and any present or future parent or
subsidiary (as those terms are used in Section 424 of the Code), incentive stock
options do not become exercisable for the first time by such employee during any
calendar  year with respect to stock having a fair market value  (determined  at
the time the incentive  stock  options were granted) in excess of $100,000.  The
Company intends to designate any options granted in excess of such limitation as
non-statutory stock options,  and the Company shall issue separate  certificates
to the optionee with respect to options that are non-statutory stock options and
options that are incentive stock options.

         6.1.7  Determination of Fair Market Value. If, at the time an option is
granted under the Plan, the Common Stock is publicly traded, "fair market value"
shall  be  determined  as of the date of  grant  or,  if the  prices  or  quotes
discussed in this sentence are  unavailable for such date, the last business day
for which  such  prices or quotes are  available  prior to the date of grant and
shall  mean (i) the  average  (on that  date) of the high and low  prices of the
Common Stock on the principal national  securities  exchange on which the Common
Stock is traded,  if the Common  Stock is then  traded on a national  securities
exchange;  or (ii) the last  reported  sale  price (on that  date) of the Common
Stock on the Nasdaq National Market, if the Common Stock is not then traded on a
national securities exchange;  or (iii) the closing bid price (or average of bid
prices)  last  quoted (on that date) by an  established  quotation  service  for
over-the-counter  securities,  if the Common Stock is not reported on the Nasdaq
National  Market.  If the  Common  Stock is not  publicly  traded at the time an
option is granted under the Plan,  "fair market value" shall mean the fair value
of  the  Common  Stock  as  determined  by  the  Committee   after  taking  into
consideration  all  factors  which  it


deems appropriate,  including, without limitation,  recent sale and offer prices
of the Common Stock in private transactions negotiated at arms' length.

         6.2  Restricted and Unrestricted Stock

         An Award of restricted stock entitles the recipient  thereof to acquire
shares  of  Common  Stock  upon  payment  of  the  purchase   price  subject  to
restrictions specified in the instrument evidencing the Award.

         6.2.1  Restricted  Stock Awards.  Awards of  restricted  stock shall be
evidenced by restricted stock  agreements.  Such agreements shall conform to the
requirements  of the Plan,  and may  contain  such other  provisions  (including
restriction  and  forfeiture  provisions,  change of control,  protection in the
event of mergers,  consolidations,  dissolutions and  liquidations) as the Board
shall deem advisable.

         6.2.2  Restrictions.  Until the restrictions  specified in a restricted
stock  agreement  shall  lapse,  restricted  stock  may not be  sold,  assigned,
transferred,  pledged or otherwise  encumbered  or disposed of, and upon certain
conditions  specified in the restricted stock  agreement,  must be resold to the
Company for the price,  if any,  specified in such agreement.  The  restrictions
shall  lapse at such time or  times,  and on such  conditions,  as the Board may
specify. The Board may at any time accelerate the time at which the restrictions
on all or any part of the shares shall lapse.

         6.2.3 Rights as a  Stockholder.  A Participant  who acquires  shares of
restricted  stock will have all of the rights of a  stockholder  with respect to
such shares  including  the right to receive  dividends and to vote such shares.
Unless  the  Board  otherwise  determines,  certificates  evidencing  shares  of
restricted  stock will remain in the possession of the Company until such shares
are free of all restrictions under the Plan.

         6.2.4 Purchase Price.  The purchase price of shares of restricted stock
shall be determined by the Board, in its sole discretion, but such price may not
be less than the par value of such shares.

         6.2.5 Other Awards Settled With Restricted Stock. The Board may provide
that  any or all  the  Common  Stock  delivered  pursuant  to an  Award  will be
restricted stock.

         6.2.6 Unrestricted  Stock. The Board may, in its sole discretion,  sell
to any Participant  shares of Common Stock free of  restrictions  under the Plan
for a price  determined  by the  Board,  but  which may not be less than the par
value per share of the Common Stock.

         6.3  Deferred Stock

         6.3.1  Deferred  Stock  Award.  A deferred  stock  Award  entitles  the
recipient  to  receive  shares of  deferred  stock  which is Common  Stock to be
delivered  in the future.  Delivery of the Common  Stock will take place at such
time or times, and on such conditions,  as the Board may 


specify.  The Board may at any time accelerate the time at which delivery of all
or any part of the Common Stock will take place.

         6.3.2 Other Awards Settled with Deferred  Stock.  The Board may, at the
time any Award described in this Section 6 is granted, provide that, at the time
Common Stock would otherwise be delivered pursuant to the Award, the Participant
will instead  receive an instrument  evidencing the right to future  delivery of
deferred stock.

         6.4  Performance Awards

         6.4.1 Performance Awards. A performance Award entitles the recipient to
receive,  without payment,  an amount,  in cash or Common Stock or a combination
thereof (such form to be determined by the Board),  following the  attainment of
performance  goals.  Performance  goals may be related to personal  performance,
corporate  performance,  departmental  performance  or  any  other  category  of
performance  deemed by the Board to be  important to the success of the Company.
The Board will  determine the  performance  goals,  the period or periods during
which  performance  is to  be  measured  and  all  other  terms  and  conditions
applicable to the Award.

         6.4.2 Other Awards Subject to Performance Conditions. The Board may, at
the time any Award described in this Section 6 is granted,  impose the condition
(in addition to any conditions  specified or authorized in this Section 6 of the
Plan) that performance  goals be met prior to the  Participant's  realization of
any payment or benefit under the Award.

         7.  Purchase Price and Payment

         Except as otherwise  provided in the Plan, the purchase price of Common
Stock to be acquired  pursuant to an Award shall be the price  determined by the
Board,  provided  that  such  price  shall not be less than the par value of the
Common Stock.  Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, the Board may determine
the  method of  payment  of the  exercise  price or  purchase  price of an Award
granted under the Plan and the form of payment. The Board may determine that all
or any part of the purchase  price of Common Stock pursuant to an Award has been
satisfied by past services  rendered by the Participant.  The Board may agree at
any  time,  upon  request  of the  Participant,  to defer  the date on which any
payment under an Award will be made.

         8.  Change in Control

         8.1  Impact of Event

         In the event of a "Change in  Control" as defined in Section  8.2,  the
following  provisions  shall apply,  unless the agreement  evidencing  the Award
otherwise provides:

         (a) Any stock  options or other  stock-based  Awards  awarded under the
Plan  that  were not  previously  exercisable  and  vested  shall  become  fully
exercisable and vested.


         (b) Awards of restricted stock and other stock-based  Awards subject to
restrictions  and to the extent not fully vested,  shall become fully vested and
all such restrictions  shall lapse so that shares issued pursuant to such Awards
shall be free of restrictions.

         (c)  Deferral  limitations  and  conditions  that relate  solely to the
passage of time, continued employment or affiliation, will be waived and removed
as to  deferred  stock  Awards  and  performance  Awards.  Performance  of other
conditions  (other  than  conditions  relating  solely to the  passage  of time,
continued  employment or  affiliation)  will continue to apply unless  otherwise
provided  in the  agreement  evidencing  the  Awards or in any  other  agreement
between the Participant and the Company or unless otherwise agreed by the Board.

         8.2  Definition of "Change in Control"

         "Change in Control" means any one of the following events: (i) when any
Person (other than SSPR, L.P. and its partners and affiliates) is or becomes the
beneficial owner (as defined in Section 13(d) of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange   Act"),   and  the  rules  and  regulations
thereunder), together with all Affiliates and Associates (as such terms are used
in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act) of such Person, directly or indirectly, of
50% or more (by voting  power) of the  outstanding  common stock of the Company,
without the prior  approval of the Prior  Directors of the Company,  as the case
may be, (ii) the failure of the Prior  Directors to constitute a majority of the
Board of Directors  of the  Company,  as the case may be, at any time within two
years  following  any Electoral  Event,  or (iii) any other event that the Prior
Directors shall determine  constitutes an effective change in the control of the
Company.  As used in the preceding  sentence,  the following  capitalized  terms
shall have the respective meanings set forth below:

         (a)  "Person"  shall  include  any  natural  person,  any  entity,  any
"affiliate" of any such natural person or entity as such term is defined in Rule
405 under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and any "group"  (within the
meaning of such term in Rule 13d-5 under the Exchange Act);

         (b) "Prior  Directors"  shall mean the persons sitting on the Company's
Board of Directors, as the case may be, immediately prior to any Electoral Event
(or, if there has been no Electoral Event, those persons sitting on the Board of
Directors on the date of completion of the Company's initial underwritten public
offering)  and any future  director  of the Company  who has been  nominated  or
elected by a majority of the Prior  Directors  who are then members of the Board
of Directors of the Company; and

         (c) "Electoral  Event" shall mean any contested  election of Directors,
or any tender or exchange offer for the Company's  Common Stock, not approved by
the Prior Directors, by any Person other than the Company.

         9.  General Provisions

         9.1  Documentation of Awards


         Awards will be evidenced by written instruments, which may differ among
Participants, prescribed by the Board from time to time. Such instruments may be
in the form of agreements to be executed by both the Participant and the Company
or certificates,  letters or similar  instruments  which need not be executed by
the  participant  but  acceptance of which will evidence  agreement to the terms
thereof.  Such instruments shall conform to the requirements of the Plan and may
contain  such  other  provisions  (including  provisions  relating  to events of
merger,  consolidation,  dissolution  and  liquidations,  change of control  and
restrictions   affecting  either  the  agreement  or  the  Common  Stock  issued
thereunder), as the Board deems advisable.

         9.2  Rights as a Stockholder

         Except  as  specifically   provided  by  the  Plan  or  the  instrument
evidencing the Award, the receipt of an Award will not give a Participant rights
as a stockholder  with respect to any shares  covered by an Award until the date
of issue of a stock certificate to the participant for such shares.

         9.3  Conditions on Delivery of Stock

         The Company will not be obligated to deliver any shares of Common Stock
pursuant  to the  Plan or to  remove  any  restriction  from  shares  previously
delivered  under  the Plan (a)  until  all  conditions  of the  Award  have been
satisfied or removed,  (b) until, in the opinion of the Company's  counsel,  all
applicable  federal and state laws and regulations  have been complied with, (c)
if the  outstanding  Common Stock is at the time listed on any stock exchange or
trading system,  until the shares have been listed or authorized to be listed on
such exchange or trading system upon official notice of issuance,  and (d) until
all other legal  matters in  connection  with the  issuance and delivery of such
shares have been approved by the Company's counsel.  If the sale of Common Stock
has not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended,  the
Company  may  require,   as  a  condition   to  exercise  of  the  Award,   such
representations   or   agreements  as  counsel  for  the  Company  may  consider
appropriate to avoid violation of such act and may require that the certificates
evidencing such Common Stock bear an appropriate legend restricting transfer.

         If an Award is exercised by the participant's legal representative, the
Company will be under no  obligation  to deliver  Common Stock  pursuant to such
exercise   until  the  Company  is  satisfied  as  to  the   authority  of  such

         9.4  Tax Withholding

         The Company will  withhold  from any cash  payment made  pursuant to an
Award an amount  sufficient to satisfy all federal,  state and local withholding
tax requirements (the "withholding requirements").

         In  the  case  of an  Award  pursuant  to  which  Common  Stock  may be
delivered,  the Board will have the right to  require  that the  participant  or
other  appropriate  person remit to the Company an amount  sufficient to satisfy
the withholding  requirements,  or make other  arrangements  satisfactory to the
Board with  regard to such  requirements,  prior to the  delivery  of any Common


Stock.  If and to the extent that such  withholding  is required,  the Board may
permit the  participant  or such other  person to elect at such time and in such
manner as the Board provides to have the Company hold back from the shares to be
delivered,  or to deliver to the Company, Common Stock having a value calculated
to satisfy the withholding requirement.

         9.5  Nontransferability of Awards

         Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Board, no Award (other
than an Award in the form of an outright  transfer  of cash or Common  Stock not
subject  to any  restrictions)  may be  transferred  other  than by the  laws of
descent and distribution,  except pursuant to the terms of a qualified  domestic
relations order as defined in the Code, and during a  Participant's  lifetime an
Award requiring exercise may be exercised only by him or her (or in the event of
incapacity,  the  person  or  persons  properly  appointed  to act on his or her

         9.6  Adjustments in the Event of Certain Transactions

         (a) In the event of a stock  dividend,  stock split or  combination  of
shares,  recapitalization,  reclassification  or other  change in the  Company's
capitalization,  or other distribution with respect to common stockholders other
than normal cash dividends,  the Board will make (i) appropriate  adjustments to
the maximum number of shares that may be delivered  under the Plan under Section
4 above,  and (ii)  appropriate  adjustments to the number and kind of shares of
stock or securities subject to Awards then outstanding or subsequently  granted,
any  exercise  prices  relating  to Awards  and any other  provisions  of Awards
affected  by such  change.  The  foregoing  shall not  apply to any stock  split
effected after the date of adoption of the Plan but on or prior to the effective
date of the Company's initial  underwritten public offering under the Securities
Act of 1933.

         (b) The  Board  may also  make  appropriate  adjustments  to take  into
account  material  changes  in law or in  accounting  practices  or  principles,
mergers,  consolidations,  acquisitions,  dispositions,  repurchases  or similar
corporate  transactions,  or any other event,  if it is  determined by the Board
that  adjustments  are  appropriate to avoid  distortion in the operation of the
Plan,  but no such  adjustments  other than those  required by law may adversely
affect the rights of any Participant  (without the Participant's  consent) under
any Award previously granted.

         9.7  Employment Rights

         Neither  the  adoption  of the Plan nor the grant of Awards will confer
upon any  person  any right to  continued  employment  with the  Company  or any
subsidiary  or interfere in any way with the right of the Company or  subsidiary
to terminate any employment  relationship at any time or to increase or decrease
the compensation of such person. Except as specifically provided by the Board in
any particular  case, the loss of existing or potential profit in Awards granted
under  the Plan  will not  constitute  an  element  of  damages  in the event of
termination  of  an  employment  relationship  even  if  the  termination  is in
violation of an obligation of the Company to the employee.


         Whether an  authorized  leave of  absence,  or absence in  military  or
government  service,   shall  constitute  termination  of  employment  shall  be
determined  by the Board at the time.  For  purposes  of this Plan,  transfer of
employment  between  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  shall  not be  deemed
termination of employment.

         9.8  Other Employee Benefits

         The value of an Award granted to a Participant who is an employee,  and
the amount of any compensation  deemed to be received by an employee as a result
of any  exercise  or purchase  of Common  Stock  pursuant to an Award or sale of
shares received under the Plan, will not constitute "earnings" or "compensation"
with  respect  to  which  any  other  employee  benefits  of such  employee  are
determined,  including  without  limitation  benefits  under any pension,  stock
ownership, stock purchase, life insurance, medical, health, disability or salary
continuation plan.

         9.9  Legal Holidays

         If any day on or before which action under the Plan must be taken falls
on a  Saturday,  Sunday or legal  holiday,  such action may be taken on the next
succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.

         9.10     Foreign Nationals

         Without  amending  the Plan,  Awards may be granted to persons  who are
foreign  nationals or employed  outside the United States or both, on such terms
and  conditions  different  from those  specified  in the Plan,  as may,  in the
judgment of the Board,  be  necessary or desirable to further the purpose of the

         10.  Termination and Amendment

         The Plan shall remain in full force and effect until  terminated by the
Board.  Subject to the last  sentence  of this  Section 10, the Board may at any
time or times amend the Plan or any  outstanding  Award for any purpose that may
at the time be permitted by law, or may at any time terminate the Plan as to any
further grants of Awards.  No amendment,  unless  approved by the  stockholders,
shall  be  effective  if it  would  cause  the  Plan  to  fail  to  satisfy  the
requirements  of the federal tax law or regulation  relating to incentive  stock
options or the  requirements  of Rule 16b-3 (or any  successor  rule)  under the
Exchange Act. No amendment of the Plan or any agreement  evidencing Awards under
the Plan may  adversely  affect  the rights of any  participant  under any Award
previously granted without such participant's consent.
