CONSYGEN, INC.
                       10201 SOUTH 51ST STREET, SUITE 140
                             PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85044

Carriage House Capital                                       May 19, 1997
2530 South Rural Road
Tempe, AZ  85282
Attn:  Howard Baer, President

Dear Howard:

         We have  received  your  proposal  that we issue you 300,000  shares of
stock.  We  appreciate  the services you have rendered to ConSyGen over the last

         We shall issue to you 300,000 shares,  as you have requested,  upon the
following terms and conditions:

     1.  These shares shall be in full satisfaction of all amounts due now or in
         the  future  under any  existing  arrangement  between  Carriage  House
         Capital,  Inc.  and/or its affiliates  ("CHC"),  and ConSyGen,  Inc., a
         Texas corporation, and/or its wholly-owned subsidiary,  ConSyGen, Inc.,
         an Arizona corporation,  and their respective affiliates (together, the
         "Company"),  including, without limitation,  $1,153,000 of indebtedness
         of ConSyGen, Inc., an Arizona corporation, to CHC, acquired by CHC from
         certain  persons  who  loaned  money  to  ConSyGen,  Inc.,  an  Arizona

     2.  All agreements between CHC and the Company shall terminate, except that
         CHC shall  until June 14, 1998 (i) have a right of first  refusal  with
         respect to any debt or equity financing of the Company and (ii) without
         further compensation provide such consulting services to the Company as
         the Company may reasonably request.  The terms of the CHC first refusal
         right shall be as set forth below.  The Company shall  provide  written
         notification  to  CHC of  the  terms  and  conditions  of the  proposed
         financing (the "Notice").  If CHC does not agree in writing within five
         (5) business days of receipt of the Notice from the Company, to provide
         the Company with financing in the amount set forth in the Notice and on
         terms and  conditions at least as favorable to the Company as those set
         forth in the Notice, then the Company shall be free to proceed with the
         financing  which is the  subject of the  Notice.  In  addition,  if any
         individual  previously  introduced  to  the  Company  by CHC  makes  an
         investment in the Company after the date hereof,  CHC shall be entitled
         to  reasonable  compensation  in an  amount to be agreed by CHC and the

     3.  CHC shall execute and deliver to Wolinetz,  Gottlieb and Lafazan, P.C.,
         the Company's independent  accountants,  such documents as they require
         in  connection  with their  audit of the  financial  statements  of the

     4.  CHC shall execute such further documents as are reasonably  required by
         the Company to give effect to this letter agreement.

         If these terms are acceptable to you, please sign where indicated below
and return to me.

AGREED AND ACCEPTED                                  BEST REGARDS,
Carriage House Capital
                                                     ConSyGen, Inc.
/s/Howard Baer
- ---------------------------
Howard Baer, President
                                                     /s/Robert L. Stewart
                                                     Robert L. Stewart, Chairman

                             CARRIAGE HOUSE CAPITAL
                           1223 E. BROADWAY, SUITE #1
                                 TEMPE, AZ 85282
                                 (602) 731-9100
                                  FAX 731-9565

June 14, 1996

Mr. Robert Stewart
International Data Systems
10201 S. 51st Street
Phoenix, AZ  85044

Dear Bob:

         As  per  our   conversations,   Carriage   House   Capital   (CHC)  and
International Data Systems (IDS) have agreed to fund IDS as follows:

     1.  CHC will seek loans up to $500,000 for IDS subject to IDS filing a 504K
         public  offering,  which will be  arranged  by CHC.  The  lenders  will
         receive  one  warrant to  purchase  additional  shares of IDS after one
         year, at $5 per share for each two dollars loaned to the company.

     2.  CHC will orchestrate a 504K public  offering,  to be filed in New York,
         for   $1,000,000,   which  is  the  maximum   allowed   under  the  504
         registration.  This will be for  2,000,000  shares  at $.50 per  share.
         These  shares will have  warrants  attached to purchase one warrant for
         each two shares purchased. The warrants will not be exercisable for one
         year and will be at $5 per share.

     3.  All warrants  issued for the above will be exercisable  at $5.00,  will
         not be exercisable  for one year unless  registered by the company at a
         later date, will be callable after the first year, and will be good for
         two years.

     4.  CHC will arrange for meetings in New York with brokers and investors to
         assist in the selling of the  2,000,000  shares.  CHC will also arrange
         for at least three NASD member firms to maintain a market in the shares
         of IDS.

The final capitalization would be as follows:

         Presently issued (rounded off)     6,750,000 shs     57.5%

         Employee Options                   1,725,000         14.7%

         IPO                                2,000,000        17.05%

         OPTIONS @ $5.00 (Maximum)          1,250,000        10.66%

         TOTAL-Fully diluted               11,725,000       100.00%


         IPO                $1,000,000
         WARRANTS            6,250,000

TOTAL FOR 28%               $7,250,000
FEES and COSTS (approx)        200,000

June 14, 1996
Page 2
IDS Agreement

     1.  CHC will receive the balance of the original 300,000 shares at $.01 
         per share.

     2.  Ten (10%) per cent of the funds raised will be held for brokers fees.
         This would be $100,000.

     3.  CHC would receive $50,000 in compensation and expenses of $7,500 upon 
         completion of the IPO.

     4.  CHC would receive 300,000 warrants at $5.00.  Part of these would be 
         retained by CHC and the remainder paid to brokers for their assistance.
         These warrants would be transferable.

                                AGREEMENT BY IDS

IDS agrees that if for any reason the 504K cannot be completed, but a minimum of
$200,000  has been  raised in loans,  CHC would be  allowed  to  proceed  with a
reverse merger into a public company.

IDS  agrees  that  loans  previously  given to IDS by CHC or HOWARD  BAER can be
converted into loans on the 504K and further converted into the IPO.

Upon  completion  of the  504K,  IDS  agrees to  retain  CHC as a  non-exclusive
financial  consultant at the monthly rate of $3,500 per month for a period of 24
month.  CHC will  provide  continued  market  support,  broker  and  shareholder
relations,  and  additional  equity  funding  when and if required  by IDS.  The
company  also  agrees  to give  CHC the  right of first  refusal  on any  future
financing  the  company  may need  during a period of two years from the date of
this agreement.

IDS agrees  that CHC will have the  exclusive  right to finance  IDS for 90 days
subject to a minimum of $100,000  being received by IDS by the close of business
Friday, June 21, 1996.

If you are in agreement with the terms of our working relationship,  please sign
where  appropriate  and return one  duplicate  original of this letter.  We will
begin working upon completion of a signed agreement.

Sincerely,                                      Consented and agreed to:
                                                INTERNATIONAL DATA SYSTEMS

/s/Kevin C. Baer                                /s/Robert L. Stewart
- ------------------------------                  ----------------------------
Kevin C. Baer, Vice President                   Robert L. Stewart, President

                          CARRIAGE HOUSE CAPITAL, INC.
351 Newbury Street                                  1223 East Broadway, Suite #1
Boston, MA 02115                                    Tempe, AZ  85282
(617) 536-1920                                      (602) 731-9100
Fax (617) 536-6062                                  Fax (602) 731-9565

October 26, 1995

Mr. Robert Stewart
International Data Systems
10201 S. 51st Street
Suite 140
Phoenix, AZ  85044

Dear Bob:

         Based on our  conversations,  Carriage  House Capital,  Inc.,  (CHC) is
prepared to assist IDS in securing  the funds  presently  needed by IDS in a two
step process.  The first would be to raise funds needed  immediately for monthly
expenses  on an "as needed"  basis,  while at the same time  arranging  for more
substantial, long term financing via a public offering or private Investors.

         After  making   several   inquiries   around  Wall  Street  as  to  the
availability  of firms to participate in an IPO, I firmly believe that a reverse
merger into a blind pool, followed by a secondary offering in the spring of next
year would be much more  beneficial to you in order to retain the greater amount
of equity in the  company.  I will explain the benefits of this the next time we

         It is my understanding  that the company needs  approximately  $100,000
per month to meet its negative cash flow. Our goal would be to raise this amount
monthly while giving up as little equity as possible.

Based on these assumptions, CHC is prepared to assist you in the following:

     1.  Raise  equity  financing at the rate of a minimum of $100,000 per month
         for at least six months  (IDS  determines  the  length of time),  while
         seeking  permanent,  long  term  financing  of  approximately  $5 to $7
         million.  The first  raising of at least  $100,000  is to be  completed
         within 60 days of the  effective  date of this  agreement.  The minimum
         term may be reduced if  proportionately  larger  raisings  are achieved
         within the term.

     2.  Locate and acquire an existing public company to merge with, if that is
         the direction that we (CHC and IDS) decide to go in.

     3.  Locate  an  underwriter  to do an IPO for $5  million  or more,  or, if
         merged with an existing public company,  to do a secondary  offering of
         $5 million or more.

In consideration  of the consulting  services to be provided in conjunction with
all of the above, CHC would be entitled to compensation as follows:

     4.  An option to  purchase  a maximum  of  300,000  IDS shares at $0.01 per
         share on the following basis:

         a.       upon the signing of this agreement - 100,000 shares;
         b.       upon the raising of each successive $100,000 until a total 
                  raising of $400,000 is reached, a further 50,000 shares until
                  the balance of 200,000 shares is reached.

         In the event that IDS completes its financing independently of CHC, CHC
will have the right to purchase the remainder of this share entitlement at $0.01
per share.

     5.  A cash  payment of 10% of the gross  proceeds  of any equity  financing
         received by the company by any party  introduced by CHC,  other than an
         underwriter, upon receipt of such financing.

     6.  A cash  payment of 5% of the gross  proceeds  of any  equity  financing
         received  by the  company by any party  whose  investment  is made with
         CHC's direct involvement.

     7.  A cash payment of 3% with a minimum of $150,000 upon  completion of the
         above-noted public offering arranged by CHC.

It is agreed that if the company  completes a full equity financing as set forth
above by any source first  introduced by CHC within two years,  then IDS will be
obligated to pay CHC, at the closing of such  financing,  an amount equal to the
compensation outlined herein.

Upon  completion  of a full equity  financing as set forth above,  IDS agrees to
retain CHC as a non-exclusive financial consultant at the monthly rate of $3,500
per month for a period of 24 months.  CHC will provide continued market support,
broker and  shareholder  relations,  and  additional  equity funding when and if
required by IDS. The company also agrees to give CHC the right of first  refusal
on any future  financing  the company may need during a period of two years from
the date of this agreement.

IDS is to retain  the  right to  purchase,  within  one year of the date of this
agreement,  the initial  allotment of 100,000 IDS shares for a sum of $25,000 if
CHC has not been able to obtain at least $100,000 in equity financing for IDS.

If you are in agreement with the terms of our working relationship,  please sign
where appropriate and return one duplicate original of this letter to us. We are
prepared to begin working as soon as the agreement is signed.

We look forward to working with you and if you have any questions  please do not
hesitate to call us.


CARRIAGE HOUSE CAPITAL, INC.                      Consented and agreed to:
                                                  INTERNATIONAL DATA SYSTEMS

/s/Howard R. Baer                                 /s/Robert L. Stewart
- --------------------------                        -----------------------------
Howard R. Baer, President                         Robert L. Stewart, President