ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                                 CONSYGEN, INC.

         Pursuant  to the  provisions  of  Section  4.04 of the  Texas  Business
Corporation Act, the undersigned  corporation adopts the following  amendment to
the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation.

         1.  The name of the Corporation is CONSYGEN, INC.

         2.  The  following  amendment  to the  Articles  of  Incorporation,  as
amended,  was adopted by the  shareholders  of the corporation on July 10, 1997.
Article Fourth of the Articles of Incorporation,  as amended,  is hereby amended
to read in its entirety as follows:

         (a) The  total  number  of shares  of all  classes  of stock  which the
Company  shall have  authority to issue is  40,000,000  shares of common  stock,
$.003 par value per share ("Common Stock").

         3. The number of shares of the  corporation  outstanding at the time of
the  adoption  was  13,386,231;  the  number of shares  entitled  to vote on the
amendment was 13,386,231.

         4. The  number of  shares  that were  voted for the  amendment  and the
number of shares that were voted against the amendment were as follows:

         FOR:              9,544,262
         AGAINST:                656

Dated this 15th day of July, 1997.

                                 CONSYGEN, INC.

                                             By:  /s/Ronald I. Bishop
                                                  Ronald I. Bishop, President

                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                             C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.

         Pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Business  Corporation  Act, the
undersigned  corporation  adopts the  following  amendment to the  Corporation's
Articles of  Incorporation,  which amendment was adopted by the  shareholders of
the  Corporation on September 4, 1996 by the holders of the  outstanding  common
stock,  the only voting  group  entitled  to vote  thereon,  by written  consent
pursuant to Section 9.10 of the Texas  Business  Corporation  Act. The number of
shares of common stock  outstanding  and entitled to vote on the  amendment  was
13,386,116  shares  and the number of shares  consenting  to the  amendment  was
9,275,000  which was sufficient  for approval by that group.  All written notice
required by Article 9.10 has been given.

         1.  The name of the Corporation is C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.

         2.  The  purpose  of  this  Amendment  is to  change  the  name of this
corporation as follows:

         The name of this corporation is CONSYGEN, INC.

                                                C SQUARE VENTURES. INC.

                                                By:  /s/Carl H. Canter
                                                     President - Director

September 4, 1996

                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                             C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.

         Pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Business  Corporation  Act, the
undersigned  corporation  adopts the  following  amendment to the  Corporation's
Articles of  Incorporation,  which amendment was adopted by the  shareholders of
the  Corporation  on August 22,  1996 by the holders of the  outstanding  common
stock,  the only voting  group  entitled  to vote  thereon,  by written  consent
pursuant to Section 9.10 of the Texas  Business  Corporation  Act. The number of
shares of common stock  outstanding  and entitled to vote on the  amendment  was
4,444,667  shares  and the  number of shares  consenting  to the  amendment  was
3,733,666  which was sufficient  for approval by that group.  All written notice
required by Article 9.10 has been given.

         1. The name of the Corporation is C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.

         2. The  purpose of this  Amendment  is to  accomplish  a  one-for-forty
reverse  stock split of the  outstanding  common  stock of this  corporation  as

         Each 40 shares of the Corporation's outstanding Common Stock, $.003 par
value, shall be and they are hereby  automatically  changed (without any further
act) into one share of Common  Stock,  $.003 par value per share,  provided that
any  fractional  shares shall be increased to the next whole share.  Immediately
after the effective date of this amendment, the stockholders of record as of the
close of business on the  effective  date,  shall be given  notice to  surrender
their  certificates  for  shares  of  Common  Stock to the  transfer  agent  for
cancellation and reissuance in accordance with the terms of the foregoing.

         The Board of Directors of the  Corporation  or any executive  committee
thereof is empowered  to adopt  further  rules and  regulations  concerning  the
foregoing reverse stock split and to appropriately adjust any options,  warrants
or other  securities  which are  convertible  into  shares of the  Corporation's
Common Stock, if any.

                                                     C SQUARE VENTURES. INC.

                                                     By: /s/Carl H. Canter
                                                          Carl H. Canter

August 26, 1996

                          ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT BY THE
                               SHAREHOLDERS TO THE
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                             C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.

         Pursuant  to the  Provisions  of  Article  4.04 of the  Texas  Business
Corporation  Act, the undersigned  corporation  adopts the following  Article of
Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation.

                                    ARTICLE I

         The name of the corporation is C Square Ventures, Inc.,

                                   ARTICLE II

         The following amendment to the Articles of Incorporation was adopted by
the  shareholders  of the  corporation  on October 31,  1989.  Article IV of the
Articles of Incorporation is hereby amended to read in full as follows:

         "The  aggregate  number of  shares  which the  corporation  shall  have
authority to issue is sixteen million six hundred sixty-six thousand six hundred
sixty-six (16,666,666) at the par value of three tenths of a cent ($.003)."

                                   ARTICLE III

         The number of shares of the corporation  outstanding at the time of the
adoption  was  133,344,613;  and the  number of shares  entitled  to vote on the
amendment was 133,344,613.

                                   ARTICLE IV

         The number of shares which voted for the  amendment,  and the number of
shares which voted against the amendment was as follows:

FOR:              112,956,178
AGAINST:               24,000
ABSTAIN:           20,364,435

                                    ARTICLE V

         The amendment  provides for an exchange of issued shares and the manner
in which the exchange is effected is as follows: All shares outstanding shall be
surrendered  to the transfer agent in exchange for new shares at the rate of one
new share for each  thirty  shares  surrendered.  Fractional  shares will not be
issued but cash in an amount equal to the fair market  value of such  fractional
shares will be issued in lieu thereof.

         Dated this 6th day of November, 1989.

                                                    C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.

                                                    By:/s/ Carl H. Canter
                                                       Carl H. Canter, President

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                             C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.

         The  undersigned  natural  person of the age of eighteen  (18) years or
more  acting  as  incorporator  of  a  corporation   under  the  Texas  Business
Corporation Act hereby adopts the following Articles of Incorporation:

                                    ARTICLE I

         The name of the corporation is C Square Ventures, Inc.

                                   ARTICLE II

         The period of its duration is perpetual.

                                   ARTICLE III

         The purpose for which the  corporation is organized is the  transaction
of any and all lawful business for which  corporations may be incorporated under
the Texas Business Corporation Act.

                                   ARTICLE IV

         The  aggregate  number  of  shares  which the  corporation  shall  have
authority to issue is five hundred million (500,000,000) at the par value of ten
thousandths of a cent ($.0001).

                                    ARTICLE V

         The  corporation  will not commence  business until it has received for
the  issuance  of  shares  consideration  of the value of one  thousand  dollars
($1,000) consisting of money, labor done, or property actually received.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         The  street  address  of its  initial  registered  office is 1600 Smith
Street, Suite 4900, Houston, Texas 77002, and the name of its initial registered
agent at such address is Hank Vanderkam.

                                   ARTICLE VII

         The number of Directors  constituting the initial Board of Directors is
three  (3),  and the  names and  addresses  of the  persons  who are to serve as
Directors  until the first  annual  meeting of the  shareholders  or until their
successors are elected and qualified are:

         CARL H. CANTER
         417 Goolsby Boulevard
         Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442

         417 Goolsby Boulevard
         Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442

         1600 Smith Street, Suite 4900
         Houston, Texas 77002

                                  ARTICLE VIII

         The name and address of the incorporator is:

         Vanderkam & Sanders
         1600 Smith Street, Suite 4900
         Houston, Texas 77002

                                   ARTICLE IX

         A Director of the  corporation is not liable to the  corporation or its
shareholders  or members  for  monetary  damages  for an act or  omission in the
Director's capacity as Director, unless the act or omission involves a breach of
a Director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its  shareholders or members;
or the act or omission is not in good faith or involves  intentional  misconduct
or a knowing violation of the law; or the Director engages in a transaction from
which he receives an improper benefit,  whether or not the benefit resulted from
an  action  taken  within  the  scope of the  Director's  office;  or the act or
omission is one in which the liability of the Director is expressly provided for
by statute;  or the  Director  engages in an act  related to an  unlawful  stock
repurchase or payment of dividend.

                                    ARTICLE X

         The  shareholders of the corporation  shall not have a preemptive right
to acquire  additional,  unissued  or  treasury  shares of the  corporation,  or
securities of the corporation  convertible into or carrying a right to subscribe
to or acquire shares.

                                   ARTICLE XI

         The  shareholders  of  the  corporation  by  this  Article  are  hereby
prohibited from cumulatively voting their shares at any election for Directors.

         SIGNED this 27th day of September, 1988.

                                                    /s/Hank Vanderkam
                                                    HANK VANDERKAM, Incorporator

STATE OF TEXAS                  S
COUNTY OF HARRIS                S

         BEFORE  ME,  a  notary  public  on this day  personally  appeared  HANK
VANDERKAM,  known  to me to be  the  person  whose  name  is  subscribed  to the
foregoing  document  and  being  by me  first  duly  sworn,  declared  that  the
statements therein contained are true and correct.

         GIVEN  UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF  OFFICE  THIS  27th day of  September,

                                            /s/  Janet K. Webb
                                            Notary Public in and for the
                                            State of TEXAS

                                            /s/  Janet K. Webb
                                            Printed Name of Notary Public

                                            My Commission Expires:  3/28/92