Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                                    (Mark One)

       [X] Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999


     [ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

                        For the transition period from    to

                         Commission File Number: 1-12074

                            STONE ENERGY CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

 State of incorporation: Delaware I.R.S. Employer Identification No.  72-1235413

                         625 E. Kaliste Saloom Road
                           Lafayette, Louisiana                70508
               (Address of principal executive offices)      (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (337) 237-0410

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                           Name of each exchange
                  Title of each class                       on which registered
                  -------------------                    -----------------------
       Common Stock, Par Value $.01 Per Share            New York Stock Exchange

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                 [x] Yes [ ] No

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,
to the best of the  registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [ ]

         The aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates
of the registrant was approximately  $728,070,912 as of March 15, 2000 (based on
the last  reported  sale  price of such  stock  on the New York  Stock  Exchange
Composite Tape).

         As of March 15, 2000, the registrant had outstanding  18,362,458 shares
of Common Stock, par value $.01 per share.

         Document  incorporated  by reference:  Proxy  Statement of Stone Energy
Corporation relating to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 18,
2000, which is incorporated into Part III of this Form 10-K.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                        Page No.

                                     PART I

Item 1.   Business....................................................     3

Item 2.   Properties..................................................    14

Item 3.   Legal Proceedings...........................................    17

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.........    17

Item 4A.  Executive Officers of the Registrant........................    17

                                     PART II

Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related
             Stockholder Matters......................................    18

Item 6.   Selected Financial and Operating Data.......................    19

Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
             Results of Operations....................................    20

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures Regarding
          Market Risks................................................    27

Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.................    27

Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
             Financial Disclosure.....................................    27

                                    PART III

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant..........    27

Item 11.  Executive Compensation......................................    27

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
             and Management...........................................    27

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions..............    27

                                     PART IV

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on
          Form 8-K....................................................    28

          Index to Financial Statements...............................    F-1

          Glossary of Certain Industry Terms..........................    G-1

                                     PART I

    This section highlights  information that is discussed in more detail in the
remainder of the document.  Throughout this document we make statements that are
classified   as   "forward-looking".   Please  refer  to  the   "Forward-Looking
Statements" section on page 8 of this document for an explanation of these types
of assertions. We also use the terms "Stone", "Stone Energy",  "Company",  "we",
"us", and "our" to refer to Stone Energy Corporation.  Certain terms relating to
the oil and gas  industry  are defined in  "Glossary  of Certain  Terms",  which
begins on page G-1 of this Form 10-K.



    Stone  Energy  is  an  independent  oil  and  gas  company  engaged  in  the
acquisition,  exploration,  development  and operation of oil and gas properties
located onshore and in shallow waters offshore Louisiana. We have been active in
the Gulf Coast  Basin  since 1973 and have  established  extensive  geophysical,
technical  and  operational  expertise in this area. As of December 31, 1999, we
had estimated proved reserves of approximately 251.6 Bcf of natural gas and 22.6
MMBbls of oil, or an aggregate of  approximately  387.4 Bcfe. As of December 31,
1999, the present value of estimated  pre-tax net cash flows of our reserves was
$561.3  million  (based upon year-end  1999 prices which  included the effect of
hedges and a discount rate of 10%). In 1999, we increased  production  rates 17%
from 1998,  we  replaced  reserves  at a rate of 157% and we achieved a drilling
success rate of 93% based on wells completed during the year.

    Our  business  strategy is to increase  production,  cash flow and  reserves
through the acquisition and development of mature properties located in the Gulf
Coast Basin,  either onshore or in shallow waters  offshore.  As a result of the
successful and consistent application of this strategy, since our initial public
offering in 1993, we have increased  production  433%, cash flow from operations
before working capital changes 468% and proved reserves 308%.

  Since implementing our acquisition and exploitation  strategy in 1990, we have
acquired  interests  in 19 fields in the Gulf  Coast  Basin from major and large
independent  oil and gas companies.  At December 31, 1999, we served as operator
on all of our properties, which enables us to better control the timing and cost
of field  rejuvenation  activities.  We believe  that there will  continue to be
numerous attractive  opportunities to acquire properties in the Gulf Coast Basin
due to the increased focus by major and large independent  companies on projects
in deeper waters and in foreign countries.

  We seek to acquire properties that have the following characteristics:

o    Gulf Coast Basin location;

o    mature properties with an established production history and

o    multiple productive sands and reservoirs;

o    low current production levels with significant identified proven and
     potential reserve opportunities; and

o    the opportunity for us to obtain a controlling interest and serve as

  We believe  significant  reserves remain to be discovered on properties in the
shallow   waters  of  the  Gulf  Coast  Basin  that   satisfy  our   acquisition
characteristics.  We also believe that we can exploit these reserves by applying
our technical  expertise and patient  approach in the evaluation and acquisition
of such properties.

  Prior to acquiring a property,  we perform a thorough geological,  geophysical
and   engineering   analysis  of  the  property  to  formulate  a  comprehensive
development  plan.  To  formulate  this plan,  we utilize the  expertise  of our
technical  team of 12  geologists,  7  geophysicists  and 15 engineers.  We also
employ our extensive technical database,  which includes 3-D seismic data on all
of our  current  properties  and some of the  properties  that we  evaluate  for
acquisition.  After  acquisition,  we seek to increase  cash flow from  existing
reserves and to establish additional proved reserves through the drilling of new
wells,  workovers and  recompletions  of existing wells,  and the application of
other  techniques  designed  to  increase  production.   Our  geographic  focus,
state-of-the-art equipment and high level of operated properties have enabled us
to maintain low  operating  costs as  evidenced by our per unit lease  operating
expense of $0.38 per Mcfe in 1999.

  We have a substantial  inventory of exploration and development  projects that
we believe  provides us with a significant  opportunity to increase our reserves
and production  from our existing  properties.  For the year ending December 31,
2000,  we have  budgeted  exploration  and  development  expenditures  of $124.3
million,   which   includes   plans   to  drill  30  new   wells,   conduct   39
workovers/recompletions  on existing  wells and,  depending  upon the success of
specific development activities,  install two new offshore production platforms.
Our capital  expenditures for 1999 totaled $123.9 million,  of which $31 million
related to the evaluation and acquisition of oil and gas properties.


    We completed our initial  public  offering of common stock in July 1993 (the
"Initial  Public  Offering"),  and our  shares  are listed on the New York Stock
Exchange  under the symbol  "SGY".  Additional  offerings  of common  stock were
completed in November 1996 and July 1999.

    In September 1997, we completed an offering of $100 million principal amount
of 8-3/4% Senior  Subordinated Notes. These notes are due to mature in September
2007 and as of March 15, 2000 carried credit ratings by Moody's and Standard and
Poor's of B2 and B,  respectively.  We also have a $200 million revolving credit
agreement  that as of December  31, 1999 had a borrowing  base  availability  of
$132.5 million with no outstanding draws.

    We have maintained  consistent,  profitable  growth since our initial public
offering in 1993. We have generated net income in all calendar  quarters  except
the fourth quarter of 1998, which included a non-cash ceiling test write-down of
our oil and gas properties.  The production  increases  discussed above combined
with our focus on maintaining low lease operating and general and administrative
costs on a per Mcfe basis have enabled us to increase EBITDA by 507% since 1993.
Our net cash flow from operations has also grown  consistently since our initial
public  offering  resulting  in per share growth of 241% since 1993 and 18% over


    Our oil and  natural gas  condensate  production  is sold at current  market
prices under  short-term  contracts  providing for variable or market  sensitive
prices.  From time to time, we may enter into transactions  hedging the price of
oil,  natural  gas  and  natural  gas  condensate.  See  "Item  7.  Management's
Discussion    and   Analysis   of   Financial    Condition    and   Results   of
Operations-Liquidity and Capital Resources."


    Competition in the Gulf Coast Basin is intense, particularly with respect to
the  acquisition of producing  properties  and proved  undeveloped  acreage.  We
compete with the major oil companies and other independent  producers of varying
sizes,  all of which  are  engaged  in the  acquisition  of  properties  and the
exploration and  development of such  properties.  Many of our competitors  have
financial   resources  and  exploration   and   development   budgets  that  are
substantially  greater  than ours,  which may  adversely  affect our  ability to
compete. See "Risk Factors - Competition."

    The  availability  of a ready  market for and the price of any  hydrocarbons
produced  will depend on many  factors  beyond our  control,  including  but not
limited to the amounts of domestic  production  and imports of foreign  oil, the
marketing  of  competitive  fuels,  the  proximity  and  capacity of natural gas
pipelines,  the availability of transportation and other market facilities,  the
demand for hydrocarbons, the effect of federal and state regulation of allowable
rates of production,  taxation,  the conduct of drilling  operations and federal
regulation  of natural gas. In addition,  the  restructuring  of the natural gas
pipeline  industry   virtually   eliminated  the  gas  purchasing   activity  of
traditional interstate gas transmission pipeline buyers. See "Regulation-Federal
Regulation of Sales and Transportation of Natural Gas." Producers of natural gas
have  therefore  been  required  to  develop  new  markets  among gas  marketing
companies,  end users of natural gas and local  distribution  companies.  All of
these factors,  together with economic factors in the marketing area,  generally
may  affect  the  supply  and/or  demand  for oil and gas and  thus  the  prices
available for sales of oil and gas.


    REGULATION OF PRODUCTION.  In all areas where we conduct  activities,  there
are statutory provisions  regulating the production of oil and natural gas under
which administrative agencies may enforce rules in connection with the location,
spacing, drilling, operation and production of both oil and gas wells, determine
the reasonable  market demand for oil and gas, and establish  allowable rates of
production.  These  regulatory  orders  can  limit  the  number  of wells or the
location where wells may be drilled.  Regulations  can also restrict the rate of
production  below the rate these  wells  would  produce  in the  absence of such
regulatory  orders.  Any of these actions could negatively  impact the amount or
timing of revenues.

    FEDERAL LEASES. We have oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico, which were
granted by the federal  government  and are  administered  by the United  States
Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service (the "MMS"). For offshore
operations,  lessees must obtain MMS approval of  exploration,  development  and
production plans prior to the commencement of these  operations.  In addition to
permits required from other agencies (such as the Coast Guard, the Army Corps of
Engineers and the United States  Environmental  Protection  Agency (the "EPA")),
lessees must obtain a permit from the MMS prior to the commencement of drilling.
The MMS has enacted regulations requiring offshore production facilities located
on  the  Outer  Continental   Shelf  ("OCS")  to  meet  stringent   engineering,
construction and safety specifications. The MMS also has regulations restricting
the flaring or venting of natural  gas,  and  prohibiting  the flaring of liquid
hydrocarbons and oil without prior authorization. Similarly, the MMS has enacted
other  regulations  governing  the  plugging  and  abandoning  of wells  located
offshore and the removal of all production facilities.  Lessees must also comply
with detailed MMS regulations  governing the calculation of royalty payments and
the valuation of production and permitted cost  deductions for that purpose.  On
March 15,  2000,  the MMS issued a final  rule,  to be  effective  June 1, 2000,
modifying the valuation  procedures  for the  calculation  of royalties owed for
crude oil sales. When oil production sales are not in arms-length  transactions,
the new royalty  calculation  will base the valuation of oil  production on spot
market prices instead of the posted prices that were previously utilized. We are
currently selling our crude oil under arm's-length transactions in a manner that
we believe to be  acceptable  to the MMS under its new rule. As such, we believe
that the  effect,  if any,  of this new rule  will not have a  material  adverse
effect on our results of operations.

    With  respect  to any  operations  conducted  on  offshore  federal  leases,
liability may generally be imposed under the Outer  Continental  Shelf Lands Act
(the  "OCSLA") for costs of clean-up and damages  caused by pollution  resulting
from  these  operations,  other  than  damages  caused  by  acts  of  war or the
negligence of third parties.  To cover the various obligations of lessees on the
OCS, the MMS  generally  requires that lessees post  substantial  bonds or other
acceptable  assurances that these  obligations will be met. The cost of bonds or
other surety can be  substantial  and there is no assurance  that bonds or other
surety can be obtained in all cases.

    Since  November 26, 1993,  new levels of lease and areawide  bonds have been
required of lessees taking certain actions with regard to OCS leases.  Operators
in the OCS waters of the Gulf of Mexico were required to increase their areawide
bonds and  individual  lease bonds to $3 million  and $1 million,  respectively,
unless the MMS allowed  exemptions  or reduced  amounts.  We  currently  have an
areawide  right-of-way  bond for $0.3  million and an areawide  operator's  bond
totaling  $3.0  million  issued  in favor of the MMS for our  existing  offshore
properties.  The MMS also has  discretionary  authority to require  supplemental
bonding in addition to the foregoing required bonding amounts but this authority
is only exercised on a case-by-case basis at the time of filing an assignment of
record title interest for MMS approval. Based upon certain financial parameters,
we have  been  granted  exempt  status  by the MMS,  which  exempts  us from the
supplemental  bonding  requirements.  Under certain  circumstances,  the MMS may
require any of our  operations on federal  leases to be suspended or terminated.
Any such  suspension or termination  could  materially and adversely  affect our
financial condition and operations.

    OIL PRICE CONTROLS AND TRANSPORTATION RATES. Sales of crude oil, condensate
and gas liquids are not currently  regulated and are made at negotiated  prices.
Effective as of January 1, 1995, the Federal Energy  Regulatory  Commission (the
"FERC")   implemented   regulations   establishing   an   indexing   system  for
transportation  rates  for oil  that  allowed  for an  increase  in the  cost of
transporting oil to the purchaser.  The  implementation of these regulations has
not had a material adverse effect on our results of operations.

the  transportation  and sale for resale of natural gas in  interstate  commerce
have been  regulated  pursuant to the Natural Gas Act of 1938 (the  "NGA"),  the
Natural  Gas Policy Act of 1978 (the  "NGPA")  and the  regulations  promulgated
thereunder by the FERC. In the past,  the Federal  government  has regulated the
prices at which gas could be sold.  While sales by  producers of natural gas can
currently be made at  uncontrolled  market prices,  Congress could reenact price
controls in the future.  Deregulation  of wellhead  natural gas sales began with
the  enactment of the NGPA. In 1989,  Congress  enacted the Natural Gas Wellhead
Decontrol Act (the "Decontrol  Act"). The Decontrol Act removed all NGA and NGPA
price and non-price  controls  affecting wellhead sales of natural gas effective
January 1, 1993.

    Commencing in April 1992, the FERC issued Order Nos. 636, 636-A,  636-B, and
636-C  (collectively,  "Order No. 636"), which require  interstate  pipelines to
provide  transportation  separate,  or "unbundled," from the pipelines' sales of
gas.   Also,   Order  No.  636  requires   pipelines   to  provide   open-access
transportation  on a basis that is equal for all gas  suppliers.  Although Order
No. 636 does not directly  regulate our activities,  the FERC has stated that it
intends for Order No. 636 to foster increased  competition  within all phases of
the natural  gas  industry.  The  implementation  of these  orders has not had a
material adverse effect on our results of operations.

    The courts have largely  affirmed the significant  features of Order No. 636
and numerous  related orders  pertaining to the individual  pipelines,  although
certain  appeals  remain pending and the FERC continues to review and modify its
open access  regulations.  In  particular,  the FERC has recently  begun a broad
review  of  its  transportation  regulations,  including  how  they  operate  in
conjunction with state proposals for retail gas market restructuring, whether to
eliminate  cost-of-service  rates  for  short-term  transportation,  whether  to
allocate  all  short-term  capacity on the basis of  competitive  auctions,  and
whether changes to its long-term transportation policies may also be appropriate
to avoid a market bias toward short-term contracts.

    While any  additional  FERC  action on these  matters  would  affect us only
indirectly, any new rules and policy statements may have the effect of enhancing
competition  in  natural  gas  markets  by,  among  other  things,   encouraging
non-producer  natural  gas  marketers  to engage in  certain  purchase  and sale
transactions. We cannot predict what action the FERC will take on these matters,
nor can we accurately  predict  whether the FERC's actions will achieve the goal
of increasing  competition in markets in which our natural gas is sold. However,
we do not  believe  that we will be  affected  by any  action  taken  materially
differently  than  other  natural  gas  producers  and  marketers  with which we

    The OCSLA requires that all pipelines operating on or across the OCS provide
open-access,  non-discriminatory  service.  To date,  the FERC has  opted not to
impose the regulations of Order No. 509, in which the FERC implemented the OCSLA
with  respect to  interstate  pipelines,  on  gatherers  and other  entities not
subject to the FERC's NGA  jurisdiction.  The FERC has the  authority  under the
OCSLA to  exercise  jurisdiction  over those  entities  if  necessary  to permit
non-discriminatory  access to service on the OCS. The FERC recently  proposed to
adopt certain  reporting  requirements  applicable (with limited  exceptions) to
both  gatherers and pipelines  operating on the OCS  concerning  their rates and
terms and conditions of service. The purpose of the proposed  requirements is to
provide regulators and other interested  parties with sufficient  information to
detect, and then seek to remedy,  discriminatory conduct in such operations.  We
cannot predict the outcome of this proposal or what effect,  if any, it may have
on us. If the FERC were to apply  Order No.  509 to  gatherers  in the OCS,  and
eliminate  the exemption of gathering  lines,  then these acts could result in a
reduction  in  available  pipeline  space for  existing  shippers in the Gulf of

    Additional  proposals  and  proceedings  that might  affect the  natural gas
industry are pending before Congress,  the FERC and the courts.  The natural gas
industry  historically has been very heavily regulated;  therefore,  there is no
assurance that the less stringent  regulatory  approach  recently pursued by the
FERC and Congress will continue.

    ENVIRONMENTAL  REGULATIONS.  Our operations are subject to numerous laws and
regulations  governing  the  discharge  of  materials  into the  environment  or
otherwise relating to environmental  protection.  These laws and regulations may
require the  acquisition  of a permit before  drilling  commences,  restrict the
types,  quantities and concentration of various  substances that can be released
into the  environment  in connection  with drilling and  production  activities,
limit or prohibit drilling  activities on certain lands lying within wilderness,
wetlands and other  protected  areas,  and impose  substantial  liabilities  for
pollution  resulting  from our  operations.  Legislation  has been  proposed  in
Congress from time to time that would reclassify certain oil and gas exploration
and production  wastes as "hazardous  wastes," which would make the reclassified
wastes  subject  to  much  more  stringent   handling,   disposal  and  clean-up
requirements.  If  such  legislation  were  to  be  enacted,  it  could  have  a
significant  impact on our operating  costs, as well as the oil and gas industry
in  general.  We believe  that we are in  substantial  compliance  with  current
applicable environmental laws and regulations and that continued compliance with
existing requirements would not have a material adverse impact on us.

    The Oil Pollution Act ("OPA") and regulations thereunder impose a variety of
regulations on "responsible parties" related to the prevention of oil spills and
liability  for damages  resulting  from such spills in United States  waters.  A
"responsible  party"  includes  the owner or  operator  of an onshore  facility,
pipeline or vessel,  or the lessee or permittee of the area in which an offshore
facility is located.  OPA assigns  liability to each  responsible  party for oil
cleanup  costs and a variety  of public and  private  damages.  While  liability
limits apply in some  circumstances,  a party cannot take advantage of liability
limits if the spill was  caused by gross  negligence  or willful  misconduct  or
resulted  from  violation  of  a  federal  safety,   construction  or  operating
regulation.  If the party fails to report a spill or to  cooperate  fully in the
cleanup,  liability  limits  likewise  do not  apply.  Even if  applicable,  the
liability limits for offshore  facilities  require the responsible  party to pay
all removal costs,  plus up to $75 million in other damages.  Few defenses exist
to the liability imposed by OPA.

    OPA imposes  ongoing  requirements  on a  responsible  party,  including the
preparation of oil spill response plans and proof of financial responsibility to
cover  environmental  cleanup  and  restoration  costs that could be incurred in
connection with an oil spill. As amended by the Coast Guard Authorization Act of
1996, OPA requires  responsible parties of covered offshore facilities that have
a worst  case oil spill of more than  1,000  barrels  to  demonstrate  financial
responsibility  in amounts  ranging from at least $10 million in specified state
waters to at least $35 million in federal outer continental  shelf waters,  with
higher amounts of up to $150 million if a formal risk assessment  indicates that
a higher  amount  should  be  required  based  on  specific  risks  posed by the
operations  or if the worst case  oil-spill  discharge  volume  possible  at the
facility may exceed the applicable  threshold  volumes specified under the MMS's
final rule. On August 11, 1998, the MMS enacted a final rule implementing  these
financial  responsibility  requirements.  We do  not  anticipate  that  we  will
experience  any difficulty in continuing to satisfy the MMS's  requirements  for
demonstrating financial responsibility under OPA.

    The Comprehensive  Environmental Response,  Compensation,  and Liability Act
("CERCLA"), also known as the "Superfund" law, imposes liability, without regard
to fault or the legality of the original conduct,  on certain classes of persons
that are considered to be responsible for the release of a "hazardous substance"
into the  environment.  These  persons  include  the  owner or  operator  of the
disposal site or sites where the release occurred and companies that transported
or  disposed  or  arranged  for  the  transport  or  disposal  of the  hazardous
substances  found at the site.  Persons who are or were responsible for releases
of  hazardous  substances  under  CERCLA  may be  subject  to joint and  several
liability for the costs of cleaning up the hazardous  substances  that have been
released into the  environment and for damages to natural  resources,  and it is
not uncommon for  neighboring  landowners and other third parties to file claims
for  personal  injury and  property  damage  allegedly  caused by the  hazardous
substances released into the environment.

    The EPA has indicated that we may be potentially  responsible  for costs and
liabilities  associated  with alleged  releases of hazardous  substances  at one
site. See "Item 3. Legal Proceedings-Environmental."

    The Federal Water Pollution Control Act ("FWPCA")  imposes  restrictions and
strict controls regarding the discharge of produced waters and other oil and gas
wastes into navigable waters.  Permits must be obtained to discharge  pollutants
to waters and to conduct  construction  activities in waters and  wetlands.  The
FWPCA and similar  state laws  provide for civil,  criminal  and  administrative
penalties  for  any  unauthorized  discharges  of  pollutants  and  unauthorized
discharges of reportable quantities of oil and other hazardous substances.  Many
state  discharge  regulations  and  the  Federal  National  Pollutant  Discharge
Elimination  System general permits prohibit the discharge of produced water and
sand,  drilling fluids,  drill cuttings and certain other substances  related to
the oil and gas industry into coastal waters.  Although the costs to comply with
zero  discharge  mandates  under  federal or state law may be  significant,  the
entire  industry is expected to  experience  similar  costs and we believe  that
these costs will not have a material adverse impact on our results of operations
or financial position. The EPA has adopted regulations requiring certain oil and
gas  exploration  and  production  facilities to obtain  permits for storm water
discharges.  Costs  may be  associated  with  the  treatment  of  wastewater  or
developing and implementing storm water pollution prevention plans.


    Our operations  are subject to the usual hazards  incidental to the drilling
of oil and gas wells,  such as cratering,  explosions,  uncontrollable  flows of
oil, gas or well fluids,  fires,  pollution and other  environmental  risks. Our
activities  are also subject to perils  peculiar to marine  operations,  such as
capsizing,  collision, and damage or loss from severe weather. These hazards can
cause  personal  injury and loss of life,  severe damage to and  destruction  of
property and  equipment,  pollution or  environmental  damage and  suspension of

  We  currently  maintain  loss  of  production  insurance  to  protect  against
uncontrollable  disruptions  in  production  operations.  The policy  covers the
majority of our anticipated production volumes from selected offshore properties
on an individual  facility basis.  The value of lost production is calculated on
estimated  annual  production  volumes at insured prices of $19.00 per barrel of
oil and  $2.40  per Mcf of gas.  We  currently  maintain  coverage  of up to $75
million per occurrence that becomes  effective after 30 consecutive days of lost

    We also  maintain  additional  insurance  of  various  types  to  cover  our
operations,  including maritime employer's  liability and comprehensive  general
liability.  Amounts in excess of base  coverages  are  provided  by primary  and
excess  umbrella  liability  policies  with ultimate  limits of $50 million.  In
addition,  we maintain up to $50 million in operator's  extra expense  coverage,
which  provides  coverage  for the care,  custody and  control of wells  drilled
and/or  completed  plus  redrill and  pollution  coverage.  The exact  amount of
coverage for each well is dependent upon its depth and location.

    The  occurrence of a  significant  event,  not fully insured or  indemnified
against,  could  materially  and adversely  affect our  financial  condition and
operations. Moreover, no assurance can be given that we will be able to maintain
adequate insurance in the future at rates we consider reasonable.

     Production  from the E and D  Platforms  at our South  Pelto Block 23 Field
accounted for approximately 19% and 18%, respectively,  of our total oil and gas
production  volumes  during  1999.  Production  from this  field  accounted  for
approximately 39% of our total production for the year.


    At March 15,  2000,  we had 129 full time  employees.  We  believe  that our
relationships  with our  employees are  satisfactory.  None of our employees are
covered by a collective bargaining  agreement.  From time to time we utilize the
services of independent contractors to perform various field and other services.


    This  Form  10-K  and the  information  incorporated  by  reference  contain
statements that constitute  "forward-looking  statements"  within the meaning of
Section 27A of the  Securities  Act and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange
Act.  The  words  "expect",  "project",  "estimate",  "believe",   "anticipate",
"intend", "budget", "plan", "forecast",  "predict" and other similar expressions
are intended to identify forward-looking statements.  These statements appear in
a number of places  and  include  statements  regarding  our  plans,  beliefs or
current  expectations,  including  the plans,  beliefs and  expectations  of our
officers and directors with respect to, among other things:

o   earnings growth;

o   budgeted capital expenditures;

o   increases in oil and gas production;

o   future project dates;

o   our outlook on oil and gas prices;

o   estimates of our oil and gas reserves;

o   our future financial condition or results of operations; and

o   our business strategy and other plans and objectives for future operations.

    When considering any forward-looking  statement, you should keep in mind the
risk factors and other cautionary  statements in this Form 10-K that could cause
our  actual  results  to  differ   materially   from  those   contained  in  any
forward-looking  statement.   Furthermore,  the  assumptions  that  support  our
forward-looking   statements  are  based  upon  information  that  is  currently
available and is subject to change. We specifically  disclaim all responsibility
to publically update any information contained in a forward-looking statement or
any  forward-looking  statement  in its  entirety  and  therefore  disclaim  any
resulting liability for potentially related damages.

    All forward-looking  statements attributable to Stone Energy Corporation are
expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.


  Our  business is subject to a number of risks  including,  but not limited to,
those described below:


  Our revenues,  profitability  and future rate of growth  depend  substantially
upon the market prices of oil and natural gas, which fluctuate  widely.  Factors
that can cause this fluctuation include:

 o relatively minor changes in the supply of and demand for oil and natural gas;

 o market uncertainty;

 o the level of consumer product demand;

 o weather conditions;

 o domestic and foreign governmental regulations;

 o the price and availability of alternative fuels;

 o political and economic conditions in oil producing countries, particularly
   those in the Middle East;

 o the foreign supply of oil and natural gas;

 o the price of oil and gas imports; and

 o overall economic conditions.

  We cannot predict future oil and natural gas prices. At various times,  excess
domestic and imported  supplies have  depressed oil and gas prices.  Declines in
oil and  natural  gas  prices may  adversely  affect  our  financial  condition,
liquidity and results of  operations.  Lower prices may reduce the amount of oil
and  natural gas that we can produce  economically  and may also create  ceiling
test write-downs of our oil and gas properties. Substantially all of our oil and
natural gas sales are made in the spot market or pursuant to contracts  based on
spot market prices, not long-term fixed price contracts.

  In an attempt to reduce our price risk,  we  periodically  enter into  hedging
transactions  with respect to a portion of our expected  future  production.  We
cannot  assure you that such  transactions  will reduce the risk or minimize the
effect of any decline in oil or natural gas prices.  Any substantial or extended
decline in the prices of or demand for oil or natural  gas would have a material
adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.

  In  addition,   the   marketability   of  our  production   depends  upon  the
availability,  operation  and capacity of gas gathering  systems,  pipelines and
processing  facilities.  The unavailability or lack of capacity of these systems
and  facilities  could result in the shut-in of producing  wells or the delay or
discontinuance of development plans for properties. Federal and state regulation
of oil and gas production and  transportation,  general economic  conditions and
changes in supply and demand could  adversely  affect our ability to produce and
market our oil and natural  gas. If market  factors  changed  dramatically,  the
financial impact on us could be substantial. The availability of markets and the
volatility of product  prices are beyond our control and represent a significant


  This Form 10-K  contains  estimates of our proved oil and gas reserves and the
estimated future net revenues from such reserves. These estimates are based upon
various  assumptions,  including  assumptions  required  by the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  relating to oil and gas  prices,  drilling  and  operating
expenses, capital expenditures,  taxes and availability of funds. The process of
estimating oil and gas reserves is complex.  This process  requires  significant
decisions  and   assumptions   in  the   evaluation  of  available   geological,
geophysical,  engineering and economic data for each reservoir. Therefore, these
estimates are inherently imprecise.

  Actual future production,  oil and gas prices,  revenues,  taxes,  development
expenditures,  operating  expenses and  quantities  of  recoverable  oil and gas
reserves will most likely vary from those  estimated.  Any significant  variance
could materially  affect the estimated  quantities and present value of reserves
set forth in this document and the information  incorporated  by reference.  Our
properties may also be susceptible  to hydrocarbon  drainage from  production by
other operators on adjacent properties.  In addition, we may adjust estimates of
proved  reserves  to reflect  production  history,  results of  exploration  and
development,  prevailing oil and gas prices and other factors, many of which are
beyond our control. Actual production, revenues, taxes, development expenditures
and  operating  expenses  with respect to our reserves will likely vary from the
estimates used. Such variances may be material.

  At December 31, 1999,  approximately 20% of our estimated proved reserves were
undeveloped.  Undeveloped reserves, by their nature, are less certain.  Recovery
of undeveloped reserves requires significant capital expenditures and successful
drilling  operations.  The reserve data  assumes  that we will make  significant
capital expenditures to develop our reserves. Although we

have  prepared  estimates of our oil and gas  reserves and the costs  associated
with these reserves in accordance with industry standards,  we cannot assure you
that the estimated costs are accurate,  that development will occur as scheduled
or that the actual results will be as estimated.

  You should not assume that the present  value of future net revenues  referred
to in this  Form  10-K and the  information  incorporated  by  reference  is the
current fair value of our  estimated oil and gas  reserves.  In accordance  with
Securities and Exchange Commission requirements, the estimated discounted future
net cash flows from proved  reserves are generally  based on prices and costs as
of the date of the  estimate.  Actual  future prices and costs may be materially
higher or lower than the prices  and costs as of the date of the  estimate.  Any
changes in  consumption  by gas  purchasers or in  governmental  regulations  or
taxation will also affect  actual future net cash flows.  The timing of both the
production and the expenses from the  development  and production of oil and gas
properties  will  affect the timing of actual  future net cash flows from proved
reserves and their present value. In addition, the 10% discount factor, which is
required by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission to be used in  calculating
discounted future net cash flows for reporting purposes,  is not necessarily the
most accurate discount factor.  The effective interest rate at various times and
the risks  associated with us or the oil and gas industry in general will affect
the accuracy of the 10% discount factor.


  We use the full  cost  method of  accounting  to  account  for our oil and gas
operations.  Accordingly,  we  capitalize  the cost to acquire,  explore for and
develop  oil and gas  properties.  Under  full cost  accounting  rules,  the net
capitalized  costs of oil and gas  properties  may not exceed a "ceiling  limit"
which is based upon the present  value of  estimated  future net cash flows from
proved  reserves,  discounted  at 10%,  plus the lower of cost or fair  value of
unproved  properties.  If net capitalized costs of oil and gas properties exceed
the ceiling limit, we must charge the amount of the excess to earnings.  This is
called a "ceiling test  write-down."  This charge does not impact cash flow from
operating activities, but does reduce our stockholders' equity. The risk that we
will be  required  to write down the  carrying  value of oil and gas  properties
increases when oil and gas prices are low or volatile. In addition,  write-downs
may occur if we experience  substantial  downward  adjustments  to our estimated
proved  reserves.  Due to low oil and gas prices at the end of 1998, in December
1998 we  recorded  an  after-tax  write-down  of $57.4  million  ($89.1  million
pre-tax).  We  cannot  assure  you  that we will  not  experience  ceiling  test
write-downs in the future.


  We have historically  addressed our long-term  liquidity needs through the use
of bank credit  facilities,  the issuance of debt and equity  securities and the
use of cash  provided  by  operating  activities.  We  continue  to examine  the
following alternative sources of long-term capital:

  o  bank borrowings or the issuance of debt securities;

  o  the sale of common stock, preferred stock or other equity securities;

  o  joint venture financing; and

  o  production payments.

  The  availability  of these  sources of capital  will  depend upon a number of
factors,  some of which are beyond our control.  These factors  include  general
economic and  financial  market  conditions,  oil and natural gas prices and our
market  value  and  operating  performance.  We may be  unable  to  execute  our
operating strategy if we cannot obtain capital from these sources.


  We spend and will  continue to spend a  substantial  amount of capital for the
development,  exploration,  acquisition  and production of oil and gas reserves.
Our capital  expenditures were $123.9 million during 1999, $158.9 million during
1998 and  $148.8  million  during  1997.  We  estimate  that our  total  capital
expenditures  for 2000  will be  approximately  $124.3  million.  If low oil and
natural gas prices,  operating  difficulties or other factors, many of which are
beyond  our  control,  cause our  revenues  or cash  flows  from  operations  to
decrease,  we may be limited in our  ability to spend the capital  necessary  to
complete  our drilling  program.  We may be forced to raise  additional  debt or
equity proceeds to fund such expenditures.  We cannot assure you that additional
debt or equity  financing or cash  generated by operations  will be available to
meet these requirements.


  In general,  the volume of production from oil and gas properties  declines as
reserves are depleted.  Our reserves will decline as they are produced unless we
acquire  properties with proved reserves or conduct  successful  development and
exploration  activities.  Our future  natural gas and oil  production  is highly
dependent upon our level of success in finding or acquiring additional reserves.
Our recent growth is due in part to  acquisitions of producing  properties.  The
successful  acquisition  of producing  properties  requires an  assessment  of a
number  of  factors  beyond  our  control.  These  factors  include  recoverable
reserves, future oil and gas prices, operating costs and potential environmental
and other  liabilities,  title issues and other factors.  Such  assessments  are
inexact and their  accuracy is inherently  uncertain.  In  connection  with such
assessments, we perform a review of the subject properties,  which we believe is
generally  consistent with industry practices.  However,  such a review will not
reveal all existing or  potential  problems.  In  addition,  the review will not
permit a buyer to become  sufficiently  familiar  with the  properties  to fully
assess their deficiencies and capabilities. We cannot assure you that we will be
able to acquire  properties at acceptable  prices  because the  competition  for
producing  oil and gas  properties is intense and many of our  competitors  have
financial  and  other  resources  which are  substantially  greater  than  those
available to us.

  Our  strategy   includes   increasing  our  production  and  reserves  by  the
implementation  of  a  carefully  designed  field-wide  development  plan.  This
development plan is formulated prior to the acquisition of a property.  However,
we cannot assure you that our future  development,  acquisition  and exploration
activities will result in additional  proved reserves or that we will be able to
drill productive wells at acceptable costs.


  Oil and gas drilling and production  activities are subject to numerous risks,
including the risk that no commercially productive oil or natural gas reservoirs
will be found. The cost of drilling and completing wells is often uncertain. Oil
and gas drilling and production activities may be shortened, delayed or canceled
as a result of a variety of factors, many of which are beyond our control. These
factors include:

  o  unexpected drilling conditions;

  o  pressure or irregularities in formations;

  o  equipment failures or accidents;

  o  weather conditions;

  o  shortages in experienced labor; and

  o  shortages or delays in the delivery of equipment.

  The  prevailing  prices of oil and natural gas also affect the cost of and the
demand for drilling rigs, production equipment and related services.

  We cannot assure you that the new wells we drill will be productive or that we
will recover all or any portion of our investment.  Drilling for oil and natural
gas may be unprofitable.  Drilling  activities can result in dry wells and wells
that are productive but do not produce  sufficient net revenues after  operating
and other costs.


  The exploration,  development and operation of oil and gas properties involves
a variety of operating risks including the risk of fire,  explosions,  blowouts,
pipe  failure,   abnormally  pressured  formations  and  environmental  hazards.
Environmental  hazards  include  oil  spills,  gas leaks,  pipeline  ruptures or
discharges of toxic gases.  If any of these industry  operating  risks occur, we
could have  substantial  losses.  Substantial  losses may be caused by injury or
loss of life, severe damage to or destruction of property, natural resources and
equipment,  pollution or other environmental damage, clean-up  responsibilities,
regulatory   investigation   and   penalties  and   suspension  of   operations.
Additionally,  our offshore  operations are subject to the additional hazards of
marine  operations,  such as capsizing,  collision  and adverse  weather and sea
conditions.  In accordance with industry practice, we maintain insurance against
some, but not all, of the risks  described  above. We cannot assure you that our
insurance  will be  adequate to cover  losses or  liabilities.  Also,  we cannot
predict the continued  availability  of insurance at premium levels that justify
its purchase.


  As of December 31, 1999, our long-term debt was $100 million and we had $132.5
million of available  borrowing  capacity under our bank credit facility with no
outstanding  draws.  The borrowing  base  limitation  on our credit  facility is
periodically  redetermined  based  on an  evaluation  of  our  reserves.  Upon a
redetermination,  if borrowings in excess of the revised borrowing capacity were
outstanding,  we could be forced to repay a portion of our bank debt. We may not
have sufficient funds to make such repayments.

  Our level of debt affects our operations in several important ways,  including
the following:

  o  a large portion of our cash flow from operations may be used to pay
     interest on borrowings;

  o  the covenants contained in the agreements governing our debt limit our
     ability to borrow additional funds or to dispose of assets;

  o  the covenants contained in the agreements governing our debt may affect our
     flexibility in planning for, and reacting to, changes in business

  o  a high level of debt may impair our ability to obtain additional financing
     in the future for working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions,
     general corporate or other purposes;

  o  our leveraged financial position may make us more vulnerable to economic
     downturns and may limit our ability to withstand competitive pressures;

  o  any debt that we incur under our credit facility will be at variable rates
     which makes us vulnerable to increases in interest rates; and

  o  a high level of debt will affect our flexibility in planning for or
     reacting to changes in market conditions.

  In addition,  we may significantly  alter our  capitalization in order to make
future  acquisitions or develop our properties.  These changes in capitalization
may  significantly  increase our level of debt. A higher level of debt increases
the risk that we may  default on our debt  obligations.  Our ability to meet our
debt  obligations  and to  reduce  our  level  of  debt  depends  on our  future
performance.  General  economic  conditions  and  financial,  business and other
factors affect our operations and our future performance.  Many of these factors
are beyond our control.

  If we are unable to repay our debt at maturity  out of cash on hand,  we could
attempt to refinance  such debt,  or repay such debt with the  proceeds  from an
equity  offering.  We  cannot  assure  you  that we  will  be  able to  generate
sufficient  cash flow to pay the interest on our debt or that future  borrowings
or equity  financing  will be available to pay or refinance such debt. The terms
of our debt, including our credit facility and the indenture,  may also prohibit
us from taking such actions.  Factors that will affect our ability to raise cash
through an offering of our capital  stock or a  refinancing  of our debt include
financial  market  conditions and our market value and operating  performance at
the time of such offering or other financing. We cannot assure you that any such
offering or refinancing can be successfully completed.


  We  operate in a highly  competitive  environment.  We compete  with major and
independent  oil and gas companies for the  acquisition of desirable oil and gas
properties  and the  equipment  and labor  required to develop and operate  such
properties.  Many of  these  competitors  have  financial  and  other  resources
substantially greater than ours.


  Our oil and gas  operations  are subject to various U. S.  federal,  state and
local governmental regulations.  These regulations may be changed in response to
economic  or  political  conditions.   Regulated  matters  include  permits  for
discharges of  wastewaters  and other  substances  generated in connection  with
drilling  operations,  bonds or other financial  responsibility  requirements to
cover drilling  contingencies and well plugging and abandonment  costs,  reports
concerning  operations,  the  spacing of wells and  unitization  and  pooling of
properties  and taxation.  At various  times,  regulatory  agencies have imposed
price controls and limitations on oil and gas  production.  In order to conserve
supplies of oil and gas, these agencies have restricted the rates of flow of oil
and gas wells below actual production capacity.  In addition,  the Oil Pollution
Act of 1990  requires  operators of offshore  facilities to prove that they have
the financial  capability to respond to costs that may be incurred in connection
with  potential  oil  spills.  Under  such  law  and  other  federal  and  state
environmental  statutes,  owners and operators of certain defined facilities are
strictly  liable for spills of oil and other  regulated  substances,  subject to
certain limitations. A substantial spill from one of our facilities could have a
material  adverse effect on our results of operations,  competitive  position or
financial  condition.   Federal,  state  and  local  laws  regulate  production,
handling, storage,  transportation and disposal of oil and gas, by-products from
oil and gas and other substances,  and materials  produced or used in connection
with oil and gas  operations.  We cannot predict the ultimate cost of compliance
with these requirements or their effect on our operations.


  Our operations  are dependent upon a relatively  small group of key management
and technical personnel.  We cannot assure you that such individuals will remain
with us for the immediate or  foreseeable  future.  The  unexpected  loss of the
services of one or more of these individuals could have a detrimental  effect on


  In order to manage our exposure to price risks in the marketing of our oil and
gas,  we enter into oil and gas price  hedging  arrangements  with  respect to a
portion of our expected  production.  Our hedging policy provides that,  without
prior  approval of our board of  directors,  generally  not more than 50% of our
production  quantities  can be hedged.  In  addition,  such hedges  shall not be
longer  than  one  year in  duration.  These  arrangements  may  include  future
contracts  on the New York  Mercantile  Exchange.  While  intended to reduce the
effects  of  volatile  oil and gas  prices,  such  transactions  may  limit  our
potential gains if oil and gas prices were to rise  substantially over the price
established by the hedge. In addition,  such  transactions  may expose us to the
risk of financial loss in certain circumstances, including instances in which:

  o our production is less than expected;

  o there is a widening of price differentials between delivery points for our
    production and the delivery point assumed in the hedge arrangement;

  o the counterparties to our future contracts fail to perform the contracts; or

  o a sudden, unexpected event materially impacts oil or gas prices.


  James H. Stone and Joe R. Klutts  collectively  own 9% of the working interest
in certain  wells  drilled  on Section 19 on the east flank of the Weeks  Island
Field.  These  interests  were  acquired  at the  same  time as our  predecessor
acquired its interests in the Weeks Island Field.  In their  capacity as working
interest owners,  they are required to pay their proportional share of all costs
and are entitled to receive their proportional share of revenues.

    Prior  to  our  Initial  Public   Offering  in  1993,  The  Stone  Petroleum
Corporation  had  formed   partnerships  to  acquire  and  manage  oil  and  gas
properties.  James  H.  Stone  and Joe R.  Klutts  both  participated  in  these
partnerships.  On December 31, 1999,  the  partnerships  were  dissolved and the
working interests were transferred to Stone Energy Corporation. All participants
in the  partnerships,  including  James H.  Stone  and Joe R.  Klutts,  received
overriding  royalty  interests in the related  properties  in exchange for their
partnership interests.

  Certain of our officers were granted net profits  interests in some of our oil
and gas  properties  acquired  prior  to 1993.  The  recipients  of net  profits
interests  are not  required to pay  capital  costs  incurred on the  properties
burdened by such interests.

  As a result of these transactions, a conflict of interest may exist between us
and such employees and officers with respect to the drilling of additional wells
or other development operations.


    We have never  declared or paid any cash  dividends  on our common stock and
have no intention to do so in the near future.  The  restrictions on our present
or future  ability  to pay  dividends  are  included  in the  provisions  of the
Delaware General  Corporation Law and in certain  restrictive  provisions in the
Indenture  executed in connection with our 8-3/4% Senior  Subordinated Notes due
2007.  In  addition,  we have  entered  into a  credit  facility  that  contains
provisions  that may have the effect of limiting or  prohibiting  the payment of


  Certain   provisions  of  our   Certificate  of   Incorporation,   Bylaws  and
shareholders' rights plan and the provisions of the Delaware General Corporation
Law may  encourage  persons  considering  unsolicited  tender  offers  or  other
unilateral  takeover  proposals to negotiate with our board of directors  rather
than  pursue  non-negotiated   takeover  attempts.  Our  Bylaws  provide  for  a
classified board of directors. Also, our Certificate of Incorporation authorizes
our board of directors to issue preferred stock without stockholder approval and
to set the rights,  preferences and other designations,  including voting rights
of those  shares as the  board  may  determine.  Additional  provisions  include
restrictions  on business  combinations  and the  availability of authorized but
unissued common stock. These provisions, alone or in combination with each other
and with the rights plan described below, may discourage  transactions involving
actual or potential  changes of control,  including  transactions that otherwise
could involve payment of a premium over prevailing market prices to stockholders
for their common stock.

  During 1998, our board of directors  adopted a shareholder  rights  agreement,
pursuant to which  uncertificated  stock purchase rights were distributed to our
stockholders  at a rate of one right  for each  share of  common  stock  held of
record as of October  26,  1998.  The rights  plan is  designed  to enhance  the
board's  ability to prevent  an  acquirer  from  depriving  stockholders  of the
long-term value of their investment and to protect stockholders against attempts
to acquire  us by means of unfair or  abusive  takeover  tactics.  However,  the
existence of the rights plan may impede a takeover  not  supported by our board,
including a takeover  that may be desired by a majority of our  stockholders  or
involving a premium over the prevailing stock price.


    We have grown principally through the acquisition and subsequent development
and exploitation of properties purchased from major oil companies.  During 1999,
we acquired  working  interests in four new fields and  increased  our ownership
interests in three  existing  fields.  As a result,  at December  31,  1999,  we
operated  all of our 19  properties,  twelve  of which are in the Gulf of Mexico
offshore  Louisiana,  and seven of which are onshore Louisiana.  On December 31,
1999,  we  dissolved  eight  partnerships  that were formed prior to our Initial
Public Offering and owned less than 5% of our assets.


    The following table sets forth our estimated net proved oil and gas reserves
and the present value of estimated future pre-tax net cash flows related to such
reserves as of December 31, 1999. Net revenue and net cash flow amounts  include
the effects of hedging  contracts.  The proved  natural gas reserves at December
31,  1999  excluded  6.7 Bcf of gas  dedicated  to a  production  payment.  Also
excluded are the related  estimated  future net cash flows and the present value
of  estimated  future  net cash  flows  of  $16.6  million  and  $14.8  million,

    All information in this Form 10-K relating to estimated oil and gas reserves
and the estimated future net cash flows  attributable  thereto is based upon the
reserve  reports  (the  "Reserve  Reports")  prepared as of December 31, 1999 by
Atwater  Consultants,  Ltd.  and Cawley,  Gillespie  &  Associates,  Inc.,  both
independent petroleum engineers.  Using the information contained in the Reserve
Reports,  the average 1999  year-end  product  prices,  including the effects of
hedging,  for all of our properties  were $25.07 per barrel of oil and $2.47 per
Mcf of gas. All product  pricing and cost estimates used in the Reserve  Reports
are in accordance  with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission, and, except as otherwise

indicated,  the reported amounts give no effect to federal or state income taxes
otherwise  attributable to estimated  future cash flows from the sale of oil and
gas. The present  value of estimated  future net cash flows has been  calculated
using a discount factor of 10%.

                                                 PROVED                   PROVED                  TOTAL                 PROVED
                                               DEVELOPED               UNDEVELOPED               PROVED               DEVELOPED
                                          -------------------     -------------------       ----------------         -----------
                                                                    (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

Oil (MBbls)..............................        17,729                   4,907                   22,636                  78%
Gas (MMcf)...............................       205,345                  46,269                  251,614                  82%
Total oil and gas (MMcfe)................       311,719                  75,711                  387,430                  80%
Estimated future net cash flows before
  income taxes...........................      $671,265                $131,065                 $802,330                  84%
Present value of estimated future
  net cash flows before income taxes.....      $481,982                 $79,321                 $561,303                  86%

    There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating quantities of proved
reserves  and in  projecting  future  rates  of  production  and the  timing  of
development  expenditures,  including  many  factors  beyond the  control of the
producer.  The reserve data set forth herein only represents estimates.  Reserve
engineering is a subjective process of estimating  underground  accumulations of
oil and gas that  cannot be measured  in an exact way,  and the  accuracy of any
reserve  estimate  is a  function  of  the  quality  of  available  data  and of
engineering  and  geological  interpretation  and judgment and the  existence of
development  plans.  As a  result,  estimates  of  reserves  made  by  different
engineers for the same property  will often vary.  Results of drilling,  testing
and  production  subsequent to the date of an estimate may justify a revision of
such estimates.  Accordingly, reserve estimates are generally different from the
quantities of oil and gas that are ultimately  produced.  Further, the estimated
future net revenues from proved reserves and the present value thereof are based
upon  certain  assumptions,   including  geological  success,   prices,   future
production levels and costs that may not prove to be correct.  Predictions about
prices and future  production levels are subject to great  uncertainty,  and the
meaningfulness  of these  estimates  depends on the accuracy of the  assumptions
upon which they are based.

    As an operator of domestic oil and gas properties,  we have filed Department
of Energy Form EIA-23,  "Annual  Survey of Oil and Gas Reserves," as required by
Public Law 93-275.  There are  differences  between the  reserves as reported on
Form EIA-23 and as reported herein. The differences are attributable to the fact
that  Form  EIA-23  requires  that an  operator  report  on the  total  reserves
attributable  to wells which it operates,  without  regard to  ownership  (i.e.,
reserves are reported on a gross operated  basis,  rather than on a net interest
basis) and disregarding non-operated wells in which it owns an interest.


    ACQUISITION  AND DEVELOPMENT  COSTS.  The following table sets forth certain
information  regarding the costs incurred in our  acquisition,  development  and
exploratory activities during the periods indicated.

                                                                               Year Ended December 31,
                                                                    1999                1998                1997
                                                              ----------------   -------------------   ---------------
                                                                                  (In thousands)

Acquisition costs............................................         $31,046               $17,748           $43,791
Development costs............................................          53,463                54,889            43,762
Exploratory costs............................................          32,117                81,765            57,770
                                                              ----------------   -------------------   ---------------
      Subtotal...............................................         116,626               154,402           145,323
        Capitalized general and administrative costs and
           interest, net of fees and reimbursements                     7,284                 4,480             3,457
                                                              ----------------   -------------------   ---------------
    Total additions to oil and gas properties (1)............        $123,910              $158,882          $148,780
                                                              ================   ===================   ===============

    (1)   Total additions to oil and gas properties during 1999 included
          non-cash additions of $20.3 million related to acquisitions made
          through production payments.

    PRODUCTIVE  WELL AND ACREAGE DATA.  The  following  table sets forth certain
statistics   regarding  the  number  of  productive   wells  and  developed  and
undeveloped acreage as of December 31, 1999.

                                             Gross                    Net
                                       ------------------      -----------------

Productive Wells:
  Oil (1)........................             87.00                  62.46
  Gas (2)........................             64.00                  52.17
                                       ------------------      -----------------
    Total........................            151.00                 114.63
                                       ==================      =================

Developed Acres:
  Onshore Louisiana..............          3,913.31               3,108.15
  Offshore Louisiana.............         11,907.31               9,765.01
                                       ------------------      -----------------
    Total........................         15,820.62              12,873.16
                                       ==================      =================

Undeveloped Acres (3):
  Onshore Louisiana..............         25,265.13              19,096.30
  Offshore Louisiana.............         64,505.68              54,825.15
                                       ------------------      -----------------

    Total........................         89,770.81              73,921.45
                                       ==================      =================

     (1)     3 gross wells each have dual completions.
     (2)     10 gross wells each have dual completions.
     (3)     Leases covering approximately 1% of our undeveloped acreage will
             expire in 2000, 4% in 2001, 3% in 2002, 1% in 2003 and 0% in 2004.
             Leases covering the remainder of our undeveloped gross acreage
             (91%) are held by production.

    DRILLING ACTIVITY.  The following table sets forth our drilling activity for
the periods indicated.

                                                                 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                              1999                       1998                           1997
                                      ---------------------     ----------------------      -------------------------
                                       GROSS         NET         GROSS           NET         GROSS              NET
                                      -------       -------     -------        -------      -------           -------
Exploratory Wells:
    Productive.................        8.00          5.16       6.00             5.33           10.00           8.70
    Nonproductive..............        1.00          0.31       4.00             3.35             -              -

Development Wells:
    Productive.................        6.00          4.89       3.00             2.63            2.00           1.26
    Nonproductive..............         -             -         1.00             0.98             -              -


    We  believe  that we have  satisfactory  title on  substantially  all of our
producing  properties in accordance with standards generally accepted in the oil
and gas industry.  Our  properties are subject to customary  royalty  interests,
liens for current  taxes and other  burdens  which we believe do not  materially
interfere  with the use of or  affect  the  value of such  properties.  Prior to
acquiring  undeveloped  properties,  we  perform a title  investigation  that is
thorough but less  vigorous  than that  conducted  prior to  drilling,  which is
consistent  with  standard  practice  in the  oil and gas  industry.  Before  we
commence  drilling  operations,  we conduct a  thorough  title  examination  and
perform curative work with respect to significant defects before proceeding with
operations.  We have  performed a thorough  title  examination  with  respect to
substantially all of our producing properties.



    In  August  1989,  we were  advised  by the EPA that it  believed  we were a
potentially  responsible  party (a "PRP") for the  cleanup of an oil field waste
disposal  facility  located  near  Abbeville,  Louisiana,  which was included on
CERCLA's National Priority List (the "Superfund List") by the EPA in March 1989.
Although  we did not  dispose  of wastes  or salt  water at this  site,  the EPA
contends that  transporters of salt water may have rinsed their trucks' tanks at
this site.  By letter  dated  December 9, 1998,  the EPA made demand for cleanup
costs on 23 of the PRP's,  including us, who had not previously settled with the
EPA. Since that time we,  together with other PRPs,  have been  negotiating  the
settlement of our respective liability for environmental conditions at this site
with the U.S. Department of Justice.  Given the number of PRP's at this site and
the current satisfactory progress of these negotiations,  we do not believe that
any  liability  for this  site  would  have a  material  adverse  affect  on our
financial condition.


    We are named as a defendant  in certain  lawsuits and are a party to certain
regulatory  proceedings  arising in the ordinary  course of business.  We do not
expect  these  matters,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  to have a material
adverse effect on our financial condition.




    The following table sets forth information  regarding the names, ages (as of
March 15,  2000)  and  positions  held by each of our  executive  officers.  Our
executive officers serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

                      NAME                               AGE                              POSITION
                      ----                               ---                              --------
James H. Stone..................................          74           Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
D. Peter Canty..................................          53           President, Chief Operating Officer and Director
James H. Prince.................................          57           Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Phillip T. Lalande..............................          50           Vice President - Engineering
J. Kent Pierret.................................          44           Vice President - Accounting and Controller
Andrew L. Gates, III............................          52           Vice President - Legal, Secretary and General Counsel
E. J. Louviere..................................          51           Vice President - Land
Craig L. Glassinger.............................          52           Vice President - Acquisitions

    The following  biographies describe the business experience of our executive
officers for at least the past five years.  Stone Energy  Corporation was formed
in March 1993 to become a holding  company for The Stone  Petroleum  Corporation
("TSPC") and its subsidiaries. In 1997, TSPC was dissolved after the majority of
its assets were transferred to Stone Energy Corporation.

    James H.  Stone has  served  as  Chairman  of the Board and Chief  Executive
Officer since March 1993, as Chairman of the Board of TSPC from 1981 to 1997 and
as President of TSPC from  September 1992 to July 1993. Mr. Stone is currently a
director of Newpark Resources, Inc.

    D. Peter Canty was named President of the Company in March 1994.  He
previously served as Executive Vice President for one year.  He has also served
as Chief Operating Officer and as a Director since March 1993.  Mr. Canty was
President of TSPC from 1994 to 1997 and was its Chief Geologist from 1987 to

  James H. Prince was named Chief Financial Officer in August 1999 and Treasurer
in June 1999. He previously  served as Chief  Accounting  Officer and Controller
from 1993 to August 1999.

    Phillip T. Lalande has served as Vice  President -  Engineering  since March
1995.  He served as  Operations  Manager from July 1993 to March 1995,  and as a
consulting engineer to TSPC from 1988 to July 1993.

  J. Kent Pierret was named Vice  President - Accounting  and Controller in June
1999.  Prior to rejoining us, he was a partner in the firm of Pierret,  Veazey &
Co., CPAs (and its  predecessors)  from May 1988 to May 1999,  which performed a
substantial  amount of our financial  reporting,  tax  compliance  and financial
advisory services.

    Andrew L. Gates,  III has served as Vice  President - Legal,  Secretary  and
General Counsel since August 1995. Previously,  he was a partner in the law firm
of Ottinger, Gates, Hebert & Sikes from 1987 to August 1995.

    E. J. Louviere has served as Vice President - Land since June 1995.
Previously, he served as Land Manager of TSPC and us from July 1981 to
June 1995.

    Craig L.  Glassinger  has  served as Vice  President  -  Acquisitions  since
December  1995.  From October 1992 to December  1995 he served TSPC,  and us, as
Acquisitions  Manager.  Prior to joining TSPC,  he was a division  geologist for
Forest Oil Corporation for approximately ten years.

                                     PART II


    Since July 9, 1993,  our Common  Stock has been listed on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol "SGY." The following table sets forth, for the periods
indicated, the high and low closing prices per share of our Common Stock.

                                                    High                 Low
                                                 ----------           ---------

        First Quarter...........................  $39 3/8              $28 9/16
        Second Quarter..........................   40 3/16              31
        Third Quarter...........................   36 5/16              20 1/16
        Fourth Quarter..........................   36 7/8               25 3/4

        First Quarter...........................  $33 1/16             $22 3/4
        Second Quarter..........................   45                   31 3/8
        Third Quarter...........................   55 5/8               42
        Fourth Quarter..........................   50 15/16             33 3/4

        First Quarter (through March 15, 2000)..  $50 1/4              $32 1/4

    On March 15,  2000,  the last  reported  sales  price on the New York  Stock
Exchange  Composite  Tape was  $48.00  per  share.  As of that date  there  were
approximately 156 holders of record of our Common Stock.


    We have not in the  past,  and do not  intend to pay cash  dividends  on our
Common Stock in the foreseeable  future. We currently intend to retain earnings,
if  any,  for  the  future  operation  and  development  of  our  business.  The
restrictions  on our present or future  ability to pay dividends are included in
the  provisions  of  the  Delaware  General   Corporation  Law  and  in  certain
restrictive  provisions in the Indenture  executed in connection with our 8-3/4%
Senior  Subordinated Notes due 2007. In addition,  we have entered into a credit
facility  that  contains  provisions  that may have the  effect of  limiting  or
prohibiting the payment of dividends.



    The following  table sets forth a summary of selected  historical  financial
information  for each of the years in the five year period  ended  December  31,
1999. This information is derived from our consolidated financial statements and
the  notes  thereto.  See  "Item 7.  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Item 8. Financial Statements
and Supplementary Data."

                                                                                  Year Ended December 31,
                                                                   1999         1998        1997         1996         1995
                                                                   ----         ----        ----         ----         ----
                                                                           (In thousands, except per share amounts)

  Operating revenues:
   Oil production revenue..................................       $56,969       $38,527     $31,082      $27,788     $24,775
   Gas production revenue..................................        89,950        76,070      37,997       28,051      13,918
   Other revenue...........................................         2,215         2,023       1,908        2,126       1,858
                                                                  -------       -------      ------       ------      ------
    Total revenues.........................................       149,134       116,620      70,987       57,965      40,551
                                                                  -------       -------      ------       ------      ------

   Normal lease operating expenses.........................        22,625        18,042      10,123        8,625       6,294
   Major maintenance expenses..............................         1,115         1,278       1,844          427         446
   Production taxes........................................         2,019         2,083       2,215        3,399       3,057
   Depreciation, depletion and amortization................        65,803        68,187      28,739       19,564      15,719
   Write-down of oil and gas properties....................          -           89,135        -            -           -
   Interest expense........................................        12,840        12,950       4,916        3,574       2,191
   General and administrative costs........................         4,671         4,293       3,903        3,509       3,298
   Incentive compensation plan.............................         1,510           763         833          928          85
                                                                  -------      --------      ------       ------      ------
    Total expenses.........................................       110,583       196,731      52,573       40,026      31,090
                                                                  -------      --------      ------       ------      ------
    Net income (loss) before income taxes..................        38,551       (80,111)     18,414       17,939       9,461
                                                                  -------      --------      ------       ------      ------
  Income tax provision (benefit):
   Current.................................................            25          -           -             208         131
   Deferred................................................        12,036       (28,480)      6,495        6,698       3,514
                                                                  -------      --------     -------      -------      ------
    Total income taxes.....................................        12,061       (28,480)      6,495        6,906       3,645
                                                                  -------      --------     -------      -------      ------
  Net income (loss)........................................       $26,490      ($51,631)    $11,919      $11,033      $5,816
                                                                  =======       ========    =======      =======      ======

  Earnings and dividends per common share:
   Basic net income (loss) per common share ...............         $1.61        ($3.43)      $0.79        $0.90       $0.49
                                                                    =====        =======      =====        =====       =====
   Diluted net income (loss) per common share .............         $1.58        ($3.43)      $0.78        $0.90       $0.49
                                                                    =====        =======      =====        =====       =====
   Cash dividends declared.................................           -             -           -            -            -

   Net cash provided by operating
    activities (before working capital changes).............     $101,348       $77,211     $47,153      $37,295     $25,049
   Net cash provided by operating
    activities..............................................       78,850        85,633      32,679       32,751      27,650

  Working capital .........................................       $22,887        $9,884      $8,328       $6,683      $5,379
  Oil and gas properties, net..............................       353,141       293,824     291,420      171,396     111,248
  Total assets ............................................       441,738       366,390     354,144      209,406     139,460
  Long-term debt, less current portion.....................       100,000       209,936     132,024       26,172      47,754
  Stockholders' equity ....................................       265,587       105,332     156,637      144,441      66,927


    The  following  discussion  is  intended  to  assist  in  understanding  our
financial  position and results of  operations  for each year of the  three-year
period ended December 31, 1999.  Our financial  statements and the notes thereto
contain detailed  information that should be referred to in conjunction with the
following discussion. See "Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data."


    We are an  independent  oil  and gas  company  engaged  in the  acquisition,
exploration,  development and operation of oil and gas properties onshore and in
shallow waters offshore  Louisiana.  We have been active in the Gulf Coast Basin
since 1973,  which gives us extensive  geophysical,  technical  and  operational
expertise in this area. Our business  strategy is to increase  production,  cash
flow and reserves  through the acquisition and development of mature  properties
located in the Gulf Coast Basin.


  Our  revenue,  profitability  and  future  rate of  growth  are  substantially
dependent  upon the  prevailing  prices of, and demand for, oil and natural gas.
Beginning in late 1997 and continuing  throughout  1998 and the first quarter of
1999,  the oil and gas industry  experienced  a trend of declines in natural gas
and crude oil  prices.  The decline in natural  gas prices was  attributable  to
milder-than-normal  weather  conditions  resulting in excess domestic  supplies,
while oil prices  declined  because of higher  world  supplies  coupled  with an
anticipated  decrease in demand resulting from the overall outlook of the global

  As a result of the  worldwide  decline  in the  supply of crude oil  caused by
OPEC's self imposed oil production reductions,  since the first quarter of 1999,
the price for crude oil has improved  significantly.  In addition, the price for
natural gas has increased from the first quarter of 1999 because of the market's
perception of lower than normal supplies  combined with the expected increase in
future  demand.  The average  prices we received for our  production  during the
fourth  quarter of 1999 totaled $20.95 per barrel and $2.50 per Mcf, as compared
to average  prices  received  during  the  fourth  quarter of 1998 of $11.72 per
barrel  and $2.12 per Mcf.  All unit  pricing  amounts  include  the  effects of

  The  demand  for and the  costs of  drilling  rigs and  related  products  and
services fluctuates with the prices of oil and natural gas. Therefore,  with the
recovery of oil and natural gas prices, the demand for and the costs of drilling
rigs and related services have started to rise and could increase further. In an
attempt to hedge against rising drilling costs, we have in the past entered into
long-term,  fixed rate  contracts for drilling rigs that are capable of drilling
on all our  properties.  We  expect  to be able to  finance  our  2000  budgeted
operations and development  activities with cash flows from  operations.  If the
costs of drilling  related  products and services  increase  substantially  from
current  levels,  we  believe  that the  available  borrowings  under our credit
facility will be sufficient to fund any capital  expenditures  in excess of cash
flows from operations.

    As a result of fluctuating oil and gas prices and the related effects on oil
and gas  companies,  there has been an  increase  in the  number  of  properties
available  for  acquisition  in the Gulf Coast Basin.  In  addition,  the recent
merger and acquisition transactions among both major and independent oil and gas
companies,  coupled with the move of many companies to the deep-water  region of
the Gulf of Mexico,  should  increase  the supply of  properties  available  for
acquisition  in our area of  operations.  These  trends  should  provide us with
significant   opportunities   to  acquire   properties  that  fit  our  specific
acquisition  profile.  While generally it is more expensive to buy properties at
times when oil and natural gas prices have increased,  we are somewhat insulated
by our preference to acquire properties with low production rates and cash flows
at the time of purchase.

    At present,  we do not expect that changes in the rates of overall  economic
growth or inflation will significantly  impact product prices in the short-term.
Furthermore,  because  most of the factors that affect the prices we receive for
our  production  are beyond our control,  our  marketing  efforts are devoted to
achieving the best price available in each geographic location and entering into
a limited amount of fixed price sales and hedging transactions to take advantage
of short-term prices we believe to be attractive.


    The following table sets forth certain operating information with respect to
our oil and gas operations and summary information with respect to our estimated
proved oil and gas reserves. See "Item 2. Properties-Oil and Gas Reserves."

                                                                                 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                         1999                 1998                  1997
                                                                  ------------------    -----------------     -----------------
 Oil (MBbls)....................................................             3,469                2,876                 1,585
 Gas (MMcf)
      Produced excluding volumetric production payment............          36,780               33,281                14,183
      Volumetric production payment...............................           1,333                 -                     -
                                                                  ------------------    -----------------     -----------------
      Total gas volumes produced..................................          38,113               33,281                14,183
 Oil and gas (MMcfe)
      Produced excluding volumetric production payment............          57,594               50,537                23,693
      Volumetric production payment...............................           1,333                 -                     -
                                                                  ------------------    -----------------     -----------------
      Total volumes produced......................................          58,927               50,537                23,693
 Oil (per Bbl)..................................................            $16.42               $13.40                $19.61
 Gas (per Mcf)
      Price excluding volumetric production payment...............           $2.36                $2.29                 $2.68
      Volumetric production payment...............................            2.24                  -                     -
      Net average price...........................................            2.36                 2.29                  2.68
 Oil and gas (per Mcfe)
      Price excluding volumetric production payment...............           $2.50                $2.27                 $2.92
      Volumetric production payment...............................            2.24                  -                     -
      Net average price...........................................            2.49                 2.27                  2.92
 Normal operating costs...........................................           $0.38                $0.36                 $0.43
 General and administrative.......................................            0.08                 0.08                  0.16
 Depreciation, depletion and amortization.........................            1.10                 1.33                  1.19
 Oil (MBbls)......................................................          22,636               18,476                17,763
 Gas (MMcf).......................................................         251,614              243,270               189,239
 Oil and gas (MMcfe)..............................................         387,430              354,126               295,817
 Present value of estimated future net cash flows before
      income taxes (in thousands).................................        $561,303             $286,098              $368,930

     1999 COMPARED TO 1998. We recognized net income for the year ended December
31, 1999 totaling  $26.5  million,  or $1.58 per share,  as compared to 1998 net
loss of $51.6  million,  or  $3.43  per  share.  The 1998  results  included  an
after-tax non-cash ceiling test write-down of $57.4 million, or $3.82 per share.
Excluding the write-down,  favorable results in 1999 net income versus 1998 were
due to improvements in the following components.

    PRODUCTION.  Production  volumes of oil and gas reached a record high during
1999 and, as  compared to 1998,  rose 21% and 15%,  respectively,  totaling  3.5
million  barrels of oil and 38.1 billion cubic feet of gas. On a thousand  cubic
feet of gas equivalent  (Mcfe) basis,  production rates for 1999 were 17% higher
than 1998 production rates.

      The  increase in 1999  production  rates,  as  compared  to 1998,  was due
primarily to increases at four of our fields. First, we successfully executed an
aggressive  exploration  and  development  program  at  Vermilion  Block  255 by
completing  and placing on  production  three  exploratory  and two  development
wells.  At the end of 1998, we began producing two  high-pressured  gas wells at
the South Pelto Block 23 E Platform,  which have  significantly  contributed  to
1999's  favorable  production  rates.  From June 1998 through  August  1999,  we
successfully drilled one exploratory well, three development wells and completed
three workovers to enhance production at Clovelly Field.  Finally,  in May 1999,
we increased our  interest,  and  therefore  our share of  production,  at Weeks
Island Field through the acquisition of an additional 32% working interest in 11
producing wells.

    PRICES.  Average  realized  prices during 1999 were $16.42 per barrel of oil
and $2.36 per Mcf of gas and represented a 10% increase,  on an Mcfe basis, over
average  prices of $13.40 per barrel of oil and $2.29 per Mcf of gas  recognized
during 1998, including the effects of hedging.  From time to time, we enter into
various hedging  contracts in order to reduce our exposure to the possibility of
declining  oil and gas prices.  During 1999,  hedging  transactions  reduced the
average  price we received for oil by $1.42 per barrel and increased the average
gas price  received by $0.02 per Mcf as compared to net  increases  of $0.28 per
barrel of oil and $0.10 per Mcf of gas during 1998.

    OIL AND GAS  REVENUES.  Oil and gas  revenues  reached a record  high during
1999.  The favorable  increases in oil and gas  production  rates  combined with
higher  commodity  prices  resulted in oil and gas  revenues  increasing  28% to
$146.9 million, compared to oil and gas revenues of $114.6 million during 1998.

    EXPENSES.  Normal  operating  costs during 1999  increased to $22.6 million,
compared  to $18  million  during  1998.  On a unit of  production  basis,  1999
operating  costs were $0.38 per Mcfe as compared to $0.36 per Mcfe for 1998. The
increase in operating costs was due primarily to a 34% increase in the number of
producing  wells that we operate as a result of the  acquisitions of the Lafitte
Field,  West  Cameron  Block 176 and East  Cameron  Block 46, the  increases  in
working  interest at East Cameron  Block 64,  Eugene  Island Block 243 and Weeks
Island Field and  discoveries at many of our fields  including  Vermilion  Block
255, Vermilion Block 131, Clovelly Field and Eugene Island Block 243.

      As a result of increased 1999 production  volumes due to acquisitions  and
discoveries combined with higher oil and gas prices during the year,  production
revenues from onshore  properties  increased 43% during 1999. Our production tax
expense,  however, declined during 1999 to $2 million from $2.1 million in 1998.
This decrease  resulted from the abatement of severance  taxes for certain wells
under  Louisiana State Law.  Accordingly,  we accrued in December 1999, and will
receive in early 2000, a production tax refund of $1 million.

    General and  administrative  expenses  for 1999  increased  in total to $4.7
million from $4.3 million  during 1998.  However,  on a unit basis,  these costs
were unchanged  from the 1998 amount of $0.08 per Mcfe.  Due to our  operational
results and stock performance during the year,  incentive  compensation  expense
for 1999 increased to $1.5 million compared to $0.8 million in 1998.

      Depreciation, depletion and amortization (DD&A) expense on our oil and gas
properties decreased to $64.6 million ($1.10 per Mcfe) compared to $67.3 million
($1.33  per  Mcfe)  for 1998.  The  decrease  in DD&A  expense  resulted  from a
combination of the $89.1 million non-cash ceiling test write-down of oil and gas
properties recorded at the end of 1998 and the improvement in oil and gas prices
throughout 1999.

    As a result of the July 1999 stock offering and the subsequent  repayment of
all outstanding borrowings under our bank credit facility,  interest expense for
1999 decreased to $12.8 million, compared to $13 million during 1998.

  Our provision  for income taxes was $12.1 million for the year ended  December
31, 1999 and was net of a $1.5 million  reduction in deferred  taxes relative to
estimates of tax basis that were resolved during 1999.

    RESERVES.  At December 31, 1999,  our estimated  proved oil and gas reserves
totaled  387.4  Bcfe,  excluding  approximately  6.7 Bcf of gas  dedicated  to a
production  payment  associated  with  certain  1999  acquisitions,  compared to
December 31, 1998 reserves of 354.1 Bcfe. Oil reserves  increased to 22.6 MMBbls
at the end of 1999  from  18.5  MMBbls at the  beginning  of the  year,  and gas
reserves  grew to 251.6 Bcf at December 31, 1999,  excluding  the 6.7 Bcf of gas
dedicated to a production payment, compared to 243.3 Bcf at year-end 1998.

    The  increases  in  our  1999  estimated   proved  reserves  were  primarily
attributable  to drilling  results and  acquisitions  made during the year.  The
reserve  estimates  were  prepared  by  independent   petroleum  consultants  in
accordance  with  the  guidelines  established  by the SEC.  Adherence  to these
guidelines limited us in booking reserves on certain  successfully drilled wells
to the  extent  of the base of known  productive  sands.  Actual  limits  of the
productive sands will ultimately be determined  through production or additional

    1998 COMPARED TO 1997. We recognized a net loss for the year ended  December
31, 1998 totaling  $51.6  million,  or $3.43 per share,  as compared to 1997 net
income of $11.9  million,  or $0.78 per  share.  The 1998  results  included  an
after-tax, non-cash ceiling test write-down of $57.4 million or $3.82 per share.

    During  December  1997, we initiated  production  from the D Platform at our
South  Pelto  Block 23 Field.  Production  from this  structure,  together  with
production increases at a number of our other fields, generated record levels of
production  volumes during 1998.  Production volumes during 1998 increased 113%,
on a Mcfe basis,  over the previous  record 1997 production  levels.  Production
volumes of both oil and gas during  1998,  compared to 1997,  rose 81% and 135%,
respectively,  totaling  2.9  MMBbls  of oil and 33.3 Bcf of gas.  Despite a 22%
decrease  in the  average  price  received  per Mcfe,  the growth in  production
volumes during 1998 resulted in oil and gas revenues rising to $114.6 million, a
66% increase from 1997 oil and gas revenues of $69.1 million. The average prices
received,  net of the effects of hedging  contracts,  for our production  during
1998 were  $13.40 per  barrel of oil and $2.29 per Mcf of gas,  as  compared  to
$19.61 per barrel and $2.68 per Mcf during 1997.

    Normal  operating  costs  increased  during 1998 to $18 million  compared to
$10.1  million in 1997.  The  increase  was  attributable  to an increase in the
number of properties and significantly  higher production rates.  However,  on a
unit basis,  these costs  declined  16% during 1998 to $0.36 per Mcfe from $0.43
per Mcfe in 1997.

    Total DD&A expense  attributable to oil and gas properties  increased during
1998  because  of  higher  production  rates,  an  increased  investment  in the
properties  and  lower  quarter-end  prices.  DD&A  on oil  and  gas  properties
increased to $67.3 million,  or $1.33 per Mcfe, in 1998 from $28.1  million,  or
$1.19 per Mcfe, in 1997.

    We follow the full cost method of accounting for our oil and gas properties.
Securities and Exchange Commission regulations require that companies using full
cost accounting value their proved year-end reserves based on oil and gas prices
in effect at December  31. As a result of the low oil and gas price  environment
at  year-end  1998,  during the  fourth  quarter we  recognized  a ceiling  test
write-down on our oil and gas properties  totaling  $89.1  million,  which on an
after-tax  basis was $57.4  million.  We  anticipate  that the  write-down  will
provide a positive  impact on future  earnings  resulting from lower future unit
depreciation expense.

  To finance a portion of our 1998 capital expenditures budget, we increased our
borrowings  under our bank credit  facility  during  1998.  As a result of these
borrowings  and the bond offering  closed in September  1997,  interest  expense
increased to $13 million during 1998,  compared to $4.9 million in 1997. Because
of the continued  increase in our level of operations  during 1998,  general and
administrative  costs  increased in total to $4.3  million.  However,  on a unit
basis, general and administrative costs declined 50% to $0.08 per Mcfe, compared
with $0.16 per Mcfe in 1997.

  At December 31, 1998,  our reserves  totaled  354.1 Bcfe, a 20% increase  from
December 31, 1997 reserves of 295.8 Bcfe. Oil reserves  increased to 18.5 MMBbls
at the end of 1998  from  17.8  MMBbls at the  beginning  of the  year,  and gas
reserves  grew to 243.3  Bcf at  December  31,  1998  compared  to 189.2  Bcf at
year-end  1997. As a result of the decline in oil and gas prices,  the estimated
discounted cash flows from our proved reserves declined 22% from 1997.


  CASH FLOW AND WORKING  CAPITAL.  Pending  the use of  proceeds  from the stock
offering,  in August 1999 we repaid all of the outstanding  borrowings under our
revolving credit facility.  Net cash flow from operations before working capital
changes  for 1999 was  $101.3  million,  or $6.04 per share,  compared  to $77.2
million, or $5.12 per share,  reported for 1998. Working capital at December 31,
1999 totaled $22.9 million.

  CAPITAL EXPENDITURES.  Capital expenditures during 1999 totaled $123.9 million
and primarily  consisted of exploration and development  expenditures at many of
our  fields  including  Eugene  Island  Block  243,  East  Cameron  Block 64 and
Vermilion Block 255 in addition to acquisition costs primarily for an additional
interest in East Cameron  Block 64 and a 100%  working  interest in West Cameron
Block 176.  Capital  expenditures  for 1999  included $7 million of  capitalized
general and administrative costs and $0.3 million of capitalized interest. These
investments  were financed by a combination  of cash flows from  operations  and
production payments.

  ACQUISITION COSTS. During 1999, we acquired  additional  interests in three of
our existing fields and completed the  acquisition of four new fields.  Adjacent
to our South  Pelto  Block 23, we  farmed in a 100%  working  interest  on South
Timbalier Block 71. In May 1999, we acquired an additional 32% working  interest
in a portion  of the Weeks  Island  Field for $4.8  million.  In June  1999,  we
acquired a majority  interest and control of operations in the Lafitte Field for
$6.1 million in cash and a production  payment to be satisfied  through the sale
of production  from the purchased  property.  During  September  1999,  Goodrich
Petroleum Company,  L.L.C. exercised its option to participate for a 49% working
interest  in  the  Lafitte  Field  resulting  in a cash  reimbursement  to us of
approximately $3 million and a proportional reduction in the production payment.
In June 1999, we acquired from other interest owners their residual interests in
certain  formation  rights and farmin  interests on a 29% working interest and a
24.24%  net  revenue  interest  in the  Eugene  Island  Block 243 Field for $0.5
million.  In July 1999, we acquired a 62.5% working interest in the East Cameron
Block 64 Field and a 100% working  interest in the West Cameron Block 176 Field,
as well as control of operations  for both fields,  in exchange for a volumetric
production payment of 8 Bcf of gas to be delivered over a three-year period from
the South Pelto Block 23 Field.  The accounting for this  volumetric  production
payment  resulted  in the  recording  of a $17.9  million  asset  based upon the
estimated  discounted cash flow associated with the specific  production volumes
to be delivered.  Finally, in November 1999, we acquired a 100% working interest
in East Cameron Block 46 Field for $1 million.  With the 1999  acquisitions,  we
now serve as operator on all of our 19 properties.

     DEVELOPMENT COSTS. During 1999, we completed numerous development drilling,
workover and recompletion  operations and facilities  installations in an effort
to develop our  property  base and to increase  cash flow from proved  reserves.
During  1999,  our  development  drilling  program  achieved a 100% success rate
consisting of the Eugene  Island Block 243 No. D-1 Well,  the OCS-G 1152 No. H-5
and OCS-G 1153 No. D-3 wells at Vermilion  Block 255,  the Clovelly  Corporation
No. 41 and Dereda Thomas No. 1 wells at Clovelly Field and the OCS-G 0775 No. 18
Well at  Vermilion  Block 131.  The year's most  significant  workover  projects
included  the OCS-G  0079 No. 1 Well at  Vermilion  Block 46, the OCS-G 0089 No.
F-6,  OCS-G 0089 No. 9 and OCS-G 0089 No. 7 wells at East  Cameron  Block 64 and
the LL&E No. 189 and Rigolets No. 161 wells at Lafitte Field, four of which were
successful.  We also drilled and completed  for  saltwater  injection the Dereda
Thomas No. 2 SWD Well at Clovelly Field and upgraded the  production  facilities
at several fields to accommodate additional production from discoveries.

     EXPLORATORY  COSTS.  In an effort to provide  additions to our existing oil
and gas reserve  base,  during 1999,  we completed  drilling  operations on nine
exploratory  wells,  eight of which were successful.  These eight wells included
the OCS-G 2899 No. A-7 Well at Eugene  Island  Block 243's Orca 2 Prospect,  the
OCS-G 0775 No. 19 Well at Vermilion Block 131's Skate  Prospect,  the OCS-G 3135
No. 2 Well at Vermilion Block 255's Pylos Prospect,  the OCS-G 1152 No. H-4 Well
at  Vermilion  Block 255's Slide  Prospect,  the OCS-G 14519 No. 1 Well at South
Timbalier Block 71's  Triggerfish  Prospect,  the OCS-G 1152 No. A-7 STK Well at
Vermilion  Block  255's  Bubble  Prospect  and two wells  under a joint  venture
drilling  project at Weeks Island  Field:  the Myles Salt No. 46 Well  (formerly
named the Myles Salt No. 1 Well) and the Meridian State Lease 500 No. 1 Well.

we have  budgeted  what would be a record  year for  drilling  wells with 30 new
wells scheduled,  including 17 wells on properties acquired during 1999. We have
budgeted $124.3 million for our 2000 exploration and development plans including
$33.1 million for drilling on properties acquired during 1999. Approximately 50%
of our capital  expenditures  budget has been  allocated  for  activities at the
Vermilion  Block 255,  Eugene Island Block 243,  South  Timbalier  Block 8, West
Cameron Block 176 and Lafitte Fields.

   Based upon our outlook on oil and gas prices and production rates, we believe
that our cash flows from  operations will be sufficient to fund the current 2000
capital  expenditures  budget.  If oil and gas prices or  production  rates fall
below our current  expectations,  we believe that the available borrowings under
our bank credit facility will be sufficient to fund the capital  expenditures in
excess of operating cash flows.

   We believe that the  opportunity  for  acquisitions in our area of operations
remains strong due to the general exodus from the shallow water and shelf region
of the Gulf. We do not budget acquisitions; however, we are currently evaluating
several  opportunities  that  fit our  specific  acquisition  profile.  One or a
combination  of certain of these possible  transactions  could fully utilize our
existing  sources  of  capital.  Although  we have no plans to access the public
markets for purposes of capital,  if the  opportunity  arose,  we would consider
such funding sources to provide capital in excess of what is currently available
to us.  We  would  compare  and  contrast  the cost of debt  financing  with the
potential  dilution of equity  offerings to determine the appropriate  financing
vehicle to maximize stockholder value.

    HEDGING.  Our production is sold on  month-to-month  contracts at prevailing
prices. From time to time,  however,  we have entered into hedging  transactions
for our oil and gas production.  The primary objective of these  transactions is
to reduce our exposure to future oil and gas price  declines  during the term of
the hedge.  This hedging policy  provides that,  unless prices  increase by more
than  50% of the  prices  utilized  in our most  recent  budget,  not more  than
one-half of our  production  quantities can be hedged without the consent of the
Board of Directors. Additionally, not more than 75% of our production quantities
can be committed to any swap agreement regardless of the prices available.

  We  currently  utilize two forms of hedging  contracts:  fixed price swaps and
collars.  Fixed price  swaps  typically  provide for monthly  payments by us (if
prices  rise) or to us (if prices  fall)  based on the  difference  between  the
strike price and the agreed-upon  average of NYMEX prices. For collars,  monthly
payments are made by us if NYMEX  prices rise above the ceiling  price and to us
if NYMEX prices fall below the floor price. Oil contracts typically settle using
the  average  of the daily  closing  prices for a calendar  month.  Natural  gas
contracts typically settle using the average closing prices for near month NYMEX
futures  contracts for the three days prior to the settlement date.  Because our
properties are located in the Gulf Coast Basin, we believe that  fluctuations in
NYMEX prices will closely match changes in market prices for our production.

   During  1999,  we  realized a net  reduction  in  revenues  from our  hedging
transactions  of $4.3 million.  Swap contracts  totaled 1,363.1 MBbls of oil and
16,440 BBtus of gas, which represented  approximately 39% and 47%, respectively,
of our oil and gas  production for the year. As of March 15, 2000, we had hedged
oil and gas prices for the applicable periods,  quantities and average prices as

                                                               Fixed Price Swaps
                                                   Gas                                  Oil
                                     -------------------------------      ------------------------------
                                       Volume                                 Volume
                                       (BBtus)             Price              (Bbls)             Price
                                     -----------       -------------      ------------         ---------
First Quarter, 2000                     4,550              $2.528            409,500             $19.31
Second Quarter, 2000                    1,820              $2.518            409,500             $19.31
Third Quarter, 2000                     1,840              $2.518            230,000             $19.21
Fourth Quarter, 2000                    1,840              $2.518            230,000             $19.21

                                                       Gas                                              Oil
                                     ----------------------------------------           -----------------------------------
                                       Volume                                            Volume
                                       (BBtus)          Floor        Ceiling             (Bbls)        Floor       Ceiling
                                     ----------        -------      ---------           --------      -------     ---------
Second Quarter, 2000                       3,640         $2.60         $3.50                -            -            -
Third Quarter, 2000                        3,680         $2.60         $3.50             230,000      $21.00       $27.53
Fourth Quarter, 2000                       3,680         $2.60         $3.50             230,000      $21.00       $27.53

        The net increase in revenues from hedging transactions for 1998 was $4.3
million.  Swap contracts  totaled 144 MBbls of oil and 9,580 BBtus of gas, which
represented  approximately  5%  and  30%,  respectively,  of  our  oil  and  gas
production for that year.

    HISTORICAL  FINANCING  SOURCES.  Since our Initial  Public  Offering in July
1993,  we have  financed  our  activities  primarily  with both debt and  equity
offering  proceeds,   cash  flows  from  operations,   production  payments  and
borrowings under our bank credit facility.

    In November  1995,  we executed a term loan  agreement  with Bank One in the
original  principal  amount of $3.3 million for the  purchase of the  RiverStone
office building,  the majority of which is used by us for our Lafayette  office.
During 1999, the loan was repaid with borrowings under our bank credit facility.

    In September 1997, we completed an offering of $100 million principal amount
of 8-3/4%  Senior  Subordinated  Notes (the "Notes") due September 15, 2007 with
interest  payable  semiannually.  There are no sinking fund  requirements on the
Notes and they are redeemable at our option, in whole or in part, at 104.375% of
their principal  amount  beginning  September 15, 2002, and thereafter at prices
declining  annually to 100% on and after  September 15, 2005.  Provisions of the
Notes include, without limitation,  restrictions on liens,  indebtedness,  asset
sales and other restricted payments.

    On July 28, 1999,  we  completed  an offering of 3.16 million  shares of our
common stock at a price to the public of $43.75 per share.  After payment of the
underwriting  discount and expenses, we received net proceeds of $130.8 million.
On August 3, 1999, we used a portion of the net proceeds from our stock offering
to repay the  outstanding  borrowings  under our credit  facility.  This reduced
long-term debt to $100 million,  representing our Senior Subordinated Notes. The
proceeds from the stock  offering will  ultimately be used to fund  specifically
identified exploration and development activities, to finance potential property
acquisitions and for other general corporate purposes.

     During 1999,  our bank group  increased the borrowing base under our credit
facility from $120 million to $140 million.  The  borrowing  base  limitation is
based on a borrowing  base amount  established  by the banks for our oil and gas
properties.  At December 31, 1999, we had no  outstanding  borrowings  under our
borrowing base and had outstanding  letters of credit totaling $7.5 million.  In
February 2000, our bank group increased our credit facility from $150 million to
$200 million and extended the maturity date from July 30, 2001 to July 30, 2005.

     Our credit facility provides for certain covenants,  including restrictions
or  requirements  with respect to working  capital,  net worth,  disposition  of
properties,  incurrence  of additional  debt,  change of ownership and reporting
responsibilities.  These  covenants  may limit or  prohibit  us from paying cash

    REGULATORY AND LITIGATION ISSUES. In August 1989, we were advised by the EPA
that it  believed  we were a  potentially  responsible  party (a "PRP")  for the
cleanup  of an  oil  field  waste  disposal  facility  located  near  Abbeville,
Louisiana, which was included on CERCLA's National Priority List (the "Superfund
List") by the EPA in March  1989.  Although we did not dispose of wastes or salt
water at this site,  the EPA contends that  transporters  of salt water may have
rinsed their trucks' tanks at this site. By letter dated  December 9, 1998,  the
EPA made demand for cleanup costs on 23 of the PRP's,  including us, who had not
previously  settled with the EPA. Since that time we,  together with other PRPs,
have  been   negotiating   the  settlement  of  our  respective   liability  for
environmental conditions at this site with the U.S. Department of Justice. Given
the number of PRP's at this site and the current satisfactory  progress of these
negotiations,  we do not believe that any  liability  for this site would have a
material adverse affect on our financial condition.

    Since  November 26, 1993,  new levels of lease and areawide  bonds have been
required of lessees taking certain actions with regard to OCS leases.  Operators
in the OCS waters of the Gulf of Mexico were required to increase their areawide
bonds and  individual  lease bonds to $3 million  and $1 million,  respectively,
unless the MMS allowed  exemptions  or reduced  amounts.  We  currently  have an
areawide  right-of-way  bond for $0.3  million and an areawide  operator's  bond
totaling  $3.0  million  issued  in favor of the MMS for our  existing  offshore
properties.  The MMS also has  discretionary  authority to require  supplemental
bonding in addition to the foregoing required bonding amounts but this authority
is only exercised on a case-by-case basis at the time of filing an assignment of
record title interest for MMS approval. Based upon certain financial parameters,
we have  been  granted  exempt  status  by the MMS,  which  exempts  us from the
supplemental  bonding  requirements.  Under certain  circumstances,  the MMS may
require any of our  operations on federal  leases to be suspended or terminated.
Any such  suspension or termination  could  materially and adversely  affect our
financial condition and operations.

    OPA imposes  ongoing  requirements  on a  responsible  party,  including the
preparation of oil spill response plans and proof of financial responsibility to
cover  environmental  cleanup  and  restoration  costs that could be incurred in
connection with an oil spill. As amended by the Coast Guard Authorization Act of
1996, OPA requires  responsible parties of covered offshore facilities that have
a worst  case oil spill of more than  1,000  barrels  to  demonstrate  financial
responsibility  in amounts  ranging from at least $10 million in specified state
waters to at least $35 million in federal outer continental  shelf waters,  with
higher amounts of up to $150 million if a formal risk assessment  indicates that
a higher  amount  should  be  required  based  on  specific  risks  posed by the
operations  or if the worst case  oil-spill  discharge  volume  possible  at the
facility may exceed the applicable  threshold  volumes specified under the MMS's
final rule. On August 11, 1998, the MMS enacted a final rule implementing  these
financial  responsibility  requirements.  We do  not  anticipate  that  we  will
experience  any difficulty in continuing to satisfy the MMS's  requirements  for
demonstrating financial responsibility under OPA.

       We  operate  under  numerous  state  and  federal  laws  enacted  for the
protection of the environment. In the ordinary course of business, we conduct an
ongoing  review  of the  effects  of  these  various  environmental  laws on our
business and operations. The estimated cost of continued compliance with current
environmental  laws,  based upon the  information  currently  available,  is not
material to our results of operations or financial position. It is impossible to
determine  whether and to what extent our future  performance may be affected by
environmental  laws; however, we believe that such laws will not have a material
adverse effect on our results of operations or financial position.

      YEAR 2000  COMPLIANCE.  The year  2000  ("Y2K")  issue  was the  result of
concern  that  computerized  systems  would not be able to store and process the
year portion of dates from and after  January 1, 2000 without  critical  systems
failure.  During 1998 and 1999, we implemented  and completed a plan to evaluate
the potential Y2K risks of our critical Information Technology ("IT") and Non-IT
Systems and  replaced or made  modifications  to computer  hardware and software
that were deemed  necessary for Y2K  compliance.  Costs expensed during the year
related to Y2K compliance  totaled  $10,000.  In addition,  we capitalized  $1.6
million of computer  hardware and software  costs that were necessary due to the
growth in our  number of  employees  and  level of  operations  over the past 24

    As of March 15, 2000, we have not  experienced  any  noticeable  Y2K related
systems failures or disruptions in the supply of materials or services  provided
by third parties.


      Certain of the  statements set forth under this Item and elsewhere in this
Form 10-K are  forward-looking  and are based upon  assumptions  and anticipated
results  that are  subject to  numerous  risks and  uncertainties.  See "Item 1.
Business --Forward-Looking Statements" and " --Risk Factors."


      BASIS OF PRESENTATION.  The consolidated  financial statements include our
accounts,  our  proportionate  share of  certain  partnerships,  TSPC and TSPC's
proportionate  share of certain  partnerships.  In June 1997, TSPC was dissolved
after the majority of its assets,  including its proportionate  share of certain
partnerships,  were  transferred to us. On December 31, 1999,  the  partnerships
were also dissolved after their assets were  transferred to us. All intercompany
balances and  transactions  that existed prior to these  dissolutions  have been

      FULL COST METHOD.  We use the full cost method of  accounting  for our oil
and gas properties.  Under this method,  all acquisition and development  costs,
including  certain related employee costs and general and  administrative  costs
(less any  reimbursements  for such costs) incurred for the purpose of acquiring
and finding oil and gas are  capitalized.  We amortize our investment in oil and
gas properties using the future gross revenue method.

    DEFERRED  INCOME  TAXES.  Deferred  income  taxes  have been  determined  in
accordance  with  Financial   Accounting  Standards  Board  Statement  No.  109,
"Accounting  for Income  Taxes." As of December 31, 1999,  we had a net deferred
tax liability of $0.7 million which was calculated  based on our assumption that
it is more likely than not that we will have sufficient taxable income in future
years to utilize certain tax attribute carryforwards.


      Our  revenues  are  derived  from the sale of crude  oil and  natural  gas
production. From time to time, we enter into hedging transactions.  These hedges
reduce our exposure to  decreases  in commodity  prices and limit the benefit we
might  otherwise  have received  from any  increases in commodity  prices on the
hedged volumes.

    Based on  projected  annual  sales  volumes  for 2000,  a 10% decline in the
prices we are projecting to receive for our crude oil and natural gas production
would have an  approximate  $8.3  million  impact on our annual  revenues.  This
hypothetical  impact  of  the  decline  in  oil  and  gas  prices  is net of the
incremental  increase  in  revenues  that we would  realize,  upon a decline  in
prices, from the oil and gas hedging contracts in place as of March 15, 2000.


    Information concerning this Item begins on Page F-1.



                                    PART III

    For information  concerning Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the
Registrant,  Item 11.  Executive  Compensation,  Item 12. Security  Ownership of
Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Item 13. Certain  Relationships and
Related  Transactions,  see the  definitive  Proxy  Statement  of  Stone  Energy
Corporation relating to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 18,
2000,  which will be filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and is
incorporated herein by reference. For information concerning Item 10, see Part I
- - Item 4A. Executive Officers of the Registrant.

                                     PART IV



    The following  financial  statements  and the Report of  Independent  Public
Accountants thereon are included on pages F-1 through F-21 of this Form 10-K.

    Report of Independent Public Accountants

    Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 1999 and 1998

    Consolidated Statement of Operations for the three years in the period
    ended December 31, 1999

    Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the three years in the period ended
    December 31, 1999

    Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the three years in the
    period ended December 31, 1999

    Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


    All schedules are omitted  because the required  information is inapplicable
or the  information  is  presented  in the  Financial  Statements  or the  notes

    3.  EXHIBITS:

     3.1  --  Certificate of Incorporation of the Registrant, as amended
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the Registrant's
              Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

     3.2  --  Restated Bylaws of the Registrant (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 3.2 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

     4.1  --  Rights Agreement, with exhibits A, B and C thereto, dated as of
              October 15, 1998, between the Company and ChaseMellon Shareholder
              Services, L.L.C., as Rights Agent (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form 8-A
              (File No. 001-12074)).

     4.2  --  Indenture between Stone Energy Corporation and Texas Commerce
              Bank, National Association dated as of September 19, 1997
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrant's
              Registration Statement on Form S-4 dated October 22, 1997
              (File No. 333-38425)).

   +10.1  --  Stone Energy Corporation 1993 Nonemployee Directors' Stock Option
              Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the
              Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.2  --  Deferred Compensation and Disability Agreements between TSPC and
              D. Peter Canty dated July 16, 1981, and between TSPC and Joe R.
              Klutts and James H. Prince dated August 23, 1981 and September 20,
              1981, respectively (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.8 to
              the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.3  --  Conveyances of Net Profits Interests in certain properties to
              D. Peter Canty and James H. Prince (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 10.9 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
              S-1 (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.4  --  Stone Energy Corporation 1993 Stock Option Plan (incorporated by
              reference to Exhibit 10.12 to the Registrant's Registration
              Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.5  --  Stone Energy Corporation Annual Incentive Compensation Plan
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to the Registrant's
              Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993
              (File No. 001-12074)).

    10.6  --  Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement between the
              Registrant, the financial institutions named therein and
              NationsBank of Texas, N.A., as Agent, dated as of July 30, 1997
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Registrant's
              Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997
              (File No. 001-12074)).

   +10.7  --  Deferred Compensation and Disability Agreement between TSPC and
              E. J. Louviere dated July 16, 1981 (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 10.10 to the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
              the year ended December 31, 1995 (File No. 001-12074)).

    10.8  --  Term Loan Agreement, dated November 30, 1995, between the
              Registrant and First National Bank of Commerce (incorporated by
              reference to Exhibit 10.11 to the Registrant's Annual Report on
              Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995
              (File No. 001-12074)).

   +10.9  --  Stone Energy Corporation 1993 Stock Option Plan, As Amended and
              Restated Effective as of May 15, 1997 (incorporated by reference
              to Exhibit 10.9 to the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
              the year ended December 31, 1997 (File No. 001-12074)).

    10.10 --  First Amendment and Restatement of the Third Amended and Restated
              Credit Agreement between the Registrant, the financial
              institutions named therein and NationsBank of Texas, N.A., as
              Agent, dated as of March 31, 1998 (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
              for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 (File No. 001-12074)).

    21.1  --  Subsidiaries of the Registrant (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 21.1 to the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
              the year ended December 31, 1995 (File No. 001-12074)).

   *23.1  --  Consent of Arthur Andersen LLP.

   *23.2  --  Consent of Atwater Consultants, Ltd.

   *23.3  --  Consent of Cawley, Gillespie & Associates, Inc.

   *27.1  --  Financial Data Schedule

- ------------
*    Filed herewith.
+    Identifies management contracts and compensatory plans or arrangements.




         Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act,  as
amended,  the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this  Form 10-K to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned,  thereunto duly authorized, in the City of Lafayette,
State of Louisiana, on the 27th day of March 2000.

                                                     STONE ENERGY CORPORATION

                                              By:    /s/ JAMES H. STONE
                                                         James H. Stone
                                                    Chairman of the Board and
                                                     Chief Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act, this Form 10-K
has been  signed by the  following  persons in the  capacities  and on the dates

             SIGNATURE                                    TITLE                                      DATE
             ---------                                    -----                                      ----

         /s/ James H. Stone                        Chief Executive Officer                      March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------          and Chairman of the Board
             James H. Stone                     (principal executive officer)

          /s/ Joe R. Klutts                       Vice Chairman of the Board                    March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------
              Joe R. Klutts

          /s/ D. Peter Canty                  President, Chief Operating Officer                March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------                and Director
              D. Peter Canty

         /s/ James H. Prince                   Vice President, Chief Financial Officer          March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------                   and Treasurer
             James H. Prince                       (principal financial officer)

         /s/ J. Kent Pierret                       Vice President - Accounting                   March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------                  and Controller
             J. Kent Pierret                       (principal accounting officer)

        /s/ Robert A. Bernhard                                Director                           March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------
            Robert A. Bernhard

         /s/ B.J. Duplantis                                   Director                           March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------
             B.J. Duplantis

         /s/ Raymond B. Gary                                  Director                           March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------
             Raymond B. Gary

         /s/ John P. Laborde                                  Director                           March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------
             John P. Laborde

      /s/ Richard A. Pattarozzi                               Director                           March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------
          Richard A. Pattarozzi

         /s/ David R. Voelker                                 Director                           March 27, 2000
- ----------------------------------------
             David R. Voelker

                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Report of Independent Public Accountants................................     F-2

Consolidated Balance Sheet of Stone Energy Corporation as of
   December 31, 1999 and 1998...........................................     F-3

Consolidated Statement of Operations of Stone Energy Corporation
   for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.................     F-4

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows of Stone Energy Corporation
   for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.................     F-5

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity of Stone Energy Corporation
   for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997.................     F-6

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements..............................     F-7


To the Stockholders of
Stone Energy Corporation:

We have audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of Stone Energy
Corporation (a Delaware  corporation) and subsidiary as of December 31, 1999 and
1998, and the related consolidated  statements of operations,  changes in equity
and cash flows for each of the three  years in the  period  ended  December  31,
1999.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the financial  position of Stone Energy Corporation and
subsidiary as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results of their operations
and their cash flows for each of the three  years in the period  ended  December
31, 1999, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                           ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

New Orleans, Louisiana
March 6, 2000


                            STONE ENERGY CORPORATION
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
             (Dollar amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                                                DECEMBER 31,
                                      ASSETS                                              1999                    1998
                                      ------                                        -----------------       ----------------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents........................................................         $13,874                 $10,550
  Marketable securities, at market.................................................          34,906                  16,853
  Accounts receivable..............................................................          29,729                  26,803
  Other current assets.............................................................             297                     184
                                                                                    -----------------       -----------------
   Total current assets............................................................          78,806                  54,390

Oil and gas properties--full cost method of accounting:
  Proved, net of accumulated depreciation, depletion and
   amortization of $375,360 and $310,767, respectively.............................         335,959                 286,098
  Unevaluated......................................................................          17,182                   7,726
Building and land, net of accumulated depreciation of $355 and
   $255, respectively..............................................................           3,864                   3,559
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation of $1,239 and $2,013,
   respectively....................................................................           2,850                   1,336
Other assets, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization
   of $1,157 and $791, respectively................................................           3,077                   3,460
Deferred tax asset.................................................................            -                      9,821
                                                                                    -----------------       -----------------
   Total assets....................................................................        $441,738                $366,390
                                                                                    =================       =================

Current liabilities:
  Current portion of long-term debt................................................          $ -                        $88
  Accounts payable to vendors......................................................          36,060                  27,583
  Undistributed oil and gas proceeds...............................................          13,130                  11,579
  Other accrued liabilities........................................................           6,729                   5,256
                                                                                    -----------------       -----------------

   Total current liabilities.......................................................          55,919                  44,506

Long-term debt.....................................................................         100,000                 209,936
Production payments................................................................          17,284                    -
Deferred tax liability.............................................................             746                    -
Other long-term liabilities........................................................           2,202                   6,616
                                                                                    -----------------       -----------------

   Total liabilities...............................................................         176,151                 261,058
                                                                                    -----------------       -----------------

Common Stock, $.01 par value; authorized 25,000,000 shares;
  issued and outstanding 18,336,458 and 15,070,408 shares, respectively............             183                     151
Paid-in capital....................................................................         252,941                 119,208
Retained earnings (deficit)........................................................          12,463                 (14,027)
                                                                                    -----------------       -----------------

   Total stockholders' equity......................................................         265,587                 105,332
                                                                                    -----------------       -----------------

   Total liabilities and stockholders' equity......................................        $441,738                $366,390
                                                                                    =================       =================

                   The   accompanying   notes  are  an  integral  part  of  this consolidated balance sheet.

                            STONE ENERGY CORPORATION
                (Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                              1999                 1998                    1997
                                                                        ---------------     -----------------       ----------------
  Oil and gas production...............................................        $146,919              $114,597                $69,079
  Overhead reimbursements and management fees..........................             766                   634                    531
  Other income.........................................................           1,449                 1,389                  1,377
                                                                        -----------------      -----------------       -------------
   Total revenues......................................................         149,134               116,620                 70,987
                                                                        -----------------      -----------------       -------------
  Normal lease operating expenses......................................          22,625                18,042                 10,123
  Major maintenance expenses...........................................           1,115                 1,278                  1,844
  Production taxes.....................................................           2,019                 2,083                  2,215
  Depreciation, depletion and amortization.............................          65,803                68,187                 28,739
  Write-down of oil and gas properties.................................            -                   89,135                      -
  Interest.............................................................          12,840                12,950                  4,916
  Salaries and other employee costs....................................           2,960                 2,697                  2,329
  Incentive compensation plan..........................................           1,510                   763                    833
  General and administrative costs.....................................           1,711                 1,596                  1,574
                                                                        -----------------      -----------------       -------------
   Total expenses......................................................         110,583               196,731                 52,573
                                                                        -----------------      -----------------       -------------
Net income (loss) before income taxes .................................          38,551               (80,111)                18,414
                                                                        -----------------      -----------------       -------------
Income tax provision (benefit):
  Current..............................................................              25                  -                      -
  Deferred.............................................................          12,036               (28,480)                 6,495
                                                                        ----------------       ----------------       --------------
   Total income taxes..................................................          12,061               (28,480)                 6,495
                                                                        ----------------       ----------------       --------------
Net income (loss)......................................................         $26,490              ($51,631)               $11,919
                                                                        ================       ================        =============
Earnings (loss) per common share:

  Basic earnings (loss) per share......................................           $1.61                ($3.43)                 $0.79
                                                                        =================      =================       =============
  Diluted earnings (loss) per share ...................................           $1.58                ($3.43)                 $0.78
                                                                        =================      =================       =============
  Average shares outstanding...........................................          16,469                15,066                 15,024
                                                                        =================      =================       =============
  Average shares outstanding assuming dilution.........................          16,789                15,066                 15,230
                                                                        =================      =================       =============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of this consolidated statement.


                                                 STONE ENERGY CORPORATION
                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                               (Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                                         YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                              1999                 1998                   1997
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income (loss)....................................................        $26,490          ($51,631)              $11,919
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
    provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation, depletion and amortization..........................         65,803            68,187                28,739
     Deferred income tax provision (benefit)...........................         12,036           (28,480)                6,495
     Non-cash effect of production payments............................         (2,981)             -                     -
     Write-down of oil and gas properties..............................           -               89,135                  -
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
                                                                               101,348            77,211                47,153
     (Increase) decrease in marketable securities......................        (18,053)            3,088                (9,609)
     Increase in accounts receivable...................................         (2,926)           (4,072)               (9,795)
     Increase in lease inventory and other current assets..............           (140)              (96)                 (116)
     Increase in other accrued liabilities.............................          3,024             4,887                 3,133
     Other.............................................................         (4,403)            4,615                 1,913
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Net cash provided by operating activities..............................         78,850            85,633                32,679
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Investment in oil and gas properties.................................        (95,168)         (164,092)             (133,638)
  Sale of oil and gas properties.......................................           -                    9                   623
  Building additions and renovations...................................           (405)             (110)                 (235)
  (Increase) decrease in other assets..................................         (2,226)              722                (1,830)
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Net cash used in investing activities..................................        (97,799)         (163,471)             (135,080)
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from borrowings.............................................         13,000            89,000               112,000
  Repayment of debt....................................................       (123,024)          (11,081)             (106,143)
  Proceeds from issuance of 8-3/4% Notes...............................           -                 -                  100,000
  Deferred financing costs.............................................           -                 (160)               (3,293)
  Proceeds from stock offering.........................................        131,139              -                     -
  Expenses for stock offering..........................................           (379)             -                     (111)
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options..............................          1,537               325                   388
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Net cash provided by financing activities..............................         22,273            78,084               102,841
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents..............................          3,324               246                   440
Cash and cash equivalents beginning of year............................         10,550            10,304                 9,864
                                                                       ------------------    -----------------      ----------------
Cash and cash equivalents end of year..................................        $13,874           $10,550               $10,304
                                                                       ==================    =================      ================

Supplemental  disclosures  of cash flow  information:
  Cash paid during the year for:
    Interest (net of amount capitalized)...............................        $13,058           $12,745                $2,606
    Income taxes.......................................................             25              -                      100

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of this consolidated statement.


                            STONE ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                      Common                   Paid-In                Earnings
                                                                      Stock                    Capital                (Deficit)
                                                                -------------------      -------------------     -------------------
Balance, December 31, 1996.....................................          $150                     $118,606              $25,685
  Net income...................................................            -                          -                  11,919
  Expenses from common stock offering..........................            -                          (111)                -
  Exercise of stock options....................................            -                           388                 -
                                                                -------------------      ---------------------   -------------------
Balance, December 31, 1997.....................................           150                      118,883               37,604
  Net loss ....................................................            -                          -                 (51,631)
  Exercise of stock options....................................            1                           325                 -
                                                                -------------------      ---------------------   -------------------
Balance, December 31, 1998.....................................           151                      119,208              (14,027)
  Net income...................................................            -                          -                  26,490
  Sale of common stock.........................................            32                      131,107                 -
  Expenses from common stock offering..........................            -                          (379)                -
  Exercise of stock options....................................            -                         1,537                 -
  Tax benefit from stock option exercises......................            -                         1,468                 -
                                                                ----------------------      ---------------------  -----------------
Balance, December 31, 1999.....................................          $183                     $252,941              $12,463
                                                                ======================      =====================  =================

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of this consolidated statement.


                            STONE ENERGY CORPORATION

        (Dollar amounts in thousands, except per share and price amounts)


    Stone Energy  Corporation is an independent  oil and gas company  engaged in
the  acquisition,   exploration,  development  and  operation  of  oil  and  gas
properties onshore and in shallow waters offshore Louisiana. We have been active
in the Gulf Coast Basin since 1973,  and have extensive  geophysical,  technical
and operational  expertise in this area. Our business strategy is focused on the
acquisition of mature  properties  with an established  production  history that
have significant exploitation and development potential. Since implementing this
business  strategy in 1990,  we have  acquired 19  properties  that comprise our
asset  base  including  twelve  offshore  and seven  onshore  Louisiana.  We are
headquartered in Lafayette,  Louisiana,  with additional  offices in New Orleans
and Houston.

    A summary of significant  accounting policies followed in the preparation of
the accompanying consolidated financial statements is set forth below:


    The  consolidated   financial   statements  include  our  accounts  and  our
proportionate interest in certain partnerships:  The Stone Petroleum Corporation
("TSPC"),   a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  organized  in  June  1981  and  TSPC's
proportionate share of managed limited  partnerships.  TSPC was dissolved during
1997 and the limited  partnerships  were  dissolved on December  31,  1999.  All
intercompany  balances at December 31, 1999 have been eliminated.  Certain prior
year amounts have been reclassified to conform to current year presentation.


    The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires us to make estimates and  assumptions
that affect the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities,  the disclosure of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses  during the  reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those  estimates.  Estimates are used primarily
when  accounting  for  depreciation,  depletion  and  amortization,  unevaluated
property costs, estimated future net cash flows, taxes and contingencies.


    The fair value of cash and cash  equivalents,  net accounts  receivable  and
accounts payable approximated book value at December 31, 1999. The fair value of
the 8-3/4% Notes totaled $96,500 at December 31, 1999 and the cost to unwind our
hedging contracts in place at December 31, 1999 was $3,107.


    We consider all highly liquid  investments in overnight  securities  through
our  commercial  bank  accounts,  which  result in  available  funds on the next
business day, to be cash and cash equivalents.


    We  retain  a  third-party  investment  firm  to  manage  our  portfolio  of
short-term marketable  securities,  which are actively and frequently bought and
sold  with  the  primary  objective  of  generating  profits  on the  short-term
differences in prices.  Thus, the related security investments are classified as
trading  securities,  which are marked to market in accordance with Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 115 ("SFAS No.  115").  All  realized  and
unrealized gains and losses are included in current operating  results.  The net
unrealized  loss on the  portfolio  for the year  ended  December  31,  1999 was
immaterial. The securities included in the portfolio are primarily U.S. Treasury
obligations and mortgage-backed  securities with an average maturity of not more
than 360 days.




    We follow the full cost  method of  accounting  for oil and gas  properties.
Under this method, all acquisition, exploration and development costs, including
certain related  employee costs and general and  administrative  costs (less any
reimbursements for such costs),  incurred for the purpose of finding oil and gas
are  capitalized.  Such  amounts  include  the cost of  drilling  and  equipping
productive  wells, dry hole costs,  lease acquisition  costs,  delay rentals and
other costs related to such  activities.  Employee,  general and  administrative
costs that are capitalized include salaries and all related fringe benefits paid
to employees directly engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of
oil and gas properties,  as well as all other directly  identifiable general and
administrative costs associated with such activities, such as rentals, utilities
and  insurance.  Fees received  from managed  partnerships  for  providing  such
services  are  accounted  for as a reduction  of  capitalized  costs.  Employee,
general and  administrative  costs  associated  with  production  operations and
general corporate activities are expensed in the period incurred.

    As required by the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  under the full cost
method of accounting we are required to  periodically  compare the present value
of the estimated net cash flows from proved reserves (based on current commodity
prices) to the net capitalized  costs of proved oil and gas  properties.  If the
net capitalized  costs of the proved oil and gas properties exceed the estimated
discounted  net cash flows from proved  reserves,  we are required to write-down
the  value of our oil and gas  properties  to the value of the  discounted  cash
flows.  Due to the impact of low year-end  commodity prices on December 31, 1998
reserve  values,  we recorded an $89,135  reduction in the carrying value of our
oil and gas properties at December 31, 1998.

    Our investment in oil and gas properties is amortized using the future gross
revenue method,  a unit of production  method,  whereby the annual provision for
depreciation,  depletion and amortization is computed by dividing revenue earned
during the period by future gross  revenues at the beginning of the period,  and
applying the  resulting  rate to the cost of oil and gas  properties,  including
estimated future development, restoration,  dismantlement and abandonment costs.
Transactions  involving sales of reserves in place, unless extraordinarily large
portions of reserves are involved,  are recorded as  adjustments  to accumulated
depreciation, depletion and amortization.

    Oil and gas properties included $17,182 and $7,726 of unevaluated properties
and related  costs that were not being  amortized at December 31, 1999 and 1998,
respectively. These costs were associated with the acquisition and evaluation of
unproved   properties  and  major   development   projects  expected  to  entail
significant costs to ascertain quantities of proved reserves.  We believe that a
majority of unevaluated properties at December 31, 1999 will be evaluated within
one to 24  months.  The  excluded  costs and  related  proved  reserves  will be
included in the  amortization  base as the  properties  are evaluated and proved
reserves are  established or impairment is determined.  Interest  capitalized on
unevaluated  properties  during the years ended  December  31, 1999 and 1998 was
$320 and $606, respectively.


    Building  and land  are  recorded  at cost.  Our  office  building  is being
depreciated  on the  straight-line  method over its estimated  useful life of 39


    Fixed assets at December 31, 1999 and 1998 included approximately $1,900 and
$1,022,   respectively,   of  computer  hardware  and  software  costs,  net  of
accumulated depreciation. These costs are being depreciated on the straight-line
method over an estimated useful life of 5 years.


    Other assets at December 31, 1999 and 1998 included approximately $2,910 and
$3,183,   respectively,   of  deferred   financing  costs,  net  of  accumulated
amortization,  related to the sale of the 8-3/4% Notes (see Note 7). These costs
are being  amortized  over the life of the Notes  using the  effective  interest




    Basic net income per share of common  stock was  calculated  by dividing net
income  applicable  to  common  stock by the  weighted-average  number of common
shares outstanding during the year. Diluted net income per share of common stock
was  calculated  by  dividing  net  income  applicable  to  common  stock by the
weighted-average  number of common shares  outstanding  during the year plus the
weighted-average  number of dilutive stock options granted to outside  directors
and certain  employees.  There were 320,000 dilutive shares for the twelve-month
period ending  December 31, 1999, and there were no dilutive  shares during 1998
and 206,000 dilutive shares during 1997.

    Options that were considered  antidilutive because the exercise price of the
stock exceeded the average price for the applicable period totaled approximately
2,806 shares and 562 shares during 1999 and 1997, respectively. All options were
considered antidilutive in 1998 due to our net loss incurred in that year.


    We record as revenue only that portion of gas production  sold and allocable
to our  ownership  interest in the related  well.  Any gas  production  proceeds
received in excess of our ownership interest are reflected as a liability in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements.

    Revenues relating to net undelivered gas production to which we are entitled
but for which we have not received  payment are not recorded in the consolidated
financial  statements until compensation is received.  These amounts at December
31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 were immaterial.


    From time to time,  we utilize  hedging  activities  to reduce the effect of
product price volatility.  These  transactions are accounted for as increases or
decreases in revenues from oil and gas  production  in the financial  statements
(See Note 9).


    Income taxes are accounted for in accordance  with SFAS No. 109.  Provisions
for income taxes include  deferred  taxes  resulting  primarily  from  temporary
differences  due to different  reporting  methods for oil and gas properties for
financial  reporting purposes and income tax purposes.  For financial  reporting
purposes,  all  exploratory  and  development  expenditures  are capitalized and
depreciated,  depleted and  amortized on the future gross  revenue  method.  For
income  tax  purposes,  only the  equipment  and  leasehold  costs  relative  to
successful  wells  are  capitalized  and  recovered   through   depreciation  or
depletion.  Generally,  most other exploratory and development costs are charged
to expense as incurred;  however,  we follow certain  provisions of the Internal
Revenue  Code that allow  capitalization  of  intangible  drilling  costs  where
management  deems   appropriate.   Other  financial  and  income  tax  reporting
differences  occur as a  result  of  statutory  depletion,  different  reporting
methods for sales of oil and gas  reserves  in place,  and  different  reporting
periods  used in  accounting  for  income  and  costs  arising  from oil and gas
operations conducted through tax partnerships.


    In June 1998,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting  for  Derivative
Instruments and Hedging  Activities." The Statement  establishes  accounting and
reporting standards that require every derivative  instrument (including certain
derivative  instruments  embedded  in other  contracts)  to be  recorded  in the
balance  sheet as either an asset or  liability  measured  at its fair value and
that changes in the derivative's fair value be recognized  currently in earnings
unless specific hedge  accounting  criteria are met. We expect to adopt SFAS No.
133 on January 1, 2001.  The adoption may create  volatility  in equity  through
changes  in other  comprehensive  income  due to the  marking  to  market of our
hedging  contracts (See Note 9); however,  we believe these  instruments will be
treated  as hedges  under SFAS No.  133 and thus we do not  anticipate  that the
standard will have a material impact on our results of operations.



    In our capacity as  operator,  manager  and/or  sponsor for our partners and
other  co-venturers,  we incur  drilling  and  other  costs  that we bill to the
respective  parties based on their working  interests.  We also receive payments
for these  billings  and, in some cases,  for  billings in advance of  incurring
costs. Our accounts receivable was comprised of the following amounts:

                                                   December 31,
                                          1999                       1998
                                 ---------------------      --------------------
Accounts Receivable:
  Managed partnerships...........        $ -                        $1,882
  Other co-venturers.............         6,019                      5,885
  Trade..........................        23,270                     18,716
  Officers and employees.........            27                          3
  Unbilled accounts receivable...           413                        317
                                 ---------------------      --------------------
                                        $29,729                    $26,803
                                 =====================      ====================


    Our production is sold on month-to-month contracts at prevailing prices. The
following  table  identifies  customers to whom we sold 10% or more of our total
oil and gas revenues during each of the twelve-month periods ended:

                                                  December 31,
                                     1999            1998              1997
                                     ----            ----              ----
Amoco Energy Trading Corporation       -              14%                -
Columbia Energy Services              28%              -                 -
Conoco, Incorporated                   -              24%                -
Engage Energy US LP                   12%              -                 -
Genesis Crude Oil LP                  12%              -                16%
Natural Gas Clearinghouse              -               -                18%
Northridge Energy Marketing           22%             14%                -

    Because  alternative  purchasers  of oil and gas are readily  available,  we
believe that the loss of any of these  purchasers would not result in a material
adverse effect on our ability to market future oil and gas production.



    The following table discloses certain financial data relative to our oil and
gas producing activities, which are located onshore and offshore the continental
United States:

                                                                                   Year Ended December 31,
                                                                       1999                  1998                 1997
                                                                  --------------        ---------------     ---------------
Oil and gas properties--
  Balance, beginning of year.....................................    $604,591               $445,709             $296,929
  Costs incurred during year:
        Acquisition costs.............................. ..........      31,046                 17,748               43,791
        Exploratory drilling......................................      32,117                 81,765               57,770
        Development drilling......................................      53,463                 54,889               43,762
        General and administrative costs..........................       7,753                  5,416                4,494
        Less: overhead reimbursements.............................        (469)                  (936)              (1,037)
                                                                   -------------         ---------------      --------------
        Total costs incurred during year (1)......................     123,910                158,882              148,780
                                                                   -------------         ---------------      --------------
  Balance, end of year............................................     728,501               $604,591             $445,709
                                                                   =============         ===============      ==============

  Charged to expense--
    Operating costs:
    Normal lease operating expenses...............................     $22,625                $18,042              $10,123
    Major maintenance expenses....................................       1,115                  1,278                1,844
                                                                  --------------         --------------      ---------------
    Total operating costs.........................................      23,740                 19,320               11,967
    Production taxes..............................................       2,019                  2,083                2,215
                                                                  --------------         --------------      ---------------
                                                                       $25,759                $21,403               14,182
                                                                  ==============         ==============      ===============

Unevaluated oil and gas properties--
 Costs incurred during year:
    Acquisition costs.............................................     $10,059                 $5,410               $5,442
    Exploration costs.............................................         806                   -                  11,020
    Development costs.............................................        -                      -                    -
                                                                  --------------          -------------     ----------------
                                                                       $10,865                 $5,410              $16,462
                                                                  ==============          =============     ================

Accumulated depreciation, depletion
  and amortization--
    Balance, beginning of year....................................   ($310,767)             ($154,289)           ($125,533)
    Provision for depreciation, depletion and amortization........     (64,593)               (67,334)             (28,133)
    Write-down of oil and gas properties..........................        -                   (89,135)                -
    Sale of reserves..............................................        -                        (9)                (623)
                                                                  --------------         --------------      ----------------
  Balance, end of year............................................    (375,360)              (310,767)            (154,289)
                                                                  --------------         --------------      ----------------
Net capitalized costs (proved and unevaluated)....................    $353,141               $293,824             $291,420
                                                                  ==============         ==============      ================
DD&A per Mcfe.....................................................       $1.10                  $1.33                $1.19
                                                                  ==============         ==============      ================

     (1) Total costs incurred during 1999 included non-cash additions of $20,272
         related to acquisitions made through production


    The following  table discloses  financial data  associated with  capitalized
unevaluated costs as of December 31, 1999:

                                                                               Costs incurred during the
                                                                                Year Ended December 31,
                                           Balance at          ------------------------------------------------------------
                                        December 31, 1999            1999                  1998                 1997
                                       --------------------    ----------------      -----------------    -----------------
Acquisition costs                                $16,376              $10,059                $5,352                  $965
Exploration costs                                    806                  806                  -                     -
Development costs                                   -                    -                     -                     -
                                       --------------------    -----------------     -----------------    -----------------
    Total unevaluated costs                      $17,182              $10,865                $5,352                  $965
                                       ====================    =================     =================    =================


    We follow the  provisions of SFAS No. 109,  "Accounting  For Income  Taxes,"
which provides for recognition of deferred taxes for deductible temporary timing
differences, operating loss carryforwards, statutory depletion carryforwards and
tax credit  carryforwards  net of a  "valuation  allowance."  An analysis of our
deferred tax asset (liability) follows:

                                                                              December 31,
                                                                      1999                     1998
                                                               ------------------        ---------------
Net operating loss carryforward                                      $5,579                   $6,365
Statutory depletion carryforward                                      4,181                    4,046
Investment tax credit carryforward                                     -                         313
Contribution carryforward                                                80                       44
Alternative minimum tax credit carryforward                             420                      396
Temporary differences:
     Oil and gas properties--full cost                              (11,150)                    (359)
     Other                                                              224                     (627)
     Valuation allowance                                                (80)                    (357)
                                                               ------------------       -----------------
                                                                      ($746)                  $9,821
                                                               ==================       =================

    For tax reporting purposes,  operating loss carryforwards totaled $15,909 at
December 31, 1999. If not utilized,  such carryforwards  would begin expiring in
2003 and would completely  expire by the year 2018. In addition,  we had $12,034
in statutory depletion  deductions available for tax reporting purposes that may
be carried forward indefinitely.  Recognition of a deferred tax asset associated
with these carryforwards is dependent upon our evaluation that it is more likely
than not that the asset will ultimately be realized.

    During 1999, our provision for income taxes was net of a $1,460 reduction in
deferred  taxes  relative to  estimates of tax basis that were  resolved  during
1999.  Reconciliations between the statutory federal income tax expense rate and
our  effective  income tax expense rate as a percentage  of income before income
taxes were as follows:

                                                                                     Year Ended December 31,
                                                                        1999                  1998                 1997
                                                                   ---------------        -------------        -------------
Income tax expense (benefit) computed at the statutory
  federal income tax rate.........................................        35%                   (35%)                  35%
Reduction in deferred taxes.......................................        (4%)                    -                     -
                                                                   ---------------        -------------        -------------
Effective income tax rate.........................................        31%                   (35%)                  35%
                                                                   ===============        =============        =============



         In June 1999, we acquired a 100% working  interest in the Lafitte Field
by executing an agreement that included a dollar-denominated  production payment
to be satisfied through the sale of production from the purchased  property.  At
that time, we recorded a production payment of $4,600 representing the estimated
discounted present value of production payments to be made. As provided for in a
separate agreement,  on September 23, 1999,  Goodrich Petroleum Company,  L.L.C.
exercised its option to  participate  for a 49% working  interest in the Lafitte
Field resulting in a reduction of the production  payment to $2,346 at September
30, 1999. At December 31, 1999,  the  production  payment  associated  with this
transaction still totaled $2,346.

         In July 1999,  we  acquired  an  additional  working  interest  in East
Cameron  Block 64 and a 100%  working  interest  in West  Cameron  Block  176 in
exchange for a volumetric  production payment.  This agreement requires that 7.3
MMcf of gas per day be delivered to the seller from South Pelto Block 23 until 8
Bcf of gas have  been  distributed.  At the  transaction  date,  we  recorded  a
volumetric  production payment of $17,926  representing the estimated discounted
cash flows associated with the specific  production volumes to be delivered.  We
amortize the volumetric  production  payment as specified  deliveries of gas are
made to the seller and recognize  non-cash revenue in the form of gas production
revenues.  At December 31, 1999, the volumetric  production  payment was $14,938
and $2,988 had been recognized as gas revenue during 1999.


    Long-term debt consisted of the following at:

                                                                                                December 31,
                                                                                          1999                  1998
                                                                                        --------              --------
        8-3/4% Senior Subordinated Notes due 2007...............................        $100,000              $100,000

        Unsecured revolving credit facility with Bank of America
         (described below)......................................................            -                  107,000

        Term Loan Agreement with Bank One with interest at 7.45%................            -                    3,024

        Less:  portion due within one year......................................            -                      (88)
                                                                                        --------              --------
        Total long-term debt....................................................        $100,000              $209,936
                                                                                        ========              ========

    At December 31, 1999, there were no minimum  principal  payments due for the
next five years.

    In September  1997,  we completed an offering of $100,000  principal  amount
8-3/4%  Senior  Subordinated  Notes (the  "Notes") due  September  15, 2007 with
interest payable semiannually.  At December 31, 1999, $2,601 had been accrued in
connection  with the March  2000  interest  payment.  The  Notes  were sold at a
discount  for an  aggregate  price  of  $99,283  and the net  proceeds  from the
offering were used to repay amounts  outstanding  under our bank credit facility
and for other general corporate purposes. There are no sinking fund requirements
on the Notes and they are  redeemable  at our  option,  in whole or in part,  at
104.375% of their principal amount beginning  September 15, 2002, and thereafter
at prices declining annually to 100% on and after September 15, 2005. Provisions
of the Notes include, without limitation,  restrictions on liens,  indebtedness,
asset sales and other restricted payments.

    On August 3,  1999,  we used a portion of the net  proceeds  from our recent
stock offering (Note 10) to repay the  outstanding  borrowings  under our credit
facility.  At December 31, 1999,  the  borrowing  base under the facility had no
outstanding  borrowings and  outstanding  letters of credit  totaling $7,522 had
been issued pursuant to the facility.  The borrowing base  limitation,  which is
currently  $140,000,  is re-determined  periodically and is based on a borrowing
base amount established by the banks for our oil and gas properties. In February
2000, our bank group increased our credit facility from $150,000 to $200,000 and
extended  the maturity  date from July 30, 2001 to July 30,  2005.  The terms of
this agreement  contain,  among other  provisions,  requirements for maintaining
defined levels of working capital and tangible net worth.

    In November  1995,  we executed a term loan  agreement  with Bank One in the
original principal amount of $3,250 for the purchase of the RiverStone building,
the majority of which we use for our  Lafayette  office.  During 1999, we repaid
this loan with borrowings under our bank credit facility.



    We received  certain fees as a result of our function as managing partner of
certain  partnerships.  For the years ended  December 31,  1999,  1998 and 1997,
management fees and overhead reimbursements from partnerships totaled $224, $834
and $868, respectively,  the majority of which was treated as a reduction of the
investment  in oil and gas  properties.  These  partnerships  were  dissolved on
December 31, 1999. All  participants  in the  partnerships,  including  James H.
Stone and Joe R. Klutts,  received  overriding  royalty interests in the related
properties in exchange for their partnership interests.

    Until their dissolution, we collected and distributed production revenues as
managing partner for the partnerships' interests in oil and gas properties.

    Our interests in certain oil and gas  properties are burdened by various net
profit  interests  granted at the time of acquisition to certain of our officers
and other  employees.  Such net profit  interest  owners do not receive any cash
distributions  until we have recovered all acquisition,  development,  financing
and operating  costs.  We believe the estimated  value of these interests at the
time of  acquisition  is not  material to our  financial  position or results of

    Certain  officers and directors and their  affiliates  are working  interest
owners in properties  operated by us and are billed and pay their  proportionate
share of drilling and operating costs in the normal course of business.


    We engage in futures contracts with certain of our production volumes. These
futures contracts are considered to be hedging  activities and, as such, monthly
settlements  on these  contracts  are  reflected  in  revenues  from oil and gas
production.  In order to consider these futures contracts as hedges, (i) we must
designate  the  futures  contract as a hedge of future  production  and (ii) the
contract must reduce  exposure to the risk of changes in prices.  Changes in the
market value of futures contracts treated as hedges are not recognized in income
until the hedged item is also  recognized in income.  If the above  criteria are
not met,  we will  record the market  value of the  contract  at the end of each
month and recognize a related increase or decrease in oil and gas revenues.  Any
proceeds  received or paid  relating to terminated  contracts or contracts  that
have been sold are amortized over the original  contract period and reflected in
revenues from oil and gas production. We enter into hedging transactions for the
purpose  of  securing  a  price  for a  portion  of  future  production  that is
acceptable at the time the transaction is entered into. The primary objective of
these  activities is to reduce the exposure to the  possibility of declining oil
and gas prices during the term of the hedge.

  We  currently  utilize two forms of hedging  contracts:  fixed price swaps and
collars.  Fixed price  swaps  typically  provide for monthly  payments by us (if
prices  rise) or to us (if prices  fall)  based on the  difference  between  the
strike price and the agreed-upon  average of NYMEX prices. For collars,  monthly
payments are made by us if NYMEX  prices rise above the ceiling  price and to us
if NYMEX prices fall below the floor price. Oil contracts typically settle using
the  average  of the daily  closing  prices for a calendar  month.  Natural  gas
contracts typically settle using the average closing prices for near month NYMEX
futures  contracts for the three days prior to the settlement date.  Because our
properties are located in the Gulf Coast Basin, we believe that  fluctuations in
NYMEX prices will closely match changes in market prices for our production.



     As of March 15, 2000, our open hedge positions were:

                                                               Fixed Price Swaps
                                                   Gas                                  Oil
                                     -------------------------------      ------------------------------
                                       Volume                                 Volume
                                       (BBtus)             Price              (Bbls)             Price
                                     -----------       -------------      ------------         ---------
First Quarter, 2000                     4,550              $2.528            409,500             $19.31
Second Quarter, 2000                    1,820              $2.518            409,500             $19.31
Third Quarter, 2000                     1,840              $2.518            230,000             $19.21
Fourth Quarter, 2000                    1,840              $2.518            230,000             $19.21

                                                       Gas                                              Oil
                                     ----------------------------------------           -----------------------------------
                                       Volume                                            Volume
                                       (BBtus)          Floor        Ceiling             (Bbls)        Floor       Ceiling
                                     ----------        -------      ---------           --------      -------     ---------
Second Quarter, 2000                       3,640         $2.60         $3.50                -            -            -
Third Quarter, 2000                        3,680         $2.60         $3.50             230,000      $21.00       $27.53
Fourth Quarter, 2000                       3,680         $2.60         $3.50             230,000      $21.00       $27.53

     For the years ended  December  31,  1999,  1998 and 1997,  we realized  net
increases (decreases) in oil and gas revenues related to hedging transactions of
($4,329), $4,265 and ($569), respectively.


  On July 28, 1999, we completed a secondary  offering of 3.16 million shares of
our common stock at a price to the public of $43.75 per share.  After payment of
the underwriting  discount and estimated  expenses,  we received net proceeds of
$130,760.  The proceeds will ultimately be used to fund specifically  identified
exploration  and  development   activities,   to  finance   potential   property
acquisitions and for other general corporate purposes.  We reduced  indebtedness
under our credit facility pending such uses.

    During 1998, our Board of Directors authorized the adoption of a stockholder
rights plan to protect and advance our interests  and those of our  stockholders
in the event of a proposed  takeover.  The plan provides for the issuance of one
right for each  outstanding  share of  common  stock.  The  rights  will  become
exercisable  only if a person or group  acquires 15% or more of our  outstanding
voting  stock or  announces  a tender or  exchange  offer that  would  result in
ownership of 15% or more of the voting stock.  The rights were issued on October
26, 1998 to  stockholders  of record on that date,  and expire on September  30,


    We lease office  facilities  in New Orleans,  Louisiana  and Houston,  Texas
under the terms of long-term,  non-cancelable  leases  expiring on April 4, 2003
and May 31, 2004,  respectively.  Additionally,  we lease  automobiles under the
terms of  non-cancelable  leases  expiring at various dates  through  2002.  The
minimum net annual  commitments under all leases,  subleases and contracts noted
above at December 31, 1999 are as follows:

 2000.....................................................................  $421
 2001.....................................................................   411
 2002.....................................................................   393
 2003.....................................................................   324
 2004.....................................................................   127
 Thereafter...............................................................    -

     Rent  expense  for the years ended  December  31,  1999,  1998 and 1997 was
approximately $268, $132 and $118, respectively.

    Until  December 31,  1999,  we were the  managing  general  partner of eight
partnerships  and are  contingently  liable  for any  recourse  debts  and other
liabilities that resulted from their operations  until  dissolution.  We are not
aware of the existence of any such liabilities that would have a material impact
on future operations.

    In  August  1989,  we were  advised  by the EPA that it  believed  we were a
potentially  responsible  party (a "PRP") for the  cleanup of an oil field waste
disposal  facility  located  near  Abbeville,  Louisiana,  which was included on
CERCLA's National Priority List (the "Superfund List") by the EPA in March 1989.
Although  we did not  dispose  of wastes  or salt  water at this  site,  the EPA
contends that  transporters of salt water may have rinsed their trucks' tanks at
this site.  By letter  dated  December 9, 1998,  the EPA made demand for cleanup
costs on 23 of the PRP's,  including us, who had not previously settled with the
EPA. Since that time we,  together with other PRPs,  have been  negotiating  the
settlement of our respective liability for environmental conditions at this site
with the U.S. Department of Justice.  Given the number of PRP's at this site and
the current satisfactory progress of these negotiations,  we do not believe that
any  liability  for this  site  would  have a  material  adverse  affect  on our
financial condition.

    We are contingently  liable to a surety  insurance  company in the aggregate
amount of $14,821  relative to bonds issued on our behalf to the MMS and certain
third parties from which we purchased oil and gas working  interests.  The bonds
represent  guarantees  by the  surety  insurance  company  that we will  operate
offshore  in  accordance  with MMS rules and  regulations  and  perform  certain
plugging and  abandonment  obligations  as specified by the  applicable  working
interest purchase and sale agreements.

    We are also  named as a  defendant  in certain  lawsuits  and are a party to
certain regulatory proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. We do
not expect these matters,  individually or in the aggregate,  to have a material
adverse effect on our financial condition.

    OPA imposes  ongoing  requirements  on a  responsible  party,  including the
preparation of oil spill response plans and proof of financial responsibility to
cover  environmental  cleanup  and  restoration  costs that could be incurred in
connection with an oil spill. As amended by the Coast Guard Authorization Act of
1996,  OPA  requires  responsible  parties  of  offshore  facilities  to provide
financial assurance in the amount of $35,000 to cover potential OPA liabilities.
This  amount  can be  increased  up to  $150,000  if a  formal  risk  assessment
indicates  that an amount  higher than  $35,000  should be  required.  We do not
anticipate  that we will  experience any difficulty in continuing to satisfy the
MMS's requirements for demonstrating financial responsibility under OPA.


    We have entered into deferred  compensation  and disability  agreements with
certain of our employees  whereby we have purchased  split-dollar life insurance
policies to provide certain  retirement and death benefits for our employees and
death  benefits  payable to us. The aggregate  death benefit of the policies was
$3,339 at December 31,  1999,  of which $1,975 was payable to employees or their
beneficiaries  and $1,364 was payable to us. Total cash  surrender  value of the
policies,   net  of  related   surrender  charges  at  December  31,  1999,  was
approximately $1,117. Additionally, the benefits under the deferred compensation
agreements vest after certain  periods of employment,  and at December 31, 1999,
the liability for such vested  benefits was  approximately  $870. The difference
between the actuarial determined liability for retirement benefits or the vested
amounts, where applicable, and the net cash surrender value has been recorded as
an other long-term liability.

    We have adopted a series of incentive  compensation  plans designed to align
the interests of our directors and employees with those of our stockholders. The
following is a brief description of each of the plans:

     i.   The  Annual  Incentive  Compensation  Program  provides  for an annual
          incentive  bonus  that ties  incentives  to the  annual  return on our
          Common Stock,  to a comparison of the price  performance of our Common
          Stock to the  average  annual  return on the shares of stock of a peer
          group of companies  with which we compete and to the growth in our net
          earnings,  net cash flows and net asset value.  Incentive  bonuses are
          awarded to participants based upon individual performance factors.



     ii.  The Nonemployee Directors' Stock Option Plan provides for the issuance
          of up to  250,000  shares of Common  Stock upon the  exercise  of such
          options granted pursuant to this plan. Generally,  options outstanding
          under the Nonemployee Directors' Stock Option Plan: (a) are granted at
          prices  that equate to the fair  market  value of the Common  Stock on
          date of grant,  (b) vest  ratably  over a three year  service  vesting
          period, and (c) expire five years subsequent to award.

     iii. The 1999 Stock Option Plan provides for 300,000 shares of Common Stock
          to be reserved for issuance pursuant to this plan. Under this plan, we
          may grant both incentive stock options qualifying under Section 422 of
          the  Internal  Revenue  Code and  options  that are not  qualified  as
          incentive stock options to all employees other than officers. All such
          options:  (a) must  have an  exercise  price of not less than the fair
          market  value  of the  Common  Stock on the  date of  grant,  (b) vest
          ratably over a five year service  vesting  period,  and (c) expire ten
          years subsequent to award.

     iv.  The 1993 Stock  Option  Plan (as amended and  restated)  provides  for
          1,170,000 shares of Common Stock to be reserved for issuance  pursuant
          to this  plan.  Under this plan,  we may grant  both  incentive  stock
          options  qualifying under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code and
          options that are not qualified as incentive  stock  options.  All such
          options:  (a) must  have an  exercise  price of not less than the fair
          market  value  of the  Common  Stock on the  date of  grant,  (b) vest
          ratably over a five year service  vesting  period,  and (c) expire ten
          years subsequent to award.

     v.   The 401(k) Profit  Sharing Plan provides  eligible  employees with the
          option to defer receipt of a portion of their compensation and we may,
          at our discretion,  match a portion or all of the employee's deferral.
          The amounts  held under the plan are  invested  in various  investment
          funds maintained by a third party in accordance with the directions of
          each employee. An employee is 20% vested in matching contributions (if
          any) for each year of service  and is fully  vested upon five years of
          service.  For the years ended  December  31, 1999,  1998 and 1997,  we
          contributed $313, $270 and $207, respectively, to the plan.

    During the third quarter of 1998, our Board of Directors  elected to reprice
all  non-Director  employee  stock options that had an exercise  price above the
then market value of $26.00 per share. As a result, 265,000 stock options, which
were granted to non-Director  employees during 1997 and 1998, were repriced from
a weighted  average  exercise price of $29.35 per share to the then market value
of $26.00 per share.

     In October 1995, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123,  "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation," which became effective with respect to us in 1996. Under SFAS No.
123,  companies can either record expense based on the fair value of stock-based
compensation  upon  issuance  or elect to remain  under the  current  Accounting
Principles  Board Opinion No. 25 ("APB 25") method whereby no compensation  cost
is recognized upon grant if certain  requirements  are met. We have continued to
account  for our  stock-based  compensation  under  APB 25.  However,  pro forma
disclosures as if we adopted the cost  recognition  requirements  under SFAS No.
123 are presented below.

    If the compensation  cost for the 1999, 1998 and 1997 grants for stock-based
compensation  plans had been determined  consistent with SFAS No. 123, our 1999,
1998 and 1997 net income (loss) and basic and diluted earnings (loss) per common
share would have approximated the pro forma amounts below:

                                                                  YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                        1999                            1998                       1997
                                 --------------------          ---------------------      ---------------------
                                     AS         PRO                AS          PRO            AS          PRO
                                  REPORTED     FORMA            REPORTED      FORMA        REPORTED      FORMA
                                 ----------   -------          ----------    -------      ----------    -------
Net income (loss)...............   $26,490    $24,599           ($51,631)   ($53,141)       $11,919     $10,966
Earnings (loss) per common
   Basic........................    $1.61      $1.49             ($3.43)     ($3.53)         $0.79        $0.73
   Diluted......................    $1.58      $1.47             ($3.43)     ($3.53)         $0.78        $0.72



     The effects of applying SFAS No. 123 in this pro forma  disclosure  are not
indicative  of future  amounts.  SFAS No. 123 does not apply to grants  prior to
1995, and additional awards in the future are anticipated.

       A summary of stock  options as of December  31,  1999,  1998 and 1997 and
changes  during the years ended on those  dates is  presented  below.  The table
reflects the effects of repricing certain options granted during 1997 and 1998.

                                                                              DECEMBER 31,
                                                   1999                    1998                      1997
                                          ---------------------   ----------------------   ------------------------
                                                        WGTD.                   WGTD.                         WGTD.
                                            NUMBER      AVG.        NUMBER      AVG.         NUMBER           AVG.
                                              OF        EXER.         OF        EXER.          OF             EXER.
                                           OPTIONS      PRICE       OPTIONS     PRICE        OPTIONS          PRICE
                                          ----------   -------   -----------   -------      ---------        -------
Outstanding at beginning of year         1,035,000      $19.90      960,000     $18.62        735,000         $15.76
Granted                                    369,250       38.17      100,000      30.43        255,000          26.20
Expired                                    (23,000)      22.29         -           -             -               -
Exercised                                 (103,550)      14.86      (25,000)     13.00        (30,000)         12.95
                                         ----------              -----------                 ---------
Outstanding at end of year               1,277,700      $25.54    1,035,000     $19.90        960,000         $18.62
Options exercisable at year-end            552,650       18.11      481,800      16.01        309,400          13.93
Options available for future grant         299,750                  321,000                   403,000
Weighted average fair value of
   options granted during the year          $24.01                   $21.23                    $17.05

      The fair value of each  option  granted  during the periods  presented  is
estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with
the following assumptions:  (a) dividend yield of 0%, (b) expected volatility of
41.59%,  43.90% and 41.20% in the years 1999, 1998 and 1997,  respectively,  (c)
risk-free  interest rate of 6.32%,  5.50% and 6.04% in the years 1999,  1998 and
1997,  respectively,  and (d) expected life of 10 years for employee options and
five years for director options.

      The  following  table  summarizes   information  regarding  stock  options
outstanding at December 31, 1999:

                                     OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                               OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
                  ----------------------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
    RANGE OF             OPTIONS             WGTD. AVG.           WGTD. AVG.          OPTIONS         WGTD. AVG.
    EXERCISE           OUTSTANDING            REMAINING            EXERCISE         EXERCISABLE        EXERCISE
     PRICES            AT 12/31/99        CONTRACTUAL LIFE           PRICE          AT 12/31/99          PRICE
    --------           -----------        ----------------        ----------        -----------        ---------
     $11-$15             291,700             9.8 years              $12.33             261,034           $12.41

     17 - 24             277,000             9.5 years               20.27             166,866            20.17

     25 - 30             314,750             9.6 years               26.34             112,415            26.32

     30 - 38             299,250             9.2 years               35.92              12,335            36.05

     39 - 53              95,000            10.0 years               46.16                -                 -
                       ---------                                                     ---------
                       1,277,700             9.6 years               25.54             552,650            18.11
                       =========                                                     =========



      A majority of our net proved oil and gas  reserves  at  December  31, 1999
have been estimated by  independent  petroleum  consultants  in accordance  with
guidelines  established  by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC").
Accordingly,  the following  reserve  estimates are based upon existing economic
and operating conditions at the respective dates.

      There are numerous  uncertainties  inherent in  estimating  quantities  of
proved  reserves and in providing the future rates of  production  and timing of
development  expenditures.  The following reserve data represents estimates only
and should not be  construed as being exact.  In  addition,  the present  values
should  not be  construed  as the  current  market  value  of the  oil  and  gas
properties or the cost that would be incurred to obtain equivalent reserves.

      Proved  natural gas reserves at December 31, 1999  excluded 6.7 Bcf of gas
dedicated to a production payment. The excluded natural gas reserves were net of
1.3 Bcf of gas that was produced relative to the production payment from July to
December 1999. Also excluded are the related estimated future net cash flows and
the present value of estimated  future net cash flows of $16.6 million and $14.8
million, respectively.

      The following table sets forth an analysis of the estimated  quantities of
net proved and proved developed oil (including  condensate) and natural gas, all
located onshore and offshore the continental United States:

                                                                                      OIL IN               GAS IN
                                                                                       MBBLS                MMCF
                                                                               -------------------    ---------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 1996.......................................         12,772             144,316
  Revisions of previous estimates.............................................          1,673             (12,252)
  Extensions, discoveries and other additions.................................          2,675              45,276
  Purchase of producing properties............................................          2,302              26,409
  Sale of reserves............................................................            (74)               (327)
  Production..................................................................         (1,585)            (14,183)
                                                                               -------------------    ----------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 1997.......................................         17,763             189,239
  Revisions of previous estimates.............................................         (1,001)              2,162
  Extensions, discoveries and other additions.................................          4,353              70,936
  Purchase of producing properties............................................            237              14,214
  Production..................................................................         (2,876)            (33,281)
                                                                               --------------------    ---------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 1998.......................................         18,476             243,270
  Revisions of previous estimates.............................................            871               2,479
  Extensions, discoveries and other additions.................................          1,828              24,048
  Purchase of producing properties............................................          4,930              18,597
  Production..................................................................         (3,469)            (36,780)
                                                                               --------------------    ----------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 1999.......................................         22,636             251,614
                                                                               ====================    ================

Proved developed reserves:

  as of December 31, 1997.....................................................         14,485             141,424
                                                                               ====================    ================

  as of December 31, 1998.....................................................         15,242             200,973
                                                                               ====================    ================

  as of December 31, 1999.....................................................         17,729             205,345
                                                                               ====================    ================

    The following  tables  present the  standardized  measure of future net cash
flows related to proved oil and gas reserves  together with changes therein,  as
defined by the FASB.  The oil,  condensate and gas price  structure  utilized to
project future net cash flows  reflects  current prices at each year-end and has
been escalated only where known and  determinable  price changes are provided by
contracts and law. Future  production and development costs are based on current
costs with no  escalations.  Estimated  future  cash flows net of future  income
taxes  have  been  discounted  to their  present  values  based on a 10%  annual
discount rate.



                                                                                            STANDARDIZED MEASURE
                                                                                                DECEMBER 31,
                                                                            1999                      1998                  1997
                                                                        ------------              ------------          ------------

Future cash flows.................................................     $1,189,275                   $670,361              $801,647

Future production and development costs...........................       (386,945)                  (281,920)             (268,641)

Future income taxes...............................................       (156,496)                   (22,409)             (104,521)
                                                                       ------------              ------------          ------------
Future net cash flows.............................................        645,834                    366,032               428,485

10% annual discount...............................................       (180,755)                   (97,584)             (132,145)
                                                                       ------------              ------------          ------------
Standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows..........       $465,079                   $268,448              $296,340
                                                                       ============              ============          ============

                                                                                CHANGES IN STANDARDIZED MEASURE
                                                                                    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,

                                                                          1999                     1998                     1997
                                                                   -------------------       -----------------       ---------------

Standardized measure at beginning of year.........................      $268,448                 $296,340                 $329,338
Sales and transfers of oil and gas produced, net of
  production costs................................................      (118,172)                 (93,194)                 (54,898)
Changes in price, net of future production costs..................       246,053                 (156,107)                (186,615)
Extensions and discoveries, net of future production
  and development costs...........................................        54,820                  111,828                   87,491
Changes in estimated future development costs, net of
  development costs incurred during the period....................         9,808                   22,923                   26,738
Revisions of quantity estimates...................................        13,937                   (3,548)                  (3,502)
Accretion of discount.............................................        28,610                   36,863                   32,934
Net change in income taxes........................................       (79,789)                  55,852                   52,338
Purchase of reserves in place.....................................        58,655                   10,321                   21,725
Sale of reserves in place.........................................          -                        -                         420
Changes in production rates (timing) and other....................       (17,291)                 (12,830)                  (9,629)
                                                                   -------------------       -----------------       ---------------

Standardized measure at end of year...............................      $465,079                 $268,448                 $296,340
                                                                   ===================       =================       ===============



                                                                               Basic           Diluted
                                                                              Earnings         Earnings
                                                              Net              (Loss)           (Loss)
                           Revenues       Expenses       Income (Loss)        Per Share       Per Share
                           --------       --------       -------------        ---------       ---------
   First Quarter.......... $30,922         $29,176           $1,746             $0.12           $0.11
   Second Quarter.........  36,273          30,928            5,345              0.35            0.35
   Third Quarter..........  41,024          32,736            8,288              0.48            0.47
   Fourth Quarter.........  40,915          29,804           11,111              0.61            0.60
                          ---------       --------       -------------        ---------       ---------
                          $149,134        $122,644          $26,490             $1.61           $1.58
                          =========       ========       =============        =========       =========
   First Quarter.......... $28,795         $25,497           $3,298             $0.22           $0.22
   Second Quarter.........  28,474          26,642            1,832              0.12            0.12
   Third Quarter..........  27,412          26,667              745              0.05            0.05
   Fourth Quarter.........  31,939          89,445 (a)      (57,506)(a)         (3.82)(a)       (3.82)(a)
                          ---------       --------       -------------        ---------       ---------
                          $116,620        $168,251         ($51,631)           ($3.43)         ($3.43)
                          =========       ========       =============        =========       =========

(a)     Includes a pre-tax, non-cash ceiling test write-down of $89,135.



    The  definitions  set forth below shall apply to the indicated terms as used
in this Form 10-K.  All volumes of natural gas  referred to herein are stated at
the legal  pressure base of the state or area where the reserves exist and at 60
degrees  Fahrenheit  and in most  instances  are  rounded to the  nearest  major

    Bbtu. One billion Btus.

    Bcf.  One billion cubic feet of gas.

    Bcfe. One billion cubic feet of gas equivalent.  Determined using the ratio
of one barrel of crude oil to six mcf of natural gas.

    Bbl. One stock tank barrel,  or 42 U.S. gallons liquid volume,  used herein
in reference to crude oil or other liquid hydrocarbons.

    Btu.  British  thermal  unit,  which is the  heat  required  to  raise  the
temperature of a one-pound mass of water from 58.5 to 59.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

    EBITDA.  Represents net income  attributable  to common stock plus interest,
income taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization and non-cash ceiling test
write-downs of oil and gas properties.

    Development  well.  A well  drilled  within the proved area of an oil or gas
reservoir to the depth of a stratigraphic horizon known to be productive.

    Exploratory well. A well drilled to find and produce oil or gas reserves not
classified as proved,  to find a new reservoir in a field previously found to be
productive of oil or gas in another reservoir or to extend a known reservoir.

    Farmin or farmout.  An agreement under which the owner of a working interest
in an oil and gas lease  assigns  the working  interest or a portion  thereof to
another  party  who  desires  to drill on the  leased  acreage.  Generally,  the
assignee is required to drill one or more wells in order to earn its interest in
the acreage. The assignor usually retains a royalty or reversionary  interest in
the lease. The interest received by an assignee is a "farmin" while the interest
transferred by the assignor is a "farmout."

    Finding costs. Costs associated with acquiring and developing proved oil and
gas reserves which are capitalized by the Company pursuant to generally accepted
accounting  principles,  excluding any  capitalized  general and  administrative

    Gross acreage or gross wells.  The total acres or wells, as the case may be,
in which a working interest is owned.

    MBbls. One thousand barrels of crude oil or other liquid hydrocarbons.

    MBbls/d.  One thousand barrels of crude oil or other liquid hydrocarbons per

    Mcf.  One thousand cubic feet of gas.

    Mcfe. One thousand cubic feet of gas equivalent. Determined using the ratio
of one barrel of crude oil to six mcf of natural gas.

    Mcf/d.  One thousand cubic feet of gas per day.

    MMBbls. One million barrels of crude oil or other liquid hydrocarbons.

    MMBtu.  One million Btus.

    MMcf.  One million cubic feet of gas.


    MMcfe. One million cubic feet of gas equivalent.  Determined using the ratio
of one barrel of crude oil to six mcf of natural gas.

    MMcf/d.  One million cubic feet of gas per day.

    Net acres or net wells. The sum of the fractional working interests owned in
gross acres or gross wells.

     Present  value.  When used with  respect to oil and gas  reserves,  present
value  means  the  estimated  future  gross  revenue  to be  generated  from the
production  of  proved  reserves,   net  of  estimated   production  and  future
development costs, using prices and costs in effect as of the date of the report
or estimate,  without  giving effect to  non-property  related  expenses such as
general and administrative  expenses, debt service and future income tax expense
or to  depreciation,  depletion  and  amortization,  discounted  using an annual
discount rate of 10%.

    Production  payment.  An  obligation of the purchaser of a property to pay a
specified   portion  of  gross  revenues  less  related   production  taxes  and
transportation  costs of the  purchased  property  interest to the seller of the

    Productive   well.  A  well  that  is  found  to  be  capable  of  producing
hydrocarbons  in sufficient  quantities such that proceeds from the sale of such
production exceed production expenses and taxes.

    Proved  developed  reserves.  Proved  reserves  that can be  expected  to be
recovered from existing wells with existing equipment and operating methods.

    Proved  reserves.  The estimated  quantities  of crude oil,  natural gas and
natural gas liquids which  geological  and  engineering  data  demonstrate  with
reasonable  certainty to be  recoverable  in future years from known  reservoirs
under existing economic and operating conditions.

    Proved undeveloped reserves. Reserves that are expected to be recovered from
new wells on developed  acreage where the subject  reserves  cannot be recovered
without drilling additional wells.

    Royalty interest. An interest in an oil and gas property entitling the owner
to a share of oil or gas production free of costs of production.

    Tcf.  One trillion cubic feet of gas.

    Undeveloped  acreage.  Lease acreage on which wells have not been drilled or
completed to a point that would permit the  production of commercial  quantities
of oil and gas regardless of whether such acreage contains proved reserves.

    Volumetric  production payment. An obligation of the purchaser of a property
to deliver a specific volume of production,  free and clear of all costs, to the
seller of the property.

    Working interest.  The operating interest which gives the owner the right to
drill,  produce and conduct  operating  activities on the property and receive a
share of production.


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                             Description
- -------                            -----------

     3.1  --  Certificate of Incorporation of the Registrant, as amended
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the Registrant's
              Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

     3.2  --  Restated Bylaws of the Registrant (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 3.2 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

     4.1  --  Rights Agreement, with exhibits A, B and C thereto, dated as of
              October 15, 1998, between the Company and ChaseMellon Shareholder
              Services, L.L.C., as Rights Agent (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form 8-A
              (File No. 001-12074)).

     4.2  --  Indenture between Stone Energy Corporation and Texas Commerce
              Bank, National Association dated as of September 19, 1997
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrant's
              Registration Statement on Form S-4 dated October 22, 1997
              (File No. 333-38425)).

   +10.1  --  Stone Energy Corporation 1993 Nonemployee Directors' Stock Option
              Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the
              Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.2  --  Deferred Compensation and Disability Agreements between TSPC and
              D. Peter Canty dated July 16, 1981, and between TSPC and Joe R.
              Klutts and James H. Prince dated August 23, 1981 and September 20,
              1981, respectively (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.8 to
              the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
              (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.3  --  Conveyances of Net Profits Interests in certain properties to
              D. Peter Canty and James H. Prince (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 10.9 to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
              S-1 (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.4  --  Stone Energy Corporation 1993 Stock Option Plan (incorporated by
              reference to Exhibit 10.12 to the Registrant's Registration
              Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-62362)).

   +10.5  --  Stone Energy Corporation Annual Incentive Compensation Plan
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to the Registrant's
              Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1993
              (File No. 001-12074)).

    10.6  --  Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement between the
              Registrant, the financial institutions named therein and
              NationsBank of Texas, N.A., as Agent, dated as of July 30, 1997
              (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Registrant's
              Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997
              (File No. 001-12074)).

   +10.7  --  Deferred Compensation and Disability Agreement between TSPC and
              E. J. Louviere dated July 16, 1981 (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 10.10 to the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
              the year ended December 31, 1995 (File No. 001-12074)).

    10.8  --  Term Loan Agreement, dated November 30, 1995, between the
              Registrant and First National Bank of Commerce (incorporated by
              reference to Exhibit 10.11 to the Registrant's Annual Report on
              Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995
              (File No. 001-12074)).

   +10.9  --  Stone Energy Corporation 1993 Stock Option Plan, As Amended and
              Restated Effective as of May 15, 1997 (incorporated by reference
              to Exhibit 10.9 to the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
              the year ended December 31, 1997 (File No. 001-12074)).

    10.10 --  First Amendment and Restatement of the Third Amended and Restated
              Credit Agreement between the Registrant, the financial
              institutions named therein and NationsBank of Texas, N.A., as
              Agent, dated as of March 31, 1998 (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
              for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 (File No. 001-12074)).

    21.1  --  Subsidiaries of the Registrant (incorporated by reference to
              Exhibit 21.1 to the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
              the year ended December 31, 1995 (File No. 001-12074)).

   *23.1  --  Consent of Arthur Andersen LLP.

   *23.2  --  Consent of Atwater Consultants, Ltd.

   *23.3  --  Consent of Cawley, Gillespie & Associates, Inc.

   *27.1  --  Financial Data Schedule

- ------------
     *   Filed herewith.
     +   Identifies management contracts and compensatory plans or arrangements.