OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
                                 PURSUANT TO THE

                              CFS BANCSHARES, INC.
                         STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN

     STOCK OPTION for a total of _______ shares of Common Stock,  par value $.01
per share, of CFS Bancshares, Inc. (the "Company"),  which Option is intended to
qualify as an incentive  stock option under Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue
Code of  1986,  as  amended,  is  hereby  granted  to  ___________________  (the
"Optionee")  at the price  determined  as provided  herein,  and in all respects
subject  to the  terms,  definitions  and  provisions  of the Stock  Option  and
Incentive  Plan (the "Plan")  adopted by the Company  which is  incorporated  by
reference herein, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

     1. Option Price.  The option price is $14.00 for each share,  being 100% of
the fair market value,  as  determined  by the Committee in accordance  with the
Plan, of the Common Stock on the date of grant of this Option.

     2. Exercises of Option. This Option shall be exercisable in accordance with
provisions of the Plan as follows:

          (i) Schedule of rights to exercise.

           Years of Continuous Employment           Shares Subject to Option
           After Date of Grant of Option             Which May Be Exercised
           ------------------------------           ------------------------

                  Upon Grant                                 -0-

                  Six months after grant                     50%

                  18 months after grant                      50%

     Further,  in no event shall this Option be exercisable  for six months from
the date of  grant,  except  in the  event of the  death  or  disability  of the

          (ii) Method of Exercise. This Option shall be exercisable by a written
notice which shall:

     (a) State the  election to exercise  the Option,  the number of shares with
     respect to which it is being exercised,  the person in whose name the stock
     certificate  or  certificates  for such  shares  of  Common  Stock is to be
     registered,  his address and Social  Security  Number (or if more than one,
     the names, addresses and Social Security Numbers of such person);

     (b)  contain  such  representations  and  agreements  as  to  the  holder's
     investment  intent with  respect to such  shares of Common  Stock as may be
     satisfactory to the Company's counsel;

     (c) be signed by the person or persons entitled to exercise the Option and,
     if the Option is being  exercised  by any person or persons  other than the
     Optionee, be accompanied by proof, satisfactory to counsel for the Company,
     of the right of such person or persons to exercise the Option; and

     (d) be in  writing  and  delivered  in person or by  certified  mail to the
     Treasurer of the Company.

     Payment  of the  purchase  price of any  shares  with  respect to which the
Option is being  exercised  shall be by certified or bank  cashier's or teller's
check, or in Shares of Common Stock.  The certificate or certificates for shares
of Common Stock as to which the Option shall be exercised shall be registered in
the name of the person or persons exercising the Option.

     (iii)  Restrictions  on  Exercise.  This Option may not be exercised if the
issuance  and  delivery  of the shares upon such  exercise  would  constitute  a
violation  of any  applicable  federal  or  state  securities  or  other  law or
regulation or the  requirements  of any stock exchange upon which the shares may
then be listed.  As a condition to the Optionee's  exercise of this Option,  the
Company may require the person exercising this option to make any representation
and warranty to the Company as may be necessary to assure the availability of an
exemption from the registration requirements of federal or state securities law.

     3. Non-transferability of Option. This Option may not be transferred in any
manner  otherwise than by will or the laws of descent or distribution and may be
exercised during the lifetime of the Optionee only by the Optionee. The terms of
this  Option  shall  be  binding  upon  the  executors,  administrators,  heirs,
successors and assigns of the Optionee.

     4. Term of Option.  This  Option may not be  exercisable  for more than ten
(10) years from the date of grant of this Option, as set forth below, and may be
exercised  during  such term only in  accordance  with the Plan and the terms of
this Option.

     5. Restrictions on Transfer of Stock.  Shares of Common Stock received upon
the  exercise of options  shall be subject to a "Right of First  Refusal" by the
Company prior to a subsequent  sale or transfer for value of the  Optionee.  The
right of first  refusal  shall provide  that,  prior to any  subsequent  sale or
transfer for value of Common Stock  received by the Optionee,  such Common Stock
must first be offered in writing to the Company.  The Company or a benefits plan
sponsored by the Company shall have a total of fourteen (14) days (from the date
the Optionee gives written notice to the Company) to exercise the right of first
refusal on the same terms  offered to the Optionee by a  prospective  buyer.  An
Optionee  entitled to a distribution  of Common Stock may be required to execute
an appropriate stock transfer agreement  (evidencing the right of first refusal)
prior to receiving a certificate for such Common Stock.

                                         CFS BANCSHARES, INC.

                                         By ____________________________________

         Date of Grant                   Attest:________________________________


                                 PURSUANT TO THE

                              CFS BANCSHARES, INC.

                         STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN


CFS Bancshares, Inc.
1700 Third Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama  35203

Dear Sir:

     The  undersigned  elects to exercise the Incentive Stock Option to purchase
______ shares, par value $.01, of the Common Stock of CFS Bancshares, Inc. under
and pursuant to a Stock Option Agreement dated __________________, 1991.

     Delivered  herewith  is a certified  or bank  cashier's  or teller's  check
and/or  shares of Common  Stock,  value at the fair market value of the stock on
the date of exercise, as set forth below.

              $____________    of cash or check
               ____________    of Common Stock
              $                Total

     The name or names to be on the stock  certificate or  certificates  and the
address and Social Security Number of such person(s) is as follows:



Social Security Number__________________________________________________________

                                 Very truly yours,
