(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. ___)

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement           [ ] Confidential, for Use of the
[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement                Commission Only (as permitted
[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials           by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-12

                           HIGH COUNTRY BANCORP, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment  of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
         computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
         amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
         was determined):


     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5) Total fee paid:


[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by  Exchange Act
         Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which  the  offsetting  fee
         was  paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by registration
         statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1) Amount previously paid:


         (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


         (3) Filing Party:


         (4) Date Filed:



                                October 10, 2003

Dear Stockholder:

     We invite you to attend the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of High Country
Bancorp,  Inc. to be held at High Country Bank, 7360 West US Highway 50, Salida,
Colorado on Monday, November 10, 2003 at 5:00 p.m., local time.

     The accompanying notice and proxy statement describe the formal business to
be  transacted  at the Annual  Meeting.  Also  enclosed  is an Annual  Report to
Stockholders  for the 2003 fiscal  year.  Directors  and officers of the Company
will be available to respond to any questions stockholders may have.

     You are  cordially  invited  to attend the Annual  Meeting.  REGARDLESS  OF
MEETING.  This will not  prevent  you from voting in person but will assure that
your vote is counted if you are unable to attend the meeting.


                                   /s/ Larry D. Smith

                                   Larry D. Smith
                                   President and Chief Executive Officer

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           HIGH COUNTRY BANCORP, INC.
                             7360 WEST US HIGHWAY 50
                             SALIDA, COLORADO 81201
                                 (719) 539-2516

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 10, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  ("Annual
Meeting") of High Country Bancorp,  Inc. (the  "Company"),  will be held at High
Country Bank, 7360 West US Highway 50, Salida, Colorado, at 5:00, local time, on
Monday, November 10, 2003.

         A Proxy Card and a Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting are enclosed.

         The Annual Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

         1.       The election of one director of the Company;

         2.       The approval of the amendment and restatement of the High
                  Country Bancorp, Inc. 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan as
                  the High Country Bancorp, Inc. 2003 Incentive Equity and
                  Deferred Compensation Plan; and

         3.       The transaction of such other matters as may properly come
                  before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     Note:  The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any other  business to come
before the Annual Meeting.

     Any action may be taken on any one of the foregoing proposals at the Annual
Meeting  on the date  specified  above or on any  date or  dates  to  which,  by
original or later adjournment, the Annual Meeting may be adjourned. Stockholders
of record at the close of business on September 30, 2003,  are the  stockholders
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

     You are  requested  to fill in and sign the  enclosed  Proxy  Card which is
solicited  by the Board of  Directors  and to mail it promptly  in the  enclosed
envelope.  The Proxy  Card will not be used if you attend and vote at the Annual
Meeting in person.

                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                       /s/ Richard A. Young

                       RICHARD A. YOUNG
Salida, Colorado
October 10, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                           HIGH COUNTRY BANCORP, INC.
                             7360 WEST US HIGHWAY 50
                             SALIDA, COLORADO 81201

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                NOVEMBER 10, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors of High Country Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company")
to be used at the 2003  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of the  Company  (the
"Annual  Meeting") which will be held at High Country Bank, 7360 West US Highway
50, Salida, Colorado on Monday, November 10, 2003, at 5:00 p.m., local time. The
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting and form of proxy and this Proxy Statement
are being first mailed to stockholders on or about October 10, 2003.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Proxies solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company will be voted in
accordance  with  the  directions  given  therein.  WHERE  NO  INSTRUCTIONS  ARE
The proxy confers  discretionary  authority on the persons named therein to vote
with  respect to the  election of any person as a director  where the nominee is
unable to serve or for good cause will not  serve,  and with  respect to matters
incident  to the  conduct  of the  Annual  Meeting.  If any  other  business  is
presented at the Annual Meeting, proxies will be voted by those named therein in
accordance  with the  determination  of a  majority  of the Board of  Directors.
Proxies  marked as  abstentions  will not be counted as votes cast. In addition,
shares held in street name which have been  designated by brokers on proxy cards
as not voted will not be counted as votes cast. Proxies marked as abstentions or
as broker nonvotes,  however,  will be treated as shares present for purposes of
determining whether a quorum is present.

     Stockholders  who  execute  proxies  retain the right to revoke them at any
time.  Unless so revoked,  the shares  represented by properly  executed proxies
will be voted at the Annual Meeting and all adjournments thereof. Proxies may be
revoked by written  notice to the  Secretary of the Company at the address above
or the filing of a later-dated proxy prior to a vote being taken on a particular
proposal  at the  Annual  Meeting.  A proxy  will not be voted if a  stockholder
attends the Annual Meeting and votes in person. The presence of a stockholder at
the Annual Meeting will not in itself revoke such stockholder's proxy.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The  securities  entitled  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  consist  of the
Company's  common  stock,  par  value  $.01  per  share  (the  "Common  Stock").
Stockholders  of record as of the close of business on  September  30, 2003 (the
"Record  Date"),  are  entitled to one vote for each share of Common  Stock then
held.  As of the Record Date,  there were 901,704  shares of Common Stock issued
and outstanding.  The presence, in person or by proxy, of at least a majority of
the total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote will
be necessary to constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting.

     Persons and groups beneficially owning more than 5% of the Common Stock are
required to file certain reports with respect to such ownership  pursuant to the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). The following
table sets forth,  as of the Record Date,  certain  information as to the Common
Stock  beneficially  owned by any person or group of persons who is known to the
Company to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock
and shares  beneficially  owned by all  directors  and  executive

officers  as a group.  Other than as  disclosed  below,  management  knows of no
person who  beneficially  owned  more than 5% of the Common  Stock at the Record

                                                                                 PERCENT OF SHARES
NAME AND ADDRESS                             AMOUNT AND NATURE OF                OF COMMON STOCK
OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                         BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP (1)                OUTSTANDING
- -------------------                         -------------------------            -----------------

High Country Bancorp, Inc.                         101,894  (2)                       11.30%
Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP")
7360 West US Highway 50
Salida, Colorado  81201

Donald Leigh Koch                                   88,982  (3)                        9.87
4 Muirfield Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63141

Larry D. Smith                                      70,864  (4)                        7.55
7360 West US Highway 50
Salida, Colorado  81201

Scott G. Erchul                                     49,036  (5)                        5.27
7360 West US Highway 50
Salida, Colorado  81201

MidCountry Financial Corp.                          45,595  (6)                        5.06
P.O. Box 4164
Macon, Georgia  31208

All Directors and Executive Officers               223,171  (7)                       22.57
  as a Group (6 persons)

- --------------------
(1)  Includes all shares held  directly as well as by spouses or as custodian or
     trustee for minor  children,  and shares held by a group acting in concert,
     over which shares the named  individuals  effectively  exercise sole voting
     and investment  power,  or for a group acting in concert,  share voting and
     investment power.
(2)  These  shares are held in a suspense  account for future  allocation  among
     participating  employees as the loan used to purchase the shares is repaid.
     The ESOP  trustees,  currently  Directors  Glenn,  Young and Harsh vote all
     allocated  shares in  accordance  with  instructions  of the  participants.
     Unallocated  shares and shares for which no instructions have been received
     generally are voted by the ESOP trustees in the same ratio as  participants
     direct the voting of allocated shares or, in the absence of such direction,
     as directed by the  Company's  Board of  Directors.  As of the Record Date,
     58,030 shares had been allocated.
(3)  Based on  Amendment  No. 5 to  Schedule  13G filed on  February  21,  2003.
     Includes shares  beneficially  owned by Mr. Koch and his spouse and by Koch
     Asset  Management,  L.L.C.,  an  investment  advisor to various  individual
     clients. Mr. Koch is sole Managing Member of Koch Asset Management, L.L.C.
(4)  Includes  36,368  shares that may be acquired  upon the exercise of options
     exercisable  within 60 days of the Record Date.  The listed amount does not
     include  17,254  shares held by the Salida  Building  and Loan  Association
     Long-Term  Incentive Plan ("LTIP") trust for the benefit of Mr. Smith;  Mr.
     Smith bears the economic  risk  associated  with such shares,  but does not
     have voting or investment power over such shares.
(5)  Includes  29,095  shares that may be acquired  upon the exercise of options
     exercisable  within 60 days of the Record Date.  The listed amount does not
     include 7,041 shares held by the LTIP trust for the benefit of Mr.  Erchul;
     Mr. Erchul bears the economic risk  associated  with such shares,  but does
     not have voting or investment power over such shares.
(6)  Based on a Schedule 13D filed on September 9, 2002.
(7)  Includes  87,282  shares that may be acquired  upon the exercise of options
     exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date. Excludes shares with respect
     to which Directors Glenn, Young and Harsh may have "voting power" by virtue
     of their  positions as trustees of the trusts holding  101,894 shares under
     the ESOP, and 50,767 shares under the 401(k) plan.  Unallocated  shares and
     shares for which no instructions have been received  generally are voted by
     the  trustees  in the same  ratio as  participants  direct  the  voting  of
     allocated  shares or, in the absence of such direction,  as directed by the
     Company's Board of Directors.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       PROPOSAL I -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The  Company's  Board of Directors is currently  composed of five  members.
Under the Company's Articles of Incorporation,  directors are divided into three
classes and elected for terms of three years each and until their successors are
elected  and  qualified.  At the  Annual  Meeting in order to keep the number of
directors in each class equal,  one director will be elected for terms  expiring
at the Annual  Meeting to be held in the year 2006.  The Board of Directors  has
nominated  Director  Timothy R. Glenn,  to serve a term of three years, or until
his  successor is elected and  qualified.  Under  Colorado  law,  directors  are
elected by a majority of the votes present in person or  represented by proxy at
the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote in the election of directors.

     Unless a contrary  instruction  is given,  the persons named in the proxies
solicited by the Board of  Directors  will vote each such proxy for the election
of the named nominee.  If the nominee is unable to serve, the shares represented
by all properly  executed  proxies which have not been revoked will be voted for
the election of such  substitute  as the Board of Directors may recommend or the
size of the Board may be reduced to  eliminate  the vacancy.  At this time,  the
Board knows of no reason why the nominee might be unavailable to serve.


     The  following  table  sets  forth,  for the  nominee  and each  continuing
director,  his  name,  age as of the  Record  Date,  the year he first  became a
director of the Company's  principal  subsidiary,  High Country  Bank,  formerly
Salida  Building and Loan  Association  (the "Bank"),  and the expiration of his
current  term as a director  of the  Company.  Except as noted  below,  all such
persons were initially  appointed as directors of the Company in connection with
the incorporation and organization of the Company in August 1997 and remained as
such  following the conversion of the Bank from mutual to stock form on December
11,  1997.  Each  director  of the  Company  is also a  member  of the  Board of
Directors of the Bank.

                                                                                     SHARES OF
                                            YEAR FIRST                             COMMON STOCK
                                            ELECTED AS                             BENEFICIALLY
                          AGE AT THE         DIRECTOR        CURRENT TERM          OWNED AT THE         PERCENT OF
       NAME               RECORD DATE       OF THE BANK        TO EXPIRE           RECORD DATE (1)        CLASS
       ----               -----------       -----------        ---------           ---------------        -----
                                         BOARD NOMINEES FOR TERMS TO EXPIRE IN 2006

Timothy R. Glenn             46                1991              2003                  31,250  (2)        3.44%

                                             DIRECTORS CONTINUING IN OFFICE

Philip W. Harsh              58                1995              2004                  43,361  (2)        4.77
Scott G. Erchul              41                1997              2004                  49,036             5.27
Richard A. Young             49                1992              2005                  28,660  (2)        3.15
Larry D. Smith               46                1987              2005                  70,864             7.55

- ------------
(1)  Includes all shares held  directly as well as by spouses or as custodian or
     trustee for minor  children,  and shares held by a group acting in concert,
     over which shares the named  individuals  effectively  exercise sole voting
     and investment  power,  or for a group acting in concert,  share voting and
     investment power.  Amounts shown include 7,273,  7,273,  29,095,  7,273 and
     36,368  shares which may be acquired by  Directors  Glenn,  Harsh,  Erchul,
     Young and Smith,  respectively,  upon the  exercise of options  exercisable
     within 60 days of the Record  Date.  Amounts  shown do not  include  4,298,
     2,958,  7,041, 3,963 and 17,254 shares which are held by the LTIP trust for
     the  benefit  of  Directors  Glenn,   Harsh,   Erchul,   Young  and  Smith,
     respectively;  such individuals bear the economic risk associated with such
     shares, but do not have voting or investment power over such shares.
(2)  Excludes shares with respect to which Directors Young,  Glenn and Harsh may
     have "voting power" by virtue of their  positions as trustees of the trusts
     holding  101,894  shares under the ESOP and 50,767  shares under the 401(k)
     plan.  Unallocated  ESOP shares and shares for which no  instructions  have
     been  received  generally  are voted by the  trustees  in the same ratio as
     participants  direct the voting of  allocated  shares or, in the absence of
     such direction,  as directed by the Company's Board of Directors. As of the
     Record Date,  58,030 shares had been  allocated.  Shares held in the 401(k)
     plan are voted as directed by the plan participants.


     The principal  occupation of each nominee for director and each  continuing
director of the Company for the last five years is set forth below.

     TIMOTHY R. GLENN has served as a Director of the Bank since 1991. He is the
Funeral  Director  and  Owner of the  Lewis & Glenn  Funeral  Home and  Fairview
Cemetery. He currently is a County Commissioner for Chaffee County, Colorado and
a member of the Board of  Education  for the local  school  district.  His civic
activities  include the Salida  Rotary  Club,  Elks Lodge,  4-H Club and the St.
Joseph  Catholic  Church.  He has also served as  President  and a member of the
Board of Directors of the Colorado Association of Cemeteries.

     PHILIP W. HARSH is a retired insurance  executive and part-time  consultant
and has been a Director of the Bank since 1995. Also, he has served as President
of the ruling group for the Salida  Public Golf Course and is past  president of
the Independent Insurance Agents of Colorado.

     SCOTT G.  ERCHUL  has been a member of the Board of  Directors  of the Bank
since 1997. He currently  serves as Vice  President of the Company and the Bank,
and has  been  Vice  President  of the Bank  since  1991.  His past and  current
community  involvement  include the Rotary Club,  Academic Booster Club, Build a
Generation  committee  member and youth sports coach for football,  baseball and

     RICHARD A. YOUNG currently serves as Secretary and Treasurer of the Company
and the Bank.  He has  served as a  Director  of the Bank  since  1992.  He is a
Certified  Public  Accountant and a partner in the  accounting  firm of Swartz &
Young P.C. He is a high school football coach, treasurer and board member of the
local Pop Warner  Football  League,  and treasurer of Support our Schools Salida
nonprofit organization.

     LARRY D. SMITH currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company and the Bank. Mr. Smith became President of the Bank in 1991 and has
been a  Director  of the Bank  since  1987.  From  1978 to 1991,  he  served  as
Controller  of the Bank.  He is active in the  Salida  school  system  and youth
sports by serving as a coach for various sports teams and by serving on the High
School Building  Accountability  and Business  Advisory  Committees.  He is also
involved  with  several  organizations  which  promote the academic and athletic
development of the youth of Salida.  He is a member of the Board of Directors of
the  Midwest  Conference  for  Community  Banks,  currently  serving as its past

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Company's Board of Directors  conducts its business through meetings of
the Board. The Board of Directors of the Company generally holds regular monthly
meetings and holds  special  meetings as needed.  During the year ended June 30,
2003, the Board of Directors of the Company met 12 times.  No director  attended
fewer than 75% in the  aggregate  of the total  number of Board  meetings of the
Company  held while he was a member  during the year ended June 30, 2003 and the
total  number of  meetings  held by  committees  on which he served  during such
fiscal year.

     The  Compensation  Committee  consists of the full Board of  Directors  and
discusses compensation matters as required. The Board of Directors met two times
as the Compensation Committee during the year ended June 30, 2003.

     The Board of Directors' Audit Committee  consists of Directors Harsh, Glenn
and  Young.   The  members  of  the  Audit  Committee  are   "independent,"   as
"independent"  is defined in Rule  4200(a)(15)  of the National  Association  of
Securities  Dealers,  Inc.'s listing  standards.  During the year ended June 30,
2003, the Audit Committee met five times to examine and approve the audit report
prepared by the  independent  auditors of the Bank,  to review and recommend the
independent  auditors to be engaged by the Bank,  to review the  internal  audit
function and internal accounting controls, and to review and approve conflict of
interest and audit  policies.  The  Company's  Board of Directors  has adopted a
written charter for the Audit Committee.

     The  Company's  Nominating  Committee  consists  of  the  entire  Board  of
Directors and is responsible for considering  potential nominees to the Board of
Directors.  The Board,  in its capacity as the  Nominating  Committee,  met once
during  the year ended  June 30,  2003.  In its  deliberations,  the  nominating
committee  considers  the


candidate's  knowledge of the banking  business and  involvement  in  community,
business and civic  affairs,  and also  considers  whether the  candidate  would
provide for adequate  representation of its market area. The Company's  Articles
of  Incorporation  set forth  procedures  that must be followed by  stockholders
seeking to make  nominations  for  directors.  In order for a stockholder of the
Company to make any  nominations,  he or she must give written notice thereof to
the  Secretary of the Company not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days
prior to the date of any such  meeting;  provided,  however,  that if less  than
forty days' notice of the meeting is given to stockholders,  such written notice
shall be delivered or mailed, as prescribed, to the Secretary of the Company not
later than the close of  business  on the tenth day  following  the day on which
notice of the meeting was mailed to  stockholders.  Each such notice  given by a
stockholder  with respect to nominations  for the election of directors must set
forth (i) the name, age,  business address and, if known,  residence  address of
each  nominee  proposed  in  such  notice;  (ii)  the  principal  occupation  or
employment of each such nominee;  and (iii) the number of shares of stock of the
Company  which are  beneficially  owned by each such nominee.  In addition,  the
stockholder  making such nomination must promptly provide any other  information
reasonably requested by the Company.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Directors' Fees. The Company's  directors receive fees of $1,500 per month.
Non-employee  directors  receive $100 per committee  meeting  attended,  and all
directors  receive  $200 per High  Country  Title  and  Escrow  Company  meeting
attended.  During  fiscal  year 2003,  the  Company's  directors'  fees  totaled

     Long-Term  Incentive  Plan. The Bank maintains the Salida Building and Loan
Association  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan  (the  "LTIP")  for the  benefit  of its
directors.  Under  the  LTIP,  on each  June 30 each  director  has his  account
credited  with $12,000.  Amounts  credited to  participants'  accounts are fully
vested at all times. Until distributed in accordance with the terms of the LTIP,
each participant's account will be credited with a rate of return on any amounts
previously  credited.  This rate of return  equals the highest  rate of interest
paid  by the  Bank  on  certificates  of  deposit  having  a term  of one  year.
Alternatively,  participants  may  elect  that  rate of  return  will  equal the
dividend-adjusted rate of return on the Company's common stock.

     In the event of an Employee  Director's  disability  or death,  his account
will be credited with an amount equal to the difference (if any) between (i) 50%
of the  present  value of all  benefits  which  would have been  credited to his
account if he had  otherwise  remained  employed by the Bank to age 65, and (ii)
the  benefits  which are  actually  credited  to his  account at the time of his
termination.  If his  employment  terminates in  connection  with or following a
"change in control",  his account  will be credited  with an amount equal to the
difference (if any) between: (i) 100% of the present value of all benefits which
would have been credited to his account if he had otherwise remained employed by
the Bank to age 65, and (ii) the  benefits  which are  actually  credited to his
account at the time of his termination, subject to applicable "golden parachute"
limitations  under ss.280G of the Internal Revenue Code.  "Change in control" is
defined the same as under the Employment Agreements described above.

     Participants'  accounts  under  the  LTIP  will be paid,  in  cash,  in ten
substantially equal annual  installments,  beginning during the first quarter of
the calendar year following the calendar year in which the participant ceases to
be a director. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a participant may elect to receive
LTIP  benefits  in a lump sum or over a period  shorter  than ten years.  In the
event of a participants'  death, the balance of his LTIP account will be paid in
a lump sum (unless the participant elects a distribution period up to ten years)
to his designated  beneficiary,  or if none,  his estate.  During the year ended
June 30, 2003,  the Bank  credited  $12,000 to the accounts of each of Directors
Young, Smith, Glenn, Harsh and Erchul under the LTIP.

     Equity  Compensation  Plans.  Directors are also eligible to participate in
the Company's stock option plan and management recognition plan. During the year
ended June 30,  2003,  no awards were made to  directors  under the option plan.
During the year ended June 30,  2003,  each  director  received  1,000 shares of
restricted stock under the management recognition plan. All shares vested during
the year ended June 30, 2003.  There are no shares  available  for future awards
under the management recognition plan.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Summary  Compensation  Table.  The following  table sets forth the cash and
noncash compensation for the last three fiscal years awarded to or earned by the
Company's Chief Executive Officer and Vice President. No other executive officer
of the Company  earned salary and bonus in fiscal year 2003  exceeding  $100,000
for services rendered in all capacities to the Company and the Bank.

                                                                                          LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                                   ANNUAL COMPENSATION                             AWARDS
                                           ----------------------------------------     ------------------------
                                                                                         RESTRICTED  SECURITIES
                               FISCAL                                OTHER ANNUAL          STOCK     UNDERLYING     ALL OTHER
NAME                           YEAR        SALARY      BONUS        COMPENSATION(1)       AWARDS     OPTIONS(#)   COMPENSATION
- ----                           ----        ------      -----        ---------------       ------     ----------   ------------

Larry D. Smith                 2003        $119,600      $60,000         $18,800        $28,410 (2)     --         $44,109(3)
Chief Executive Officer        2002         116,000       52,788          14,600                --      --          39,660
                               2001         105,000       31,550          12,000                --      --          34,842

Scott G. Erchul                2003         $80,000      $32,000         $18,800        $28,410 (2)     --         $33,794(4)
Vice President                 2002          77,500       28,075          14,600                --      --          31,850
                               2001          70,400       17,500          12,000                --      --          15,209

- -------------------
(1)  Executive officers of the Bank receive indirect compensation in the form of
     certain  perquisites  and  other  personal  benefits.  The  amount  of such
     benefits  received  by the named  executive  officer in fiscal 2003 did not
     exceed 10% of each of the  executive  officer's  salary and bonus.  Amounts
     shown represent compensation for serving on the Board of Directors.
(2)  On August 22, 2002,  Messrs.  Smith and Erchul were awarded 1,000 shares of
     restricted  Common  Stock,  of which 500 shares vested on the date of grant
     and 500 shares vested on January 1, 2003.  The amount shown is based on the
     closing  sale price of the  Common  Stock on June 30,  2003 of  $28.41,  as
     reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market.  As of June 30, 2003, all shares of
     restricted  Common Stock  awarded to Messrs.  Smith and Erchul were vested,
     and as a result such individuals held no shares of restricted  Common Stock
     at June 30, 2003. In the event the Company pays  dividends  with respect to
     its  Common  Stock,  when  shares  of  restricted  stock  vest  and/or  are
     distributed,  the holder will be entitled to receive any cash dividends and
     a number of shares of Common Stock equal to any stock  dividends,  declared
     and paid with respect to a share of  restricted  Common  Stock  between the
     date the  restricted  stock  was  awarded  and the date the  restricted  is
     distributed, plus interest on cash dividends.
(3)  Consists of contributions for Mr. Smith's benefit of: (i) $12,000 under the
     LTIP, and (ii) 1,130.20 ESOP shares valued at $32,109 as of June 30, 2003.
(4)  Consists of  contributions  for Mr. Erchul's  benefit of: (i) $12,000 under
     the LTIP,  and (ii)  767.11  ESOP  shares  valued at $21,794 as of June 30,

     Year-End  Option  Values.   The  following  table  sets  forth  information
concerning  the  value  as of June 30,  2003 of  options  held by the  executive
officers  named in the Summary  Compensation  Table set forth above.  No options
were granted to or exercised by the named  executive  officer during fiscal year

                          NUMBER OF SECURITIES                    VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                         UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED                   IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                         OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR-END               AT FISCAL YEAR-END (1)
                        ----------------------------          ------------------------------
- ----                   -----------    -------------           -----------    -------------

Larry D. Smith           36,368         $ --                   $555,885           $--
Scott G. Erchul          29,095           --                    444,717            --

- -------------------
(1)  Based on the  difference  between the fair market  value of the  underlying
     Common Stock of $28.41 as quoted on the Nasdaq  SmallCap Market on June 30,
     2003 and the exercise price of $13.125 per share.

     No options held by any executive officer of the Company repriced during the
past ten full fiscal years.


     Employment  Agreements.   The  Company  and  the  Bank  have  entered  into
employment  agreements (the "Employment  Agreements") under which Larry D. Smith
serves as President  and Chief  Executive  Officer and Scott G. Erchul serves as
Vice  President  of  the  Bank  and  the  Company  (the  "Employees").  In  such
capacities,  Mr.  Smith  and Mr.  Erchul  are  responsible  for  overseeing  all
operations  of the Bank  and the  Company,  and for  implementing  the  policies
adopted  by the Boards of  Directors.  The Boards  believe  that the  Employment
Agreements  assure fair  treatment of the  Employees  in their  careers with the
Company and the Bank by assuring them of some financial security.

     Each  Employment  Agreement  provides for a term of three years expiring on
August 13,  2004,  with an annual base salary equal to the  Employee's  existing
base salary rate in effect on the effective  date. On each  anniversary  date of
the  commencement  of each  Employment  Agreement,  the  term of the  Employee's
employment  may be extended for an  additional  one-year  period beyond the then
effective  expiration  date, upon a determination by the Board of Directors that
his  performance  has met the  required  performance  standards  and  that  such
Employment Agreement should be extended.  The Employment  Agreements provide the
Employees  with a salary  review by the Board of  Directors  not less often than
annually, as well as with inclusion in any discretionary bonus plans, retirement
and medical  plans,  customary  fringe  benefits,  vacation and sick leave.  The
current base salaries under Mr. Smith's and Mr. Erchul's  contracts are $140,000
and  $88,000,   respectively.   The  Employment  Agreements  terminate  upon  an
Employee's  death,  may terminate  upon his disability and are terminable by the
Bank for "just cause" (as defined in the Employment Agreements). In the event of
termination for just cause, no severance benefits are available.  If the Company
or the Bank terminates  either Employee  without just cause, he will be entitled
to a  continuation  of his  salary  and  benefits  from the date of  termination
through the remaining  term of the  Employment  Agreement  plus an additional 12
month's salary and, at his election,  either continued  participation in benefit
plans which he would have been eligible to participate in through the Employment
Agreement's  expiration  date or the cash equivalent  thereof.  If an Employment
Agreement is  terminated  due to an Employee's  "disability"  (as defined in the
Employment  Agreements),  the Employee will be entitled to a continuation of his
salary and benefits through the date of such  termination,  including any period
prior to the  establishment  of his  disability.  In the event of an  Employee's
death during the term of his Employment  Agreement,  his estate will be entitled
to receive his salary  through the last day of the  calendar  month in which his
death occurred. The Employees are able to voluntarily terminate their Employment
Agreements  by providing 90 days'  written  notice to the Boards of Directors of
the Bank and the Company,  in which case they are entitled to receive only their
compensation, vested rights, and benefits up to the date of termination.

     In the event of (i) either Employee's involuntary termination of employment
other than for "just  cause"  during the period  beginning  six months  before a
change in control and ending on the later of the first anniversary of the change
in control or the expiration  date of the Employment  Agreement (the  "Protected
Period"),  (ii)  the  Employee's  voluntary  termination  within  90 days of the
occurrence of certain  specified  events  occurring  during the Protected Period
which have not been  consented to by him, or (iii) his voluntary  termination of
employment for any reason within the 30-day period  beginning on the date of the
change in control,  he will be paid within 10 days of such  termination  (or the
date of the  change in  control,  whichever  is  later)  an amount  equal to the
difference  between  (i) 2.99  times his "base  amount,"  as  defined in Section
280G(b)(3) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the "Code"),  and
(ii)  the  sum of  any  other  parachute  payments,  as  defined  under  Section
280G(b)(2) of the Code, that he receives on account of the change in control.

     "Change  in  Control"  means  any  one of the  following  events:  (i)  the
acquisition  of ownership,  holding or power to vote more than 25% of the voting
stock of the Bank or the Company thereof, (ii) the acquisition of the ability to
control the  election of a majority  of the Bank's or the  Company's  Directors,
(iii) the acquisition of a controlling influence over the management or policies
of the Bank or of the  Company by any  person or by persons  acting as a "group"
(within the meaning of Section  13(d) of the Exchange  Act),  or (iv) during any
period of two consecutive years, individuals (the "Continuing Directors") who at
the beginning of such period constitute the Board of Directors of the Bank or of
the Company (the  "Existing  Board") cease for any reason to constitute at least
two-thirds  thereof,  provided that any individual  whose election or nomination
for  election  as a member of the  Existing  Board was  approved by a vote of at
least two-thirds of the Continuing  Directors then in office shall be considered
a Continuing Director. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company's ownership of
the Bank shall not of itself  constitute  a Change in Control for the purpose of
each Agreement. For purposes of this paragraph only, the term "person" refers to
an individual or a corporation,  partnership, trust, association, joint venture,
pool, syndicate, sole


proprietorship,  unincorporated  organization  or any other  form of entity  not
specifically  listed herein. The decision of the Board as to whether a Change in
Control has occurred is conclusive and binding.

     The payments that would be made to Mr. Smith or Mr. Erchul  assuming  their
termination  of employment  under the foregoing  circumstances  at June 30, 2003
would  have  been  approximately  $440,413  and  $316,307,  respectively.  These
provisions  may have an  anti-takeover  effect by making it more expensive for a
potential  acquiror to obtain control of the Company.  In the event that the Mr.
Smith or Mr. Erchul prevails over the Company and the Bank, or obtains a written
settlement,  in a  legal  dispute  as to his  Employment  Agreement,  he will be
reimbursed for his legal and other expenses.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          TRANSACTIONS WITH MANAGEMENT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Bank offers loans to its  directors  and  officers.  By law, the Bank's
loans  to  directors  and  executive   officers  are  required  to  be  made  on
substantially the same terms,  including interest rates, as those prevailing for
comparable  transactions  and must not  involve  more  than the  normal  risk of
repayment or present other unfavorable features.  Furthermore, all loans to such
persons must be approved in advance by a disinterested  majority of the Board of
Directors.  At June 30,  2003,  the  Bank's  loans to  directors  and  executive
officers totaled $2.2 million, or 12.6% of the Company's  stockholders'  equity,
at that  date.  These  loans  are made in the  ordinary  course of  business  on
substantially the same terms,  including interest rates, as those prevailing for
comparable  transactions  and do not  involve  more  than  the  normal  risk  of
repayment or present other unfavorable features.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     A proposal to approve the  amendment  and  restatement  of the High Country
Bancorp,  Inc. 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "Incentive  Plan") will
be presented  for  stockholder  approval at the Meeting.  If the  amendment  and
restatement  of the Incentive Plan is approved by  stockholders  at the Meeting,
such plan will be amended and restated as the High Country  Bancorp,  Inc.  2003
Incentive Equity and Deferred  Compensation Plan (the "Amended Incentive Plan").
The  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company  unanimously  approved,  subject  to
stockholder approval, the Amended Incentive Plan on September 24, 2003.

     On  December  15,  1998,  the  stockholders  of the  Company  approved  the
Incentive  Stock,  which provided for the grant of stock options  ("Options") to
purchase up to 145,475  shares of Common Stock to directors and key employees of
the Company and its  subsidiaries.  The Amended  Incentive Plan provides for the
grant of Options and the grant of stock appreciation rights ("SARs"), restricted
stock ("Restricted Stock") and unrestricted stock ("Unrestricted Stock") up to a
total of 190,475 shares of Common Stock.  This proposal  increases the number of
shares of Common Stock available for issuance under the Incentive Plan by 45,000
shares.  As of  September  30,  2003,  a total of 29,099  shares of Common Stock
remained  available for the grant of stock options under the Incentive Plan, and
if the Amended Incentive Plan is approved by stockholders at the Annual Meeting,
there would be a total of 74,099  shares  available  for future awards under the
Amended  Incentive  Plan.  At  September  30,  2003,  the  closing  price of the
Company's Common Stock was $30.75 per share.  Since the Company's  directors and
named  executive  officers are  eligible for awards under the Amended  Incentive
Plan, they have an interest in this proposal.

     The Board of Directors believes that approval of the Amended Incentive Plan
is  necessary  to  continue  to advance  the  interests  of the  Company and its
stockholders  by  providing an incentive  to  directors  and key  employees  for
outstanding   performance  in  order  to  generate   superior   returns  to  the
stockholders  and to attract,  motivate  and retain the  services  of  qualified
directors and employees. The additional forms of award that may be granted under
the Amended Incentive Plan provide flexibility to implement various compensation
strategies as those strategies may change over time.


     No grant of  Restricted  Stock or  Unrestricted  Stock  under  the  Amended
Incentive Plan will occur until  stockholder  approval of the Amended  Incentive
Plan is obtained.  The terms of the Amended Incentive Plan are summarized below.
The  Amended  Incentive  Plan is  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  A and  should be
consulted for additional  information.  All statements made herein regarding the
Amended Incentive Plan are only intended to summarize the Amended Incentive Plan
and are qualified in their entirety by reference to the Amended Incentive Plan.


     The  purpose of the  Amended  Incentive  Plan is to promote the success and
enhance  the value of the  Company  by linking  the  personal  interests  of the
members of the Board and the  Company's  employees,  officers and  executives to
those  of  Company  shareholders  and by  providing  such  individuals  with  an
incentive for outstanding  performance in order to generate  superior returns to
shareholders of the Company.  The Amended  Incentive Plan is further intended to
provide  flexibility  to the Company in its ability to  motivate,  attract,  and
retain the services of members of the Board, employees, officers, and executives
of the Company upon whose judgment,  interest, and special effort the successful
conduct of the Company's operation is largely dependent.


     Administration.  The Amended  Incentive Plan is administered by a committee
(the "Committee"),  appointed by the Board of Directors,  consisting of at least
two directors of the Company who are "Non-employee Directors" within the meaning
of the federal  securities  laws.  To the extent  necessary or  desirable,  each
member of the Committee shall also qualify as an "outside  director"  within the
meaning of the federal tax laws and shall meet such  additional  criteria as may
be necessary or desirable to comply with  regulatory or stock  exchange rules or
exemptions.  At present,  the Committee  consists of Directors Harsh,  Young and

     Subject to the terms of the Amended  Incentive Plan, the Committee has sole
discretionary  authority to select  participants and grant awards,  to determine
the type of awards  granted and the terms and  conditions of awards (which terms
and conditions need not be the same in each case), to impose restrictions on any
award and to determine the manner in which such restrictions may be removed,  to
interpret the Amended  Incentive  Plan and any award  thereunder,  to prescribe,
amend and rescind rules and regulations  relating to the Amended  Incentive Plan
and  to  make  all  other  determinations   deemed  necessary  or  advisable  in
administering the Amended Incentive Plan.

     Eligible Persons. Under the Amended Incentive Plan, the Committee may grant
awards to directors of the Company or one of its subsidiaries (including members
of the Committee)  and to key executives  (which term is deemed to include among
others, the president,  any vice president,  the secretary, the treasurer or any
manager in charge of a principal  business  unit,  division or function (such as
sales,   administration   or  finance),   any  other   officer  who  performs  a
policy-making  function,  or any other person who performs similar policy-making
functions for the Company or any of its  subsidiaries) and who on the grant date
is in the employ of the Company or one of its subsidiaries (the "subsidiaries"),
as defined in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code").  As of the
Record  Date,  the  Company and its  subsidiaries  had eight  directors  and ten
employees whom it considered to be key executives eligible to participate in the
Amended Incentive Plan. The Committee is not obligated to treat  participants in
the Amended Incentive Plan uniformly.

     Shares  Available for Grant.  The Amended  Incentive Plan reserves  190,475
shares of Common Stock for issuance pursuant to awards granted under the Amended
Incentive  Plan.  Such shares may be (i)  authorized but unissued  shares,  (ii)
shares  held in treasury or (iii)  shares  purchased  by the Company in the open
market. Under the Amended Incentive Plan, the maximum number of shares for which
Options and SARs may be awarded to any one participant during any fiscal year is
15,000  shares.  The  aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock  available for
grant  under the  Amended  Incentive  Plan and the  maximum  number of shares of
Common  Stock with respect to Options and SARs that may be awarded in any fiscal
year will be  appropriately  adjusted for any increase or decrease in the number
of shares of Common  Stock of the  Company  resulting  from a stock  dividend or
split,  recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  combination  or  exchange of
shares  or  similar  corporate  change.  In the event  that any award  under the
Amended Incentive Plan is terminated, cancelled, expires, lapses or is forfeited
for any reason,  the shares subject to such award,  or the  unexercised  portion
thereof,  shall again  become  available  for grant under the Amended  Incentive


     Types of Awards and General  Provisions.  Under the Amended Incentive Plan,
the Committee may grant "Awards" to eligible persons, including:

          o    Incentive stock options ("ISOs") as defined in Section 422 of the
          o    Non-qualified stock options ("NSOs");
          o    Stock appreciation rights ("SARs");
          o    Restricted Stock; and
          o    Unrestricted Stock.

The terms and  conditions of each Award will be reflected in an award  agreement
between the  Company  and the  participant  ("Award  Agreement").  Awards may be
granted  either  alone or in addition to or in tandem with  another  Award.  The
number of shares  covered  by each  outstanding  Award and (if  applicable)  the
exercise  price per share shall be  proportionally  adjusted for any increase or
decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock of the Company resulting from a
subdivision or consolidation of shares or the payment of a stock dividend or any
other increase or decrease in the number of shares outstanding  effected without
receipt or payment of consideration  by the Company.  The Committee may offer to
exchange  or buy out any Award  previously  granted to a  participant  for cash,
shares of Common Stock or another  Award,  on such terms and  conditions  as the
Committee shall determine.

     Stockholder  Rights.  No Award shall give the participant any of the rights
of a  stockholder  of the  Company  unless and until the shares of Common  Stock
subject to the Award are, in fact, issued to such person in connection with such

     Options.  ISOs and NSOs together are called "Options." The maximum term for
an Option is 10 years from the date of grant, except that the maximum term of an
ISO may not exceed five years if the  optionee  owns more than 10% of the Common
Stock on the date of grant. Each Option granted shall become exercisable at such
time  and on  such  conditions  as  determined  by the  Committee  in the  Award
Agreement.  The  exercise  price as to any Option shall be the fair market value
(determined  under  Section 422 of the Code) of the shares on the date of grant.
In the case of a participant who owns more than 10% of the combined voting power
of all classes of stock of the Company on the date of grant, such exercise price
for an ISO may not be less  than 110% of fair  market  value of the  shares.  As
required by federal tax laws,  if the  aggregate  fair market value  (determined
when an Option is  granted) of the Common  Stock with  respect to which ISOs are
first  exercisable  by an optionee in any calendar  year (under all plans of the
Company and of any subsidiary)  exceeds $100,000,  the Options granted in excess
of $100,000 will be treated as NSOs.

     Exercise of Options.  The exercise of Options will be subject to such terms
and conditions as are  established by the Committee in the Award  Agreement.  In
the absence of Committee action to the contrary,  an otherwise unexpired Option,
except for NSOs granted to directors,  shall cease to be exercisable upon (i) an
optionee's termination of employment or Board service for "cause" (as defined in
the Amended  Incentive  Plan),  (ii) for ISOs, the termination of employment for
any reason other than death or "disability" (as defined in the Amended Incentive
Plan),  unless provided  otherwise in the Award  Agreement,  (iii) for NSOs, the
date three months after an optionee's  termination  of  employment  for a reason
other than cause,  death,  or  disability,  or earlier if the Option  expires in
accordance with its terms, (iv) in the case of an optionee who becomes disabled,
the earlier of the date the Option  expires in accordance  with its terms or the
date one year after the optionee terminates service due to disability, or (v) in
the case of a deceased  optionee,  the earlier of the date the Option expires in
accordance with its terms or the date one year after the optionee's death in the
event of death of the optionee during employment or Board service.

     An optionee may exercise Options,  subject to provisions  relative to their
termination and limitations on their exercise, only by (i) written notice to the
President  of the  Company of intent to exercise  the Option  with  respect to a
specified  number of shares of Common  Stock,  and (ii)  payment to the  Company
(contemporaneously  with  delivery  of  such  notice)  with a  cashier's  check,
certified  check or  existing  holdings  of Common  Stock held for more than six
months of the amount of the exercise price for the number of shares with respect
to which the Option is then being  exercised.  Common Stock  utilized in full or
partial  payment of the exercise price for Options shall be valued at its market
value at the date of exercise.


     Transferability of Options. Each Option granted under the Amended Incentive
Plan shall, by its terms, not be transferable otherwise than by will or the laws
of descent and distribution.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  a participant who
holds  Options may  transfer  such  Options (but not ISOs) to his or her spouse,
lineal ascendants,  lineal  descendants,  or to a duly established trust for the
benefit  of one or  more  of  these  individuals.  Options  so  transferred  may
thereafter be transferred  only to the participant  who originally  received the
grant or to an individual or trust to whom the participant  could have initially
transferred the Options.

     Stock Appreciation  Rights. The Amended Incentive Plan permits the granting
of SARs  by the  Committee.  Each  SAR  shall  be  subject  to  such  terms  and
conditions,  including grant price, method of exercise, method of settlement and
form of consideration  payable in settlement,  as determined by the Committee in
the Award Agreement at the time of the grant.  The Committee shall determine the
term of each SAR; however, the term of any SAR granted in tandem with an ISO may
not exceed ten (10) years.  If the SAR is granted in connection with an ISO, the
grant price of the SAR shall not be less than the fair  market  value of a share
of Common Stock on the date of grant.  Upon  exercise of a SAR, the  participant
has the right to receive  the excess,  if any,  of the fair market  value on the
date of  exercise  of the  number of shares  of Common  Stock to which  such SAR
relates,  over the  grant  price of such SAR for the  number of shares of Common
Stock to which such SAR  relates.  The grant  price of an SAR  related to an ISO
cannot be less than the fair market value of a share of Common Stock on the date
of grant.

     Stock Awards.  Restricted Stock and Unrestricted  Stock are together called
"Stock  Awards." Each Stock Award shall be subject to such terms and  conditions
as determined by the Committee in the Award  Agreement at the time of the grant.
Unrestricted  Stock  awards  may be  granted  by the  Committee  with or without
conditions  and may provide for an immediate  or deferred  transfer of shares to
the participant.  Restricted Stock awards shall be subject to such  restrictions
on  transferability  and risks of forfeiture as the Committee may determine.  If
the  participant  terminates  employment with the Company during the restriction
period related to any Restricted Stock award, the shares of Common Stock subject
to the  restriction  shall be  forfeited;  however,  the Committee may waive any
restriction or forfeiture condition related to such shares of Common Stock.

     Performance-Based  Awards. The Amended Incentive Plan permits the Committee
to grant Stock Awards  intended to qualify as  "performance-based  compensation"
under  Section  162(m)  of the Code to  certain  participants  that  qualify  as
"covered  employees"  under Section 162(m) of the Code. The terms and conditions
of each Performance-Based  Award, including the type of Performance-Based Award,
the performance goals to be achieved,  and the performance period (as defined in
the  Amended  Incentive  Plan)  during  which  the  performance  goals are to be
achieved,  shall be determined  by the  Committee in the Award  Agreement at the
time of grant.  The  participant  must be  employed by the Company or one of its
subsidiaries on the last day of the performance period to be eligible to receive
the Performance-Based  Award. Each Performance-Based  Award must be disclosed to
and  approved by the  stockholders  of the  Company  before any shares of Common
Stock subject to the Performance-Based Award are transferred to a participant or
any restrictions on such shares lapse.

     Conditions on Issuance of Shares.  The  Committee  shall not be required to
issue shares of Common Stock under an Award  unless the issuance  complies  with
applicable  laws,  regulation of government  authorities and the requirements of
any  exchange on which  shares of Common  Stock are  traded.  In  addition,  the
Committee will have the  discretionary  authority to impose such restrictions on
shares of Common Stock issued pursuant to an Award as it may deem appropriate or
desirable,  and to  that  end  may  require  that  a  participant  make  certain
representations or warranties.

     Limits on Transfers of Awards. No right or interest of a participant in any
Award may be pledged,  encumbered,  or  hypothecated to or in favor of any party
other  than the  Company,  or shall  be  subject  to any  lien,  obligation,  or
liability of the participant to any other party other than the Company. No Award
shall be assignable or transferable  by a participant  other than by will or the
laws of descent and distribution,  except that the Committee, in its discretion,
may permit a participant  to make a gratuitous  transfer of an Award that is not
an ISO to his or her spouse,  lineal descendants,  lineal ascendants,  or a duly
established trust for the benefit of one or more of these individuals.

     Elections  to  Defer  Compensation.  The  Amended  Incentive  Plan  permits
participants to elect to defer receipt of all or any part of the following forms
of compensation:


               o    Annual salary;
               o    Fiscal year bonus;
               o    Director's  fees (if the  participant  is a Director  of the
                    Company); or
               o    Common  Stock or cash  deliverable  pursuant to an Award (if
                    permitted by the Committee in its discretion).

     All  elections by a  participant  shall remain in full force for all future
years until  modified or  revoked.  Upon  becoming  eligible to  participate,  a
participant  has thirty  (30) days to make an election  to defer  salary  earned
after such election.  Any increase or decrease in such deferral  amount during a
calendar year must be made prior to such  calendar  year. An election to defer a
fiscal year bonus (or increase or decrease  the amount to be  deferred)  must be
made prior to the fiscal year.

     Deferred Compensation Account. The Company shall establish a special ledger
account ("Deferred  Compensation  Account") on the books of the Company for each
participant who elects to defer compensation.  Deferred salary shall be credited
to the  participant's  Deferred  Compensation  Account  on the  last day of each
calendar month. The amount of any deferred salary,  director's fees, fiscal year
bonus or Award  will be  credited  to the  participant's  Deferred  Compensation
Account  on the last day of the month in which  such  salary,  director's  fees,
fiscal  year bonus or Award  would have become  payable or  transferable  to the

     Investment   Election.   Each  participant  may  elect  that  the  deferred
compensation be credited to his or her Deferred Compensation Account in the form
of cash, shares of the Company's Common Stock or such deemed investment  options
as are offered by the Board of Directors or the  Committee.  In the absence of a
participant  election,  the amount credited to the Deferred Compensation Account
shall be credited as cash. Any deferred compensation credited to a participant's
Deferred Compensation Account as cash shall accrue interest at a rate that is no
less than the prime rate charged to the Company by its principal bank, but shall
not exceed the highest rate paid on Individual  Retirement  Accounts  ("IRA") by
the Bank plus two percent (2%) (based on the weighted  average  daily prime rate
or IRA rate for the three-month period ending on the last day of the quarter).

     If a participant  elects for a deferred  amount to be credited as shares of
the Company's  Common Stock, his or her Deferred  Compensation  Account shall be
credited  with the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  equal in value to the
deferred  amount,  with the value of such Common Stock  determined in accordance
with  a  valuation  methodology  approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  or the
Committee.  The Common Stock credited to the Deferred Compensation Account shall
merely  constitute a bookkeeping  entry of the Company and the participant shall
have no voting,  dividend or other legal or economic rights with respect to such
Common  Stock.  No  actual  shares  of Common  Stock  will be  issued  until the
participant receives a distribution from the Deferred  Compensation Plan. At the
end of each fiscal quarter,  dividends that would have been payable with respect
to such Common Stock shall be credited to the Deferred  Compensation  Account as
additional  shares of Common Stock. No participant  will be granted the right to
take payment of the Common Stock in cash rather than shares of Common Stock.  If
a participant  who has elected to receive  deferred  compensation in the form of
shares of Common Stock shall be deemed to have violated the  short-swing  profit
rules of the federal  securities laws, then such election shall be void and such
deferred  amount shall be credited to the  participant's  Deferred  Compensation
Account as cash.

     Trust.  The  Company  may  establish  one or more  trusts to fund  deferred
compensation  obligations  under the Amended Incentive Plan. Each trust shall be
permitted  to hold cash,  Common  Stock of the  Company,  or other assets to the
extent of the Company's  obligations.  Although the assets of such a trust would
be  intended  to be used  for the  exclusive  purpose  of  paying  the  deferred
compensation  obligations  under the Amended  Incentive  Plan, the assets of the
trust would remain subject to the Company's general creditors.  As a result, the
rights of  participants  in any assets of such a trust shall be no greater  than
the rights of an unsecured creditor of the Company.

     Distributions. Except in the case of financial hardship, a participant will
not receive a distribution from his or her Deferred  Compensation  Account until
the earlier of (1) termination of the  participant's  employment or directorship
with the  Company or (2) the death or legal  incapacitation  of the  participant
(each a "Distribution Event"). In addition, a Director may, at the time he first
becomes eligible to participate in the Deferred  Compensation  Plan,  specify an
age  (not  less  than  55  years)  to  receive  distributions  of  his  Deferred
Compensation  Account. The Committee has the authority,  in its sole discretion,
to  allow an  early  distribution  from a  participant's  Deferred  Compensation
Account in the event of severe  financial  hardship due to the sudden illness of
the  participant


or a participant's family member, or the loss of the participant's  property due
to casualty or other extraordinary circumstance.

     Each participant's  Deferred  Compensation  Account shall be distributed in
either a lump sum or in annual  installments over a period of up to ten years as
specified  by the  participant  at the  time of his  initial  election  to defer
compensation   ("Distribution   Election").   A   participant   may  change  his
Distribution Election at any time prior to sixty (60) days before a Distribution
Event. If a participant  dies prior to distribution of the entire balance of the
Deferred  Compensation  Account, the undistributed  balance shall be paid to the
beneficiary designated by the participant or in the absence of such designation,
to the legal  representative  or the person or entity identified in the deceased
participant's last will.

     If the participant fails to provide a Distribution  Election,  the Board of
Directors, in its sole discretion, shall determine the Distribution Election. In
addition,  the Board of Directors  may, in its sole  discretion,  distribute the
balance of a participant's  Deferred Compensation Account in a lump sum, even if
the participant  had elected  installment  payments,  in the event a participant
whose employment with the Company has been terminated continues to be affiliated
with a direct competitor of the Company after reasonable notice from the Board.

     Change in Control.  In the event of a "change in  control" of the  Company,
each participant  will be permitted to elect,  during the thirty (30) day period
immediately prior to the change in control,  to receive a distribution of all or
a portion of his or her Deferred  Compensation  Account during the seven (7) day
period after the change in control.  For purposes of the Amended Incentive Plan,
"change in control" means:

     (i) the  acquisition  by a person or persons acting in concert of the power
to vote  twenty-five  percent (25%) or more of a class of the  Company's  voting

     (ii) the  acquisition  by a person of the power to direct the  Company's or
the Bank's  management  or policies,  if the Board of Directors or the Office of
Thrift Supervision has made a determination that such acquisition constitutes or
will  constitute  an  acquisition  of  control  of the Bank or  Company  for the
purposes of the Savings & Loan Holding Company Act or the Change in Bank Control
Act and the regulations thereunder;

     (iii) during any period of two (2)  consecutive  years,  individuals who at
the  beginning of such period  constitute  the Board of Directors of the Company
cease,  for any reason,  to constitute at least a majority  thereof,  unless the
election of each Director who was not a Director at the beginning of such period
has been approved in advance by Directors representing at least two-thirds (2/3)
of the Directors then in office who were Directors in office at the beginning of
the period;  provided,  however,  that for purposes of this clause  (iii),  each
Director who is first elected to the Board (or first  nominated by the Board for
election by the shareholders)  with the approval of at least two-thirds (2/3) of
the Directors who were  Directors at the beginning of the period shall be deemed
to be a Director at the beginning of the two-year period;

     (iv) the  Company  shall have  merged  into or  consolidated  with  another
corporation,  or merged another corporation into the Company, on a basis whereby
less  than  fifty  percent  (50%) of the  total  voting  power of the  surviving
corporation is represented  by shares held by persons who were  shareholders  of
the Company immediately before the merger or consolidation; or

     (v) the Company shall have sold to another person (a)  substantially all of
the Company's assets or (b) the Bank.

The term "person"  refers to an  individual,  corporation,  partnership,  trust,
association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated
organization or other entity.

     Non-Transferability  of Deferred  Compensation.  A  participant's  right to
receive  payments of deferred  compensation  are not assignable or transferable,
shall not be subject to alienation,  anticipation,  sale, pledge, encumbrance or
other  legal  process,  and shall not be in any  manner  subject to the debts or
liabilities  of such  participant.  In the event a  participant  attempts such a
transfer,  the Committee may, in its  discretion,  terminate such  participant's
interest  in such  deferred  compensation  to the  extent  the  Committee  deems
necessary  or advisable  to prevent or limit the effects of such  transfer.  Any
deferred  compensation  effected  by such  termination  shall be


retained  by the  Company  or the  trust  and the  Committee  may,  in its  sole
discretion,  pay to such  participant,  his or her spouse or  children in such a
manner as the Committee deems proper.

     Effect of  Dissolution  and Related  Transactions.  Subject to any required
action by the stockholders, if the Company shall be the surviving corporation in
any  merger or  consolidation  (except a merger  or  consolidation  in which the
stockholders of the Company receive the securities of another corporation), each
Award shall pertain to and apply to the securities  which a holder of the number
of shares of Common Stock subject to the Award would have been entitled.  Upon a
dissolution of the Company,  a sale of all or substantially all of the Company's
assets,  a merger or  consolidation  in which the  Company is not the  surviving
corporation,  a merger or  consolidation  in which the Company is the  surviving
corporation but the  stockholders  of the Company receive  securities of another
corporation  or  other   property,   or  the  sale  or  disposition  of  all  or
substantially  all  of  the  Company's  assets,  the  Committee,   in  its  sole
discretion,  shall have the authority (a) to cancel each  outstanding  Award and
pay to the participant,  for each share of Common Stock subject to the cancelled
Award,  an  amount  in cash  equal to the  difference  between  the value of the
securities  or other  property to be received by the holder of a share of Common
Stock and the exercise price of the Award, or (b) to provide for the exchange of
each outstanding  Award with a substitute award of the same type with respect to
the property for which such Award is  exchanged,  with such  adjustments  to the
exercise  price or  number  of shares  or  amount  of  property  subject  to the
substitute award as the Committee deems appropriate.

     Duration  of Amended  Incentive  Plan.  If the  Amended  Incentive  Plan is
approved by stockholders at the Annual Meeting,  the Amended Incentive Plan will
expire by its terms on  November  10,  2013,  after  which  date no Award may be
granted,  except that the Amended Incentive Plan may be terminated at an earlier
date by  action  of the  Board  of  Directors.  The  expiration  of the  Amended
Incentive  Plan, or its  termination by the Board of Directors,  will not affect
any Award then outstanding.

     Amendment and Termination of Amended Incentive Plan. The Board of Directors
shall have  complete  power and authority to amend the Amended  Incentive  Plan,
provided,  however, the Board of Directors may not, without the affirmative vote
of the  holders  of a  majority  of the voting  stock of the  Company,  make any
amendment which would (a) abolish the Committee  without  designating such other
committee,   change  the   qualifications  of  its  members,   or  withdraw  the
administration of the Amended Incentive Plan from its supervision,  (b) increase
the  maximum  number of shares for which  Awards may be  granted,  (c) amend the
formula for determination of the exercise price of Options,  (d) extend the term
of the Amended  Incentive Plan or (e) amend the requirements as to the employees
eligible to receive Awards.  In addition,  the Board of Directors shall not make
any other amendment to the Amended Incentive Plan without  stockholder  approval
to the  extent  necessary  or  desirable  to  comply  with any  applicable  law,
regulation  or  stock  exchange  rule.   Without  the  written  consent  of  the
participant, except as provided in the Amended Incentive Plan, no termination or
amendment of the Amended  Incentive Plan shall adversely  affect in any material
way any Award previously granted.

     Financial   Considerations.   The   Company   will   receive  no   monetary
consideration  for the granting of Awards under the Amended  Incentive  Plan. It
will receive no monetary  consideration other than the exercise price for shares
of Common  Stock  issued to  participants  upon  exercise of an Award that is an


     ISOs. An optionee  recognizes no taxable  income upon the grant of ISOs. If
the optionee holds the shares purchased upon exercise of an ISO for at least two
years from the date the ISO is granted,  and for at least one year from the date
the ISO is exercised,  any gain realized on the sale of the shares received upon
exercise of the ISO is taxed as long-term capital gain. However,  the difference
between the fair market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of exercise  and
the exercise  price of the ISO will be treated by the optionee as current income
in the year of exercise  for  purposes  of the  alternative  minimum  tax. If an
optionee  disposes  of the  shares  before the  expiration  of either of the two
special  holding  periods  noted  above,  the  disposition  is a  "disqualifying
disposition." In this event,  the optionee will be required,  at the time of the
disposition of the Common Stock, to treat the lesser of the gain realized or the
difference  between the  exercise  price and the fair market value of the Common
Stock at the date of  exercise as ordinary  income,  and the excess,  if any, as
capital gain.


     The Company will not be entitled to any  deduction  for federal  income tax
purposes as the result of the grant or exercise of an ISO, regardless of whether
or not  the  exercise  of the ISO  results  in  liability  to the  optionee  for
alternative  minimum tax. However, if an optionee has ordinary income taxable as
compensation  as a result of a  disqualifying  disposition,  the Company will be
entitled to deduct an equivalent amount.

     NSOs. In the case of a NSO, an optionee will recognize ordinary income upon
the  exercise of the NSO in an amount equal to the  difference  between the fair
market  value of the shares on the date of exercise and the option price (or, if
the  optionee  is  subject  to  certain  restrictions  imposed  by  the  federal
securities laws, upon the lapse of those restrictions  unless the optionee makes
a special  tax  election  within 30 days after the date of  exercise to have the
general rule apply).  Upon a subsequent  disposition of such shares,  any amount
received by the  optionee in excess of the fair market value of the shares as of
the exercise  will be taxed as capital  gain.  The Company will be entitled to a
deduction  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  at the same time and in the same
amount as the ordinary income  recognized by the optionee in connection with the
exercise of a NSO.

     SARs. A participant  recognizes no taxable income upon the grant of an SAR.
Upon the exercise of the SAR, the participant will recognize  ordinary income in
an amount equal to excess of the fair market value of the shares  received  over
the grant price of such shares  under the SAR.  The Company  will be entitled to
deduct for federal  income tax purposes  the same amount as the ordinary  income
recognized by the participant at the time of the exercise.

     Restricted  Stock.   Generally,   except  as  described  in  the  following
paragraph, a participant recognizes no taxable income upon the grant or purchase
of Restricted  Stock that is subject to a "substantial  risk of  forfeiture," as
defined in Section 83 of the Code, until such time as the Restricted Stock is no
longer  subject  to the  substantial  risk  of  forfeiture.  At that  time,  the
participant  will be taxed, at ordinary income rates, on the difference  between
the fair market value of the shares and the amount the participant paid, if any,
for the  Restricted  Stock.  The Company will be eligible for a tax deduction at
the time the participant  recognizes the income in an amount equal to the income

     A  participant  may elect,  under  Section  83(b) of the Code, to recognize
taxable ordinary income at the time the Restricted Stock is awarded in an amount
equal  to the  fair  market  value  of the  shares  at the  time  of the  grant,
determined without regard to any forfeiture restrictions. If such an election is
made,  the Company  will be  entitled  to a  deduction  at that time in the same
amount.  Future appreciation of the shares will be taxed at either the long-term
or  short-term  capital gains rate when the shares are sold  depending  upon the
length of time the participant held the shares.  However,  if, after making such
an election, the shares are forfeited, the participant will be unable to claim a

     Unrestricted  Stock.  If the  Unrestricted  Stock  award  provides  for the
immediate transfer of shares to the participant,  the participant will recognize
ordinary income in an amount equal to the fair market value of the shares at the
time of grant. If the Unrestricted  Stock award provides for a deferred transfer
of shares to the participant,  the participant  will recognize  taxable ordinary
income  at the  time  the  Unrestricted  Stock is  actually  transferred  to the
participant. The Company will be entitled to a deduction at such time and in the
same amount as the participant recognizes income.

     Deferred  Compensation.  For purposes of the federal income tax laws, it is
intended that  participants  will not realize taxable income on any compensation
that is deferred under the Amended  Incentive Plan at the time such compensation
is  earned.  When a  participant  receives  any  distributions  from  his or her
Deferred  Compensation Account, any cash and the fair market value of any shares
of Common  Stock  distributed  to the  participant  will be treated as  ordinary
income.  The Company  will be entitled  to a  deduction  for federal  income tax
purposes  at the  same  time  and in the  same  amount  as the  ordinary  income
recognized  by the  participant  in  connection  with a  distribution  from  the
participant's Deferred Compensation Account.


     The grant of an Award,  the  types of  Awards  and the  number of shares of
Common  Stock  subject to such Awards  under the Amended Plan are subject to the
discretion  of the  Committee;  therefore,  the benefits or amounts that will be
received by any participant or group of  participants  in the Amended  Incentive
Plan,  if approved,


including directors and key employees, are not currently determinable.  To date,
only Options have been granted to participants.

     Similarly,  because  the  grant of an Award,  the  types of Awards  and the
number of shares of Common  Stock  subject to such Awards under the Amended Plan
are subject to the  discretion  of the  Committee,  the benefits or amounts that
would have been  received by any  participant  or group of  participants  in the
Amended Incentive Plan,  including directors and key employees,  had the Amended
Incentive  Plan been in effect  during  the year ended  June 30,  2003,  are not
currently determinable.

     The  amount of  benefits  payable  in the  future  as a result of  deferred
compensation  under the Amended  Incentive  Plan, if approved,  is not currently
determinable  because such benefits  depend on the number of participants in the
Amended  Incentive Plan, the amount of compensation  each participant  elects to
defer,  and the fair market  value of the  Company's  Common Stock as it changes
over time.


     The following table sets forth certain information as of June 30, 2003 with
respect to the Company's equity compensation plans under which equity securities
of the Company are authorized for issuance:

                                                (a)                             (b)                            (c)
                                                                                                   NUMBER OF SECURITIES REMAINING
                                                                                                   AVAILABLE FOR FUTURE ISSUANCE
- -------------                     --------------------------------- ----------------------------   ------------------------------

Equity compensation plans                     116,376                        $13.125                        29,099
  approved by security holders

Equity compensation plans not                    --                            --                             --
  approved by security holders

       Total                                  116,376                        $13.125                        29,099


     The Board of Directors has  determined  that the Amended  Incentive Plan is
desirable,  cost  effective,  and  produces  incentives  which will  benefit the
Company and its  stockholders.  The Board of  Directors  is seeking  stockholder
approval of the Amended  Incentive Plan, in order to satisfy the requirements of
the Code for favorable tax treatment of ISOs, to comply with Nasdaq requirements
and to exempt certain option  transactions from the short-swing trading rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").

     Stockholder approval of the Incentive Plan requires the affirmative vote of
the  holders of a majority of the votes cast by  stockholders  of the Company at

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Grimsley, White & Company, which was the Company's independent auditors for
the 2003 fiscal  year,  has been  retained by the Board of  Directors  to be the
Company's auditors for the 2004 fiscal year. A representative of Grimsley, White
& Company  is  expected  to be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  to  respond to
stockholders'  questions and will have the opportunity to make a statement if he
so desires.

     For the years  ended  June 30,  2003 and 2002,  the  Company  was billed by
Grimsley,   White  &  Company  for  fees   aggregating   $61,831  and   $56,475,
respectively. Such fees comprised of the following:



     During the fiscal years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002,  the  aggregate  fees
billed for professional  services rendered for the audit of the Company's annual
financial statements and the reviews of the financial statements included in the
Company's  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-QSB  filed during the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2003 and 2002 were $55,036 and $51,893,  respectively,  which were paid
to Grimsley, White & Company.


     There were no fees billed for  audit-related  services  for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2003 or 2002.


     The  aggregate  fees billed for tax services for the fiscal year ended June
30,  2003 and 2002 were $6,795 and $4,580,  respectively.  For both years,  such
fees were for tax return preparation.


     No other fees were  billed for  services  other than as set forth above for
the fiscal years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Audit Committee") has:

     1.   Reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements for the fiscal
          year ended June 30, 2003 with the management of the Company.

     2.   Discussed with the Company's independent auditors the matters required
          to be discussed by Statement of  Accounting  Standards  No. 61, as the
          same was in effect on the date of the Company's financial  statements;

     3.   Received  the written  disclosures  and the letter from the  Company's
          independent auditors required by Independence Standards Board Standard
          No. 1 (Independence  Discussions with Audit  Committees),  as the same
          was in effect on the date of the Company's financial  statements,  and
          discussed   with   the   independent   accountants   the   independent
          accountants' independence.

     Based on the  foregoing  materials  and  discussions,  the Audit  Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial  statements for
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003 be included in the  Company's  Annual Report
on Form 10-KSB for the year ended June 30, 2003.

                                           Members of the Audit Committee

                                           Richard A. Young, Chairman
                                           Philip W. Harsh
                                           Timothy R. Glenn


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Pursuant to regulations  promulgated  under the Exchange Act, the Company's
officers,  directors and persons who own more than 10% of the outstanding Common
Stock are  required to file reports  detailing  their  ownership  and changes of
ownership  in such Common  Stock,  and to furnish the Company with copies of all
such  reports.  Based solely on the  Company's  review of such reports which the
Company  received during the last fiscal year, or written  representations  from
such  persons  that no  annual  report of change  in  beneficial  ownership  was
required,  the Company  believes that,  during the last fiscal year, all persons
subject  to  such  reporting  requirements  have  complied  with  the  reporting
requirements,  except that  Director  Harsh filed one late Form 4 reporting  one

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  OTHER MATTERS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any  business  to come  before the
Annual Meeting other than those matters  described above in this Proxy Statement
and matters incident to the conduct of the Annual Meeting. However, if any other
matters  should  properly  come before the Annual  Meeting,  it is intended that
proxies in the accompanying  form will be voted in respect thereof in accordance
with the determination of a majority of the Board of Directors.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The cost of  soliciting  proxies will be borne by the Company.  The Company
will reimburse  brokerage firms and other  custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries
for  reasonable  expenses  incurred by them in sending  proxy  materials  to the
beneficial  owners  of Common  Stock.  In  addition  to  solicitations  by mail,
directors,  officers and regular  employees  of the Company may solicit  proxies
personally or by telegraph or telephone without additional compensation.

     The  Company's  2003 Annual  Report to  Stockholders,  including  financial
statements,  accompanies  this  Proxy  Statement,  which has been  mailed to all
stockholders  of record as of the close of  business  on the  Record  Date.  Any
stockholder  who has not received a copy of such Annual Report may obtain a copy
by writing to the  Secretary  of the  Company.  Such Annual  Report is not to be
treated  as a  part  of  the  proxy  solicitation  material  or as  having  been
incorporated herein by reference.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Under the Company's Articles of Incorporation,  stockholder  proposals must
be  submitted in writing to the  Secretary of the Company at the address  stated
later in this  paragraph no less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the
date of such meeting;  provided,  however,  that if less than 40 days' notice of
the meeting is given to stockholders,  such written notice shall be delivered or
mailed, as prescribed,  to the Secretary of the Company not later than the close
of business on the tenth day  following  the day on which  notice of the meeting
was  mailed  to  stockholders.  For  consideration  at  the  Annual  Meeting,  a
stockholder  proposal must be delivered or mailed to the Company's  Secretary no
later than  October 20,  2003.  In order to be  eligible  for  inclusion  in the
Company's  proxy materials for next year's Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  any
stockholder  proposal  to take  action at such  meeting  must be received at the
Company's executive office at 7360 West US Highway 50, Salida, Colorado 81201 no
later  than  June  10,  2004.  Any  such  proposals  shall  be  subject  to  the
requirements of the proxy rules adopted under the Exchange Act.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-KSB
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                               /s/ Richard A. Young

                               RICHARD A. YOUNG
Salida, Colorado
October 10, 2003

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                           HIGH COUNTRY BANCORP, INC.
                              2003 INCENTIVE EQUITY
                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

                                    ARTICLE 1

     1.1  GENERAL. This High Country Bancorp, Inc.  2003  Incentive  Equity  and
Deferred  Compensation  Plan (the "Plan") is an amendment and restatement of the
High Country Bancorp,  Inc. 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. The purpose of
the Plan is to  promote  the  success  and  enhance  the  value of High  Country
Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") by linking the personal  interests of the members
of the Board and the Company's  employees,  officers and  executives to those of
Company  shareholders  and by providing such  individuals  with an incentive for
outstanding performance in order to generate superior returns to shareholders of
the Company.  The Plan is further intended to provide flexibility to the Company
in its ability to motivate,  attract,  and retain the services of members of the
Board,  employees,  officers, and executives of the Company upon whose judgment,
interest,  and special effort the successful conduct of the Company's  operation
is largely  dependent.  For purposes of this Plan,  "Company" shall be deemed to
include subsidiaries of High Country Bancorp,  Inc., unless the context requires

                                   ARTICLE 2
                             EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM

     2.1 EFFECTIVE  DATE. The Plan was  originally  effective as of December 15,
1998. The Plan, as hereby amended and restated, will be effective as of the date
it is approved by the  shareholders  of the Company (the "Effective  Date").  No
Awards  which could not have been  granted  under the prior  version of the Plan
shall be made prior to shareholder approval of this amended and restated version
of the Plan.

     2.2 TERM.  Unless sooner  terminated by the Board, the Plan shall terminate
on the tenth (10th)  anniversary  of the  Effective  Date,  and no Awards may be
granted under the Plan thereafter.  The termination of the Plan shall not affect
any Award that is outstanding on the  termination  date,  without the consent of
the Participant.

                                   ARTICLE 3
                          DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION

     3.1  DEFINITIONS.  When a word or  phrase  appears  in this  Plan  with the
initial letter capitalized, and the word or phrase does not commence a sentence,
the word or phrase shall  generally be given the meaning  ascribed to it in this
Section or in Sections 1.1 or 2.1 unless a clearly different meaning is required
by the  context.  The  following  words and  phrases  shall  have the  following

     (a) "Award" means any Option,  Stock Appreciation  Right,  Restricted Stock
Award,  Unrestricted  Stock  Award,  or  Performance-Based  Award  granted  to a
Participant under the Plan.

     (b) "Award Agreement" means a writing, in such form as the Committee in its
discretion shall prescribe, evidencing an Award.

     (c) "Bank" means High Country Bank.

     (d) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

     (e)  "Cause"  means,  in the good faith  determination  of the  Board,  the
Participant's personal dishonesty,  incompetence,  willful misconduct, breach of
fiduciary duty involving personal profit,  intentional failure to perform stated
duties,  or willful violation of any law, rule or regulation (other than traffic
violations  or similar  offenses) or final  cease-and-desist  order.  No act, or
failure to act, on the Participant's  part shall be considered  "willful" unless
he has acted,  or failed to act,  with an  absence  of good faith and  without a
reasonable  belief that his action or failure to act was in the best interest of
the Company.

     (f) "Change in Control" means:

          (1) the  acquisition  by a person or persons  acting in concert of the
     power to vote twenty-five percent (25%) or more of a class of the Company's
     voting securities;

          (2) the  acquisition  by a person of the power to direct the Bank's or
     Company's management or policies,  if the Board of Directors or the OTS has
     made a determination  that such acquisition  constitutes or will constitute
     an  acquisition  of control of the Bank or the Company for the  purposes of
     the Savings & Loan  Holding  Company Act or the Change in Bank  Control Act
     and the regulations thereunder;

          (3) during any period of two (2) consecutive years, individuals who at
     the beginning of such period constitute the members of the Board cease, for
     any reason, to constitute at least a majority thereof,  unless the election
     of each director who was not a director at the beginning of such period has
     been  approved in advance by  directors  representing  at least  two-thirds
     (2/3) of the directors  then in office who were  directors in office at the
     beginning  of the  period;  provided,  however,  that for  purposes of this
     clause  (3),  each  director  who is first  elected  to the Board (or first
     nominated by the Board for election by the shareholders)  with the approval
     of at least  two-thirds  (2/3) of the directors  who were  directors at the
     beginning of the period  shall be deemed to be a director at the  beginning
     of the two-year period;

          (4) the Company  shall have merged into or  consolidated  with another
     corporation,  or merged another  corporation  into the Company,  on a basis
     whereby  less than fifty  percent  (50%) of the total  voting  power of the
     surviving  corporation  is  represented  by shares held by persons who were
     shareholders of the Company immediately before the merger or consolidation;

          (5) the Company  shall have sold to another  person (i)  substantially
     all of the Company's assets or (ii) the Bank.

The term "person"  refers to an  individual,  corporation,  partnership,  trust,
association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated
organization or other entity.

     (g)  "Code"  means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended,  and
regulations promulgated thereunder.

     (h) "Committee" means the committee of the Board described in Article 4.

     (i) "Covered Employee" means an Employee who is a "covered employee" within
the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.

     (j)  "Deferred   Compensation   Account"  means  the  bookkeeping   account
established for each Participant pursuant to Section 12.2 of this Plan.

     (k)  "Disability"  shall have the meaning set forth in Section  22(e)(3) of
the Code.

     (l) "Distribution  Event" means an event as a result of which a Participant
is entitled to receive the balance of his or her Deferred  Compensation  Account
pursuant to Section 12.3 of this Plan,  namely (i) with respect to a Participant
who is an  employee  of the  Company  and  the  portion  of his or her  Deferred
Compensation Account attributable to an Award or other compensation earned as an
employee,  the date the  Participant  terminates his or her employment  with the
Company,  and (ii) with respect a  Participant  who is a member


of the  Board  and  the  portion  of his or her  Deferred  Compensation  Account
attributable to an Award or other compensation  earned as a member of the Board,
the earlier of (A) the date the  Participant  terminates his or her service as a
member of the Board,  or (B) the  Participant's  attainment of the age specified
(not younger than age 55) in an election form filed by the Participant  with the
Committee at such time as he or she first becomes eligible to defer compensation
pursuant to Article 12 of this Plan.

     (m) "Exchange Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

     (n) "Fair Market Value" means,  as of any given date, the fair market value
of Stock on a particular date determined in accordance with the  requirements of
Section 422 of the Code.

     (o)  "Incentive  Stock Option" means an Option that is intended to meet the
requirements of Section 422 of the Code or any successor provision thereto.

     (p) "Non-Employee  Director" means a member of the Board who qualifies as a
"Non-Employee  Director" as defined in Rule 16b-3(b)(3)  under the Exchange Act,
or any successor definition adopted by the Board.

     (q) "Non-Qualified Stock Option" means an Option that is not intended to be
an Incentive Stock Option.

     (r) "Option" means a right granted to a Participant  under Article 7 of the
Plan to purchase Stock at a specified  price during  specified time periods.  An
Option may be either an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option.

     (s)  "Participant"  means a  person  who,  as a  member  of the  Board,  an
employee,  officer, or executive of the Company, has been granted an Award under
the Plan,  or who has been  designated  as eligible to make an election to defer
compensation under this Plan.

     (t)  "Performance-Based  Awards"  means  Stock  Awards  granted to selected
Covered Employees  pursuant to Article 9, but which are subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in Article 10. All Performance-Based Awards are intended to
qualify as "performance-based compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code.

     (u)  "Performance  Criteria" means the criteria that the Committee  selects
for purposes of  establishing  the Performance  Goal or Performance  Goals for a
Participant for a Performance Period. The Performance Criteria that will be used
to establish  Performance Goals may include, but shall not be limited to, one or
more of the following:  pre- or after-tax net earnings,  sales growth, operating
earnings,  operating cash flow, working capital, return on net assets, return on
stockholders' equity,  return on assets, return on capital,  Stock price growth,
stockholder returns,  gross or net profit margin,  earnings per share, price per
share of  Stock,  and  market  share,  any of which  may be  measured  either in
absolute  terms or as  compared  to any  incremental  increase or as compared to
results of a peer group.  The  Committee  shall,  within the time  prescribed by
Section  162(m)  of the Code,  define  in an  objective  fashion  the  manner of
calculating  the  Performance  Criteria  it selects to use for such  Performance
Period for such Participant.

     (v)  "Performance  Goals"  means,  for  a  Performance  Period,  the  goals
established  in writing by the Committee for the  Performance  Period based upon
the  Performance  Criteria.  Depending  on  the  Performance  Criteria  used  to
establish such  Performance  Goals,  the  Performance  Goals may be expressed in
terms of overall Company performance or the performance of a division,  business
unit, or an individual.  The Committee, in its discretion,  may, within the time
prescribed by Section  162(m) of the Code,  adjust or modify the  calculation of
Performance  Goals for such Performance  Period in order to prevent the dilution
or  enlargement  of the  rights  of  Participants  (i) in the  event  of,  or in
anticipation  of, any  unusual or  extraordinary  corporate  item,  transaction,
event,  or development,  or (ii) in recognition  of, or in anticipation  of, any
other unusual or  nonrecurring  events  affecting the


Company,  or the financial  statements of the Company,  or in response to, or in
anticipation of, changes in applicable laws, regulations, accounting principles,
or business conditions.

     (w)  "Performance  Period" means the one or more periods of time, which may
be of varying and overlapping durations, as the Committee may select, over which
the attainment of one or more Performance Goals will be measured for the purpose
of determining a Participant's right to, and the payment of, a Performance-Based

     (x) "Plan" means the High Country  Bancorp,  Inc. 2003 Incentive Equity and
Deferred Compensation Plan as set forth herein.

     (y)  "Restricted  Stock Award" means Stock granted to a  Participant  under
Article 9 that is subject to certain restrictions and to risk of forfeiture.

     (z) "Stock" means the common stock of the Company and such other securities
of the Company that may be substituted for Stock pursuant to Article 13.

     (aa)  "Stock  Appreciation  Right"  or  "SAR"  means a right  granted  to a
Participant under Article 8 to receive a payment equal to the difference between
the Fair Market  Value of a share of Stock as of the date of exercise of the SAR
over the grant price of the SAR, all as determined pursuant to Article 8.

     (bb) "Stock Award" means a Restricted Stock Award or an Unrestricted  Stock

     (cc) "Unrestricted  Stock Award" means Stock granted to a Participant under
Article 9 that is not subject to restrictions or a risk of forfeiture.

                                   ARTICLE 4

     4.1 COMMITTEE.  The Plan shall be administered by a Committee appointed by,
and which serves at the discretion of, the Board. The Committee shall consist of
at least two individuals,  each of whom qualifies as a Non-Employee Director. To
the extent  necessary  or  desirable  each  member of the  Committee  shall also
qualify as an "outside  director"  under Code Section 162(m) and the regulations
issued  thereunder.  The  members of the  Committee  shall meet such  additional
criteria as may be necessary or  desirable  to comply with  regulatory  or stock
exchange  rules or exemptions.  The Company will pay all reasonable  expenses of
the Committee.

     4.2  AUTHORITY OF  COMMITTEE.  Subject to any specific  designation  in the
Plan, the Committee has the exclusive power, authority and discretion to:

     (a) Designate Participants to receive Awards;

     (b)  Determine  the  type  or  types  of  Awards  to  be  granted  to  each

     (c)  Determine  the number of Awards to be granted and the number of shares
of Stock to which an Award will relate;

     (d) Determine the terms and  conditions of any Award granted under the Plan
including  but not limited to, the  exercise  price,  grant  price,  or purchase
price,  any  restrictions or limitations on the Award, any schedule for lapse of
forfeiture  restrictions or restrictions on the  exercisability of an Award, and
accelerations or waivers thereof,  based in each case on such  considerations as
the Committee in its sole discretion determines;

     (e)  Amend,   modify,   or  terminate  any  outstanding   Award,  with  the
Participant's  consent unless the Committee has the authority to amend,  modify,
or  terminate  an Award  without  the  Participant's  consent  under  any  other
provision of the Plan.


     (f) Determine  whether,  to what extent,  and under what  circumstances  an
Award may be settled in, or the exercise price of an Award may be paid in, cash,
Stock, other Awards, or other property, or an Award may be canceled,  forfeited,
or surrendered;

     (g) Prescribe the form of each Award Agreement, which need not be identical
for each Participant;

     (h) Decide all other matters that must be determined in connection  with an

     (i) Establish,  adopt, revise,  amend or rescind any guidelines,  rules and
regulations as it may deem necessary or advisable to administer the Plan; and

     (j) Interpret the terms of, and rule on any matter arising under,  the Plan
or any Award Agreement;

     (k) Make all other decisions and determinations  that may be required under
the Plan or as the  Committee  deems  necessary or advisable to  administer  the
Plan,  including  but not limited to, the  determination  of whether and to what
extent any Performance Goals have been achieved; and

     (l) Retain counsel,  accountants and other consultants to aid in exercising
its powers and carrying out its duties under the Plan.

     4.3 DECISIONS  BINDING.  The  Committee's  interpretation  of the Plan, any
Awards  granted  under  the Plan,  any Award  Agreement  and all  decisions  and
determinations  by the  Committee  with  respect  to the Plan  shall  be  final,
binding,  and  conclusive  on all  parties  and any other  persons  claiming  an
interest in any Award or under the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE 5
                           SHARES SUBJECT TO THE PLAN

     5.1 NUMBER OF SHARES.  Subject to adjustment  provided in Section 13.1, the
aggregate  number of shares of Stock  reserved and available for grant under the
Plan shall be one hundred ninety thousand four hundred seventy-five (190,475).

     5.2 LAPSED AWARDS.  To the extent that an Award  terminates,  is cancelled,
expires, lapses or is forfeited for any reason,  including,  but not limited to,
the failure to achieve any Performance Goals, any shares of Stock subject to the
Award will again be available for the grant of an Award under the Plan; however,
shares  subject to an Award granted prior to the Effective Date may not again be
available for the grant of an Award after December 15, 2008.

     5.3 STOCK  DISTRIBUTED.  Any  Stock  distributed  pursuant  to an Award may
consist,  in whole or in part, of authorized and unissued Stock,  treasury Stock
or Stock purchased on the open market.

provision in the Plan to the contrary,  and subject to the adjustment in Section
13.1,  the maximum  number of shares of Stock with  respect to Options and Stock
Appreciation  Rights  that may be  granted  to any one  Participant  during  the
Company's fiscal year shall be fifteen thousand (15,000).

                                   ARTICLE 6
                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

     6.1  ELIGIBILITY.  Persons eligible to participate in this Plan include all
members of the Board and any key  executive of the Company  (which term shall be
deemed to include among others,  the president,  any vice president,  secretary,
treasurer  or any manager in charge of a principal  business  unit,  division or
function  (such as sales,  administration  or  finance),  any other  officer who
performs a policy  making  function,  or any other person who


performs  similar  policy  making  functions  for  the  Company  or  any  of its
subsidiaries)  and who on the date of any Award is in the employ of the  Company
or one of its then  subsidiary  corporations,  as defined in Section  424 of the

     6.2  ACTUAL  PARTICIPATION.  Subject  to the  provisions  of the Plan,  the
Committee  may, from time to time,  select from among all eligible  individuals,
those to whom Awards shall be granted and shall  determine the nature and amount
of each Award.  No individual  shall have any right to be granted an Award under
this Plan.

                                   ARTICLE 7
                                 STOCK OPTIONS

     7.1 GENERAL.  The Committee is authorized to grant Options to  Participants
on the following terms and conditions:

     (a) EXERCISE  PRICE.  The exercise price per share of Stock under an Option
shall be the Fair Market Value as of the date of grant.

     (b) TIME AND  CONDITIONS  OF  EXERCISE.  Except  as  provided  herein,  the
Committee  shall determine the time or times at which an Option may be exercised
in whole or in part. The Committee shall also determine the performance or other
conditions,  if any, that must be satisfied  before all or part of an Option may
be exercised. An Option will lapse immediately if a Participant's  employment or
Board service is terminated for Cause.

          (1) The Option of any Participant whose employment or Board service is
     terminated for any reason, other than for death,  Disability or Cause shall
     be exercisable to the extent provided  therein,  through the earlier of the
     date which is three months after termination of employment or the date that
     such  Option  expires  in  accordance  with its  terms,  and  shall  expire

          (2) In the event of the death of a  Participant  while an  employee or
     member  of the  Board of the  Company  or  within  three  months  after the
     termination  of employment or Board  service of the  Participant  for other
     than  Cause,  or in the event of the  termination  of  employment  or Board
     service by a  Participant  for  Disability,  the Option may be exercised as

               (A) In the event of the death of a Participant  during employment
          or Board service or the death of the  Participant  within three months
          after the  termination  of  employment or Board service for other than
          Cause, each Option granted to such Participant shall be exercisable to
          the extent  provided  therein but not later than one year after his or
          her death (but not beyond the stated duration of the Option). Any such
          exercise shall be made only by or to the executor or  administrator of
          the estate of the  deceased  Participant  or person or persons to whom
          the deceased  Participant's rights under the Option shall pass by will
          or the laws of descent and  distribution  and to the  extent,  if any,
          that the deceased  Participant  was entitled at the date of his or her

               (B) In the  case  of a  Participant  whose  employment  or  Board
          service is  terminated on account of  Disability,  the Option shall be
          exercisable or payable to the extent  provided  therein on the earlier
          of one year after  termination  of  employment or Board service or the
          date that such Option  expires in  accordance  with its terms.  During
          such  period,  the Option may be  exercised  by the  Participant  with
          respect to the same  number of shares,  in the same  manner and to the
          same extent as if the  Participant  had continued  employment or Board
          service during such period.

          (3) Each Option  granted  under the Plan shall,  by its terms,  not be
     transferable   otherwise   than  by  will  or  the  laws  of  descent   and
     distribution. Notwithstanding the foregoing, or any other provision of this
     Plan, a  Participant  who holds  Options may transfer such Options (but not
     Incentive Stock Options) to his or her spouse,  lineal  ascendants,  lineal
     descendants,  or to a duly established trust for the benefit of one or more
     of these individuals.  Options so transferred may thereafter be transferred
     only  to  the  Participant  who  originally  received  the  grant  or to an
     individual  or  trust  to  whom  the   Participant   could  have  initially
     transferred the Options pursuant to this Section  7.1(b)(3).  Options which
     are transferred  pursuant to this Section 7.1(b)(3) shall be exercisable by
     the transferee according to the same terms and conditions as applied to the


     (c) PAYMENT. An Option shall be exercised by giving a written notice to the
President  of the Company  stating the number of shares of Stock with respect to
which the Option is being exercised and containing such other information as the
President may request and by tendering payment therefore with a cashier's check,
certified  check,  or with existing  holdings of Common Stock held for more than
six months.

     (d)  EVIDENCE  OF  GRANT.  All  Options  shall  be  evidenced  by an  Award
Agreement.  The Award Agreement shall include such additional  provisions as may
be specified by the Committee.

     7.2 INCENTIVE STOCK OPTIONS.  Incentive Stock Options shall be granted only
to employees and the terms of any Incentive Stock Options granted under the Plan
must comply with the following additional rules:

     (a) EXERCISE  PRICE.  The exercise price per share of Stock shall be set by
the Committee,  provided that the exercise price for any Incentive  Stock Option
may not be less than the Fair Market Value as of the date of the grant.

     (b) EXERCISE. In no event may any Incentive Stock Option be exercisable for
more than ten years from the date of its grant.

     (c) LAPSE OF OPTION.  An  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall  lapse  under the
following circumstances.

          (1) The Incentive  Stock Option shall lapse ten years from the date it
     is granted, unless an earlier time is set in the Award Agreement.

          (2) The  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall  lapse  upon  termination  of
     employment for Cause or for any other reason,  other than the Participant's
     death or Disability, unless otherwise provided in the Award Agreement.

          (3) If the Participant  terminates employment on account of Disability
     or death before the Option  lapses  pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) above,
     the Incentive Stock Option shall lapse, unless it was previously exercised,
     on the  earlier of (i) the date on which the Option  would have  lapsed had
     the Participant not become Disabled or lived and had his employment  status
     (i.e.,  whether the  Participant was employed by the Company on the date of
     his Disability or death or had previously  terminated  employment) remained
     unchanged;   or  (ii)  12  months  after  the  date  of  the  Participant's
     termination of employment on account of Disability or death.

     (d)  INDIVIDUAL  DOLLAR   LIMITATION.   The  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value
(determined as of the time an Award is made) of all shares of Stock with respect
to which Incentive  Stock Options are first  exercisable by a Participant in any
calendar year may not exceed  $100,000.00 or such other limitation as imposed by
Section  422(d) of the Code,  or any  successor  provision.  To the extent  that
Incentive Stock Options are first exercisable by a Participant in excess of such
limitation, the excess shall be considered Non-Qualified Stock Options.

     (e) TEN PERCENT  OWNERS.  An Incentive Stock Option shall be granted to any
individual  who,  at the date of  grant,  owns  stock  possessing  more than ten
percent  of the  total  combined  voting  power of all  classes  of Stock of the
Company  only if such Option is granted at a price that is not less than 110% of
Fair Market Value on the date of grant and the Option is exercisable for no more
than five years from the date of grant.

     (f) RIGHT TO EXERCISE.  During a Participant's lifetime, an Incentive Stock
Option may be exercised only by the Participant.


                                   ARTICLE 8
                            STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS

     8.1  GRANT  OF  SARS.   The  Committee  is  authorized  to  grant  SARs  to
Participants on the following terms and conditions:

     (a) RIGHT TO PAYMENT.  Upon the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right, the
Participant  to whom it is granted has the right to receive the excess,  if any,

          (1) The Fair Market Value of a share of Stock on the date of exercise;

          (2) The grant price of the Stock  Appreciation  Right as determined by
     the  Committee,  which  shall not be less than the Fair  Market  Value of a
     share of Stock on the date of grant in the case of any SAR  related  to any
     Incentive Stock Option.

     (b) OTHER TERMS.  All such Awards shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement.
The terms,  methods of exercise,  methods of settlement,  form of  consideration
payable  in  settlement,  and  any  other  terms  and  conditions  of any  Stock
Appreciation Right shall be determined by the Committee at the time of the grant
of the Award and shall be reflected in the Award Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 9
                                 STOCK AWARDS

     9.1 GRANT OF STOCK. The Committee is authorized to grant Unrestricted Stock
Awards and Restricted  Stock Awards to  Participants in such amounts and subject
to such terms and  conditions as determined  by the  Committee.  All such Awards
shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement.

     9.2 ISSUANCE AND RESTRICTIONS.  An Unrestricted Stock Award may provide for
a transfer of shares of Stock to a Participant at the time the Award is granted,
or it may  provide  for a  deferred  transfer  of  shares  of Stock  subject  to
conditions prescribed by the Committee. Restricted Stock Awards shall be subject
to such restrictions on transferability and risks of forfeiture as the Committee
may impose.  These restrictions and risks may lapse separately or in combination
at such times, under such circumstances,  in such installments, or otherwise, as
the Committee determines at the time of the grant of the Award or thereafter.

     9.3 FORFEITURE. Except as otherwise determined by the Committee at the time
of the grant of the Award or thereafter,  upon termination of employment  during
the applicable  restriction  period,  Stock subject to a Restricted  Stock Award
that is at that time  subject  to  restrictions  shall be  forfeited,  provided,
however,  that the  Committee  may  provide in any  Restricted  Stock Award that
restrictions  or forfeiture  conditions  relating to the Stock will be waived in
whole or in part in the event of terminations  resulting from specified  causes,
and the Committee may in other cases waive in whole or in part  restrictions  or
forfeiture conditions relating to the Stock.

     9.4  CERTIFICATES  FOR RESTRICTED  STOCK.  Restricted  Stock Awards granted
under the Plan may be evidenced in such manner as the Committee shall determine.
If certificates  representing shares of Stock subject to Restricted Stock Awards
are  registered  in the  name  of the  Participant,  certificates  must  bear an
appropriate  legend  referring  to  the  terms,  conditions,   and  restrictions
applicable  to such  shares,  and the  Company  may, at its  discretion,  retain
physical  possession  of the  certificate  until  such  time  as all  applicable
restrictions lapse.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                            PERFORMANCE-BASED AWARDS

     10.1  PURPOSE.  The purpose of this Article 10 is to provide the  Committee
the  ability  to  qualify  the  Awards  under  Article  9 as  "performance-based
compensation"  under  Section  162(m)  of the  Code.  If the  Committee,  in its
discretion,  decides to grant a  Performance-Based  Award to a Covered Employee,
the  provisions  of this Article 10 shall  control  over any contrary  provision
contained in Article 10.


     10.2  APPLICABILITY.  This  Article 10 shall  apply  only to those  Covered
Employees  selected by the Committee to receive  Performance-Based  Awards.  The
Committee may, in its discretion,  grant Stock Awards to Covered  Employees that
do not satisfy the requirements of this Article 10. The designation of a Covered
Employee  as a  Participant  for a  Performance  Period  shall not in any manner
entitle  the  Participant  to  receive  an  Award  for  the  period.   Moreover,
designation of a Covered Employee as a Participant for a particular  Performance
Period shall not require  designation of such Covered  Employee as a Participant
in any subsequent  Performance Period and designation of one Covered Employee as
a Participant shall not require  designation of any other Covered Employees as a
Participant in such period or in any other period.

regard  to a  particular  Performance  Period,  the  Committee  shall  have full
discretion  to  select  the  length  of such  Performance  Period,  the  type of
Performance-Based  Awards to be issued, the kind and/or level of the Performance
Goal,  and  whether  the  Performance  Goal is to  apply to the  Company  or any
division or business unit thereof.

     10.4 PAYMENT OF PERFORMANCE-BASED  AWARDS. Unless otherwise provided in the
relevant Award  Agreement,  a Participant must be employed by the Company on the
last day of the Performance Period to be eligible for a Performance-Based  Award
for such  Performance  Period.  In determining  the actual size of an individual
Performance-Based Award, the Committee may reduce or eliminate the amount of the
Performance-Based  Award earned for the Performance  Period,  if in its sole and
absolute discretion, such reduction or elimination is appropriate.

     10.5 SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL.  The Board shall disclose to the shareholders of
the Company the material terms of any Performance - Based Award,  and shall seek
approval of the  shareholders  of the Performance - Based Award before any Stock
is transferred to a Participant, or before any restrictions with respect to same
lapse,  pursuant to such Award. The Committee shall certify that the Performance
Goals with respect to any  Performance - Based Award have been  achieved  before
any Stock is  transferred  to a  Participant,  or before any  restrictions  with
respect to same lapse.  Such  disclosure,  approval and  certification  shall be
effected in accordance  with the  requirements  of Section  162(m)(4)(C)  of the

                                   ARTICLE 11
                         PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO AWARDS

     11.1  STAND-ALONE AND TANDEM AWARDS.  Awards granted under the Plan may, in
the discretion of the Committee,  be granted either alone, in addition to, or in
tandem with, any other Award granted under the Plan.  Awards granted in addition
to or in tandem with other  Awards may be granted  either at the same time as or
at a different time from the grant of such other Awards.

     11.2 EXCHANGE  PROVISIONS.  The Committee may at any time offer to exchange
or buy out any previously granted Award for a payment in cash, Stock, or another
Award,  based  on  the  terms  and  conditions  the  Committee   determines  and
communicates to the Participant at the time the offer is made.

     11.3  TERM OF  AWARD.  The term of each  Award  shall be for the  period as
determined  by the  Committee,  provided  that in no event shall the term of any
Incentive Stock Option or a Stock  Appreciation Right granted in tandem with the
Incentive Stock Option exceed a period of ten years from the date of its grant.

     11.4 LIMITS ON TRANSFER. No right or interest of a Participant in any Award
may be pledged,  encumbered,  or  hypothecated to or in favor of any party other
than the Company, or shall be subject to any lien,  obligation,  or liability of
such  Participant  to any other party other than the Company.  No Award shall be
assignable or  transferable  by a Participant  other than by will or the laws of
descent and  distribution,  except that the Committee,  in its  discretion,  may
permit a  Participant  to make a gratuitous  transfer of an Award that is not an
Incentive  Stock  Option  to his  or  her  spouse,  lineal  descendants,  lineal
ascendants,  or a duly established trust for the benefit of one or more of these

     11.5 BENEFICIARIES. Notwithstanding Section 11.4, a Participant may, in the
manner  determined by the  Committee,  designate a  beneficiary  to exercise the
rights of the  Participant and to receive any  distribution


with respect to any Award upon the  Participant's  death. A  beneficiary,  legal
guardian,  legal  representative,  or other person claiming any rights under the
Plan is subject to all terms and conditions of the Plan and any Award applicable
to the Participant,  except to the extent the Plan and Award otherwise  provide,
and to any  additional  restrictions  deemed  necessary  or  appropriate  by the
Committee.  If no beneficiary has been  designated or survives the  Participant,
payment shall be made to the Participant's estate.  Subject to the foregoing,  a
beneficiary  designation  may be changed or revoked by a Participant at any time
provided the change or revocation is filed with the Committee.

     11.6 STOCK CERTIFICATES.  Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,
the  Company  shall  not be  required  to  issue  or  deliver  any  certificates
evidencing  shares of Stock  pursuant to the exercise of any Awards,  unless and
until the Board has  determined,  with advice of counsel,  that the issuance and
delivery  of such  certificates  is in  compliance  with  all  applicable  laws,
regulations of governmental authorities and, if applicable,  the requirements of
any  exchange  on which  the  shares of Stock are  listed or  traded.  All Stock
certificates  delivered under the Plan are subject to any  stop-transfer  orders
and other  restrictions  as the Committee deems necessary or advisable to comply
with Federal,  state, or foreign  jurisdiction,  securities or other laws, rules
and regulations and the rules of any national  securities  exchange or automated
quotation system on which the Stock is listed,  quoted, or traded. The Committee
may place legends on any Stock certificate to reference restrictions  applicable
to the Stock. In addition to the terms and conditions provided herein, the Board
may require that a Participant make such reasonable covenants,  agreements,  and
representations  as the Board,  in its  discretion,  deems advisable in order to
comply with any such laws, regulations, or requirements.

     11.7 LOAN AGREEMENTS. Each Award shall be subject to the condition that the
Company  shall not be  obligated  to issue or transfer  any Stock or cash to the
holder of the Award,  upon the exercise or vesting  thereof,  if at any time the
Committee  or the Board shall  determine  that the  issuance or transfer of such
Stock or cash would be in violation of any covenant in any of the Company's loan
agreements or other contracts.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                            DEFERRAL OF COMPENSATION


     (a) TYPES OF DEFERRALS.  Any Participant  designated by the Board or by the
Committee may elect to defer (i) all or any portion of the Participant's salary,
(ii) any percentage of a fiscal year bonus determined by the Board or other duly
constituted  authority or delegate to be paid to such Participant,  or (iii) all
or any portion of the Participant's  director's fees. Such election shall remain
in force for all future  years  until  modified  or revoked.  In  addition,  the
Committee, in its discretion,  may permit a Participant to elect to defer his or
her receipt of the payment of cash or the delivery of shares of Stock that would
otherwise be due to such  Participant  pursuant to an Award.  Any election under
this  Section  12.1 shall be made by written  notice  delivered  to the Board or
Committee,  specifying the amount (or  percentage) of salary and/or bonus and/or
directors' fees and/or the award to be deferred.

     (b) TIMING OF ELECTIONS.  A Participant  may, at any time within 30 days of
first becoming  eligible to participate in this Plan,  make an election to defer
salary or director's  fees earned after such election.  Any increase or decrease
in future  deferrals of salary or director's  fees earned during a calendar year
must be made prior to such  calendar  year.  A  Participant  may make an initial
election  to defer a bonus  for a fiscal  year,  or may  elect  to  increase  or
decrease the amount of a fiscal year bonus to be deferred,  if such  election is
made prior to such fiscal year. A Participant  may make an election to defer the
receipt  of cash or shares of Stock  otherwise  payable or  transferable  to the
Participant pursuant to an Award in accordance with the terms of such Award.


     (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF ACCOUNTS. A Deferred  Compensation Account in the name
of each Participant who has elected to defer  compensation  under the Plan shall
be  established  and  maintained as a special ledger account on the books of the
Company.  On the last day of each  calendar  month in which salary or director's
fees deferred under this Plan would have become payable to a Participant (in the
absence of an election to defer  payment  thereof),  the amount of such deferred
salary or  director's  fees  shall be  credited  to the  Participant's


Deferred Compensation Account. On the last day of the month in which the bonuses
deferred  under this Plan  would have  become  payable to a  Participant  in the
absence of an election to defer  payment  thereof,  the amount of such  deferred
bonus shall be credited to the Participant's  Deferred  Compensation Account. On
the last day of the month in which an Award would have otherwise  become payable
or  transferable to a Participant in the absence of an election to defer receipt
thereof,   the  amount  of  such  deferred   Award  shall  be  credited  to  the
Participant's Deferred Compensation Account.


          (i)  Except  as  otherwise  provided  by the  terms of an  Award,  the
     Participant shall, at the time of making a deferred  compensation  election
     under this Plan,  make an election  directing  the Company to credit to the
     Deferred  Compensation Account in that calendar year based upon the options
     made  available  by the Board or  designated  Committee  which  options may
     include  either cash,  Stock,  or a combination  of cash and Stock equal in
     value to the amount of the current  year's salary or bonus  deferred  under
     the Plan.  In addition  to cash or Stock,  the Board or the  Committee  may
     offer to the Participant such deemed investment  options as it shall decide
     are appropriate.  Such investment options may include deemed investments in
     individual stocks or bonds, mutual funds, and such other investment options
     as the Board or Committee may choose.  The Board or Committee  shall not be
     required to offer the same deemed  investment  options to each  Participant
     but may restrict certain investment options to designated Participants.  In
     the absence of a contrary election by a Participant, the amount credited to
     a Deferred Compensation Account shall be credited as cash.

          (ii) If the  Participant  directs  that  any  amount  credited  to the
     Deferred  Compensation  account be credited in the form of Stock, the Board
     shall  credit to the Deferred  Compensation  Account  sufficient  shares of
     Stock equal in value to the Deferred  Compensation Account balance, or such
     lesser  amount as the  Participant  shall  direct.  The value of such Stock
     shall be determined in accordance with a valuation  methodology approved by
     the Board or by the  Committee.  Except as provided in Section  12.6,  such
     Stock credited to the Deferred Compensation Account shall merely constitute
     a  bookkeeping  entry of the Company,  and (except as provided  herein) the
     Participant  shall have no voting,  dividend,  or other  legal or  economic
     rights with respect to such Stock.  At the end of each fiscal  quarter,  an
     amount  equivalent to all dividends which would otherwise have been payable
     with respect to such Stock shall be credited to the  Deferred  Compensation
     Account  as  additional  Stock.  The amount of the  Participant's  Deferred
     Compensation  Account that is credited as cash shall  accrue  interest at a
     rate no less than the prime rate charged the Company by its principal  bank
     and  shall not  exceed  the  highest  rate  paid on  Individual  Retirement
     Accounts  ("IRAs") by the Bank plus two percent  (2%).  Such  interest with
     respect  to a  Deferred  Compensation  Account  shall be  credited  to such
     account  quarterly,  based on the weighted  average daily prime rate or the
     IRA rate for the  three  (3)  month  period  ending  on the last day of the

          (iii) The Participant  shall elect the portion of their deferral to be
     allocated  to Stock or cash or such other  option as made  available by the
     Board at the time of  making  such  election  to defer  compensation.  Such
     allocation may not be amended with respect to such deferral. Any allocation
     to Stock shall be paid in the form of Stock. No Participant will be granted
     the right to take payment of the Stock in cash rather than in shares.

          (iv) If, at any time,  the deferral of a  Participant  is allocated to
     Stock,  and  such  Participant   shall  be  deemed  to  have  violated  the
     short-swing  profit rules of Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act through such
     allocation, the allocation to Stock shall be void and such allocation shall
     default to cash.


     (a) IN GENERAL.  Amounts credited to a Participant's  Deferred Compensation
Account  shall  be  payable  upon  the  Participant's  Distribution  Event.  The
Participant  shall  determine  the  method of  distributing  the  amounts in the
Deferred  Compensation  Account at the time the first election to participate in
the Plan is made, which shall be either a single  distribution or a series of up
to ten (10) consecutive,  substantially  equal annual  installments paid to such
Participant or his or her beneficiary,  as the case may be, on or before January
15 of each year,  commencing in the year following the Distribution Event. If no
such election is made, the method of distribution  shall be determined solely by
the Board. If the Participant has elected to receive installment  distributions,
and less than the full value of the Participant's  Deferred Compensation Account
balance  has been  distributed  as of the date of his or her death,  the balance
shall  be paid to the  Participant's  beneficiary  in  accordance


with the same  method in  effect at the  Participant's  death,  except  that the
beneficiary may elect, with the consent of the Committee, to receive the balance
of the Deferred  Compensation Account in a single lump sum. For purposes of this
Article  12, a  Participant's  "beneficiary"  shall  mean the  person or persons
designated by the Participant  pursuant to Section 11.5 of this Plan, or, in the
absence of such designation or if no such person survives the  Participant,  the
Participant's estate. If any portion of the Participant's  Deferred Compensation
Account is credited  with Stock,  then  distributions  from that  portion of the
Deferred  Compensation  Account  shall be made  directly  in the form of  Stock.
Undistributed  amounts shall continue to earn interest or accrue  dividends,  as
the case may be.

     (b)  MODIFICATION OF PAYMENT TERMS. A Participant may change a Distribution
Election at any time at least sixty (60) days prior to a Distribution  Event. If
a Participant  electing to  participate  in the Plan ceases to be an employee of
the Company or a member of the Board, prior to full payment of the entire amount
in the Deferred Compensation  Account,  shall, after reasonable warning from the
Board,  persist  in  an  affiliation  with  any  business  that  is a  principal
competitor with a significant  portion of the business conducted by the Company,
the entire balance of such Deferred Compensation Account may, if directed by the
Board in its sole discretion,  be paid immediately to such Participant in a lump
sum. In the event a  Participant  dies prior to receiving  payment of the entire
amount in the Deferred Compensation Account, the unpaid balance shall be paid to
such  beneficiary as may have been  designated by the  Participant in writing to
the Company as the person, firm or trust to receive any post-death  distribution
under this Plan,  or, in the absence of such written  designation,  to the legal
representative   or  any  person,   firm  or  organization   designated  in  the
Participant's last will to receive such distributions.

     (c) CHANGE IN CONTROL.  In the event of a Change in Control,  a Participant
shall be permitted to elect to receive a distribution of all or a portion of his
or her Deferred Compensation Account,  provided that any such election hereunder
must be made  within the period  commencing  thirty days prior to such Change in
Control  and  ending on the date of such  Change in  Control.  Any  distribution
pursuant to this  Section  12.3(c)  shall be made (i) in the form of cash and/or
Stock as his or her Deferred  Compensation  Account is allocated and (ii) within
seven (7) days subsequent to the Change in Control.

time a Deferred  Compensation  Account of a Participant  would otherwise  become
payable, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may elect to distribute all or a
portion of the  Deferred  Compensation  Account  in the event  such  Participant
requests a distribution by reason of severe financial hardship.  For purposes of
this Plan,  severe financial  hardship shall be deemed to exist in the event the
Committee  determines that a Participant  needs a distribution to meet immediate
and heavy  financial  needs  resulting  from a sudden or  unexpected  illness or
accident  of the  Participant,  or a member  of his or her  family,  loss of the
Participant's  property  due to casualty,  or other  similar  extraordinary  and
unforeseeable  circumstances arising as a result of events beyond the control of
the Participant. A distribution based on financial hardship shall not exceed the
amount required to meet the immediate financial need created by the hardship. In
the  event  the   Participant   is  a  member  of  the  Committee   making  such
determination,  the  Participant  shall not  participate  in the decision by the


     (a)  ESTABLISHMENT  OF  TRUST.  The  Company  may  in its  sole  discretion
establish one or more trusts to provide a source of payment for its  obligations
under the Plan and such trust shall be permitted to hold cash,  Stock,  or other
assets to the extent of the Company's  obligations  hereunder.  The Company may,
but is not required to,  utilize a single trust with respect to its  obligations
to  Participants  who are  members  of the  Board and  Participants  who are not
members of the Board.

     (b) CLAIMS OF THE COMPANY'S CREDITORS. All assets held by any trust created
hereunder and all  distributions to be made by any trustee pursuant to this Plan
and any trust agreement  shall be subject to the claims of general  creditors of
the Company,  including judgment creditors and bankruptcy creditors.  The rights
of a Participant  or his or her  beneficiaries  in or to any assets of the trust
shall be no greater than the rights of an unsecured creditor of the Company.

     (c) NOTIFICATION OF INSOLVENCY. In the event the Company becomes insolvent,
the Chief  Executive  Officer and  Chairman  of the Board of the  Company  shall
immediately  notify the trustees of all


trusts created  hereunder of that fact. The trustees shall make no distributions
to any Participant or any beneficiary  from any assets held in trust pursuant to
the Plan after such  notification  is  received or at any time after the trustee
has actual knowledge that the Company is insolvent. Under any such circumstance,
the trustee shall dispose of property held in trust pursuant to the Plan only as
a court of competent  jurisdiction  may direct.  For purposes of this Plan,  the
Company shall be deemed  "insolvent" by the trustee if the Company is subject to
a pending  voluntary  or  involuntary  proceeding  as a debtor  under the United
States Bankruptcy Code, as the same may be amended from time to time, whether or
not the Company has provided the trustee with the notification  required by this
Section  12.4(c),  or if the trustee has been notified  pursuant to this Section
12.4(c) that the Company is insolvent.

     12.5 NON-ASSIGNMENT.  No right or interest of any Participant or any person
claiming  through  or  under  such  Participant  in the  Participant's  Deferred
Compensation  Account shall be assignable  or  transferable  in any manner or be
subject to alienation,  anticipation,  sale, pledge,  encumbrance or other legal
process (including execution,  levy,  garnishment,  attachment,  bankruptcy,  or
otherwise)  or in any  manner be  subject  to the debts or  liabilities  of such
Participant.  If any  Participant  or any such person shall  attempt to or shall
transfer, assign, alienate,  anticipate,  sell, pledge or otherwise encumber his
or her  benefits  hereunder or any part  thereof,  or if by reason of his or her
bankruptcy or other event happening at any time such benefits would devolve upon
anyone else or would not be enjoyed by him or her,  then the  Committee,  in its
discretion,  may terminate his or her interest in any such benefit to the extent
the Committee  considers  necessary or advisable to prevent or limit the effects
of  such  occurrence.   Termination  shall  be  effected  by  filing  a  written
declaration of termination  with the Committee's  records and making  reasonable
efforts to deliver a copy to such Participant or any such other person or his or
her legal  representative.  As long as any  Participant  is alive,  any  amounts
affected by the  termination  shall be retained by the Company or the trustee of
any  trust  established  pursuant  to  Section  12.4 of this  Plan  and,  in the
Committee's  sole and  absolute  discretion,  may be paid to or expended for the
benefit of such  Participant,  his or her spouse,  his or her  children,  or any
other  person or persons in fact  dependent  upon him or her in such a manner as
the Committee shall deem proper.

                                   ARTICLE 13
                          CHANGES IN CAPITAL STRUCTURE

     13.1 GENERAL.

     (a) SHARES AVAILABLE FOR GRANT. In the event of any change in the number of
shares  of  Stock  outstanding  by  reason  of  any  stock  dividend  or  split,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  combination or exchange of shares or
similar corporate  change,  the maximum aggregate number of shares of Stock with
respect to which the Committee may grant Awards shall be appropriately  adjusted
by the  Committee.  In the event of any  change in the number of shares of Stock
outstanding by reason of any other event or transaction,  the Committee may, but
need not, make such  adjustments in the number and class of shares of Stock with
respect to which Awards may be granted as the Committee may deem appropriate.

CONSIDERATION.  Subject  to  any  required  action  by the  shareholders  of the
Company, in the event of any increase or decrease in the number of issued shares
of Stock resulting from a subdivision or consolidation of shares of Stock or the
payment of a stock  dividend  (but only on the  shares of  Stock),  or any other
increase or decrease in the number of such shares  effected  without  receipt or
payment of  consideration  by the Company,  the Committee  shall  proportionally
adjust the number of shares of Stock subject to each  outstanding  Award and the
exercise price per share of Stock of each such Award.

     (c) OUTSTANDING AWARDS - CERTAIN MERGERS. Subject to any required action by
the  shareholders  of the  Company,  in the event that the Company  shall be the
surviving  corporation  in any  merger  or  consolidation  (except  a merger  or
consolidation  as a result of which  the  holders  of  shares  of Stock  receive
securities of another  corporation),  each Award outstanding on the date of such
merger or  consolidation  shall pertain to and apply to the  securities  which a
holder of the  number  of  shares of Stock  subject  to such  Award  would  have
received in such merger or consolidation.

dissolution or liquidation of the Company,  (ii) a sale of all or  substantially
all of the Company's assets, (iii) a


merger or  consolidation  involving  the Company in which the Company is not the
surviving corporation or (iv) a merger or consolidation involving the Company in
which the  Company is the  surviving  corporation  but the  holders of shares of
Stock receive securities of another corporation and/or other property, including
cash, the Committee shall, in its absolute discretion, have the power to:

          (1) cancel,  effective  immediately  prior to the  occurrence  of such
     event, each Award  outstanding  immediately prior to such event (whether or
     not then exercisable), and, in full consideration of such cancellation, pay
     to the  Participant  to whom such Award was granted an amount in cash,  for
     each  share of Stock  subject  to such  Award,  respectively,  equal to the
     excess of (A) the value,  as  determined  by the  Committee in its absolute
     discretion,  of the property  (including  cash) received by the holder of a
     share of Stock as a result  of such  event  over (B) the  exercise  of such
     Award; or

          (2) provide for the  exchange  of each Award  outstanding  immediately
     prior to such event  (whether  or not then  exercisable)  for an option,  a
     stock appreciation right,  restricted stock award,  performance share award
     or performance-based award with respect to, as appropriate,  some or all of
     the property for which such Award is exchanged and, incident thereto,  make
     an equitable  adjustment  as  determined  by the  Committee in its absolute
     discretion in the exercise price or value of the option,  stock  appreciate
     right, restricted stock award, performance share award or performance-based
     award or the number of shares or amount of property  subject to the option,
     stock appreciation right,  restricted stock award,  performance share award
     or performance-based  award or, if appropriate,  provide for a cash payment
     to the Participant to whom such Award was granted in partial  consideration
     for the exchange of the Award, or any combination thereof.

     (e) OUTSTANDING AWARDS - OTHER CHANGES. In the event of any other change in
the  capitalization  of  the  Company  or  corporate  change  other  than  those
specifically  referred to in this Article,  the  Committee  may, in its absolute
discretion,  make such  adjustments in the number and class of shares subject to
Awards  outstanding on the date on which such change occurs and in the per share
exercise  price of each  Award as the  Committee  may  consider  appropriate  to
prevent dilution or enlargement of rights.

     (f)  NO  OTHER  RIGHTS.  Except  as  expressly  provided  in the  Plan,  no
Participant  shall have any rights by reason of any subdivision or consolidation
of shares of stock of any class,  the payment of any  dividend,  any increase or
decrease  in the  number of  shares  of stock of any  class or any  dissolution,
liquidation,  merger, or consolidation of the Company or any other  corporation.
Except as expressly  provided in the Plan,  no issuance by the Company of shares
of stock of any class,  or  securities  convertible  into shares of stock of any
class,  shall affect,  and no  adjustment  by reason  thereof shall be made with
respect  to, the number of shares of Stock  subject to an Award or the  exercise
price of any Award.

                                   ARTICLE 14

     14.1 AMENDMENT, MODIFICATION, AND TERMINATION. At any time and from time to
time, the Board may terminate, amend or modify the Plan; provided, however, that
the Board shall not, without the affirmative vote of the holder of a majority of
the voting stock of the Company,  make any amendment which would (i) abolish the
Committee without designating such other committee, change the qualifications of
its members,  or withdraw the  administration  of the Plan from its supervision,
(ii)  increase  the  maximum  number of shares of Stock for which  Awards may be
granted  under the  Plan,  (iii)  amend the  formula  for  determination  of the
exercise  price  Options,  (iv)  extend the term of the Plan,  and (v) amend the
requirements  as to the  employees  eligible  to  receive  Awards;  and  further
provided that no other amendment shall be made without  shareholder  approval to
the extent necessary or desirable to comply with any applicable law, regulations
or stock exchange rule.

     14.2 AWARDS PREVIOUSLY  GRANTED.  Except as otherwise provided in the Plan,
including  without  limitation,  the  provisions of Article 13, no  termination,
amendment,  or modification  of the Plan shall adversely  affect in any material
way any Award previously  granted under the Plan, without the written consent of
the Participant.


                                   ARTICLE 15
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

     15.1 NO RIGHTS TO AWARDS. No Participant,  employee,  or other person shall
have any claim to be granted any Award  under the Plan,  and neither the Company
nor the  Committee  is  obligated to treat  Participants,  employees,  and other
persons uniformly.

     15.2 NO  STOCKHOLDERS  RIGHTS.  No Award gives the  Participant  any of the
rights of a stockholder  of the Company  unless and until shares of Stock are in
fact issued to such person in connection with such Award.

     15.3  WITHHOLDING.  The Company  shall have the  authority and the right to
deduct or withhold,  or require a Participant to remit to the Company, an amount
sufficient  to  satisfy   Federal,   state,   and  local  taxes  (including  the
Participant's  FICA  obligation)  required by law to be withheld with respect to
any taxable event  arising as a result of this Plan. A Participant  may elect to
have the Company withhold from those Stock that would otherwise be received upon
the exercise of any Option,  a number of shares having a Fair Market Value equal
to the minimum  statutory amount  necessary to satisfy the Company's  applicable
federal,  state,  local  and  foreign  income  and  employment  tax  withholding

     15.4 NO RIGHT TO EMPLOYMENT  OR SERVICES.  Nothing in the Plan or any Award
Agreement  shall  interfere with or limit in any way the right of the Company to
terminate any Participant's  employment or services at any time, nor confer upon
any Participant any right to continue in the employ of the Company.

     15.5  INDEMNIFICATION.  To the extent  allowable under applicable law, each
member of the Committee or of the Board shall be  indemnified  and held harmless
by the Company from any loss,  cost,  liability,  or expense that may be imposed
upon or reasonably  incurred by such member in connection with or resulting from
any claim,  action,  suit, or proceeding to which he or she may be a party or in
which he or she may be  involved by reason of any action or failure to act under
the  Plan  and  against  and  from  any  and all  amounts  paid by him or her in
satisfaction of judgment in such action,  suit, or proceeding against him or her
provided  he or she gives the Company an  opportunity,  at its own  expense,  to
handle and defend the same before he or she  undertakes  to handle and defend it
on his or her own behalf.  The foregoing right of  indemnification  shall not be
exclusive  of any other rights of  indemnification  to which such persons may be
entitled under the Company's Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws, as a matter of
law, or otherwise,  or any power that the Company may have to indemnify  them or
hold them harmless.

     15.6 FRACTIONAL  SHARES.  No fractional shares of stock shall be issued and
the Committee shall determine, in its discretion, whether cash shall be given in
lieu of fractional  shares or whether such fractional shares shall be eliminated
by rounding up or down as appropriate.

     15.7  GOVERNMENT  AND OTHER  REGULATIONS.  The obligation of the Company to
make payment of awards in Stock or otherwise  shall be subject to all applicable
laws,  rules, and regulations,  and to such approvals by government  agencies as
may be required.  The Company shall be under no obligation to register under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  any of the shares of Stock paid under the
Plan. If the shares paid under the Plan may in certain  circumstances  be exempt
from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  the Company may
restrict  the  transfer of such shares in such manner as it deems  advisable  to
ensure the availability of any such exemption.

     15.8 GOVERNING LAW. The Plan and the terms of all Awards shall be construed
in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Colorado.


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY
                           HIGH COUNTRY BANCORP, INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                NOVEMBER 10, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The undersigned hereby appoints Philip W. Harsh, Richard A. Young and Larry
D. Smith  powers of  substitution  to act,  as  attorneys  and  proxies  for the
undersigned,  to vote all shares of Common Stock of High Country  Bancorp,  Inc.
which the  undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
(the "Annual  Meeting"),  to be held at High Country Bank,  7360 West US Highway
50, Salida,  Colorado on Monday, November 10, 2003 at 5:00 p.m., local time, and
at any and all adjournments  thereof,  as indicated below and in accordance with
the  determination of a majority of the Board of Directors with respect to other
matters which come before the Annual Meeting.

                                                                         FOR            WITHHELD
                                                                         ---            --------
       1.   The election as director of the nominee listed below
            (except as marked to the contrary below).

            Timothy R. Glenn                                             [ ]              [ ]

            INSTRUCTION:  To withhold your vote for any
            individual nominee, insert that nominee's name on
            the line provided below.


                                                                     FOR           AGAINST             ABSTAIN
                                                                     ---           -------             -------

     2.  Approval of the amendment and restatement of the
         High Country Bancorp, Inc. 1998 Stock Option
         and Incentive Plan as the High Country Bancorp,             [ ]             [ ]                 [ ]
         Inc. 2003 Incentive Equity and Deferred Compensation Plan.


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                    ---                               ---
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     Should the  undersigned  be present and elect to vote at the Annual Meeting
or at any  adjournment  thereof and after  notification  to the Secretary of the
Company at the Annual  Meeting of the  stockholder's  decision to terminate this
proxy,  then the power of said attorneys and proxies shall be deemed  terminated
and of no further force and effect.  The undersigned  hereby revokes any and all
proxies  heretofore  given with  respect  to the shares of Common  Stock held of
record by the undersigned.

     The  undersigned  acknowledges  receipt  from  the  Company  prior  to  the
execution  of this  proxy of a Notice of Annual  Meeting,  the  Company's  Proxy
Statement for the Annual  Meeting,  dated October 10, 2003, and an Annual Report
to Stockholders for the 2003 fiscal year.

Dated:                         , 2003

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Please sign  exactly as your name appears on the envelope in which this card was
mailed. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,  trustee or guardian,
please  give your full title.  If shares are held  jointly,  each holder  should

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