NORTH ARKANSAS BANCSHARES, INC. MANAGEMENT RECOGNITION PLAN COMMITTEE NOTICE OF AWARD --------------- WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of North Arkansas Bancshares, Inc. (the "Company") has previously adopted the North Arkansas Bancshares, Inc. Management Recognition Plan (the "Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company has previously appointed Directors John Minor, Kaneaster Hodges Jr., and O.E. Guinn Jr. as members of the Management Recognition Plan Committee (the "Committee") pursuant to the terms of the Plan, and by resolution dated ______________ ___, 19__ the Committee made awards under the Plan. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the following individual be granted an award under the Plan ("Plan Share Award"), effective _________________ ___, 19___: Number of Shares Subject to Recipient Plan Share Award --------- --------------------------- ____________________ ____ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plan Share Award specified herein shall be subject to the restrictions and other provisions of Section 7.01 of the Plan. Date of Notice: _____________ ___, 199__ NORTH ARKANSAS BANCSHARES, INC. MANAGEMENT RECOGNITION PLAN COMMITTEE By: _________________________ Its Chairman