EXHIBIT 1.(1)(a)

VARIABLE LIFE REGISTERED SEPARATE ACCOUNT                         May 6, 1997

      WHEREAS,  the  management of the Company has  determined  that the
Company  shall take the  necessary  steps to (i) develop a variable life
insurance  marketing  program,  (ii) obtain variable life certificate of
authority in every state in which the Company is  authorized to transact
business, and (iii) enable the Company to issue variable life contracts;

      NOW  THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,  that the Company,  pursuant to the
provisions of TEX. INS. CODE art. 3.75 (1996) and TEX. ADMIN.  CODE tit.
28, ss. 3.806 (1996),  hereby  establishes  a variable  life  registered
separate  account to be  designated  "American  General  Life  Insurance
Company Separate Account VL-R," (hereinafter "the Separate Account") for
the  following  use and  purposes,  and  subject to such  conditions  as
hereinafter set forth; and

      BE IT FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the Separate Account is established
for the  purpose of  providing  for the  issuance by the Company of such
variable  life  or  such  other  contracts  ("Contracts")  as the  Chief
Executive  Officer or his  designated  representative  may designate for
such  purpose and shall  constitute  a Separate  Account  into which are
allocated  amounts paid to or held by the Company under such  Contracts;

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,  that pursuant to TEX. INS. CODE art. 3.75
ss. 1(c) (1996) and except as  provided by the next  paragraph,  amounts
allocated to the Separate Account and accumulations on those amounts may
be  invested  and  reinvested  without  regard  to any  requirements  or
limitations  prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas  governing the
investments  of life  insurance  companies,  and the  investments in the
Separate  Account  will  not be  taken  into  account  in  applying  the
investment  limitations  otherwise  applicable to the investments of the
Company; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,  that pursuant to TEX. INS. CODE art. 3.75
ss. 1(d) (1996),  reserves for benefits  guaranteed  as to dollar amount
and duration and funds  guaranteed as to principal amount or stated rate
of interest will not be maintained in the Separate  Account  except with
the approval of the Texas Commissioner of Insurance and under conditions
for investments, and other matters, that recognize the guaranteed nature
of the  benefits  provided  and that are  prescribed  by the Texas State
Board of Insurance; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,  that pursuant to TEX. INS. CODE art. 3.75
ss.  1(f) (1996) and to the extent  provided  under the  Contracts,  the
portion of the assets of the Separate  Account equal to the reserves and
other Contract  liabilities with respect to the Separate Account are not
chargeable  with  liabilities  arising  out of any  other  business  the
Company may conduct; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to TEX. ADMIN. CODE tit. 28,
ss. 3.806(2)  (1996),  the Company shall maintain assets in the Separate
Account  with a value at least  equal to the  greater  of the  valuation
reserves for the variable  portion of the  Contracts or the benefit base
for such Contracts; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the income, gains and losses, whether
or not realized,  from assets allocated to the Separate Account shall be
credited to or charged against the Separate Account,  in accordance with
the Contracts,  without regard to other income,  gains, or losses of the
Company; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,  that the fundamental investment policy of
the  Separate  Account  shall be to invest or reinvest the assets of the
Separate Account in securities issued by investment companies registered
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended,  as the Company
designates pursuant to the provisions of the Contracts; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that multiple investment divisions be, and
hereby  are,  established  within  the  Separate  Account  to which  net
payments  under the  Contracts  will be  allocated  in  accordance  with
instructions   received  from  contract  holders,  and  that  the  Chief
Executive  Officer or his designated  representative  be, and hereby is,
subject to applicable state insurance regulatory approval, authorized to
increase or decrease the number of investment  divisions in the Separate
Account as deemed necessary or appropriate; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,  that each such investment  division shall
invest  only in the shares of a single  mutual  fund or a single  mutual
fund portfolio of an investment  Corporation  organized as a series fund
pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940; and

      BE  IT  FURTHER  RESOLVED,   that  the  Chief  Executive  Officer,
President and Treasurer be, and they hereby are, authorized,  subject to
applicable state insurance regulatory  approval,  to deposit such amount
in the Separate Account or in each investment division thereof as may be
necessary or appropriate to facilitate the  commencement of the Separate
Account's operations; and

      BE IT FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the Chief Executive  Officer of the
Company or his designated  representative  be, and hereby is, authorized
to  change  the  designation  of the  Separate  Account  to  such  other
designation  as  the  Chief   Executive  Offer  may  deem  necessary  or
appropriate; and

      BE IT  FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the  appropriate  officers  of the
Company, with such assistance from the Company's auditors, legal counsel
and independent  consultants or others as they may require, be, and they
hereby are, authorized and directed to take all action necessary to: (i)
register  the  Separate  Account as a unit  investment  trust  under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended;  (ii) register the Contracts
in such amounts,  which may be an indefinite  amount, as the officers of
the  Company  shall  from  time  to  time  deem  appropriate  under  the
Securities  Act of 1933;  and  (iii)  take all other  actions  which are
necessary in connection with the offering of said Contracts for sale and
the  operation  of the  Separate  Account  in order to  comply  with the
Investment Company


Act of 1940, the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the Securities Act of
1933, and other  applicable  federal laws,  including the filings of any
amendments  to  registration  statements,  any  undertakings,   and  any
applications  for exemptions from the Investment  Company Act of 1940 or
other applicable  federal laws as the officers of the Company shall deem
necessary or appropriate; and

      BE IT  FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the  appropriate  officers  of the
Company be, and they hereby are,  authorized  on behalf of the  Separate
Account  and on behalf of the  Company to take any and all  action  that
they may deem  necessary or  advisable  in order to sell the  Contracts,
including any registrations,  filings and qualifications of the Company,
its officers,  agents and  employees,  and the entering  into  contracts
under the  insurance  and  securities  laws of any of the  states of the
United  States of  America  or other  jurisdictions,  and in  connection
therewith, to prepare,  execute, deliver and file all such applications,
reports, covenants,  resolutions,  applications for exemptions, consents
to  service  of  process  and other  papers  and  instruments  as may be
required  under such laws,  and to take any and all further action which
said officers or counsel of the Company may deem  necessary or desirable
(including  entering  into  whatever  agreements  and  contracts  may be
necessary) in order to maintain such registrations or qualifications for
as  long  as said  officers  or  counsel  deem  them  to be in the  best
interests of the Separate Account and the Company; and

      BE IT FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the Chief Executive  Officer of the
Company or his designated  representative  be, and hereby is, authorized
to establish criteria by which the Company shall institute procedures to
provide  for a  pass-through  of  voting  rights  to the  owners of such
Contracts as required by the applicable  laws with respect to securities
owned by the Separate Account; and

      BE IT FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the General Counsel for the Company
be,  and  hereby  is,  authorized  in the  names of and on behalf of the
Separate Account and the Company to execute and file irrevocable written
consents  on the part of the  Separate  Account and of the Company to be
used in such states  wherein such  consents to service of process may be
requisite  under the laws therein in connection  with said Contracts and
to appoint the appropriate  state official,  or such other person as may
be  allowed  by said  laws,  agent of the  Separate  Account  and of the
Company for the purpose of receiving and accepting process; and

      BE IT FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the Chief Executive  Officer of the
Company or his designated  representative be, and hereby is, authorized,
subject to applicable state insurance  regulatory  approval,  to execute
such  agreement  or  agreements  on  such  terms  and  subject  to  such
modifications  as deemed  necessary or appropriate  (i) with a qualified
entity that will be appointed principal  underwriter and distributor for
the  Contracts,  and  (ii)  with  one or more  qualified  banks or other
qualified entities to provide  administrative  and/or custodial services
in connection  with the  establishment  and  maintenance of the Separate
Account and the design,  issuance,  and administration of the Contracts;

      BE IT  FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the  appropriate  officers  of the
Company  are  hereby   authorized  to  execute  whatever   agreement  or
agreements as may be necessary or appropriate to enable such investments
on behalf of the Separate Account to be made; and


      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive of the Company or
his designated  representative  be, and hereby is, subject to applicable
state  insurance  regulatory  approval,   authorized  to  establish  and
designate  additional  variable life registered  separate  accounts,  in
accordance  with the  provisions  (statutory and otherwise) set forth in
these resolutions,  as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company or his
designated  representative may deem necessary or appropriate in order to
accommodate  and  provide  for  alternative  investment  strategies  and
policies  for  variable  life   registered   contracts  that  cannot  be
accommodated by or provided for through Separate Account VL-R; and

      BE IT  FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the  appropriate  officers  of the
Company,  and each of them, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver
all such  documents  and  papers  and to do or cause to be done all such
acts and things as they may deem necessary or desirable to carry out the
foregoing resolutions and the intent and purposes thereof.
