PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT


                         SAFECO RESOURCE SERIES TRUST


                            SAFECO SECURITIES, INC.

                                  DATED AS OF

                               __________, 1998


                            PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT

      THIS  AGREEMENT,  made  and  entered  into  as of  the  day  of ,  199 8
("Agreement"),  by and among American General Life Insurance  Company, a Texas
life  insurance  company  ("AGL")  (on  behalf  of  itself  and its  "Separate
Account," defined below),  American General Securities  Incorporated,  a Texas
corporation  ("AGSI"),  the principal underwriter and distributor with respect
to  the  Policies  referred  to  below,  [SAFECO  RESOURCE  SERIES  TRUST,  AN
(the  "Distributor"),  the Fund's  principal  underwriter  (collectively,  the

                               WITNESSETH THAT:

      WHEREAS  the  Distributor  and the Fund desire that shares of the Fund's
Equity Portfolio and Growth  Portfolio (the "Series";  reference herein to the
"Fund"  includes  reference to each of the  foregoingSeries  to the extent the
context  requires) be made available by the Distributor to serve as underlying
investment  media for those variable life  insurance  policies of AGL that are
the subject of AGL's Form S-6 registration statement filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC"),  File No.  333-42567 and 811-08561 (the
"Policies") and to be offered through AGSI.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual benefits and promises
contained herein,  the Fund and the Distributor will make shares in the Series
available  to AGL for  this  purpose  at net  asset  value  and  with no sales
charges, all subject to the following provisions:

                            SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION


      AGL represents  that American  General Life Insurance  Company  Separate
Account VL-R (the "Separate  Account") is and will continue to be available to
serve as an investment vehicle for its Policies.  The Policies provide for the
allocation of net amounts received by AGL to separate series


(the  "Divisions";   reference  herein  to  the  "Separate  Account"  includes
reference to each Division to the extent the context requires) of the Separate
Account for investment in the shares of corresponding  Series of the Fund that
are  made  available  through  the  Separate  Account  to  act  as  underlying
investment  media.  Other  series  of the  Fund  may  become  subject  to this
Agreement,  upon mutual  agreement of the parties.  AGL will not  unreasonably
deny any request by the Distributor to create new Divisions  corresponding  to
such other Series.


      The  Distributor  and AGSI each  represents  and warrants that it is and
will  remain  duly  registered  as a  broker-dealer  with  the SEC  under  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"), and is a member
in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc. (the


      2.1   The Fund agrees,  as provided in its  Registration  Statement,  to
make available to the Separate Account, and any Division, shares of the Series
for investment of purchase payments of the Policies  allocated to the Separate

      2.2   The Fund  agrees to sell to AGL those  shares of the Series  which
AGL orders.  Orders which are sent by AGL to the Fund and received by the Fund
by 8:00 a.m. Pacific time, will be executed by the Fund at the net asset value
determined on the prior  Business  Day. Any orders  received by the Fund after
8:00 a.m. and prior to 1:00 p.m. Pacific time, will be executed by the Fund at
the net asset  value  next  computed  pursuant  to the  rules of the SEC.  For
purposes of this Section 2.2, the Fund hereby appoints AGL as its designee for
receipt of such orders from the Separate  Account and receipt by such designee
shall constitute  receipt by the Fund;  provided that the Fund receives notice
from AGL by telephone or facsimile (or by such other means as the Fund and AGL
may agree in writing) of receipt of such orders by 8:00 a.m.  Pacific  time on
the next  following  Business Day.  "Business Day" shall mean any day on which
the New  York  Stock  Exchange  is open  for  trading  and on  which  the Fund
calculates its net asset value pursuant to the rules of the SEC.


      2.3   The  Fund  agrees  to  redeem,  on  AGL's  request,  any  full  or
fractional  shares of the Fund held by AGL,  executing  such  requests on each
Business Day at the net asset value next computed after receipt by the Fund or
its designee of the request for redemption,  in accordance with the provisions
of this Agreement and the Fund's Registration Statement.  For purposes of this
Section  2.3,  AGL hereby  appoints  the Fund as its  designee  for receipt of
requests for redemption from the Separate Account and receipt by such designee
shall constitute  receipt by the Fund;  provided that the Fund receives notice
from AGL by telephone or facsimile (or by such other means as the Fund and AGL
may agree in writing) of receipt of such request for  redemption  by 8:00 a.m.
Pacific time on the next following Business Day.

      2.4   In the event that AGL's order  results in a net purchase of Series
shares,  AGL shall use its best efforts to pay for Series shares by 11:00 a.m.
Pacific time on the same Business Day that the notice of order to purchase the
Fund shares is made in accordance  with the  provisions  of this  section.  If
AGL's order  requests a net  redemption  resulting in a payment of  redemption
proceeds to AGL,  the Fund shall  normally  pay and  transmit  the proceeds of
redemptions  of Series shares by 11:00 a.m.  Pacific time on the same Business
Day that the notice of a redemption  order is received in accordance  with the
provisions  of this  Agreement,  unless  doing  so would  require  the Fund to
dispose of Series  securities  or otherwise  incur  additional  costs.  In any
event,  proceeds  shall be wired to AGL within three (3) Business Days or such
longer period permitted by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
"1940 Act") or the rules, orders or regulations thereunder, and the Fund shall
notify the person  designated  in  writing  by AGL as the  recipient  for such
notice of such delay by 1:00 p.m.  Pacific time the same Business Day that AGL
transmits  the  redemption  order to the Fund.  If AGL's  order  requests  the
application  of  redemption  proceeds  from the  redemption  of  shares to the
purchase of shares of another fund advised by Adviser (as defined below),  the
Fund shall so apply such  proceeds the same  Business  Day that AGL  transmits
such order to the Fund. Any payment made pursuant to this Section 2.4 shall be
in federal funds transmitted by wire.

      2.5   The Fund will provide to AGL closing net asset value per share for
the Series at the close of trading each Business  Day. In any event,  the Fund
shall use its best efforts to make the net


asset value per share for each Series available by 3:30 p.m. Pacific time each
Business Day, and as soon as reasonably  practicable after the net asset value
per share for each Series is  calculated,  and shall  calculate such net asset
value in accordance with the Fund's Registration Statement. Any material error
in the  calculation  of the net asset  value of the Series  shall be  reported
immediately to AGL.

      2.6   At the end of each  Business  Day,  AGL shall use the  information
described  in Section 2.5 to  calculate  Separate  Account unit values for the
day.  Using these unit  values,  AGL shall  process each such  Business  Day's
Separate Account transactions based on requests and premiums received by it by
the close of trading on the floor of the New York  Stock  Exchange  (currently
4:00 p.m. New York time) to determine the net dollar amount of the Fund shares
which shall be purchased or redeemed at that day's closing net asset value per
share.  The  net  purchase  or  redemption   orders  so  determined  shall  be
transmitted  to the Fund by AGL by 8:00 a.m.  Pacific time on the Business Day
next following  AGL's receipt of such requests and premiums in accordance with
the terms of Sections 2.2 and 2.3 hereof.  Orders will be sent  directly,  via
facsimile  (or by such other means as the Fund and AGL may agree in  writing),
to the Fund or such other person as the Fund may designate.

      2.7   The Fund shall furnish,  on or before the exdividend date,  notice
to AGL of any income  dividends or capital gain  distributions  payable on the
shares of any Series.  AGL hereby elects to receive all such income  dividends
and  capital  gain  distributions  as  are  payable  on a  Series'  shares  in
additional shares of the Series, but reserves the right to revoke the election
and to receive all such income  dividends  and capital gain  distributions  in
cash.  The Fund shall  notify AGL or its  designee  of the number of shares so
issued as payment of such dividends and distributions.

      2.8   The Fund may refuse to sell  shares of any Series to any person or
suspend or terminate  the offering of the shares of or liquidate any Series if
such  action  is  required  by  law  or  by  regulatory   authorities   having
jurisdiction  or is, in the sole  discretion  of the Board of  Trustees of the
Fund (the  "Board  of  Trustees"),  acting  in good  faith and in light of its
duties  under  federal  and  any  applicable  state  laws,  deemed  necessary,
desirable or appropriate and in the best interests of the shareholders


of such Series.  The Fund  further  reserves the right to pay any portion of a
redemption  in kind of portfolio  securities of any Series if the Fund's Board
of Trustees  determines  that it would be detrimental to the best interests of
the shareholders to make a redemption wholly in cash.

      2.9   Issuance and transfer of Series shares will be by book entry only.
Stock  certificates will not be issued to AGL or the Separate Account.  Shares
ordered from the Series will be recorded in appropriate  book entry titles for
the Separate Account.

      2.10  Each Party has the right to rely on information  or  confirmations
provided by each other  Party (or by any  affiliate  of each other  Party) and
shall  not  be  liable  in  the  event  that  an  error  is a  result  of  any
misinformation supplied by any other Party or any such affiliate. If a mistake
is caused in supplying such information or  confirmations,  which results in a
reconciliation  with  incorrect  information,  the amount  required  to make a
Policy  owner's or  participant's  account  whole  shall be borne by the Party
providing the incorrect information.

                         SECTION 3. COSTS AND EXPENSES

      3.1   GENERAL.

      Except as otherwise  specifically  provided herein, each Party will bear
all expenses incident to its performance under this Agreement.


            (a)   The Fund will pay the cost of keeping  its  registration  of
shares under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") and its
registration as a management  investment  company under the 1940 Act,  current
and effective.  AGL will pay the cost of registering the Separate Account as a
unit  investment  trust under the 1940 Act and  registering  units of interest
under the Policies under the 1933 Act and keeping such  registrations  current
and effective.

            (b)   At least  annually,  the Fund or its designee  shall provide
AGL with the current


prospectus,  statement of additional  information and any supplements  thereto
for the shares of the Series in the form of "camera ready" copy as set in type
or, at the  request of AGL,  as a diskette  in the form sent to the  financial
printer. The prospectuses  provided by the Fund shall be limited to only those
Series of the Fund that are made  available  through the  Separate  Account to
serve as underlying  investments.  The Fund shall be responsible for providing
the prospectus and/or statement of additional information in the format (i.e.,
"camera   ready"  or  diskette)  in  which  it  is  accustomed  to  formatting
prospectuses  and/or  statements of additional  information and shall bear the
expense  of  providing   the   prospectus   and/or   statement  of  additional
information,  and any supplements  thereto,  in such format (e.g.  typesetting
expenses),  and AGL shall bear the expense of adjusting or changing the format
to  conform  with any of its  prospectuses  and/or  statements  of  additional
information.  At AGL's option and expense,  once a year (or more frequently if
the prospectus  and/or  statement of additional  information for the shares is
supplemented or amended), AGL may cause the Fund's prospectus and/or statement
of additional  information  to be printed  separately  and/or  together in one
document with the prospectus  and/or  statement of additional  information for
other investment  companies and/or for the Policies.  AGL shall be responsible
for the costs of printing the Fund's prospectus and/or statement of additional
information,   either   separately  or  in  combination   as  aforesaid,   and
distribution  to existing  Policy  owners  whose  Policies  are funded by such
shares and to prospective purchasers of Policies; provided that the Fund shall
be responsible for one-half of the cost of printing the Fund's prospectus in a
quantity sufficient to provide each existing Policy owner with a copy.

            (c)   The Fund will bear the costs of  preparing,  filing with the
SEC and setting for printing the Fund's periodic reports to shareholders,  the
Fund proxy material and other shareholder  communications  (collectively "Fund
Reports") and AGL will bear the costs  delivering the Fund Reports to existing
owners under the Policies (collectively, "Participants").

            (d)   AGL will bear the costs of  preparing,  filing with the SEC,
setting for printing,  printing and  delivering to  Participants  the Separate
Account's prospectus,  statement of additional information and any supplements
thereto (collectively, the "Separate Account Prospectus"), periodic


reports to Participants,  voting instruction  solicitation material, and other
Participant communications.


      The Fund,  AGL, AGSI and the  Distributor  each agrees to cooperate with
the others, as applicable, in arranging to print, mail and/or deliver combined
or  coordinated  prospectuses  or other  materials  of the  Fund and  Separate

                          SECTION 4. LEGAL COMPLIANCE

      4.1   TAX LAWS.

            (a)   The  Fund  represents  and  warrants  that  each  Series  is
currently qualified as a regulated investment company ("RIC") under Subchapter
M of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended  (the  "Code"),  and
represents  that  it  will  make  every  effort  to  qualify  and to  maintain
qualification of each Series as a RIC. The Fund or the Distributor will notify
AGL immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that a Series has
ceased to so qualify or that it might not so qualify in the future.

            (b)   AGL  represents and warrants that the Policies are currently
and at the time of issuance will be treated as life  insurance  policies under
applicable  provisions  of the Code  and that it will  make  every  effort  to
maintain  such  treatment.  AGL  will  notify  the  Fund  and the  Distributor
immediately  upon  having a  reasonable  basis for  believing  that any of the
Policies  have ceased to be so treated or that they might not be so treated in
the future.

            (c)   The  Fund  represents  and  warrants  that  each  Series  is
currently in compliance  with the  diversification  requirements  set forth in
Section 817(h) of the Code and Section  1.817-5 of the  regulations  under the
Code, and the Fund  represents that it will make every effort to maintain each
Series'  compliance with such  diversification  requirements.  The Fund or the
Distributor  will notify AGL  immediately  upon having a reasonable  basis for
believing  that a Series has ceased to so comply or that a Series might not so
comply in the future.


            (d)   AGL represents  and warrants that that the Separate  Account
is a "segregated asset account" and that interests in the Separate Account are
offered  exclusively  through the  purchase  of or  transfer  into a "variable
contract,"  within the meaning of such terms under Section  817(h) of the Code
and the regulations thereunder. AGL will make every effort to continue to meet
such  definitional  requirements,   and  it  will  notify  the  Fund  and  the
Distributor immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such
requirements  have  ceased  to be met or  that  they  might  not be met in the
future. quarter.

            (e)   The Fund represents  that, under the terms of its investment
advisory agreements with SAFECO Asset Management Company (the "Adviser"),  the
Adviser is and will be  responsible  for managing the Fund in compliance  with
the Fund's  investment  objectives,  policies and restrictions as set forth in
the Fund Prospectus.  The Fund represents that these objectives,  policies and
restrictions  do  and  will  include  operating  as a RIC in  compliance  with
Subchapter  M of the  Code and  Section  817(h)  of the  Code and  regulations
thereunder.  The Fund has adopted and will  maintain  procedures  for ensuring
that the Fund is managed in compliance  with  Subchapter M and Section  817(h)
and regulations  thereunder.  On request, the Fund shall also provide AGL with
such materials,  cooperation and assistance as may be reasonably necessary for
AGL or any  appropriate  person  designated by AGL to review from time to time
the procedures and practices of the Adviser or each sub-investment  adviser to
the Fund for ensuring that the Fund is managed in compliance with Subchapter M
and Section 817(h) and regulations thereunder.

In the event of any noncompliance regarding its status as a RIC, the Fund will
pursue those efforts  necessary to enable each affected Series to qualify once
again for  treatment  as a RIC in  compliance  with  Subchapter  M,  including
cooperation  in good  faith  with  AGL.  If the  Fund  does  not so  cure  the
noncompliance  regarding  its  status  under  Section  817(h),  the Fund  will
cooperate  in good  faith with  AGL's  efforts to obtain a ruling and  closing
agreement,  as  provided in Revenue  Procedure  92-25  issued by the  Internal
Revenue Service (or any applicable ruling or procedure  subsequently issued by
the Internal Revenue  Service),  that the Series satisfies  Section 817(h) for
the period or periods of




            (a)   The  Distributor and the Fund make no  representation  as to
whether any aspect of the Fund's  operations  complies with the insurance laws
or regulations of the various states.  The Fund will use reasonable efforts to
comply with any applicable state insurance laws or regulations,  to the extent
specifically requested in writing by AGL.

            (b)   AGL  represents  and  warrants  that (i) it is an  insurance
company duly organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Texas and has full corporate power,  authority and legal right
to execute,  deliver  and  perform its duties and comply with its  obligations
under  this  Agreement,  (ii)  it has  legally  and  validly  established  and
maintains  the Separate  Account as a segregated  asset  account under Article
3.75 of the  Texas  Insurance  Code,  and  (iii)  the  Policies  comply in all
material  respects  with all  other  applicable  federal  and  state  laws and

            (c)   AGL and AGSI  represent  and warrant that AGSI is a business
corporation duly organized,  validly existing,  and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Texas and has full corporate  power,  authority and legal
right to  execute,  deliver,  and  perform  its  duties  and  comply  with its
obligations under this Agreement.

            (d)   The  Distributor  represents  and  warrants  that  it  is  a
business  corporation duly organized,  validly existing,  and in good standing
under  the laws of the  State of  Washington  and has  full  corporate  power,
authority  and legal  right to  execute,  deliver,  and perform its duties and
comply with its obligations under this Agreement.

            (e)   The  Distributor and the Fund represent and warrant that the
Fund  is a  business  trust  duly  organized,  validly  existing,  and in good
standing  under  the  laws  of the  state  of  Delaware  and has  full  power,
authority,  and legal  right to execute,  deliver,  and perform its duties and


with its obligations under this Agreement.

      4.3   SECURITIES LAWS.

            (a)   AGL  represents  and warrants that (i) it has registered the
Separate  Account as a unit investment trust in accordance with the provisions
of the 1940 Act to serve as a segregated  investment  account for its variable
life insurance  policies,  including the Policies,  (ii) the Separate  Account
does and will comply in all material  respects  with the  requirements  of the
1940 Act and the rules  thereunder,  (iii)  the  Separate  Account's  1933 Act
registration statement relating to the Policies,  together with any amendments
thereto,  will  at  all  times  comply  in  all  material  respects  with  the
requirements  of the  1933  Act and the  rules  thereunder,(iv)  the  Separate
Account  Prospectus will at all times comply in all material respects with the
requirements  of the 1933 Act and the rules  thereunder;  and (v) interests in
the Separate  Account  pursuant to the Policies will be  registered  under the
1933 Act to the extent  required by the 1933 Act and the Policies will be duly
authorized for issuance and sold in compliance with all applicable federal and
state  laws and that the sale of the  Policies  will  comply  in all  material
respects with state insurance suitability requirements.

            (b)   The Fund and the Distributor  represent and warrant that (i)
Fund shares sold pursuant to this Agreement will be registered  under the 1933
Act to the extent  required by the 1933 Act and duly  authorized  for issuance
and sold in compliance  with  Washington law, (ii) the Fund is and will remain
registered  under the 1940 Act to the  extent  required  by the 1940 Act,  and
(iii) the Fund will amend the registration  statement for its shares under the
1933 Act and itself  under the 1940 Act from time to time as required in order
to effect the continuous offering of its shares.

            (c)   The Fund  represents and warrants that (i) the Fund does and
will comply in all material respects with the requirements of the 1940 Act and
the rules thereunder, (ii) its 1933 Act registration statement,  together with
any amendments thereto, will at all times comply in all material respects with
the  requirements  of the 1933 Act and  rules  thereunder,  and (iii) the Fund
Prospectus  will  at all  times  comply  in all  material  respects  with  the
requirements  of the  1933 Act and the  rules  thereunder.  

            (d)   The Fund will  register  and  qualify its shares for sale in
accordance with the laws of any state or other jurisdiction only if and to the
extent reasonably deemed advisable by the


Fund, AGL or any other life insurance company utilizing the Fund.

            (e)   AGL represents  and warrants that its  directors,  officers,
and employees,  if any,  dealing with the money and/or  securities of the Fund
are and shall  continue to be at all times covered by a blanket  fidelity bond
or similar coverage in an amount not less than $2 million.  The aforesaid bond
shall include  coverage for larceny and  embezzlement and shall be issued by a
reputable bonding company.

            (f)   The  Fund   represents  and  warrants  that  its  directors,
officers,  and employees,  if any, dealing with the money and/or securities of
the Fund are and  shall  continue  to be at all  times  covered  by a  blanket
fidelity  bond or  similar  coverage  in an amount  not less than the  minimal
coverage  as  required  currently  by Rule  17g-1 of the  1940 Act or  related
provisions as may be  promulgated  from time to time. The aforesaid bond shall
include  coverage  for  larceny  and  embezzlement  and  shall be  issued by a
reputable  bonding  company.  The Fund agrees that any amounts  received under
such bond that  arise from the  arrangements  contemplated  by this  Agreement
shall be held by them for the benefit of the Fund.


            (a)   The Distributor or the Fund shall promptly notify AGL of (i)
the  issuance by any court or  regulatory  body of any stop  order,  cease and
desist order,  or other similar order with respect to the Fund's  registration
statement under the 1933 Act or the Fund  Prospectus,  (ii) any request by the
SEC for any amendment to such registration statement or Fund Prospectus, (iii)
the  initiation of any  proceedings  for that purpose or for any other purpose
relating to the  registration  or offering of the Fund's  shares,  or (iv) any
other  action or  circumstances  that may prevent the lawful  offer or sale of
Fund shares in any state or jurisdiction,  including,  without limitation, any
circumstances  in which (x) the Fund's shares are not  registered  and, in all
material  respects,  issued and sold in accordance with  applicable  state and
federal law or (y) such law  precludes the use of such shares as an underlying
investment  medium  of  the  Policies  issued  or to be  issued  by  AGL.  The
Distributor  and the Fund will make every  reasonable  effort to  prevent  the
issuance of any stop order,  cease and desist  order or similar  order and, if
any such order is issued, to obtain the lifting thereof at


the earliest possible time.

            (b)   AGL or  AGSI  shall  promptly  notify  the  Fund  of (i) the
issuance by any court or regulatory  body of any stop order,  cease and desist
order,  or  other  similar  order  with  respect  to  the  Separate  Account's
registration  statement  under the 1933 Act  relating  to the  Policies or the
Separate Account Prospectus,  (ii) any request by the SEC for any amendment to
such  registration  statement  or  Separate  Account  prospectus,   (iii)  the
initiation  of any  proceedings  for that  purpose  or for any  other  purpose
relating to the  registration  or offering of the Separate  Account  interests
pursuant to the Policies,  (iv) any other action or circumstances that prevent
the  lawful  offer or sale of said  interests  in any  state or  jurisdiction,
including  without  limitation,  any circumstances in which said interests are
not registered and in all material respects issued and sold in accordance with
applicable  state and  federal  law.  AGL and AGSI will make every  reasonable
effort to prevent the  issuance of any stop order,  cease and desist  order or
similar order and, if any such order is issued,  to obtain the lifting thereof
at the earliest possible time.


      AGL will provide to the Fund one complete  copy of all SEC  registration
statements, Separate Account Prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports, any
preliminary and final voting instruction  solicitation material,  applications
for exemptions,  requests for no-action letters,  and all amendments to any of
the  above,   that   relate  to  the   Separate   Account  or  the   Policies,
contemporaneously  with  the  filing  of such  document  with the SEC or other
regulatory authorities.


      The Fund will provide to AGL one complete  copy of all SEC  registration
statements, Fund Prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports, any preliminary
and final proxy material,  applications for exemptions, requests for no-action
letters,  and all  amendments to any of the above,  that relate to the Fund or
its shares, contemporaneously with the filing of such document with the SEC or
other regulatory authorities.



            (a)   AGL will furnish, or will cause to be furnished, to the Fund
and  Distributor  for  review,   each  piece  of  sales  literature  or  other
promotional  material in which the Fund, or any Series thereof,  or Adviser is
named,  before such material is submitted to any  regulatory  body for review,
and in any event,  at least  fifteen (15)  Business  Days prior to its use. No
such  material will be used if the Fund or  Distributor  objects to its use in
writing within fifteen (15) Business Days after receipt of such material.

            (b)   Advertising  and sales  literature  with respect to AGL, the
Separate Account and/or the Policies prepared by the Fund,  Distributor or any
affiliate  thereof will be submitted to AGL for review before such material is
submitted  to any  regulatory  body for  review,  and in any  event,  at least
fifteen (15)  Business Days prior to its use. No such material will be used if
AGL objects to its use in writing  within  fifteen  (15)  Business  Days after
receipt of such material.

            (c)   The Fund and its  affiliates  and agents  shall not give any
information or make any  representations  on behalf of AGL or concerning  AGL,
the Separate Account or the Policies issued by AGL, other than the information
or  representations  contained in a  registration  statement or prospectus for
such Policies, as such registration statement and prospectus may be amended or
supplemented  from time to time,  or in  reports  of the  Separate  Account or
reports  prepared for  distribution  to owners of such  Policies,  or in sales
literature  or other  promotional  material  approved by AGL or its  designee,
without the written permission of AGL.

            (d)   AGL and  its  affiliates  and  agents  shall  not  give  any
information  or make any  representations  on behalf of the Fund or concerning
the  Fund  other  than  the  information  or  representations  contained  in a
Registration  Statement  or  prospectus  for the  Fund,  as such  Registration
Statement and prospectus may be amended or supplemented  from time to time, or
in reports  of the Fund or  reports  prepared  for  distribution  to owners of
shares of the Fund or for owners of the  Policies,  or in sales  literature or
other promotional  material approved by the Fund or its designee,  without the
written permission of the Fund.


            (e)   For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase "sales literature
or other  promotional  material" or words of similar import  include,  without
limitation,  advertisements (such as material published,  or designed for use,
in a newspaper,  magazine or other periodical,  radio, television,  electronic
media,  telephone or tape recording,  videotape display,  signs or billboards,
motion pictures or other public media),  sales literature (such as any written
communication  distributed  or made  generally  available  to customers or the
public, including brochures, circulars, research reports, market letters, form
letters,  seminar texts,  or reprints or excerpts of any other  advertisement,
sales literature, or published article),  educational or training materials or
other  communications  distributed or made generally  available to some or all
agents or  employees,  registration  statements,  prospectuses,  statements of
additional information, shareholder reports and proxy materials, and any other
material   constituting   sales  literature  or  advertising   under  National
Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  ("NASD") rules, the 1940 Act or the
1933 Act.

            (f)   AGL  will  bear  the  cost of  printing  and  delivering  to
prospective  purchasers  of the  Policies  Fund  and  Separate  Account  sales
literature  or other  promotional  material  and the cost of  filing  any such
materials with, and obtaining  approval from, any state  insurance  regulatory

                      SECTION 5. MIXED AND SHARED FUNDING

      5.1   GENERAL.

      The order Fund has obtained,  and AGL has received and reviewed,  a copy
of the amended and restated application for exemptive relief filed by the Fund
and certain  affiliates  on December  20, 1995 with the SEC and the  Exemptive
Order  issued by the SEC on January 17, 1996 in response  thereto  (Securities
and Exchange  Commission  Release No.  IC-21608 the "Mixed and Shared  Funding
Order")  exempting  it from  certain  provisions  of the  1940  Act and  rules
thereunder so that the Fund may be available  for  investment by certain other
entities,  including,  without limitation,  separate accounts funding variable
life insurance policies and variable annuity  contracts,  separate accounts of
insurance  companies  unaffiliated  with AGL and trustees of qualified pension


retirement plans ("Mixed and Shared Funding").  The Parties recognize that the
SEC has imposed terms and  conditions  for such orders that are  substantially
identical to many of the  provisions of this Section 5. The Parties  represent
and warrant  that they will comply  with the terms and  conditions  of the SEC
order, whether or not recited in this Section 5.


      The Fund agrees that the Board of Trustees shall at all times consist of
Trustees,  a  majority  of  whom  (the  "Disinterested   Directors")  are  not
interested  persons of the  Adviser or the  Distributor  within the meaning of
Section  2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act and the rules  thereunder and as modified by
any applicable  orders of the SEC, except that if this condition is not met by
reason of the death, disqualification, or bona fide resignation of any Trustee
or Trustees, then the operation of this condition shall be suspended (a) for a
period of 45 days if the  vacancy or  vacancies  may be filled by the Board of
Trustees;  (b) for a period of 60 days if a vote of  shareholders is permitted
to fill the vacancy or vacancies; or (c) for such longer period as the SEC may


      The  Fund  agrees  that the  Board  of  Trustees  will  monitor  for the
existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the
Participants of all separate  accounts of life insurance  companies  utilizing
the  Fund,  including  the  Separate  Account.  The  concept  of  a  "material
irreconcilable  conflict"  is not  defined  by  the  1940  Act  or  the  rules
thereunder,  but the Parties  recognize  that such a conflict  may arise for a
variety of reasons, including, without limitation:

            (a)   an  action  by  any  state  insurance  or  other  regulatory

            (b)   a change in applicable  federal or state  insurance,  tax or
securities  laws or  regulations,  or a public ruling,  private letter ruling,
no-action or interpretative letter, or any similar action by insurance, tax or
securities regulatory authorities;

            (c)   an  administrative  or  judicial  decision  in any  relevant


            (d)   the manner in which the  investments of any Series are being

            (e)   a  difference  in  voting  instructions  given  by  variable
insurancelife  insurance policy and variable annuity contract  participants or
by participants of different life insurance companies utilizing the Fund; or

            (f)   a decision by a life insurance company utilizing the Fund to
disregard  the  voting  instructions  of  participants.  AGL will  report  any
potential or existing  conflicts of which it becomes aware to the Fund's Board
of Trustees.  AGL will assist the Board in carrying  out its  responsibilities
under the Mixed and  Shared  Funding  Order by  providing  the Board  with all
information  reasonably necessary for the Board to consider any issues raised.
This assistance shall include,  but is not limited to, an obligation by AGL to
(i) inform the Board whenever the voting  instructions of the Policy owners or
Participants  are  disregarded,  and (ii) to submit to the Board such reports,
materials  or data as the Board may  reasonably  request so that the Board may
fully  carry out the  obligations  imposed  upon it by the  Mixed  and  Shared
Funding  Order,  and such reports,  materials and data shall be submitted more
frequently  if  deemed  appropriate  by the  Board.  AGL  will  carry  out its
responsibilities under this paragraph with a view only to the interests of the
Policy owners and Participants.


            (a)   It is agreed that if it is  determined  by a majority of the
members of the Board of Trustees or a majority of the  Disinterested  Trustees
that a material  irreconcilable  conflict  exists  affecting AGL, AGL will, at
theirits own expense and to the extent  reasonably  practicable (as determined
by a  majority  of  the  Disinterested  Trustees),  take  whatever  steps  are
necessary to remedy or eliminate the material irreconcilable  conflict,  which
steps may include, but are not limited to:

                  (i)   withdrawing  the  assets  allocable  to  the  separate
account from the Fund or any series and reinvesting such assets in a different
investment medium,  including another series of the Fund or another investment
company, or submitting the question whether such


segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected  Participants and,
as appropriate, segregating the assets of any particular group (E.G., variable
life  insurance  contract  owners,  variable  annuity  contract  owners or all
variable  contract  owners  and  participants  of one or more  life  insurance
companies  utilizing  the Fund)  that votes in favor of such  segregation,  or
offering to the affected  variable  contract owners or participants the option
of making such a change; and

                  (ii)  establishing  a new registered  investment  company of
the type defined as a "Management  Company" in Section 4(3) of the 1940 Act or
a new separate account that is operated as a Management Company.

            (b)   If the material  irreconcilable  conflict  arises because of
AGL's decision to disregard  Participant voting instructions and that decision
represents a minority  position or would  preclude a majority vote, AGL may be
required,   at  the  Fund's  election,  to  withdraw  the  Separate  Account's
investment  in the Fund.  No charge or penalty  will be imposed as a result of
such  withdrawal.  Any such withdrawal must take place within six months after
the Fund gives  notice to AGL that this  provision is being  implemented,  and
until such  withdrawal the  Distributor  and Fund shall continue to accept and
implement orders by AGL for the purchase and redemption of shares of the Fund.

            (c)   If a  material  irreconcilable  conflict  arises  because  a
particular state insurance  regulator's  decision  applicable to AGL conflicts
with the  majority  of other  state  regulators,  then AGL will  withdraw  the
Separate  Account's  investment in the Fund within six months after the Fund's
Board of Directors  informs AGL that it has determined  that such decision has
created a material  irreconcilable  conflict,  and until such  withdrawal  the
Distributor and Fund shall continue to accept and implement  orders by AGL for
the purchase and redemption of shares of the Fund.


            (d)   AGL agrees that any remedial action taken by it in resolving
any material  irreconcilable  conflict  will be carried out at its expense and
with a view only to the interests of Participants.

            (e)   For  purposes  hereof,  a  majority  of  the   Disinterested
Directors  will  determine  whether  or not  any  proposed  action  adequately
remedies any material irreconcilable  conflict. In no event, however, will the
Fund or the  Distributor be required to establish a new funding medium for any
Policies.  AGL will not be  required  by the terms  hereof to  establish a new
funding  medium for any  Policies  if any offer to do so has been  declined by
vote of a  majority  of  Participants  materially  adversely  affected  by the
material irreconcilable conflict.

      5.5   NOTICE TO AGL.

      The Fund  will  promptly  make  known  in  writing  to AGL the  Board of
Trustees'   determination  of  the  existence  of  a  material  irreconcilable
conflict,  a description  of the facts that give rise to such conflict and the
implications of such conflict.


      AGL will at least  annually  submit to the Board of Trustees of the Fund
such  reports,  materials  or data as the  Board of  Trustees  may  reasonably
request  so that the Board of  Trustees  may fully  carry out the  obligations
imposed upon it by the provisions hereof, and said reports, materials and data
will be submitted at any  reasonable  time deemed  appropriate by the Board of
Trustees.  All  reports  received by the Board of  Trustees  of  potential  or
existing  conflicts,  and  all  Board  of  Trustees  actions  with  regard  to
determining  the existence of a conflict,  notifying life insurance  companies
utilizing the Fund of a conflict,  and determining whether any proposed action
adequately  remedies a conflict,  will be properly  recorded in the minutes of
the Board of Trustees or other appropriate  records, and such minutes or other
records will be made available to the SEC upon request.



      If, at any time during  which the Fund is serving an  investment  medium
for  variable  life  insurance  policies,   1940  Act  Rules  6e-3(T)  or,  if
applicable,  6e-2 are  amended or Rule 6e-3 is  adopted  to provide  exemptive
relief with respect to mixed and shared  funding,  the Parties agree that they
will comply with the terms and  conditions  thereof and that the terms of this
Section 5 shall be deemed modified if and only to the extent required in order
also to comply with the terms and conditions of such exemptive  relief that is
afforded by any of said rules that are applicable.

                            SECTION 6. TERMINATION


      Subject to Section 6.4 below,  this  Agreement  will  terminate  as to a

            (a)   at the option of AGL, the  Distributor  or the Fund upon (i)
at least six months'  advance  written  notice to the other  Parties  unless a
shorter time period is agreed to by the parties, (b) at the option of the Fund

                  (i)   at least  sixty  days  advance  written  notice to the
other parties, and

                  (ii)  the  approval by (x) a majority  of the  Disinterested
Directors or (y) a majority vote of the shares of the affected Series that are
held in the  corresponding  Divisions of the Separate Account (pursuant to the
procedures  set forth in Section 10 of this Agreement for voting Series shares
in accordance with Participant instructions);or

            (c)   at  the  option  of  the  Fund  upon  written   notice  upon
institution  of formal  proceedings  against AGL or AGSI by the SEC, the NASD,
any state  insurance  regulator or any other  regulatory  body regarding AGL's
duties  under  this  Agreement  or related  to the sale of the  Policies,  the
operation of the Separate Account,  or the purchase of the Fund shares, if, in
each case, the Fund reasonably determines that such proceedings,  or the facts
on which such proceedings may be based, have a material likelihood of imposing
material adverse consequences on the Series to be terminated; or


            (d)   at the option of AGL upon written notice upon institution of
formal proceedings against the Fund, the Adviser or any sub-investment adviser
to the Fund, or the Distributor by the NASD, the SEC, or any state  securities
or insurance  department or any other  regulatory  body, if, in each case, AGL
reasonably  determines  that  such  proceedings,  or the  facts on which  such
proceedings  may be based,  have a material  likelihood  of imposing  material
adverse consequences on AGL, AGSI or the Division  corresponding to the Series
to be terminated; or

            (e)   at the option of any Party upon  occurrence  without written
notice in the event that (i) the Series's  shares are not  registered  and, in
all material respects, issued and sold in accordance with applicable state and
federal law or (ii) such law precludes the use of such shares as an underlying
investment medium of the Policies issued or to be issued by AGL; or

            (f)   upon termination of the corresponding  Division's investment
in the Series pursuant to Section 5 hereof; or

            (g)   at the  option  of AGL upon  written  notice  if the  Series
ceases to qualify as a RIC under  Subchapter M of the Code or under  successor
or similar provisions,  or if AGL reasonably believes that the Series may fail
to so qualify; or

            (h)   at the option of AGL upon written notice if the Series fails
to  comply  with  Section  817(h)  of the Code or with  successor  or  similar
provisions,  or if AGL  reasonably  believes  that the  Series  may fail to so

            (i)   at the  option  of  the  Fund  upon  written  notice  if the
Policies cease to qualify as annuity contracts or life insurance contracts, as
applicable,  under  the  Code,  or if the Fund  reasonably  believes  that the
Policies may fail to so qualify; or

            (j)   at the option of the Fund, upon AGL's breach of any material
provision  of  this  Agreement,  which  breach  has  not  been  cured  to  the
satisfaction of the Fund within thirty (30) days


after written notice of such breach is delivered to AGL; or

            (k)   at the option of AGL, upon the Fund's breach of any material
provision  of  this  Agreement,  which  breach  has  not  been  cured  to  the
satisfaction  of AGL  within  thirty  (30) days after  written  notice of such
breach is delivered to the Fund; or

            (l)   at the  option  of the  Fund  upon  written  notice,  if the
Policies are not  registered,  issued or sold in  accordance  with  applicable
federal and/or state law and any applicable rules and regulations  thereunder;

            (m)   effective immediately in the event the agreement is assigned
without the prior written consent of all parties.


      Except (i) as necessary to implement Participant initiated transactions,
(ii) as required by state  insurance  laws or  regulations,  (iii) as required
pursuant to Section 5 of this Agreement, or (iv) with respect to any Series as
to which this Agreement has  terminated,  AGL shall not (x) redeem Fund shares
attributable to the Policies (as opposed to Fund shares  attributable to AGL's
assets  held  in the  Separate  Account),  or (y)  prevent  Participants  from
allocating  payments  to or  transferring  amounts  from  a  Series  that  was
otherwise  available  under the Policies,  until,  in either case, 90 calendar
days after AGL shall have notified the Fund or Distributor of its intention to
do so.


      All warranties and indemnifications will survive the termination of this


      If any Party  terminates  this  Agreement  with  respect  to any  Series
pursuant to Section 6.1 hereof, this Agreement shall nevertheless  continue in
effect as to any shares of that Series that are


outstanding  as of the  date of such  termination  (the  "Initial  Termination
Date").  This continuation shall extend to the earlier of the date as of which
the  Separate  Account  owns no shares of the  affected  Series or a date (the
"Final Termination  Date") six months following the Initial  Termination Date,
except that (i) AGL may, by written notice to the other Parties,  shorten said
six month  period in the case of a  termination  pursuant to Sections  6.1(d),
6.1(e) 6.1(g) 6.1(k) or 6.1(m) and (ii) the Fund may, by written notice to the
other  Parties,  shorten  said 6 month  period  in the  case of a  termination
pursuant to Sections 6.1(b),  6.1(c), 6.1(f), 6.1(h), 6.1(i), 6.1(j) 6.1(l) or


      The Parties  agree to cooperate  and give  reasonable  assistance to one
another in taking  all  necessary  and  appropriate  steps for the  purpose of
ensuring that the Separate  Account owns no shares of a Series after the Final
Termination  Date  with  respect  thereto,  or,  in the case of a  termination
pursuant to Section 6.1(a),  the  termination  date specified in the notice of

                             SECTION 8. ASSIGNMENT

      This Agreement may not be assigned,  except with the written  consent of
each other Party.

                              SECTION 9. NOTICES

      Notices and  communications  required or  permitted  by Section 2 hereof
will be given by means  mutually  acceptable  to the Parties  concerned.  Each
other notice or communication  required or permitted by this Agreement will be
given to the  following  persons  at the  following  addresses  and  facsimile
numbers,  or such other persons,  addresses or facsimile  numbers as the Party
receiving such notices or communications may subsequently direct in writing:


                             American General Life
                               Insurance Company
                             2727-A Allen Parkway
                             Houston, Texas 77019
                            Attn: Steven A. Glover
                               FAX: 713-831-3071

                          American General Securities
                              2727 Allen Parkway
                             Houston, Texas 77019
                            Attn: Steven A. Glover
                               FAX: 713-831-3071

                         SAFECO Resource Series Trust
                           4333 Brooklyn Avenue N.E.
                           Seattle, Washington 98185
                             Attn: Neal A. Fuller
                              FAX: 206-548- 7150

                            SAFECO Securities, Inc.
                           4333 Brooklyn Avenue N.E.
                           Seattle, Washington 98185
                             Attn: Neal A. Fuller
                              FAX: 206-548- 7150

                         SECTION 10. VOTING PROCEDURES

      Subject to the cost allocation procedures set forth in Section 3 hereof,
AGL will  distribute all proxy material  furnished by the Fund to Participants
and will vote Fund  shares  in  accordance  with  instructions  received  from
Participants.  AGL will  vote Fund  shares  that are (a) not  attributable  to
Participants  or  (b)   attributable  to   Participants,   but  for  which  no
instructions  have been  received,  in the same  proportion as Fund shares for
which said instructions have been received from Participants.  AGL agrees that
it will disregard  Participant  voting  instructions only to the extent (i) it
would be  permitted  to do so pursuant to Rule  6e-3(T)(b)(15)(iii)  under the
1940 Act if the Policies were variable life insurance policies subject to that
rule or (ii) it is permitted under applicable state


insurance laws  affecting the Fund. AGL will be responsible  for assuring that
the Separate Account  calculates voting privileges in a manner consistent with
that of other participating life insurance companies that utilize the Fund.

                        SECTION 11. FOREIGN TAX CREDITS

      The Fund agrees to consult in advance with AGL  concerning  any decision
to elect or not to elect  pursuant to Section 853 of the Code to pass  through
the benefit of any foreign tax credits to its shareholders.

                          SECTION 12. INDEMNIFICATION


            (a)   Except  to the  extent  provided  in  Sections  12.1(b)  and
12.1(c),  below,  AGL agrees to indemnify  and hold  harmless the Fund and the
Distributor,  each of their respective affiliates, and each of their directors
and officers,  employees and agents, and each person, if any, who controls the
Fund or the  Distributor  within  the  meaning  of  Section 15 of the 1933 Act
(collectively,  the  "Indemnified  Parties" for purposes of this Section 12.1)
against any and all losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities (including amounts
paid in  settlement  with the  written  consent  of AGL) or actions in respect
thereof (including,  to the extent reasonable,  legal and other expenses),  to
which  the   Indemnified   Parties  may  become  subject  under  any  statute,
regulation,  at common  law or  otherwise,  insofar  as such  losses,  claims,
damages,  liabilities,  actions,  or  settlements  are  related to the sale or
acquisition of the Fund's shares or the Policies and:

                  (i)   arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or
alleged  untrue  statement  of any  material  fact  contained  in the Separate
Account's 1933 Act registration  statement,  the Separate Account  Prospectus,
the Policies  or, to the extent  prepared by AGL or AGSI,  or agents  thereof,
sales literature or advertising for the Policies (or any


amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing), or arise out of or are based
upon the  omission or the alleged  omission to state  therein a material  fact
required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements  therein not
misleading;  provided that this  agreement to indemnify  shall not apply as to
any Indemnified  Party if such statement or omission or such alleged statement
or  omission  was made in reliance  upon and in  conformity  with  information
furnished to AGL or AGSI, or agents  thereof by or on behalf of the Fund,  the
Distributor  or the  Adviser  for  use  in the  Separate  Account's  1933  Act
registration  statement,  the Separate Account  Prospectus,  the Policies,  or
sales  literature or advertising (or any amendment or supplement to any of the
foregoing) or otherwise for use in connection with the sale of the Policies or
Fund shares; or

                  (ii)  arise out of or as a result of any other statements or
representations  (other than  statements or  representations  contained in the
Fund's 1933 Act registration statement,  Fund Prospectus,  sales literature or
advertising  of  the  Fund,  or  any  amendment  or  supplement  to any of the
foregoing,  not  supplied  for use  therein by or on behalf of AGL or AGSI) or
wrongful  conduct of AGL or AGSI or persons  under their  control  (including,
without limitation,  their employees and "Associated Persons," as that term is
defined in paragraph  (m) of Article I of the NASD's  By-Laws),  in connection
with the sale or distribution of the Policies or Fund shares; or

                  (iii) arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or
alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Fund's 1933 Act
registration  statement,  Fund Prospectus,  sales literature or advertising of
the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing,


or the omission or alleged  omission to state therein a material fact required
to be  stated  therein  or  necessary  to  make  the  statements  therein  not
misleading  if such a statement or omission  was made in reliance  upon and in
conformity  with  information  furnished to the Fund by or on behalf of AGL or
AGSI for use in the Fund's 1933 Act registration  statement,  Fund Prospectus,
sales literature or advertising of the Fund, or any amendment or supplement to
any of the foregoing; or

                  (iv)  arise as a  result  of any  failure  by AGL or AGSI to
perform the  obligations,  provide  the  services  and  furnish the  materials
required of them under the terms of this Agreement,  or any material breach of
any  representation  and/or warranty made by the AGL or AGSI in this Agreement
or arise out of or result from any other material  breach of this Agreement by

            (b)   AGL shall not be liable under this indemnification provision
with respect to any losses, claims,  damages,  liabilities or actions to which
an  Indemnified  Party  would  otherwise  be  subject  by  reason  of  willful
misfeasance,  bad  faith,  or  gross  negligence  in the  performance  by that
Indemnified  Party of its  duties or by reason of its  reckless  disregard  of
obligations  or duties under this  Agreement or to the  Distributor  or to the

            (c)   AGL shall not be liable under this indemnification provision
with  respect  to  any  action  against  an  Indemnified   Party  unless  such
Indemnified  Party shall have notified AGL in writing within a reasonable time
after the summons or other  first  legal  process  giving  information  of the
nature of the action  shall have been served upon such  Indemnified  Party (or
after such Indemnified Party shall have received notice of such service on any
designated  agent),  but  failure to notify AGL of any such  action  shall not
relieve  AGL from any  liability  which it may have to the  Indemnified  Party
against  whom  such  action  is  brought  otherwise  than on  account  of this
indemnification provision.


In case any such action is brought against an Indemnified  Party, AGL shall be
entitled to  participate,  at its own expense,  in the defense of such action.
AGL also  shall be  entitled  to assume  the  defense  thereof,  with  counsel
approved by the  Indemnified  Party named in the action,  which approval shall
not be unreasonably withheld.  After notice from AGL to such Indemnified Party
of AGL's election to assume the defense  thereof,  the Indemnified  Party will
cooperate  fully  with  AGL and  shall  bear  the  fees  and  expenses  of any
additional  counsel  retained  by it,  and  AGL  will  not be  liable  to such
Indemnified  Party  under  this  Agreement  for any  legal or  other  expenses
subsequently  incurred by such Indemnified  Party  independently in connection
with the defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.


            (a)   Except  to the  extent  provided  in  Sections  12.2(b)  and
12.2(c)  hereof,  the  Distributor  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AGL,
AGSI,  each of their  respective  affiliates,  and each of their directors and
officers,  employees and agents,  and each person, if any, who controls AGL or
AGSI,  within the  meaning of  Section 15 of the 1933 Act  (collectively,  the
"Indemnified  Parties" for purposes of this Section  12.2) against any and all
losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities  (including amounts paid in settlement
with the written  consent of the  Distributor)  or actions in respect  thereof
(including,  to the extent reasonable,  legal and other expenses) to which the
Indemnified  Parties may become  subject  under any  statute,  regulation,  at
common law or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities,
actions,  or settlements  are related to the sale or acquisition of the Fund's
shares or the Policies and:

                  (i)   arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or
alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Fund's 1933 Act
registration  statement,  Fund Prospectus,  sales literature or advertising of
the Fund or, to the  extent  not  prepared  by AGL or AGSI or agents  thereof,
sales  literature  or  advertising  for  the  Policies  (or any  amendment  or
supplement  to any of the  foregoing),  or arise out of or are based  upon the
omission or the alleged omission to state therein


a  material  fact  required  to be stated  therein  or  necessary  to make the
statements  therein not misleading;  provided that this agreement to indemnify
shall not apply as to any  Indemnified  Party if such statement or omission or
such alleged statement or omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity
with information  furnished to the Distributor or Fund or agents thereof by or
on  behalf  of AGL  or  AGSI  for  use in the  Fund's  1933  Act  registration
statement,  Fund  Prospectus,  or in sales  literature or advertising  (or any
amendment or  supplement  to any of the  foregoing)  or  otherwise  for use in
connection with the sale of the Policies or Fund shares; or

                  (ii)  arise out of or as a result of any other statements or
representations  (other than  statements or  representations  contained in the
Separate   Account's  1933  Act  registration   statement,   Separate  Account
Prospectus, sales literature or advertising for the Policies, or any amendment
or supplement to any of the  foregoing,  not supplied for use therein by or on
behalf of the  Distributor,  Fund or Adviser) or the  wrongful  conduct of the
Fund or  Distributor,  or persons  under  their  control  (including,  without
limitation,  their employees and Associated  Persons),  in connection with the
sale or distribution of the Policies or Fund shares; or

                  (iii) arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or
alleged  untrue  statement  of any  material  fact  contained  in the Separate
Account's 1933 Act registration statement,  Separate Account Prospectus, sales
literature  or  advertising  covering  the  Policies,   or  any  amendment  or
supplement  to any of the  foregoing,  or the omission or alleged  omission to
state therein a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to
make the statements therein not misleading, if such


statement  or  omission  was  made in  reliance  upon and in  conformity  with
information  furnished to AGL or AGSI by or on behalf of the Fund, the Adviser
or the  Distributor  for use in the Separate  Account's 1933 Act  registration
statement,  Separate  Account  Prospectus,  sales  literature  or  advertising
covering the Policies, or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing;
or arise as a result of any failure by the Fund or the  Distributor to perform
the  obligations,  provide the services and furnish the materials  required of
them  under  the  terms  of this  Agreement,  or any  material  breach  of any
representation  and/or  warranty made by the Fund or the  Distributor  in this
Agreement  or arise out of or result  from any other  material  breach of this
Agreement by the Fund or the Distributor;

            (b)   Except  to the  extent  provided  in  Sections  12.2(c)  and
12.2(d)  hereof,  the  Distributor  agrees to indemnify  and hold harmless the
Indemnified  Parties  from and against any and all  losses,  claims,  damages,
liabilities  (including  amounts paid in  settlement  thereof with the written
consent of the Fund) or actions in respect thereof  (including,  to the extent
reasonable,  legal and other  expenses) to which the  Indemnified  Parties may
become  subject  directly or  indirectly  under any statute,  at common law or
otherwise,  insofar as such losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities or actions
directly or  indirectly  result from or arise out of the failure of any Series
to operate as a regulated investment company in compliance with (i) Subchapter
M of the Code and  regulations  thereunder or (ii) Section  817(h) of the Code
and regulations thereunder, including without limitation, any income taxes and
related  penalties,   rescission   charges,   liability  under  state  law  to
Participants asserting liability against AGL or AGSI pursuant to the Policies,
the costs of any ruling and closing  agreement  or other  settlement  with the
IRS, and the cost of any  substitution by AGL of shares of another  investment
company or portfolio for those of any adversely  affected  Series as a funding
medium for each  Separate  Account  that AGL  reasonably  deems  necessary  or
appropriate as a result of the noncompliance.


            (c)   The Fund and the Distributor  shall not be liable under this
indemnification  provision  with  respect  to  any  losses,  claims,  damages,
liabilities  or actions  to which an  Indemnified  Party  would  otherwise  be
subject by reason of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith, or gross  negligence in
the  performance by that  Indemnified  Party of its duties or by reason of its
reckless  disregard of obligations  and duties under this Agreement or to AGL,
AGSI or the Separate Account.

            (d)   The Fund and the Distributor  shall not be liable under this
indemnification  provision  with respect to any action  against an Indemnified
Party  unless  such  Indemnified  Party shall have  notified  the Fund and the
Distributor  in writing  within a  reasonable  time after the summons or other
first legal process giving  information of the nature of the action shall have
been served upon such Indemnified Party (or after such Indemnified Party shall
have received notice of such service on any designated  agent), but failure to
notify the  Distributor  of any such action shall not relieve the  Distributor
from any  liability  which it may have to the  Indemnified  Party against whom
such  action is brought  otherwise  than on  account  of this  indemnification
provision.  In case any such action is brought  against an Indemnified  Party,
the Distributor  will be entitled to participate,  at its own expense,  in the
defense of such action.  The Distributor  also shall be entitled to assume the
defense thereof,  with counsel approved by the Indemnified  Party named in the
action, which approval shall not be unreasonably  withheld.  After notice from
the Distributor to such  Indemnified  Party of the  Distributor's  election to
assume the defense  thereof,  the Indemnified  Party will cooperate fully with
the Distributor and shall bear the fees and expenses of any additional counsel
retained  by it, and the  Distributor  will not be liable to such  Indemnified
Party  under  this  Agreement  for any  legal or other  expenses  subsequently
incurred  by such  Indemnified  Party  independently  in  connection  with the
defense thereof, other than reasonable costs of investigation.

      12.3  EFFECT OF NOTICE.

      Any  notice  given by the  indemnifying  Party to an  Indemnified  Party
referred to in Section  12.1 or 12.2 above of  participation  in or control of
any  action  by the  indemnifying  Party  will in no event be  deemed to be an
admission   by  the   indemnifying   Party  of   liability,   culpability   or
responsibility,  and the  indemnifying  Party  will  remain  free  to  contest
liability with respect to the claim among the Parties


or otherwise.

      12.4  SUCCESSORS.

      A successor by law of any Party shall be entitled to the benefits of the
indemnification contained in this Section 12.

                          SECTION 13. APPLICABLE LAW

      This Agreement will be construed and the provisions  hereof  interpreted
under and in accordance  with Delaware  law,  without  regard for that state's
principles of conflict of laws.


      This   Agreement  may  be  executed   simultaneously   in  two  or  more
counterparts,  each of which taken  together will  constitute one and the same

                           SECTION 15. SEVERABILITY

      If any  provision  of this  Agreement is held or made invalid by a court
decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement will not
be affected thereby.

                         SECTION 16. RIGHTS CUMULATIVE

      The rights,  remedies and  obligations  contained in this  Agreement are
cumulative  and  are  in  addition  to  any  and  all  rights,   remedies  and
obligations,  at law or in equity,  that the  Parties  are  entitled  to under
federal and state laws.

                             SECTION 17. HEADINGS


      The  Table of  Contents  and  headings  used in this  Agreement  are for
purposes  of  reference  only and shall not limit or define the meaning of the
provisions of this Agreement.

                      SECTION 18. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

It is understood and expressly  stipulated  that neither the  shareholders  of
shares of any Series nor the  Trustees  or  officers of the Fund or any Series
shall be  personally  liable  hereunder.  No Series  shall be  liable  for the
liabilities of any other Series. All persons dealing with the Fund or a Series
must look solely to the property of the Fund or that Series, respectively, for
enforcement  of any  claims  against  the  Fund  or  that  Series.  It is also
understood  that each of the  Series  shall be deemed  to be  entering  into a
separate  Agreement with AGL so that it is as if each of the Series had signed
a  separate  Agreement  with AGL and that a single  document  is being  signed
simply to facilitate the execution and administration of the Agreement.

                                  SECTION 19

No provision of this Agreement may be amended or modified in any manner except
by a written agreement properly authorized and executed by all Parties.


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Parties  have  caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed  in their  names  and on  their  behalf  by and  through  their  duly
authorized officers signing below.

                               AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

                               By      __________________________________
                                       Don M. Ward
                               Title   SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT-VARIABLE PRODUCTS


                               By      __________________________________
                                       F. Paul Kovach
                               Title   PRESIDENT

                               SAFECO RESOURCE SERIES TRUST

                               By      __________________________________
                                       Neal A. Fuller
                               Title   VICE PRESIDENT & CONTROLLER

                               SAFECO SECURITIES, INC.

                               By      __________________________________
                                       Neal A. Fuller
                               Title   VICE PRESIDENT & CONTROLLER