
      AGREEMENT  made  as of the  _____  day of  _______________,  1998 by and
between  ("Distributor"),  a _______________  corporation and American General
Life Insurance Company ("Company"), a Texas corporation.


      WHEREAS, each of the investment companies listed on Schedule A hereto as
such Schedule may be amended from time to time (collectively the "Funds," each
a "Fund") are investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act
of 1940, as amended (the "Act"); and

      WHEREAS, Company has entered into a Participation Agreement with each of
the Funds listed on Schedule A hereto; and

      WHEREAS, _______________ ("Adviser") provides investment advisory and/or
administrative services to the Funds; and

      WHEREAS, Distributor is the distributor for the Funds; and

      WHEREAS,  the parties  hereto have agreed to arrange  separately for the
performance of  administrative  services (the  "Administrative  Services") for
owners of shares of the Funds who maintain their shares in a variable  annuity
and/or variable life separate account with Company; and

      WHEREAS,  Distributor  desires  Company to  perform  such  services  and
Company  is  willing  and able to  furnish  such  services  on the  terms  and
conditions hereinafter set forth.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
hereinafter contained, each party hereto severally agrees as follows:

1.    Company  agrees to perform  the  Administrative  Services  specified  in
Exhibit A hereto for the benefit of the shareholders of the Funds who maintain
their  shares of any such  Funds in  variable  annuity  and/or  variable  life
insurance  separate accounts with Company and whose shares are included in the
master  account  ("Master  Account")  referred to in  paragraph 1 of Exhibit A
(collectively, the Company Customers").

2.    Company  represents  and agrees that it will  maintain  and preserve all
records as required by law to be maintained  and preserved in connection  with
providing the  Administrative  Services,  and will  otherwise  comply with all
laws, rules and regulations  applicable to the Administrative  Services.  Upon
the request of  Distributor  or its  representatives,  Company  shall  provide
copies of all the  historical  records  relating to  transactions  between the
Funds and Company Customers, and written

communications  regarding  the  Fund(s)  to or from such  Customers  and other
materials,  in each case as may reasonably be requested to enable  Distributor
or its  representatives,  including  without  limitation  its auditors,  legal
counsel or distributor,  to monitor and review the Administrative Services, or
to comply with any request of the board of  directors,  or trustees or general
partners  (collectively,  the  "Directors")  of any Fund or of a  governmental
body,  self-regulatory  organization or a shareholder.  Company agrees that it
will permit Distributor, the Funds or their representatives to have reasonable
access to its personnel and records in order to facilitate  the  monitoring of
the quality of the services.

3.    Company may, with the consent of Distributor, contract with or establish
relationships  with other  parties  for the  provision  of the  Administrative
Services or other  activities of Company  required by the Agreement,  provided
that Company  shall be fully  responsible  for the acts and  omissions of such
other parties.

4.    Company hereby agrees to notify  Distributor  promptly if for any reason
it is unable to perform fully and promptly any of its  obligations  under this

5.    Company hereby  represents and covenants that it does not, and will not,
own or hold or control  with  power to vote any shares of the Funds  which are
registered  in the name of  Company or the name of its  nominee  and which are
maintained in Company variable annuity accounts.  Company  represents  further
that it is not registered as a broker-dealer under the Securities Exchange Act
of  1934,  as  amended  (the"1934  Act"),  and  it is  not  required  to be so
registered,  including  as a  result  of  entering  into  this  Agreement  and
performing the Administrative Services.

6.    The  provisions of the Agreement  shall in no way limit the authority of
Distributor,  or any Fund or  Distributor  to take such  action as any of such
parties may deem  appropriate  or  advisable  in  connection  with all matters
relating to the operations of any of such Funds and/or sale of its shares.

7.    In  consideration of the performance of the  Administrative  Services by
Client,  Distributor  agrees to pay  Company a monthly  fee at an annual  rate
which  shall  equal % of the value of each  Fund's  average  daily net  assets
maintained in the Master Account for Company Customers.  The foregoing payment
may be paid by  Distributor  to Company  annually.  Such  payment will be made
within thirty (30) days  following the end of each calendar year. The payments
by Distributor to Company relate solely to Administrative Services only and do
not constitute payment in any manner for  Administrative  Services provided by
Company to Company  Customers or any separate account organized by Company for
any investment  advisory services or for costs of distribution of any variable
insurance contracts.

8.    Company shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the Funds, Distributor
and Distributor and each of their respective  officers,  directors,  employees
and agents from and against any and all losses, claims, damages,  expenses, or
liabilities  that  any  one or  more  of  them  may  incur  including  without
limitation  reasonable  attorneys' fees,  expenses and costs arising out of or
related   to  the   performance   or   non-performance   of   Company  of  its
responsibilities under this Agreement.


9.    This Agreement may be terminated  without penalty at any time by Company
or by Distributor as to all of the Funds  collectively,  upon 180 days written
notice to the other party.  The  provisions  of  paragraphs  2, 8 and 10 shall
continue  in full  force  and  effect  after  termination  of this  Agreement.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  this Agreement  shall not require  Company to
preserve  any  records (in any medium or format)  relating  to this  Agreement
beyond the time periods otherwise required by the laws to which Company or the
Funds are subject  provided that such records shall be offered to the Funds in
the event Company  decides to no longer  preserve such records  following such
time periods.

10.   After the date of any  termination of this Agreement in accordance  with
paragraph  9, no fee will be due with  respect to any amounts  first placed in
the Master Account for Company  Customers after the date of such  termination.
However,  notwithstanding  any  such  termination,   Distributor  will  remain
obligated to pay Company the fee  specified in paragraph 7 with respect to the
value of each Fund's average daily net assets maintained in the Master Account
as of the date of such  termination,  for so long as such  amounts are held in
the  Master  Account  and  Company  continues  to provide  the  Administrative
Services with respect to such amounts in conformity with this Agreement.  This
Agreement,  or any provision hereof,  shall survive  termination to the extent
necessary  for each party to perform its  obligations  with respect to amounts
for which a fee continues to be due subsequent to such termination.

11.   Company understands and agrees that the obligations of Distributor under
this Agreement are not binding upon any of the Funds,  upon any of their Board
members or upon any shareholder of any of the Funds.

12.   It is understood  and agreed that in performing  the services under this
Agreement Company,  acting in its capacity described herein,  shall at no time
be  acting  as an agent  for  Distributor,  Distributor  or any of the  Funds.
Company   agrees,   and  agrees  to  cause  its   agents,   not  to  make  any
representations  concerning  a Fund  except  those  contained  in  the  Fund's
then-current  prospectus;  in current sales literature  furnished by the Fund,
Distributor or Distributor  to Company;  in the then current  prospectus for a
variable  annuity contract or variable life insurance policy issued by Company
or then  current  sales  literature  with  respect  to such  variable  annuity
contract or variable life insurance policy, approved by Distributor.

13.   This Agreement,  including the provisions set forth herein in Section 7,
may only be amended pursuant to a written instrument signed by the party to be
charged. This Agreement may not be assigned by a party hereto, by operation of
law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other party.

14.   This  Agreement   shall  be  governed  by  the  laws  of  the  State  of
_______________,  without  giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law
of such jurisdiction.


15.   This  Agreement,  including  its Exhibit and Schedule,  constitutes  the
entire  agreement  between the parties with respect to the matters  dealt with
herein and  supersedes  any previous  agreements and documents with respect to
such matters.

IN WITNESS  HEREOF,  the  parties  hereto have  executed  and  delivered  this
Agreement as of the date first above written.


By:  ____________________________
         Authorized Signatory

Print or Type Name

By:  ____________________________
         Authorized Signatory

Print or Type Name


                                  SCHEDULE A

 INVESTMENT COMPANY NAME:                                   FND NAME(S):


                                   EXHIBIT A

Pursuant to the  Agreement  by and among the  parties  hereto,  Company  shall
perform the following Administrative Services:

1.    Maintain separate records for each Company Customer, which records shall
reflect  shares  purchased  and redeemed  and share  balances.  Company  shall
maintain the Master  Account with the transfer  agent of the Fund on behalf of
Company  Customers and such Master  Account shall be in the name of Company or
its nominee as the record owner of the shares owned by such Company Customers.

2.    For each Fund,  disburse or credit to Company  Customers all proceeds of
redemptions  of shares of the Fund and all dividends  and other  distributions
not reinvested in shares of the Fund or paid to the Separate  Account  holding
the Customers' interests.

3.    Prepare and transmit to Company  Customers  periodic account  statements
showing the total number of shares  owned by the Customer as of the  statement
closing date,  purchases and redemptions of Fund shares by the Customer during
the period covered by the statement, and the dividends and other distributions
paid to the Customer  during the  statement  period  (whether  paid in cash or
reinvested in Fund shares).

4.    Transmit  to Company  Customers  proxy  materials  and reports and other
information  received by Company from any of the Funds and required to be sent
to  shareholders  under the federal  securities  laws and, upon request of the
Fund's  transfer   agent,   transmit  to  Company   Customers   material  fund
communications  deemed by the Fund,  through its Board of  Directors  or other
similar  governing  body,  to be necessary  and proper for receipt by all fund
beneficial shareholders.

5.    Transmit to the Fund's transfer agent purchase and redemption  orders on
behalf of Company Customers.

6.    Provide to the Funds,  or to the transfer agent for any of the Funds, or
any of the agents  designated by any of them,  such periodic  reports as shall
reasonably  be  concluded  to be necessary to enable each of the Funds and its
distributor to comply with State Blue Sky requirements.
