Moog Inc., East Aurora, New York 14052



          NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders of MOOG Inc. will be held in the Auditorium of the
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1285 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New
York, on Wednesday, February 9, 1994, at 9:00 a.m., for the
following purposes:

          1.   To elect two directors of the Company, one of whom
               will be a Class A director, elected by the holders
               of Class A shares, and one of whom will be a
               Class B director, elected by the holders of
               Class B shares, to serve three year terms expiring
               in 1997, or until the election and qualification
               of their successors.

          2.   To consider and ratify the selection of KPMG Peat
               Marwick, independent certified public accountants,
               as auditors of the Company for the 1994 fiscal

          3.   To consider and transact such other business as
               may properly come before the meeting or any
               adjournment or adjournments thereof.

          The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business
on December 19, 1993, as the record date for determining which
shareholders shall be entitled to notice of and to vote at such

                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                              John B. Drenning, Secretary

Dated:    East Aurora, New York
          January 7, 1994

                         PROXY STATEMENT


                            MOOG INC.


                       ON FEBRUARY 9, 1994

          This Proxy Statement is furnished to shareholders by
the Board of Directors of MOOG Inc. (the "Company") in connection
with the solicitation of proxies for use at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders on Wednesday, February 9, 1994, at 9:00 a.m., and at
any adjournments thereof, for the purposes set forth in the
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  This
Proxy Statement and accompanying proxy will be mailed to
shareholders on or about January 7, 1994.

          If the enclosed form of proxy is properly executed and
returned, the shares represented thereby will be voted in
accordance with the instructions thereon.  Unless otherwise
specified, the proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to vote
the shares represented by the proxy "FOR" Proposal 1, the
election of directors, and "FOR" Proposal 2, the ratification of
KPMG Peat Marwick as independent auditors for the fiscal year

          Any proxy given pursuant to this solicitation may be
revoked by the person giving it insofar as it has not been
exercised.  Such revocation may be made in person at the meeting,
or by submitting a proxy bearing a date subsequent to that on the
proxy to be revoked, or by written notification to the Secretary
of the Company.


          The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business
on December 19, 1993, as the record date for determining the
holders of common stock entitled to notice of and to vote at the
meeting.  On December 19, 1993, the Company had outstanding and
entitled to vote, a total of 6,036,651 shares of Class A common
stock ("Class A shares") and 1,676,814 shares of Class B common
stock ("Class B shares").  Holders of Class A shares are entitled
to elect at least 25% of the Board of Directors (rounded up to
the nearest whole number) so long as the number of outstanding
Class A shares is at least 10% of the number of outstanding
shares of both classes of common stock.  Currently, the holders
of Class A shares are entitled, as a class, to elect three
directors of the Company, and the holders of the Class B shares
are entitled, as a class, to elect the remaining four directors. 
Other than on matters relating to the election of directors or as
required by law, where the holders of Class A shares and Class B

                           - 2 -

shares vote as separate classes, the record holder of each
outstanding Class A share is entitled to one-tenth vote per share
and the record holder of each outstanding Class B share is
entitled to one vote per share on all matters to be brought
before the meeting.  The Class A director and the Class B
director will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the
respective class.  The other matters submitted to the meeting may
be adopted by a majority of the votes cast, a quorum of 3,018,327
Class A shares and 838,408 Class B shares being present.  The
record holders of 9% Cumulative Convertible Exchangeable
Preferred Shares, Series B, $1.00 par value ("Series B Preferred
Stock") are not entitled to vote on the matters upon which action
is to be taken at the meeting.

          In accordance with New York law, abstentions are not
counted in determining the votes cast in connection with the
ratification of the selection of KPMG Peat Marwick as auditors of
the Company for the 1994 fiscal year.  Votes withheld in
connection with the election of one or more nominees for director
will not be counted and will have no effect.


Security Ownership

          The only persons known by the Company to own
beneficially more than five percent of the outstanding shares of
either class of the voting common stock of the Company are set
forth below.

                                Class A               Class B    
                             Common Stock(1)      Common Stock(1)(2)  
                            Amount and            Amount and      
                            nature of             nature of 
Name and address of         beneficial  Percent   beneficial  Percent
 beneficial owner           ownership   of Class  ownership   of Class

Estate of Jane B. Moog (3)
c/o Moog Inc.
Jamison Rd.
East Aurora, NY 14052        86,348       1.4     119,753     7.1

Seneca Foods Corporation (4)
1162 Pittsford-Victor Road
Pittsford, NY 14534         714,600      11.8      55,900     3.3

David L. Babson & Co., Inc.
One Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02142         392,600       6.5       -0-       -0-

Moog Inc. Retirement Plan Trust (5)
c/o Moog Inc.
Jamison Rd.
East Aurora, NY 14052       304,155       5.0     245,503    14.6

                           - 3 -

Moog Inc. Savings and Stock
  Ownership Plan Trust (6)
c/o Moog Inc.
Jamison Rd.
East Aurora, NY 14052         -0-         -0-      85,166     5.1


(1)  See the table on pages 5-6 containing information concerning 
     the shareholdings of directors and officers of the Company.

(2)  Class B shares are convertible into Class A shares on a     
     share-for-share basis.

(3)  Class B share beneficial ownership includes options to     
     acquire 4,804 Class B shares.  Shares held are voted by the     
     Estate's executors, Richard A. Aubrecht, Douglas B. Moog and     
     Susan L. Moog. 

(4)  Does not include 99,900 Class A shares, 20,300 Class B     
     shares and $289,000 in principal amount of the Company's     
     9.875% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due January 15,     
     2006 which are convertible into Class A shares at $22.88 per     
     share, held by the Seneca Foods Corporation Employees
     Pension Benefit Plan Trust.  Nor does it include a total of  
     41,221 Class A shares and options to acquire 45,000 Class A    
     shares, or 25,972 Class B shares and options to acquire     
     21,804 Class B shares, beneficially owned by the directors     
     and executive officers of Seneca Foods Corporation
     ("Seneca").  Nor does it include a total of 89,700 Class A   
     shares beneficially owned by the Seneca Foods Foundation.      
     Arthur S. Wolcott, the Chairman, director and major
     shareholder of Seneca, is also a director of the Company.    
     Robert T. Brady, President and Chief Executive Officer of     
     the Company, is also a director of Seneca (See "Nominees and     

(5)  Shares held are voted by the Trustee, Manufacturers and     
     Traders Trust Company, Buffalo, New York, as directed by the     
     Moog Inc. Retirement Plan Committee.

(6)  The 85,166 unallocated shares held are voted by the Trustee, 
     Mellon Bank, N.A., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as directed by   
     the Investment Committee under the Savings and Stock
     Ownership Plan.  An additional 279,202 Class B shares,     
     representing 214,368 Class B shares purchased by individual     
     contributions as well as 64,834 Class B shares contributed     
     by the Company and beneficially owned by and allocated to     
     individual participants under the Plan, are voted by the     
     Trustee as directed by the participant to whom such shares     
     are allocated.  As of September 30, 1993, 11,255 of the     
     purchased Class B shares and 2,759 of the allocated Class B     
     shares belong to officers and are included in the share     
     totals for all directors and executive officers as a group.

                           - 4 -

Moog Family Agreement As to Voting

          The Moog Family Agreement as to Voting is an agreement
among the following relatives of the late Jane B. Moog: her
children, Nancy Moog Aubrecht, Constance Moog Silliman,
Douglas B. Moog and Susan L. Moog; her adult grandchildren; her
son-in-law, Richard A. Aubrecht; her daughter-in-law, Jeanne M.
Moog; and Albert K. Hill, former counsel to the Company, whose
shares are not covered by the agreement.

          The agreement relates to 2,000 Class A shares owned by
the Estate of Jane B. Moog, and 109,198 Class A shares and
163,398 Class B shares, exclusive of currently exercisable
options, owned of record or beneficially by each of the other
parties to the agreement.

          Each of the named parties granted an irrevocable proxy
covering that person's shares of stock subject to the agreement
to certain parties to the agreement who are required to take any
action and cause all shares subject to the agreement to be voted
as may be determined by the vote of any four of:  Richard A.
Aubrecht, Constance Moog Silliman, Jeanne M. Moog, Douglas B.
Moog, Susan L. Moog and Albert K. Hill.

          The agreement contains restrictions on the ability of
any party to remove all or any shares of stock from the
provisions of the agreement and further provides for each of the
parties who have the right to vote in certain instances to have
successors named by them.  In addition, the transfer in any
manner of any shares of the Company is subject to the agreement.

          The agreement, by its terms, continues in force until
December 31, 2015, unless certain specified contingencies occur
prior to that date.

                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

          One of three classes of the Board of Directors of the
Company is elected annually to serve three year terms.  Of the
two directors whose terms of office expire at the meeting, one is
a Class A director to be elected by the holders of the
outstanding Class A shares and one is a Class B director to be
elected by the holders of the outstanding Class B shares.  Such
nominees will be elected to hold office until 1997 and the
election and qualification of their successors.  The persons
named in the enclosed proxy will vote Class A shares for the
election of the Class A nominee named below, and Class B shares
for the election of the Class B nominee named below, unless the
proxy directs otherwise.  In the event any of the nominees should
be unable to serve as a director, the proxy will be voted in
accordance with the best judgment of the person or persons acting
under it.  It is not expected that any of the nominees will be
unable to serve.

                           - 5 -

Nominees and Directors

          Certain information regarding nominees for Class A and
Class B directors, as well as those directors whose terms of
office continue beyond the date of the 1994 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, including their beneficial ownership of equity
securities, is set forth below.  Unless otherwise indicated, each
person held various positions with the Company for the past five
years and has sole voting and investment power with respect to
the securities beneficially owned.  Beneficial ownership includes
securities which could be acquired pursuant to currently
exercisable options or options which become exercisable within 60
days of the date of this Proxy Statement.

          All of the nominees have previously served as directors
and have been elected as directors at prior annual meetings of

                                                   - 6 -


                                                                                         Series B
                                                       Shares of Common Stock            Stock(1)     
                                         First            Percent              Percent           Percent
                         Principal       Elected   Class    of      Class       of                 of
                    Age  Occupation      Director    A     Class      B        Class   Shares    Class   

                                       Nominee for Class B
Term expiring in 1997
Richard A.          49   Chairman of     1980      41,413      *    23,074     1.4     17,222     17.2
Aubrecht (2)             the Board,
                         Moog Inc.

                                       Nominee for Class A Director
Term expiring in 1997
Peter P. Poth (3)   64   Retired         1984         500      *     4,804       *      -0-    -0-

                                  Class B Directors Continuing in Office
Term expiring in 1995
Arthur S.           67   Chairman,       1977      26,085      *    17,684     1.1      -0-      -0-
Wolcott (4)              Seneca Foods 

Term expiring in 1996
Kenneth J.          66   Retired         1976      11,000      *     8,804       *      -0-      -0-
McIlraith                Banking
Joe C. Green        52   Executive Vice  1986      40,500      *    22,110     1.3   11,111     11.1
                         President, Chief
                         Moog Inc.

                                  Class A Directors Continuing in Office
Term expiring in 1995
Robert R. Banta     51   Executive Vice  1991      40,500      *   17,000      1.0   11,111     11.1
                         President, Chief
                         Financial Officer,
                         Moog Inc.

Term expiring in 1996
Robert T.           53   President,      1984      53,636      *   29,792      1.8   11,111     11.1
Brady (5)                Chief Executive
                         Moog Inc.
All directors and
  officers as a group
  (sixteen persons)                               574,744(6)  9.0 458,847(6)   25.3  100,000    100.0

                           - 7 -


*  Does not exceed one percent of the class.

(1)  Each share of Series B Preferred Stock, which has one vote   
     per share on matters as to which the class is entitled to     
     vote, is convertible into .086 Class A share.  Under an     
     agreement dated October 15, 1988, the nine holders of the     
     Series B Preferred Stock appointed as proxies Vice
     Presidents Richard C. Sherrill and Robert H. Maskrey, who    
     will vote all shares of such stock as determined by a
     majority of such shares.

(2)  Nancy Moog Aubrecht, wife of Richard A. Aubrecht, is the     
     beneficial owner of 12,499 Class A shares and 16,668 Class B     
     shares, which are not included.

(3)  Mr. Poth was Vice Chairman of Delaware North Companies,     
     Incorporated from November 1991 until he retired in December     
     1992, and was its President from February 1, 1989 to
     October 31, 1991.  From July 1983 to December 1987, he was   
     Executive Vice President - Administration, and from
     December 1, 1987 to February 1, 1989, he was a business     
     consultant for that company.

(4)  Does not include 50 Class A shares held by Mr. Wolcott's     
     wife, or 99,900 Class A shares, 20,300 Class B shares and     
     $289,000 in principal amount of the Company's 9.875%
     Convertible Subordinated Debentures due January 15, 2006     
     held in a pension plan under which Mr. Wolcott is one of     
     three trustees as well as one of a number of beneficiaries.      
     Also not included are 714,600 Class A shares and 55,900     
     Class B shares owned by Seneca Foods Corporation, of which     
     Mr. Wolcott is Chairman and a director and a major
     shareholder.  Also excluded are 89,700 Class A shares held   
     by the Seneca Foods Foundation, of which Mr. Wolcott is     
     Chairman and a director (see "Certain Beneficial Owners").

(5)  Not included are 200 Class A shares owned by the spouse of   
     Robert T. Brady and 3,600 Class B shares owned by such     
     spouse as custodian for their children.

(6)  Does not include shares held by spouses, or as custodian or  
     trustee for minors, as to which beneficial interest has been   
     disclaimed, but does include shares held under the "Moog     
     Family Agreement as to Voting" described above, and shares     
     held by the Estate of Jane B. Moog.  Includes 322,700
     Class A shares and 138,216 Class B shares subject to
     currently exercisable options.  Officers and directors of    
     the Company have entered into an agreement among themselves     
     and with the Company's Savings and Stock Ownership Plan (the     
     "SSOP"), the Employees' Retirement Plan and the Company,     
     which provides that prior to selling Class B shares obtained     
     through exercise of a non-statutory option, the remaining     
     officers and directors, the SSOP, the Employees' Retirement     
     Plan and the Company have an option to purchase the shares     
     being sold.

                           - 8 -

          During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1993, all
executive officers and directors of the Company had timely filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission all required reports
regarding their beneficial ownership of Company securities except
Mr. Wolcott, who filed one report eighteen days late. 

Other Directorships

          Directors of the Company are presently serving on the
following boards of directors of other publicly traded companies:

     Name of Director                             Company

     Robert T. Brady . . . . . . . . . .Acme Electric Corporation;
                                           Seneca Foods Corporation;
                                           Astronics Corporation

     Arthur S. Wolcott . . . . . . . . .Seneca Foods Corporation

     Richard A. Aubrecht . . . . . . . .R.P. Adams Company, Inc.

Board of Directors and Committee Meetings

          From October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993, the Board
of Directors held four meetings.  Standing committees of the
Board of Directors and the number of meetings they each held were
as follows:

                              Number of
Committees                    Meetings            Members

Audit. . . . . . . . . . . . .  3            Messrs. McIlraith,   
                                             Poth and Wolcott

Executive. . . . . . . . . . .  0            Messrs. Aubrecht,    
                                             Banta, Brady, Green      
                                             and Poth

Compensation . . . . . . . . .  1            Messrs. McIlraith,   
                                             Poth and Wolcott

Stock Option . . . . . . . . .  1            Messrs. McIlraith,   
                                             Poth and Wolcott

          Every member of the Board of Directors attended all the
meetings of the Board of Directors and of all committees on which
he served.

          The Executive Committee, between meetings of the Board
of Directors and to the extent permitted by law, exercises all of
the powers and authority of the Board in the management of the
business of the Company.  The Executive Compensation Committee

                           - 9 -

determines the compensation of corporate officers and oversees
the compensation of top management of the Company.  The Stock
Option Committee is responsible for the administration of the
stock option plans of the Company and recommends to the Board of
Directors proposed recipients of stock options.  The Audit
Committee recommends the engaging and discharging of the
independent auditors, acts as liaison between the independent
auditors and the Board of Directors, and oversees the Company's
internal accounting controls.  The Board of Directors does not
have a Nominating Committee.


          The Executive Compensation Committee (the "Compensation
Committee") determines the compensation of Corporate officers and
oversees the administration of executive compensation programs. 
The Compensation Committee is composed solely of independent,
non-employee Directors of the Company.  Messrs. McIlraith, Poth
and Wolcott served on the Compensation Committee for the past
fiscal year, as did Jane B. Moog until her death on May 1, 1993. 
The Compensation Committee is responsible for all elements of
executive compensation including base salary management, profit
sharing and other benefit programs for key executives.

     The goals of the Company's executive compensation program
are to:

     1.   Pay competitively to attract, retain and motivate       
          superior executives who must operate in a highly
          competitive and technologically specialized

     2.   Relate total compensation for each executive to overall 
          Company performance as well as individual performance,   

     3.   Align executives' performance and financial interests   
          with shareholder value.

     It is the Company's policy to consider the deductibility of
executive compensation under applicable income tax rules, as one
of many factors used to make specific compensation determinations
consistent with the goals of the Company's executive compensation
program.  No component of the Company's executive compensation
has been determined to be non-deductible to the Company.


     Base salary ranges are developed after considering the
recommendations of professional compensation consultants who
conduct annual compensation surveys of similar companies.  Base
salaries within these ranges are targeted to be above average and
competitive in relation to salaries paid for similar positions in

                           - 10 -

comparable companies.  On an annual basis the Committee reviews
management recommendations for executives' salaries utilizing the
results of survey data for comparable executive positions. 
Individual salary determinations within the established ranges
are determined based on position accountabilities, experience,
sustained individual performance, overall Company performance,
and peer comparisons inside and outside the Company, with each
factor being weighed reasonably in relation to the other factors.
In light of the restructuring charge taken in 1992 and the
resulting loss incurred by the Company, no salary increases were
awarded in fiscal 1993.

Management Profit Sharing Plan

     Under the Management Profit Sharing Plan, which is a part of
an overall employee profit sharing plan approved by the Board of
Directors, an individual executive's annual profit share is
determined by multiplying his base salary by the product of the
Company's net margin and a multiple which varies with the
executive's accountabilities.  The Company uses net margin as the
performance parameter because it is the principal determinant of
Return on Investment and its measurement is clear.  The annual
net margin is not affected by other complicating factors in the
Company's financial structure.

     There is no management profit share paid unless the
Company's net margin is at least 2% for the fiscal year.  This
plan is intended to motivate executives toward the achievement of
goals which are directly aligned with shareholder interests. 
Officers of the Company participate in this plan with all other
key executives.  No management profit share was paid to
executives in either 1992 or 1993 because net margins did not
achieve the minimum of 2%.

Stock Options

     Stock option plans have been used in past years to relate
the long-term financial interests of executives with those of

     The Company had an Incentive Stock Option Plan and a Non-
Statutory Stock Option Plan, both of which expired on
December 31, 1992.  Options granted under these plans, including
those granted on December 4, 1992 and shown in the Summary
Compensation Table on page 10, remain outstanding.  All stock
options granted under these plans were priced at the fair market
value of the underlying stock as of the date of grant.  Option
grants made during fiscal 1993 were similar in size to prior
years' grants, which were relatively modest, and intended to link
an adequate portion of executive compensation to benefits
produced for all shareholders.  Mr. Brady's annual options grants
recently have been somewhat larger than those of other executive
officers, reflecting his greater individual responsibility.  

                           - 11 -

Other Compensation Plans

     In order that the total aggregated compensation package
provided officers meets the Company's goals, officers are
provided certain additional benefit plans as discussed on
pages 12-13.  These plans are comparable to those provided to
executives in companies surveyed by the Company's professional
compensation consultants.

Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer

     The Compensation Committee determines the Chief Executive
Officer's salary and other compensation elements based on
performance.  The salary is established within a salary range
recommended by an independent compensation consulting firm.  The
Company has undergone major restructuring over the past few years
in response to significant cuts in defense spending.  The
Company's overall 1992 financial performance reflected these
difficulties.  In view of the Company's reported results in 1992,
the Compensation Committee did not increase the Chief Executive
Officer's salary or any other officer salaries in that year.

     Mr. Brady's leadership continues to reshape the Company to
meet the challenges presented by changing markets and intense
worldwide competition.  His efforts resulted in much improved
earnings during fiscal 1993 and placed the Company in a strong
position for future business successes.

     The Compensation Committee believes that its actions have
been an effective implementation of the Company's overall
compensation policies.

Kenneth J. McIlraith     Peter P. Poth       Arthur S. Wolcott    



     The following graph compares the cumulative total
shareholder return on the Company's Class A Common Stock with
that of the AMEX Market Value Index, a major market index of the
American Stock Exchange, and the S&P Aerospace/Defense Index, an
industry index published by Standard and Poor's Corporation.  The
comparison for each of the periods assumes that $100 was invested
on September 30, 1988 in each of the Company's Class A common
stock, the stocks included in the AMEX Market Value Index and the
stocks included in the S&P Aerospace/Defense Index.  These
indices, which reflect formulas for dividend reinvestment and
weighting of individual stocks, do not necessarily reflect
returns that could be achieved by individual investors.

                         [Insert Graph]

                           - 12 -


          The following tabulation shows information concerning
the compensation for services in all capacities to the Company
for the fiscal years ended September 30, 1993, 1992 and 1991, of
those persons who were at September 30, 1993 the Company's five
most highly compensated executive officers (the "Named

                                               - 13 -


                                                                        Securities   All Other
                                            Annual Compensation         Underlying   Compensation
Name & Principal Position     Year      Salary($)   Bonus($) Other($)   Options(#)     ($)(1)    

Robert T. Brady               1993      338,782     0        6,664      6,000          61,305
President                     1992      338,782     0        7,809      7,000           3,321
Chief Executive Officer       1991      322,650     53,753   3,797      7,000           2,169

Joe C. Green                  1993      236,897     0        3,797      5,500           7,185
Executive Vice President      1992      236,897     0        3,797      5,000           7,099
Chief Administrative Officer  1991      222,827     37,123   3,797      5,000         101,417

Robert H. Maskrey             1993      216,986     0        7,831      5,500           3,218
Vice President                1992      216,986     0        7,632      5,000           3,066
General Manager               1991      201,847     33,628   6,497      5,000           1,983

Robert R. Banta               1993      211,635     0        6,866      5,500          34,958
Executive Vice President      1992      211,635     0        7,120      5,000           5,415
Chief Financial Officer       1991      199,119     33,169   6,208      5,000           5,087

Richard A. Aubrecht           1993      209,299     0        5,703      5,500           3,426
Chairman of the Board         1992      209,299     0        4,059      5,000           3,211
                              1991      195,790     32,619   4,821      5,000           3,071

(1)  Amounts shown for 1993 include $0, $0, $819, $0 and $2,046 representing Company matching
     contributions to the Company's Savings and Stock Ownership Plan, $57,984, $4,556, $0, $32,559
     and $0 representing payments in lieu of vacation, and $3,321, $2,629, $2,399, $2,399 and $1,380
     representing premiums on group life insurance, paid by the Company on behalf of Messrs. Brady,
     Green, Maskrey, Banta and Aubrecht, respectively.

                           - 14 -


          The tabulation below shows additional information
respecting option grants to the Named Executives during fiscal
1993, which grants are reflected in the Summary Compensation
Table on page 10.  No SARs were granted during the fiscal year.

                                                             Realizable Value
                                                             at Assumed Annual
                                                             Rates of Stock                                                       
                                                             Appreciation for
                                                             Ten-Year Option
                    Individual Grants                        Term(2)

               Number of   % of Total
               Securities  Options
               Underlying  Granted to    Exercise
               Options     Employees in  Price Per  Expiration
Name           Granted(1)  Fiscal Year   Share      Date         5%       10%

Rober T. Brady     6,000      10.5%      $5.625     12/4/02   $21,225   $53,789
Joe C. Green       5,500       9.6%      $5.625     12/4/02   $19,456   $49,306
Robert H. Maskrey  5,500       9.6%      $5.625     12/4/02   $19,456   $49,306
Robert R. Banta    5,500       9.6%      $5.625     12/4/02   $19,456   $49,306
Richard A.
  Aubrecht         5,500       9.6%      $5.625     12/4/02   $19,456   $49,306

(1)  Only Class A stock options were granted in fiscal 1993.

(2)  Potential realizable value is based on the assumed annual    
     growth rates for the ten-year option term.  5% annual growth     
     results in a stock price of $9.16 per share and 10% results     
     in a price of $14.59 per share.  Actual gains, if any, on     
     stock options exercises are dependent on the future
     performance of the stock.  There can be no assurance that    
     the amounts reflected in this table will be achieved.

                           - 15 -


          Shown below is information as to the number and value
of currently exercisable but as yet unexercised options and stock
appreciation rights ("SARs") granted during fiscal 1993 and prior
years under the Company's Incentive Stock Option Plan and Non-
Statutory Stock Option Plan to the Named Executives.  Both of
these plans terminated in accordance with their own provisions on
December 31, 1992.  None of the Named Executives exercised
options or SARs during fiscal 1993.

                         Number of Securities       Value of Unexercised
                         Underlying Unexercised     In-The-Money  
                         Options/SARs at            Options/SARs at
                         Fiscal Year-End            Fiscal Year-End

Name                     Class A   Class B/SARs     Class A   Class B/SARs
Robert T. Brady          45,000    34,000           $18,875   $0
Joe C. Green             40,500    34,000           $16,125   $0
Robert H. Maskrey        40,500    34,000           $16,125   $0
Robert R. Banta          40,500    34,000           $16,125   $0
Richard A. Aubrecht      40,500    34,000           $16,125   $0

(1) All Class A and Class B Options and SARs are currently
    exercisable.  Class B options are exercisable in tandem with


          Under the Company's Employees' Retirement Plan,
benefits are payable monthly upon retirement to participating
employees of the Company based upon compensation and years of
service and subject to limitations imposed by the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA").  The Employees'
Retirement Plan is administered by a Retirement Plan Committee
and covers all employees with one year of service and a minimum
of 1,000 hours of employment.

          Benefits payable under the Plan are determined on the
basis of compensation and credited years of service.  It is a
career average type plan.  Base annual rate of pay for prior
service compensation is determined as of January 1, 1984, but in
no event may this amount exceed the average rate based upon the
five highest January 1 pay rates preceding the plan year of date
of determination.  Effective October 1, 1989, future service
compensation is the basic annual rate of pay for the preceding
plan year plus overtime and shift differential compensation.

                            - 16 -

          The prior service pension is 3/4% of the first $9,000
of prior service compensation, plus 1-3/4% of the excess,
multiplied by prior service but not less than the accrued benefit
as of September 30, 1984, determined under the prior plan.  The
future service pension for each year of credited service after
September 30, 1984, and before October 1, 1986, is 3/4% of the
first $9,000 of future service compensation for such year plus 1-
3/4% of the excess.  The future service pension for each year of
credited service after September 30, 1986, and prior to
October 1, 1989, is 3/4% of the first $12,000 of future service
compensation for such year, plus 1-3/4% of the excess.

          Effective October 1, 1989, the future service pension
for each year of credited service is 1.15% of the first $20,000
of future service compensation for such year, plus 1-3/4% of the
excess.  Any participant with five years or more of service
receives a minimum pension of $2,400 per year, reduced pro rata
for credited service of less than 15 years.


          The Company also has a Supplemental Retirement Plan
applicable to all officers of the Company with at least 10 years
continuous service retirement at age 65 or older.

          The Supplemental Retirement Plan provides benefits for
an officer at age 65 with 25 years of service equal to 60% of the
average of the highest consecutive three year base salary of such
officer prior to retirement, less any benefits payable under the
Employees' Retirement Plan, and also less the primary Social
Security benefit of such officer at age 65.  An officer 60 or
more years of age, whose chronological age and years of service
equal or exceed 90, may elect early retirement and receive
reduced benefits.  A reduced benefit is available for officers 65
years of age with between 10 and 25 years of service.

          Benefits are payable in the same form and manner as
benefits under the Employees' Retirement Plan, but are payable
solely from the general assets of the Company and not from the
trust fund maintained under the Employees' Retirement Plan, or
any other particular fund.  A participant's benefits are vested
in the event of an involuntary termination of employment other
than for active wrongdoing or other grievous cause.  For purposes
of the Supplemental Retirement Plan, a change in duties,
responsibilities, status, pay or perquisites which follows a
change in ownership or control of the Company is deemed an
involuntary termination.

          The projected annual benefits, assuming level
continuation of earnings, payable at normal retirement age for
each of the Named Executives under the Employees' Retirement Plan
and the Supplemental Retirement Plan are:

                            - 17 -

                                        Projected Annual
                                        Benefit Payable at
Name                                    Normal Retirement Age

Robert T. Brady ...............            $188,653
Joe C. Green ..................             127,642
Robert H. Maskrey .............             115,623
Robert R. Banta ...............             112,557
Richard A. Aubrecht ...........             111,047


          Certain executive officers of the Company, including
those named in the Summary Compensation Table, have entered into
Employment Termination Benefits Agreements with the Company.

          The Employment Termination Benefits Agreements provide
that upon death, disability or retirement, the executive will
receive those benefits provided to him by the Company under all
its benefit plans.  Where employment is terminated for cause, the
executive is entitled to the cash equivalent of any accrued
extended vacation, but is not entitled to participate in any
profit sharing award or incentive compensation payable after the
date of termination.  In such circumstances, the right to
exercise any stock options is also terminated.  Upon a voluntary
termination, the executive receives employment benefits up to the
date of termination, as well as the cash value of any extended
vacation benefits.  In the event of a voluntary termination, the
executive is not entitled to receive any profit sharing award
payable after termination.

          Upon an involuntary termination, the executive is
immediately vested under the Employees' Retirement Plan and
Supplemental Retirement Plan and is entitled to receive for one
year, certain perquisites and insurance benefits.  The
executive also receives amounts otherwise payable under the
Management Profit Sharing Plan.  Stock options may be exercised,
or if not then exercisable, the executive is entitled to cash in
an amount equal to the difference between the then current market
value of the Company common stock underlying the option and the
option's exercise price.  The executive is entitled to accrued
extended vacation benefits, as well as to the continuation of
base compensation for between 12 and 36 months, based on years of
service.  Where involuntary termination occurs by reason of a
change in control of the Company, the executive receives the
benefits otherwise provided for an involuntary termination, with
accelerated vesting of compensation continuation.

          During the term of the Employment Termination Benefits
Agreements, and in the event of involuntary termination upon a
change of control, until the last payment to the executive is
made under the Employment Termination Benefits Agreements, the
executive may not compete with the Company.

                            - 18 -


          On October 25, 1993, the Company renewed an officers
and directors indemnification insurance policy written by The
Chubb Group.  The renewal was for a one-year period at an annual
premium of $84,258.  The policy provides indemnification benefits
and the payment of expenses in actions instituted against any
director or officer of the Company for claimed liability arising
out of their conduct in such capacities.  No payments or claims
of indemnification or expenses have been made under any such
insurance policies purchased by the Company at any time.


          Non-management directors are paid $1,250 per month and
reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending Board and committee
meetings.  They received aggregate cash remuneration of $82,750
for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1993, including all fees
paid to Warren B. Cutting, Director Emeritus.


          Messrs. McIlraith, Poth and Wolcott served on the
Compensation Committee for the past fiscal year, as did Jane B.
Moog until her death on May 1, 1993.  Mr. Wolcott is also
Chairman of the Board and a major shareholder of Seneca Foods
Corporation ("Seneca").  Mr. Brady, the Company's President and
Chief Executive Officer, is a director of Seneca.


          During fiscal year 1993, the Company sold to Moog
Controls Inc. ("MCI") products and services in the amount of
$2,387,466, and purchased from MCI products and services in the
amount of $2,678,796.  MCI is wholly-owned by the father-in-law
of Richard A. Aubrecht, Chairman of the Board of the Company.

                      INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

          The Board of Directors, on recommendation of the Audit
Committee, has selected KPMG Peat Marwick, independent certified
public accountants, to continue as independent auditors of the
Company for fiscal year 1994.  Representatives of KPMG Peat
Marwick are expected to attend the shareholders meeting, will be
available to respond to appropriate questions and will be given
the opportunity to make a statement if they so desire.

          The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR"
ratification of KPMG Peat Marwick as auditors for fiscal year

                            - 19 -


          Proposals of shareholders intended to be presented to
the 1995 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must be received by the
Secretary of the Company prior to September 2, 1994, for
inclusion in the Proxy Statement for that meeting.

                          OTHER MATTERS

          As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board of
Directors does not intend to present, and has not been informed
that any other person intends to present, any matter for action
at this meeting other than those specifically referred to in this
Proxy Statement.  If other matters properly come before the
meeting, it is intended that the holders of the proxies will act
in respect thereto in accordance with their best judgment.

          The cost of this solicitation of proxies will be borne
by the Company.  The Company may request brokerage houses,
nominees, custodians and fiduciaries to forward soliciting
material to the beneficial owners of stock held of record, and
will reimburse such persons for any reasonable expense in
forwarding the material.  In addition, officers, directors and
employees of the Company may solicit proxies personally or by
telephone and will not receive any additional compensation.

          Copies of the 1993 Annual Report of the Company are
being mailed to shareholders, together with this Proxy Statement,
proxy card and Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders. 
Additional copies may be obtained from the Treasurer of the
Company, East Aurora, New York 14052.

                         By Order of the Board of Directors

                         JOHN B. DRENNING, Secretary

Dated:  East Aurora, New York

        January 7, 1994