Exhibit 10.2
                             Storage Site Agreement

     This  Agreement  is  made  this  27th  day of September 2004 by and Between
N-VIRO International Corporation ("N-VIRO"), MicroMacro Integrated Technologies,
Inc.  ("MMIT")  and  Daniel  J.  and  Rebecca  S.  Haslinger  ("Landowners").

     In consideration of the mutual premises, covenants, conditions and terms to
be  kept  and  performed,  it  is  agreed  by  the  parties  as  follows:

1.     Effective Date.  The effective date of this agreement is August 16, 2004.

2.     Term.  This  agreement  is  terminable  "at  will"  by any of the parties
without  cause  and  without  notice.

3.     Site  Location.  The  site  location  ("site')  is approximately 35 acres
situated  near  the  intersection  of  Route 6 and Route 23 in Madison Township,
Sandusky,  Ohio,  as  set  forth  more  fully  in  attached  Exhibit  A.

4.     Disposition of N-VIRO material.  During the term of this agreement N-VIRO
shall  have the right to deliver to the site N-VIRO material manufactured at the
N-VIRO  Toledo  Bayview  Wastewater  Treatment  Facility.  All  delivered N-VIRO
material  shall  be  F.O.B.  the  site  and  all  delivery  costs  shall  be the
responsibility  of N-VIRO.  It is the understanding of the parties that the site
will  be  a  back-up  contingent  facility  to  be  used in the event that other
traditional  disposition  outlets  are  not  available  to  N-VIRO,  or  are not

5.     Transfer  of Title.  Upon delivery to the site, the N-VIRO material shall
become the property of the Landlords and title to the N-VIRO material shall pass
to  the  Landlords, unless such material is subsequently determined to be not in
compliance  with  the standards set forth in Paragraph 6., herein, in which case
title  to  the  non-compliant  N-VIRO  material  shall  remain  with  N-VIRO.

6.     Material  Standards.  N-VIRO  represents  and warrants that the delivered
N-VIRO material will comply with the USEPA EQS standards as identified in 40CFR.
Part  503,  Pathogens,  503.32(a)(4),  Alternative  #2  and  Vector  Attraction
Reduction, 503.33 (b)(6), and Table 3 Metal Limits.  MMIT and/or Landlords shall
have  the right to reject any N-VIRO material delivery that they, in good faith,
do  not  believe  complies  with  the  above  standards.

7.     Site  Compliance.  Landlords  and  MMIT agree to comply with current Ohio
EPA  Biosolids  Management  Guidelines pertaining to N-VIRO material that may be
stored  on  the site.  Landlords agree to promptly apply for a long term storage
site  permit  from the Northwest District of the Ohio EPA.  Logan Environmental,
Inc.  shall be engaged to complete and file the permit application and all costs
associated  with  obtaining  the  permit  shall be the responsibility of N-VIRO.

8.     Payment.  N-VIRO agrees to pay to MMIT the sum of $5,000.00 per month for
its  services  with  regard to facilitation of the site.  Landlords agree to the
payment  of  said  sum  to  MMIT  and further agree that in consideration of the
receipt  of  title  to the N-VIRO material, no other payment or consideration is
owed  to  them  pursuant  to  this  agreement.

     /s/   Phillip  Levin
     N-VIRO  International  Corporation
     By:     Phillip  Levin,  Chairman  and  CEO

     /s/   Daniel  J.  Haslinger
     By:     Daniel  J.  Haslinger,  President

     /s/   Daniel  J.  Haslinger
     Daniel  J.  Haslinger

     /s/   Rebecca  S.  Haslinger
     Rebecca  S.  Haslinger

Exhibit  A

[photocopy  of  First  Half  2003  Sandusky County, Ohio real estate tax bill of
Daniel  J.  +  Rebecca  S.  Haslinger]

The  following described real estate, to wit:  Situate in the County of Sandusky
in  the  State of Ohio, in the Township of Madison, and bounded and described as
follows,  to  wit:  the  West  half  of the North east quarter of Section 31, in
Township  5  North  of  Range  13  in  the  District of Lands subject to sale at
Bucyrus,  Ohio,  containing  eighty acres, Likewise the Southeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter of Section 31, in Township 5 North of Range 13 in the District
of  Lands  subject  to  sale at Bucyrus, Ohio, containing forty acres, both lots
containing one hundred and twenty acres, according to the General Land Office by
the  Conveyor  General,  which said tracts or lots of land had been purchased by
the  said Daniel Forbes, granted and warranted to him by patent deed executed at
the City of Washington the thirtieth day of December in the year of our Lord one
thousand  eight  hundred  and  thirty  five.