Exhibit 99.1

                                              NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                                   For More Information Contact:
                                            Phillip Levin, Chairman of the Board
                                                 info@nviro.com   (419) 535-6374


Toledo,  Ohio,  Tuesday,  July  5,  2005  -  N-Viro  International  Corp.  (OTC
BB/NVIC.OB)  announced the results of the Company's Annual Stockholders' Meeting
vote,  held  on  Thursday,  June  30,  2005.  Four  issues  were  presented  for
stockholder  consideration  at  the  Annual Meeting:  (1) to amend the Company's
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  remove Article 5, (2) to amend the Company's
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  remove  Article 10, (3) the election of four
directors  to  the board of directors of the Company and (4) the ratification of
UHY  LLP  as the Company's independent certified public accountants.  The first,
third  and fourth matters were approved at the Annual Meeting by the affirmative
vote  of  the holders of a majority of the shares voting.  The second matter was
approved by the affirmative vote of 75% of the shares of common stock issued and
outstanding,  as  required.

Based  on  actions taken by the stockholders at the annual meeting, the Board of
Directors  of  the  Company  currently  consists  of  seven  members,  with  two
vacancies:  Phillip  Levin,  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  the  Company,  Daniel
Haslinger,  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Company, Michael
Nicholson,  Chief  Development  Officer  of the Company, Terry Logan, R. Francis
DiPrete,  Joseph  Scheib  and  Carl Richard.  Messrs. Levin, Logan and Nicholson
have  terms  expiring  in  2006,  while  Messrs.  DiPrete, Haslinger, Scheib and
Richard  have  terms  expiring  in  2007.

In  his  comments  on  new  business,  Chairman Phil Levin expressed optimism of
bringing  ongoing  business  discussion to fruition within the next 6-12 months.
The  Company's  sales  staff  is  in  discussion  with several municipalities on
business opportunities which could result in one-time licensing revenue of about
$300,000.  Initiatives  are  ongoing  to  tap  new  markets for ash and alkaline
aggregate  sales.

Mr.  Levin  also  reported  on the favorable trend in the Company's soil product
distribution  business segment.  In contrast to a year ago when the distribution
cost  of  product  was over $5.00 per ton, today that figure is nearly zero, and
the Company target is to be earning revenue of $2.00 to $4.00 per ton of product
by  July  2006.

"As oil prices soar, so does the fertilizer costs to farmers.  Given that N-Viro
production  is not directly related to petroleum prices as commercial fertilizer
is,  the economics of using N-Viro products to enhance soil quality are becoming
more obvious and attractive to production agriculture," said Mr. Levin, who also
mentioned  the Company's is conducting research into broadening the soil product
distribution  market  by  enhancing  the  material  with  organic,  mineral  and
commercial  additives  sought  by  the  agricultural  community.

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N-Viro  International  Corporation  News  Release  dated  July  5,  2005
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Mr.  Levin  went  on to mention a pilot program between N-Viro and a producer of
consumer  retail package products.  The initial results are encouraging and this
partnership  shows  great  promise  for  growth.

In  related  news,  the  Company  has  finalized  negotiations on a contract for
operations  at the Toledo processing facility with its unionized employees.  The
union  has  agreed with a two-tier pay rate schedule which allows the Company to
pay  a lower rate to new hires.  The Company also won concessions on cost-saving
benefits  as  well  as greater latitude in directing the use of plant employees.

About  N-Viro
- -------------
N-Viro  International  Corporation  develops  and  licenses  its  technology  to
municipalities  and  private  companies.  N-Viro's  patented  processes use lime
and/or  mineral-rich, combustion byproducts to treat, pasteurize, immobilize and
convert  wastewater  sludge  and  other  bio-organic  wastes  into  biomineral
agricultural  and  soil-enrichment  products  with  real  market  value.  More
information  about N-Viro International can be obtained by contacting the office
or  on  the  Internet  at  www.nviro.com or by e-mail inquiry to info@nviro.com.
                           -------------                         --------------

Forward  Looking  Statements
- ----------------------------
The  Company  cautions  that  words  used  in  this  document such as "expects,"
"anticipates,"  "believes"  and  "may," as well as similar words and expressions
used  herein, identify and refer to statements describing events that may or may
not  occur  in  the future.  These forward-looking statements and the matters to
which  they  refer are subject to considerable uncertainty that may cause actual
results  to  be  materially different from those described herein.  For example,
while  the  Company believes that trends in sludge treatment are moving in favor
of the Company's technology, such trends may not continue or may never result in
increased  sales  or  profits  to  the  Company  because  of the availability of
competing  processes.  Additional information about these and other factors that
may  adversely  affect  these  forward-looking  statements  are contained in the
Company's reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commissions.  The
Company  assumes  no  obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect
actual  results,  changes  in  assumptions or changes in other factors affecting
forward-looking  information  except  to  the  extent  required  by  applicable
securities  laws.

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