[letterhead graphic omitted - "N-Viro International Corporation"]

                                                               February 25, 2010

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-4631

ATTN:   Mr. Rufus Decker, Accounting Branch Officer
          and Mr. Jeffrey Gordon, Staff Accountant
Mail Stop 4631

RE:     N-Viro International Corporation
          Form  10-K  for  the  year  ended December 31, 2008
          Forms  10-Q  for  the  periods ended March 31, 2009, June 30, 2009 and
            September  30,  2009
        File  No.  0-21802

Dear Mr. Decker and Mr. Gordon:

     This  letter  is  a  response to your letter of comments dated December 14,
2009  (the  "December  Letter") as supplemented by your letter dated January 25,
2010  (the  "January  Letter") concerning the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year  ended December 31, 2008 (the "2008 Annual Report") of N-Viro International
Corporation  (the  "Company"  or  "N-Viro").  This letter also addresses certain
comments  in  the December Letter directed to the Company's quarterly reports on
Forms 10-Q for the periods ended March 31, 2009, June 30, 2009 and September 30,
2009  (the  "2009  Quarterly  Reports").

     The December Letter stated in relevant part on page 3:

          "Please  respond  to  this  comment  and file the requested amendments
     within  10  business  days,  or  tell  us  when  you will provide us with a

          Please  provide  us  with a response letter that keys your response to
     our  comment  and  provides  any  requested  information."

     Please be advised that the Company has prepared the requested amendment and
has filed it today as Amendment Number 2 to the 2008 Annual Report.  In order to
avoid  unnecessary  duplication of filings and expense the Company will file the
amendments  for  the Forms 10-Q as soon as the staff has indicated there will be
no  further  comments on the proposed amendment to the Form 10-K.  The remainder
of  this  letter  constitutes the Company's reply to the substantive comments in
the  December  Letter  and  in  the  January  Letter.

     The  item  number  below  corresponds  to  the  item number in the December
Letter. For convenience we have reproduced the text of each comment and provided
the  Company's  response  immediately  below  the  text.

        3450 W. Central Avenue  -  Suite No. 328  -  Toledo, Ohio  43606
                     P. 419.535.6374    -   F. 419.535.7008
                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
February 25, 2010
Page 2

Item 9A(T) - Controls and Procedures
- ------------------------------------
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
- ------------------------------------------------
1.     Please amend your Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008 and your
subsequent  Forms  10-Q to state the conclusions of your principal executive and
financial officers regarding whether your disclosure controls and procedures are
effective  or  not effective. See Item 307 of Regulation S-K. Please also remove
your disclosure implying that the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls
and  procedures is part of your effectiveness assessment. While cost-benefit may
be  a  reason  a  company  has  disclosure  controls and procedures that are not
effective,  it  is  not  something  that should be considered in concluding that
disclosure  controls  and  procedures  are  effective.

     REPLY:  The  Company  has  added  language  stating  the conclusions of its
principal  executive  officer  and  principal  financial  officer  regarding the
effectiveness  of  its  disclosure controls and procedures. The Company also has
removed  the  disclosure implying that the cost-benefit relationship of possible
controls  and  procedures  is  part  of  the Company's effectiveness assessment.

     The  item  numbers  below  correspond  to  the  item numbers in the January
Letter. For convenience we have reproduced the text of each comment and provided
the  Company's  response  immediately  below  the  text.

- -------
     1.  In  our  previous  letter,  we  requested  that  management provide, in
writing, acknowledgement of the three bullet pointed items (i.e. Tandy language)
described  at the end of our comment letter dated December 14, 2009.  It appears
that  these acknowledgements were provided in the response letter signed by your
outside  counsel.  Please provide the requested acknowledgements in writing with
your  next  response  letter  signed  by  management.

     REPLY:  The requested acknowledgements have been provided in this letter by
Company  management.

Item 9A(T) - Controls and Procedures
- ------------------------------------
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
- ------------------------------------------------

     2.  We  have  reviewed your response to prior comment 1.  We note from your
draft  disclosure  that  you  intend to state that management has concluded your
disclosure  controls  and  procedures  are effective as of the period covered by
your  report.  However,  as  defined  in Rule 13a-15(e), disclosure controls and
procedures  are  those  designed  to  ensure  that  information  required  to be
disclosed  is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within specified time
periods.  Since  your  Form  10-K  and subsequent Forms 10-Q did not include the
disclosures  required by Item 307 of Regulation S-K and in light of the material
weaknesses  you  continue  to  have,  it  is  not  clear  how you arrived at the
conclusion  that  your disclosure controls and procedures are effective based on
the  definition  in  Rule  13a-15(e).  Please  revise  your proposed disclosures
regarding  the  effectiveness  of  your  disclosure  controls  and procedures to
provide  a  discussion  of  the  factors you considered and highlight any pother
factors  that  support  your conclusion.  Otherwise, please revise your proposed
disclosures  to  indicate  that your disclosure controls and procedures were not
effective  and  explain  why  they  were  not.

     REPLY:   We  have  considered  the  staff's  comments  and have revised our
conclusion  in  Item 9A (T) to state that the disclosure controls and procedures
are  not  effective  and  discussed  the  reasons  for  that  conclusion.

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
February 25, 2010
Page 3

     The  Company  hereby  acknowledges  that the Company is responsible for the
adequacy  and  accuracy  of  the  disclosure in their filings; staff comments or
changes  to  disclosure  in  response  to  staff  comments  do not foreclose the
Commission  from  taking  any action with respect to the filing; and the Company
may  not  assert  staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the
Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United States.

     Please  write  or  call  the undersigned at (419) 535-6374 ext. 116, or our
counsel,  Sol  V. Slotnik, Esq., whose telephone number is set forth below, with
any  comments  the  staff  may have with regard to this letter or the amendment.
Thank  you.

Sincerely yours,

N-Viro International Corporation

By: /s/  James K. McHugh
     James K. McHugh
     Chief Financial Officer

cc:  via e-mail Sol V. Slotnik, Esq.     T. (212) 687-1222
                                         F. (212) 986-2399