Exhibit 8(a)

                                    TO THE

     WHEREAS, Financial Data Services, Inc. ("FDS") and Merrill Lynch Low
Duration Fund, Inc. (the "Fund"), on behalf of itself and certain of its
series, entered into a Transfer Agency, Dividend Disbursing Agency and
Shareholder Servicing Agency Agreement, as amended (the "Agreement");

     WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend the Agreement to reflect the
Fund's issuance of Class R shares; and

     WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend the Agreement to reflect
services FDS may provide to the Fund in connection with the Fund's money
laundering prevention programs and compensation to FDS for such services.

     NOW, THEREFORE, FDS and the Fund hereby amend the Agreement as follows:

1.   The parties agree that, in order to more accurately reflect the conduct
     of their business relationship, Paragraph 3(t) of the Agreement shall be
     re-designated Paragraph 3(g) and a new Paragraph 3(t) added to read in
     its entirety: "FDS agrees to perform such anti-money laundering ("AML")
     functions with respect to the Fund's shares as the Fund or its agent may
     delegate to FDS from time to time or as IDS is otherwise obligated to
     perform. In accordance with mutually-agreed procedures, FDS shall use its
     best efforts in carrying out such functions under the Fund's AML program.
     Fund shareholders (which for this purpose shall mean only shareholders of
     record) are customers of the Fund and not customers of IDS and the Fund
     retains legal responsibility under the USA PATRIOT Act for AML compliance
     with respect to transactions in Fund shares." FDS agrees to cooperate
     with any request from examiners of US Government agencies having
     jurisdiction over the Fund for information and records relating to the
     Fund's AML program and E consents to inspection by such examiners for
     this purpose.

2.   The parties agree that the compensation payable in connection with
     certain accounts will be modified. Pursuant to Section 4 of the
     Agreement, the compensation payable to FDS on services for such accounts
     is set forth in the Amended and Restated Schedule of Fees attached to
     this Amendment, which shall become a part of the Agreement and shall be
     effective as of January 1, 2003.

     IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of
this 1st day of January, 2003.


By:  /s/ Donald C. Burke
    Donald C. Burke


By:  /s/  Sharon L. Hockersmith
    Sharon L. Hockersmith
    Vice President

                             AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               SCHEDULE OF FEES
                          MERRILL LYNCH MUTUAL FUNDS

Transfer Agency and Record-keeping Fees:
- ----------------------------------------

The Fund shall pay monthly the following transfer agency and record-keeping
fees to FDS, unless otherwise noted:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Annual Account Fee(6)
Distribution Channel                  Class A, D, I & R     Class B and C
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proprietary Retail(1)                         $16                $19
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Third Party(2)                                $16                $19
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Direct Account                                $20                $23
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MFA ERISA(3)                                  0.10%              0.10%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RG Recordkept Plans(4)                        $16                $19
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ML Connect Network Plans(5)                   $16                $19
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------

(1)  Shares are sold through Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith
     incorporated ("MLPF&S"), excluding MFA ERISA accounts. Certain MLPF&S
     fee-based program accounts are subject to separately negotiated transfer
     agency and record- keeping fees.

(2)  Shares are sold through broker-dealers other than MLPF&S.

(3)  Shares are held through the MLPF&S MFA (Mutual Fund Advisor) program, or
     any other fee-based program, in accounts requiring equalization under
     ERISA. Fees are calculated based on average daily net assets.

(4)  Shares are sold to participants of a defined benefit or defined
     contribution plan (a "Plan") that is recordkept by Merrill Lynch.

(5)  Shares are sold to participants of a Plan for which a third-party
     administrator (currently BISYS, Paychex, Inc., Invesco Retirement, Inc.,
     MFS and Oppenheimer Funds) is the record-keeper pursuant to certain
     agreements with Merrill Lynch.

(6)  Fees apply to accounts that are active for any portion of a month.


Out-of-Pocket Expenses:
- -----------------------
The Fund shall pay the following out-of-pocket costs incurred by FDS:
   o  AML compliance costs, including, but not limited to, legal fees,
      reporting agency fees, and incremental personnel expenses, but only
      insofar as any of the foregoing fees and expenses relate to "direct"
      individual accounts. The Fund shall not pay for any costs related to the
      underlying beneficial owners of any omnibus or other similar type of
   o  Postage
   o  Special Mail processing expenses, including, but not limited to, postal
      presort, householding, exception extract, and duplicate elimination)
   o  Envelopes/stationery
   o  Record storage and retrieval
   o  Telephone (local and long distance)
   o  Pre-authorized checks
   o  Returned check fees/charges and other similar fees/charges
   o  Handling costs or similar supplemental charges imposed by ADP or other
      vendor delivering goods and services related to the Agreement
   o  Fed wire charges, excluding wires to/from Fund custody accounts
   o  Forms
   o  Any other costs as mutually agreed by the parties

Estimated miscellaneous out-of-pocket expenses are paid monthly based on an
annualized rate of $0.04 per account. This estimated expense rate may be
increased or decreased periodically, as necessary, to more accurately reflect
anticipated actual expenses. On a semi-annual basis, the actual miscellaneous
out-of-pocket expenses incurred will be compared to the estimated
out-of-pocket expense paid. The appropriate adjustment will be made by FDS
Finance or MLIM Accounts Payable at that time.

Extraordinary Expenses:
- -----------------------

The fees and expense reimbursements described above do not cover extraordinary
services, including, but not limited to, administration of a reorganization or
liquidation of the Fund, remedial actions necessitated by errors or omissions
of the Fund or any of its agents, or conversion of the Fund to another
transfer agent. Fees and expense reimbursements, in connection with
extraordinary services, will be mutually agreed by the parties prior to the
performance of such services.
