Execution Version

                                                                EXHIBIT 10.6.1

                            Dated 24 September 2003

                          GRANITE MORTGAGES 03-3 plc
                               as Current Issuer

                       as Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider

                               NORTHERN ROCK PLC
                                 as Originator

                                 GPCH LIMITED

                                    - and -

                               as Share Trustee

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                          SIDLEY AUSTIN BROWN & WOOD
                             1 THREADNEEDLE STREET
                                LONDON EC2R 8AW
                            TELEPHONE 020 7360 3600
                            FACSIMILE 020 7626 7937
                             REF: 30507-19/615190


1.      Definitions and Interpretation.......................................1

2.      Nomination of Directors..............................................2

3.      Returns..............................................................3

4.      Administrative Services..............................................3

5.      Confidentiality......................................................4

6.      Remuneration.........................................................5

7.      Non Petition and Limited Recourse....................................5

8.      Termination..........................................................6

9.      Non-Assignment.......................................................7

10.     Non-exclusive........................................................7

11.     Indemnity............................................................7

12.     Governing Law and Jurisdiction, Appropriate Form.....................8

13.     Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.........................8

14.     Notices..............................................................8


THIS AGREEMENT is made 24 September 2003


(1)     GRANITE MORTGAGES 03-3 plc (registered number 4823268) a public
        limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose
        registered office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX
        as the Current Issuer;

(2)     LAW DEBENTURE CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED, (registered number 3388362)
        whose registered office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London
        EC2V 7EX in its capacity as the Current Issuer Corporate Services

(3)     NORTHERN ROCK PLC (registered number 3273685) whose registered office
        is at Northern Rock House, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4PL as
        Northern Rock;

(4)     GRANITE FINANCE HOLDINGS LIMITED (registered number 4127787) whose
        registered office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX
        as Holdings;

(5)     GPCH LIMITED (registered number 4128437) whose registered office is at
        Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX as GPCH and, together
        with Holdings and the Current Issuer, the "SPV Companies" and each a
        "SPV Company"); and

(6)     THE LAW DEBENTURE INTERMEDIARY CORPORATION p.l.c. (registered number
        1525148) whose registered office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street,
        London EC2V 7EX in its capacity as Share Trustee.


The Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider has agreed with the other
parties hereto to provide certain corporate services as more fully described


1.      Definitions and Interpretation

        The provisions of:

        (a)     the Master Definitions Schedule as amended and restated by
                (and appearing in Appendix 1 to) the Master Definitions
                Schedule Sixth Amendment and Restatement Deed made on 24
                September 2003 between, among others, the Seller, Funding and
                the Mortgages Trustee, and

        (b)     the Issuer Master Definitions Schedule signed for the purposes
                of identification by Sidley Austin Brown & Wood and Allen &
                Overy on 24 September 2003,

        (as the same have been and may be amended, varied or supplemented from
        time to time with the consent of the parties hereto) are expressly and
        specifically incorporated into and shall apply to this Agreement. The
        Issuer Master Definitions Schedule specified above shall prevail to
        the extent that it conflicts with the Master Definitions Schedule.


2.      Nomination of Directors

        (a)     For so long as this Agreement remains in force and subject as
                set out in paragraph (b) below:

                (i)     Northern Rock will be entitled to, and shall, nominate
                        one person willing to serve in the capacity of
                        director for each SPV Company (and Northern Rock shall
                        be deemed to have so nominated Keith McCallum Currie
                        as its first nominee in such capacity) and nothing
                        herein shall require Northern Rock to nominate the
                        same person as director for each SPV Company; and

                (ii)    the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider will be
                        entitled to, and shall, nominate two persons willing
                        to serve in the capacity of director for each SPV
                        Company (and shall be deemed to have so nominated
                        L.D.C. Securitisation Director No. 1 Limited and
                        L.D.C. Securitisation Director No. 2 Limited as its
                        first nominees in such capacity) and nothing herein
                        shall prevent the Current Issuer Corporate Services
                        Provider from nominating itself as a corporate
                        director for each SPV Company or require the Current
                        Issuer Corporate Services Provider to nominate the
                        same two persons as director for each SPV Company.

        (b)     In relation to any person nominated or deemed to be nominated
                under (a) above, whichever of Northern Rock or the Current
                Issuer Corporate Services Provider nominated that person is
                referred to below as that person's "appointor".

        (c)     In relation to any person nominated or deemed to be nominated
                under (a) above as a director of any SPV Company, that person
                is referred to below as a "Director".

        (d)     Each appointor hereby confirms to the other that, if the
                person nominated or deemed to be nominated by it should resign
                or retire or for any other reason cease to act as Director of
                any SPV Company, it will promptly:

                (i)     procure that such Director shall acknowledge in
                        writing that he has no claim of any nature whatsoever
                        against the SPV Companies;

                (ii)    nominate another person willing to act in the relevant
                        capacity; and

                (iii)   procure the consent of that other person to act in
                        that capacity.

        (e)     Each appointor shall procure that each of the persons
                respectively nominated or deemed to be nominated by it from
                time to time as provided above accepts the relevant
                appointment and acts in the relevant capacity without fee or
                remuneration from any SPV Company save that nothing in this
                Agreement shall prejudice any right to remuneration on the
                part of the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider under
                Clause 6 hereof.

        (f)     The Share Trustee undertakes and agrees subject to its duties
                and obligations as Share Trustee under the Share Trust Deed
                dated 19 March 2001 that it shall exercise its rights as a
                shareholder of Holdings and all rights and powers


                vested in it under the Articles of Association of each SPV
                Company so as to procure that the Board of Directors of each
                SPV Company comprises at all times one nominee of Northern
                Rock (provided that Northern Rock shall have nominated such
                person to such office) and two nominees of the Current Issuer
                Corporate Services Provider as provided under paragraph (a)

        (g)     The obligations of the Current Issuer Corporate Services
                Provider under this Agreement and the obligations of each SPV
                Company under the Transaction Documents are, respectively,
                solely the corporate obligations of the Current Issuer
                Corporate Services Provider and the SPV Companies. No recourse
                shall be had in respect of any obligation or claim arising out
                of or based upon this Agreement or any of the Transaction
                Documents against any employee, officer or director of the
                Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider or the SPV
                Companies save where the claim, demand, liability, cost or
                expense in connection therewith arises from the negligence,
                wilful default or breach of duty of such employee, officer or
                director of the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider or
                the SPV Companies.

3.      Returns

        Northern Rock undertakes that the person for the time being nominated
        by it as Director of a SPV Company pursuant to Clause 2 shall ensure,
        insofar as he or she is able having regard to the duties imposed on
        directors by law, that (a) all registers, filings and returns required
        to be made by such SPV Company are kept and made in accordance with
        the relevant provisions of English law or the rules of any relevant UK
        regulatory authority and (b) such SPV Company is otherwise in
        compliance with the Companies Act 1985.

4.      Administrative Services

4.1     The Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider shall provide the
        following services (the "Services"):

        (a)     a registered office and administrative office for each SPV

        (b)     the services of three persons who will, if required, accept
                office as directors of each SPV Company;

        (c)     the services of a secretary to each SPV Company to perform all
                the duties properly required of a secretary by the directors
                of such SPV Company and the Companies Acts 1985 (the "Law");

        (d)     the arrangement of meetings of directors and shareholders of
                each SPV Company in the UK and the preparation of minutes of
                such meetings;

        (e)     the arrangement of annual meetings and any other meetings of
                the shareholders of each SPV Company;

        (f)     the maintenance of the statutory books of each SPV Company and
                any other books and records required by law or ordinarily
                required by a English company and the preparation and issue of
                share certificates;


        (g)     the preparation and submission of any other documents required
                by law to be prepared or filed by each SPV Company including
                all filings to be made with the Registrar of Companies;

        (h)     the provision of book keeping services and preparation of each
                SPV Company's accounts based upon the ledgers and records
                maintained by the Current Issuer Cash Manager;

        (i)     the instruction of each SPV Company's auditors to prepare the
                annual audited financial statements; and

        (j)     the execution of all such agreements, documents and
                undertakings as shall be necessary in connection with the
                business of each SPV Company if so authorised by a valid
                resolution of the Board of Directors of each SPV Company;

4.2     The Current Issuer Corporate Service Provider's duties:

        (a)     The Current Issuer Corporate Service Provider shall at all
                times act in accordance with all reasonable and proper
                directions, orders and instructions given by the Board of
                Directors of each SPV Company.

        (b)     The Current Issuer Corporate Service Provider shall not
                knowingly do or knowingly omit to do anything which would
                constitute a breach of any provisions of the Memorandum and
                Articles of Association of each SPV Company or of any legally
                binding restrictions applying to each such SPV Company. This
                includes but is not limited to any legally binding
                restrictions applying to each SPV Company as a consequence of
                its being a party to the Transaction Documents.

5.      Confidentiality

5.1     The Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider shall not, and hereby
        undertakes to procure that each person nominated or deemed to be
        nominated by the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider as
        Director of each SPV Company shall not (regardless of whether or not
        such person shall still be in office), at any time disclose to any
        person, firm or company whatsoever (other than the Share Trustee), and
        shall treat as confidential, any information relating to the business,
        finances or other matters of Northern Rock or any SPV Company which
        such Director may have obtained as a result of (in the case of the
        Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider) its role under this
        Agreement as a Director or as employer or principal to any Director or
        (in the case of any Director) such Director's position as Director of
        each SPV Company, or otherwise have become possessed of, and the
        Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider shall use its best
        endeavours to prevent any such disclosure provided however that the
        provisions of this Clause shall not apply:

        (a)     to the disclosure of any information already known to the

        (b)     to the disclosure of any information which is or becomes
                public knowledge otherwise than in breach of this Clause;


        (c)     to any extent that disclosure is required pursuant to any law
                or order of any court or pursuant to any direction, request or
                requirement (whether or not having the force of law) of any
                central bank or any governmental or other regulatory or
                taxation authority (including, without limitation, any
                official bank examiners or regulators or the London Stock
                Exchange plc or any other applicable stock exchange);

        (d)     to the disclosure of any information to professional advisers
                or any of the Rating Agencies who receive the same under a
                duty of confidentiality;

        (e)     to the disclosure of any information with the consent of all
                the parties hereto; and

        (f)     to the disclosure of any information to the Note Trustee.

        and the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider hereby agrees to
        indemnify and hold harmless Northern Rock and the SPV Companies for
        all losses, damages, expenses, costs, claims and charges arising from
        or caused by any disclosure of information by any of the Current
        Issuer Corporate Services Provider or any Director nominated or deemed
        to be nominated by it which disclosure is made contrary to the
        provisions of this Clause.

5.2     The obligations of the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider
        under this Clause 5 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

6.      Remuneration

        The Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider shall be entitled to
        remuneration for the services provided by it under this Agreement of
        an amount to be agreed between the SPV Companies, Northern Rock and
        the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider (together with Value
        Added Tax thereon) which shall consist of remuneration for corporate
        services hereunder to be borne by the SPV Companies and payable
        quarterly on Payment Dates subject to and in accordance with the
        Current Issuer Priority of Payments. The remuneration to the Current
        Issuer Corporate Services Provider as set forth in this Clause shall
        apply only in respect of this Agreement and the transactions
        contemplated by the Transaction Documents, and the remuneration to the
        Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider in respect of any previous
        or subsequent transaction between the parties shall be as agreed in
        connection with such transaction.

7.      Non Petition and Limited Recourse

7.1     Each of the parties hereto hereby agrees that it shall not institute
        against any of the SPV Companies any winding-up, administration,
        insolvency or similar proceedings in any jurisdiction for so long as
        any sum is outstanding under the Notes of any Issuer or for two years
        plus one day since the last day on which any such sum was outstanding.

7.2     Each of the parties hereto agrees that notwithstanding any other
        provision of this Agreement or any other Transaction Document:

        (a)     in relation to GPCH and/or Holdings, any amount payable by
                GPCH or Holdings to any other party to this Agreement under
                this Agreement shall only


                be payable to the extent that GPCH or, as the case may be,
                Holdings has sufficient funds to pay such amount on such date;

        (b)     in relation to the Current Issuer:

                (i)     only the Note Trustee may enforce the security created
                        in favour of the Note Trustee under the Current Issuer
                        Deed of Charge in accordance with the provisions

                (ii)    no sum due or owing to any party to this Agreement
                        from or by the Current Issuer under this Agreement
                        shall be payable by the Current Issuer except to the
                        extent that the Current Issuer has sufficient funds
                        available or (following enforcement of the Current
                        Issuer Security) the Note Trustee has realised
                        sufficient funds from the Current Issuer Security to
                        pay such sum subject to and in accordance with the
                        relevant Current Issuer Priority of Payments and
                        provided that all liabilities of the Current Issuer
                        required to be paid in priority thereto or pari passu
                        therewith pursuant to such Current Issuer Priority of
                        Payments have been paid, discharged and/or otherwise
                        provided for in full; and

                (iii)   it shall not take any steps for the purpose of
                        recovering any amount payable by the Current Issuer or
                        enforcing any rights arising out of this Agreement
                        against the Current Issuer otherwise than in
                        accordance with the Current Issuer Deed of Charge.

7.3     The provisions of Clause 6 of the Current Issuer Deed of Charge shall
        prevail in the event that and to the extent that they conflict with
        the provisions of this Clause 7.

8.      Termination

8.1     The appointment of the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider
        hereunder in relation to each SPV Company shall terminate:

        (a)     upon the expiration of 90 days notice in writing given by the
                Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider or by the relevant
                SPV Company and provided that a substitute corporate services
                provider acceptable to the relevant SPV Company and Northern
                Rock has been appointed in relation to the relevant SPV
                Company on terms substantially the same as those set out in
                this Agreement and that such appointment will be effective not
                later than the date of the termination;

        (b)     immediately if:

                (i)     an order has been made or a resolution has been passed
                        to put the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider
                        into liquidation (except a voluntary liquidation for
                        the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation); or

                (ii)    the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider has
                        broken or is in breach of any of the terms of this
                        Agreement and shall not have remedied such breach
                        within 30 days after service of notice requiring the
                        same to be remedied; or


                (iii)   the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider becomes
                        insolvent; or

                (iv)    the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider ceases
                        or threatens to cease to carry on its business or a
                        substantial part of its business or stops payment or
                        threatens to stop payment of its debts.

8.2     This agreement shall terminate automatically on the date falling 90
        days after the later of the date on which the Mortgages Trust Deed
        terminates or the date on which all of the Current Issuer Secured
        Obligations have been discharged in full.

8.3     Termination of the appointment of the Current Issuer Corporate
        Services Provider under this Clause 8 shall be without prejudice to
        the rights of any party in respect of any antecedent claim against or
        breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Current Issuer Corporate
        Services Provider.

9.      Non-Assignment

        The rights and obligations of the parties hereto are personal and,
        save in the case of the Current Issuer in accordance with the Current
        Issuer Deed of Charge, shall not be capable of assignment.

10.     Non-exclusive

        The Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider and the Directors shall
        be at liberty to provide services of a like nature to any other
        persons it may think fit whether for its own account or that of any
        other person.

        Neither the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider nor any other
        person affiliated with the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider
        shall in consequence of the appointment of the Current Issuer
        Corporate Services Provider hereunder or in consequence of any
        transaction entered into by any SPV Company with the Current Issuer
        Corporate Services Provider be liable to account to the SPV Companies
        for any profits (whether disclosed or not) accruing to the Current
        Issuer Corporate Services Provider from or by virtue of any such

        The Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider shall be entitled to
        charge and receive remuneration in accordance with its usual charging
        policies for any legal advice initiated by and rendered to any SPV
        Company, subject, in the case of any SPV Company, to the limited
        recourse provisions set out in Clause 7.

11.     Indemnity

        Northern Rock undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Current
        Issuer Corporate Services Provider, the Directors and the Share
        Trustee against all actions, proceedings, accounts, claims or demands
        and any costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith which may
        be brought or made or threatened to be brought or made against either
        the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider, the Directors or the
        Share Trustee in connection with the affairs of any SPV Company unless
        any such liability shall have arisen solely due to the fraud, wilful
        misconduct or gross negligence of the Current Issuer Corporate
        Services Provider, the Directors or the Share Trustee. This indemnity
        shall continue in force notwithstanding the termination of this


12.     Governing Law and Jurisdiction, Appropriate Form

12.1    This Agreement is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance
        with, the laws of England and Wales.

12.2    Each of the parties hereto irrevocably agrees that the courts of
        England shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action
        or proceeding, and to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or
        in connection with this Agreement and, for such purposes, irrevocably
        submits to the jurisdiction of such courts.

12.3    Each of the parties hereto irrevocably waives any objection which it
        might now or hereafter have to the courts of England being nominated
        as the forum to hear and determine any proceedings and to settle any
        disputes, and agrees not to claim that any such court is not a
        convenient or appropriate forum.

13.     Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

        A person who is not a party to this Agreement may not enforce any of
        its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, but
        this shall not affect any right or remedy of a third party which
        exists or is available apart from that Act.

14.     Notices

        Any notices to be given and any correspondence or communication to be
        delivered or forwarded pursuant to this Agreement shall be
        sufficiently served, delivered or forwarded if sent by prepaid airmail
        or by facsimile transmission and shall be deemed to be given (in the
        case of facsimile transmission at 10.00am on the next business day in
        the place of receipt following despatch) or (in the case of the post)
        three (3) days after the despatch thereof and shall be sent:

        (a)     in the case of the Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider,
                to its office specified against its name at the commencement
                of this Agreement, fax number 020 7606 0643, marked for the
                attention of Sharon Tyson;

        (b)     in the case of each SPV Company, to its office specified
                against its name at the commencement of this Agreement fax
                number 020 7606 0643, marked for the attention of Sharon Tyson
                with a copy to Northern Rock to its office specified against
                its name at the commencement of this Agreement, fax number
                0191 279 4694, marked for the attention of Keith Currie; and

        (c)     in the case of the Share Trustee, to its office specified
                against its name at the commencement of this Agreement fax
                number 020 7606 0643, marked for the attention of Sharon

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the date
first above written:


                                EXECUTION PAGE

The Current Issuer

Executed by
as follows:                       By
Signed for and on its behalf by     --------------------------------------
one of its duly authorised          for and on behalf of LDC
attorneys/signatories               Securitisation Director No.1 Limited


The Current Issuer Corporate Services Provider

Executed by
as follows:                      By
Signed for and on its behalf by     --------------------------------------
one of its duly authorised          Duly Authorised Attorney/Signatory

The Share Trustee

Executed by
as follows:                      By
Signed for and on its behalf by     --------------------------------------
one of its duly authorised          Duly Authorised Attorney/Signatory


Executed by
as follows:                      By
Signed for and on its behalf by     --------------------------------------
one of its duly authorised          for and on behalf of LDC
attorneys/signatories               Securitisation Director No.1 Limited


GPCH Limited

Executed by
as follows:                       By
Signed for and on its behalf by     --------------------------------------
one of its duly authorised          for and on behalf of LDC
attorneys/signatories               Securitisation Director No.1 Limited



The Originator

Executed by
as follows:                      By
Signed for and on its behalf by     --------------------------------------
one of its duly authorised          Duly Authorised Attorney/Signatory
