Exhibit 99.3

                                   WEC Company

                                November 18, 1998

Mr. Donald J. Douglass
Chief Executive Officer
Alamo Group Inc.
750 East Mulberry Street
Suite 401
San Antonio, Texas  78212

Dear Don:

                  You have asked to review your draft press release.

                  Unless Alamo's performance  substantially improves, WEC firmly
believes  that Alamo will not be able to satisfy the "material  adverse  effect"
condition before the merger agreement terminates. In particular, the draft press
release's  statement that the decline at the company is not a "material  adverse
effect" but "rather a consequence of the innate  cyclicality of the agricultural
industry"  is  misleading  in at least  two  ways.  First,  any  decline  in the
agricultural  industry,  whether  labeled  cyclical or not, that  materially and
adversely  affects Alamo's  financial  condition,  value,  results and prospects
clearly constitutes a "material adverse effect" under the contract. Second, your
statement underplays the seriousness of the results and projections of which WEC
has learned since the merger  agreement  was  executed,  which show that Alamo's
condition,  prospects  and  value  are  materially  worse  than a year  ago  and
materially  worse than the  projections  and forecasts made before and since the
time of the merger agreement.

                  Many of our  additional  concerns about the statements in your
draft release are  articulated in WEC's November 17 letter.  Since you have told
us that you intend  promptly to file the  November 17 letter  attached to a Form
8-K and thereby put it into the public  domain,  we request  that you attach the
November  17 letter  and this  letter to the press  release or  incorporate  the
substance of the letters into the press release.

                  In addition,  the draft  release's  statement  that "after the
adjournment of the special meeting [of Alamo's shareholders on November 18], the
Company  received a letter from WEC dated November 17" is misleading with regard
to the circumstances surrounding transmittal of WEC's November 17 letter to you.
First,  the letter merely reflects the substance of several  conversations I and
other  representatives  of WEC had with  you and  Alamo's  representatives  from
Friday,  November 13, 1998, through Tuesday,  November 17, 1998. Second, our fax
confirmations demonstrate that the fax was successfully delivered to your office
on November 17, 1998 at 5:40 p.m., to Merrill Lynch on November 17, 1998 at 5:44
p.m. and to Brown & Wood on November 17, 1998 at 5:48 p.m.
Chicago time.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     WEC Company

                                                     By: /s/ Paul Wood by RWP  

cc: Joe Armbrust, Brown & Wood LLP
    Paul Stefanick, Merrill Lynch