Exhibit 10.1

TelSys Corporation
                                                    7100 Columbia
Gateway Drive

Columbia, MD 21046


May 20, 1998

Mr. Joseph T. Pisula
1582 North Colonial Terrace
Arlington, VA 22209

Dear Jay:


We  are  pleased to offer you the position of President/Chief
Executive Officer
(<O`>President/CEO<O'>)  of  TSI TelSys Corporation (the
<O`>Company<O'>) at an
annual salary of US$240,000 (US$20,000 monthly) on the terms set
out below.

EMPLOYMENT TERM.  We would like  you  to  start full-time
employment on June 1,
1998 or earlier as mutual agreed.  [Confidential portions omitted
and filed separately with the Commission.]

SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENT AS ADVISOR. In addition, the Company  and
you  also now
agree  that  the  Company  will  offer  and  that you will accept
employment as
Advisor to the Company for a period of 21 months,  which will
begin immediately
following  your  employment  as  President/CEO  or as Vice-
Chairman,  whichever
appointment is the latest one held. As Advisor, the  Company and
you agree that
your  salary  would  be US$1,000 per month and your time
commitment  would  be
proportionately reduced. Also, during your employment as Advisor,
you agree not
to compete with the Company,  as  per  the  section labeled
below.  None  of  the  provisions  pertaining to the
<O`>Additional  Incentive
Compensation<O'>, <O`>Benefits<O'>,  <O`>Leave<O'>,  <O`>Temporary
<O`>Disclosure   of   Other   Business   Interests<O'>,
<O`>Notice<O'>    or
<O`>Severance<O'>  sections  that  appear  below  will  apply  to
you  in this
position.  Further,  the  Company and you also now agree that
neither party  is
able to terminate your employment as Advisor before 21 months<O~>
employment in
this role has been completed.

DUTIES OF PRESIDENT/CEO. As  you  know,  the  Company has been in
existence for
two and one-half years and is now past the <O`>start-up<O'>
phase. We are in a
period  of  exciting  growth  and transition, which we would like
for  you  to
continue and accelerate. The Board of Directors of the Company
expects that you

<circle> within the first 45 days of your employment, present a
written version
   of your operating plan to the  Board  for  its  review and
concurrence. Your
   operating plan must detail (i) how the Company will  achieve
and  exceed in
   1998 the sales, bookings and net operating income targets
presented  in  the
   Strategic  Business  Plan for the Communications Division
(dated December 5,
   1997), and (ii) state your financing objectives and plans;

<circle> within three to  six  months  of  your  start  date,  to
present your
   strategic plan to the Board for its review and concurrence;

<circle>  obtain and close on financing for the Company in an
amount  not  less
   than US$2.5  million  by  August  15, 1998 D this amount and
its achievement
   date will be subject to modification  depending  on the success
in arranging
   an extension or renewal of the letter of credit;

<circle>  assess  and  make recommendations for the Company<O~>s
   skills and competencies;

<circle> also assume the  position  of  CEO  at  the  Company<O~>s
   subsidiary,  TSI TelSys Inc. and Acting CEO at the Company<O~>s
   TSI Technology  Inc.,  for  the  flat  fee  of  US$1.00  per
year  at  each


<circle> implement and carry out any other additional duties
assigned to you by
   the Board from time to time.

monthly  salary  as
President/CEO  and/or  as Vice-Chairman, the Company agrees to
offer additional
incentive compensation in the form of Stock Option Compensation,
as outlined in
<O`>Attachment  A:  Stock  Option  Compensation<O'>,  and  in  the
form  of  a
Performance Bonus, as outlined in <O`>Attachment B: Performance

BENEFITS. While you are  employed  as  President/CEO  or  as Vice-
Chairman, the
Company will provide you with benefits that include health  and
life insurance,
workers<O~>  compensation,  social security and a 401(k) plan,
which  will  be
described  in a separate brochure.  There  will  be  an  employee
required to  participate in certain benefits, many of which are
administered by
an outside vendor, Administaff. Under this arrangement, you will
be an employee
of both Administaff  (for  purposes of payroll, insurance and so
forth) and the
Company through TSI TelSys Inc.  You will be required to complete
an employment
application and other administrative documents as part of the
hiring process.

LEAVE. President/CEO is a full-time  position.  However, the
Company recognizes
that you have some outside commitments. You and the  Company
agree  that these
outside commitments will not exceed four working days a month and
that  if  you
elect to take any one or all of those days, you


will  take  them  as unpaid leave. You are entitled to three (3)
weeks<O~> paid
vacation a calendar  year  (pro rated). The Company<O~>s composite
leave policy
will NOT apply to you while  you  are President/CEO. The
Company<O~>s composite
leave policy will apply to you on a  pro  rata  basis while you
are employed as
Vice-Chairman. The composite leave policy will NOT apply to you
when you become
Advisor, however.

TEMPORARY LODGING. During your employment as President/CEO,  the
Company  will
reimburse you for actual and reasonable temporary lodging expenses
you incur to
facilitate your employment commitment in the Columbia office, at a
rate not  to
exceed  US$110 per night on a tax-grossed-up basis, and subject to
a maximum of
US$1,500 per month on a tax-grossed-up basis.

NON-COMPETE.  In  consideration  for  your  employment and the
compensation and
benefits that you will receive, provided that  the Company is not
in default on
its obligations, the Company requires that, (i)  during and for
two years after
your employment with the Company as either President/CEO  or  as
and also (ii) during your employment with the Company as Advisor,
you agree:

<circle>  NOT  to  engage  in  any  business  activities  for your
own account,
   directly or indirectly, other than via investments in mutual
funds,  or  to
   act  as  an  officer, director, agent, or in any other capacity
of any other
   corporation, partnership,  or  any  other business organization
that have or
   may have business interests that are  similar  or in any way
connected to or
   competitive with the Company<O~>s interests or the  interests
of any of its
   subsidiaries without the knowledge of and approval by the

<circle>  NOT to solicit, directly or indirectly, any customers of
the  Company
   or of any  of its subsidiaries to divert their business in any
way to you or
   to any corporation,  partnership or any other business
organization in which
   you have a financial interest, directly or indirectly, without
the knowledge
   of and approval by the Board;

<circle> NOT to solicit, directly or indirectly, any employee of
the Company or
   of any of its subsidiaries  to  leave the Company for any other
   partnership or any other business  organization without the
knowledge of and
   approval by the Board.

You agree that the scope of this agreement  not  to  compete and
the nature and
duration  of  the  restrictions  are reasonable and necessary  for
the  proper
protection of the Company. In the  event that any person or entity
contests the validity or enforceability of this agreement not to
compete in its
present form, the agreement not to compete  shall  not  be  deemed
invalid  or
unenforceable,  but  shall  instead  be  deemed  modified so as to
be valid and
enforceable.  This non-compete provision may be enforced  through
request  for
injunctive relief or damages in any court of competent

days of your
start date as President/CEO,   you  will  disclose  to  the Board
of TSI TelSys
Corporation all other business interests in which you have
greater than a five
percent   (5%)   ownership   interest.  During  your  term  of
employment   as
President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman,  you  also  agree to notify the
Board of any
changes to your ownership interest in any of these  other business
interests or
in any other business interests in which you acquire  a  greater
than  a  five
percent (5%) ownership interest: such notification is to be made
within 21 days
of any such change. You also agree, while employed as
President/CEO or as Vice-
Chairman,   not  to act as an officer, director, agent or in any
other capacity
of  any other corporation,  partnership  or  any  other  business
without  the  knowledge  of  the  Board.  You  also  agree,  while
employed as
President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman,


not  to  act  as  an officer, director, agent, or in any other
capacity of  any
other corporation,  partnership or any other business organization
that have or
may have business interests  that  are  similar  or  in any way
connected to or
competitive  with  the  Company<O~>s  interests without the
knowledge  of  and
approval by the Board.

You  also  agree,  while employed as President/CEO  or  as  Vice-
Chairman,   to
disclose to the Board  all  investment  banks  and  stockbroking
companies with
which you have had any business dealings over the past  three
years.  You also
agree  to disclose to the Board, at a time and date no later than
the following
Board meeting,  any  business  dealings  you  have  or  have
arranged with any
investment banks and stockbroking companies for your own account,
directly  or
indirectly,  or as an officer, director, agent, or in any other
capacity of any
other corporation,  partnership,  or  any other business
organization while you
are employed as President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman.

NON-DISCLOSURE  OF  COMPANY MATTERS. You  will  be  required  to
sign  a  non-
disclosure agreement,  the  purpose  of  which is to safeguard the
interests  in  proprietary  information  developed   by  the
Company  and  its

NOTICE.  While you are employed as President/CEO or as  Vice-
Chairman,  if  you
decide to  terminate your employment with the Company, you are
required to give
at least three months<O~> prior written notice to the Board.

The Company  has  the right to terminate your employment as
President/CEO or as
Vice-Chairman at any  time  with  or  without  prior written
notice. Other than
termination  for  just  cause,  if  the  Company  decides   to
terminate  your
employment, you will be entitled to receive the severance package
described in
the following section entitled <O`>Severance<O'>. The Company will
be  entitled
to  terminate  your employment without notice and without
severance package  to
you for just cause.  For  the  purposes  of  this  employment
letter, <O`>just
cause<O'>  shall  mean:  (I) commission of a willful act of
dishonesty  in  the
course of your duties; (ii)  conviction by a court of competent
jurisdiction of
a crime constituting a felony  or  conviction  in  respect of any
act involving
fraud,  dishonesty  or  moral  turpitude;  (iii)  performance   of
your   job
responsibilities  while  under  the  influence  of  alcohol  or
any controlled
substance  during  working hours after the Company shall have
provided  written
notice to you that your  behaviour  is  inappropriate and will not
be tolerated
and has offered to you counselling services;  (iv)  frequent  or
extended, and
unjustifiable  (not  as  a result of your incapacity or
disability) absenteeism
which shall not have been  cured  within  30  days after the
Company shall have
advised  you  in  writing  of  its intention to terminate  your
employment  in
accordance with these provisions  in  the  event  that such
condition shall not
have  been  cured;  (v)  willful  and  continued personal
misconduct,  action,
inaction, inability or refusal by you to  perform  duties  and
described  under  <O`>Duties<O'> above; (vi) material non-
compliance  with  the
terms of this employment letter.

The Company and you  agree  that  if  the  Company  chooses  to
terminate your
employment as President/CEO, then you will be subsequently
employed  as Advisor
to  the  Company for a period of 21 months, as described earlier,
but you  will
NOT be employed  as  Vice-Chairman. Also, the Company and you
agree that if the
Company chooses to terminate your employment as Vice-Chairman,
then you will be
subsequently employed as Advisor to the Company for a period of 21

Further, the Company and  you  agree that the Company<O~>s
subsidiaries will be
entitled to terminate your employment  without notice and without
severance for
any reason, provided that your employment with the subsidiary (or
is  not  the  primary  source  of  your salary,  benefits  or
other  incentive
compensation at that time.

SEVERANCE.   If  the  Company  decides  to   terminate   your
employment   as
President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman for any reason other than for
just cause, you
will be entitled to one of the following severance packages:

a) if  the  decision  to  terminate occurs within the first six
months from the
   start date of your employment,  you will be entitled to
severance equivalent
   to six months<O~> salary as President/CEO  (the  total  to be
paid to you at
   one-sixth  each  month  for six months) and to enjoy a
continuation  of  the
   Company  benefits (health  and  life  insurance,  workers<O~>
   social security  and 401(k) plan) for the same six-month
period. Further the


   month period during  which  you continue to draw salary and
benefits will be
   hereinafter referred to as the <O`>Termination Period<O'>;

b) if the decision to terminate occurs more than six months from
the start date
   of your employment and if you  are  at  that time employed as
   you will be entitled to severance equivalent  to  nine
months<O~> salary as
   President/CEO (the total to be paid to you at one-ninth each
month for nine
   months) and to enjoy a continuation of the Company benefits
(health and life
   insurance,  workers<O~> compensation, social security and
401(k)  plan)  for
   the same nine-month  period.  Further the nine-month period
during which you
   continue to draw salary and benefits  will be hereinafter
referred to as the
   <O`>Termination Period<O'>;

c) if you are employed at that time as Vice-Chairman,  you  will
be entitled to
   severance equivalent to twelve months<O~> salary as Vice-
Chairman (the total
   to be paid to you at one-twelfth each month for twelve months)
and to enjoy
   a continuation of the Company benefits on a pro rata basis
(health  and life
   insurance,  workers<O~>  compensation, social security and
401(k) plan)  for
   the same twelve-month period.  The  twelve-month  period
during  which  you
   continue  to draw salary and benefits will be hereinafter
referred to as the
   <O`>Termination Period<O'>.

terminate your
employment as  President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman, it also can
choose whether to
request you to continue  to come to work during the Termination
Period. Vesting
of  Time-Based  Stock  Options   granted  to  you  will  continue
through  the
Termination Period only if the Company  requests  you  to
continue  to come to
work,  or  unless  you  qualify  for  accelerating  vesting of
Time-Based Stock
Options by virtue of the completion of a Change of Control
Transaction or Sale
of the Communications Business during the 180 day period
immediately  following
the  termination of your employment as either President/CEO or as
in which the Pre-Deal Valuation of the Company or the Pre-Deal
Valuation of the
Communications  Business  is  at  least  US$50  million and so
long as you also
played  an  active  part  in  the  negotiations  with the
purchaser  prior  to

Vesting  of  Performance-Based  Stock Options will also  continue
through  the
Termination Period only if the Company  requests  you  to
continue  to come to
work, or unless you qualify for further vesting by virtue of the
completion  of
a  Change  of Control Transaction or Sale of the Communications
Business during
the 180 day  period immediately following the termination of your
employment as
either President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman in which the Pre-Deal
Valuation of the
Company or the  Pre-Deal  Valuation  of the Communications
Business is at least
US$25 million and so long as you also played an active part in the
with the purchaser prior to termination.

CLEARANCE. The Company and you share an understanding  that  we
are proceeding
with this appointment letter, notwithstanding the possibility that
the Company
may  find  it desirable to redefine your role at some future date
in order  for
its subsidiary,  TSI  TelSys  Inc.,  to  obtain  facility
clearance  from  the
Department of Security Services (<O`>DSS<O'>).

As  you  know,  we  are  still  exploring  possibilities  in this
regard. It is
possible, for example, that it would serve the Company<O~>s  best
interests if
you  step down as President/CEO of the Company in a few months<O~>
time,  while
continuing  to take charge of the operations of the subsidiary,
TSI TelSys Inc,
by becoming simply the CEO of the latter, which could then qualify
for Facility
Clearance. If  the  Company and you mutually agree to terminate
your employment
as President/CEO of TSI  TelSys  Corporation  for this reason,
then you will be
offered an equivalent employment package as


CEO of TSI TelSys Inc. (with the same salary and  benefits  as
before  and  an
incentive compensation package that will parallel what is
contained herein).

GOVERNING  LAW. This agreement, including all attachments, shall
be interpreted
pursuant to  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Maryland  except  as
to its law of

We look forward to your joining the Company.


For and on behalf of TSI TelSys Corporation

Dr. Wan Muhamad Hasni Wan Sulaiman

Attachment A: Stock Option Compensation
Attachment B: Completion of Tasks Bonus

I agree and accept employment on the terms set out above:

Joseph T. Pisula



                                 ATTACHMENT A
                           STOCK OPTION COMPENSATION

GRANT OF STOCK OPTIONS.. TSI TelSys Corporation (the
<O`>Company<O'>) agrees to
grant  to  you  2,438,500  Stock  Options  on your start date,
pursuant to  the
Company<O~>s  Key  Employee Incentive Stock Option  Plan  and
subject  to  the
conditions that no options are exercised by you until such time as
the Montreal
Exchange has granted their approval of the issuance of the Stock
Options to you
and the Montreal Exchange and the shareholders of the Company have
approved the
increase in the number of common share options available to be
issued under the
Company<O~>s  Key  Employee  Share  Option  Incentive  Plan,  such
approval being sought  at  the  Annual  General  Meeting to be
held on June 25,
1998. Of this total, 1,538,500 will be Time-Based  Stock  Options
and  900,000
will  be  Performance-Based  Stock  Options.  They will vest as
per the schemes
described below.

EXERCISE PRICE. The exercise price on these Stock Options will be
set at either
(i) Cdn$0.45; or (ii) pursuant to the terms of  the  Key  Employee
Share Option
Incentive Plan, the average of daily high and low board lot
trading  prices on
the  Montreal Exchange for the immediately preceding five days on
which  trades
occurred prior to the date of grant; whichever is the highest.

EXERCISE PERIOD. The exercise period for these Stock Options shall
terminate 90
days from  date  that your employment (i.e., from the last day of
employment as
Advisor) with the Company terminates.

CHANGES  IN CAPITALIZATION.  If  the  authorized  capital  of  the
Company  as
presently  constituted is consolidated into a lesser number of
common shares or
subdivided into  a greater number of common shares, the number of
Stock Options
covered by this letter  and  its  attachments  shall  be decreased
or increased
proportionately, as the case may be, and the exercise price to be
paid for each
new share in TSI TelSys Corporation shall also be adjusted

AMALGAMATION OR MERGER. If, from time to time, any other  change
is made in the
capital  of  the  Company  or  the Company amalgamates or
combines,  merges  or
consolidates with one or more other companies or corporations (and
the right to
do  so  is  hereby  expressly reserved  by  the  Company)  whether
by  way  of
arrangement, by exchange  of shares, or otherwise, in each such
case each Stock
Option shall extend to and  cover the number, class and kind of
shares or other
obligations to which the holder  of  the  Stock Option would have
been entitled
had the Stock Option been fully exercised immediately  prior  to
the date such
amalgamation,  merger, combination or consolidation becomes
effective  and  the
then prevailing  subscription  price  of  the  Shares  or  other
obligations so
covered shall be correspondingly adjusted if and to the extent
that  the Board
considers it to be equitable and appropriate.

COMPUTING  COMPANY.  It  is  currently  contemplated  that  the
business will be transferred to  a  separate subsidiary, such as
TSI Technology
Inc.,  and  that  shares  in  this subsidiary  could  then  be
distributed  to
shareholders via a dividend or  via  a  rights  offering  or might
even be sold
directly to a third party. It is the Company<O~>s understanding
that holder of
Stock  Options would NOT be entitled to participate in the
dividend  or  rights
offering.  However,  if it is determined at a future date that
holders of Stock
Options will be entitled  to  participate  to  some extent, you
agree that your
participation   will  be limited to the extent that  you  have
already  become
vested or become entitled  to vesting. In other words, if you have
been granted
a total of 2,438,500 Stock Options but only 833,333 have actually
vested at the
time of the


distribution or rights offering of RC shares, and if the Company
has decided to
distribute 100 RC Shares for  every  1,000 Stock Options, for
example, then you
agree that you would be entitled to 83,333 RC shares (NOT 243,850
RC shares).


     A CCT refers to a sale of shares  or  any  combination  or
series  of
sales of
     shares  or  new issuances of shares that results in one
single party or  a
     group acting in concert accumulating more than 50% of the
common shares of
     the Company.

     Notwithstanding  the  above,  for  the  purposes  of  this
letter and its
     attachments, a CCT does not include a sale or transfer of
shares presently
     registered to Abrar Group International (hereinafter
<O`>A.G.I.<O'>) or to
     other  companies  in  the Abrar group of companies
(hereinafter  <O`>other
     Abrar-related companies<O'>)  if  that  sale  or   transfer
takes place to

     <circle> other Abrar-related companies; or

     <circle> an individual shareholder of A.G.I.; or

     <circle>  a company controlled by an individual shareholder
of A.G.I..

     In the case that Communications and Reconfigurable Computing
are both
     of  TSI  TelSys  Inc.  on the Completion Date, then a SCB
refers  to  the
     execution of a Sale and Purchase Agreement by both parties
that involves a
     sale of the Communications Division.

     In the case that Reconfigurable  Computing  is no longer a
division of TSI
     TelSys Inc. on the Completion Date, then a SCB  refers to the
execution of
     a Sale and Purchase Agreement by both parties that  involves
a sale of at
     least 50% of the common shares of TSI TelSys Inc.

      Recognizing  that  a Change of Control Transaction could
      less than 100% of the  common  shares  of the Company, then
PDVCE will be
      calculated as follows:

     PDVCE = ( P x CE ) + <capital-sigma> ( V{i} x W{i} ) +
<capital-sigma> [ (
P - E{j} ) x W{j} x D{j }]


      P    = total gross consideration agreed  to be paid by the
purchaser in a
Change of Control
            Transaction for the common shares in  the Company that
he agrees to
      purchase, divided
            by the number of common shares in the Company  that
he  agrees  to

      CE    =  total  number of common shares outstanding in the
Company on the
      Completion Date
            (see definition below) of the Change of Control

      V{i}    = total gross consideration agreed to be paid by the
purchaser in
      a Change of Control
            Transaction  for  the warrants (or options that have
been vested by
      the Completion Date)
            of subset i which he  agrees  to purchase, divided by
the number of
      warrants (or options
            that have been vested by the Completion  Date)  of
subset i that he
      agrees to purchase;

      W{i}   = the total no. of warrants (or options that have
been  vested by
the Completion Date) of
            subset  i  that have been issued by the Company and
which have  not
      expired or
             been canceled  on  or  before the Completion Date of
the Change of
      Control Transaction;

      E{j}   = the exercise price of subset j of warrants (or
options that have
been vested by the
            Completion Date) which the purchaser  has not


      agreed to purchase (i.e., they remain outside the deal);

     D{j}   = a dummy variable which  takes  the  value of either
(a) 1, if the
warrants (or
           options that have been vested by the Completion Date)
of subset i
           can be considered to be <O^>in the money<O~>  (i.e., if
E{j} is less
     than or equal P) or
           (b)  0,  if the warrants (or options that have been
vested  by  the
           Date) of subset  i  can be considered to be <O^>out of
the money<O~>
     (i.e., if E{j} is

           greater than P);

     <capital-sigma> is a mathematical notation, that refers to

     NOTE: PDVCE does NOT include  the  market  value  of the
Company<O~>s debt

     In the case that the Communications Business and
Computing  are
     both  divisions of TSI TelSys Inc. on the Completion Date of
a Sale of the
     Communications Business, then PDVCB will be calculated as

     PDVCB    = total gross consideration agreed to be paid by the
purchaser in
     a Sale
                of the Communications Business to acquire the
                Division of TSI TelSys Inc.;

     NOTE: PDVCB does NOT take include the market value of TSI
TelSys Inc.<O~>s
           obligations that may be attributable to the
Communications Division.

     In the  case  that  the Reconfigurable Computing business has
already been
     taken out of TSI TelSys  Inc. by the Completion Date, such
that TSI TelSys
     Inc. is essentially a Communications  Business  only, and
also recognizing
     that  a  Sale of the Communications Business could  involve
     less than 100% (e.g., 51%) of the common shares of the
Company, then PDVCB
     will be calculated as follows:

     PDVCB = ( P x CE )


     P    = total  gross  consideration agreed to be paid by the
purchaser in a
Sale of the
           Communications Business  for  the equity in TSI TelSys
Inc., that he
     agrees to
           purchase, divided by the number of shares in TSI TelSys
Inc. that he
     agrees to


     CE   = total number of common shares outstanding in TSI
TelSys Inc. on the
           Completion  Date  (see  definition   below)   of  the
Sale  of  the

     NOTE:  PDVCB  does NOT include the market value of the
Company<O~>s  debt


     Completion Date:
                <O`>Completion  Date<O'>  shall be the date on
which the
agreement for the sale
                and purchase of the shares has been executed by
both parties.

     Current U.S. Dollar Equivalent Price:

                In the case that the Company  becomes  listed  on
a U.S. stock
                exchange, the <O`>Current U.S. Dollar Equivalent
Price<O'> will
                refer  to the number of U.S. dollars equivalent to
a  specified
                Canadian  price, after conversion at the daily
closing exchange
                rate quoted  by  Bank of Canada, or quoted by
another financial
                source that the Company and you mutually agree

will vest as

     <circle> 18,500 will vest on your start date.

     <circle> 56,000 options will vest  each  month  from June
1998 to December
        1999 inclusive (19 months) for each full month  that  you
complete  as
        President/CEO.  Vesting  will  occur  on the first
business day of each
        subsequent month.

     <circle> 28,500 options will vest each month  from  January
2000 to April
        2001  inclusive  (16  months) for each full month that you
complete  as
        Vice-Chairman. Vesting  will  occur  on  the first
business day of each
        subsequent month.

     <circle>  there  will  NOT  be any pro rata vesting  of  Time-
Based  Stock
        Options D e.g., if your employment  as President/CEO
ceases on December
        15,  1999, you will NOT be vested with  15/31  of  56,000
options  for
        December 1999.

an  additional
     incentive, all  Time-Based  Stock  Options  not  already
vested will vest
     immediately if either:

     <circle>  you  are  President/CEO  at  the  time  and either
on or  before
        December 31, 1999, the average of daily high and  low
board lot trading
        prices  on the primary exchange for a period of twenty
days  on  which
        trades occur  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  <O`>20
Day  Average
        Price<O'>)  reaches  or exceeds Cdn$2.20, adjusted to take
into account
        any changes in capitalization, or, in the case that the
Company becomes
        listed on a U.S. stock exchange, that the average of daily
high and low
        board lot trading prices  on  that U.S. exchange for a
period of twenty
        days on which trades occur, and  after converting each
day<O~>s average
        to its Canadian dollar equivalent using the daily closing
exchange rate
        quoted by Bank of Canada, (hereinafter referred to as the
<O`>US Dollar
        Equivalent  of  the  20  Day  Average  Price<O'>)  reaches
or  exceeds
        Cdn$2.20, adjusted to take into account  any changes in

     <circle> you are Vice-Chairman at the time and  either  on or
before April
        30,  2001,  the  20  Day  Average  Price  reaches or
exceeds  Cdn$3.00,
        adjusted to take into account any changes in
capitalization, or, in the
        case that the Company becomes listed on a U.S. stock
exchange, that the
        US Dollar Equivalent of the 20 Day Average  Price  reaches
or  exceeds
        Cdn$3.00,  adjusted to take into account any changes in



        there is the completion of a Change of Control Transaction
or a Sale of
        the Communications  Business  in  which  the  Pre-Deal
Valuation of the
        Company<O~>s  Equity  or the Pre-Deal Valuation of  the
        Business is at least US$50 million, and either:

           (i) you are President/CEO on the Completion Date; or

           (ii) you are Vice-Chairman on the Completion Date; or

           (iii) the Completion  Date occurs within 180 days after
your term as
              either President/CEO  or  Vice-Chairman,  and so
long as you also
              played  an  active  part in the negotiations with
the  purchaser
              prior to termination.

can  become
entitled  to the vesting of Performance-Based Stock Options
through either  (i)
increases in  the market value of TSI TelSys shares or (ii) the
completion of a
Change of Control Transaction or a Sale of the Communications
Business or (iii)
some combination of both, as follows:

While you are
     employed as President/CEO and on or before December 31, 1999:

        a) you  will  be  entitled  to be vested with 83,333
           Stock Options if the 20 Day Average Price for TSI
TelSys Corporation
           shares reaches or exceeds  Cdn$0.50  (or  the  Current
U.S.  Dollar
           Equivalent Price).

        b) you  will  be  entitled  to  be  vested  with  an
additional 83,333
           Performance-Based  Stock Options whenever the 20 Day
Average  Price
           reaches the next price  level  that is Cdn$0.10 above
its precedent.
           For  instance at Cdn$0.60 (or the  Current  U.S.
Dollar  Equivalent
           Price),  you  will  be  entitled  to  be  vested with
another 83,333
           Performance-Based Stock Options, at Cdn$0.70  (or  the
Current U.S.
           Dollar Equivalent Price) another 83,333, and so on.

        c) there will be 18 price levels that would trigger your
entitlement to
           be  vested, viz.: Cdn$0.50, Cdn$0.60, and at each
Cdn$0.10  interval
           up to Cdn$2.20 (or the Current U.S. Dollar Equivalent

        d) at the Cdn$2.20-level (or the Current U.S. Dollar
Equivalent Price),
           you will  be  entitled  to  be  vested with 83,339
           Stock Options.

        e) however, you will not be entitled  to  be vested with
any additional
           Performance-Based Stock Options at any prices above

        f) when  there  is  either  the  completion  of  a  Change
of  Control
           Transaction  or  a  Sale  of  the  Communications
Business  or  your
           employment as President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman
terminates,  then a
           pro rata calculation of the number of Performance Stock
Options that
           you  have  earned  will be made. For instance, if the
20 Day Average
           Price has reached Cdn$1.09 at the time that any of
these occur, then
           you will be entitled  to 9/10ths of the entitlement
earned if the 20
           Day Average Price had increased  from Cdn$1.00 to
Cdn$1.10 (i.e., an
           additional 75,000).

        g) you will only become entitled to be  vested  the first
time that the
           20 Day Average Price reaches or exceeds a particular
price level. It
           is NOT intended that you would become entitled to vest
an additional
           number  of  Performance-Based Stock Options if the  20
Day  Average
           Price exceeds Cdn$1.00 for a second time, for example.

        h)  both the number of Performance-Based Stock Options and
the exercise
           price  may  be   adjusted,   as   described  in  the
<O`>Change  in
           Capitalization<O'> section above, to  take  into
account any changes
           in capitalization since the original grant.

     If,  by  the  time  your  employment  as  President/CEO
terminates,  your
     entitlements to Performance-Based Stock Options are less than
one and one
     half  million,  then  during  your  employment as Vice-
Chairman and on  or
     before April 30, 2001:

        [a] the difference between one and  one  half million and
the number of
           entitlements earned as President/CEO will be

        [b]  the highest round-number price level that  was
achieved  will  be
           determined (hereinafter the <O`>Previous Price Level

        [c] the  remaining  entitlements  will  then  be spread
evenly from the
           Previous  Price  Level  Attained up to the Cdn$3.00
level  (or  the
           Current  U.S. Dollar Equivalent  Price  of  Cdn$3.00),
at  Cdn$0.10

        [d] however,  there  will  be  no further entitlement to
be vested with
           Performance-Based Stock Options at any prices above

        [e] also clauses (f), (g) and (h)  of  <O`>Section (i)
Increases in the
           Market Value of TSI TelSys Shares<O'>  will continue to

        EXAMPLE: Suppose that you had become entitled  to  833,333
           Based Stock Options while serving as President/CEO  and
the  20 Day
           Average  Price  had  reached  a  maximum  of Cdn$1.445.
Then 666,667
           entitlements  would  be spread over 16 intervals  from
Cdn$1.50  to
           Cdn$3.00 D 41,666 per Cdn$0.10 intervals, and 41,677 at
the Cdn$3.00
           price level.

     You  will  be entitled to be vested with 450,000  Performance-
Based  Stock
     Options if a Change of Control Transaction of a Sale of the
     Business is  completed in which the Pre-Deal Valuation of the
     Equity or the  Pre-Deal  Valuation  of  the  Communications
Business is at
     least US$25 million (twenty five million US dollars), so long
as either:
     a) you are the President/CEO of the Company on the Completion
Date; or

     b) you are the Vice-Chairman of the Company on the Completion
Date; or

     c) the Completion Date occurs within 180 days  after  your
term as either
        President/CEO  or  Vice-Chairman  has  ended,  and so long
as you  also
        played an active role in the negotiations with the
purchaser  prior to

     Furthermore,  you  will  also  be entitled to be vested with
an additional
     12,500 Performance-Based Stock Options for every additional
US$1.0 million
     (one million US dollars), or a pro  rata  of  12,500 Stock
Options for any
     part of US$1.0 million, that the Pre-Deal Valuation  of  the
     Equity  or the Pre-Deal Valuation of the Communications
Business,  as  the
     case may  be, exceeds US$25 million  -- up to a maximum
valuation of US$61
     million (sixty-one  million  US  dollars)  or  a  maximum of
an additional
     450,000 Performance-Based Stock Options.


     At  US$61  million,  therefore,  you  would therefore be
entitled  to
     Performance-Based Stock Options in the  aggregate  (450,000
plus 450,000).
     You will NOT be entitled to be vested for any additional
     Stock  Options  (i.e.,  none in excess of this 900,000)  if
the  Pre-Deal
     Valuation of the Company<O~>s  Equity  or  the  Pre-Deal
Valuation of the
     Communications Business exceeds US$61 million.

also be entitled
     to be vested under a combination of the two entitlement
schemes  discussed
     above. If so, the number of Performance-Based Stock Options
that you would
     be  entitled to be vested with will be the sum of the number
you would  be
     entitled to under each of the two schemes, except that the
total number of
     Performance-Based Stock Options that you may become entitled
to will never
     exceed one and one half million.

     For example,  if  you  are entitled to be vested with 833,333
     Based Stock Options (because  the  20  Day  Average Price
reached Cdn$1.40
     while you are employed as President/CEO, for instance) and
you also closed
     a Change of Control Transaction or Sale of Communications
Business  at  a
     Pre-Deal  Valuation  of  US$45  million  (entitling  you to
vest a further
     700,000 Performance-Based Stock Options), then you would
still have earned
     entitlements to vest only one and one half million
Performance-Based Share

terminate your
employment as President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman, it also can
choose whether to
request you to continue to come to work during the termination
period. Vesting
of  Time-Based  Stock  Options  granted  to  you  will  continue
through   the
termination  period  only  if  the  Company requests you to
continue to come to
work,  or  unless  you qualify for accelerating  vesting  of  Time-
Based  Stock
Options by virtue of  the closing of a Change of Control
Transaction or Sale of
the Communications Business  during  the  180  day period
immediately following
your employment as either President/CEO or as Vice-Chairman  in
which the Pre-
Deal  Valuation  of the Company or the Pre-Deal Valuation of the
Business is at least  US$50  million  and  so long as you also
played an active
part in the negotiations with the purchaser prior to termination.

Vesting  of  Performance-Based Stock Options will  also  continue
through  the
termination period  only  if  the  Company  requests you to
continue to come to
work, or unless you qualify for further vesting  by  virtue of the
closing of a
Change of Control Transaction or Sale of the Communications
Business during the
180 day period immediately following your employment as either
President/CEO or
as Vice-Chairman in which the Pre-Deal Valuation of the Company or
the Pre-Deal
Valuation of the Communications Business is at least US$25
million and so long
as you also played an active part in the negotiations with
purchaser  prior  to

Up  to  900,000  Performance-Based  Stock Options will vest as
soon as you have
become entitled to their vesting. If  you  become entitled to more
than 900,000
Performance-Based Stock Options. Based on the  vesting  program
laid out above,
the total number of Performance-Based Stock Options that  you
could conceivably
be entitled to vest could aggregate to 1,500,000, which is  in
excess  of  the
900,000  Performance-Based Stock Options actually being granted to
you. In this
circumstance, i.e., where you become entitled to more than 900,000
Based  Options,   the   Company   agrees   that  compensation  as
outlined  in
<O`>Attachment B: Performance Bonus<O'> will  be  paid  to you as
for having outperformed the benchmarks for the 900,000 Performance-
Based  Stock


                                 ATTACHMENT B
                               PERFORMANCE BONUS

1) PERFORMANCE  BONUS.  If you have earned the entitlement to more
than 900,000
   Performance-Based Stock  Options,  then  the  Company  will
provide you with
   additional  compensation,  which  will  either  take  the  form
of  (a)  an
   Additional Cash Bonus or (b) Additional Stock Options combined
with  a Cash
   Top-Up Payment.

Bonus will  be
        calculated as follows:
               <capital-sigma> [ Q x ( P - OEP) x TF ]


                Q    = the number of entitlements in excess of
900,000 that
                      you have earned

                P    = the average of daily high and low board
trading prices
                      on the principal exchange for the
immediately preceding
                      five days on which trades occur

                OEP  =  the  original  exercise price on the
original 2,438,500
                      Options granted to you

                TF   = either 1.000, 1.192 or 1.324, depending on
the date that
                      earn the respective entitlements, viz:

                      TF  = 1.000 if the entitlements were earned
in the first
                           12 months from your start date

                      TF   = 1.192 if the entitlements were earned
in the
13{th} to
                           18{th} month from your start date

                      TF   = 1.324 if the entitlements were earned
                           18 months from your start date.
                <capital-sigma>  is a mathematical  notation,
that  refers  to
                      Here, the formula  within the square
                      is to be calculated for all the actual cases
in which
                      you  earn entitlements  in  excess  of
900,000  and  the
                      results of each calculation are to be

     The Company agrees to pay you this additional cash bonus:

           <circle> on the date  that  full  payment  has  been
received by the
              seller in the case that a Change of Control
Transaction  or  Sale
              of the Communications Business is completed; or

           <circle>  in  the case that your entitlement to this
additional cash
              bonus arises  from  the  increase  in  market value
of TSI TelSys
              shares either:

                <circle> if the additional cash bonus is less than
                   by a lump sum payment to you within 10 days
from the date on
                   which   all  2,438,500  vested  Stock  Options
have   been
                   exercised; or



                   if the additional cash bonus is greater than
Cdn$100,000 and
                   less than  Cdn$400,000,  by equal monthly
installments (1/12
                   of the total to be paid to  you  per  month)
over a one-year
                   period beginning from the date on which all
2,438,500 vested
                   Stock Options have been exercised;

                <circle>   it  the  additional  cash  bonus  is
greater   than
                   Cdn$400,000,  by  equal  monthly  installments
(1/24 of the
                   total  to  be paid to you per month) over a two-
year  period
                   beginning from  the date on which all 2,438,500
vested Stock
                   Options have been exercised.

           <circle> or an appropriate  combination  of  the two,
if some of the
              entitlements arise from a Change of Control
Transaction  or Sale
              of the Communications Business and some arise from
an increase in
              the market value of TSI TelSys shares.

        Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Company shall have
the right  to
        substitute for the additional cash bonus  in  (a) above by
granting you
        up  to an additional 600,000 Performance-Based Stock
Options.  In  the
        event  that the Company grants you these additional Stock
Options, then
        the difference  between  the  original  exercise price of
the 2,438,500
        original  Stock Options and the exercise price  of  the
600,000  Stock
        Options multiplied  by the additional number of
Performance-Based Stock
        Options being vested  shall  be paid to you as a Cash Top-
Up Payment on
        the date(s) that any of the 600,000  Stock  Options  are
exercised. All
        Stock  Options  that  become vested shall be exercised on
a  <O`>First
        In/First Out<O'> basis  such that the Cash Top-Up Payment
would be paid
        only after all of the vested  Stock Options from the
2,438,500 pool had
        been exercised.


The Company also agrees to pay to you an additional cash bonus on
the date that
   full payment has been received by the seller in the  event that
a  Change of
   Control Transaction or Sale of the Communications Business  is
completed, so
   long as you were either:

     <circle>  employed  as  either  President/CEO or as Vice-
Chairman  of  the
        Company on the Completion Date; or

     <circle> meet all three of the following conditions: (i) had
been employed
        as either President/CEO or as  Vice-Chairman  within  180
days  of the
        Completion Date, (ii) had not been terminated for just
cause; and (iii)
        had  also  played an active role in the negotiations with
the purchaser
        prior to termination.

   The amount of this additional bonus will be as follows:

     <circle> if the  Completion  Date  of the Change of Control
Transaction or
        Sale of the Communications Business  occurs  within 12
months from your
        start date, there will be no additional cash bonus

     <circle> if the Completion Date of the Change of  Control
Transaction  or
        Sale  of  the  Communications  Business occurs within 13-
18 months from
        your  start  date,  the size of this  additional  cash
bonus  will  be
        equivalent to 0.5% (one  half of one percent) of the Pre-
Deal Valuation
        of  the  Company<O~>s  Equity   or   the   Pre-Deal
Valuation  of  the
        Communications Business, whichever is relevant.



        if the Completion Date of the Change of Control
Transaction or Sale of
        the Communications Business occurs more than 18 months
from your start
        date,  the  size  of  this additional cash bonus will be
equivalent  to
        0.75% (three quarters of  one percent) of the Pre-Deal
Valuation of the
        Company<O~>s Equity or the  Pre-Deal  Valuation  of  the
        Business, whichever is relevant.