25 January 2000

Office of the Chief Accountant
US Securities & Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC  20549


          FILE NO. 0-17325


This  firm has reviewed the Form 8-K filed 18 January 2000 by Environmental
Remediation  Holding  Corp.,  (the  "Company"),  to  provide  notice of our
resignation  as the independent auditors for the Company.  Our response  to
this Form 8-K follows:

We hereby incorporate  by reference our resignation letter dated 12 January
2000.  See Exhibit 1 attached.

The claim in Part 4, paragraph  2  of the Form 8-K, which reported that the
Company has insufficient financial resources  to  commence and complete the
Fiscal 1999 audit may be misleading.  The Company has  available  a Line of
Credit  from a related party under common control which has not been  fully
utilized.   Our  current  understanding  is  that  approximately $2,000,000
remains available for use by the Company.  New management  did  not provide
nor discuss with this firm any information or documentation underlying  new
management's  assertion that the Company is in default under the provisions
of the Line of  Credit.   This  firm's  review,  as  non-attorneys,  of the
Securities  Purchase  Agreement,  ("SPA"),  and incorporated Senior Secured
8.00% Exchangeable Promissory Note, ("SSEPN"),  indicates that, contrary to
the December Form 8-K, the only Event of Default  under  Section  5  of the
SSEPN  available  to  the  related party under common control issuer of the
SSEPN would have to be caused  by  the  Company's new management which also
controls the issuer.

In Part 4, paragraph 4 of the Form 8-K the  company reported that the Board
of Directors discovered, sometime after 3 August  1999,  that the financial
records of the Company for periods prior to the change of  control were, in
many cases, incomplete and inaccurate.  This claim may also  be misleading.
The Company's records were in good order when we completed our audit of the
financial  statements at 30 September 1998.  This firm believes  that  both
SEC rules and  professional  accounting  standards  obligate  the Company's
management  to provide the Company's independent auditors the documentation
supporting the  conclusion  that  the Company's records are insufficient to
permit  the  Fiscal 1999 audit to commence  prior  to  the  filing  of  the
December Form  8-K  which made that assertion.  No documentation supporting
this assertion was provided to this firm either prior to that filing nor to
the date of our resignation.   This  firm  believes  that protection of the
shareholders  of  the  Company  demands  a review by independent  Certified
Public Accountants of the documentation upon  which  management relied upon
to conclude that the Company's records cannot be audited.

We strongly object to the statement in Part 4, paragraph  4 of the Form 8-K
that   the  Company  would  have  dismissed  this  firm  as  the  Company's
independent  auditors.   Although  the Company has the right to dismiss any
independent audit firm at anytime they wish, the inference by the statement
made is that the dismissal would have  been  for  cause.  Such statement is
highly speculative, contrary to the full information  provided  to  the new
management  prior  to  their  taking  control of the Company and completely
contrary to the actions as taken by the  new management of the Company from
the date of the change of control, through the date of our resignation.  No
specific  information  or documents have been  provided  to  this  firm  to
support this conclusion,  and  again,  that which has been provided to this
firm supports an opposite conclusion.

This firm suggests that the misrepresentations made in the December Form 8-
K are motivated by new management's desire  to  not  draw  on  the  Line of
Credit issued by a related party under common control.

In  Part  4,  paragraph 5 of the Form 8-K management asserts that this firm
did not respond  to  requests  for information and documentation during the
period from the change in control  in  August 1999 to date.  Without waiver
of the position that this firm was not obligated  to provide information or
documentation  until  its  past due statements for professional  fees  were
paid, this firm did provide  all requested information and documentation in
this firms possession within 48  hours  of  receipt  of  the  request where

In  Part  4,  paragraph  5  management is asserting that this firm did  not
consider the system of internal  control  in  the  audit of the Company, or
provide the Company's then Board of Directors with correspondence regarding
our consideration of the Company's system of internal control subsequent to
the  audit completion.  This firm knows of no information  which  justifies
the claim  by  new  management  in the December Form 8-K that the Company's
financial records cannot be audited.  The consideration of internal control
during the financial statement audit  process  is solely for the purpose of
the audit firm determining its audit procedures  and  not  to  provide  any
assurance  concerning  such  system  of  internal  control.   This firm did
provide  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors correspondence regarding  our
consideration of the Company's system  of  internal control on December 29,
1997, February 12, 1999 and March 5, 1999.

This  firm  is  not  comfortable  relying  on representations  of  the  new
management of the Company because of their failure  to  pay  our  past  due
invoices  of  approximately $85,000 as agreed to by the new management, the
breach of the contractual obligation in our engagement letter for the audit
of fiscal 1999  which  required  the Company to pay this firm a retainer of
$30,000 prior to the commencement  of  the  audit,  management's failure to
continue  to  draw  on the Line of Credit issued by a related  party  under
common control, the failure  of  the  new management to provide this firm a
draft  copy of the December Form 8-K and  the  opportunity  to  review  the
documentation  underlying  management's assertions in the December Form 8-K
and the assertion in the December  Form  8-K  that  the  Board of Directors
determined  that  the  financial  records  were  in  any  case  inaccurate,
incomplete  and  unauditable  and  the further assertion that the Board  of
Directors determined not to attempt  to borrow funds to complete the audit.
This firm was made aware prior to its resignation that the only two members
of the Board of Directors who were independent  with  regard to the company
under common control issuer of the SSEPN and SPA had no  knowledge prior to
the filing of the December Form 8-K of these board actions.  See Exhibits 2
and 3 attached which we incorporated by reference.  As these  are  material
assertions  within  the  December  Form  8-K,  this firm is not comfortable
relying on representations made in the past, currently  or in the future by
the  current  management  of  the  Company.   This firm believes  that  the
December  Form  8-K  wrongfully  made an adverse impact  on  the  financial
condition of the Company.


Stephen H. Durland, CPA
Durland & Company, CPAs, PA

cc:  Andrew Lee, Esq.
     Benjamin Lackey, Esq.
     William Scott, Esq.
     Stephen Weiss, Esq.
     James Griffin, Esq.
     Mr. Geoffrey Tirman


                                                                  EXHIBIT 1

                     [LETTERHEAD OF DURLAND & COMPANY]

12 January 2000

Mr. Geoffrey Tirman
President, CEO & Chairman of the Board of Directors
Environmental Remediation Holding Corp.
16101 La Grande Drive, Suite 100
Little Rock, AR  72223


Dear Mr. Tirman:

Effective immediately, because of irreconcilable differences, this firm, of
its  own  volition,  resigns  as  the  independent auditor of Environmental
Remediation Holding Corp.  The Company engaged  this  firm  to complete the
Fiscal   1999   audit   by   engagement  letter  dated  8  September  1999.
Specifically, the reasons for  our resignation include, but are not limited
to, the following:

1.   The Company failed to supply  a  draft of the Company's Form 8-K filed
on 23 December 1999, nor advise this firm  that  it intended to file a Form
8-K, nor advise this firm that the Form 8-K had been  filed.   The  Company
did  not  discuss the justification for the filing of the Form 8-K or cause
this firm,  as  independent auditor, to review the documentation underlying
the assertions in  this  Form  8-K.   Further,  the Company has refused our
specific  request,  made by letter dated 10 January  2000,  to  review  the
documentation underlying  the  assertions  in this Form 8-K, except at this
firm's expense.

2.   The  Company  has  not  paid  our  outstanding   fee   statements   of
approximately  $85,000  for  professional  services rendered to the Company
during  the  last  quarter of 1998 and first eight  months  of  1999.   The
Company also has not  paid  the  $30,000  retainer  as  it  agreed  in  the
engagement letter as a pre-requisite to the commencement of the fiscal 1999

3.   Current  management  accepted  and  continues  to  control the Company
without fulfillment of their affiliates' obligation to lend  to the Company
a total of $4,000,000 under the Line of Credit attached as Exhibit A to the
Securities Purchase Agreement dated 3 August, 1999.

We  hereby remind you of the Company's obligation to file a Form  8-K  with
regard to this resignation.

Very truly yours,

Stephen H. Durland, CPA
Durland & Company, CPAs, P.A.

cc:  Office of the Chief Accountant, US Securities and Exchange Commission
     William Scott, Esq.
     Andrew Lee, Esq.
     Mintmire & Assoc.
     Ms. Laura Kleber, CFO and Director
     Mr. Mark Lee, Director
     Mr. Brian Ladin, Director
     Ms. Noreen Wilson, Director
     Mr. James Callender, Director

                                                                  EXHIBIT 2



January 14, 2000

Geoffrey Tirman, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO
Environmental Remediation Holding Corp. ("ERHC")
18101 LaGrande Drive, Suite 100
Little Rock, AR  72223

Re:  Notice of Resignation as an Officer and Director of ERHC, and as
     Chief Executive Officer of STPETRO

Dear Mr. Tirman:

Based  on actions that have been taken by the current management of ERHC, I
hereby tender my resignation, effectively immediately.

The most  significant  issues that constitute the basis of such resignation
is my disagreement with  actions taken by the Board of Directors without my
knowledge or an opportunity  to  cast  a  vote on behalf of what is now the
minority shareholder group, or in my opinion the best interest of ERHC as a
company.  These actions include the following:

1.   ERHC filed a Form 8K recently in which it was stated that the Board of
     Directors took action in deciding to file  the  Form  8K  stating that
     ERHC could not complete and file a Form 10K as required.  Not only was
     I not notified of a meeting of the Board, but also certainly I was not
     given an opportunity to vote on what I consider an important issue.

2.   I  disagree with the decision not to file a Form 10K and believe  that
     this failure to file is detrimental to the other shareholders of ERHC.

3.   When  the  Talisman Group took control ERHC management, the purpose of
     the working  capital  line was to pay outstanding accounts payable and
     to fund ongoing efforts,  etc.,  on a $200,000.00 per month budget for
     salaries and operating expenses.   In  this  regard,  such commitments
     have not been met.

     A number of people, including myself, were promised by  you that their
     verifiable past due salaries and expenses would be paid.  This has not
     happened.  These employees spent their own personal monies  and worked
     without compensation to keep the company alive and functioning  during
     a period when no financing was available for salaries or expenses.

     I  was  asked by you to continue with ERHC as an Officer and Director.
     The terms and conditions negotiated with you on August 27, 1999 for my
     services  have  not  been honored including reimbursement for business
     and travel expenses on your behalf, at your request.

     Further, any number of  other bills which were part of the transaction
     have not been paid, including  bills  to  our SEC counsel and auditors
     who  had  continued  to execute their responsibility  to  the  Company
     during this period of  no  financial  support, and who also cooperated
     with you and worked diligently to make  your deal work and provide the
     shareholders with the greatest possibility  of  gaining the benefit of
     their investment.  When the old board voted on your offer, the Company
     was  on  the  verge  of  bankruptcy.  We saw your offer  as  the  only
     potentially viable one that  met  the  required  time  frame  for  the
     Company and its shareholders.  If we had known that you did not intend
     to meet your financial commitments, I am sure the old board would have
     felt  that  bankruptcy  or to seek alternate financing would have been
     the better option.  Further,  I believe that your failure to meet your
     commitments is a breach of the  agreement  under which you were issued

4.   Since  I  have  not  been  privileged  to the planning,  strategy,  or
     decision making process, I do not know the  real management motivation
     for recent actions taken in regard to Sao Tome  and  Principe.   These
     actions, which resulted in a public news release by the government  of
     D.R.S.T.P.  announcing  that  they  were  canceling  the  contract and
     partnership   with   ERHC,  may  very  well  be  justifiable  by  ERHC
     management, however, without  public reporting (i.e., a filing of Form
     10-K), the only public information out there is that what was released
     by the D.R.S.T.P. government.

     This lack of reporting has created  much  concern amongst shareholders
     and investors, and in my opinion is detrimental to the position of the
     minority shareholders and note holders.

All  of these issues constitute some of the major  reasons  for  me  hereby
tendering my resignation, effective immediately.

Very truly yours,


James R. Callender, Sr.

                                                                  EXHIBIT 3

January 14, 2000

Mr. Geoffrey Tirman
President, CEO & Chairman of the Board of Directors
Environmental Remediation Holding Corp.
16101 La Grande Drive, Suite 100
Little Rock, AR  72223

     Via:  Facsimile

Dear Mr. Tirman:

Effective  immediately,  based  on  your  request as the President, CEO and
Chairman   of   the  Board  of  Directors  and  majority   shareholder   of
Environmental Remediation  Holding  Corporation,  I  am hereby resigning my
positions as an officer and Director of Environmental  Remediation  Holding
Corporation, and I further resign my position as a member of STPetro,  that
being President of the General Assembly.

In  resigning,  I  am  confirming  that  I  have not been involved with the
company on any decisions since I was placed on  the Board of Directors, nor
have I attended any meetings of the Board of Directors  nor  voted or taken
any other actions, nor been asked to attend any such meetings  or  vote  on
any  actions.   I  was never involved in any of the business decisions, nor
did I participate in  Board  decisions, if any.  As you will recall, I went
on the Board of Directors at your  request,  and  I  am  resigning  at your

Very truly yours,


Noreen Wilson