Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 FORM 8-K

                              CURRENT REPORT

      Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): June 21, 2000

                      SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES, INC.

        Delaware                       0-20310            75-2379388

          1105 Peters Road, Harvey, Louisiana              70058

                              (504) 362-4321


     (a) Financial Statements of Business Acquired.

         (1)   Audited  consolidated  balance  sheets  of H.B. Rentals,
               L.C. as of December 31, 1999 and 1998  and  the  related
               consolidated   statements   of   income,    consolidated
               statements  of   members'  interests   and  consolidated
               statements of  cash  flows  for  the  years  then ended,
               including  the notes thereto, and the related report  of
               Broussard, Poche', Lewis & Breaux, L.L.P.

     (b) Pro Forma Financial Information.

         (1)   Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations
               of  Superior  Energy Services,  Inc. for the year  ended
               December  31,  1999,  including  the  notes thereto.

         (2)   Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations
               of  Superior  Energy Services, Inc. for the three  month
               period ended March 31, 2000, including the notes thereto.

         (3)   Unaudited   Pro  Forma  Consolidated  Balance  Sheet  of
               Superior   Energy  Services, Inc.  as of March 31, 2000,
               including the notes thereto.

     (c) Exhibits.

          23.1 Consent of Broussard, Poche', Lewis & Breaux, L.L.P


     Pursuant to the requirements  of  the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed  on  its
behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                              SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES, INC.

                              By:  /s/ Robert S. Taylor
                                        Robert S. Taylor
                                    Chief Financial Officer

Dated: July 5, 2000



         (1)   Audited  consolidated  balance  sheets of  H.B. Rentals,
               L.C. as of December 31, 1999 and 1998  and  the  related
               consolidated   statements of   income,      consolidated
               statements  of   members'  interests  and   consolidated
               statements of  cash  flows  for  the  years  then ended,
               including  the notes thereto, and the related report  of
               Broussard, Poche', Lewis & Breaux, L.L.P.


         (1)   Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations
               of  Superior  Energy  Services, Inc. for the year  ended
               December  31,  1999,  including  the  notes thereto.

         (2)   Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations
               of Superior  Energy  Services, Inc.  for the three month
               period ended March 31, 2000, including the notes thereto.

         (3)   Unaudited  Pro  Forma  Consolidated   Balance  Sheet  of
               Superior  Energy  Services,  Inc.  as of March 31, 2000,
               including the notes thereto.

                             H. B.  RENTALS, L. C.

                                AND SUBSIDIARY

                              FINANCIAL  REPORT

                              DECEMBER 31, 1999

                               C O N T E N T S


INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT                                         1


  Consolidated balance sheets                                        2
  Consolidated statements of income                                  3
  Consolidated statements of members' interests                      4
  Consolidated Statements of cash flows                              5
  Notes to consolidated financial statements                    6 - 14

                         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Members of
H.B. Rentals, L.C.
Lafayette, Louisiana

We  have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of H.B. Rentals,
L.C.  and  subsidiary  as  of  December  31,  1999  and  1998, and the related
consolidated statements of income, members' interests, and  cash flows for the
years   then   ended.    These  consolidated  financial  statements  are   the
responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require  that  we  plan  and  perform the audit to
obtain   reasonable   assurance  about  whether  the  consolidated   financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on
a  test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the
consolidated financial  statements.   An  audit  also  includes  assessing the
accounting  principles  used and significant estimates made by management,  as
well as evaluating the overall  financial  statement presentation.  We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our  opinion,  the  consolidated financial statements  referred  to  above
present fairly, in all material  respects,  the  financial  position  of  H.B.
Rentals, L.C. and subsidiary as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results
of  their  operations  and  their  cash  flows  for  the  years  then ended in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                /s/ Broussard, Poche', Lewis & Breaux, L.L.P
                                  Broussard, Poche', Lewis & Breaux, L.L.P

Lafayette, Louisiana
February 25, 2000

                    H. B. RENTALS, L.C. AND SUBSIDIARY

                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                        December 31, 1999 and 1998

                   ASSETS                                 1999           1998
                                                      ------------   ------------
      Cash                                            $       730    $       700

      Receivables, net                                  3,349,613      2,499,664

      Inventory                                            77,465        100,172

      Other                                                46,110         60,906
                                                      ------------   ------------
          Total current assets                          3,473,918      2,661,442
                                                      ------------   ------------
     Cash restricted for insurance claims                  41,693         41,693
                                                      ------------   ------------
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (net of accumulated
     depreciation, $4,784,567 and $3,037,056,
respectively)                                           5,098,094      6,085,678
                                                      ------------   ------------
OTHER ASSETS (net of accumulated amortization,
     $444,897 and $211,224, respectively)               2,049,777      2,374,987
                                                      ------------   ------------
                                                      $10,663,482    $11,163,800
                                                      ============   ============

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                    H. B. RENTALS, L.C. AND SUBSIDIARY

                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                        December 31, 1999 and 1998

                                             1999             1998
                                        -------------    -------------
     Bank overdraft                     $    287,149     $    231,471
     Accounts payable                        586,634          365,921
     Note payable - line of credit         1,151,938          574,481
     Notes payable, current                  601,169           85,218
     Deferred tax liability, current          73,418          192,655
     Other                                   279,953          261,659
                                        -------------    -------------
          Total current liabilities        2,980,261        1,711,405
                                        -------------    -------------
     Notes payable, long-term              5,822,434        6,375,065
     Deferred tax liability, long-term        18,583           35,354
                                        -------------    -------------
          Total long-term liabilities      5,841,017        6,410,419
                                        -------------    -------------
MEMBERS' INTERESTS:                        1,842,204        3,041,976
                                        -------------    -------------
                                        $ 10,663,482     $ 11,163,800
                                        =============    =============

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                      H.B. RENTALS, L.C. AND SUBSIDIARY

                For the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998

                                                   1999            1998
                                               -----------      -----------
REVENUES                                       $10,730,899      $10,948,915

OPERATING EXPENSES                               7,307,771        6,523,393
                                               -----------      -----------
  Gross profit                                   3,423,128        4,425,522

GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES              3,280,484        2,544,467
                                               -----------      -----------
  Operating income                                 142,644        1,881,055
                                               -----------      -----------
  Gain on sale of assets                            11,947           59,405
  Interest expense                                (920,597)        (418,209)
  Other                                                (39)          10,796
                                               -----------      -----------
                                                  (908,689)        (348,008)
                                               -----------      -----------
  Income (loss) before taxes                      (766,045)       1,533,047

INCOME TAX BENEFIT                                (131,977)        (310,951)
                                               -----------      -----------
  Net income (loss)                            $  (634,068)     $ 1,843,998
                                               ===========      ===========

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                      H.B. RENTALS, L.C. AND SUBSIDIARY

                For the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998

                                                   1999             1998
                                               -----------      -----------
Members' interests, beginning of period        $ 3,041,976      $ 1,911,517

Net income (loss)                                 (634,068)       1,843,998

Members' draws                                    (565,704)        (713,539)
                                               -----------      -----------
Members' interests, end of period              $ 1,842,204      $ 3,041,976
                                               ===========      ===========

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                       H.B. RENTALS, L.C. AND SUBSIDIARY

                For the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998

                                                              1999           1998
                                                        ------------    ------------
  Net income (loss)                                     $  (634,068)    $ 1,843,998
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
    to operating cash flows:
      Depreciation and amortization                       2,185,492       1,381,170
      Bad debt expense                                      261,259          23,001
      Gain on sale of assets                                (11,947)        (59,405)
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities -
        Decrease (increase) in assets:
         Receivables                                     (1,111,208)        773,028
         Other current assets                                37,503        (121,204)
         Other assets                                        (8,463)       (143,450)
        Increase (decrease) in liabilities:
         Accounts payable                                   220,713          33,288
         Deferred tax liability                            (136,008)         42,291
         Other current liabilities                           18,294        (377,558)
                                                        ------------    ------------
           Net cash provided by
             operating activities                           821,567       3,395,159
                                                        ------------    ------------
  Purchases of property and equipment                      (922,592)     (2,291,283)
  Acquisition of Eagle, net of cash acquired                      -      (5,012,190)
  Proceeds from sales of assets                              70,304         117,922
  Net deposits into restricted cash account                       -          (3,456)
                                                        ------------    ------------

           Net cash used in investing activities           (852,288)     (7,189,007)
                                                        ------------    ------------

  Members' draws                                           (565,704)       (713,539)
  Proceeds from issuance of notes payable                    49,680       7,790,760
  Principal payments on notes payable                       (86,360)     (3,604,897)
  Net draws on line of credit                               577,457         393,060
  Bank overdraft                                             55,678         (70,836)
                                                        ------------    ------------

           Net cash provided by financing activities         30,751       3,794,548
                                                        ------------    ------------

Net increase in cash                                             30             700

Cash at beginning of period                                     700               -
                                                        ------------    ------------

Cash at end of period                                   $       730     $       700
                                                        ============    ============

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                      H.B. RENTALS, L.C. AND SUBSIDIARY


Note 1. Nature of Business and Significant Accounting Policies

        Nature of business:

         H.B.  Rentals,  L.C.  (HB)  is  a Louisiana limited liability company
         engaged  in  the  short-term  rental   of  living  quarters,  related
         accessories and equipment primarily to oil related businesses in need
         of temporary housing and office space in  remote  areas.  The Company
         began operation on October 12, 1995 and operates mainly in the states
         of  Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama.  In August  1998,  The
         Company  acquired  Eagle  Rental  Co., Inc. (Eagle), which is engaged
         primarily in the rental of equipment  for  offshore  use.   The  term
         "Company" herein refers to the total business conducted by HB and its
         subsidiary, Eagle.


         The  consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of the
         Company  and its subsidiary.  All significant  intercompany  accounts
         and transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

        Use of estimates in the preparation of financial statements:

         The preparation  of financial statements in conformity with generally
         accepted accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
         and  assumptions that affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets  and
         liabilities  and the disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities
         at the date of  the  financial statements and the reported amounts of
         revenues and expenses  during  the  reporting period.  Actual results
         could differ from those estimates.

        Revenue recognition:

         The Company recognizes revenues as rentals and services are rendered.
         Expenses are recognized as they are incurred.

        Cash equivalents:

         Holdings of highly liquid investments  with  original  maturities  of
         three months or less.

        Allowance for doubtful accounts:

         An  allowance is established when in the opinion of management, based
         on economic conditions, a loss on accounts receivable is expected.



         Inventories, consisting primarily of raw materials, are stated at the
         lower  of  first-in,  first-out  (FIFO)  cost  or  market.  Market is
         considered as the net realizable value.

        Property and equipment:

         The  Company  provides for depreciation by charges to  operations  in
         amounts estimated  to  allocate  the  cost  of  the assets over their
         estimated useful lives as follows:

           ASSET CLASSIFICATION                           USEFUL LIFE
           --------------------                           -----------
             Buildings and improvements                   10-40 years
             Mobile homes                                   5 years
             Equipment                                      5 years
             Vehicles                                      3-5 years

        Intangible assets:

         Goodwill is amortized using the straight-line method over a period of
         40  years.  Other intangibles are amortized using  the  straight-line
         method over their estimated useful lives ranging from 2 to 5 years.

        Income taxes:

         The parent  company,  HB,  has  elected  to  be  taxed  as  a limited
         liability  company  for  federal and state income tax purposes.   The
         members  have consented to  include  their  pro  rata  share  of  the
         Company's   income   or   loss   in  their  individual  tax  returns.
         Accordingly, no provision for federal  and  state  income  taxes were
         made in the accompanying financial statements for this entity.

         The   subsidiary   company,  Eagle,  accounts  for  income  taxes  in
         accordance with Statement  of  Financial Accounting Standards No. 109
         (SFAS No. 109), "Accounting for  Income  Taxes."   This pronouncement
         requires that deferred tax balances be determined using  the tax rate
         expected to be in effect when the taxes are actually paid  or refunds
         received.   Deferred  income  tax assets and liabilities result  from
         temporary differences. Temporary  differences are differences between
         the tax basis of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in
         the financial statements that will  result  in  taxable or deductible
         amounts in future years.


        Employee benefit plan:

         Effective October 12, 1995, the Company established  a 401(k) plan to
         provide retirement benefits for employees.  Any employee over the age
         of twenty-one, who has been employed by the Company for  one year, is
         eligible to participate.  Participants may contribute to the  plan by
         deferring  up  to  15%  of  their   gross  salary, within certain IRS
         imposed limitations for maximum contributions  in  a given year.  The
         Company   makes   matching   contributions   equal  to  50%  of   the
         participants'  salary  reductions  limited  to  10%.    The   Company
         contributed  $56,690  and  $43,527  to  the  plan  for the year ended
         December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

        Concentration of credit risk:

         Financial  instruments  that  potentially  subject  the  Company   to
         significant  concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash,
         investments and accounts receivable.

         The  Company places  its  cash  and  investments  with  high  quality
         financial  institutions.   At times, such amounts may be in excess of
         FDIC  insurance  limits.   Credit   risk  with  respect  to  accounts
         receivable is generally diversified due to a large number of entities
         comprising  the  Company's  customer  base;  however,  the  Company's
         customer  base  is  in similar industries  and  principally  operates
         within  the coastal region  of  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.   The  Company
         establishes  an  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts  based on factors
         surrounding the credit risk of specific customers, historical  trends
         and other information.


         As   of  December  31,  1999,  reclassifications  were  made  in  the
         presentation  of  the  financial  statements  for  the  prior year to
         conform  with  the  presentation  of  the  1999 financial statements.
         These  changes  in  the  presentation did not affect  net  income  as
         previously reported.

Note 2. Acquisitions

        On  August 31, 1998, the Company  completed  the  acquisition  of  its
        wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Eagle Rental Co., Inc. for a purchase price
        of $5,113,932.  In addition  to  the  purchase price, the Company also
        paid $530,000 to the previous owners in  consideration  for  two  year
        non-compete agreements.  The acquisition has been accounted for by the
        purchase  method  of  accounting  and,  accordingly,  the  results  of
        operations of Eagle for the period beginning with acquisition date are
        included   in  the  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements.
        Assets acquired  and  liabilities  assumed have been recorded at their
        estimated fair values.  The excess of  cost  over  the  estimated fair
        value of net assets acquired was allocated to goodwill.   A  total  of
        $1,786,920  was allocated to goodwill and is being amortized using the
        straight-line basis over 40 years.

Note 3.  Receivables

        The balances  of  receivables consisted of the following components as
        of December 31:

                                                      1999           1998
                                                  ------------   -------------
         Accounts receivable, net of allowance
           for doubtful accounts, $281,620 and
           $21,243, respectively)                 $ 2,946,924     $ 2,478,743
         Due from employees                            52,689          20,921
         Due from member                              350,000               -
                                                  ------------    ------------
                                                  $ 3,349,613     $ 2,499,664
                                                  ============    ============

Note 4. Summary of Property and Equipment

        The following is a  summary  of  property and equipment as of December
        31, 1999:

                                                            ACCUMULATED        BOOK
                                                COST       DEPRECIATION        VALUE
                                             -----------   -------------   ------------
         Mobile homes and offshore units     $3,773,448    $  1,501,601    $ 2,271,847
         Machinery and equipment              4,338,254       2,168,219      2,170,035
         Autos and trucks                     1,497,269         995,603        501,666
         Furniture and fixtures                 201,197          82,185        119,012
         Buildings and improvements              60,707          36,959         23,748
         Construction in process                 11,786               -         11,786
                                             -----------   -------------   ------------
                                             $9,882,661    $  4,784,567    $ 5,098,094
                                             ===========   =============   ============

        Depreciation expense for the years  ended  December  31, 1999 and 1998
        was $1,851,819 and $1,243,918, respectively.


Note 5. Notes Payable

        The Company's notes payable on December 31 are described as follows:

                                                           1999         1998
                                                       -----------  -----------
         Note payable to bank, 12% interest payable
           monthly, principal due in 44 install-
           ments of $136,363 beginning January 1,
           2001 and maturing on August 31, 2003,
           collateralized by property and equip-
           ment of the Company.                        $ 6,000,000  $ 6,000,000

         Various notes payable to bank, interest
           rates ranging from 8.00% to 8.5%, due
           in equal monthly installments of principal
           and interest totaling $9,035, maturities
           ranging from September 11, 2001 to
           November 19, 2002, collateralized by
           equipment and vehicles of the Company.          198,603      235,283

         Notes payable to members of the Company, 8%
           interest rate, due on demand, uncollat-
           eralized                                        225,000      225,000
                                                       -----------  -----------
                                                         6,423,603    6,460,283
           Less current maturities                         601,169       85,218
                                                       -----------  -----------

                                                       $ 5,822,434  $ 6,375,065
                                                       ===========  ===========

        Of  the  notes  payable specified above, the loan balance  aggregating
        $6,000,000 is subject  to  restrictive  covenants pursuant to the loan
        agreement  with the bank.  Failure to comply  with  certain  covenants
        contained in  the  loan  document  has placed the Company in technical
        default of the loan agreement.  The  bank has waived default under the
        loan agreement, insofar as it relates to the failure of the Company to
        comply as of December 31, 1999.

        Subsequent to year end, on March 31, 2000, the $6,000,000 note payable
        to the bank was refinanced.  The note  was  replaced with a $4,000,000
        note payable to the bank and a $2,000,000 note  payable to a member of
        the Company.  The $4,000,000 note payable to the  bank has an interest
        rate of 8% and is payable in 35 monthly installments  of principal and
        interest totaling $81,339 beginning April 30, 2000 and a final balloon
        payment of $1,795,715 due April 30, 2003.  This note is collateralized
        by equipment and vehicles of the Company and the limited  guarantee of
        one of the members of the Company.  The $2,000,000 note payable to the
        member of the Company also has an 8% interest rate with only  interest
        payments required monthly and a single principal payment due on  April
        30,  2002.   This  debt  is  subordinate  to  all  bank debt.  Amounts
        included  in  the  financial  statements  and  notes to the  financial
        statements reflect the terms of the new debt issued in connection with
        the refinancing arrangement.


        Aggregate maturities of long-term notes payable  including interest of
        $1,303,937 through 2003 are as follows:

         2000                                             $ 1,160,475
         2001                                               1,245,172
         2002                                               3,051,161
         2003                                               2,270,732
         Less amount representing interest                  1,303,937
                                                          $ 6,423,603

        Cash payments of interest during the years ended December 31, 1999 and
        1998 amounted to $830,353 and $513,368, respectively.

Note 6. Operating Leases

        The Company has leased certain equipment, property  and  office  space
        under various non-cancelable agreements which expire between July  31,
        2000 and July 1, 2009, and require various minimum annual rentals.

        Minimum  payments  for  operating  leases  having initial or remaining
        non-cancelable terms in excess of one year are as follows:

           YEAR ENDED
           DECEMBER 31
              2000                                        $   330,825
              2001                                            314,540
              2002                                            314,540
              2003                                            312,847
              2004                                            312,000
           2005 - 2007                                      1,404,000
                                                          $ 2,988,752

        Total rental expense during the fiscal years  1999  and  1998  totaled
        $229,960 and $161,748, respectively.

Note 7. Commitments

        The Company maintains a $2,000,000 line of credit agreement with  Bank
        One,  Louisiana,  NA.  The agreement is secured by accounts receivable
        of the Company.  During  fiscal  years  1999  and  1998,  interest  on
        advances accrue at a rate equal to the Chase Manhattan prime plus one-
        half  percent.   Effective  March  31, 2000, interest will accrue at a
        rate  equal  to  the  30  day LIBOR rate  plus  2.25%.   The  balances
        outstanding under this agreement  at  December  31, 1999 and 1998 were
        $1,151,938   and  $574,481,   respectively.

        In  connection  with  the refinancing arrangement that  took  place on
        March 31, 2000, the Company   guaranteed a $2,000,000 note by a member
        of  the Company to the bank.  This  member's  note  requires  interest
        payments  monthly  at  a rate  of 8% and a single principal payment on
        April 30, 2002.

Note 8. Income Taxes

        Eagle  Rental  Co.,  Inc.  uses   Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
        Standards  No.  109  "Accounting  for Income  Taxes"  to  account  for
        deferred income taxes.  Under this  pronouncement,  the  tax effect of
        each  item  in  the  statement of income is recognized in the  current
        period regardless of when  the  tax  is  paid.  Taxes on amounts which
        affect financial and taxable income in different  periods are reported
        as deferred income taxes.  Deferred taxes are provided  only  on items
        which  will  result  in  a  net  tax  liability or benefit in a future

        Deferred income taxes arise due to different  accounting  methods used
        for  financial  and income reporting.  The major differences  are  the
        accruals of receivables,  payables  and  other expenses required under
        the accrual method of accounting used for  financial  reporting, while
        using  a cash basis method for income tax purposes.  Differences  also
        arise from  the  use  of  accelerated  depreciation  methods  for  tax
        reporting  purposes, while expensing the cost over the expected useful
        life of the assets for financial reporting purposes.

        The benefit  from  income  taxes  consists  of  the  following for the
        periods ended December 31:

                                                      1999           1998
                                                  -----------    -----------
         Income tax expense (benefit)             $     4,031    $  (353,242)
         Deferred income tax expense (benefit)       (136,008)        42,291
                                                  -----------    -----------
                                                  $  (131,977)   $  (310,951)
                                                  ===========    ===========

        The  reconciliation  of  the  federal  statutory  income tax  rate  to
        Company's   effective rate is summarized as follows  for  years  ended
        December 31:

                                                 1999                  1998
                                           ----------------        ------------
                                                AMOUNT                AMOUNT
                                               --------              --------
         Tax benefit based on federal
           and state statutory rates
           of subsidiary                     $ (59,037)             $(333,730)
         Other items                           (72,940)                22,779
                                               --------               --------
                                             $(131,977)             $(310,951)
                                              =========              =========


        Deferred  tax assets and liabilities at December  31  consist  of  the

                                                      1999             1998
                                                  -----------     ------------
         Deferred tax assets:
           Allowance for doubtful accounts        $     4,628     $        -
           Accounts payable                            11,636          4,295
           Accrued expenses                                -           3,005
                                                  -----------     ------------
                                                       16,264          7,300
                                                  -----------     ------------
         Deferred tax liability:
           Accounts receivable                         75,202        186,248
           Inventory                                    9,753         13,345
           Depreciation                                23,310         35,716
                                                  -----------     ------------
                                                      108,265        235,309
                                                  -----------     ------------

             Net deferred tax liability            $  (92,001)    $ (228,009)
                                                  ===========     ============

         Reflected as follows:
           Current deferred tax liability          $   73,418    $   192,655
           Long-term deferred tax liability            18,583         35,354
                                                  -----------     ------------

                                                   $   92,001    $   228,009
                                                  ===========    =============

        Cash paid for  income  taxes  during the years ended December 31, 1999
        and 1998 was $8,878 and $-0-, respectively.

Note 9.  Warrants

        During the fiscal year ended December  31,  1998,  in  connection with
        debt  incurred for the purchase of Eagle, the Company issued  warrants
        to a bank  for  the  purchase  of  a total of five percent (5%) of the
        membership interest of the Company.   The exercise price is $1,000,000
        and was effective August 31, 1998, the  date  of  final closing of the
        purchase of the subsidiary.  The warrants have an expiration  date  of
        the earlier of a liquidity event as defined in the securities purchase
        agreement,  eighteen  (18)  months  after repayment of the debt, which
        occurred on March 31, 2000, or August 31, 2006.

Note 10. Related Party Transactions

        The  Company  is presently leasing their  corporate  office  and  shop
        facility located  in Broussard, Louisiana from Crossroads Investments,
        a limited liability  company  owned  by  a member of the Company.  The
        lease in effect for 1998 was dated January  1, 1998 and was for a term
        of 8 years and 10 months.  The monthly rental  under  this  lease  was


        During  1999, the Company relocated its Broussard office and effective
        December 1, 1999, a new lease took effect with Crossroads Investments.
        This lease  requires monthly rental payments of $26,000 and expires on
        July 1, 2009.

        During the renovation phase of the new facility, the Company agreed to
        reimburse Crossroads Investments for interest on its construction loan
        in lieu of making  rental  payments.   Total  interest payments during
        1999 was $76,328.

        Total lease payments during the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998
        were $139,000 and $104,400, respectively.

        The  dollar  volume  of  purchases and/or rentals with  other  related
        companies during the fiscal years ended December 31, were:

                                                   1999             1998
                                               -------------    ------------
           Moore's Pump and Supply, Inc.       $       -0-      $   114,069
           Alan P. Bernard                     $    24,000      $       -0-

           Moore's Pump and Supply, Inc.       $       -0-      $       654

        The Company and Moore's Pump  and  Supply,  Inc. had the same majority
        ownership until April 30, 1998.  Therefore, transactions  listed above
        are for the period ending on this date.


     On  June  21,  2000,  Superior  Energy  Services,  Inc.  acquired H.B.
Rentals, L.C. ("HB") for $7 million in cash, of which $1.9 million  of  the
purchase  price  was  allocated  to  the net assets and the excess purchase
price of approximately $5.1 million over  the  fair value of net assets was
recorded as goodwill.

     The following unaudited pro  forma consolidated financial  information
has  been  prepared  by  management  utilizing  the  historical   financial
statements  of  Superior   Energy   Services,   Inc.  ("Superior")  and  HB
Adjustments  have  been  made  to reflect the  financial impact of purchase
accounting  and  other  items  had  (a) the  acquisition  of  HB  (the  "HB
Acquisition"), (b) the acquisition of Production Management Companies, Inc.
(the "PMI Acquisition") and (c) the merger of Superior Cardinal Acquisition
Company, Inc. with and into Cardinal Holding Corp. (the "Merger") all taken
place on  January  1,  1999  with respect to operating data,  and March 31,
2000 with respect to the balance sheet data.  The pro forma adjustments are
described  in  the  accompanying  notes  and  are  based  upon  preliminary
estimates  and  certain  assumptions   that  management  of  the  companies
believes reasonable under the circumstances.  Reclassifications  have  been
made to the consolidated statements of  operations  for pro forma purposes.

     The  unaudited pro forma  financial  information  is  for  comparative
purposes only and  does  not purport to  be indicative of the results which
would actually have been obtained had the acquisitions been effected on the
pro forma dates, or of the results which may be obtained in the future. The
unaudited pro forma  consolidated financial information  in the opinion  of
management reflects  all adjustments necessary  to  present fairly the data
for such periods.

                                                   SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES, INC.
                                                FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999
                                                (IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                      Historical     Pre merger    Pre-Acquisition    Pre-Acquisition
                                       Superior       Superior          PMI                 HB           Adjustments    Pro Forma
Revenues                               113,076         34,035         44,323             10,731          A  (122)        202,043
                                    -----------------------------------------------------------                  ------------------
Costs and expenses:
  Costs of services                     67,364         13,579         39,480              5,601          A  (122)        125,902
  Depreciation and amortization         12,625          4,135          1,058              2,185          B   937          20,940
  General and administrative            23,071         13,146          2,941              2,790                           41,948
                                    -----------------------------------------------------------                  ------------------
     Total costs and expenses          103,060         30,860         43,479             10,576                          188,790
                                    -----------------------------------------------------------                  ------------------
Income from operations                  10,016          3,175            844                155                           13,253
Other income (expense):
  Interest expense                     (12,969)          (691)          (624)              (921)         C 1,528         (13,677)
  Interest income                          308                                                                               308
                                    -----------------------------------------------------------                  ------------------
    Income(loss)before income
    taxes                               (2,645)         2,484            220               (766)                            (116)
Income taxes                              (611)           399             49               (132)          D  251             (44)
                                    -----------------------------------------------------------                  ------------------
Income (loss) before
extraordinary losses                    (2,034)         2,085            171               (634)                             (72)
                                    ===========================================================                  ==================
Net income (loss) per common
  share and common share
  equivalent                         $   (0.11)                                                                         $   0.00
                                    ==================                                                           ==================
Basic Weighted average shares
outstanding                             31,131                                                                            59,730
                                    ==================                                                           ==================

Net income (loss) per common
  share and common share
  equivalent                         $   (0.11)                                                                         $   0.00
                                    ==================                                                           ==================

Diluted Weighted average shares
outstanding                             31,131                                                                            59,987
                                    ==================                                                           ==================


(A)  To record the elimination of intercompany transactions.

(B)  In the Merger, Superior exchanged approximately  30 million shares
     of  Superior  common  stock for 100% of the outstanding  stock  of
     Cardinal.  The valuation  of Superior's net assets were based upon
     the  approximate 28.8 million  shares  of  Superior  Common  Stock
     outstanding  prior  to the merger times the trading price of $3.78
     at  the  time  of  negotiation  of  the  Merger,  plus  additional
     capitalized costs  of  approximately  $3  million  related  to the
     Cardinal merger costs for professional fees net of $2  million  in
     Superior  merger  costs.   Superior's  historical  book  basis for
     its property and equipment was considered to  be  its  fair market
     value.   This  valuation  reflects  excess purchase price of $31.6
     million,  over  the  fair value  of  net  assets,  which  has been
     recorded as goodwill.

     In  the  PMI  Acquisition,  Superior  acquired PMI  for  aggregate
     consideration  of  $3  million  in  cash  and  610,000  shares  of
     Superior's common stock at the trading price  of $5.66 at the time
     of negotiation of the Merger.  The purchase price allocated to net
     assets  was  $3.5  million,  and  the  excess  purchase  price  of
     approximately $3 million, over the fair value of  net  assets, was
     recorded as goodwill.

     In  the  HB  Acquisition,  Superior  acquired  HB  for   aggregate
     consideration of $7 million in cash of which  $1.9  million of the
     purchase  price  was  allocated  to  net  assets,  and  the excess
     purchase price of approximately $5.1 million, over the fair  value
     of net assets, was recorded as goodwill.

     This  adjustment reflects the increase in amortization as a result
     of goodwill,  described  above,  amortized  over  30 years and non
     compete agreements of approximately $1 million entered  into  as a
     result of the Merger amortized over 4 years as follows:

        Additional goodwill amortization from the Merger                $565
        Amortization of non-competes                                     121
        Additional goodwill amortization from the PMI Acquisition         80
        Additional  goodwill  amortization from the HB Acquisition       171

(C)  To record the net decrease in  interest  expense  resulting from a
     $55  million  equity  contribution to Cardinal, used to  pay  down
     debt, net with $10 million  in  additional  debt  incurred for the
     acquisition of PMI.  The reduction in interest expense  due to the
     equity  contribution  uses Cardinal's borrowing rate of 8.12%  and
     the  offsetting  increase   due  to  the  debt  incurred  for  the
     acquisition of PMI, uses Superior's  borrowing  rate  of 9.28%. No
     additional debt was incurred for the HB Acquisition.

(D)  To  adjust  the provision for income taxes to give effect  to  the
     Merger, PMI Acquisition and HB Acquisition adjustments,  exclusive
     of the amortization adjustment.

                                                   SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES, INC.
                                             FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2000
                                                (IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                 Historical     Pre-Acquisition
                                                  Superior             HB             Adjustments        Pro Forma
Revenues                                           47,274             3,246                               50,520
                                                ----------------------------                            -----------
Costs and expenses:
  Costs of services                                27,762             1,663                               29,425
  Depreciation and amortization                     4,737               565              A  43             5,345
  General and administrative                        9,311               768                               10,079
                                                ----------------------------                            -----------

     Total costs and expenses                      41,810             2,996                               44,849
                                                ----------------------------                            -----------

     Income from operations                         5,464               250                                5,671

Other income (expense):
  Interest expense                                 (2,920)             (218)                              (3,138)

  Interest income                                     193                 -                                  193

                                                ----------------------------                            -----------

   Income before income taxes                       2,737                32                                2,726

Income taxes                                        1,149                 -              B  (4)            1,145

                                                ----------------------------                            -----------

Net income                                          1,588                32                                1,581
                                                ============================                            ===========
Net income per common
  share and common share
  equivalent                                      $  0.03                                                $  0.03
                                                ==========                                              ============

Basic Weighted average shares outstanding          59,856                                                 59,856
                                                ==========                                              ============

Net income per common
  share and common share
  equivalent                                      $  0.03                                                $  0.03
                                                ==========                                              ============

Diluted Weighted average shares outstanding       60,301                                                  60,301
                                                ==========                                              ============


(A)  In the HB Acquisition, Superior acquired HB for an aggregate consideration
     of $7 million  in  available  cash, of  which $1.9 million of the purchase
     price was  allocated  to  net assets, and  the  excess  purchase price  of
     approximately  $5.1 million,  over  the  fair  value  of  net  assets, was
     recorded as goodwill.  These pro forma statements are adjusted to assume a
     cash overdraft position, however,  the  total HB  Acquisition  costs  were
     funded by $63.2 million raised pursuant to Superior's  secondary  offering
     on  May  5,  2000.   The  $43,000  adjustment  reflects  the  increase  in
     amortization as a result of goodwill amortized over 30 years.

(B)  To  adjust  the  provision  for  income  taxes  to  give effecti to the HB
     acquisition, exclusive of the amortization adjustment.

                                          SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                   CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                         MARCH 31, 2000
                                                 (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARE DATA)

                                       HISTORICAL        PRE-ACQUISITION
                                        SUPERIOR               HB                                 PRO FORMA
                                       03/31/2000          03/31/2000           ADJUSTMENTS       03/31/2000

Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents           $  3,275                   84             A (3,359)         $      -
  Accounts receivable - net             40,210                2,932                                 43,142
  Deferred tax asset                     1,437                    -                                  1,437
  Prepaid insurance and other            4,146                  440                                  4,586
                                      -------------------------------                            ------------

        Total current assets            49,068                3,456                                 49,165

Property, plant and equipment - net    138,594                5,038                                143,632

Note receivable                          8,898                    -                                  8,898

Goodwill - net                          78,116                1,986             A  5,125            85,227

Other assets - net                       3,839                    -                                  3,839
                                      -------------------------------                            ------------

        Total assets                  $278,515               10,480                              $ 290,761
                                      ===============================                            ============

                                          SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                           MARCH 31, 2000
                                                 (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARE DATA)

                                                      Historical          Pre-Acquisition
                                                       Superior                 HB                                Pro Forma
                                                      03/31/2000            03/31/2000          Adjustments       03/31/2000

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                  $     9,742               $    763          A  3,641           $   14,146
  Accrued expenses                                       11,758                      -                                 11,758
  Income taxes payable                                      972                      -                                    972
  Current maturities of long-term debt                    2,782                  1,914                                  4,696
  Other                                                       -                    216                                    216

                                                    -----------------------------------                            ------------

        Total current liabilities                        25,254                   2,893                                31,788
                                                    -----------------------------------                            ------------

Deferred income taxes                                    12,392                      92                                12,484
Long-term debt                                          117,380                   5,620                               123,000

Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stock of $.01 par value. Authorized,
    5,000,000 shares; none issued                             -                       -                                     -
  Common stock of $.001 par value. Authorized,
    125,000,000 shares; issued,  59,968,789                  60                        -                                   60
  Additional paid in capital                            249,348                        -                              249,348
  Accumulated deficit                                  (125,919)                   1,875        A (1,875)            (125,919)
                                                    ------------------------------------                           ------------

        Total stockholders' equity                      123,489                    1,875                              123,489
                                                    ------------------------------------                           ------------

        Total liabilities and stockholders equity   $   278,515               $   10,480                           $  290,761
                                                    ====================================                           ============