Exhibit 23.1

                    Consent of Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors
Superior Energy Services, Inc.

     We  consent   to   incorporation   by  reference  in  registration
statements No. 333-22603, No. 333-35286,  and No. 333-86579 on Form S-3
and  No.  333-12175, No. 333-33758 and No. 333-43421  on  Form  S-8  of
Superior Energy Services, Inc. of  our  report dated February 25, 2000,
relating  to  the audited  consolidated  balance sheet of H.B. Rentals,
L.C. as of December 31, 1999, and the related consolidated statement of
operations,   consolidated   statement   of   members'  interests   and
consolidated statement of cash  flows  for  the year ended December 31,

                           /s/ Broussard, Poche', Lewis & Breaux, L.L.P
                             Broussard, Poche', Lewis & Breaux, L.L.P

Lafayette, Louisiana
July 5, 2000